39 #ifndef HOMOTOPY_CLASS_PLANNER_H_ 40 #define HOMOTOPY_CLASS_PLANNER_H_ 48 #include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp> 50 #include <visualization_msgs/Marker.h> 51 #include <geometry_msgs/Point.h> 52 #include <std_msgs/ColorRGBA.h> 73 return std::complex<long double>(pose->
x(), pose->
80 return std::complex<long double>(pose.pose.position.x, pose.pose.position.y);
162 virtual bool plan(
const std::vector<geometry_msgs::PoseStamped>& initial_plan,
const geometry_msgs::Twist* start_vel = NULL,
bool free_goal_vel=
224 double inscribed_radius = 0.0,
double circumscribed_radius=0.0,
int look_ahead_idx=-1);
292 template<
typename B
typename Fun>
389 template<
typename B
typename Fun>
391 boost::optional<TimeDiffSequence::iterator> timediff_start =
boost::none, boost::optional<TimeDiffSequence::iterator> timediff_end =
407 virtual void computeCurrentCost(std::vector<double>& cost,
double obst_cost_scale=1.0,
double viapoint_cost_scale=1.0,
bool alternative_time_cost=
415 inline static bool isHSignatureSimilar(
const std::complex<long double>& h1,
const std::complex<long double>& h2,
double threshold)
417 double diff_real = std::abs(h2.real() - h1.real());
418 double diff_imag = std::abs(h2.imag() - h1.imag());
419 if (diff_real<=threshold && diff_imag<=threshold)
boost::shared_ptr< GraphSearchInterface > graph_search_
virtual bool isTrajectoryFeasible(base_local_planner::CostmapModel *costmap_model, const std::vector< geometry_msgs::Point > &footprint_spec, double inscribed_radius=0.0, double circumscribed_radius=0.0, int look_ahead_idx=-1)
Check whether the planned trajectory is feasible or not.
TebVisualizationPtr visualization_
Instance of the visualization class (local/global plan, obstacles, ...)
boost::shared_ptr< HomotopyClassPlanner > HomotopyClassPlannerPtr
Abbrev. for a shared pointer of a HomotopyClassPlanner instance.
std::complex< long double > getCplxFromMsgPoseStamped(const geometry_msgs::PoseStamped &pose)
Inline function used for calculateHSignature() in combination with geometry_msgs::PoseStamped.
This abstract class defines an interface for local planners.
Default constructor.
void exploreEquivalenceClassesAndInitTebs(const PoseSE2 &start, const PoseSE2 &goal, double dist_to_obst, const geometry_msgs::Twist *start_vel)
Explore paths in new equivalence classes (e.g. homotopy classes) and initialize TEBs from them...
double & y()
Access the y-coordinate the pose.
bool isInitialized() const
Returns true if the planner is initialized.
const ObstContainer * obstacles() const
Access current obstacle container (read-only)
Config class for the teb_local_planner and its components.
const std::vector< geometry_msgs::PoseStamped > * initial_plan_
Store the initial plan if available for a better trajectory initialization.
EquivalenceClassPtr initial_plan_eq_class_
Store the equivalence class of the initial plan.
TebOptimalPlannerPtr bestTeb() const
Access current best trajectory candidate (that relates to the "best" homotopy class).
bool initialized_
Keeps track about the correct initialization of this class.
const TebConfig * config() const
Access config (read-only)
virtual void computeCurrentCost(std::vector< double > &cost, double obst_cost_scale=1.0, double viapoint_cost_scale=1.0, bool alternative_time_cost=false)
Local planner that explores alternative homotopy classes, create a plan for each alternative and fina...
TebOptimalPlannerPtr selectBestTeb()
In case of multiple, internally stored, alternative trajectories, select the best one according to th...
virtual bool isHorizonReductionAppropriate(const std::vector< geometry_msgs::PoseStamped > &initial_plan) const
Check if the planner suggests a shorter horizon (e.g. to resolve problems)
TebOptimalPlannerPtr initial_plan_teb_
Store pointer to the TEB related to the initial plan (use method getInitialPlanTEB() since it checks ...
TebOptimalPlannerPtr addAndInitNewTeb(BidirIter path_start, BidirIter path_end, Fun fun_position, double start_orientation, double goal_orientation, const geometry_msgs::Twist *start_velocity)
Add a new Teb to the internal trajectory container, if this teb constitutes a new equivalence class...
virtual bool getVelocityCommand(double &vx, double &vy, double &omega) const
Get the velocity command from a previously optimized plan to control the robot at the current samplin...
void updateReferenceTrajectoryViaPoints(bool all_trajectories)
Associate trajectories with via-points.
EquivalenceClassPtr calculateEquivalenceClass(BidirIter path_start, BidirIter path_end, Fun fun_cplx_point, const ObstContainer *obstacles=NULL, boost::optional< TimeDiffSequence::iterator > timediff_start=boost::none, boost::optional< TimeDiffSequence::iterator > timediff_end=boost::none)
Calculate the equivalence class of a path.
boost::shared_ptr< TebOptimalPlanner > TebOptimalPlannerPtr
Abbrev. for shared instances of the TebOptimalPlanner.
virtual bool plan(const std::vector< geometry_msgs::PoseStamped > &initial_plan, const geometry_msgs::Twist *start_vel=NULL, bool free_goal_vel=false)
Plan a trajectory based on an initial reference plan.
void clearGraph()
Clear any existing graph of the homotopy class search.
RobotFootprintModelPtr robot_model_
Robot model shared instance.
ObstContainer * obstacles_
Store obstacles that are relevant for planning.
void deleteTebDetours(double threshold=0.0)
Check all available trajectories (TEBs) for detours and delete found ones.
Symbols for left/none/right rotations.
const TebConfig * cfg_
Config class that stores and manages all related parameters.
const ViaPointContainer * via_points_
Store the current list of via-points.
virtual ~HomotopyClassPlanner()
Destruct the HomotopyClassPlanner.
void initialize(const TebConfig &cfg, ObstContainer *obstacles=NULL, RobotFootprintModelPtr robot_model=boost::make_shared< PointRobotFootprint >(), TebVisualizationPtr visualization=TebVisualizationPtr(), const ViaPointContainer *via_points=NULL)
Initialize the HomotopyClassPlanner.
boost::shared_ptr< TebVisualization > TebVisualizationPtr
Abbrev. for shared instances of the TebVisualization.
const TebOptPlannerContainer & getTrajectoryContainer() const
Read-only access to the internal trajectory container.
TebOptimalPlannerPtr getInitialPlanTEB()
Returns a shared pointer to the TEB related to the initial plan.
virtual void setPreferredTurningDir(RotType dir)
Prefer a desired initial turning direction (by penalizing the opposing one)
double & x()
Access the x-coordinate the pose.
std::vector< ObstaclePtr > ObstContainer
Abbrev. for containers storing multiple obstacles.
std::complex< long double > getCplxFromVertexPosePtr(const VertexPose *pose)
< Inline function used for calculateHSignature() in combination with VertexPose pointers ...
bool hasEquivalenceClass(const EquivalenceClassPtr &eq_class) const
Check if a h-signature exists already.
const EquivalenceClassContainer & getEquivalenceClassRef() const
Return the current set of equivalence erelations (read-only)
virtual void clearPlanner()
Reset the planner.
TebOptPlannerContainer tebs_
Container that stores multiple local teb planners (for alternative equivalence classes) and their cor...
std::vector< TebOptimalPlannerPtr > TebOptPlannerContainer
Abbrev. for containers storing multiple teb optimal planners.
std::vector< std::pair< EquivalenceClassPtr, bool > > EquivalenceClassContainer
This class implements a pose in the domain SE2: The pose consist of the position x and y and an orie...
static bool isHSignatureSimilar(const std::complex< long double > &h1, const std::complex< long double > &h2, double threshold)
Check if two h-signatures are similar (w.r.t. a certain threshold)
void renewAndAnalyzeOldTebs(bool delete_detours)
Renew all found h-signatures for the new planning step based on existing TEBs. Optionally detours can...
virtual void visualize()
Publish the local plan, pose sequence and additional information via ros topics (e.g. subscribe with rviz).
EquivalenceClassContainer equivalence_classes_
Store all known quivalence classes (e.g. h-signatures) to allow checking for duplicates after finding...
This class stores and wraps a SE2 pose (position and orientation) into a vertex that can be optimized...
bool addEquivalenceClassIfNew(const EquivalenceClassPtr &eq_class, bool lock=false)
Internal helper function that adds a new equivalence class to the list of known classes only if it is...
void setVisualization(TebVisualizationPtr visualization)
Register a TebVisualization class to enable visiualization routines (e.g. publish the local plan and ...
void optimizeAllTEBs(int iter_innerloop, int iter_outerloop)
Optimize all available trajectories by invoking the optimizer on each one.
ViaPointContainer via_points
TebOptimalPlannerPtr best_teb_
Store the current best teb.
void updateAllTEBs(const PoseSE2 *start, const PoseSE2 *goal, const geometry_msgs::Twist *start_velocity)
Update TEBs with new pose, goal and current velocity.
ros::Time last_eq_class_switching_time_
Store the time at which the equivalence class changed recently.
std::vector< Eigen::Vector2d, Eigen::aligned_allocator< Eigen::Vector2d > > ViaPointContainer
Typedef for a container storing via-points.
int bestTebIdx() const
find the index of the currently best TEB in the container