Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 CBuoyantObjectClass describing the dynamics of a buoyant object, useful for simple representations of underwater structures
 CConversionFunctionAbstact base class for a thruster conversion function
 CConversionFunctionBasicThe most basic conversion function: Thrust = const.*w*abs(w) This corresponds to what is attrributed to Yoerger et al. and called Model 1 in Bessa et al.: Dynamic Positioning of Underwater Robotic Vehicles with Thruster Dynamics Compensation
 CConversionFunctionBessaAsymmetric conversion function with dead-zone nonlinearity. This corresponds to what is called Model 2 in Bessa et al.: Dynamic Positioning of Underwater Robotic Vehicles with Thruster Dynamics Compensation
 CConversionFunctionFactoryFactory singleton class that creates a ConversionFunction from sdf
 CConversionFunctionLinearInterpConversion using linear interpolation between given data points
 CDynamicsAbstract base class for thruster dynamics
 CDynamicsFactoryFactory singleton class that creates a ThrusterDynamics from sdf
 CDynamicsFirstOrderFirst-order dynamic system
 CDynamicsZeroOrderTrivial (no dynamics) zero-order dynamic system
 CHMBoxClass containing the methods and attributes for a hydrodynamic model for a box in the fluid
 CHMCylinderClass containing the methods and attributes for a hydrodynamic model for a cylinder in the fluid
 CHMFossenClass containting the methods and attributes for a Fossen robot-like hydrodynamic model. The restoring forces are applied by the BuoyantObject class methods. Using the plugin for UUV models will use both this and the buoyant object class definitions, therefore the restoring forces were not inherited here. References:
 CHMSphereClass containing the methods and attributes for a hydrodynamic model for a sphere in the fluid
 CHMSpheroidClass containing the methods and attributes for a hydrodynamic model for a spheroid in the fluid Reference: Antonelli - Underwater Robots
 CHydrodynamicModelFactoryFactory singleton class that creates a HydrodynamicModel from sdf
 CLiftDragAbstract base class for Lift&Drag models
 CLiftDragFactoryFactory singleton class that creates a LiftDrag from sdf
 CLiftDragQuadraticBasic quadratic (Hugin) lift&drag model, page 18 from [1]. [1] Engelhardtsen, Øystein. "3D AUV Collision Avoidance." (2007)
 CLiftDragTwoLinesLift&drag model that models lift/drag coeffs using two lines. This is based on Gazebo's LiftDragPlugin but implemented as a derived LiftDrag model to allow using it in combination with the dynamics of a Fin
 CThrusterDynamicsBessaBessa's dynamic thruster model
 CThrusterDynamicsYoergerYoerger's dynamic thruster model
 CThrusterPluginClass for the thruster plugin
 CUmbilicalModelFactoryFactory singleton class that creates an UmbilicalModel from sdf
 CUnderwaterObjectPluginGazebo model plugin class for underwater objects

Author(s): Musa Morena Marcusso Manhaes , Sebastian Scherer , Luiz Ricardo Douat
autogenerated on Mon Jul 1 2019 19:39:12