Public Types | Public Member Functions | Private Member Functions | Private Attributes | List of all members
rtabmap::Rtabmap Class Reference

#include <Rtabmap.h>

Public Types

enum  VhStrategy { kVhNone, kVhEpipolar, kVhUndef }

Public Member Functions

bool addLink (const Link &link)
void addNodesToRepublish (const std::vector< int > &ids)
void adjustLikelihood (std::map< int, float > &likelihood) const
int cleanupLocalGrids (const std::map< int, Transform > &mapPoses, const cv::Mat &map, float xMin, float yMin, float cellSize, int cropRadius=1, bool filterScans=false)
void clearPath (int status)
void close (bool databaseSaved=true, const std::string &ouputDatabasePath="")
bool computePath (const Transform &targetPose, float tolerance=-1.0f)
bool computePath (int targetNode, bool global)
void deleteLastLocation ()
int detectMoreLoopClosures (float clusterRadiusMax=0.5f, float clusterAngle=M_PI/6.0f, int iterations=1, bool intraSession=true, bool interSession=true, const ProgressState *state=0, float clusterRadiusMin=0.0f)
void dumpData () const
void dumpPrediction () const
void exportPoses (const std::string &path, bool optimized, bool global, int format)
void generateDOTGraph (const std::string &path, int id=0, int margin=5)
RTABMAP_DEPRECATED void get3DMap (std::map< int, Signature > &signatures, std::map< int, Transform > &poses, std::multimap< int, Link > &constraints, bool optimized, bool global) const
std::map< int, TransformgetForwardWMPoses (int fromId, int maxNearestNeighbors, float radius, int maxDiffID) const
float getGoalReachedRadius () const
void getGraph (std::map< int, Transform > &poses, std::multimap< int, Link > &constraints, bool optimized, bool global, std::map< int, Signature > *signatures=0, bool withImages=false, bool withScan=false, bool withUserData=false, bool withGrid=false, bool withWords=true, bool withGlobalDescriptors=true) const
int getHighestHypothesisId () const
float getHighestHypothesisValue () const
cv::Mat getInformation (const cv::Mat &covariance) const
const TransformgetLastLocalizationPose () const
int getLastLocationId () const
double getLastProcessTime () const
const std::multimap< int, Link > & getLocalConstraints () const
const std::map< int, Transform > & getLocalOptimizedPoses () const
float getLocalRadius () const
int getLoopClosureId () const
float getLoopClosureValue () const
Transform getMapCorrection () const
const MemorygetMemory () const
int getMemoryThreshold () const
std::map< int, TransformgetNodesInRadius (const Transform &pose, float radius, int k=0, std::map< int, float > *distsSqr=0)
std::map< int, TransformgetNodesInRadius (int nodeId, float radius, int k=0, std::map< int, float > *distsSqr=0)
const ParametersMapgetParameters () const
const std::vector< std::pair< int, Transform > > & getPath () const
int getPathCurrentGoalId () const
unsigned int getPathCurrentGoalIndex () const
unsigned int getPathCurrentIndex () const
std::vector< intgetPathNextNodes () const
std::vector< std::pair< int, Transform > > getPathNextPoses () const
std::map< int, std::map< int, Transform > > getPaths (const std::map< int, Transform > &poses, const Transform &target, int maxGraphDepth=0) const
int getPathStatus () const
const TransformgetPathTransformToGoal () const
Transform getPose (int locationId) const
Signature getSignatureCopy (int id, bool images, bool scan, bool userData, bool occupancyGrid, bool withWords, bool withGlobalDescriptors) const
const StatisticsgetStatistics () const
std::set< intgetSTM () const
int getSTMSize () const
float getTimeThreshold () const
int getTotalMemSize () const
std::map< int, intgetWeights () const
std::list< intgetWM () const
int getWMSize () const
const std::stringgetWorkingDir () const
bool globalBundleAdjustment (int optimizerType=1, bool rematchFeatures=true, int iterations=0, float pixelVariance=0.0f)
void init (const ParametersMap &parameters, const std::string &databasePath="", bool loadDatabaseParameters=false)
void init (const std::string &configFile="", const std::string &databasePath="", bool loadDatabaseParameters=false)
bool isIDsGenerated () const
bool isInSTM (int locationId) const
bool isRGBDMode () const
bool labelLocation (int id, const std::string &label)
void parseParameters (const ParametersMap &parameters)
bool process (const cv::Mat &image, int id=0, const std::map< std::string, float > &externalStats=std::map< std::string, float >())
bool process (const SensorData &data, Transform odomPose, const cv::Mat &odomCovariance=cv::Mat::eye(6, 6, CV_64FC1), const std::vector< float > &odomVelocity=std::vector< float >(), const std::map< std::string, float > &externalStats=std::map< std::string, float >())
 Main loop of rtabmap. More...
bool process (const SensorData &data, Transform odomPose, float odomLinearVariance, float odomAngularVariance, const std::vector< float > &odomVelocity=std::vector< float >(), const std::map< std::string, float > &externalStats=std::map< std::string, float >())
int refineLinks ()
void rejectLastLoopClosure ()
void resetMemory ()
 Rtabmap ()
std::pair< int, floatselectHypothesis (const std::map< int, float > &posterior, const std::map< int, float > &likelihood) const
void setInitialPose (const Transform &initialPose)
void setMemoryThreshold (int maxMemoryAllowed)
void setOptimizedPoses (const std::map< int, Transform > &poses, const std::multimap< int, Link > &constraints)
void setTimeThreshold (float maxTimeAllowed)
bool setUserData (int id, const cv::Mat &data)
void setWorkingDirectory (std::string path)
int triggerNewMap ()
virtual ~Rtabmap ()

Private Member Functions

bool computePath (int targetNode, std::map< int, Transform > nodes, const std::multimap< int, rtabmap::Link > &constraints)
void createGlobalScanMap ()
void flushStatisticLogs ()
void optimizeCurrentMap (int id, bool lookInDatabase, std::map< int, Transform > &optimizedPoses, cv::Mat &covariance, std::multimap< int, Link > *constraints=0, double *error=0, int *iterationsDone=0) const
std::map< int, TransformoptimizeGraph (int fromId, const std::set< int > &ids, const std::map< int, Transform > &guessPoses, bool lookInDatabase, cv::Mat &covariance, std::multimap< int, Link > *constraints=0, double *error=0, int *iterationsDone=0) const
void setupLogFiles (bool overwrite=false)
void updateGoalIndex ()

Private Attributes

float _aggressiveLoopThr
std::list< std::string_bufferedLogsF
std::list< std::string_bufferedLogsI
bool _computeRMSE
std::multimap< int, Link_constraints
bool _createGlobalScanMap
bool _currentSessionHasGPS
std::string _databasePath
float _distanceTravelled
float _distanceTravelledSinceLastLocalization
bool _forceOdom3doF
FILE * _foutFloat
FILE * _foutInt
LaserScan _globalScanMap
std::map< int, Transform_globalScanMapPoses
float _goalReachedRadius
bool _goalsSavedInUserData
std::map< int, std::pair< cv::Point3d, Transform > > _gpsGeocentricCache
std::pair< int, float_highestHypothesis
int _lastLocalizationNodeId
Transform _lastLocalizationPose
double _lastProcessTime
float _localImmunizationRatio
cv::Mat _localizationCovariance
double _localizationPriorInf
bool _localizationSmoothing
float _localRadius
std::pair< int, float_loopClosureHypothesis
bool _loopClosureIdentityGuess
bool _loopCovLimited
bool _loopGPS
float _loopRatio
float _loopThr
Transform _mapCorrection
Transform _mapCorrectionBackup
std::map< int, Transform_markerPriors
float _markerPriorsAngularVariance
float _markerPriorsLinearVariance
unsigned int _maxLocalRetrieved
float _maxLoopClosureDistance
unsigned int _maxMemoryAllowed
int _maxOdomCacheSize
unsigned int _maxRepublished
unsigned int _maxRetrieved
float _maxTimeAllowed
bool _neighborLinkRefining
float _newMapOdomChangeDistance
std::set< int_nodesToRepublish
std::multimap< int, Link_odomCacheConstraints
std::map< int, Transform_odomCachePoses
float _optimizationMaxError
std::map< int, Transform_optimizedPoses
bool _optimizeFromGraphEnd
bool _optimizeFromGraphEndChanged
ParametersMap _parameters
std::vector< std::pair< int, Transform > > _path
float _pathAngularVelocity
unsigned int _pathCurrentIndex
unsigned int _pathGoalIndex
float _pathLinearVelocity
int _pathStatus
int _pathStuckCount
float _pathStuckDistance
int _pathStuckIterations
Transform _pathTransformToGoal
std::set< unsigned int_pathUnreachableNodes
float _proximityAngle
bool _proximityBySpace
bool _proximityByTime
float _proximityFilteringRadius
int _proximityMaxGraphDepth
int _proximityMaxNeighbors
int _proximityMaxPaths
double _proximityMergedScanCovFactor
bool _proximityOdomGuess
bool _proximityRawPosesUsed
bool _publishLastSignatureData
bool _publishLikelihood
bool _publishPdf
bool _publishRAMUsage
bool _publishStats
bool _rawDataKept
bool _restartAtOrigin
float _rgbdAngularSpeedUpdate
float _rgbdAngularUpdate
float _rgbdLinearSpeedUpdate
float _rgbdLinearUpdate
bool _rgbdSlamMode
bool _saveWMState
bool _scanMatchingIdsSavedInLinks
bool _someNodesHaveBeenTransferred
bool _startNewMapOnGoodSignature
bool _startNewMapOnLoopClosure
bool _statisticLogged
bool _statisticLoggedHeaders
bool _statisticLogsBufferedInRAM
bool _verifyLoopClosureHypothesis
int _virtualPlaceLikelihoodRatio
std::string _wDir
Statistics statistics_

Detailed Description

Definition at line 54 of file Rtabmap.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ VhStrategy


Definition at line 57 of file Rtabmap.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ Rtabmap()

rtabmap::Rtabmap::Rtabmap ( )

Definition at line 94 of file Rtabmap.cpp.

◆ ~Rtabmap()

rtabmap::Rtabmap::~Rtabmap ( )

Definition at line 187 of file Rtabmap.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

◆ addLink()

bool rtabmap::Rtabmap::addLink ( const Link link)

Definition at line 6057 of file Rtabmap.cpp.

◆ addNodesToRepublish()

void rtabmap::Rtabmap::addNodesToRepublish ( const std::vector< int > &  ids)

Definition at line 6460 of file Rtabmap.cpp.

◆ adjustLikelihood()

void rtabmap::Rtabmap::adjustLikelihood ( std::map< int, float > &  likelihood) const

Definition at line 5260 of file Rtabmap.cpp.

◆ cleanupLocalGrids()

int rtabmap::Rtabmap::cleanupLocalGrids ( const std::map< int, Transform > &  mapPoses,
const cv::Mat map,
float  xMin,
float  yMin,
float  cellSize,
int  cropRadius = 1,
bool  filterScans = false 

Definition at line 5988 of file Rtabmap.cpp.

◆ clearPath()

void rtabmap::Rtabmap::clearPath ( int  status)

Definition at line 6480 of file Rtabmap.cpp.

◆ close()

void rtabmap::Rtabmap::close ( bool  databaseSaved = true,
const std::string ouputDatabasePath = "" 

Close rtabmap. This will delete rtabmap object if set.

databaseSavedtrue=database saved, false=database discarded.
databasePathoutput database file name, ignored if Db/Sqlite3InMemory=false (opened database is then overwritten).

Definition at line 463 of file Rtabmap.cpp.

◆ computePath() [1/3]

bool rtabmap::Rtabmap::computePath ( const Transform targetPose,
float  tolerance = -1.0f 

Definition at line 6643 of file Rtabmap.cpp.

◆ computePath() [2/3]

bool rtabmap::Rtabmap::computePath ( int  targetNode,
bool  global 

Definition at line 6498 of file Rtabmap.cpp.

◆ computePath() [3/3]

bool rtabmap::Rtabmap::computePath ( int  targetNode,
std::map< int, Transform nodes,
const std::multimap< int, rtabmap::Link > &  constraints 

◆ createGlobalScanMap()

void rtabmap::Rtabmap::createGlobalScanMap ( )

Definition at line 7095 of file Rtabmap.cpp.

◆ deleteLastLocation()

void rtabmap::Rtabmap::deleteLastLocation ( )

Definition at line 4849 of file Rtabmap.cpp.

◆ detectMoreLoopClosures()

int rtabmap::Rtabmap::detectMoreLoopClosures ( float  clusterRadiusMax = 0.5f,
float  clusterAngle = M_PI/6.0f,
int  iterations = 1,
bool  intraSession = true,
bool  interSession = true,
const ProgressState state = 0,
float  clusterRadiusMin = 0.0f 

Definition at line 5595 of file Rtabmap.cpp.

◆ dumpData()

void rtabmap::Rtabmap::dumpData ( ) const

Definition at line 4905 of file Rtabmap.cpp.

◆ dumpPrediction()

void rtabmap::Rtabmap::dumpPrediction ( ) const

Definition at line 5331 of file Rtabmap.cpp.

◆ exportPoses()

void rtabmap::Rtabmap::exportPoses ( const std::string path,
bool  optimized,
bool  global,
int  format 

Definition at line 1024 of file Rtabmap.cpp.

◆ flushStatisticLogs()

void rtabmap::Rtabmap::flushStatisticLogs ( )

Definition at line 298 of file Rtabmap.cpp.

◆ generateDOTGraph()

void rtabmap::Rtabmap::generateDOTGraph ( const std::string path,
int  id = 0,
int  margin = 5 

Definition at line 992 of file Rtabmap.cpp.

◆ get3DMap()

void rtabmap::Rtabmap::get3DMap ( std::map< int, Signature > &  signatures,
std::map< int, Transform > &  poses,
std::multimap< int, Link > &  constraints,
bool  optimized,
bool  global 
) const

Definition at line 5468 of file Rtabmap.cpp.

◆ getForwardWMPoses()

std::map< int, Transform > rtabmap::Rtabmap::getForwardWMPoses ( int  fromId,
int  maxNearestNeighbors,
float  radius,
int  maxDiffID 
) const

Definition at line 4923 of file Rtabmap.cpp.

◆ getGoalReachedRadius()

float rtabmap::Rtabmap::getGoalReachedRadius ( ) const

Definition at line 148 of file Rtabmap.h.

◆ getGraph()

void rtabmap::Rtabmap::getGraph ( std::map< int, Transform > &  poses,
std::multimap< int, Link > &  constraints,
bool  optimized,
bool  global,
std::map< int, Signature > *  signatures = 0,
bool  withImages = false,
bool  withScan = false,
bool  withUserData = false,
bool  withGrid = false,
bool  withWords = true,
bool  withGlobalDescriptors = true 
) const

Definition at line 5479 of file Rtabmap.cpp.

◆ getHighestHypothesisId()

int rtabmap::Rtabmap::getHighestHypothesisId ( ) const

Definition at line 130 of file Rtabmap.h.

◆ getHighestHypothesisValue()

float rtabmap::Rtabmap::getHighestHypothesisValue ( ) const

Definition at line 131 of file Rtabmap.h.

◆ getInformation()

cv::Mat rtabmap::Rtabmap::getInformation ( const cv::Mat covariance) const

Definition at line 6440 of file Rtabmap.cpp.

◆ getLastLocalizationPose()

const Transform& rtabmap::Rtabmap::getLastLocalizationPose ( ) const

Definition at line 150 of file Rtabmap.h.

◆ getLastLocationId()

int rtabmap::Rtabmap::getLastLocationId ( ) const

Definition at line 759 of file Rtabmap.cpp.

◆ getLastProcessTime()

double rtabmap::Rtabmap::getLastProcessTime ( ) const

Definition at line 139 of file Rtabmap.h.

◆ getLocalConstraints()

const std::multimap<int, Link>& rtabmap::Rtabmap::getLocalConstraints ( ) const

Definition at line 144 of file Rtabmap.h.

◆ getLocalOptimizedPoses()

const std::map<int, Transform>& rtabmap::Rtabmap::getLocalOptimizedPoses ( ) const

Definition at line 143 of file Rtabmap.h.

◆ getLocalRadius()

float rtabmap::Rtabmap::getLocalRadius ( ) const

Definition at line 149 of file Rtabmap.h.

◆ getLoopClosureId()

int rtabmap::Rtabmap::getLoopClosureId ( ) const

Definition at line 128 of file Rtabmap.h.

◆ getLoopClosureValue()

float rtabmap::Rtabmap::getLoopClosureValue ( ) const

Definition at line 129 of file Rtabmap.h.

◆ getMapCorrection()

Transform rtabmap::Rtabmap::getMapCorrection ( ) const

Definition at line 146 of file Rtabmap.h.

◆ getMemory()

const Memory* rtabmap::Rtabmap::getMemory ( ) const

Definition at line 147 of file Rtabmap.h.

◆ getMemoryThreshold()

int rtabmap::Rtabmap::getMemoryThreshold ( ) const

Definition at line 154 of file Rtabmap.h.

◆ getNodesInRadius() [1/2]

std::map< int, Transform > rtabmap::Rtabmap::getNodesInRadius ( const Transform pose,
float  radius,
int  k = 0,
std::map< int, float > *  distsSqr = 0 

Definition at line 5551 of file Rtabmap.cpp.

◆ getNodesInRadius() [2/2]

std::map< int, Transform > rtabmap::Rtabmap::getNodesInRadius ( int  nodeId,
float  radius,
int  k = 0,
std::map< int, float > *  distsSqr = 0 

Definition at line 5564 of file Rtabmap.cpp.

◆ getParameters()

const ParametersMap& rtabmap::Rtabmap::getParameters ( ) const

Definition at line 179 of file Rtabmap.h.

◆ getPath()

const std::vector<std::pair<int, Transform> >& rtabmap::Rtabmap::getPath ( ) const

Definition at line 235 of file Rtabmap.h.

◆ getPathCurrentGoalId()

int rtabmap::Rtabmap::getPathCurrentGoalId ( ) const

Definition at line 6822 of file Rtabmap.cpp.

◆ getPathCurrentGoalIndex()

unsigned int rtabmap::Rtabmap::getPathCurrentGoalIndex ( ) const

Definition at line 240 of file Rtabmap.h.

◆ getPathCurrentIndex()

unsigned int rtabmap::Rtabmap::getPathCurrentIndex ( ) const

Definition at line 239 of file Rtabmap.h.

◆ getPathNextNodes()

std::vector< int > rtabmap::Rtabmap::getPathNextNodes ( ) const

Definition at line 6797 of file Rtabmap.cpp.

◆ getPathNextPoses()

std::vector< std::pair< int, Transform > > rtabmap::Rtabmap::getPathNextPoses ( ) const

Definition at line 6772 of file Rtabmap.cpp.

◆ getPaths()

std::map< int, std::map< int, Transform > > rtabmap::Rtabmap::getPaths ( const std::map< int, Transform > &  poses,
const Transform target,
int  maxGraphDepth = 0 
) const

Definition at line 5039 of file Rtabmap.cpp.

◆ getPathStatus()

int rtabmap::Rtabmap::getPathStatus ( ) const

Definition at line 231 of file Rtabmap.h.

◆ getPathTransformToGoal()

const Transform& rtabmap::Rtabmap::getPathTransformToGoal ( ) const

Definition at line 241 of file Rtabmap.h.

◆ getPose()

Transform rtabmap::Rtabmap::getPose ( int  locationId) const

Definition at line 854 of file Rtabmap.cpp.

◆ getSignatureCopy()

Signature rtabmap::Rtabmap::getSignatureCopy ( int  id,
bool  images,
bool  scan,
bool  userData,
bool  occupancyGrid,
bool  withWords,
bool  withGlobalDescriptors 
) const

Definition at line 5389 of file Rtabmap.cpp.

◆ getStatistics()

const Statistics & rtabmap::Rtabmap::getStatistics ( ) const

Definition at line 849 of file Rtabmap.cpp.

◆ getSTM()

std::set< int > rtabmap::Rtabmap::getSTM ( ) const

Definition at line 800 of file Rtabmap.cpp.

◆ getSTMSize()

int rtabmap::Rtabmap::getSTMSize ( ) const

Definition at line 809 of file Rtabmap.cpp.

◆ getTimeThreshold()

float rtabmap::Rtabmap::getTimeThreshold ( ) const

Definition at line 152 of file Rtabmap.h.

◆ getTotalMemSize()

int rtabmap::Rtabmap::getTotalMemSize ( ) const

Definition at line 818 of file Rtabmap.cpp.

◆ getWeights()

std::map< int, int > rtabmap::Rtabmap::getWeights ( ) const

Definition at line 789 of file Rtabmap.cpp.

◆ getWM()

std::list< int > rtabmap::Rtabmap::getWM ( ) const

Definition at line 769 of file Rtabmap.cpp.

◆ getWMSize()

int rtabmap::Rtabmap::getWMSize ( ) const

Definition at line 780 of file Rtabmap.cpp.

◆ getWorkingDir()

const std::string& rtabmap::Rtabmap::getWorkingDir ( ) const

Definition at line 126 of file Rtabmap.h.

◆ globalBundleAdjustment()

bool rtabmap::Rtabmap::globalBundleAdjustment ( int  optimizerType = 1,
bool  rematchFeatures = true,
int  iterations = 0,
float  pixelVariance = 0.0f 

Definition at line 5929 of file Rtabmap.cpp.

◆ init() [1/2]

void rtabmap::Rtabmap::init ( const ParametersMap parameters,
const std::string databasePath = "",
bool  loadDatabaseParameters = false 

Initialize Rtabmap with parameters and a database

parametersParameters overriding default parameters and database parameters (
See also
databasePathThe database input/output path. If not set, an empty database is used in RAM. If set and the file doesn't exist, it will be created empty. If the database exists, nodes and vocabulary will be loaded in working memory.
loadDatabaseParametersIf an existing database is used (
See also
databasePath), the parameters inside are loaded and set to current Rtabmap instance.

Definition at line 320 of file Rtabmap.cpp.

◆ init() [2/2]

void rtabmap::Rtabmap::init ( const std::string configFile = "",
const std::string databasePath = "",
bool  loadDatabaseParameters = false 

Initialize Rtabmap with parameters from a configuration file and a database

configFileConfiguration file (*.ini) overriding default parameters and database parameters (
See also
databasePathThe database input/output path. If not set, an empty database is used in RAM. If set and the file doesn't exist, it will be created empty. If the database exists, nodes and vocabulary will be loaded in working memory.
loadDatabaseParametersIf an existing database is used (
See also
databasePath), the parameters inside are loaded and set to current Rtabmap instance.

Definition at line 449 of file Rtabmap.cpp.

◆ isIDsGenerated()

bool rtabmap::Rtabmap::isIDsGenerated ( ) const

Definition at line 840 of file Rtabmap.cpp.

◆ isInSTM()

bool rtabmap::Rtabmap::isInSTM ( int  locationId) const

Definition at line 831 of file Rtabmap.cpp.

◆ isRGBDMode()

bool rtabmap::Rtabmap::isRGBDMode ( ) const

Definition at line 127 of file Rtabmap.h.

◆ labelLocation()

bool rtabmap::Rtabmap::labelLocation ( int  id,
const std::string label 

Definition at line 936 of file Rtabmap.cpp.

◆ optimizeCurrentMap()

void rtabmap::Rtabmap::optimizeCurrentMap ( int  id,
bool  lookInDatabase,
std::map< int, Transform > &  optimizedPoses,
cv::Mat covariance,
std::multimap< int, Link > *  constraints = 0,
double *  error = 0,
int iterationsDone = 0 
) const

Definition at line 5121 of file Rtabmap.cpp.

◆ optimizeGraph()

std::map< int, Transform > rtabmap::Rtabmap::optimizeGraph ( int  fromId,
const std::set< int > &  ids,
const std::map< int, Transform > &  guessPoses,
bool  lookInDatabase,
cv::Mat covariance,
std::multimap< int, Link > *  constraints = 0,
double *  error = 0,
int iterationsDone = 0 
) const

Definition at line 5167 of file Rtabmap.cpp.

◆ parseParameters()

void rtabmap::Rtabmap::parseParameters ( const ParametersMap parameters)

Definition at line 545 of file Rtabmap.cpp.

◆ process() [1/3]

bool rtabmap::Rtabmap::process ( const cv::Mat image,
int  id = 0,
const std::map< std::string, float > &  externalStats = std::map<std::stringfloat>() 

Definition at line 1148 of file Rtabmap.cpp.

◆ process() [2/3]

bool rtabmap::Rtabmap::process ( const SensorData data,
Transform  odomPose,
const cv::Mat odomCovariance = cv::Mat::eye(6,6,CV_64FC1),
const std::vector< float > &  odomVelocity = std::vector<float>(),
const std::map< std::string, float > &  externalStats = std::map<std::stringfloat>() 

Main loop of rtabmap.

dataSensor data to process.
odomPoseOdometry pose, should be non-null for RGB-D SLAM mode.
covarianceOdometry covariance.
externalStatsExternal statistics to be saved in the database for convenience
true if data has been added to map.

Definition at line 1177 of file Rtabmap.cpp.

◆ process() [3/3]

bool rtabmap::Rtabmap::process ( const SensorData data,
Transform  odomPose,
float  odomLinearVariance,
float  odomAngularVariance,
const std::vector< float > &  odomVelocity = std::vector<float>(),
const std::map< std::string, float > &  externalStats = std::map<std::stringfloat>() 

Definition at line 1155 of file Rtabmap.cpp.

◆ refineLinks()

int rtabmap::Rtabmap::refineLinks ( )

Definition at line 6011 of file Rtabmap.cpp.

◆ rejectLastLoopClosure()

void rtabmap::Rtabmap::rejectLastLoopClosure ( )

Definition at line 4791 of file Rtabmap.cpp.

◆ resetMemory()

void rtabmap::Rtabmap::resetMemory ( )

Definition at line 1063 of file Rtabmap.cpp.

◆ selectHypothesis()

std::pair<int, float> rtabmap::Rtabmap::selectHypothesis ( const std::map< int, float > &  posterior,
const std::map< int, float > &  likelihood 
) const

◆ setInitialPose()

void rtabmap::Rtabmap::setInitialPose ( const Transform initialPose)

Definition at line 859 of file Rtabmap.cpp.

◆ setMemoryThreshold()

void rtabmap::Rtabmap::setMemoryThreshold ( int  maxMemoryAllowed)

Definition at line 4752 of file Rtabmap.cpp.

◆ setOptimizedPoses()

void rtabmap::Rtabmap::setOptimizedPoses ( const std::map< int, Transform > &  poses,
const std::multimap< int, Link > &  constraints 

Definition at line 4899 of file Rtabmap.cpp.

◆ setTimeThreshold()

void rtabmap::Rtabmap::setTimeThreshold ( float  maxTimeAllowed)

Definition at line 4738 of file Rtabmap.cpp.

◆ setupLogFiles()

void rtabmap::Rtabmap::setupLogFiles ( bool  overwrite = false)

Definition at line 192 of file Rtabmap.cpp.

◆ setUserData()

bool rtabmap::Rtabmap::setUserData ( int  id,
const cv::Mat data 

Set user data. Detect automatically if raw or compressed. If raw, the data is compressed too. A matrix of type CV_8UC1 with 1 row is considered as compressed. If you have one dimension unsigned 8 bits raw data, make sure to transpose it (to have multiple rows instead of multiple columns) in order to be detected as not compressed.

Definition at line 972 of file Rtabmap.cpp.

◆ setWorkingDirectory()

void rtabmap::Rtabmap::setWorkingDirectory ( std::string  path)

Definition at line 4763 of file Rtabmap.cpp.

◆ triggerNewMap()

int rtabmap::Rtabmap::triggerNewMap ( )

Definition at line 887 of file Rtabmap.cpp.

◆ updateGoalIndex()

void rtabmap::Rtabmap::updateGoalIndex ( )

Definition at line 6832 of file Rtabmap.cpp.

Member Data Documentation

◆ _aggressiveLoopThr

float rtabmap::Rtabmap::_aggressiveLoopThr

Definition at line 287 of file Rtabmap.h.

◆ _bayesFilter

BayesFilter* rtabmap::Rtabmap::_bayesFilter

Definition at line 351 of file Rtabmap.h.

◆ _bufferedLogsF

std::list<std::string> rtabmap::Rtabmap::_bufferedLogsF

Definition at line 359 of file Rtabmap.h.

◆ _bufferedLogsI

std::list<std::string> rtabmap::Rtabmap::_bufferedLogsI

Definition at line 360 of file Rtabmap.h.

◆ _computeRMSE

bool rtabmap::Rtabmap::_computeRMSE

Definition at line 281 of file Rtabmap.h.

◆ _constraints

std::multimap<int, Link> rtabmap::Rtabmap::_constraints

Definition at line 367 of file Rtabmap.h.

◆ _createGlobalScanMap

bool rtabmap::Rtabmap::_createGlobalScanMap

Definition at line 336 of file Rtabmap.h.

◆ _currentSessionHasGPS

bool rtabmap::Rtabmap::_currentSessionHasGPS

Definition at line 374 of file Rtabmap.h.

◆ _databasePath

std::string rtabmap::Rtabmap::_databasePath

Definition at line 319 of file Rtabmap.h.

◆ _distanceTravelled

float rtabmap::Rtabmap::_distanceTravelled

Definition at line 344 of file Rtabmap.h.

◆ _distanceTravelledSinceLastLocalization

float rtabmap::Rtabmap::_distanceTravelledSinceLastLocalization

Definition at line 345 of file Rtabmap.h.

◆ _epipolarGeometry

EpipolarGeometry* rtabmap::Rtabmap::_epipolarGeometry

Definition at line 350 of file Rtabmap.h.

◆ _forceOdom3doF

bool rtabmap::Rtabmap::_forceOdom3doF

Definition at line 329 of file Rtabmap.h.

◆ _foutFloat

FILE* rtabmap::Rtabmap::_foutFloat

Definition at line 357 of file Rtabmap.h.

◆ _foutInt

FILE* rtabmap::Rtabmap::_foutInt

Definition at line 358 of file Rtabmap.h.

◆ _globalScanMap

LaserScan rtabmap::Rtabmap::_globalScanMap

Definition at line 375 of file Rtabmap.h.

◆ _globalScanMapPoses

std::map<int, Transform> rtabmap::Rtabmap::_globalScanMapPoses

Definition at line 376 of file Rtabmap.h.

◆ _goalReachedRadius

float rtabmap::Rtabmap::_goalReachedRadius

Definition at line 324 of file Rtabmap.h.

◆ _goalsSavedInUserData

bool rtabmap::Rtabmap::_goalsSavedInUserData

Definition at line 325 of file Rtabmap.h.

◆ _gpsGeocentricCache

std::map<int, std::pair<cv::Point3d, Transform> > rtabmap::Rtabmap::_gpsGeocentricCache

Definition at line 373 of file Rtabmap.h.

◆ _graphOptimizer

Optimizer* rtabmap::Rtabmap::_graphOptimizer

Definition at line 352 of file Rtabmap.h.

◆ _highestHypothesis

std::pair<int, float> rtabmap::Rtabmap::_highestHypothesis

Definition at line 341 of file Rtabmap.h.

◆ _lastLocalizationNodeId

int rtabmap::Rtabmap::_lastLocalizationNodeId

Definition at line 371 of file Rtabmap.h.

◆ _lastLocalizationPose

Transform rtabmap::Rtabmap::_lastLocalizationPose

Definition at line 370 of file Rtabmap.h.

◆ _lastProcessTime

double rtabmap::Rtabmap::_lastProcessTime

Definition at line 342 of file Rtabmap.h.

◆ _localImmunizationRatio

float rtabmap::Rtabmap::_localImmunizationRatio

Definition at line 310 of file Rtabmap.h.

◆ _localizationCovariance

cv::Mat rtabmap::Rtabmap::_localizationCovariance

Definition at line 372 of file Rtabmap.h.

◆ _localizationPriorInf

double rtabmap::Rtabmap::_localizationPriorInf

Definition at line 335 of file Rtabmap.h.

◆ _localizationSmoothing

bool rtabmap::Rtabmap::_localizationSmoothing

Definition at line 334 of file Rtabmap.h.

◆ _localRadius

float rtabmap::Rtabmap::_localRadius

Definition at line 309 of file Rtabmap.h.

◆ _loopClosureHypothesis

std::pair<int, float> rtabmap::Rtabmap::_loopClosureHypothesis

Definition at line 340 of file Rtabmap.h.

◆ _loopClosureIdentityGuess

bool rtabmap::Rtabmap::_loopClosureIdentityGuess

Definition at line 308 of file Rtabmap.h.

◆ _loopCovLimited

bool rtabmap::Rtabmap::_loopCovLimited

Definition at line 331 of file Rtabmap.h.

◆ _loopGPS

bool rtabmap::Rtabmap::_loopGPS

Definition at line 332 of file Rtabmap.h.

◆ _loopRatio

float rtabmap::Rtabmap::_loopRatio

Definition at line 286 of file Rtabmap.h.

◆ _loopThr

float rtabmap::Rtabmap::_loopThr

Definition at line 285 of file Rtabmap.h.

◆ _mapCorrection

Transform rtabmap::Rtabmap::_mapCorrection

Definition at line 368 of file Rtabmap.h.

◆ _mapCorrectionBackup

Transform rtabmap::Rtabmap::_mapCorrectionBackup

Definition at line 369 of file Rtabmap.h.

◆ _markerPriors

std::map<int, Transform> rtabmap::Rtabmap::_markerPriors

Definition at line 379 of file Rtabmap.h.

◆ _markerPriorsAngularVariance

float rtabmap::Rtabmap::_markerPriorsAngularVariance

Definition at line 338 of file Rtabmap.h.

◆ _markerPriorsLinearVariance

float rtabmap::Rtabmap::_markerPriorsLinearVariance

Definition at line 337 of file Rtabmap.h.

◆ _maxLocalRetrieved

unsigned int rtabmap::Rtabmap::_maxLocalRetrieved

Definition at line 292 of file Rtabmap.h.

◆ _maxLoopClosureDistance

float rtabmap::Rtabmap::_maxLoopClosureDistance

Definition at line 289 of file Rtabmap.h.

◆ _maxMemoryAllowed

unsigned int rtabmap::Rtabmap::_maxMemoryAllowed

Definition at line 284 of file Rtabmap.h.

◆ _maxOdomCacheSize

int rtabmap::Rtabmap::_maxOdomCacheSize

Definition at line 333 of file Rtabmap.h.

◆ _maxRepublished

unsigned int rtabmap::Rtabmap::_maxRepublished

Definition at line 293 of file Rtabmap.h.

◆ _maxRetrieved

unsigned int rtabmap::Rtabmap::_maxRetrieved

Definition at line 291 of file Rtabmap.h.

◆ _maxTimeAllowed

float rtabmap::Rtabmap::_maxTimeAllowed

Definition at line 283 of file Rtabmap.h.

◆ _memory

Memory* rtabmap::Rtabmap::_memory

Definition at line 355 of file Rtabmap.h.

◆ _neighborLinkRefining

bool rtabmap::Rtabmap::_neighborLinkRefining

Definition at line 304 of file Rtabmap.h.

◆ _newMapOdomChangeDistance

float rtabmap::Rtabmap::_newMapOdomChangeDistance

Definition at line 303 of file Rtabmap.h.

◆ _nodesToRepublish

std::set<int> rtabmap::Rtabmap::_nodesToRepublish

Definition at line 381 of file Rtabmap.h.

◆ _odomCacheConstraints

std::multimap<int, Link> rtabmap::Rtabmap::_odomCacheConstraints

Definition at line 378 of file Rtabmap.h.

◆ _odomCachePoses

std::map<int, Transform> rtabmap::Rtabmap::_odomCachePoses

Definition at line 377 of file Rtabmap.h.

◆ _optimizationMaxError

float rtabmap::Rtabmap::_optimizationMaxError

Definition at line 321 of file Rtabmap.h.

◆ _optimizedPoses

std::map<int, Transform> rtabmap::Rtabmap::_optimizedPoses

Definition at line 366 of file Rtabmap.h.

◆ _optimizeFromGraphEnd

bool rtabmap::Rtabmap::_optimizeFromGraphEnd

Definition at line 320 of file Rtabmap.h.

◆ _optimizeFromGraphEndChanged

bool rtabmap::Rtabmap::_optimizeFromGraphEndChanged

Definition at line 346 of file Rtabmap.h.

◆ _parameters

ParametersMap rtabmap::Rtabmap::_parameters

Definition at line 353 of file Rtabmap.h.

◆ _path

std::vector<std::pair<int,Transform> > rtabmap::Rtabmap::_path

Definition at line 385 of file Rtabmap.h.

◆ _pathAngularVelocity

float rtabmap::Rtabmap::_pathAngularVelocity

Definition at line 328 of file Rtabmap.h.

◆ _pathCurrentIndex

unsigned int rtabmap::Rtabmap::_pathCurrentIndex

Definition at line 387 of file Rtabmap.h.

◆ _pathGoalIndex

unsigned int rtabmap::Rtabmap::_pathGoalIndex

Definition at line 388 of file Rtabmap.h.

◆ _pathLinearVelocity

float rtabmap::Rtabmap::_pathLinearVelocity

Definition at line 327 of file Rtabmap.h.

◆ _pathStatus

int rtabmap::Rtabmap::_pathStatus

Definition at line 384 of file Rtabmap.h.

◆ _pathStuckCount

int rtabmap::Rtabmap::_pathStuckCount

Definition at line 390 of file Rtabmap.h.

◆ _pathStuckDistance

float rtabmap::Rtabmap::_pathStuckDistance

Definition at line 391 of file Rtabmap.h.

◆ _pathStuckIterations

int rtabmap::Rtabmap::_pathStuckIterations

Definition at line 326 of file Rtabmap.h.

◆ _pathTransformToGoal

Transform rtabmap::Rtabmap::_pathTransformToGoal

Definition at line 389 of file Rtabmap.h.

◆ _pathUnreachableNodes

std::set<unsigned int> rtabmap::Rtabmap::_pathUnreachableNodes

Definition at line 386 of file Rtabmap.h.

◆ _proximityAngle

float rtabmap::Rtabmap::_proximityAngle

Definition at line 316 of file Rtabmap.h.

◆ _proximityBySpace

bool rtabmap::Rtabmap::_proximityBySpace

Definition at line 306 of file Rtabmap.h.

◆ _proximityByTime

bool rtabmap::Rtabmap::_proximityByTime

Definition at line 305 of file Rtabmap.h.

◆ _proximityFilteringRadius

float rtabmap::Rtabmap::_proximityFilteringRadius

Definition at line 314 of file Rtabmap.h.

◆ _proximityMaxGraphDepth

int rtabmap::Rtabmap::_proximityMaxGraphDepth

Definition at line 311 of file Rtabmap.h.

◆ _proximityMaxNeighbors

int rtabmap::Rtabmap::_proximityMaxNeighbors

Definition at line 313 of file Rtabmap.h.

◆ _proximityMaxPaths

int rtabmap::Rtabmap::_proximityMaxPaths

Definition at line 312 of file Rtabmap.h.

◆ _proximityMergedScanCovFactor

double rtabmap::Rtabmap::_proximityMergedScanCovFactor

Definition at line 318 of file Rtabmap.h.

◆ _proximityOdomGuess

bool rtabmap::Rtabmap::_proximityOdomGuess

Definition at line 317 of file Rtabmap.h.

◆ _proximityRawPosesUsed

bool rtabmap::Rtabmap::_proximityRawPosesUsed

Definition at line 315 of file Rtabmap.h.

◆ _publishLastSignatureData

bool rtabmap::Rtabmap::_publishLastSignatureData

Definition at line 277 of file Rtabmap.h.

◆ _publishLikelihood

bool rtabmap::Rtabmap::_publishLikelihood

Definition at line 279 of file Rtabmap.h.

◆ _publishPdf

bool rtabmap::Rtabmap::_publishPdf

Definition at line 278 of file Rtabmap.h.

◆ _publishRAMUsage

bool rtabmap::Rtabmap::_publishRAMUsage

Definition at line 280 of file Rtabmap.h.

◆ _publishStats

bool rtabmap::Rtabmap::_publishStats

Definition at line 276 of file Rtabmap.h.

◆ _rawDataKept

bool rtabmap::Rtabmap::_rawDataKept

Definition at line 294 of file Rtabmap.h.

◆ _restartAtOrigin

bool rtabmap::Rtabmap::_restartAtOrigin

Definition at line 330 of file Rtabmap.h.

◆ _rgbdAngularSpeedUpdate

float rtabmap::Rtabmap::_rgbdAngularSpeedUpdate

Definition at line 302 of file Rtabmap.h.

◆ _rgbdAngularUpdate

float rtabmap::Rtabmap::_rgbdAngularUpdate

Definition at line 300 of file Rtabmap.h.

◆ _rgbdLinearSpeedUpdate

float rtabmap::Rtabmap::_rgbdLinearSpeedUpdate

Definition at line 301 of file Rtabmap.h.

◆ _rgbdLinearUpdate

float rtabmap::Rtabmap::_rgbdLinearUpdate

Definition at line 299 of file Rtabmap.h.

◆ _rgbdSlamMode

bool rtabmap::Rtabmap::_rgbdSlamMode

Definition at line 298 of file Rtabmap.h.

◆ _saveWMState

bool rtabmap::Rtabmap::_saveWMState

Definition at line 282 of file Rtabmap.h.

◆ _scanMatchingIdsSavedInLinks

bool rtabmap::Rtabmap::_scanMatchingIdsSavedInLinks

Definition at line 307 of file Rtabmap.h.

◆ _someNodesHaveBeenTransferred

bool rtabmap::Rtabmap::_someNodesHaveBeenTransferred

Definition at line 343 of file Rtabmap.h.

◆ _startNewMapOnGoodSignature

bool rtabmap::Rtabmap::_startNewMapOnGoodSignature

Definition at line 323 of file Rtabmap.h.

◆ _startNewMapOnLoopClosure

bool rtabmap::Rtabmap::_startNewMapOnLoopClosure

Definition at line 322 of file Rtabmap.h.

◆ _statisticLogged

bool rtabmap::Rtabmap::_statisticLogged

Definition at line 296 of file Rtabmap.h.

◆ _statisticLoggedHeaders

bool rtabmap::Rtabmap::_statisticLoggedHeaders

Definition at line 297 of file Rtabmap.h.

◆ _statisticLogsBufferedInRAM

bool rtabmap::Rtabmap::_statisticLogsBufferedInRAM

Definition at line 295 of file Rtabmap.h.

◆ _verifyLoopClosureHypothesis

bool rtabmap::Rtabmap::_verifyLoopClosureHypothesis

Definition at line 290 of file Rtabmap.h.

◆ _virtualPlaceLikelihoodRatio

int rtabmap::Rtabmap::_virtualPlaceLikelihoodRatio

Definition at line 288 of file Rtabmap.h.

◆ _wDir

std::string rtabmap::Rtabmap::_wDir

Definition at line 364 of file Rtabmap.h.

◆ statistics_

Statistics rtabmap::Rtabmap::statistics_

Definition at line 362 of file Rtabmap.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:

Author(s): Mathieu Labbe
autogenerated on Thu Jul 25 2024 02:50:28