Class TaskPlanner::Configuration

Nested Relationships

This class is a nested type of Class TaskPlanner.

Class Documentation

class Configuration

The Configuration class contains planning parameters that are immutable for each TaskPlanner instance and should not change in between plans.

Public Functions

Configuration(Parameters parameters, Constraints constraints, ConstCostCalculatorPtr cost_calculator)


  • parameters[in] The parameters that describe the agents

  • constraints[in] The constraints that apply to the agents

  • cost_calculator[in] An object that tells the planner how to calculate cost

const Parameters &parameters() const

Get the parameters that describe the agents.

Configuration &parameters(Parameters parameters)

Set the parameters that describe the agents.

const Constraints &constraints() const

Get the constraints that are applicable to the agents.

Configuration &constraints(Constraints constraints)

Set the constraints that are applicable to the agents.

const ConstCostCalculatorPtr &cost_calculator() const

Get the CostCalculator.

Configuration &cost_calculator(ConstCostCalculatorPtr cost_calculator)

Set the CostCalculator. If a nullptr is passed, the BinaryPriorityCostCalculator is used by the planner.