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util2d.h File Reference
#include <rtabmap/core/rtabmap_core_export.h>
#include <opencv2/core/core.hpp>
#include <rtabmap/core/Transform.h>
#include <rtabmap/core/Parameters.h>
#include <rtabmap/core/CameraModel.h>
#include <vector>
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cv::Mat RTABMAP_CORE_EXPORT rtabmap::util2d::brightnessAndContrastAuto (const cv::Mat &src, const cv::Mat &mask, float clipLowHistPercent, float clipHighHistPercent, float *alphaOut, float *betaOut)
 Automatic brightness and contrast optimization with optional histogram clipping. More...
void RTABMAP_CORE_EXPORT rtabmap::util2d::calcOpticalFlowPyrLKStereo (cv::InputArray _prevImg, cv::InputArray _nextImg, cv::InputArray _prevPts, cv::InputOutputArray _nextPts, cv::OutputArray _status, cv::OutputArray _err, cv::Size winSize=cv::Size(15, 3), int maxLevel=3, cv::TermCriteria criteria=cv::TermCriteria(cv::TermCriteria::COUNT+cv::TermCriteria::EPS, 30, 0.01), int flags=0, double minEigThreshold=1e-4)
std::vector< cv::Point2f > RTABMAP_CORE_EXPORT rtabmap::util2d::calcStereoCorrespondences (const cv::Mat &leftImage, const cv::Mat &rightImage, const std::vector< cv::Point2f > &leftCorners, std::vector< unsigned char > &status, cv::Size winSize=cv::Size(6, 3), int maxLevel=3, int iterations=5, float minDisparity=0.0f, float maxDisparity=64.0f, bool ssdApproach=true)
cv::Rect RTABMAP_CORE_EXPORT rtabmap::util2d::computeRoi (const cv::Mat &image, const std::string &roiRatios)
cv::Rect RTABMAP_CORE_EXPORT rtabmap::util2d::computeRoi (const cv::Mat &image, const std::vector< float > &roiRatios)
cv::Rect RTABMAP_CORE_EXPORT rtabmap::util2d::computeRoi (const cv::Size &imageSize, const std::string &roiRatios)
cv::Rect RTABMAP_CORE_EXPORT rtabmap::util2d::computeRoi (const cv::Size &imageSize, const std::vector< float > &roiRatios)
cv::Mat RTABMAP_CORE_EXPORT rtabmap::util2d::cvtDepthFromFloat (const cv::Mat &depth32F)
cv::Mat RTABMAP_CORE_EXPORT rtabmap::util2d::cvtDepthToFloat (const cv::Mat &depth16U)
cv::Mat RTABMAP_CORE_EXPORT rtabmap::util2d::decimate (const cv::Mat &image, int d)
cv::Mat RTABMAP_CORE_EXPORT rtabmap::util2d::depthFromDisparity (const cv::Mat &disparity, float fx, float baseline, int type=CV_32FC1)
cv::Mat RTABMAP_CORE_EXPORT rtabmap::util2d::depthFromStereoCorrespondences (const cv::Mat &leftImage, const std::vector< cv::Point2f > &leftCorners, const std::vector< cv::Point2f > &rightCorners, const std::vector< unsigned char > &mask, float fx, float baseline)
cv::Mat RTABMAP_CORE_EXPORT rtabmap::util2d::depthFromStereoImages (const cv::Mat &leftImage, const cv::Mat &rightImage, const std::vector< cv::Point2f > &leftCorners, float fx, float baseline, int flowWinSize=9, int flowMaxLevel=4, int flowIterations=20, double flowEps=0.02)
cv::Mat RTABMAP_CORE_EXPORT rtabmap::util2d::disparityFromStereoCorrespondences (const cv::Size &disparitySize, const std::vector< cv::Point2f > &leftCorners, const std::vector< cv::Point2f > &rightCorners, const std::vector< unsigned char > &mask)
cv::Mat RTABMAP_CORE_EXPORT rtabmap::util2d::disparityFromStereoImages (const cv::Mat &leftImage, const cv::Mat &rightImage, const ParametersMap &parameters=ParametersMap())
cv::Mat RTABMAP_CORE_EXPORT rtabmap::util2d::exposureFusion (const std::vector< cv::Mat > &images)
cv::Mat RTABMAP_CORE_EXPORT rtabmap::util2d::fastBilateralFiltering (const cv::Mat &depth, float sigmaS=15.0f, float sigmaR=0.05f, bool earlyDivision=false)
cv::Mat RTABMAP_CORE_EXPORT rtabmap::util2d::fillDepthHoles (const cv::Mat &depth, int maximumHoleSize=1, float errorRatio=0.02f)
void RTABMAP_CORE_EXPORT rtabmap::util2d::fillRegisteredDepthHoles (cv::Mat &depthRegistered, bool vertical, bool horizontal, bool fillDoubleHoles=false)
float RTABMAP_CORE_EXPORT rtabmap::util2d::getDepth (const cv::Mat &depthImage, float x, float y, bool smoothing, float depthErrorRatio=0.02f, bool estWithNeighborsIfNull=false)
void RTABMAP_CORE_EXPORT rtabmap::util2d::HSVtoRGB (float *r, float *g, float *b, float h, float s, float v)
cv::Mat RTABMAP_CORE_EXPORT rtabmap::util2d::interpolate (const cv::Mat &image, int factor, float depthErrorRatio=0.02f)
void RTABMAP_CORE_EXPORT rtabmap::util2d::NMS (const std::vector< cv::KeyPoint > &ptsIn, const cv::Mat &descriptorsIn, std::vector< cv::KeyPoint > &ptsOut, cv::Mat &descriptorsOut, int border, int dist_thresh, int img_width, int img_height)
cv::Mat RTABMAP_CORE_EXPORT rtabmap::util2d::registerDepth (const cv::Mat &depth, const cv::Mat &depthK, const cv::Size &colorSize, const cv::Mat &colorK, const rtabmap::Transform &transform)
void RTABMAP_CORE_EXPORT rtabmap::util2d::rotateImagesUpsideUpIfNecessary (CameraModel &model, cv::Mat &rgb, cv::Mat &depth)
 Rotate images and camera model so that the top of the image is up. More...
float RTABMAP_CORE_EXPORT rtabmap::util2d::sad (const cv::Mat &windowLeft, const cv::Mat &windowRight)
std::vector< int > RTABMAP_CORE_EXPORT rtabmap::util2d::SSC (const std::vector< cv::KeyPoint > &keypoints, int maxKeypoints, float tolerance, int cols, int rows)
float RTABMAP_CORE_EXPORT rtabmap::util2d::ssd (const cv::Mat &windowLeft, const cv::Mat &windowRight)

Author(s): Mathieu Labbe
autogenerated on Thu Jul 25 2024 02:50:25