Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 1234]
 Cjsk_footstep_planner::ANNGridANNGrid is a class to provide approximate near neighbors search based on 2.5-D representation. All the z values of pointcloud is ignored and it sorted as 2-D array
 Cjsk_footstep_planner::FootstepPlannerActionlib server for footstep planning
 Cjsk_footstep_planner::FootstepStateDiscreteCloseListFootstepStateDiscreteCloseList is a special clas to use for close list of FootstepState
 Cjsk_footstep_planner::Graph< StateT_ >
 Cjsk_footstep_planner::Graph< FootstepState >
 Cjsk_footstep_planner::Graph< Grid2DNode >
 Cjsk_footstep_planner::Graph< GridState >
 Cjsk_footstep_planner::GridGraph< GStateT >
 Cjsk_footstep_planner::Graph< SimpleNeighboredNode >
 Cjsk_footstep_planner::GridMap< GStateT >
 Cjsk_footstep_planner::GridMap< CostedGridState >
 Cjsk_footstep_planner::GridPathPlannerActionlib server for footstep planning
 Cjsk_footstep_planner::Node< StateT >
 Cjsk_footstep_planner::PointCloudModelGeneratorJust a pointcloud generator for sample usage
 Cjsk_footstep_planner::Solver< GraphT >
 Cjsk_footstep_planner::BestFirstSearchSolver< GraphT >
 Cjsk_footstep_planner::AStarSolver< GraphT >
 Cjsk_footstep_planner::FootstepAStarSolver< GraphT >
 Cjsk_footstep_planner::GridAStarSolver< GraphT >
 Cjsk_footstep_planner::BreadthFirstSearchSolver< GraphT >
 Cjsk_footstep_planner::DepthFirstSearchSolver< GraphT >
 Cjsk_footstep_planner::SolverNode< StateT, GraphT >
 Cjsk_footstep_planner::TransitionLimitVirtual class to provide limit of transition of footstep
 Cjsk_footstep_planner::TransitionLimitRPClass to provide limit of transition of footstep about Roll and Pitch. This class is designed for global soundness of footstep
 Cjsk_footstep_planner::TransitionLimitXYZRPYClass to provide limit of transition of footstep with 6 Full parameters

Author(s): Ryohei Ueda
autogenerated on Mon Dec 9 2024 04:11:03