Go to the documentation of this file.
1 // This file is part of Eigen, a lightweight C++ template library
2 // for linear algebra.
3 //
4 // Copyright (C) 2014 Benoit Steiner <benoit.steiner.goog@gmail.com>
5 //
6 // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla
7 // Public License v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed
8 // with this file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
13 // evaluator for thread pool device
16 namespace Eigen {
18 template<typename Indices, typename LeftArgType, typename RightArgType, typename OutputKernelType>
19 struct TensorEvaluator<const TensorContractionOp<Indices, LeftArgType, RightArgType, OutputKernelType>, ThreadPoolDevice> :
20  public TensorContractionEvaluatorBase<TensorEvaluator<const TensorContractionOp<Indices, LeftArgType, RightArgType, OutputKernelType>, ThreadPoolDevice> > {
22  typedef ThreadPoolDevice Device;
24  typedef TensorEvaluator<const TensorContractionOp<Indices, LeftArgType, RightArgType, OutputKernelType>, Device> Self;
25  typedef TensorContractionEvaluatorBase<Self> Base;
27  typedef TensorContractionOp<Indices, LeftArgType, RightArgType, OutputKernelType> XprType;
29  typedef typename XprType::Index Index;
30  typedef typename XprType::CoeffReturnType CoeffReturnType;
33  enum {
35  };
37  // Most of the code is assuming that both input tensors are ColMajor. If the
38  // inputs are RowMajor, we will "cheat" by swapping the LHS and RHS:
39  // If we want to compute A * B = C, where A is LHS and B is RHS, the code
40  // will pretend B is LHS and A is RHS.
41  typedef typename internal::conditional<
42  static_cast<int>(Layout) == static_cast<int>(ColMajor), LeftArgType, RightArgType>::type EvalLeftArgType;
43  typedef typename internal::conditional<
44  static_cast<int>(Layout) == static_cast<int>(ColMajor), RightArgType, LeftArgType>::type EvalRightArgType;
46  static const int LDims =
47  internal::array_size<typename TensorEvaluator<EvalLeftArgType, Device>::Dimensions>::value;
48  static const int RDims =
49  internal::array_size<typename TensorEvaluator<EvalRightArgType, Device>::Dimensions>::value;
50  static const int ContractDims = internal::array_size<Indices>::value;
52  typedef array<Index, LDims> left_dim_mapper_t;
53  typedef array<Index, RDims> right_dim_mapper_t;
55  typedef array<Index, ContractDims> contract_t;
56  typedef array<Index, LDims - ContractDims> left_nocontract_t;
57  typedef array<Index, RDims - ContractDims> right_nocontract_t;
59  static const int NumDims = LDims + RDims - 2 * ContractDims;
61  typedef DSizes<Index, NumDims> Dimensions;
63  // typedefs needed in evalTo
66  typedef typename internal::gebp_traits<LhsScalar, RhsScalar> Traits;
68  typedef TensorEvaluator<EvalLeftArgType, Device> LeftEvaluator;
69  typedef TensorEvaluator<EvalRightArgType, Device> RightEvaluator;
71  TensorEvaluator(const XprType& op, const Device& device) :
72  Base(op, device) {}
74  template <int Alignment>
75  void evalProduct(Scalar* buffer) const {
76  evalProductImpl<NoCallback, Alignment>(buffer, NoCallback());
77  }
79  template <typename EvalToCallback, int Alignment>
80  void evalProductAsync(Scalar* buffer, EvalToCallback done) const {
81  evalProductImpl<EvalToCallback, Alignment>(buffer, std::move(done));
82  }
84  template <typename DoneCallback, int Alignment>
85  void evalProductImpl(Scalar* buffer, DoneCallback done) const {
86  // This function computes a lot of heuristics in multiple steps, and it
87  // also has multiple exit points. To keep it sane, readable and all in one
88  // place, sync/async execution decision is made at runtime at the very end.
89  //
90  // (1) In sync mode we allocate Context on the stack, submit computations
91  // to the device thread pool, and block on a barrier until it is
92  // completed.
93  //
94  // (2) In async mode we allocate Context on the heap, and after all tasks
95  // are finished, we call provided the done callback, and delete a
96  // context from the heap.
97  //
98  // (*) EvalParallelContext & EvalShardedByInnerDimContext owns all the state
99  // and temporary buffers, requried for executing the tensor contraction.
100  // They are responsible for cleaning it up after contraction is done.
101  static const bool IsEvalInSyncMode =
104  const Index m = this->m_i_size;
105  const Index n = this->m_j_size;
106  const Index k = this->m_k_size;
107  if (m == 0 || n == 0 || k == 0) return;
109  // Compute a set of algorithm parameters:
110  // - kernel block sizes (bm, bn, bk)
111  // - task grain sizes (number of kernels executed per task: gm, gn)
112  // - number of threads
113  // - sharding by row/column
114  // - parallel packing or first lhs then rhs
115  // and some derived parameters:
116  // - number of tasks (nm, nn, nk)
117  // - number of kernels (nm0, nn0)
118  // Unfortunately, all these parameters are tightly interdependent.
119  // So in some cases we first compute approximate values, then compute other
120  // values based on these approximations and then refine the approximations.
122  // There are lots of heuristics here. There is some reasoning behind them,
123  // but ultimately they are just tuned on contraction benchmarks for
124  // different input configurations, thread counts and instruction sets.
125  // So feel free to question any of them.
127  // Compute whether we want to shard by row or by column.
128  // This is a first approximation, it will be refined later. Since we don't
129  // know number of threads yet we use 2, because what's we are most
130  // interested in at this point is whether it makes sense to use
131  // parallelization at all or not.
132  bool shard_by_col = shardByCol(m, n, 2);
134  // First approximation of kernel blocking sizes.
135  // Again, we don't know number of threads yet, so we use 2.
136  Index bm, bn, bk;
137  if (shard_by_col) {
138  internal::TensorContractionBlocking<Scalar, LhsScalar, RhsScalar, Index,
140  blocking(k, m, n, 2);
141  bm = blocking.mc();
142  bn = blocking.nc();
143  bk = blocking.kc();
144  } else {
145  internal::TensorContractionBlocking<Scalar, LhsScalar, RhsScalar, Index,
147  blocking(k, m, n, 2);
148  bm = blocking.mc();
149  bn = blocking.nc();
150  bk = blocking.kc();
151  }
153  // Compute optimal number of threads.
154  // Note: we use bk instead of k here because we are interested in amount of
155  // _parallelizable_ computations, and computations are not parallelizable
156  // across k dimension.
157  const TensorOpCost cost =
158  contractionCost(m, n, bm, bn, bk, shard_by_col, false);
160  static_cast<double>(n) * m, cost, this->m_device.numThreads());
161  int num_threads_by_k = numThreadsInnerDim(m, n, k);
162  if (shardByInnerDim(m, n, k, num_threads, num_threads_by_k)) {
163  // We are in the scenario where it is more effective to shard by the
164  // inner dimension.
165  if (IsEvalInSyncMode) {
166  EvalShardedByInnerDimContext<DoneCallback> ctx(
167  this, num_threads_by_k, buffer, m, n, k, std::move(done));
168  ctx.template run<Alignment>();
169  } else {
170  auto* ctx = new EvalShardedByInnerDimContext<DoneCallback>(
171  this, num_threads_by_k, buffer, m, n, k, std::move(done));
172  ctx->template runAsync<Alignment>();
173  }
175  return;
176  }
178  // TODO(dvyukov): this is a stop-gap to prevent regressions while the cost
179  // model is not tuned. Remove this when the cost model is tuned.
180  if (n == 1) num_threads = 1;
182  if (num_threads == 1) {
183  TENSOR_CONTRACTION_DISPATCH(this->template evalProductSequential,
184  Unaligned, (buffer));
185  if (!IsEvalInSyncMode) done();
186  return;
187  }
189  // Now that we know number of threads, recalculate sharding and blocking.
190  shard_by_col = shardByCol(m, n, num_threads);
191  if (shard_by_col) {
192  internal::TensorContractionBlocking<Scalar, LhsScalar, RhsScalar, Index,
194  blocking(k, m, n, num_threads);
195  bm = blocking.mc();
196  bn = blocking.nc();
197  bk = blocking.kc();
198  } else {
199  internal::TensorContractionBlocking<Scalar, LhsScalar, RhsScalar, Index,
201  blocking(k, m, n, num_threads);
202  bm = blocking.mc();
203  bn = blocking.nc();
204  bk = blocking.kc();
205  }
207  // Number of kernels for each dimension.
208  Index nm0 = divup(m, bm);
209  Index nn0 = divup(n, bn);
210  Index nk = divup(k, bk);
212  // Calculate task grain size (number of kernels executed per task).
213  // This task size coarsening serves two purposes:
214  // 1. It reduces per-task overheads including synchronization overheads.
215  // 2. It allows to use caches better (reuse the same packed rhs in several
216  // consecutive kernels).
217  Index gm = 1;
218  Index gn = 1;
219  // If we are sharding by column, then we prefer to reduce rows first.
220  if (shard_by_col) {
221  gm = coarsenM(m, n, bm, bn, bk, gn, num_threads, shard_by_col);
222  gn = coarsenN(m, n, bm, bn, bk, gm, num_threads, shard_by_col);
223  } else {
224  gn = coarsenN(m, n, bm, bn, bk, gm, num_threads, shard_by_col);
225  gm = coarsenM(m, n, bm, bn, bk, gn, num_threads, shard_by_col);
226  }
227  // Number of tasks in each dimension.
228  Index nm = divup(nm0, gm);
229  Index nn = divup(nn0, gn);
231  // If there is enough concurrency in the sharding dimension, we choose not
232  // to paralellize by the other dimension, and execute all kernels in sync
233  // mode. This reduces parallelism from the nm x nn down to nn
234  // (shard_by_col==true) or nm (shard_by_col==false).
235  const Index sharding_dim_tasks = shard_by_col ? nn : nm;
236  const int num_worker_threads = this->m_device.numThreadsInPool();
238  // With small number of threads we want to make sure that we do not reduce
239  // parallelism too much. With large number of threads we trade maximum
240  // parallelism for better memory locality.
241  const float oversharding_factor =
242  num_worker_threads <= 4 ? 8.0 :
243  num_worker_threads <= 8 ? 4.0 :
244  num_worker_threads <= 16 ? 2.0 :
245  num_worker_threads <= 32 ? 1.0 :
246  num_worker_threads <= 64 ? 0.8 : /* num_worker_threads > 64 */ 0.6;
248  const bool parallelize_by_sharding_dim_only =
249  sharding_dim_tasks >= oversharding_factor * num_worker_threads;
251  // Last by not least, decide whether we want to issue both lhs and rhs
252  // packing in parallel; or issue lhs packing first, and then issue rhs
253  // packing when lhs packing completes (for !shard_by_col lhs and rhs are
254  // swapped). Parallel packing allows more parallelism (for both packing and
255  // kernels), while sequential packing provides better locality (once
256  // a thread finishes rhs packing it proceed to kernels with that rhs).
257  // First, we are interested in parallel packing if there are few tasks.
258  bool parallel_pack = num_threads >= nm * nn;
259  // Also do parallel packing if all data fits into L2$.
260  if (m * bk * Index(sizeof(LhsScalar)) + n * bk * Index(sizeof(RhsScalar)) <=
261  l2CacheSize() * num_threads)
262  parallel_pack = true;
263  // But don't do it if we will use each rhs only once. Locality seems to be
264  // more important in this case.
265  if ((shard_by_col ? nm : nn) == 1) parallel_pack = false;
266  // Also don't get in the way of parallelize_by_sharding_dim_only
267  // optimization.
268  if (parallelize_by_sharding_dim_only) parallel_pack = false;
270  // TODO(ezhulnev): With if contexpr we don't need SyncEvalParallelContext.
271  if (IsEvalInSyncMode) {
272 #define CONTEXT_ARGS \
273  (this, num_threads, buffer, m, n, k, bm, bn, bk, nm, nn, nk, gm, gn, nm0, \
274  nn0, shard_by_col, parallel_pack, parallelize_by_sharding_dim_only, \
275  NoCallback()) \
276  .run()
277  TENSOR_CONTRACTION_DISPATCH(SyncEvalParallelContext, Alignment,
279 #undef CONTEXT_ARGS
281  } else {
282 #define CONTEXT_ARGS \
283  (this, num_threads, buffer, m, n, k, bm, bn, bk, nm, nn, nk, gm, gn, nm0, \
284  nn0, shard_by_col, parallel_pack, parallelize_by_sharding_dim_only, \
285  std::move(done))
286  TENSOR_CONTRACTION_ASYNC_DISPATCH(EvalParallelContext, DoneCallback,
287  Alignment, CONTEXT_ARGS, run());
288 #undef CONTEXT_ARGS
289  }
290  }
292  // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ //
294  // Dummy struct to represent an empty DoneCallback.
296  struct NoCallback {
297  void operator()() {
298  eigen_assert(false && "NoCallback should never be called");
299  }
300  };
302  // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ //
304  template <typename DoneCallback, typename Context>
305  class EvalParallelNotification;
307  // Synchronous evaluation notification that blocks caller thread in Wait().
308  template <typename Context>
309  class EvalParallelNotification<NoCallback, Context> {
310  public:
311  EvalParallelNotification(Context*, NoCallback) {}
312  void Notify() { done_.Notify(); }
313  void Wait() { done_.Wait(); }
314  private:
315  Eigen::Notification done_;
316  };
318  // Asynchronous evaluation notification that does not block in Wait().
319  template <typename DoneCallback, typename Context>
320  class EvalParallelNotification {
321  public:
322  EvalParallelNotification(Context* ctx, DoneCallback done)
323  : ctx_(ctx), done_(std::move(done)) {}
325  void Notify() {
326  // Make a copy of done callback, because it will be destructed when we
327  // will delete context in the next line (EvalParallelNotification is a
328  // data member of EvalParallelContext class).
329  DoneCallback done_copy = std::move(done_);
331  // Delete parallel evaluation context.
332  delete ctx_;
334  // Now safely call the done callback.
335  done_copy();
336  }
338  void Wait() {}
340  private:
341  Context* ctx_;
342  DoneCallback done_;
343  };
345  // Context orchestrates sync/async parallel contraction evaluation. When it is
346  // executed in asynchronous mode, it owns all the shared state that might be
347  // accessible by block packing and kernel tasks.
349  template <typename DoneCallback, bool lhs_inner_dim_contiguous,
350  bool rhs_inner_dim_contiguous, bool rhs_inner_dim_reordered,
351  int Alignment>
352  class EvalParallelContext {
353  public:
354  typedef internal::TensorContractionInputMapper<
355  LhsScalar, Index, internal::Lhs, LeftEvaluator, left_nocontract_t,
357  lhs_inner_dim_contiguous, false, Unaligned>
358  LhsMapper;
359  typedef internal::TensorContractionInputMapper<
360  RhsScalar, Index, internal::Rhs, RightEvaluator, right_nocontract_t,
362  rhs_inner_dim_contiguous, rhs_inner_dim_reordered, Unaligned>
363  RhsMapper;
365  typedef internal::blas_data_mapper<Scalar, Index, ColMajor> OutputMapper;
367  typedef internal::TensorContractionKernel<
368  Scalar, LhsScalar, RhsScalar, Index, OutputMapper, LhsMapper, RhsMapper>
369  TensorContractionKernel;
371  typedef typename TensorContractionKernel::LhsBlock LhsBlock;
372  typedef typename TensorContractionKernel::RhsBlock RhsBlock;
373  typedef typename TensorContractionKernel::BlockMemHandle BlockMemHandle;
375  EvalParallelContext(const Self* self, int num_threads, Scalar* buffer,
376  Index tm, Index tn, Index tk, Index bm, Index bn,
377  Index bk, Index nm, Index nn, Index nk, Index gm,
378  Index gn, Index nm0, Index nn0, bool shard_by_col,
379  bool parallel_pack,
380  bool parallelize_by_sharding_dim_only,
381  DoneCallback done)
382  : created_by_thread_id_(std::this_thread::get_id()),
383  done_(this, std::move(done)),
384  device_(self->m_device),
385  lhs_(self->m_leftImpl, self->m_left_nocontract_strides,
386  self->m_i_strides, self->m_left_contracting_strides,
387  self->m_k_strides),
388  rhs_(self->m_rightImpl, self->m_right_nocontract_strides,
389  self->m_j_strides, self->m_right_contracting_strides,
390  self->m_k_strides),
391  buffer_(buffer),
392  output_(buffer, tm),
393  output_kernel_(self->m_output_kernel),
394  tensor_contraction_params_(self->m_tensor_contraction_params),
395  num_threads_(num_threads),
396  shard_by_col_(shard_by_col),
397  parallel_pack_(parallel_pack),
398  parallelize_by_sharding_dim_only_(parallelize_by_sharding_dim_only),
399  m_(tm),
400  n_(tn),
401  k_(tk),
402  bm_(bm),
403  bn_(bn),
404  bk_(bk),
405  nm_(nm),
406  nn_(nn),
407  nk_(nk),
408  gm_(gm),
409  gn_(gn),
410  nm0_(nm0),
411  nn0_(nn0),
412  kernel_(m_, k_, n_, bm_, bk_, bn_),
413  num_thread_local_allocations_(0),
414  // We reserve 2X more capacity for a thread local values, than the
415  // number of threads in the pool to efficiently handle task stealing
416  // by threads that are not managed by the pool.
417  thread_local_capacity(2 * (parallelize_by_sharding_dim_only_
418  ? device_.numThreadsInPool()
419  : 0)),
420  // We will use only one of the Lhs/Rhs thread local storage depending
421  // on the shard_by_col value and we parallelize by sharding dim ONLY.
422  lhs_thread_local_blocks_(shard_by_col_ ? 0 : thread_local_capacity,
423  {*this}, {*this}),
424  rhs_thread_local_blocks_(shard_by_col_ ? thread_local_capacity : 0,
425  {*this}, {*this}) {
426  // These two options are mutually exclusive.
427  eigen_assert(!(parallel_pack && parallelize_by_sharding_dim_only));
429  for (Index x = 0; x < P; x++) {
430  // Normal number of notifications for k slice switch is
431  // nm_ + nn_ + nm_ * nn_. However, first P - 1 slices will receive only
432  // nm_ + nn_ notifications, because they will not receive notifications
433  // from preceding kernels.
434  state_switch_[x] =
435  x == 0
436  ? 1
437  : (parallel_pack_ ? nn_ + nm_ : (shard_by_col_ ? nn_ : nm_)) +
438  (x == P - 1 ? nm_ * nn_ : 0);
439  state_packing_ready_[x] =
440  parallel_pack_ ? 0 : (shard_by_col_ ? nm_ : nn_);
441  state_kernel_[x] = new std::atomic<uint8_t>*[nm_];
442  for (Index m = 0; m < nm_; m++) {
443  state_kernel_[x][m] = new std::atomic<uint8_t>[nn_];
444  // Kernels generally receive 3 notifications (previous kernel + 2
445  // packing), but the first slice won't get notifications from previous
446  // kernels.
447  for (Index n = 0; n < nn_; n++)
448  state_kernel_[x][m][n].store(
449  (x == 0 ? 0 : 1) + (parallel_pack_ ? 2 : 1),
450  std::memory_order_relaxed);
451  }
452  }
454  // Allocate memory for packed rhs/lhs matrices.
455  packed_mem_ = kernel_.allocateSlices( //
456  device_, //
457  /*num_lhs=*/nm0_, //
458  /*num_rhs=*/nn0_, //
459  /*num_slices=*/std::min<Index>(nk_, P - 1), //
460  packed_lhs_, packed_rhs_);
462  if (parallelize_by_sharding_dim_only_) {
463  const int num_worker_threads = device_.numThreadsInPool();
465  if (shard_by_col) {
466  can_use_thread_local_packed_ = new std::atomic<bool>[nn_];
467  for (int i = 0; i < nn_; ++i)
468  can_use_thread_local_packed_[i].store(true,
469  std::memory_order_relaxed);
471  Index num_blocks = num_worker_threads * gn_;
472  thread_local_pre_alocated_mem_ = kernel_.allocateSlices( //
473  device_, //
474  /*num_lhs=*/0, //
475  /*num_rhs=*/num_blocks, //
476  /*num_slices=*/1, //
477  /*lhs_blocks=*/nullptr, &rhs_thread_local_pre_allocated_);
479  } else {
480  can_use_thread_local_packed_ = new std::atomic<bool>[nm_];
481  for (int i = 0; i < nm_; ++i)
482  can_use_thread_local_packed_[i].store(true,
483  std::memory_order_relaxed);
485  Index num_blocks = num_worker_threads * gm_;
486  thread_local_pre_alocated_mem_ = kernel_.allocateSlices( //
487  device_, //
488  /*num_lhs=*/num_blocks, //
489  /*num_rhs=*/0, //
490  /*num_slices=*/1, &lhs_thread_local_pre_allocated_, //
491  /*rhs_blocks=*/nullptr);
492  }
493  }
494  }
496  ~EvalParallelContext() {
497  for (Index x = 0; x < P; x++) {
498  for (Index m = 0; m < nm_; m++) delete[] state_kernel_[x][m];
499  delete[] state_kernel_[x];
500  }
501  kernel_.deallocate(device_, packed_mem_);
502  if (parallelize_by_sharding_dim_only_) {
503  kernel_.deallocate(device_, thread_local_pre_alocated_mem_);
504  delete[] can_use_thread_local_packed_;
505  }
506  }
508  void run() {
509  // Kick off packing of the first slice.
510  signal_switch(0, 1);
512  // Wait for overall completion.
513  //
514  // If parallel evaluation is executed in async mode, this is a no-op, and
515  // Wait() will return immediately. In synchronous mode it will block the
516  // caller thread until it will receive notification from last task.
517  //
518  // In async mode, last task when completed will call done callback from
519  // the same thread, and will delete this context.
520  //
521  // TODO(dvyukov): This wait can lead to deadlock if contraction is
522  // evaluated in synchronous mode. If nthreads contractions are
523  // concurrently submitted from worker threads, this wait will block all
524  // worker threads and the system will deadlock.
525  done_.Wait();
526  }
528  private:
529  std::thread::id created_by_thread_id_;
531  // This notification is specialized on the type of DoneCallback and can be
532  // blocking or non-blocking.
533  EvalParallelNotification<DoneCallback, EvalParallelContext> done_;
535  const Device& device_;
536  LhsMapper lhs_;
537  RhsMapper rhs_;
538  Scalar* const buffer_;
539  OutputMapper output_;
540  OutputKernelType output_kernel_;
541  TensorContractionParams tensor_contraction_params_;
542  const int num_threads_;
543  const bool shard_by_col_;
544  const bool parallel_pack_;
545  const bool parallelize_by_sharding_dim_only_;
546  // Matrix sizes.
547  const Index m_;
548  const Index n_;
549  const Index k_;
550  // Block sizes.
551  const Index bm_;
552  const Index bn_;
553  const Index bk_;
554  // Number of tasks.
555  const Index nm_;
556  const Index nn_;
557  const Index nk_;
558  // Task grain sizes (number of kernels executed per task).
559  const Index gm_;
560  const Index gn_;
561  // Number of blocks (this is different from ni_/nn_ because of task size
562  // coarsening).
563  const Index nm0_;
564  const Index nn0_;
565  // Tensor contraction kernel.
566  TensorContractionKernel kernel_;
568  // Parallelization strategy.
569  //
570  // Blocks related to the same k block can run in parallel because they write
571  // to different output blocks. So we parallelize within k slices, this
572  // gives us parallelism level of m x n. Before we can start any kernels
573  // related to k-th slice, we need to issue m lhs packing tasks and n rhs
574  // packing tasks.
575  //
576  // However, there is a bottleneck when we are finishing kernels for k-th
577  // slice (at the very end there is only 1 runnable kernel). To mitigate this
578  // bottleneck we allow kernels from k-th and k+1-th slices to run in
579  // parallel. Note that (m, n, k) and (m, n, k+1) kernels write to the same
580  // output block, so they must not run in parallel.
581  //
582  // This gives us the following dependency graph.
583  // On each k slice we have m x n kernel tasks, m lhs paking tasks and n rhs
584  // packing tasks.
585  // Kernel (m, n, k) can start when:
586  // - kernel (m, n, k-1) has finished
587  // - lhs packing (m, k) has finished
588  // - rhs packing (n, k) has finished
589  // Lhs/rhs packing can start when:
590  // - all k-1 packing has finished (artificially imposed to limit amount of
591  // parallel packing)
592  //
593  // On top of that we limit runnable tasks to two consecutive k slices.
594  // This is done to limit amount of memory we need for packed lhs/rhs
595  // (for each k slice we need m*bk + n*bk memory in packed_lhs_/packed_rhs_).
596  //
597  // state_switch_ tracks when we are ready to switch to the next k slice.
598  // state_kernel_[m][n] tracks when we are ready to kick off kernel (m, n).
599  // These variable are rolling over 3 consecutive k slices: first two we are
600  // actively executing + one to track completion of kernels in the second
601  // slice.
602  static const Index P = 3;
604  // Handle to the allocated temporary storage for Lhs/Rhs blocks.
605  BlockMemHandle packed_mem_;
606  std::vector<LhsBlock> packed_lhs_[P - 1];
607  std::vector<RhsBlock> packed_rhs_[P - 1];
609  // If we choose to parallelize only by the sharding dimension, each thread
610  // will have it's own "thead local" (not a c++ thread local storage) memory
611  // for packed_lhs or packed_rhs (shard_by_col = false of true). This memory
612  // can't be passed to a kernel that might execute on a different thread.
613  //
614  // In practice when we are ready to pack memory for the sharding dimension
615  // (rhs if shard_by_col==true) of the K-th slice, all kernels for K-1 slice
616  // already computed (99% of the time), and we can pack data into the thread
617  // local storage, and guarantee that all the kernels will be executed
618  // immediately in the same thread. This significantly increases L1 cache hit
619  // ratio and reduces pressure on the memory bus.
620  //
621  // It's still possible that kernel for the K-th slice will be ready before
622  // completion of the K-1 kernel, so we have to allocate "global" packed_lhs_
623  // and packed_rhs_ to allow kernels to be executed later on a thread
624  // different from the thread that was used for packing.
626  // Handle for pre-allocated thread local memory buffers.
627  BlockMemHandle thread_local_pre_alocated_mem_;
629  // Only one of these will be initialized depending on shard_by_col value
630  // (the size will be `num_worker_threads * num_grains_in_the_sharding_dim`).
631  std::vector<LhsBlock> lhs_thread_local_pre_allocated_;
632  std::vector<RhsBlock> rhs_thread_local_pre_allocated_;
634  // How many thread local blocks were already allocated.
635  std::atomic<int> num_thread_local_allocations_;
636  const int thread_local_capacity;
638  // We will use pre-allocated Lhs/Rhs blocks defined above, if the number of
639  // unique threads in a system is below or equal to the number of threads in
640  // a thread pool. We will fallback on dynamic memory allocation after that.
642  // ThreadLocalBlocks is a container for Lhs or Rhs thread local buffers. Its
643  // size is equal to the grain size in Lhs/Rhs sharding dimension.
644  template <typename BlockType>
645  class ThreadLocalBlocks {
646  public:
647  ThreadLocalBlocks() = default;
649  ThreadLocalBlocks(BlockType* base, size_t grain_size)
650  : is_pre_allocated_(true),
651  thread_local_pre_allocated_base_(base),
652  grain_size_(grain_size) {}
654  ThreadLocalBlocks(BlockMemHandle mem_handle,
655  std::vector<BlockType> blocks)
656  : is_pre_allocated_(false),
657  mem_handle_(std::move(mem_handle)),
658  blocks_(std::move(blocks)) {}
660  BlockType& block(int grain_index) {
661  eigen_assert(grain_index >= 0);
662  eigen_assert(static_cast<size_t>(grain_index) < size());
663  return is_pre_allocated_ ? thread_local_pre_allocated_base_[grain_index]
664  : blocks_[grain_index];
665  }
667  void Release(EvalParallelContext& ctx) const {
668  if (!is_pre_allocated_) {
669  ctx.kernel_.deallocate(ctx.device_, mem_handle_);
670  }
671  }
673  size_t size() const {
674  return is_pre_allocated_ ? grain_size_ : blocks_.size();
675  }
677  private:
678  bool is_pre_allocated_;
680  // Reuse pre-allocated thread local buffers.
681  BlockType* thread_local_pre_allocated_base_ = nullptr;
682  size_t grain_size_ = 0;
684  // These will be initialized only if `is_pre_allocated == false`.
685  BlockMemHandle mem_handle_{};
686  std::vector<BlockType> blocks_;
687  };
689  // ThreadLocalBlocksInitialize callable does custom thread local blocks
690  // initialization, and will reuse pre-allocated buffers if possible, or will
691  // dynamically allocate new memory.
692  //
693  // Lhs/Rhs blocks might be of the same type, so we have to pass explicitly
694  // for what side do we plan to do block allocation.
695  template <typename BlockType, bool is_rhs>
696  class ThreadLocalBlocksInitialize {
697  static constexpr bool kIsLhs =
699  static const bool kIsRhs =
701  static_assert(kIsLhs || kIsRhs, "Unkown block type");
703  using Blocks = ThreadLocalBlocks<BlockType>;
705  public:
706  ThreadLocalBlocksInitialize(EvalParallelContext& ctx)
707  : ctx_(ctx),
708  num_worker_threads_(ctx_.device_.numThreadsInPool()) {}
710  void operator()(Blocks& blocks) {
711  const int n = ctx_.num_thread_local_allocations_.fetch_add(
712  1, std::memory_order_relaxed);
714  if (n >= num_worker_threads_) {
715  ThreadLocalBlocksAllocator<is_rhs>::allocate(ctx_, blocks);
716  } else {
717  ThreadLocalBlocksAllocator<is_rhs>::reuse(ctx_, n, blocks);
718  }
719  }
721  private:
722  // NOTE(ezhulenev): Without 'if constexpr' we have to put calls to
723  // TensorContractionKernel::allocateSlices into template specializations.
724  // Also explicit specializations are not allowed at class scope in C++03,
725  // EvalCtx type parameter is just a workaround for that limitation.
726  template <bool pack_rhs, typename EvalCtx = EvalParallelContext>
727  struct ThreadLocalBlocksAllocator;
729  template <typename EvalCtx>
730  struct ThreadLocalBlocksAllocator</*pack_rhs=*/true, EvalCtx> {
731  static void allocate(EvalCtx& ctx, Blocks& blocks) {
732  std::vector<RhsBlock> rhs_blocks;
733  BlockMemHandle mem_handle = ctx.kernel_.allocateSlices(
734  ctx.device_,
735  /*num_lhs=*/0,
736  /*num_rhs=*/ctx.gn_,
737  /*num_slices=*/1,
738  /*lhs_blocks=*/nullptr, /*rhs_blocks=*/&rhs_blocks);
740  blocks = ThreadLocalBlocks<RhsBlock>(std::move(mem_handle),
741  std::move(rhs_blocks));
742  }
744  static void reuse(EvalCtx& ctx, int index, Blocks& blocks) {
745  RhsBlock* ptr = &ctx.rhs_thread_local_pre_allocated_[ctx.gn_ * index];
746  blocks = ThreadLocalBlocks<RhsBlock>(ptr, ctx.gn_);
747  }
748  };
750  template <typename EvalCtx>
751  struct ThreadLocalBlocksAllocator</*pack_rhs=*/false, EvalCtx> {
752  static void allocate(EvalCtx& ctx, Blocks& blocks) {
753  std::vector<LhsBlock> lhs_blocks;
754  BlockMemHandle mem_handle = ctx.kernel_.allocateSlices(
755  ctx.device_,
756  /*num_lhs=*/ctx.gm_,
757  /*num_rhs=*/0,
758  /*num_slices=*/1,
759  /*lhs_blocks=*/&lhs_blocks, /*rhs_blocks=*/nullptr);
761  blocks = ThreadLocalBlocks<LhsBlock>(std::move(mem_handle),
762  std::move(lhs_blocks));
763  }
765  static void reuse(EvalCtx& ctx, int index, Blocks& blocks) {
766  LhsBlock* ptr = &ctx.lhs_thread_local_pre_allocated_[ctx.gm_ * index];
767  blocks = ThreadLocalBlocks<LhsBlock>(ptr, ctx.gm_);
768  }
769  };
771  EvalParallelContext& ctx_;
772  const int num_worker_threads_;
773  };
775  template <typename BlockType>
776  class ThreadLocalBlocksRelease {
777  public:
778  using Blocks = ThreadLocalBlocks<BlockType>;
779  ThreadLocalBlocksRelease(EvalParallelContext& ctx) : ctx_(ctx) {}
780  void operator()(Blocks& blocks) { blocks.Release(ctx_); }
782  private:
783  EvalParallelContext& ctx_;
784  };
786  // ThreadLocalBlocks initialization callables.
787  using ThreadLocalLhsInit =
788  ThreadLocalBlocksInitialize<LhsBlock, /*is_rhs=*/false>;
789  using ThreadLocalRhsInit =
790  ThreadLocalBlocksInitialize<RhsBlock, /*is_rhs=*/true>;
792  // ThreadLocalBlocks release callables.
793  using ThreadLocalLhsRelease = ThreadLocalBlocksRelease<LhsBlock>;
794  using ThreadLocalRhsRelease = ThreadLocalBlocksRelease<RhsBlock>;
796  // Thread local containers for Lhs/Rhs block packs. In practice only one of
797  // them will be used, depending on the shard_by_col value.
799  ThreadLocalLhsRelease>
800  lhs_thread_local_blocks_;
802  ThreadLocalRhsRelease>
803  rhs_thread_local_blocks_;
805  // After a particular shard for Kth slice missed thread local execution
806  // opportunity (K-1 slice didn't complete kernels execution), we can no
807  // longer schedule K+1 and following slices in thread local mode, because
808  // there is no more guarantee that previous kernels were executed
809  // sequentially in the same thread (size is nn_ or nm_).
810  std::atomic<bool>* can_use_thread_local_packed_;
812  std::atomic<uint8_t>** state_kernel_[P];
813  // state_switch_ is frequently modified by worker threads, while other
814  // fields are read-only after constructor. Let's move it to a separate cache
815  // line to reduce cache-coherency traffic.
816  char pad_[128];
817  std::atomic<Index> state_packing_ready_[P];
818  std::atomic<Index> state_switch_[P];
820  LhsBlock& packed_lhs(Index m, Index k, Index m1, bool use_thread_local) {
821  if (use_thread_local) {
822  eigen_assert(!shard_by_col_);
823  ThreadLocalBlocks<LhsBlock>& blocks = lhs_thread_local_blocks_.local();
825  Index grain_index = m1 - m * gm_;
826  return blocks.block(internal::convert_index<int>(grain_index)); // FIXME better make ThreadLocalBlocks use Eigen::Index?
827  } else {
828  return packed_lhs_[k % (P - 1)][m1];
829  }
830  }
832  RhsBlock& packed_rhs(Index n, Index k, Index n1, bool use_thread_local) {
833  if (use_thread_local) {
834  eigen_assert(shard_by_col_);
835  ThreadLocalBlocks<RhsBlock>& blocks = rhs_thread_local_blocks_.local();
837  Index grain_index = n1 - n * gn_;
838  return blocks.block(internal::convert_index<int>(grain_index)); // FIXME better make ThreadLocalBlocks use Eigen::Index?
839  } else {
840  return packed_rhs_[k % (P - 1)][n1];
841  }
842  }
844  // In following two methods (pack_lhs and pack_rhs), if we know for sure
845  // that we'll be able to immediately call a kernel with packed data, and do
846  // not submit it to the thread pool, we can use thread local memory for
847  // packed data.
848  //
849  // We can only reliably check it if we are running all kernels in sync mode
850  // (parallelize only by sharding dim). If kernel for m==0 (n==0) is ready to
851  // run, it's guaranteed that all kernels with larger values of m (n) are
852  // also ready, because we execute them in the same order for all K slices.
854  void pack_lhs(Index m, Index k) {
855  bool use_thread_local = false;
857  if (parallelize_by_sharding_dim_only_ && !shard_by_col_ &&
858  can_use_thread_local_packed_[m].load(std::memory_order_relaxed)) {
859  if (state_kernel_[k % P][m][0].load(std::memory_order_relaxed) == 1) {
860  use_thread_local = true;
861  } else {
862  // If we can't guarantee that all kernels in `k` slice will be
863  // executed sequentially in current thread, it's no longer safe to use
864  // thread local memory in following slices along the k dimensions.
865  eigen_assert(k > 0);
866  can_use_thread_local_packed_[m].store(false,
867  std::memory_order_relaxed);
868  }
869  }
871  const Index mend = m * gm_ + gm(m);
872  for (Index m1 = m * gm_; m1 < mend; m1++)
873  kernel_.packLhs(&packed_lhs(m, k, m1, use_thread_local),
874  lhs_.getSubMapper(m1 * bm_, k * bk_), bk(k), bm(m1));
876  if (!parallel_pack_ && shard_by_col_) {
877  assert(!use_thread_local);
878  signal_packing(k);
879  } else {
880  signal_switch(k + 1);
881  for (Index n = nn_ - 1; n >= 0; n--) {
882  bool sync = parallelize_by_sharding_dim_only_ || n == 0;
883  signal_kernel(m, n, k, sync, use_thread_local);
884  }
885  }
886  }
888  void pack_rhs(Index n, Index k) {
889  bool use_thread_local = false;
891  if (parallelize_by_sharding_dim_only_ && shard_by_col_ &&
892  can_use_thread_local_packed_[n].load(std::memory_order_relaxed)) {
893  if (state_kernel_[k % P][0][n].load(std::memory_order_relaxed) == 1) {
894  use_thread_local = true;
895  } else {
896  // If we can't guarantee that all kernels in `k` slice will be
897  // executed sequentially in current thread, it's no longer safe to use
898  // thread local memory in followig slices along the k dimensions.
899  eigen_assert(k > 0);
900  can_use_thread_local_packed_[n].store(false,
901  std::memory_order_relaxed);
902  }
903  }
905  const Index nend = n * gn_ + gn(n);
906  for (Index n1 = n * gn_; n1 < nend; n1++) {
907  if (!TensorContractionKernel::HasBeta && k == 0) {
908  // Zero the output memory in parallel, only if contraction kernel does
909  // not support `beta`. Otherwise we will pass beta 0.0 to the first
910  // call to the `TensorContractionKernel::invoke()`.
911  //
912  // On 10000x2x10000 mm zeroing can easily take half of time. Zero (bn
913  // x m) row. Safe to do here because all kernels that will write to
914  // this memory depend on completion of this task. Note: don't call
915  // device_.memset() here. device_.memset() blocks on thread pool
916  // worker thread, which can lead to underutilization and deadlocks.
917  memset(buffer_ + n1 * bn_ * m_, 0, bn(n1) * m_ * sizeof(Scalar));
918  }
919  kernel_.packRhs(&packed_rhs(n, k, n1, use_thread_local),
920  rhs_.getSubMapper(k * bk_, n1 * bn_), bk(k), bn(n1));
921  }
923  if (parallel_pack_ || shard_by_col_) {
924  signal_switch(k + 1);
925  for (Index m = nm_ - 1; m >= 0; m--) {
926  bool sync = parallelize_by_sharding_dim_only_ || m == 0;
927  signal_kernel(m, n, k, sync, use_thread_local);
928  }
929  } else {
930  assert(!use_thread_local);
931  signal_packing(k);
932  }
933  }
935  void kernel(Index m, Index n, Index k, bool use_thread_local) {
936  // Note: order of iteration matters here. Iteration over m is innermost
937  // because we want to reuse the same packed rhs in consecutive tasks
938  // (rhs fits into L2$ while lhs only into L3$).
939  const Index nend = n * gn_ + gn(n);
940  const Index mend = m * gm_ + gm(m);
942  // NOTE: output = alpha * LHS * RHS + beta * output.
943  const Scalar alpha = Scalar(1);
944  const Scalar beta =
945  (TensorContractionKernel::HasBeta && k == 0) ? Scalar(0) : Scalar(1);
947  if (shard_by_col_) {
948  for (Index n1 = n * gn_; n1 < nend; n1++) {
949  for (Index m1 = m * gm_; m1 < mend; m1++) {
950  const auto output_mapper = output_.getSubMapper(m1 * bm_, n1 * bn_);
951  kernel_.invoke(
952  output_mapper,
953  packed_lhs(m, k, m1, !shard_by_col_ && use_thread_local),
954  packed_rhs(n, k, n1, shard_by_col_ && use_thread_local), bm(m1),
955  bk(k), bn(n1), alpha, beta);
957  // We are done with the last task for the [m1, n1] block.
958  if (k + 1 == nk_) {
959  output_kernel_(output_mapper, tensor_contraction_params_,
960  m1 * bm_, n1 * bn_, bm(m1), bn(n1));
961  }
962  }
963  }
964  } else {
965  for (Index m1 = m * gm_; m1 < mend; m1++)
966  for (Index n1 = n * gn_; n1 < nend; n1++) {
967  const auto output_mapper = output_.getSubMapper(m1 * bm_, n1 * bn_);
968  kernel_.invoke(
969  output_mapper,
970  packed_lhs(m, k, m1, !shard_by_col_ && use_thread_local),
971  packed_rhs(n, k, n1, shard_by_col_ && use_thread_local), bm(m1),
972  bk(k), bn(n1), alpha, beta);
974  // We are done with the last task for the [m1, n1] block.
975  if (k + 1 == nk_) {
976  output_kernel_(output_mapper, tensor_contraction_params_,
977  m1 * bm_, n1 * bn_, bm(m1), bn(n1));
978  }
979  }
980  }
981  signal_kernel(m, n, k + 1, /*sync=*/false, /*use_thread_local=*/false);
982  signal_switch(k + 2);
983  }
985  void signal_packing(Index k) {
986  eigen_assert(!parallel_pack_);
987  Index s = state_packing_ready_[k % P].fetch_sub(1);
988  eigen_assert(s > 0);
989  if (s != 1) return;
990  state_packing_ready_[k % P] = shard_by_col_ ? nm_ : nn_;
991  enqueue_packing(k, shard_by_col_);
992  }
994  void signal_kernel(Index m, Index n, Index k, bool sync,
995  bool use_thread_local) {
996  std::atomic<uint8_t>* state = &state_kernel_[k % P][m][n];
997  Index s = state->load();
998  eigen_assert(s > 0);
999  if (s != 1 && state->fetch_sub(1) != 1) {
1000  eigen_assert(!use_thread_local);
1001  return;
1002  }
1003  state->store(parallel_pack_ ? 3 : 2, std::memory_order_relaxed);
1004  if (sync) {
1005  kernel(m, n, k, use_thread_local);
1006  } else {
1007  eigen_assert(!use_thread_local);
1008  device_.enqueueNoNotification(
1009  [=]() { kernel(m, n, k, use_thread_local); });
1010  }
1011  }
1013  void signal_switch(Index k, Index v = 1) {
1014  Index s = state_switch_[k % P].fetch_sub(v);
1015  eigen_assert(s >= v);
1016  if (s != v) return;
1018  // Ready to switch to the next k slice.
1019  // Reset counter for the next iteration.
1020  state_switch_[k % P] =
1021  (parallel_pack_ ? nm_ + nn_ : (shard_by_col_ ? nn_ : nm_)) +
1022  nm_ * nn_;
1023  if (k < nk_) {
1024  // Issue lhs/rhs packing. Their completion will in turn kick off
1025  // kernels.
1026  if (parallel_pack_) {
1027  enqueue_packing(k, !shard_by_col_);
1028  enqueue_packing(k, shard_by_col_);
1029  } else if (shard_by_col_) {
1030  enqueue_packing(k, false);
1031  } else {
1032  enqueue_packing(k, true);
1033  }
1035  // Termination handling.
1036  // Because kernel completion signals k + 2 switch, we need to finish nk
1037  // + 2 slices without issuing any tasks on nk + 1 slice. So here we
1038  // pretend that all nk + 1 packing tasks just finish instantly; so that
1039  // nk + 2 switch only waits for completion of nk kernels.
1040  } else if (k == nk_) {
1041  signal_switch(k + 1,
1042  parallel_pack_ ? nm_ + nn_ : (shard_by_col_ ? nn_ : nm_));
1043  } else {
1044  done_.Notify();
1045  }
1046  }
1048  // Enqueue all rhs/lhs packing for k-th slice.
1049  void enqueue_packing(Index k, bool rhs) {
1050  enqueue_packing_helper(0, rhs ? nn_ : nm_, k, rhs);
1051  }
1053  void enqueue_packing_helper(Index start, Index end, Index k, bool rhs) {
1054  if (end - start == 1) {
1055  if (rhs)
1056  pack_rhs(start, k);
1057  else
1058  pack_lhs(start, k);
1059  } else {
1060  while (end - start > 1) {
1061  Index mid = (start + end) / 2;
1062  device_.enqueueNoNotification(
1063  [=]() { enqueue_packing_helper(mid, end, k, rhs); });
1064  end = mid;
1065  }
1067  // Decide if we want to run first packing task (start == 0) in
1068  // async mode if we parallelize only by sharding dim:
1069  // (1) pack_lhs and pack_rhs call signal_switch before completing
1070  // all calls to signal_kernel, which in sync mode might lead
1071  // to the execution of the first kernel of the k+1 slice, before
1072  // completing a call to the last kernel of the k slice.
1073  // (2) all pack tasks for sharded dim must be executed in a thread
1074  // pool to get pre-allocated thead local buffers.
1075  bool pack_async =
1076  (start == 0) &&
1077  (parallelize_by_sharding_dim_only_&& shard_by_col_ == rhs) &&
1078  (k > 0 || std::this_thread::get_id() == created_by_thread_id_);
1080  if (pack_async) {
1081  device_.enqueueNoNotification(
1082  [=]() { enqueue_packing_helper(start, end, k, rhs); });
1083  } else {
1084  enqueue_packing_helper(start, end, k, rhs);
1085  }
1086  }
1087  }
1089  // Block sizes with accounting for potentially incomplete last block.
1090  Index bm(Index m) const { return m + 1 < nm0_ ? bm_ : m_ + bm_ - bm_ * nm0_; }
1091  Index bn(Index n) const { return n + 1 < nn0_ ? bn_ : n_ + bn_ - bn_ * nn0_; }
1092  Index bk(Index k) const { return k + 1 < nk_ ? bk_ : k_ + bk_ - bk_ * nk_; }
1093  // Task grain sizes accounting for potentially incomplete last task.
1094  Index gm(Index m) const { return m + 1 < nm_ ? gm_ : nm0_ + gm_ - gm_ * nm_; }
1095  Index gn(Index n) const { return n + 1 < nn_ ? gn_ : nn0_ + gn_ - gn_ * nn_; }
1097  EvalParallelContext(const EvalParallelContext&) = delete;
1098  void operator=(const EvalParallelContext&) = delete;
1099  };
1101  template <bool lhs_inner_dim_contiguous, bool rhs_inner_dim_contiguous,
1102  bool rhs_inner_dim_reordered, int Alignment>
1103  using SyncEvalParallelContext =
1104  EvalParallelContext<NoCallback, lhs_inner_dim_contiguous,
1105  rhs_inner_dim_contiguous, rhs_inner_dim_reordered,
1106  Alignment>;
1108  // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ //
1110  // EvalShardedByInnerDimContext orchestrates sync/async contraction
1111  // evaluation, when we shard by inner dimension. When it is executed in
1112  // asynchronous mode, it owns all the shared state that might be accessible by
1113  // block processing tasks.
1115  template <typename DoneCallback>
1116  struct EvalShardedByInnerDimContext {
1117  EvalShardedByInnerDimContext(const Self* self, int num_threads,
1118  Scalar* result_buffer,
1119  Index m_size, Index n_size, Index k_size,
1120  DoneCallback done_callback)
1121  : evaluator(self),
1122  m_lhs_inner_dim_contiguous(evaluator->m_lhs_inner_dim_contiguous),
1123  m_rhs_inner_dim_contiguous(evaluator->m_rhs_inner_dim_contiguous),
1124  m_rhs_inner_dim_reordered(evaluator->m_rhs_inner_dim_reordered),
1125  result(result_buffer),
1126  m(m_size),
1127  n(n_size),
1128  k(k_size),
1129  done(std::move(done_callback)),
1130  buffer_size_bytes(m * n * sizeof(Scalar)),
1131  block_size(blockSize(k, num_threads)),
1132  num_blocks(divup<Index>(k, block_size)),
1133  num_pending_blocks(internal::convert_index<int>(num_blocks)),
1134  l0_ranges(divup<Index>(num_blocks, l0_size)),
1135  l0_state(l0_ranges),
1136  block_buffers(num_blocks) {
1137  // Keep count of pending gemm tasks for each l0 range.
1138  for (int i = 0; i < l0_ranges; ++i) {
1139  const Index num_pending_tasks = actualRangeSize(l0_ranges, l0_size, i);
1140  l0_state.emplace_back(internal::convert_index<int>(num_pending_tasks));
1141  }
1143  // Allocate temporary buffers for each block.
1144  for (Index block_idx = 0; block_idx < num_blocks; ++block_idx) {
1145  Scalar* buf = block_idx == 0
1146  ? result
1147  : static_cast<Scalar*>(evaluator->m_device.allocate(
1148  buffer_size_bytes));
1149  block_buffers.emplace_back(buf);
1150  }
1151  }
1153  ~EvalShardedByInnerDimContext() {
1154  for (Index i = 1; i < num_blocks; ++i) {
1155  evaluator->m_device.deallocate(block_buffers[i]);
1156  }
1157  }
1159  template <int Alignment>
1160  void run() {
1161  Barrier barrier(internal::convert_index<int>(num_blocks));
1162  eval<Alignment>(barrier, 0, num_blocks);
1163  barrier.Wait();
1165  // Aggregate partial sums from l0 ranges.
1166  aggregateL0Blocks<Alignment>();
1168  // Apply output kernel.
1169  applyOutputKernel();
1170  }
1172  template <int Alignment>
1173  void runAsync() {
1174  evalAsync<Alignment>(0, num_blocks);
1175  }
1177  private:
1178  // The underlying GEMM kernel assumes that k is a multiple of
1179  // the packet size and subtle breakage occurs if this is violated.
1180  static const Index packet_size = internal::packet_traits<RhsScalar>::size;
1182  const Self* evaluator; // TensorContraction evaluator
1184  // These fields required fromTENSOR_CONTRACTION_DISPATCH macro.
1185  bool m_lhs_inner_dim_contiguous;
1186  bool m_rhs_inner_dim_contiguous;
1187  bool m_rhs_inner_dim_reordered;
1189  Scalar* result;
1191  Index m;
1192  Index n;
1193  Index k;
1195  DoneCallback done;
1197  // ----------------------------------------------------------------------//
1198  // Algorithm parameters.
1200  // We will compute partial results into the buffers of this size.
1201  Index buffer_size_bytes;
1203  Index block_size;
1204  Index num_blocks;
1206  // Keep track of pending tasks when evaluate in async mode.
1207  std::atomic<int> num_pending_blocks;
1209  // We compute partial gemm results in parallel, and to get the final result
1210  // we need to add them all together. For the large number of threads (>= 48)
1211  // this adds a very expensive sequential step at the end.
1212  //
1213  // We split the [0, num_blocks) into small ranges, and when a task for the
1214  // block finishes its partial gemm computation, it checks if it was the last
1215  // gemm in the range, and if so, it will add all blocks of the range.
1216  //
1217  // After all tasks done, we need to add only these pre-aggregated blocks.
1219  // For now we use just a single level of ranges to compute pre-aggregated
1220  // partial sums, but in general we can use more layers to compute tree
1221  // aggregation in parallel and reduce the size of the sequential step.
1222  //
1223  // TODO(ezhulenev): Add multilevel tree aggregation? Probably will make
1224  // sense only if number of threads >= ~128?
1225  static const Index l0_size = 4;
1226  Index l0_ranges;
1228  // Keep count of pending gemm tasks for each l0 range.
1229  MaxSizeVector<std::atomic<int>> l0_state; // [0, l0_ranges)
1231  // Buffers allocated for each temporary block computation.
1232  MaxSizeVector<Scalar*> block_buffers; // [0, num_blocks)
1234  template <int Alignment>
1235  void processBlock(Index block_idx, Index begin, Index end) {
1236  Scalar* buf = block_buffers[block_idx];
1239  evaluator->template evalGemmPartialWithoutOutputKernel, Alignment,
1240  (buf, begin, end,
1241  /*num_threads=*/internal::convert_index<int>(num_blocks)));
1243  // Check if it was the last task in l0 range.
1244  const Index l0_index = block_idx / l0_size;
1245  const int v = l0_state[l0_index].fetch_sub(1);
1246  eigen_assert(v >= 1);
1248  // If we processed the last block of the range, we can aggregate all
1249  // partial results into the first block of the range.
1250  if (v == 1) {
1251  const Index rng_size = actualRangeSize(l0_ranges, l0_size, l0_index);
1252  const Index dst_block_idx = l0_index * l0_size;
1254  if (rng_size == l0_size) {
1255  addAllToBuffer<Alignment>(
1256  m * n,
1257  /*src_buf0=*/block_buffers[dst_block_idx + 1],
1258  /*src_buf1=*/block_buffers[dst_block_idx + 2],
1259  /*src_buf2=*/block_buffers[dst_block_idx + 3],
1260  /*dst_buf= */ block_buffers[dst_block_idx]);
1261  } else {
1262  // Aggregate blocks of potentially incomplete last range.
1263  for (int i = 1; i < rng_size; ++i) {
1264  addToBuffer<Alignment>(m * n,
1265  /*src_buf=*/block_buffers[dst_block_idx + i],
1266  /*dst_buf=*/block_buffers[dst_block_idx]);
1267  }
1268  }
1269  }
1270  }
1272  // Aggregate partial sums from l0 ranges.
1273  template <int Alignment>
1274  void aggregateL0Blocks() const {
1275  Index l0_index = 1;
1277  for (; l0_index + 2 < l0_ranges; l0_index += 3) {
1278  addAllToBuffer<Alignment>(
1279  m * n,
1280  /*src_buf0=*/block_buffers[(l0_index + 0) * l0_size],
1281  /*src_buf1=*/block_buffers[(l0_index + 1) * l0_size],
1282  /*src_buf2=*/block_buffers[(l0_index + 2) * l0_size],
1283  /*dst_buf= */ block_buffers[0]);
1284  }
1286  for (; l0_index < l0_ranges; ++l0_index) {
1287  addToBuffer<Alignment>(m * n, block_buffers[l0_index * l0_size],
1288  block_buffers[0]);
1289  }
1290  }
1292  void applyOutputKernel() const {
1293  typedef internal::blas_data_mapper<Scalar, Index, ColMajor> OutputMapper;
1294  evaluator->m_output_kernel(
1295  OutputMapper(result, m), evaluator->m_tensor_contraction_params,
1296  static_cast<Eigen::Index>(0), static_cast<Eigen::Index>(0), m, n);
1297  }
1299  // Compute block size with accounting for potentially incomplete last block.
1300  Index actualBlockSize(Index block_idx) const {
1301  return block_idx + 1 < num_blocks
1302  ? block_size
1303  : k + block_size - block_size * num_blocks;
1304  };
1306  // Compute range size with accounting for potentially incomplete last range.
1307  Index actualRangeSize(Index num_ranges, Index range_size,
1308  Index range_idx) const {
1309  eigen_assert(range_idx < num_ranges);
1310  return range_idx + 1 < num_ranges
1311  ? range_size
1312  : num_blocks + range_size - range_size * num_ranges;
1313  };
1315  template <int Alignment>
1316  EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE static void addToBuffer(size_t n, const Scalar* src_buf,
1317  Scalar* tgt_buf) {
1318  const int output_packet_size =
1320  size_t i = 0;
1321  const size_t num_packets = n / output_packet_size;
1322  for (; i < output_packet_size * num_packets; i += output_packet_size) {
1323  const PacketReturnType src_val =
1324  internal::pload<PacketReturnType>(src_buf + i);
1325  const PacketReturnType tgt_val =
1326  internal::ploadt<PacketReturnType, Alignment>(tgt_buf + i);
1327  const PacketReturnType sum = internal::padd(src_val, tgt_val);
1328  internal::pstoret<Scalar, PacketReturnType, Alignment>(tgt_buf + i,
1329  sum);
1330  }
1331  for (; i < n; ++i) {
1332  tgt_buf[i] += src_buf[i];
1333  }
1334  }
1336  template <int Alignment>
1337  EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE static void addAllToBuffer(size_t n,
1338  const Scalar* src_buf0,
1339  const Scalar* src_buf1,
1340  const Scalar* src_buf2,
1341  Scalar* dst_buf) {
1347  const int output_packet_size =
1350  size_t i = 0;
1351  const size_t num_packets = n / output_packet_size;
1352  for (; i < output_packet_size * num_packets; i += output_packet_size) {
1353  const auto src_val0 = pload<PacketReturnType>(src_buf0 + i);
1354  const auto src_val1 = pload<PacketReturnType>(src_buf1 + i);
1355  const auto src_val2 = pload<PacketReturnType>(src_buf2 + i);
1357  const auto dst_val = ploadt<PacketReturnType, Alignment>(dst_buf + i);
1358  const auto sum =
1359  padd(padd(dst_val, src_val0), padd(src_val1, src_val2));
1361  pstoret<Scalar, PacketReturnType, Alignment>(dst_buf + i, sum);
1362  }
1363  for (; i < n; ++i) {
1364  dst_buf[i] += src_buf0[i] + src_buf1[i] + src_buf2[i];
1365  }
1366  }
1368  template <int Alignment>
1369  void eval(Barrier& barrier, Index start_block_idx, Index end_block_idx) {
1370  while (end_block_idx - start_block_idx > 1) {
1371  Index mid_block_idx = (start_block_idx + end_block_idx) / 2;
1372  evaluator->m_device.enqueueNoNotification(
1373  [this, &barrier, mid_block_idx, end_block_idx]() {
1374  eval<Alignment>(barrier, mid_block_idx, end_block_idx);
1375  });
1376  end_block_idx = mid_block_idx;
1377  }
1379  Index block_idx = start_block_idx;
1380  Index block_start = block_idx * block_size;
1381  Index block_end = block_start + actualBlockSize(block_idx);
1383  processBlock<Alignment>(block_idx, block_start, block_end);
1384  barrier.Notify();
1385  }
1387  template <int Alignment>
1388  void evalAsync(Index start_block_idx, Index end_block_idx) {
1389  while (end_block_idx - start_block_idx > 1) {
1390  Index mid_block_idx = (start_block_idx + end_block_idx) / 2;
1391  evaluator->m_device.enqueueNoNotification(
1392  [this, mid_block_idx, end_block_idx]() {
1393  evalAsync<Alignment>(mid_block_idx, end_block_idx);
1394  });
1395  end_block_idx = mid_block_idx;
1396  }
1398  Index block_idx = start_block_idx;
1400  Index block_start = block_idx * block_size;
1401  Index block_end = block_start + actualBlockSize(block_idx);
1403  processBlock<Alignment>(block_idx, block_start, block_end);
1405  int v = num_pending_blocks.fetch_sub(1);
1406  eigen_assert(v >= 1);
1408  if (v == 1) {
1409  // Aggregate partial sums from l0 ranges.
1410  aggregateL0Blocks<Alignment>();
1412  // Apply output kernel.
1413  applyOutputKernel();
1415  // NOTE: If we call `done` callback before deleting this (context),
1416  // it might deallocate Self* pointer captured by context, and we'll
1417  // fail in destructor trying to deallocate temporary buffers.
1419  // Move done call back from context before it will be destructed.
1420  DoneCallback done_copy = std::move(done);
1422  // We are confident that we are the last one who touches context.
1423  delete this;
1425  // Now safely call the done callback.
1426  done_copy();
1427  }
1428  }
1430  // Cost model doesn't capture well the cost associated with constructing
1431  // tensor contraction mappers and computing loop bounds in gemm_pack_lhs
1432  // and gemm_pack_rhs, so we specify minimum desired block size.
1433  static Index blockSize(Index k, int num_threads) {
1434  const auto round_up = [=](Index index) -> Index {
1435  const Index kmultiple = packet_size <= 8 ? 8 : packet_size;
1436  return divup<Index>(index, kmultiple) * kmultiple;
1437  };
1439  const Index target_block_size = round_up(divup<Index>(k, num_threads));
1440  const Index desired_min_block_size = 12 * packet_size;
1442  return numext::mini<Index>(
1443  k, numext::maxi<Index>(desired_min_block_size, target_block_size));
1444  }
1446  EvalShardedByInnerDimContext(const EvalShardedByInnerDimContext&) = delete;
1447  void operator=(const EvalShardedByInnerDimContext&) = delete;
1448  };
1450  // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ //
1452  // Below are the function used by evalProductImpl heuristics, trying to select
1453  // optimcal parameters for parallelization algorithm.
1455  // Decide whether we want to shard m x n contraction by columns or by rows.
1456  static bool shardByCol(Index m, Index n, Index num_threads) {
1457  // Note: we are comparing both n and m against Traits::nr, it is not
1458  // a mistake. We are trying to figure out how both n and m will fit into
1459  // the main sharding dimension.
1461  // Sharding by column is the default
1462  // ... unless there is enough data for vectorization over rows
1463  if (m / num_threads >= Traits::nr &&
1464  // and not enough data for vectorization over columns
1465  (n / num_threads < Traits::nr ||
1466  // ... or barely enough data for vectorization over columns,
1467  // but it is not evenly dividable across threads
1468  (n / num_threads < 4 * Traits::nr &&
1469  (n % (num_threads * Traits::nr)) != 0 &&
1470  // ... and it is evenly dividable across threads for rows
1471  ((m % (num_threads * Traits::nr)) == 0 ||
1472  // .. or it is not evenly dividable for both dimensions but
1473  // there is much more data over rows so that corner effects are
1474  // mitigated.
1475  (m / n >= 6)))))
1476  return false;
1477  // Wait, or if matrices are just substantially prolonged over the other
1478  // dimension.
1479  if (n / num_threads < 16 * Traits::nr && m > n * 32) return false;
1480  return true;
1481  }
1483  Index coarsenM(Index m, Index n, Index bm, Index bn, Index bk, Index gn,
1484  int num_threads, bool shard_by_col) const {
1485  Index gm = 1;
1486  Index gm1 = 1;
1487  Index nm0 = divup(m, bm);
1488  Index nm1 = nm0;
1489  for (;;) {
1490  // Find the next candidate for m grain size. It needs to result in
1491  // different number of blocks. E.g. if we have 10 kernels, we want to try
1492  // 5 and 10, but not 6, 7, 8 and 9.
1493  while (gm1 <= nm0 && nm1 == divup(nm0, gm1)) gm1++;
1494  if (gm1 > nm0) break;
1495  // Check the candidate.
1496  int res = checkGrain(m, n, bm, bn, bk, gm1, gn, gm, gn, num_threads,
1497  shard_by_col);
1498  if (res < 0) break;
1499  nm1 = divup(nm0, gm1);
1500  if (res == 0) continue;
1501  // Commit new grain size.
1502  gm = gm1;
1503  }
1504  return gm;
1505  }
1507  Index coarsenN(Index m, Index n, Index bm, Index bn, Index bk, Index gm,
1508  int num_threads, bool shard_by_col) const {
1509  Index gn = 1;
1510  Index gn1 = 1;
1511  Index nn0 = divup(n, bn);
1512  Index nn1 = nn0;
1513  for (;;) {
1514  while (gn1 <= nn0 && nn1 == divup(nn0, gn1)) gn1++;
1515  if (gn1 > nn0) break;
1516  int res = checkGrain(m, n, bm, bn, bk, gm, gn1, gm, gn, num_threads,
1517  shard_by_col);
1518  if (res < 0) break;
1519  nn1 = divup(nn0, gn1);
1520  if (res == 0) continue;
1521  gn = gn1;
1522  }
1523  return gn;
1524  }
1526  // checkGrain checks whether grain (gm, gn) is suitable and is better than
1527  // (oldgm, oldgn).
1528  int checkGrain(Index m, Index n, Index bm, Index bn, Index bk, Index gm,
1529  Index gn, Index oldgm, Index oldgn, int num_threads,
1530  bool shard_by_col) const {
1531  const TensorOpCost cost =
1532  contractionCost(bm * gm, bn * gn, bm, bn, bk, shard_by_col, true);
1534  static_cast<double>(bm) * gm * bn * gn, cost);
1535  // If the task is too small, then we agree on it regardless of anything
1536  // else. Otherwise synchronization overheads will dominate.
1537  if (taskSize < 1) return 1;
1538  // If it is too large, then we reject it and all larger tasks.
1539  if (taskSize > 2) return -1;
1540  // Now we are in presumably good task size range.
1541  // The main deciding factor here is parallelism. Consider that we have 12
1542  // kernels and 4 threads. Grains of 2, 3 and 4 all yield good task sizes.
1543  // But 2/4 yield 6/3 tasks, which gives us parallelism of 0.75 (at most 3/4
1544  // of cores will be busy). While grain size 3 gives us 4 tasks, which gives
1545  // us parallelism of 1 (we can load all cores).
1546  Index nm0 = divup(m, bm);
1547  Index nn0 = divup(n, bn);
1548  Index new_tasks = divup(nm0, gm) * divup(nn0, gn);
1549  double new_parallelism = static_cast<double>(new_tasks) /
1550  (divup<int>(new_tasks, num_threads) * num_threads);
1551  Index old_tasks = divup(nm0, oldgm) * divup(nn0, oldgn);
1552  double old_parallelism = static_cast<double>(old_tasks) /
1553  (divup<int>(old_tasks, num_threads) * num_threads);
1554  if (new_parallelism > old_parallelism || new_parallelism == 1) return 1;
1555  return 0;
1556  }
1558  TensorOpCost contractionCost(Index m, Index n, Index bm, Index bn, Index bk,
1559  bool shard_by_col, bool prepacked) const {
1560  const int packed_size = std::min<int>(PacketType<LhsScalar, Device>::size,
1562  const int output_packet_size = internal::unpacket_traits<PacketReturnType>::size;
1563  const double kd = static_cast<double>(bk);
1564  double compute_bandwidth = computeBandwidth(false, bm, bn, bk);
1565  // Computations.
1566  TensorOpCost cost = TensorOpCost(0, 0, kd * compute_bandwidth, true, packed_size);
1567  // Output stores.
1568  cost += TensorOpCost(0, sizeof(CoeffReturnType), 0, true, output_packet_size);
1569  if (prepacked) {
1570  // Packing and kernels are executed in different tasks. When we calculate
1571  // task grain size we look only at kernel cost assuming that kernel
1572  // is more expensive than packing.
1573  return cost;
1574  }
1575  // Lhs/rhs loads + computations.
1576  TensorOpCost lhsCost = this->m_leftImpl.costPerCoeff(true) * (kd / n);
1577  TensorOpCost rhsCost = this->m_rightImpl.costPerCoeff(true) * (kd / m);
1578  // Lhs packing memory cost does not contribute considerably to overall
1579  // execution time because lhs is prefetched early and accessed sequentially.
1580  if (shard_by_col)
1581  lhsCost.dropMemoryCost();
1582  else
1583  rhsCost.dropMemoryCost();
1584  return cost + lhsCost + rhsCost;
1585  }
1587  // Decide whether we want to shard m x k x n contraction over the inner
1588  // (contraction) dimension (k).
1589  static bool shardByInnerDim(Index m, Index n, Index k, int num_threads,
1590  int num_threads_by_k) {
1591  std::ptrdiff_t bufsize = m * n * sizeof(Scalar);
1592  bool shard_by_k = false;
1593  if (n == 1 || // If mat*vec or...
1594  num_threads_by_k < 2 || // running single threaded or...
1595  num_threads_by_k <
1596  num_threads || // sharding by k gives less parallelism or...
1597  bufsize > l3CacheSize() / num_threads_by_k || // need more buffer space
1598  // than L3 cache or...
1599  k / num_threads_by_k < 2 * Traits::nr) { // k per thread is tiny.
1600  shard_by_k = false;
1601  } else if (numext::maxi(m, n) / num_threads <
1602  Traits::nr || // both other dimensions are tiny or...
1603  // k per thread is not small and...
1604  (k / num_threads_by_k > 8 * Traits::nr &&
1605  // one of the outer dimensions is tiny or sharding by k offers
1606  // more parallelism.
1607  (numext::mini(m, n) < 2 * Traits::nr ||
1608  num_threads_by_k > num_threads))) {
1609  shard_by_k = true;
1610  }
1611  return shard_by_k;
1612  }
1614  TensorOpCost contractionCostPerInnerDim(Index m, Index n, Index k) const {
1615  // Compute cost.
1616  const int output_packet_size = internal::unpacket_traits<PacketReturnType>::size;
1617  TensorOpCost cost(0, 0, (computeBandwidth(true, m, n, k) * m) * n, true, output_packet_size);
1618  // Output stores.
1619  cost += TensorOpCost(0, sizeof(CoeffReturnType), 0, true, output_packet_size);
1620  TensorOpCost lhsCost = this->m_leftImpl.costPerCoeff(true) * m;
1621  TensorOpCost rhsCost = this->m_rightImpl.costPerCoeff(true) * n;
1622  // Since the inner gemm kernel is always sharded by column, the lhs
1623  // load cost is negligible.
1624  lhsCost.dropMemoryCost();
1625  return cost + lhsCost + rhsCost;
1626  }
1628  int numThreadsInnerDim(Index m, Index n, Index k) const {
1629  const int output_packet_size = internal::unpacket_traits<PacketReturnType>::size;
1630  TensorOpCost cost = contractionCostPerInnerDim(m, n, k);
1631  double total_parallel_cost =
1633  // Cost of reduction step accumulating the m*n per-thread buffers into the
1634  // result.
1635  double reduction_cost = TensorCostModel<ThreadPoolDevice>::totalCost(
1636  m * n, TensorOpCost(2, 1, 1, true, output_packet_size));
1637  int num_threads = 1;
1638  double min_cost = total_parallel_cost;
1639  double kPerThreadOverHead = 3000;
1640  double kFixedOverHead = 100000;
1641  for (int nt = 2; nt <= this->m_device.numThreads(); nt += 2) {
1642  double sequential_cost =
1643  kFixedOverHead + nt * (reduction_cost + kPerThreadOverHead);
1644  double parallel_cost = total_parallel_cost / nt + sequential_cost;
1645  if (parallel_cost < min_cost) {
1646  num_threads = nt;
1647  min_cost = parallel_cost;
1648  }
1649  }
1650  return num_threads;
1651  }
1653  double computeBandwidth(bool shard_by_col, Index bm, Index bn,
1654  Index bk) const {
1655  // Peak VFMA bandwidth is 0.5. However if we have not enough data for
1656  // vectorization bandwidth drops. The 4.0 and 2.0 bandwidth is determined
1657  // experimentally.
1658  double computeBandwidth =
1659  bk == 1 ? 4.0
1660  : (shard_by_col ? bn : bm) < Traits::nr ||
1661  (shard_by_col ? bm : bn) < Traits::mr
1662  ? 2.0
1663  : 0.5;
1665  // Bandwidth of all of VFMA/MULPS/ADDPS is 0.5 on latest Intel processors.
1666  // However for MULPS/ADDPS we have dependent sequence of 2 such
1667  // instructions,
1668  // so overall bandwidth is 1.0.
1669  if (computeBandwidth == 0.5) computeBandwidth = 1.0;
1670 #endif
1671  return computeBandwidth;
1672  }
1674 };
1676 } // end namespace Eigen
1678 #endif // EIGEN_USE_THREADS
Definition: DogLegOptimizerExample.py:111
@ Lhs
Definition: TensorContractionMapper.h:19
@ value
Definition: Meta.h:446
static double gn[11]
Definition: fresnl.c:131
Namespace containing all symbols from the Eigen library.
Definition: jet.h:637
Annotation indicating that a class derives from another given type.
Definition: attr.h:64
@ size
Definition: GenericPacketMath.h:112
Definition: benchmark.py:79
RealScalar alpha
Definition: level1_cplx_impl.h:147
RealScalar s
Definition: level1_cplx_impl.h:126
std::ptrdiff_t l3CacheSize()
Definition: products/GeneralBlockPanelKernel.h:2626
@ Unaligned
Definition: Constants.h:233
#define eigen_assert(x)
Definition: Macros.h:1037
Definition: pybind_wrapper_test_script.py:38
set noclip points set clip one set noclip two set bar set border lt lw set xdata set ydata set zdata set x2data set y2data set boxwidth set dummy x
Definition: gnuplot_common_settings.hh:12
Derived::Index Index
Definition: TensorEvaluator.h:30
Matrix3d m1
Definition: IOFormat.cpp:2
@ Layout
Definition: TensorEvaluator.h:50
internal::packet_traits< Scalar >::type type
Definition: TensorMeta.h:51
Definition: pytypes.h:1527
Definition: pytypes.h:2272
cout<< "Here is the matrix m:"<< endl<< m<< endl;Matrix< ptrdiff_t, 3, 1 > res
Definition: PartialRedux_count.cpp:3
Values result
Definition: OdometryOptimize.cpp:8
double beta(double a, double b)
Definition: beta.c:61
Definition: TensorContraction.h:637
Scalar Scalar int size
Definition: benchVecAdd.cpp:17
int n
Definition: BiCGSTAB_simple.cpp:1
static const Similarity3 id
Definition: testSimilarity3.cpp:44
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC EIGEN_ALWAYS_INLINE void pstoret(Eigen::TensorSycl::internal::RangeAccess< cl::sycl::access::mode::read_write, typename unpacket_traits< packet_type >::type > to, const packet_type &from)
Definition: SYCL/PacketMath.h:669
@ size
Definition: GenericPacketMath.h:138
@ ShardByRow
Definition: TensorContractionBlocking.h:18
internal::enable_if< internal::valid_indexed_view_overload< RowIndices, ColIndices >::value &&internal::traits< typename EIGEN_INDEXED_VIEW_METHOD_TYPE< RowIndices, ColIndices >::type >::ReturnAsIndexedView, typename EIGEN_INDEXED_VIEW_METHOD_TYPE< RowIndices, ColIndices >::type >::type operator()(const RowIndices &rowIndices, const ColIndices &colIndices) EIGEN_INDEXED_VIEW_METHOD_CONST
Definition: IndexedViewMethods.h:73
@ ShardByCol
Definition: TensorContractionBlocking.h:19
Definition: Barrier.h:61
Definition: Eigen/src/Core/MathFunctions.h:1085
Definition: Macros.h:917
EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE TensorEvaluator(const Derived &m, const Device &device)
Definition: TensorEvaluator.h:66
def run(args)
Definition: DogLegOptimizerExample.py:21
Matrix3f m
Definition: AngleAxis_mimic_euler.cpp:1
const Device EIGEN_DEVICE_REF m_device
Definition: TensorEvaluator.h:192
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC IndexDest convert_index(const IndexSrc &idx)
Definition: XprHelper.h:31
CwiseBinaryOp< internal::scalar_sum_op< double, double >, const CpyMatrixXd, const CpyMatrixXd > XprType
Definition: nestbyvalue.cpp:15
T & local()
Definition: ThreadLocal.h:143
Eigen::internal::remove_const< typename XprType::Scalar >::type
typename XprType::Scalar type
Definition: Meta.h:121
static EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE double totalCost(double output_size, const TensorOpCost &cost_per_coeff)
Definition: TensorCostModel.h:192
Definition: numpy.h:821
detail::enable_if_t<!detail::move_never< T >::value, T > move(object &&obj)
Definition: cast.h:1250
@ Rhs
Definition: TensorContractionMapper.h:18
Definition: BFloat16.h:88
static EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE double taskSize(double output_size, const TensorOpCost &cost_per_coeff)
Definition: TensorCostModel.h:187
static EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE int numThreads(double output_size, const TensorOpCost &cost_per_coeff, int max_threads)
Definition: TensorCostModel.h:174
Array< int, Dynamic, 1 > v
Definition: Array_initializer_list_vector_cxx11.cpp:1
static const self_t self
Definition: operators.h:72
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC Packet padd(const Packet &a, const Packet &b)
Definition: GenericPacketMath.h:215
static double P[]
Definition: ellpe.c:68
Derived::Scalar Scalar
Definition: TensorEvaluator.h:31
Definition: BandTriangularSolver.h:13
Definition: Eigen/src/Core/MathFunctions.h:1093
Derived::Scalar CoeffReturnType
Definition: TensorEvaluator.h:32
Definition: TensorMeta.h:30
@ ColMajor
Definition: Constants.h:319
static const EIGEN_DEPRECATED end_t end
Definition: IndexedViewHelper.h:181
std::vector< size_t > Indices
Definition: testPartialPriorFactor.cpp:37
Definition: test_virtual_functions.cpp:156
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE TensorBlock block(TensorBlockDesc &desc, TensorBlockScratch &scratch, bool=false) const
Definition: TensorEvaluator.h:158
Definition: ThreadLocal.h:115
idx_t * nn
Definition: include/metis.h:207
PacketType< CoeffReturnType, Device >::type PacketReturnType
Definition: TensorEvaluator.h:33
Definition: test_callbacks.py:162
internal::nested_eval< T, 1 >::type eval(const T &xpr)
Definition: sparse_permutations.cpp:38
int i
Definition: BiCGSTAB_step_by_step.cpp:9
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC Packet pload(const typename unpacket_traits< Packet >::type *from)
Definition: GenericPacketMath.h:599
Definition: TensorContraction.h:670
Derived XprType
Definition: TensorEvaluator.h:35
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC EIGEN_ALWAYS_INLINE packet_type ploadt(const Eigen::TensorSycl::internal::RangeAccess< cl::sycl::access::mode::read_write, typename unpacket_traits< packet_type >::type > &from)
Definition: SYCL/PacketMath.h:129
Derived::Dimensions Dimensions
Definition: TensorEvaluator.h:34
Definition: bench_gemm.cpp:46
std::ptrdiff_t l2CacheSize()
Definition: products/GeneralBlockPanelKernel.h:2616
The Index type as used for the API.
Definition: Meta.h:74
Definition: make_changelog.py:29

autogenerated on Wed Mar 19 2025 03:04:58