Namespaces | Classes | Typedefs | Enumerations | Functions | Variables
karto Namespace Reference




class  AbstractParameter
class  BoundingBox2
class  BreadthFirstTraversal
class  CellUpdater
class  CoordinateConverter
class  CorrelationGrid
class  CustomData
class  Dataset
class  DatasetInfo
class  Drive
class  DrivePose
class  Edge
class  EdgeLabel
class  Exception
class  Functor
class  Graph
class  GraphTraversal
class  Grid
class  GridIndexLookup
class  LaserRangeFinder
class  LaserRangeScan
class  LinkInfo
struct  LocalizationScanVertex
class  LocalizedRangeScan
class  LocalizedRangeScanWithPoints
class  LookupArray
class  Mapper
class  MapperDebugListener
class  MapperGraph
class  MapperListener
class  MapperLoopClosureListener
class  MapperSensorManager
class  Matrix
class  Matrix3
class  Module
class  Name
class  NearPoseVisitor
class  NearScanVisitor
class  NonCopyable
class  Object
class  OccupancyGrid
class  Parameter
class  ParameterEnum
class  ParameterManager
class  Parameters
class  Pose2
class  Pose3
class  Quaternion
class  Rectangle2
class  ScanManager
class  ScanMatcher
class  ScanSolver
class  Sensor
class  SensorData
class  SensorManager
class  Singleton
class  Size2
class  Transform
class  Vector2
class  Vector3
class  Vertex
class  Visitor


typedef std::vector< CustomData * > CustomDataVector
typedef std::map< kt_int32s, Object * > DataMap
typedef std::queue< LocalizationScanVertexLocalizationScanVertices
typedef std::map< int, LocalizedRangeScan * > LocalizedRangeScanMap
typedef std::vector< LocalizedRangeScan * > LocalizedRangeScanVector
typedef std::vector< Object * > ObjectVector
typedef std::vector< AbstractParameter * > ParameterVector
typedef std::vector< Vector2< kt_double > > PointVectorDouble
typedef std::vector< Pose2Pose2Vector
typedef std::vector< kt_doubleRangeReadingsVector
typedef std::map< Name, Sensor * > SensorManagerMap
typedef std::vector< Sensor * > SensorVector


enum  GridStates { GridStates_Unknown = 0, GridStates_Occupied = 100, GridStates_Free = 255 }
enum  LaserRangeFinderType {
  LaserRangeFinder_Custom = 0, LaserRangeFinder_Sick_LMS100 = 1, LaserRangeFinder_Sick_LMS200 = 2, LaserRangeFinder_Sick_LMS291 = 3,
  LaserRangeFinder_Hokuyo_UTM_30LX = 4, LaserRangeFinder_Hokuyo_URG_04LX = 5


kt_bool IsDatasetInfo (Object *pObject)
kt_bool IsLaserRangeFinder (Object *pObject)
kt_bool IsLocalizedRangeScan (Object *pObject)
kt_bool IsLocalizedRangeScanWithPoints (Object *pObject)
kt_bool IsParameters (Object *pObject)
kt_bool IsSensor (Object *pObject)
kt_bool IsSensorData (Object *pObject)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &rStream, Exception &rException)


const kt_int32s INVALID_SCAN = std::numeric_limits<kt_int32s>::max()
const kt_double KT_180_PI = 57.29577951308232087685
const kt_double KT_2PI = 6.28318530717958647692
const kt_double KT_PI = 3.14159265358979323846
const kt_double KT_PI_180 = 0.01745329251994329577
const kt_double KT_PI_2 = 1.57079632679489661923
const kt_double KT_TOLERANCE = 1e-06

Typedef Documentation

◆ LocalizationScanVertices

Definition at line 1925 of file Mapper.h.

Function Documentation

◆ operator<<()

std::ostream& karto::operator<< ( std::ostream &  rStream,
Exception rException 

Write exception to output stream

rStreamoutput stream
rExceptionexception to write

Definition at line 151 of file Karto.cpp.

Variable Documentation


const kt_int32s karto::INVALID_SCAN = std::numeric_limits<kt_int32s>::max()

Lets define max value of kt_int32s (int32_t) to use it to mark invalid scans

Definition at line 47 of file Math.h.

◆ KT_180_PI

const kt_double karto::KT_180_PI = 57.29577951308232087685

Definition at line 36 of file Math.h.

◆ KT_2PI

const kt_double karto::KT_2PI = 6.28318530717958647692

Definition at line 33 of file Math.h.


const kt_double karto::KT_PI = 3.14159265358979323846

Platform independent pi definitions

Definition at line 32 of file Math.h.

◆ KT_PI_180

const kt_double karto::KT_PI_180 = 0.01745329251994329577

Definition at line 35 of file Math.h.

◆ KT_PI_2

const kt_double karto::KT_PI_2 = 1.57079632679489661923

Definition at line 34 of file Math.h.


const kt_double karto::KT_TOLERANCE = 1e-06

Lets define a small number!

Definition at line 41 of file Math.h.

Author(s): Steve Macenski
autogenerated on Mon Feb 28 2022 23:46:49