Public Types | Protected Member Functions | List of all members
gtsam::DiscreteConditional Class Reference

#include <DiscreteConditional.h>

Inheritance diagram for gtsam::DiscreteConditional:
Inheritance graph

Public Types

typedef Conditional< BaseFactor, ThisBaseConditional
 Typedef to our conditional base class. More...
typedef DecisionTreeFactor BaseFactor
 Typedef to our factor base class. More...
typedef std::shared_ptr< Thisshared_ptr
 shared_ptr to this class More...
typedef DiscreteConditional This
 Typedef to this class. More...
using Values = DiscreteValues
 backwards compatibility More...
- Public Types inherited from gtsam::DecisionTreeFactor
typedef AlgebraicDecisionTree< KeyADT
typedef DiscreteFactor Base
 Typedef to base class. More...
using Binary = std::function< double(const double, const double)>
typedef std::shared_ptr< DecisionTreeFactorshared_ptr
typedef DecisionTreeFactor This
using Unary = std::function< double(const double &)>
using UnaryAssignment = std::function< double(const Assignment< Key > &, const double &)>
- Public Types inherited from gtsam::DiscreteFactor
typedef Factor Base
 Our base class. More...
using Binary = std::function< double(const double, const double)>
typedef std::shared_ptr< DiscreteFactorshared_ptr
 shared_ptr to this class More...
typedef DiscreteFactor This
 This class. More...
using Unary = std::function< double(const double &)>
using UnaryAssignment = std::function< double(const Assignment< Key > &, const double &)>
using Values = DiscreteValues
 backwards compatibility More...
using Names = DiscreteValues::Names
 Translation table from values to strings. More...
- Public Types inherited from gtsam::Factor
typedef KeyVector::const_iterator const_iterator
 Const iterator over keys. More...
typedef KeyVector::iterator iterator
 Iterator over keys. More...
- Public Types inherited from gtsam::AlgebraicDecisionTree< Key >
using Base = DecisionTree< Key, double >
- Public Types inherited from gtsam::DecisionTree< Key, double >
using Binary = std::function< double(const double &, const double &)>
using CompareFunc = std::function< bool(const double &, const double &)>
using LabelC = std::pair< Key, size_t >
using LabelFormatter = std::function< std::string(Key)>
using NodePtr = typename Node::Ptr
using Unary = std::function< double(const double &)>
using UnaryAssignment = std::function< double(const Assignment< Key > &, const double &)>
using ValueFormatter = std::function< std::string(double)>
- Public Types inherited from gtsam::Conditional< DecisionTreeFactor, DiscreteConditional >
typedef std::pair< typename DecisionTreeFactor ::const_iterator, typename DecisionTreeFactor ::const_iterator > ConstFactorRange
typedef ConstFactorRangeIterator Frontals
typedef ConstFactorRangeIterator Parents

Public Member Functions

Standard Constructors
 DiscreteConditional ()
 Default constructor needed for serialization. More...
 DiscreteConditional (size_t nFrontals, const DiscreteFactor &f)
 Construct from factor, taking the first nFrontals keys as frontals. More...
 DiscreteConditional (size_t nFrontals, const DiscreteKeys &keys, const ADT &potentials)
 DiscreteConditional (const Signature &signature)
 DiscreteConditional (const DiscreteKey &key, const DiscreteKeys &parents, const Signature::Table &table)
 DiscreteConditional (const DiscreteKey &key, const DiscreteKeys &parents, const std::vector< double > &table)
 DiscreteConditional (const DiscreteKey &key, const DiscreteKeys &parents, const std::string &spec)
 DiscreteConditional (const DiscreteKey &key, const std::string &spec)
 No-parent specialization; can also use DiscreteDistribution. More...
 DiscreteConditional (const DecisionTreeFactor &joint, const DecisionTreeFactor &marginal)
 construct P(X|Y) = f(X,Y)/f(Y) from f(X,Y) and f(Y) Assumes but does not check that f(Y)=sum_X f(X,Y). More...
 DiscreteConditional (const DecisionTreeFactor &joint, const DecisionTreeFactor &marginal, const Ordering &orderedKeys)
 construct P(X|Y) = f(X,Y)/f(Y) from f(X,Y) and f(Y) Assumes but does not check that f(Y)=sum_X f(X,Y). Makes sure the keys are ordered as given. Does not check orderedKeys. More...
DiscreteConditional operator* (const DiscreteConditional &other) const
 Combine two conditionals, yielding a new conditional with the union of the frontal keys, ordered by gtsam::Key. More...
DiscreteConditional marginal (Key key) const
void print (const std::string &s="Discrete Conditional: ", const KeyFormatter &formatter=DefaultKeyFormatter) const override
 GTSAM-style print. More...
bool equals (const DiscreteFactor &other, double tol=1e-9) const override
 GTSAM-style equals. More...
Standard Interface
double logProbability (const DiscreteValues &x) const
 Log-probability is just -error(x). More...
void printSignature (const std::string &s="Discrete Conditional: ", const KeyFormatter &formatter=DefaultKeyFormatter) const
 print index signature only More...
shared_ptr choose (const DiscreteValues &given) const
 < DiscreteValues version More...
DecisionTreeFactor::shared_ptr likelihood (const DiscreteValues &frontalValues) const
DecisionTreeFactor::shared_ptr likelihood (size_t frontal) const
virtual size_t sample (const DiscreteValues &parentsValues) const
size_t sample (size_t parent_value) const
 Single parent version. More...
size_t sample () const
 Zero parent version. More...
size_t argmax (const DiscreteValues &parentsValues=DiscreteValues()) const
 Return assignment for single frontal variable that maximizes value. More...
virtual DiscreteFactor::shared_ptr max (const Ordering &keys) const override
 Create new factor by maximizing over all values with the same separator. More...
double error (const DiscreteValues &values) const override
 Calculate error for DiscreteValues x, is -log(probability). More...
double error (const HybridValues &values) const override
virtual double evaluate (const Assignment< Key > &values) const override
 < DiscreteValues version More...
Advanced Interface
void sampleInPlace (DiscreteValues *parentsValues) const
 sample in place, stores result in partial solution More...
std::vector< DiscreteValuesfrontalAssignments () const
 Return all assignments for frontal variables. More...
std::vector< DiscreteValuesallAssignments () const
 Return all assignments for frontal and parent variables. More...
Wrapper support
std::string markdown (const KeyFormatter &keyFormatter=DefaultKeyFormatter, const Names &names={}) const override
 Render as markdown table. More...
std::string html (const KeyFormatter &keyFormatter=DefaultKeyFormatter, const Names &names={}) const override
 Render as html table. More...
HybridValues methods.
double evaluate (const HybridValues &x) const override
double logProbability (const HybridValues &x) const override
 < HybridValues version More...
double negLogConstant () const override
virtual void prune (size_t maxNrAssignments)
 Prune the conditional. More...
void removeDiscreteModes (const DiscreteValues &given)
 Remove the discrete modes whose assignments are given to us. Only applies to discrete conditionals. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from gtsam::DecisionTreeFactor
 DecisionTreeFactor ()
 DecisionTreeFactor (const DiscreteKeys &keys, const ADT &potentials)
 DecisionTreeFactor (const DiscreteKeys &keys, const std::vector< double > &table)
 Constructor from doubles. More...
 DecisionTreeFactor (const DiscreteKeys &keys, const std::string &table)
 Constructor from string. More...
template<class SOURCE >
 DecisionTreeFactor (const DiscreteKey &key, SOURCE table)
 Single-key specialization. More...
 DecisionTreeFactor (const DiscreteKey &key, const std::vector< double > &row)
 Single-key specialization, with vector of doubles. More...
 DecisionTreeFactor (const DiscreteConditional &c)
DecisionTreeFactor apply (Unary op) const
DecisionTreeFactor apply (UnaryAssignment op) const
DecisionTreeFactor apply (const DecisionTreeFactor &f, Binary op) const
shared_ptr combine (size_t nrFrontals, Binary op) const
shared_ptr combine (const Ordering &keys, Binary op) const
std::vector< std::pair< DiscreteValues, double > > enumerate () const
 Enumerate all values into a map from values to double. More...
std::vector< double > probabilities () const
 Get all the probabilities in order of assignment values. More...
double computeThreshold (const size_t N) const
 Compute the probability value which is the threshold above which only N leaves are present. More...
DecisionTreeFactor prune (size_t maxNrAssignments) const
 Prune the decision tree of discrete variables. More...
uint64_t nrValues () const override
void dot (std::ostream &os, const KeyFormatter &keyFormatter=DefaultKeyFormatter, bool showZero=true) const
void dot (const std::string &name, const KeyFormatter &keyFormatter=DefaultKeyFormatter, bool showZero=true) const
std::string dot (const KeyFormatter &keyFormatter=DefaultKeyFormatter, bool showZero=true) const
double error (const HybridValues &values) const override
virtual double evaluate (const Assignment< Key > &values) const override
double error (const DiscreteValues &values) const override
 Calculate error for DiscreteValues x, is -log(probability). More...
virtual DiscreteFactor::shared_ptr multiply (const DiscreteFactor::shared_ptr &f) const override
 Multiply factors, DiscreteFactor::shared_ptr edition. More...
DiscreteFactor::shared_ptr operator* (double s) const override
 multiply with a scalar More...
DecisionTreeFactor operator* (const DecisionTreeFactor &f) const override
 multiply two factors More...
DecisionTreeFactor operator/ (const DecisionTreeFactor &f) const
 Divide by factor f (safely). Division of a factor $f(x, y)$ by another factor $g(y, z)$ results in a function which involves all keys $(\frac{f}{g})(x, y, z) = f(x, y) / g(y, z)$. More...
DiscreteFactor::shared_ptr operator/ (const DiscreteFactor::shared_ptr &f) const override
 divide by DiscreteFactor::shared_ptr f (safely) More...
DecisionTreeFactor toDecisionTreeFactor () const override
 Convert into a decision tree. More...
DiscreteFactor::shared_ptr sum (size_t nrFrontals) const override
 Create new factor by summing all values with the same separator values. More...
DiscreteFactor::shared_ptr sum (const Ordering &keys) const override
 Create new factor by summing all values with the same separator values. More...
double max () const override
 Find the maximum value in the factor. More...
DiscreteFactor::shared_ptr max (size_t nrFrontals) const override
 Create new factor by maximizing over all values with the same separator. More...
DiscreteFactor::shared_ptr restrict (const DiscreteValues &assignment) const override
 Restrict the factor to the given assignment. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from gtsam::DiscreteFactor
 DiscreteFactor ()
template<typename CONTAINER >
 DiscreteFactor (const CONTAINER &keys, const std::map< Key, size_t > cardinalities={})
void print (const std::string &s="DiscreteFactor\n", const KeyFormatter &formatter=DefaultKeyFormatter) const override
 print More...
DiscreteKeys discreteKeys () const
 Return all the discrete keys associated with this factor. More...
std::map< Key, size_tcardinalities () const
size_t cardinality (Key j) const
double operator() (const DiscreteValues &values) const
 Find value for given assignment of values to variables. More...
double error (const HybridValues &c) const override
virtual AlgebraicDecisionTree< KeyerrorTree () const
 Compute error for each assignment and return as a tree. More...
DiscreteFactor::shared_ptr scale () const
 Scale the factor values by the maximum to prevent underflow/overflow. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from gtsam::Factor
virtual ~Factor ()=default
 Default destructor. More...
bool empty () const
 Whether the factor is empty (involves zero variables). More...
Key front () const
 First key. More...
Key back () const
 Last key. More...
const_iterator find (Key key) const
 find More...
const KeyVectorkeys () const
 Access the factor's involved variable keys. More...
const_iterator begin () const
const_iterator end () const
size_t size () const
virtual void printKeys (const std::string &s="Factor", const KeyFormatter &formatter=DefaultKeyFormatter) const
 print only keys More...
bool equals (const This &other, double tol=1e-9) const
 check equality More...
KeyVectorkeys ()
iterator begin ()
iterator end ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from gtsam::AlgebraicDecisionTree< Key >
 AlgebraicDecisionTree (const AlgebraicDecisionTree< M > &other, const std::map< M, Key > &map)
 AlgebraicDecisionTree (const Base &add)
 AlgebraicDecisionTree (const DecisionTree< Key, X > &other, Func f)
 Create from an arbitrary DecisionTree<L, X> by operating on it with a functional f. More...
 AlgebraicDecisionTree (const Key &label, double y1, double y2)
 AlgebraicDecisionTree (const std::vector< typename Base::LabelC > &labelCs, const std::string &table)
 Create from keys and string table. More...
 AlgebraicDecisionTree (const std::vector< typename Base::LabelC > &labelCs, const std::vector< double > &ys)
 Create from keys with cardinalities and a vector table. More...
 AlgebraicDecisionTree (const typename Base::LabelC &labelC, double y1, double y2)
 Create a new leaf function splitting on a variable. More...
 AlgebraicDecisionTree (const typename Base::NodePtr root)
 Constructor which accepts root pointer. More...
 AlgebraicDecisionTree (double leaf=1.0)
 AlgebraicDecisionTree (Iterator begin, Iterator end, const Key &label)
 Create a range of decision trees, splitting on a single variable. More...
bool equals (const AlgebraicDecisionTree &other, double tol=1e-9) const
 Equality method customized to value type double. More...
double max () const
 Find the maximum values amongst all leaves. More...
double min () const
 Find the minimum values amongst all leaves. More...
AlgebraicDecisionTree normalize () const
 Helper method to perform normalization such that all leaves in the tree sum to 1. More...
AlgebraicDecisionTree operator* (const AlgebraicDecisionTree &g) const
AlgebraicDecisionTree operator+ (const AlgebraicDecisionTree &g) const
AlgebraicDecisionTree operator- () const
AlgebraicDecisionTree operator- (const AlgebraicDecisionTree &g) const
AlgebraicDecisionTree operator/ (const AlgebraicDecisionTree &g) const
void print (const std::string &s="", const typename Base::LabelFormatter &labelFormatter=&DefaultFormatter) const
 print method customized to value type double. More...
double sum () const
 Compute sum of all values. More...
AlgebraicDecisionTree sum (const Key &label, size_t cardinality) const
AlgebraicDecisionTree sum (const typename Base::LabelC &labelC) const
- Public Member Functions inherited from gtsam::DecisionTree< Key, double >
 DecisionTree ()
 DecisionTree (const double &y)
 DecisionTree (const Key &label, const double &y1, const double &y2)
 Create tree with 2 assignments y1, y2, splitting on variable label More...
 DecisionTree (const LabelC &label, const double &y1, const double &y2)
 DecisionTree (const std::vector< LabelC > &labelCs, const std::vector< double > &ys)
 DecisionTree (const std::vector< LabelC > &labelCs, const std::string &table)
 DecisionTree (Iterator begin, Iterator end, const Key &label)
 DecisionTree (const Key &label, const DecisionTree &f0, const DecisionTree &f1)
 DecisionTree (const Unary &op, DecisionTree &&other) noexcept
 Move constructor for DecisionTree. Very efficient as does not allocate anything, just changes in-place. But other is consumed. More...
 DecisionTree (const DecisionTree< Key, X > &other, Func Y_of_X)
 Convert from a different value type. More...
 DecisionTree (const DecisionTree< M, X > &other, const std::map< M, Key > &map, Func Y_of_X)
 Convert from a different value type X to value type Y, also translate labels via map from type M to L. More...
void print (const std::string &s, const LabelFormatter &labelFormatter, const ValueFormatter &valueFormatter) const
 GTSAM-style print. More...
bool equals (const DecisionTree &other, const CompareFunc &compare=&DefaultCompare) const
virtual ~DecisionTree ()=default
 Make virtual. More...
bool empty () const
 Check if tree is empty. More...
bool operator== (const DecisionTree &q) const
const double & operator() (const Assignment< Key > &x) const
void visit (Func f) const
 Visit all leaves in depth-first fashion. More...
void visitLeaf (Func f) const
 Visit all leaves in depth-first fashion. More...
void visitWith (Func f) const
 Visit all leaves in depth-first fashion. More...
size_t nrLeaves () const
 Return the number of leaves in the tree. More...
X fold (Func f, X x0) const
 Fold a binary function over the tree, returning accumulator. More...
std::set< Keylabels () const
DecisionTree apply (const Unary &op) const
DecisionTree apply (const UnaryAssignment &op) const
 Apply Unary operation "op" to f while also providing the corresponding assignment. More...
DecisionTree apply (const DecisionTree &g, const Binary &op) const
DecisionTree choose (const Key &label, size_t index) const
DecisionTree restrict (const Assignment< Key > &assignment) const
DecisionTree combine (const Key &label, size_t cardinality, const Binary &op) const
DecisionTree combine (const LabelC &labelC, const Binary &op) const
void dot (std::ostream &os, const LabelFormatter &labelFormatter, const ValueFormatter &valueFormatter, bool showZero=true) const
void dot (const std::string &name, const LabelFormatter &labelFormatter, const ValueFormatter &valueFormatter, bool showZero=true) const
std::string dot (const LabelFormatter &labelFormatter, const ValueFormatter &valueFormatter, bool showZero=true) const
std::pair< DecisionTree< Key, A >, DecisionTree< Key, B > > split (std::function< std::pair< A, B >(const double &)> AB_of_Y) const
 Convert into two trees with value types A and B. More...
 DecisionTree (const NodePtr &root)
- Public Member Functions inherited from gtsam::Conditional< DecisionTreeFactor, DiscreteConditional >
void print (const std::string &s="Conditional", const KeyFormatter &formatter=DefaultKeyFormatter) const
bool equals (const This &c, double tol=1e-9) const
virtual ~Conditional ()
size_t nrFrontals () const
size_t nrParents () const
Key firstFrontalKey () const
Frontals frontals () const
Parents parents () const
double operator() (const HybridValues &x) const
 Evaluate probability density, sugar. More...
virtual double negLogConstant () const
 All conditional types need to implement this as the negative log of the normalization constant to make it such that error>=0. More...
size_tnrFrontals ()
DecisionTreeFactor ::const_iterator beginFrontals () const
DecisionTreeFactor ::iterator beginFrontals ()
DecisionTreeFactor ::const_iterator endFrontals () const
DecisionTreeFactor ::iterator endFrontals ()
DecisionTreeFactor ::const_iterator beginParents () const
DecisionTreeFactor ::iterator beginParents ()
DecisionTreeFactor ::const_iterator endParents () const
DecisionTreeFactor ::iterator endParents ()

Protected Member Functions

DiscreteConditional::ADT choose (const DiscreteValues &given, bool forceComplete) const
 Internal version of choose. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from gtsam::Factor
 Factor ()
template<typename CONTAINER >
 Factor (const CONTAINER &keys)
template<typename ITERATOR >
 Factor (ITERATOR first, ITERATOR last)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from gtsam::Conditional< DecisionTreeFactor, DiscreteConditional >
 Conditional ()
 Conditional (size_t nrFrontals)

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from gtsam::DecisionTreeFactor
static double safe_div (const double &a, const double &b)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from gtsam::DecisionTree< Key, double >
static NodePtr compose (Iterator begin, Iterator end, const Key &label)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from gtsam::Conditional< DecisionTreeFactor, DiscreteConditional >
static bool CheckInvariants (const DiscreteConditional &conditional, const VALUES &x)
- Public Attributes inherited from gtsam::DecisionTree< Key, double >
NodePtr root_
 A DecisionTree just contains the root. TODO(dellaert): make protected. More...
- Static Protected Member Functions inherited from gtsam::Factor
template<typename CONTAINER >
static Factor FromKeys (const CONTAINER &keys)
template<typename ITERATOR >
static Factor FromIterators (ITERATOR first, ITERATOR last)
- Static Protected Member Functions inherited from gtsam::DecisionTree< Key, double >
static NodePtr build (It begin, It end, ValueIt beginY, ValueIt endY)
static NodePtr convertFrom (const typename DecisionTree< Key, X >::NodePtr &f, std::function< double(const X &)> Y_of_X)
 Convert from a DecisionTree<L, X> to DecisionTree<L, Y>. More...
static NodePtr convertFrom (const typename DecisionTree< M, X >::NodePtr &f, std::function< Key(const M &)> L_of_M, std::function< double(const X &)> Y_of_X)
 Convert from a DecisionTree<M, X> to DecisionTree<L, Y>. More...
static NodePtr create (It begin, It end, ValueIt beginY, ValueIt endY)
static bool DefaultCompare (const double &a, const double &b)
 Default method for comparison of two objects of type Y. More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from gtsam::DiscreteFactor
std::map< Key, size_tcardinalities_
 Map of Keys and their cardinalities. More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from gtsam::Factor
KeyVector keys_
 The keys involved in this factor. More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from gtsam::Conditional< DecisionTreeFactor, DiscreteConditional >
size_t nrFrontals_

Detailed Description

Discrete Conditional Density Derives from DecisionTreeFactor

represent a discrete conditional distribution over discrete variables.

Definition at line 37 of file DiscreteConditional.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ BaseConditional

Typedef to our conditional base class.

Definition at line 46 of file DiscreteConditional.h.

◆ BaseFactor

Typedef to our factor base class.

Definition at line 44 of file DiscreteConditional.h.

◆ shared_ptr

typedef std::shared_ptr<This> gtsam::DiscreteConditional::shared_ptr

shared_ptr to this class

Definition at line 43 of file DiscreteConditional.h.

◆ This

Typedef to this class.

Definition at line 42 of file DiscreteConditional.h.

◆ Values

backwards compatibility

Definition at line 48 of file DiscreteConditional.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ DiscreteConditional() [1/10]

gtsam::DiscreteConditional::DiscreteConditional ( )

Default constructor needed for serialization.

Definition at line 54 of file DiscreteConditional.h.

◆ DiscreteConditional() [2/10]

gtsam::DiscreteConditional::DiscreteConditional ( size_t  nFrontals,
const DiscreteFactor f 

Construct from factor, taking the first nFrontals keys as frontals.

Definition at line 46 of file DiscreteConditional.cpp.

◆ DiscreteConditional() [3/10]

gtsam::DiscreteConditional::DiscreteConditional ( size_t  nFrontals,
const DiscreteKeys keys,
const ADT potentials 

Construct from DiscreteKeys and AlgebraicDecisionTree, taking the first nFrontals keys as frontals, in the order given.

Definition at line 52 of file DiscreteConditional.cpp.

◆ DiscreteConditional() [4/10]

gtsam::DiscreteConditional::DiscreteConditional ( const Signature signature)

Construct from signature

Definition at line 73 of file DiscreteConditional.cpp.

◆ DiscreteConditional() [5/10]

gtsam::DiscreteConditional::DiscreteConditional ( const DiscreteKey key,
const DiscreteKeys parents,
const Signature::Table table 

Construct from key, parents, and a Signature::Table specifying the conditional probability table (CPT) in 00 01 10 11 order. For three-valued, it would be 00 01 02 10 11 12 20 21 22, etc....

Example: DiscreteConditional P(D, {B,E}, table);

Definition at line 76 of file DiscreteConditional.h.

◆ DiscreteConditional() [6/10]

gtsam::DiscreteConditional::DiscreteConditional ( const DiscreteKey key,
const DiscreteKeys parents,
const std::vector< double > &  table 

Construct from key, parents, and a vector<double> specifying the conditional probability table (CPT) in 00 01 10 11 order. For three-valued, it would be 00 01 02 10 11 12 20 21 22, etc....

Example: DiscreteConditional P(D, {B,E}, table);

Definition at line 87 of file DiscreteConditional.h.

◆ DiscreteConditional() [7/10]

gtsam::DiscreteConditional::DiscreteConditional ( const DiscreteKey key,
const DiscreteKeys parents,
const std::string &  spec 

Construct from key, parents, and a string specifying the conditional probability table (CPT) in 00 01 10 11 order. For three-valued, it would be 00 01 02 10 11 12 20 21 22, etc....

The string is parsed into a Signature::Table.

Example: DiscreteConditional P(D, {B,E}, "9/1 2/8 3/7 1/9");

Definition at line 101 of file DiscreteConditional.h.

◆ DiscreteConditional() [8/10]

gtsam::DiscreteConditional::DiscreteConditional ( const DiscreteKey key,
const std::string &  spec 

No-parent specialization; can also use DiscreteDistribution.

Definition at line 106 of file DiscreteConditional.h.

◆ DiscreteConditional() [9/10]

gtsam::DiscreteConditional::DiscreteConditional ( const DecisionTreeFactor joint,
const DecisionTreeFactor marginal 

construct P(X|Y) = f(X,Y)/f(Y) from f(X,Y) and f(Y) Assumes but does not check that f(Y)=sum_X f(X,Y).

Definition at line 58 of file DiscreteConditional.cpp.

◆ DiscreteConditional() [10/10]

gtsam::DiscreteConditional::DiscreteConditional ( const DecisionTreeFactor joint,
const DecisionTreeFactor marginal,
const Ordering orderedKeys 

construct P(X|Y) = f(X,Y)/f(Y) from f(X,Y) and f(Y) Assumes but does not check that f(Y)=sum_X f(X,Y). Makes sure the keys are ordered as given. Does not check orderedKeys.

Definition at line 64 of file DiscreteConditional.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

◆ allAssignments()

vector< DiscreteValues > gtsam::DiscreteConditional::allAssignments ( ) const

Return all assignments for frontal and parent variables.

Definition at line 345 of file DiscreteConditional.cpp.

◆ argmax()

size_t gtsam::DiscreteConditional::argmax ( const DiscreteValues parentsValues = DiscreteValues()) const

Return assignment for single frontal variable that maximizes value.

parentsValuesKnown assignments for the parents.
maximizing assignment for the frontal variable.

Definition at line 248 of file DiscreteConditional.cpp.

◆ choose() [1/2]

DiscreteConditional::shared_ptr gtsam::DiscreteConditional::choose ( const DiscreteValues given) const

< DiscreteValues version

restrict to given parent values.

Note: does not need be complete set. Examples:

P(C|D,E) + . -> P(C|D,E) P(C|D,E) + E -> P(C|D) P(C|D,E) + D -> P(C|E) P(C|D,E) + D,E -> P(C) P(C|D,E) + C -> error!

a shared_ptr to a new DiscreteConditional

Definition at line 192 of file DiscreteConditional.cpp.

◆ choose() [2/2]

DiscreteConditional::ADT gtsam::DiscreteConditional::choose ( const DiscreteValues given,
bool  forceComplete 
) const

Internal version of choose.

Definition at line 170 of file DiscreteConditional.cpp.

◆ equals()

bool gtsam::DiscreteConditional::equals ( const DiscreteFactor other,
double  tol = 1e-9 
) const

GTSAM-style equals.

Reimplemented from gtsam::DecisionTreeFactor.

Reimplemented in gtsam::TableDistribution.

Definition at line 159 of file DiscreteConditional.cpp.

◆ error() [1/2]

double gtsam::DecisionTreeFactor::error

Calculate error for DiscreteValues x, is -log(probability).

Definition at line 57 of file DecisionTreeFactor.cpp.

◆ error() [2/2]

double gtsam::DecisionTreeFactor::error

Calculate error for HybridValues x, is -log(probability) Simply dispatches to DiscreteValues version.

Definition at line 62 of file DecisionTreeFactor.cpp.

◆ evaluate() [1/2]

virtual double gtsam::DecisionTreeFactor::evaluate

< DiscreteValues version

Definition at line 140 of file DecisionTreeFactor.h.

◆ evaluate() [2/2]

double gtsam::DiscreteConditional::evaluate ( const HybridValues x) const

Calculate probability for HybridValues x. Dispatches to DiscreteValues version.

Reimplemented from gtsam::Conditional< DecisionTreeFactor, DiscreteConditional >.

Definition at line 485 of file DiscreteConditional.cpp.

◆ frontalAssignments()

vector< DiscreteValues > gtsam::DiscreteConditional::frontalAssignments ( ) const

Return all assignments for frontal variables.

Definition at line 337 of file DiscreteConditional.cpp.

◆ html()

string gtsam::DiscreteConditional::html ( const KeyFormatter keyFormatter = DefaultKeyFormatter,
const Names names = {} 
) const

Render as html table.

Reimplemented from gtsam::DecisionTreeFactor.

Definition at line 430 of file DiscreteConditional.cpp.

◆ likelihood() [1/2]

DecisionTreeFactor::shared_ptr gtsam::DiscreteConditional::likelihood ( const DiscreteValues frontalValues) const

Convert to a likelihood factor by providing value before bar.

Definition at line 211 of file DiscreteConditional.cpp.

◆ likelihood() [2/2]

DecisionTreeFactor::shared_ptr gtsam::DiscreteConditional::likelihood ( size_t  frontal) const

Single variable version of likelihood.

Definition at line 236 of file DiscreteConditional.cpp.

◆ logProbability() [1/2]

double gtsam::DiscreteConditional::logProbability ( const DiscreteValues x) const

Log-probability is just -error(x).

Definition at line 162 of file DiscreteConditional.h.

◆ logProbability() [2/2]

double gtsam::DiscreteConditional::logProbability ( const HybridValues x) const

< HybridValues version

Calculate log-probability log(evaluate(x)) for HybridValues x. This is actually just -error(x).

Reimplemented from gtsam::Conditional< DecisionTreeFactor, DiscreteConditional >.

Definition at line 267 of file DiscreteConditional.h.

◆ marginal()

DiscreteConditional gtsam::DiscreteConditional::marginal ( Key  key) const

Calculate marginal on given key, no parent case.

Definition at line 122 of file DiscreteConditional.cpp.

◆ markdown()

std::string gtsam::DiscreteConditional::markdown ( const KeyFormatter keyFormatter = DefaultKeyFormatter,
const Names names = {} 
) const

Render as markdown table.

Reimplemented from gtsam::DecisionTreeFactor.

Definition at line 378 of file DiscreteConditional.cpp.

◆ max()

DiscreteFactor::shared_ptr gtsam::DiscreteConditional::max ( const Ordering keys) const

Create new factor by maximizing over all values with the same separator.

keysThe keys to sum over.

Reimplemented from gtsam::DecisionTreeFactor.

Reimplemented in gtsam::TableDistribution.

Definition at line 490 of file DiscreteConditional.cpp.

◆ negLogConstant()

double gtsam::DiscreteConditional::negLogConstant ( ) const

negLogConstant is just zero, such that -logProbability(x) = -log(evaluate(x)) = error(x) and hence error(x) > 0 for all x. Thus -log(K) for the normalization constant k is 0.

Definition at line 537 of file DiscreteConditional.cpp.

◆ operator*()

DiscreteConditional gtsam::DiscreteConditional::operator* ( const DiscreteConditional other) const

Combine two conditionals, yielding a new conditional with the union of the frontal keys, ordered by gtsam::Key.

The two conditionals must make a valid Bayes net fragment, i.e., the frontal variables cannot overlap, and must be acyclic: Example of correct use: P(A,B) = P(A|B) * P(B) P(A,B|C) = P(A|B) * P(B|C) P(A,B,C) = P(A,B|C) * P(C) Example of incorrect use: P(A|B) * P(A|C) = ? P(A|B) * P(B|A) = ? We check for overlapping frontals, but do not check for cyclic.

Definition at line 78 of file DiscreteConditional.cpp.

◆ print()

void gtsam::DiscreteConditional::print ( const std::string &  s = "Discrete Conditional: ",
const KeyFormatter formatter = DefaultKeyFormatter 
) const

GTSAM-style print.

Reimplemented from gtsam::DecisionTreeFactor.

Reimplemented in gtsam::TableDistribution, gtsam::DiscreteDistribution, and gtsam::DiscreteLookupTable.

Definition at line 141 of file DiscreteConditional.cpp.

◆ printSignature()

void gtsam::DiscreteConditional::printSignature ( const std::string &  s = "Discrete Conditional: ",
const KeyFormatter formatter = DefaultKeyFormatter 
) const

print index signature only

Definition at line 165 of file DiscreteConditional.h.

◆ prune()

void gtsam::DiscreteConditional::prune ( size_t  maxNrAssignments)

Prune the conditional.

Reimplemented in gtsam::TableDistribution.

Definition at line 496 of file DiscreteConditional.cpp.

◆ removeDiscreteModes()

void gtsam::DiscreteConditional::removeDiscreteModes ( const DiscreteValues given)

Remove the discrete modes whose assignments are given to us. Only applies to discrete conditionals.

Imperative method so we can update nodes in the Bayes net or Bayes tree.

givenThe discrete modes whose assignments we know.

Definition at line 503 of file DiscreteConditional.cpp.

◆ sample() [1/3]

size_t gtsam::DiscreteConditional::sample ( ) const

Zero parent version.

Definition at line 328 of file DiscreteConditional.cpp.

◆ sample() [2/3]

size_t gtsam::DiscreteConditional::sample ( const DiscreteValues parentsValues) const


parentsValuesKnown values of the parents
sample from conditional

Reimplemented in gtsam::TableDistribution.

Definition at line 289 of file DiscreteConditional.cpp.

◆ sample() [3/3]

size_t gtsam::DiscreteConditional::sample ( size_t  parent_value) const

Single parent version.

Definition at line 317 of file DiscreteConditional.cpp.

◆ sampleInPlace()

void gtsam::DiscreteConditional::sampleInPlace ( DiscreteValues parentsValues) const

sample in place, stores result in partial solution

Definition at line 271 of file DiscreteConditional.cpp.

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