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wrap/pybind11/include/pybind11/detail/common.h File Reference
#include <Python.h>
#include <frameobject.h>
#include <pythread.h>
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstring>
#include <exception>
#include <forward_list>
#include <memory>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <string>
#include <type_traits>
#include <typeindex>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <vector>
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class  any_container< T >
struct  bools<... >
 Compile-time all/any/none of that check the boolean value of all template types. More...
class  builtin_exception
 C++ bindings of builtin Python exceptions. More...
struct  deferred_type< T,... >
 Defer the evaluation of type T until types Us are instantiated. More...
struct  error_scope
 RAII wrapper that temporarily clears any Python error state. More...
struct  exactly_one< Predicate, Default, Ts >
struct  exactly_one< P, Default >
struct  format_descriptor< T, SFINAE >
struct  format_descriptor< T, detail::enable_if_t< detail::is_same_ignoring_cvref< T, PyObject * >::value > >
struct  format_descriptor< T, detail::enable_if_t< std::is_arithmetic< T >::value > >
struct  index_sequence<... >
 Index sequences. More...
struct  instance
 The 'instance' type which needs to be standard layout (need to be able to use 'offsetof') More...
struct  intrinsic_type< T >
 Helper template to strip away type modifiers. More...
struct  intrinsic_type< const T >
struct  intrinsic_type< const T[N]>
struct  intrinsic_type< T & >
struct  intrinsic_type< T && >
struct  intrinsic_type< T * >
struct  intrinsic_type< T[N]>
struct  is_fmt_numeric< T, SFINAE >
struct  is_fmt_numeric< T, enable_if_t< std::is_arithmetic< T >::value > >
struct  is_input_iterator< T, typename >
 Check if T looks like an input iterator. More...
struct  is_input_iterator< T, void_t< decltype(*std::declval< T & >()), decltype(++std::declval< T & >())> >
struct  is_instantiation< Class, T >
struct  is_instantiation< Class, Class< Us... > >
struct  is_template_base_of_impl< Base >
struct  make_index_sequence_impl< N, S >
struct  make_index_sequence_impl< 0, S... >
struct  negation< T >
struct  nodelete
 Dummy destructor wrapper that can be used to expose classes with a private destructor. More...
struct  nonsimple_values_and_holders
struct  overload_cast< Args >
struct  overload_cast_impl< Args >
struct  pack_element< N, T, Ts >
 Return the Nth element from the parameter pack. More...
struct  pack_element< 0, T, Ts... >
struct  remove_class< T >
 Strip the class from a method type. More...
struct  remove_class< R(C::*)(A...) const >
struct  remove_class< R(C::*)(A...)>
struct  remove_cvref< T >
struct  select_indices_impl< ISeq, size_t,... >
 Make an index sequence of the indices of true arguments. More...
struct  select_indices_impl< index_sequence< IPrev... >, I, B, Bs... >
struct  strip_function_object< F >
struct  type_list<... >
 Helper template which holds a list of types. More...
struct  void_t_impl<... >
struct  void_type
 Helper type to replace 'void' in some expressions. More...


 Include Python header, disable linking to pythonX_d.lib on Windows in debug mode. More...
#define PYBIND11_BOOL_ATTR   "__bool__"
#define PYBIND11_BUILTINS_MODULE   "builtins"
#define PYBIND11_BYTES_AS_STRING   PyBytes_AsString
#define PYBIND11_BYTES_AS_STRING_AND_SIZE   PyBytes_AsStringAndSize
#define PYBIND11_BYTES_CHECK   PyBytes_Check
#define PYBIND11_BYTES_FROM_STRING   PyBytes_FromString
#define PYBIND11_BYTES_FROM_STRING_AND_SIZE   PyBytes_FromStringAndSize
#define PYBIND11_BYTES_NAME   "bytes"
#define PYBIND11_BYTES_SIZE   PyBytes_Size
#define PYBIND11_CONCAT(first, second)   first##second
#define PYBIND11_DEPRECATED(reason)   __attribute__((deprecated(reason)))
#define PYBIND11_ENSURE_INTERNALS_READY   pybind11::detail::get_internals();
#define PYBIND11_EXPAND_SIDE_EFFECTS(PATTERN)   (void) pybind11::detail::expand_side_effects { ((PATTERN), void(), false)..., false }
#define PYBIND11_EXPORT   __attribute__((visibility("default")))
#define PYBIND11_FROM_STRING   PyUnicode_FromString
#define PYBIND11_INSTANCE_METHOD_CHECK   PyInstanceMethod_Check
#define PYBIND11_INSTANCE_METHOD_NEW(ptr, class_)   PyInstanceMethod_New(ptr)
 Compatibility macros for Python 2 / Python 3 versions TODO: remove. More...
#define PYBIND11_LONG_AS_LONGLONG(o)   PyLong_AsLongLong(o)
#define PYBIND11_LONG_CHECK(o)   PyLong_Check(o)
#define PYBIND11_LONG_FROM_SIGNED(o)   PyLong_FromSsize_t((ssize_t) (o))
#define PYBIND11_LONG_FROM_UNSIGNED(o)   PyLong_FromSize_t((size_t) (o))
#define PYBIND11_MAYBE_UNUSED   __attribute__((__unused__))
#define PYBIND11_MODULE(name, variable, ...)
#define PYBIND11_NAMESPACE   pybind11
#define PYBIND11_NAMESPACE_END(name)
#define PYBIND11_NB_BOOL(ptr)   ((ptr)->nb_bool)
#define PYBIND11_NOINLINE   __attribute__((noinline)) inline
#define PYBIND11_PLUGIN(name)
#define PYBIND11_PLUGIN_IMPL(name)
#define PYBIND11_RUNTIME_EXCEPTION(name, type)
#define PYBIND11_SLICE_OBJECT   PyObject
#define PYBIND11_STR_TYPE   ::pybind11::str
#define PYBIND11_STRING_NAME   "str"
#define PYBIND11_STRINGIFY(x)   #x
#define PYBIND11_TRY_NEXT_OVERLOAD   ((PyObject *) 1)
#define PYBIND11_VERSION_HEX   0x020D0600


template<class... Ts>
using all_of = std::is_same< bools< Ts::value..., true >, bools< true, Ts::value... > >
template<class... Ts>
using any_of = negation< all_of< negation< Ts >... > >
template<bool B>
using bool_constant = std::integral_constant< bool, B >
 Backports of std::bool_constant and std::negation to accommodate older compilers. More...
template<bool B, typename T , typename F >
using conditional_t = typename std::conditional< B, T, F >::type
template<typename T , typename... Us>
using deferred_t = typename deferred_type< T, Us... >::type
template<bool B, typename T = void>
using enable_if_t = typename std::enable_if< B, T >::type
 from cpp_future import (convenient aliases from C++14/17) More...
template<template< typename > class Predicate, typename Default , typename... Ts>
using exactly_one_t = typename exactly_one< Predicate, Default, Ts... >::type
using expand_side_effects = bool[]
 Apply a function over each element of a parameter pack. More...
template<typename Function , typename F = remove_reference_t<Function>>
using function_signature_t = conditional_t< std::is_function< F >::value, F, typename conditional_t< std::is_pointer< F >::value||std::is_member_pointer< F >::value, std::remove_pointer< F >, strip_function_object< F > >::type >
template<typename T >
using intrinsic_t = typename intrinsic_type< T >::type
template<typename Base , typename Derived >
using is_accessible_base_of = bool_constant<(std::is_same< Base, Derived >::value||std::is_base_of< Base, Derived >::value) &&std::is_convertible< Derived *, Base * >::value >
template<typename T >
using is_function_pointer = bool_constant< std::is_pointer< T >::value &&std::is_function< typename std::remove_pointer< T >::type >::value >
template<typename T >
using is_lambda = satisfies_none_of< remove_reference_t< T >, std::is_function, std::is_pointer, std::is_member_pointer >
template<typename T , typename U >
using is_same_ignoring_cvref = std::is_same< detail::remove_cvref_t< T >, U >
 Example usage: is_same_ignoring_cvref<T, PyObject *>::value. More...
template<typename T >
using is_shared_ptr = is_instantiation< std::shared_ptr, T >
 Check if T is std::shared_ptr<U> where U can be anything. More...
template<typename Base , typename Derived >
using is_strict_base_of = bool_constant< std::is_base_of< Base, Derived >::value &&!std::is_same< Base, Derived >::value >
template<template< typename... > class Base, typename T >
using is_template_base_of = decltype(is_template_base_of_impl< Base >::check((intrinsic_t< T > *) nullptr))
template<size_t N>
using make_index_sequence = typename make_index_sequence_impl< N >::type
template<class... Ts>
using none_of = negation< any_of< Ts... > >
template<typename T >
using remove_cv_t = typename std::remove_cv< T >::type
template<class T >
using remove_cvref_t = typename remove_cvref< T >::type
template<typename T >
using remove_reference_t = typename std::remove_reference< T >::type
template<class T , template< class > class... Predicates>
using satisfies_all_of = all_of< Predicates< T >... >
template<class T , template< class > class... Predicates>
using satisfies_any_of = any_of< Predicates< T >... >
template<class T , template< class > class... Predicates>
using satisfies_none_of = none_of< Predicates< T >... >
template<bool... Bs>
using select_indices = typename select_indices_impl< index_sequence<>, 0, Bs... >::type
using size_t = std::size_t
using ssize_t = Py_ssize_t
template<typename... Ts>
using void_t = typename void_t_impl< Ts... >::type


enum  return_value_policy : uint8_t {
  return_value_policy::automatic = 0, return_value_policy::automatic_reference, return_value_policy::take_ownership, return_value_policy::copy,
  return_value_policy::move, return_value_policy::reference, return_value_policy::reference_internal
 Approach used to cast a previously unknown C++ instance into a Python object. More...


template<template< typename > class Predicate, typename... Ts>
constexpr int constexpr_first ()
template<template< typename > class Predicate, typename... Ts>
constexpr int constexpr_last ()
 Return the index of the last type in Ts which satisfies Predicate<T>, or -1 if none match. More...
constexpr size_t constexpr_sum ()
 Compile-time integer sum. More...
template<typename T , typename... Ts>
constexpr size_t constexpr_sum (T n, Ts... ns)
constexpr int first (int i)
 Implementation details for constexpr functions. More...
template<typename T , typename... Ts>
constexpr int first (int i, T v, Ts... vs)
std::string get_fully_qualified_tp_name (PyTypeObject *)
constexpr size_t instance_simple_holder_in_ptrs ()
template<typename T , typename... Ts>
constexpr int last (int i, int result, T v, Ts... vs)
constexpr int last (int, int result)
static constexpr int log2 (size_t n, int k=0)
PyExc_RuntimeError PYBIND11_NOINLINE void pybind11_fail (const char *reason)
 Used internally. More...
PYBIND11_NOINLINE void pybind11_fail (const std::string &reason)
 PYBIND11_RUNTIME_EXCEPTION (cast_error, PyExc_RuntimeError) PYBIND11_RUNTIME_EXCEPTION(reference_cast_error
template<typename... Args>
void silence_unused_warnings (Args &&...)
static constexpr size_t size_in_ptrs (size_t s)
template<typename IntType >
ssize_t ssize_t_cast (const IntType &val)
template<typename T >
static std::shared_ptr< Ttry_get_shared_from_this (std::enable_shared_from_this< T > *holder_value_ptr)


static constexpr auto const_ = std::true_type{}

Macro Definition Documentation



Include Python header, disable linking to pythonX_d.lib on Windows in debug mode.

Definition at line 340 of file wrap/pybind11/include/pybind11/detail/common.h.


#define PYBIND11_BOOL_ATTR   "__bool__"


#define PYBIND11_BUILTINS_MODULE   "builtins"


#define PYBIND11_BYTES_AS_STRING   PyBytes_AsString


#define PYBIND11_BYTES_AS_STRING_AND_SIZE   PyBytes_AsStringAndSize


#define PYBIND11_BYTES_CHECK   PyBytes_Check


#define PYBIND11_BYTES_FROM_STRING   PyBytes_FromString


#define PYBIND11_BYTES_FROM_STRING_AND_SIZE   PyBytes_FromStringAndSize


#define PYBIND11_BYTES_NAME   "bytes"


#define PYBIND11_BYTES_SIZE   PyBytes_Size


catch (pybind11::error_already_set & e) { \
pybind11::raise_from(e, PyExc_ImportError, "initialization failed"); \
return nullptr; \
} \
catch (const std::exception &e) { \
::pybind11::set_error(PyExc_ImportError, e.what()); \
return nullptr; \

Definition at line 407 of file wrap/pybind11/include/pybind11/detail/common.h.


{ \
const char *compiled_ver \
const char *runtime_ver = Py_GetVersion(); \
size_t len = std::strlen(compiled_ver); \
if (std::strncmp(runtime_ver, compiled_ver, len) != 0 \
|| (runtime_ver[len] >= '0' && runtime_ver[len] <= '9')) { \
PyErr_Format(PyExc_ImportError, \
"Python version mismatch: module was compiled for Python %s, " \
"but the interpreter version is incompatible: %s.", \
compiled_ver, \
runtime_ver); \
return nullptr; \
} \

Definition at line 390 of file wrap/pybind11/include/pybind11/detail/common.h.


#define PYBIND11_CONCAT (   first,
)    first##second




#define PYBIND11_DEPRECATED (   reason)    __attribute__((deprecated(reason)))






#define PYBIND11_ENSURE_INTERNALS_READY   pybind11::detail::get_internals();


#define PYBIND11_EXPAND_SIDE_EFFECTS (   PATTERN)    (void) pybind11::detail::expand_side_effects { ((PATTERN), void(), false)..., false }


#define PYBIND11_EXPORT   __attribute__((visibility("default")))




#define PYBIND11_FROM_STRING   PyUnicode_FromString


#define PYBIND11_INSTANCE_METHOD_CHECK   PyInstanceMethod_Check




)    PyInstanceMethod_New(ptr)

Compatibility macros for Python 2 / Python 3 versions TODO: remove.

Definition at line 357 of file wrap/pybind11/include/pybind11/detail/common.h.


#define PYBIND11_LONG_AS_LONGLONG (   o)    PyLong_AsLongLong(o)


#define PYBIND11_LONG_CHECK (   o)    PyLong_Check(o)


#define PYBIND11_LONG_FROM_SIGNED (   o)    PyLong_FromSsize_t((ssize_t) (o))


#define PYBIND11_LONG_FROM_UNSIGNED (   o)    PyLong_FromSize_t((size_t) (o))


#define PYBIND11_MAYBE_UNUSED   __attribute__((__unused__))


#define PYBIND11_MODULE (   name,
static ::pybind11::module_::module_def PYBIND11_CONCAT(pybind11_module_def_, name) \
static void PYBIND11_CONCAT(pybind11_init_, name)(::pybind11::module_ &); \
auto m = ::pybind11::module_::create_extension_module( \
nullptr, \
&PYBIND11_CONCAT(pybind11_module_def_, name), \
##__VA_ARGS__); \
try { \
PYBIND11_CONCAT(pybind11_init_, name)(m); \
return m.ptr(); \
} \
} \
void PYBIND11_CONCAT(pybind11_init_, name)(::pybind11::module_ & (variable))

\rst This macro creates the entry point that will be invoked when the Python interpreter imports an extension module. The module name is given as the first argument and it should not be in quotes. The second macro argument defines a variable of type py::module_ which can be used to initialize the module.

The entry point is marked as "maybe unused" to aid dead-code detection analysis: since the entry point is typically only looked up at runtime and not referenced during translation, it would otherwise appear as unused ("dead") code.

.. code-block:: cpp

PYBIND11_MODULE(example, m) {
    m.doc() = "pybind11 example module";

Add bindings here m.def("foo", []() { return "Hello, World!"; }); }

The third macro argument is optional (available since 2.13.0), and can be used to mark the extension module as safe to run without the GIL under a free-threaded CPython interpreter. Passing this argument has no effect on other interpreters.

.. code-block:: cpp

PYBIND11_MODULE(example, m, py::mod_gil_not_used()) {
    m.doc() = "pybind11 example module safe to run without the GIL";

Add bindings here m.def("foo", []() { return "Hello, Free-threaded World!"; }); }


Definition at line 484 of file wrap/pybind11/include/pybind11/detail/common.h.


#define PYBIND11_NAMESPACE   pybind11


#define PYBIND11_NAMESPACE_BEGIN (   name)
namespace name { \

Definition at line 76 of file wrap/pybind11/include/pybind11/detail/common.h.


#define PYBIND11_NAMESPACE_END (   name)


#define PYBIND11_NB_BOOL (   ptr)    ((ptr)->nb_bool)


#define PYBIND11_NOINLINE   __attribute__((noinline)) inline


#define PYBIND11_PLUGIN (   name)
static PyObject *pybind11_init(); \
try { \
return pybind11_init(); \
} \
} \
PyObject *pybind11_init()

\rst Deprecated in favor of PYBIND11_MODULE***

This macro creates the entry point that will be invoked when the Python interpreter imports a plugin library. Please create a module_ in the function body and return the pointer to its underlying Python object at the end.

.. code-block:: cpp

PYBIND11_PLUGIN(example) {
    pybind11::module_ m("example", "pybind11 example plugin");

/ Set up bindings here return m.ptr(); } \endrst

Definition at line 432 of file wrap/pybind11/include/pybind11/detail/common.h.


#define PYBIND11_PLUGIN_IMPL (   name)
extern "C" PYBIND11_MAYBE_UNUSED PYBIND11_EXPORT PyObject *PyInit_##name(); \
extern "C" PYBIND11_EXPORT PyObject *PyInit_##name()

Definition at line 380 of file wrap/pybind11/include/pybind11/detail/common.h.


#define PYBIND11_RUNTIME_EXCEPTION (   name,
public: \
using builtin_exception::builtin_exception; \
name() : name("") {} \
void set_error() const override { PyErr_SetString(type, what()); } \

Definition at line 1024 of file wrap/pybind11/include/pybind11/detail/common.h.


#define PYBIND11_SLICE_OBJECT   PyObject


#define PYBIND11_STR_TYPE   ::pybind11::str


#define PYBIND11_STRING_NAME   "str"


#define PYBIND11_STRINGIFY (   x)    #x




#define PYBIND11_TRY_NEXT_OVERLOAD   ((PyObject *) 1)


#define PYBIND11_VERSION_HEX   0x020D0600










#define PYBIND11_WARNING_DISABLE_GCC (   name)









Typedef Documentation

◆ all_of

template<class... Ts>
using all_of = std::is_same<bools<Ts::value..., true>, bools<true, Ts::value...> >

◆ any_of

template<class... Ts>
using any_of = negation<all_of<negation<Ts>...> >

◆ bool_constant

template<bool B>
using bool_constant = std::integral_constant<bool, B>

Backports of std::bool_constant and std::negation to accommodate older compilers.

Definition at line 730 of file wrap/pybind11/include/pybind11/detail/common.h.

◆ conditional_t

template<bool B, typename T , typename F >
using conditional_t = typename std::conditional<B, T, F>::type

◆ deferred_t

template<typename T , typename... Us>
using deferred_t = typename deferred_type<T, Us...>::type

◆ enable_if_t

template<bool B, typename T = void>
using enable_if_t = typename std::enable_if<B, T>::type

from cpp_future import (convenient aliases from C++14/17)

Definition at line 673 of file wrap/pybind11/include/pybind11/detail/common.h.

◆ exactly_one_t

template<template< typename > class Predicate, typename Default , typename... Ts>
using exactly_one_t = typename exactly_one<Predicate, Default, Ts...>::type

◆ expand_side_effects

using expand_side_effects = bool[]

Apply a function over each element of a parameter pack.

Definition at line 1009 of file wrap/pybind11/include/pybind11/detail/common.h.

◆ function_signature_t

template<typename Function , typename F = remove_reference_t<Function>>
using function_signature_t = conditional_t< std::is_function<F>::value, F, typename conditional_t<std::is_pointer<F>::value || std::is_member_pointer<F>::value, std::remove_pointer<F>, strip_function_object<F> >::type>

◆ intrinsic_t

template<typename T >
using intrinsic_t = typename intrinsic_type<T>::type

◆ is_accessible_base_of

template<typename Base , typename Derived >
using is_accessible_base_of = bool_constant<(std::is_same<Base, Derived>::value || std::is_base_of<Base, Derived>::value) && std::is_convertible<Derived *, Base *>::value>

Like is_base_of, but also requires that the base type is accessible (i.e. that a Derived pointer can be converted to a Base pointer) For unions, is_base_of<T, T>::value is False, so we need to check is_same as well.

Definition at line 930 of file wrap/pybind11/include/pybind11/detail/common.h.

◆ is_function_pointer

template<typename T >
using is_function_pointer = bool_constant<std::is_pointer<T>::value && std::is_function<typename std::remove_pointer<T>::type>::value>

◆ is_lambda

template<typename T >
using is_lambda = satisfies_none_of<remove_reference_t<T>, std::is_function, std::is_pointer, std::is_member_pointer>

Returns true if the type looks like a lambda: that is, isn't a function, pointer or member pointer. Note that this can catch all sorts of other things, too; this is intended to be used in a place where passing a lambda makes sense.

Definition at line 1001 of file wrap/pybind11/include/pybind11/detail/common.h.

◆ is_same_ignoring_cvref

template<typename T , typename U >
using is_same_ignoring_cvref = std::is_same<detail::remove_cvref_t<T>, U>

Example usage: is_same_ignoring_cvref<T, PyObject *>::value.

Definition at line 696 of file wrap/pybind11/include/pybind11/detail/common.h.

◆ is_shared_ptr

template<typename T >
using is_shared_ptr = is_instantiation<std::shared_ptr, T>

Check if T is std::shared_ptr<U> where U can be anything.

Definition at line 961 of file wrap/pybind11/include/pybind11/detail/common.h.

◆ is_strict_base_of

template<typename Base , typename Derived >
using is_strict_base_of = bool_constant<std::is_base_of<Base, Derived>::value && !std::is_same<Base, Derived>::value>

Like is_base_of, but requires a strict base (i.e. is_strict_base_of<T, T>::value == false, unlike std::is_base_of)

Definition at line 922 of file wrap/pybind11/include/pybind11/detail/common.h.

◆ is_template_base_of

template<template< typename... > class Base, typename T >
using is_template_base_of = decltype(is_template_base_of_impl<Base>::check((intrinsic_t<T> *) nullptr))

Check if a template is the base of a type. For example: is_template_base_of<Base, T> is true if struct T : Base<U> {} where U can be anything

Definition at line 946 of file wrap/pybind11/include/pybind11/detail/common.h.

◆ make_index_sequence

template<size_t N>
using make_index_sequence = typename make_index_sequence_impl<N>::type

◆ none_of

template<class... Ts>
using none_of = negation<any_of<Ts...> >

◆ remove_cv_t

template<typename T >
using remove_cv_t = typename std::remove_cv<T>::type

◆ remove_cvref_t

template<class T >
using remove_cvref_t = typename remove_cvref<T>::type

◆ remove_reference_t

template<typename T >
using remove_reference_t = typename std::remove_reference<T>::type

◆ satisfies_all_of

template<class T , template< class > class... Predicates>
using satisfies_all_of = all_of<Predicates<T>...>

◆ satisfies_any_of

template<class T , template< class > class... Predicates>
using satisfies_any_of = any_of<Predicates<T>...>

◆ satisfies_none_of

template<class T , template< class > class... Predicates>
using satisfies_none_of = none_of<Predicates<T>...>

◆ select_indices

template<bool... Bs>
using select_indices = typename select_indices_impl<index_sequence<>, 0, Bs...>::type

◆ size_t

using size_t = std::size_t

◆ ssize_t

using ssize_t = Py_ssize_t

◆ void_t

template<typename... Ts>
using void_t = typename void_t_impl<Ts...>::type

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ return_value_policy

Approach used to cast a previously unknown C++ instance into a Python object.


This is the default return value policy, which falls back to the policy return_value_policy::take_ownership when the return value is a pointer. Otherwise, it uses return_value::move or return_value::copy for rvalue and lvalue references, respectively. See below for a description of what all of these different policies do.


As above, but use policy return_value_policy::reference when the return value is a pointer. This is the default conversion policy for function arguments when calling Python functions manually from C++ code (i.e. via handle::operator()). You probably won't need to use this.


Reference an existing object (i.e. do not create a new copy) and take ownership. Python will call the destructor and delete operator when the object's reference count reaches zero. Undefined behavior ensues when the C++ side does the same..


Create a new copy of the returned object, which will be owned by Python. This policy is comparably safe because the lifetimes of the two instances are decoupled.


Use std::move to move the return value contents into a new instance that will be owned by Python. This policy is comparably safe because the lifetimes of the two instances (move source and destination) are decoupled.


Reference an existing object, but do not take ownership. The C++ side is responsible for managing the object's lifetime and deallocating it when it is no longer used. Warning: undefined behavior will ensue when the C++ side deletes an object that is still referenced and used by Python.


This policy only applies to methods and properties. It references the object without taking ownership similar to the above return_value_policy::reference policy. In contrast to that policy, the function or property's implicit this argument (called the parent) is considered to be the owner of the return value (the child). pybind11 then couples the lifetime of the parent to the child via a reference relationship that ensures that the parent cannot be garbage collected while Python is still using the child. More advanced variations of this scheme are also possible using combinations of return_value_policy::reference and the keep_alive call policy

Definition at line 518 of file wrap/pybind11/include/pybind11/detail/common.h.

Function Documentation

◆ constexpr_first()

template<template< typename > class Predicate, typename... Ts>
constexpr int constexpr_first ( )

Return the index of the first type in Ts which satisfies Predicate<T>. Returns sizeof...(Ts) if none match.

Definition at line 872 of file wrap/pybind11/include/pybind11/detail/common.h.

◆ constexpr_last()

template<template< typename > class Predicate, typename... Ts>
constexpr int constexpr_last ( )

Return the index of the last type in Ts which satisfies Predicate<T>, or -1 if none match.

Definition at line 878 of file wrap/pybind11/include/pybind11/detail/common.h.

◆ constexpr_sum() [1/2]

constexpr size_t constexpr_sum ( )

Compile-time integer sum.

Definition at line 847 of file wrap/pybind11/include/pybind11/detail/common.h.

◆ constexpr_sum() [2/2]

template<typename T , typename... Ts>
constexpr size_t constexpr_sum ( T  n,
Ts...  ns 

◆ first() [1/2]

constexpr int first ( int  i)

Implementation details for constexpr functions.

Definition at line 856 of file wrap/pybind11/include/pybind11/detail/common.h.

◆ first() [2/2]

template<typename T , typename... Ts>
constexpr int first ( int  i,
T  v,
Ts...  vs 

◆ get_fully_qualified_tp_name()

std::string get_fully_qualified_tp_name ( PyTypeObject *  )

Definition at line 30 of file class.h.

◆ instance_simple_holder_in_ptrs()

constexpr size_t instance_simple_holder_in_ptrs ( )

The space to allocate for simple layout instance holders (see below) in multiple of the size of a pointer (e.g. 2 means 16 bytes on 64-bit architectures). The default is the minimum required to holder either a std::unique_ptr or std::shared_ptr (which is almost always sizeof(std::shared_ptr<T>)).

Definition at line 586 of file wrap/pybind11/include/pybind11/detail/common.h.

◆ last() [1/2]

template<typename T , typename... Ts>
constexpr int last ( int  i,
int  result,
T  v,
Ts...  vs 

◆ last() [2/2]

constexpr int last ( int  ,
int  result 

◆ log2()

static constexpr int log2 ( size_t  n,
int  k = 0 

◆ pybind11_fail() [1/2]

PyExc_RuntimeError PYBIND11_NOINLINE void pybind11_fail ( const char *  reason)

Used internally.

Definition at line 1045 of file wrap/pybind11/include/pybind11/detail/common.h.

◆ pybind11_fail() [2/2]

PYBIND11_NOINLINE void pybind11_fail ( const std::string &  reason)



Thrown when pybind11::cast or handle::call fail due to a type casting error

◆ silence_unused_warnings()

template<typename... Args>
void silence_unused_warnings ( Args &&  ...)

◆ size_in_ptrs()

static constexpr size_t size_in_ptrs ( size_t  s)

◆ ssize_t_cast()

template<typename IntType >
ssize_t ssize_t_cast ( const IntType &  val)

◆ try_get_shared_from_this()

template<typename T >
static std::shared_ptr<T> try_get_shared_from_this ( std::enable_shared_from_this< T > *  holder_value_ptr)

Variable Documentation

◆ const_

constexpr auto const_ = std::true_type{}

Const member function selector for overload_cast

  • regular: static_cast<Return (Class::*)(Arg) const>(&Class::func)
  • sweet: overload_cast<Arg>(&Class::func, const_)

Definition at line 1157 of file wrap/pybind11/include/pybind11/detail/common.h.

Annotation for function names.
Definition: attr.h:51
#define PYBIND11_CONCAT(first, second)
Definition: wrap/pybind11/include/pybind11/detail/common.h:387
Array< double, 1, 3 > e(1./3., 0.5, 2.)
Definition: tensor.h:31
Definition: pytypes.h:1527
static char name[]
Definition: rgamma.c:72
virtual void set_error() const =0
Set the error using the Python C API.
void raise_from(PyObject *type, const char *message)
Definition: pytypes.h:797
Definition: wrap/pybind11/include/pybind11/detail/common.h:171
#define PYBIND11_TOSTRING(x)
Definition: wrap/pybind11/include/pybind11/detail/common.h:386
Matrix3f m
Definition: AngleAxis_mimic_euler.cpp:1
void set_error(const handle &type, const char *message)
Definition: pytypes.h:346
Definition: wrap/pybind11/include/pybind11/detail/common.h:212
Definition: wrap/pybind11/include/pybind11/detail/common.h:163
size_t len(handle h)
Get the length of a Python object.
Definition: pytypes.h:2448
C++ bindings of builtin Python exceptions.
Definition: wrap/pybind11/include/pybind11/detail/common.h:1017
#define PYBIND11_DEPRECATED(reason)
Definition: wrap/pybind11/include/pybind11/detail/common.h:204

autogenerated on Wed Mar 19 2025 03:09:06