Go to the documentation of this file.
17 package com.introlab.rtabmap;
19 import java.util.Vector;
20 import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock;
22 import android.app.Activity;
23 import android.app.ProgressDialog;
24 import android.opengl.GLES20;
25 import android.opengl.GLSurfaceView;
26 import android.opengl.Matrix;
27 import android.util.Log;
28 import android.widget.Toast;
30 import javax.microedition.khronos.egl.EGLConfig;
31 import javax.microedition.khronos.opengles.GL10;
39 private final float[]
mtrxView =
new float[16];
61 private ReentrantLock
mTextLock =
new ReentrantLock();
114 Vector<TextObject> txtcollection =
new Vector<TextObject>();
120 txtcollection.addAll(
130 float[] mvp =
new float[16];
151 mToast.makeText(
mActivity.getApplicationContext(), String.format(
"Out of Memory!"), Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
162 mToast.makeText(
mActivity.getApplicationContext(), String.format(
"Rendering Error!"), Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
168 catch(
final Exception
170 final int stepF =
175 String
msg = String.format(
"Rendering error! (exception=%s) step=%d",
e.getMessage(), stepF);
176 Log.e(
204 for(
int i=0;
215 Matrix.setLookAtM(
mtrxView, 0, 0
f, 0
f, 1
f, 0
f, 0
f, 0
f, 0
f, 1.0
f, 0.0
238 Vector<TextObject> textObjects =
new Vector<TextObject>();
242 for(
int i=0;
i<texts.length; ++
244 if(texts[
null && texts[
247 textObjects.add(
void setColor(float color)
GLM_FUNC_DECL genType::value_type length(genType const &x)
void run(class_loader::ClassLoader *loader)
void onSurfaceCreated(GL10 useGLES20instead, EGLConfig config)
void updateTexts(String[] texts)
final float[] mtrxProjectionAndView
void setProgressDialog(ProgressDialog progressDialog)
void onDisplayChanged(int displayId)
void PrepareDraw(Vector< TextObject > txtcollection)
static RTABMapActivity mActivity
void setToast(Toast toast)
Eigen::Matrix< double, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::RowMajor > Matrix
ARCoreSharedCamera mCamera
DisplayRotationHelper mDisplayRotationHelper
void setCamera(ARCoreSharedCamera camera)
void setOffset(int offset)
ProgressDialog mProgressDialog
void onSurfaceChanged(int width, int height)
void onDrawFrame(GL10 useGLES20instead)
static boolean DISABLE_LOG
def step(data, isam, result, truth, currPoseIndex, isamArgs=())
static native void initGlContent(long nativeApplication)
static long nativeApplication
set noclip points set clip one set noclip two set bar set border lt lw set xdata set ydata set zdata set x2data set y2data set boxwidth set dummy y set format x g set format y g set format x2 g set format y2 g set format z g set angles radians set nogrid set key title set key left top Right noreverse box linetype linewidth samplen spacing width set nolabel set noarrow set nologscale set logscale x set set pointsize set encoding default set nopolar set noparametric set set set set surface set nocontour set clabel set mapping cartesian set nohidden3d set cntrparam order set cntrparam linear set cntrparam levels auto set cntrparam points set size set set xzeroaxis lt lw set x2zeroaxis lt lw set yzeroaxis lt lw set y2zeroaxis lt lw set tics in set ticslevel set tics set mxtics default set mytics default set mx2tics default set my2tics default set xtics border mirror norotate autofreq set ytics border mirror norotate autofreq set ztics border nomirror norotate autofreq set nox2tics set noy2tics set timestamp bottom norotate offset
Point2(* f)(const Point3 &, OptionalJacobian< 2, 3 >)
static native void setupGraphic(long nativeApplication, int width, int height)
Array< double, 1, 3 > e(1./3., 0.5, 2.)
Renderer(RTABMapActivity c)
Camera camera(Pose3(Rot3().retract(Vector3(0.1, 0.2, 0.3)), Point3(0, 5, 0)), Cal3Bundler0(1, 0, 0))
Vector< TextObject > mTexts
static native int render(long nativeApplication)
void setTextColor(float color)
void updateSessionIfNeeded(ARCoreSharedCamera session)
final float[] mtrxProjection
void onSurfaceChanged(GL10 useGLES20instead, int width, int height)
Author(s): Mathieu Labbe
autogenerated on Thu Feb 13 2025 03:44:58