Classes | |
class | BaseRobotFootprintModel |
Abstract class that defines the interface for robot footprint/contour models. More... | |
class | BaseTebBinaryEdge |
Base edge connecting two vertices in the TEB optimization problem. More... | |
class | BaseTebMultiEdge |
Base edge connecting two vertices in the TEB optimization problem. More... | |
class | BaseTebUnaryEdge |
Base edge connecting a single vertex in the TEB optimization problem. More... | |
class | CircularObstacle |
Implements a 2D circular obstacle (point obstacle plus radius) More... | |
class | CircularRobotFootprint |
Class that defines the a robot of circular shape. More... | |
class | EdgeAcceleration |
Edge defining the cost function for limiting the translational and rotational acceleration. More... | |
class | EdgeAccelerationGoal |
Edge defining the cost function for limiting the translational and rotational acceleration at the end of the trajectory. More... | |
class | EdgeAccelerationHolonomic |
Edge defining the cost function for limiting the translational and rotational acceleration. More... | |
class | EdgeAccelerationHolonomicGoal |
Edge defining the cost function for limiting the translational and rotational acceleration at the end of the trajectory. More... | |
class | EdgeAccelerationHolonomicStart |
Edge defining the cost function for limiting the translational and rotational acceleration at the beginning of the trajectory. More... | |
class | EdgeAccelerationStart |
Edge defining the cost function for limiting the translational and rotational acceleration at the beginning of the trajectory. More... | |
class | EdgeDynamicObstacle |
Edge defining the cost function for keeping a distance from dynamic (moving) obstacles. More... | |
class | EdgeInflatedObstacle |
Edge defining the cost function for keeping a minimum distance from inflated obstacles. More... | |
class | EdgeKinematicsCarlike |
Edge defining the cost function for satisfying the non-holonomic kinematics of a carlike mobile robot. More... | |
class | EdgeKinematicsDiffDrive |
Edge defining the cost function for satisfying the non-holonomic kinematics of a differential drive mobile robot. More... | |
class | EdgeObstacle |
Edge defining the cost function for keeping a minimum distance from obstacles. More... | |
class | EdgePreferRotDir |
Edge defining the cost function for penalzing a specified turning direction, in particular left resp. right turns. More... | |
class | EdgeTimeOptimal |
Edge defining the cost function for minimizing transition time of the trajectory. More... | |
class | EdgeVelocity |
Edge defining the cost function for limiting the translational and rotational velocity. More... | |
class | EdgeVelocityHolonomic |
Edge defining the cost function for limiting the translational and rotational velocity according to x,y and theta. More... | |
class | EdgeViaPoint |
Edge defining the cost function for pushing a configuration towards a via point. More... | |
class | EquivalenceClass |
Abstract class that defines an interface for computing and comparing equivalence classes. More... | |
class | FailureDetector |
This class implements methods in order to detect if the robot got stucked or is oscillating. More... | |
class | GraphSearchInterface |
Base class for graph based path planning / homotopy class sampling. More... | |
struct | HcGraphVertex |
Vertex in the graph that is used to find homotopy classes (only stores 2D positions) More... | |
class | HomotopyClassPlanner |
Local planner that explores alternative homotopy classes, create a plan for each alternative and finally return the robot controls for the current best path (repeated in each sampling interval) More... | |
class | HSignature |
The H-signature defines an equivalence relation based on homology in terms of complex calculus. More... | |
class | HSignature3d |
The H-signature in three dimensions (here: x-y-t) defines an equivalence relation based on homology using theorems from electro magnetism. More... | |
class | LineObstacle |
Implements a 2D line obstacle. More... | |
class | LineRobotFootprint |
Class that approximates the robot with line segment (zero-width) More... | |
class | lrKeyPointGraph |
class | Obstacle |
Abstract class that defines the interface for modelling obstacles. More... | |
class | PlannerInterface |
This abstract class defines an interface for local planners. More... | |
class | PointObstacle |
Implements a 2D point obstacle. More... | |
class | PointRobotFootprint |
class | PolygonObstacle |
Implements a polygon obstacle with an arbitrary number of vertices. More... | |
class | PolygonRobotFootprint |
Class that approximates the robot with a closed polygon. More... | |
class | PoseSE2 |
This class implements a pose in the domain SE2: The pose consist of the position x and y and an orientation given as angle theta [-pi, pi]. More... | |
class | ProbRoadmapGraph |
class | TebConfig |
Config class for the teb_local_planner and its components. More... | |
class | TebLocalPlannerROS |
Implements the actual abstract navigation stack routines of the teb_local_planner plugin. More... | |
class | TebOptimalPlanner |
This class optimizes an internal Timed Elastic Band trajectory using the g2o-framework. More... | |
class | TebVisualization |
Forward Declaration. More... | |
class | TimedElasticBand |
Class that defines a trajectory modeled as an elastic band with augmented tempoarl information. More... | |
class | TwoCirclesRobotFootprint |
Class that approximates the robot with two shifted circles. More... | |
class | VertexPose |
This class stores and wraps a SE2 pose (position and orientation) into a vertex that can be optimized via g2o. More... | |
class | VertexTimeDiff |
This class stores and wraps a time difference into a vertex that can be optimized via g2o. More... | |
Typedefs | |
using | EquivalenceClassPtr = boost::shared_ptr< EquivalenceClass > |
typedef boost::adjacency_list< boost::listS, boost::vecS, boost::directedS, HcGraphVertex, boost::no_property > | HcGraph |
Abbrev. for the homotopy class search-graph type. More... | |
typedef boost::graph_traits< HcGraph >::adjacency_iterator | HcGraphAdjecencyIterator |
Abbrev. for the adjacency iterator that iterates vertices that are adjecent to the specified one. More... | |
typedef boost::graph_traits< HcGraph >::edge_iterator | HcGraphEdgeIterator |
Abbrev. for the edges iterator of the homotopy class search-graph. More... | |
typedef boost::graph_traits< HcGraph >::edge_descriptor | HcGraphEdgeType |
Abbrev. for edge type descriptors in the homotopy class search-graph. More... | |
typedef boost::graph_traits< HcGraph >::vertex_iterator | HcGraphVertexIterator |
Abbrev. for the vertices iterator of the homotopy class search-graph. More... | |
typedef boost::graph_traits< HcGraph >::vertex_descriptor | HcGraphVertexType |
Abbrev. for vertex type descriptors in the homotopy class search-graph. More... | |
typedef boost::shared_ptr< HomotopyClassPlanner > | HomotopyClassPlannerPtr |
Abbrev. for a shared pointer of a HomotopyClassPlanner instance. More... | |
typedef boost::shared_ptr< const Obstacle > | ObstacleConstPtr |
Abbrev. for shared obstacle const pointers. More... | |
typedef boost::shared_ptr< Obstacle > | ObstaclePtr |
Abbrev. for shared obstacle pointers. More... | |
typedef std::vector< ObstaclePtr > | ObstContainer |
Abbrev. for containers storing multiple obstacles. More... | |
typedef boost::shared_ptr< PlannerInterface > | PlannerInterfacePtr |
Abbrev. for shared instances of PlannerInterface or it's subclasses. More... | |
typedef std::vector< Eigen::Vector2d, Eigen::aligned_allocator< Eigen::Vector2d > > | Point2dContainer |
Abbrev. for a container storing 2d points. More... | |
typedef std::vector< VertexPose * > | PoseSequence |
Container of poses that represent the spatial part of the trajectory. More... | |
typedef boost::shared_ptr< const BaseRobotFootprintModel > | RobotFootprintModelConstPtr |
Abbrev. for shared obstacle const pointers. More... | |
typedef boost::shared_ptr< BaseRobotFootprintModel > | RobotFootprintModelPtr |
Abbrev. for shared obstacle pointers. More... | |
typedef g2o::BlockSolver< g2o::BlockSolverTraits<-1,-1 > > | TEBBlockSolver |
Typedef for the block solver utilized for optimization. More... | |
typedef g2o::LinearSolverCSparse< TEBBlockSolver::PoseMatrixType > | TEBLinearSolver |
Typedef for the linear solver utilized for optimization. More... | |
typedef boost::shared_ptr< const TebOptimalPlanner > | TebOptimalPlannerConstPtr |
Abbrev. for shared const TebOptimalPlanner pointers. More... | |
typedef boost::shared_ptr< TebOptimalPlanner > | TebOptimalPlannerPtr |
Abbrev. for shared instances of the TebOptimalPlanner. More... | |
typedef std::vector< TebOptimalPlannerPtr > | TebOptPlannerContainer |
Abbrev. for containers storing multiple teb optimal planners. More... | |
typedef boost::shared_ptr< const TebVisualization > | TebVisualizationConstPtr |
Abbrev. for shared instances of the TebVisualization (read-only) More... | |
typedef boost::shared_ptr< TebVisualization > | TebVisualizationPtr |
Abbrev. for shared instances of the TebVisualization. More... | |
typedef std::vector< VertexTimeDiff * > | TimeDiffSequence |
Container of time differences that define the temporal of the trajectory. More... | |
typedef std::vector< Eigen::Vector2d, Eigen::aligned_allocator< Eigen::Vector2d > > | ViaPointContainer |
Typedef for a container storing via-points. More... | |
Enumerations | |
enum | RotType { RotType::left, RotType::none, RotType::right } |
Symbols for left/none/right rotations. More... | |
Functions | |
double | average_angles (const std::vector< double > &angles) |
Return the average angle of an arbitrary number of given angles [rad]. More... | |
template<typename VectorType > | |
double | calc_closest_point_to_approach_distance (const VectorType &x1, const VectorType &vel1, const VectorType &x2, const VectorType &vel2, double bound_cpa_time=0) |
template<typename VectorType > | |
double | calc_closest_point_to_approach_time (const VectorType &x1, const VectorType &vel1, const VectorType &x2, const VectorType &vel2) |
double | calc_distance_line_to_line_3d (const Eigen::Ref< const Eigen::Vector3d > &x1, Eigen::Ref< const Eigen::Vector3d > &u, const Eigen::Ref< const Eigen::Vector3d > &x2, Eigen::Ref< const Eigen::Vector3d > &v) |
template<typename VectorType > | |
double | calc_distance_point_to_line (const VectorType &point, const VectorType &line_base, const VectorType &line_dir) |
template<typename VectorType > | |
double | calc_distance_point_to_segment (const VectorType &point, const VectorType &line_start, const VectorType &line_end) |
double | calc_distance_segment_to_segment3D (const Eigen::Ref< const Eigen::Vector3d > &line1_start, Eigen::Ref< const Eigen::Vector3d > &line1_end, const Eigen::Ref< const Eigen::Vector3d > &line2_start, Eigen::Ref< const Eigen::Vector3d > &line2_end) |
bool | check_line_segments_intersection_2d (const Eigen::Ref< const Eigen::Vector2d > &line1_start, const Eigen::Ref< const Eigen::Vector2d > &line1_end, const Eigen::Ref< const Eigen::Vector2d > &line2_start, const Eigen::Ref< const Eigen::Vector2d > &line2_end, Eigen::Vector2d *intersection=NULL) |
Helper function to check whether two line segments intersects. More... | |
Eigen::Vector2d | closest_point_on_line_segment_2d (const Eigen::Ref< const Eigen::Vector2d > &point, const Eigen::Ref< const Eigen::Vector2d > &line_start, const Eigen::Ref< const Eigen::Vector2d > &line_end) |
Helper function to obtain the closest point on a line segment w.r.t. a reference point. More... | |
template<typename V1 , typename V2 > | |
double | cross2d (const V1 &v1, const V2 &v2) |
Calculate the 2d cross product (returns length of the resulting vector along the z-axis in 3d) More... | |
double | distance_point_to_polygon_2d (const Eigen::Vector2d &point, const Point2dContainer &vertices) |
Helper function to calculate the smallest distance between a point and a closed polygon. More... | |
double | distance_point_to_segment_2d (const Eigen::Ref< const Eigen::Vector2d > &point, const Eigen::Ref< const Eigen::Vector2d > &line_start, const Eigen::Ref< const Eigen::Vector2d > &line_end) |
Helper function to calculate the distance between a line segment and a point. More... | |
template<typename P1 , typename P2 > | |
double | distance_points2d (const P1 &point1, const P2 &point2) |
Calculate Euclidean distance between two 2D point datatypes. More... | |
double | distance_polygon_to_polygon_2d (const Point2dContainer &vertices1, const Point2dContainer &vertices2) |
Helper function to calculate the smallest distance between two closed polygons. More... | |
double | distance_segment_to_polygon_2d (const Eigen::Vector2d &line_start, const Eigen::Vector2d &line_end, const Point2dContainer &vertices) |
Helper function to calculate the smallest distance between a line segment and a closed polygon. More... | |
double | distance_segment_to_segment_2d (const Eigen::Ref< const Eigen::Vector2d > &line1_start, const Eigen::Ref< const Eigen::Vector2d > &line1_end, const Eigen::Ref< const Eigen::Vector2d > &line2_start, const Eigen::Ref< const Eigen::Vector2d > &line2_end) |
Helper function to calculate the smallest distance between two line segments. More... | |
double | fast_sigmoid (double x) |
Calculate a fast approximation of a sigmoid function. More... | |
template<typename T > | |
const T & | get_const_reference (const T *ptr) |
Helper function that returns the const reference to a value defined by either its raw pointer type or const reference. More... | |
template<typename T > | |
const T & | get_const_reference (const T &val, typename boost::disable_if< boost::is_pointer< T > >::type *dummy=0) |
Helper function that returns the const reference to a value defined by either its raw pointer type or const reference. More... | |
std::complex< long double > | getCplxFromHcGraph (HcGraphVertexType vert_descriptor, const HcGraph &graph) |
Inline function used for initializing the TEB in combination with HCP graph vertex descriptors. More... | |
std::complex< long double > | getCplxFromMsgPoseStamped (const geometry_msgs::PoseStamped &pose) |
Inline function used for calculateHSignature() in combination with geometry_msgs::PoseStamped. More... | |
std::complex< long double > | getCplxFromVertexPosePtr (const VertexPose *pose) |
< Inline function used for calculateHSignature() in combination with VertexPose pointers More... | |
const Eigen::Vector2d & | getVector2dFromHcGraph (HcGraphVertexType vert_descriptor, const HcGraph &graph) |
bool | is_close (double a, double b, double epsilon=1e-4) |
Check whether two variables (double) are close to each other. More... | |
double | penaltyBoundFromBelow (const double &var, const double &a, const double &epsilon) |
Linear penalty function for bounding var from below: . More... | |
double | penaltyBoundFromBelowDerivative (const double &var, const double &a, const double &epsilon) |
Derivative of the linear penalty function for bounding var from below: . More... | |
double | penaltyBoundToInterval (const double &var, const double &a, const double &epsilon) |
Linear penalty function for bounding var to the interval . More... | |
double | penaltyBoundToInterval (const double &var, const double &a, const double &b, const double &epsilon) |
Linear penalty function for bounding var to the interval . More... | |
double | penaltyBoundToIntervalDerivative (const double &var, const double &a, const double &epsilon) |
Derivative of the linear penalty function for bounding var to the interval . More... | |
double | penaltyBoundToIntervalDerivative (const double &var, const double &a, const double &b, const double &epsilon) |
Derivative of the linear penalty function for bounding var to the interval . More... | |
bool | smaller_than_abs (double i, double j) |
Small helper function: check if |a|<|b|. More... | |
using teb_local_planner::EquivalenceClassPtr = typedef boost::shared_ptr<EquivalenceClass> |
Definition at line 97 of file equivalence_relations.h.
typedef boost::adjacency_list< boost::listS, boost::vecS, boost::directedS, HcGraphVertex, boost::no_property > teb_local_planner::HcGraph |
Abbrev. for the homotopy class search-graph type.
Definition at line 80 of file graph_search.h.
typedef boost::graph_traits<HcGraph>::adjacency_iterator teb_local_planner::HcGraphAdjecencyIterator |
Abbrev. for the adjacency iterator that iterates vertices that are adjecent to the specified one.
Inline function used for calculateHSignature() in combination with HCP graph vertex descriptors
Definition at line 90 of file graph_search.h.
typedef boost::graph_traits<HcGraph>::edge_iterator teb_local_planner::HcGraphEdgeIterator |
Abbrev. for the edges iterator of the homotopy class search-graph.
Definition at line 88 of file graph_search.h.
typedef boost::graph_traits<HcGraph>::edge_descriptor teb_local_planner::HcGraphEdgeType |
Abbrev. for edge type descriptors in the homotopy class search-graph.
Definition at line 84 of file graph_search.h.
typedef boost::graph_traits<HcGraph>::vertex_iterator teb_local_planner::HcGraphVertexIterator |
Abbrev. for the vertices iterator of the homotopy class search-graph.
Definition at line 86 of file graph_search.h.
typedef boost::graph_traits<HcGraph>::vertex_descriptor teb_local_planner::HcGraphVertexType |
Abbrev. for vertex type descriptors in the homotopy class search-graph.
Definition at line 82 of file graph_search.h.
Abbrev. for a shared pointer of a HomotopyClassPlanner instance.
Definition at line 541 of file homotopy_class_planner.h.
typedef boost::shared_ptr<const Obstacle> teb_local_planner::ObstacleConstPtr |
Abbrev. for shared obstacle const pointers.
Definition at line 295 of file obstacles.h.
Abbrev. for shared obstacle pointers.
Definition at line 293 of file obstacles.h.
typedef std::vector<ObstaclePtr> teb_local_planner::ObstContainer |
Abbrev. for containers storing multiple obstacles.
Definition at line 297 of file obstacles.h.
Abbrev. for shared instances of PlannerInterface or it's subclasses.
Definition at line 205 of file planner_interface.h.
typedef std::vector< Eigen::Vector2d, Eigen::aligned_allocator<Eigen::Vector2d> > teb_local_planner::Point2dContainer |
Abbrev. for a container storing 2d points.
Definition at line 50 of file distance_calculations.h.
typedef std::vector<VertexPose*> teb_local_planner::PoseSequence |
Container of poses that represent the spatial part of the trajectory.
Definition at line 63 of file timed_elastic_band.h.
typedef boost::shared_ptr<const BaseRobotFootprintModel> teb_local_planner::RobotFootprintModelConstPtr |
Abbrev. for shared obstacle const pointers.
Definition at line 121 of file robot_footprint_model.h.
Abbrev. for shared obstacle pointers.
Definition at line 119 of file robot_footprint_model.h.
typedef g2o::BlockSolver< g2o::BlockSolverTraits<-1, -1> > teb_local_planner::TEBBlockSolver |
Typedef for the block solver utilized for optimization.
Definition at line 85 of file optimal_planner.h.
typedef g2o::LinearSolverCSparse<TEBBlockSolver::PoseMatrixType> teb_local_planner::TEBLinearSolver |
Typedef for the linear solver utilized for optimization.
Definition at line 88 of file optimal_planner.h.
Abbrev. for shared const TebOptimalPlanner pointers.
Definition at line 710 of file optimal_planner.h.
Abbrev. for shared instances of the TebOptimalPlanner.
Definition at line 708 of file optimal_planner.h.
typedef std::vector< TebOptimalPlannerPtr > teb_local_planner::TebOptPlannerContainer |
Abbrev. for containers storing multiple teb optimal planners.
Definition at line 712 of file optimal_planner.h.
Abbrev. for shared instances of the TebVisualization (read-only)
Definition at line 251 of file visualization.h.
Abbrev. for shared instances of the TebVisualization.
Definition at line 248 of file visualization.h.
typedef std::vector<VertexTimeDiff*> teb_local_planner::TimeDiffSequence |
Container of time differences that define the temporal of the trajectory.
Definition at line 65 of file timed_elastic_band.h.
typedef std::vector< Eigen::Vector2d, Eigen::aligned_allocator<Eigen::Vector2d> > teb_local_planner::ViaPointContainer |
Typedef for a container storing via-points.
Definition at line 92 of file optimal_planner.h.
strong |
inline |
double teb_local_planner::calc_closest_point_to_approach_distance | ( | const VectorType & | x1, |
const VectorType & | vel1, | ||
const VectorType & | x2, | ||
const VectorType & | vel2, | ||
double | bound_cpa_time = 0 |
) |
Definition at line 408 of file distance_calculations.h.
double teb_local_planner::calc_closest_point_to_approach_time | ( | const VectorType & | x1, |
const VectorType & | vel1, | ||
const VectorType & | x2, | ||
const VectorType & | vel2 | ||
) |
Definition at line 393 of file distance_calculations.h.
inline |
Definition at line 278 of file distance_calculations.h.
double teb_local_planner::calc_distance_point_to_line | ( | const VectorType & | point, |
const VectorType & | line_base, | ||
const VectorType & | line_dir | ||
) |
Definition at line 424 of file distance_calculations.h.
double teb_local_planner::calc_distance_point_to_segment | ( | const VectorType & | point, |
const VectorType & | line_start, | ||
const VectorType & | line_end | ||
) |
Definition at line 442 of file distance_calculations.h.
inline |
Definition at line 310 of file distance_calculations.h.
inline |
Helper function to check whether two line segments intersects.
line1_start | 2D point representing the start of the first line segment | |
line1_end | 2D point representing the end of the first line segment | |
line2_start | 2D point representing the start of the second line segment | |
line2_end | 2D point representing the end of the second line segment | |
[out] | intersection | [optional] Write intersection point to destination (the value is only written, if both lines intersect, e.g. if the function returns true ) |
if both line segments intersect Definition at line 97 of file distance_calculations.h.
inline |
Helper function to obtain the closest point on a line segment w.r.t. a reference point.
point | 2D point |
line_start | 2D point representing the start of the line segment |
line_end | 2D point representing the end of the line segment |
Definition at line 60 of file distance_calculations.h.
inline |
inline |
Helper function to calculate the smallest distance between a point and a closed polygon.
point | 2D point |
vertices | Vertices describing the closed polygon (the first vertex is not repeated at the end) |
Definition at line 165 of file distance_calculations.h.
inline |
Helper function to calculate the distance between a line segment and a point.
point | 2D point |
line_start | 2D point representing the start of the line segment |
line_end | 2D point representing the end of the line segment |
Definition at line 83 of file distance_calculations.h.
inline |
inline |
Helper function to calculate the smallest distance between two closed polygons.
vertices1 | Vertices describing the first closed polygon (the first vertex is not repeated at the end) |
vertices2 | Vertices describing the second closed polygon (the first vertex is not repeated at the end) |
Definition at line 236 of file distance_calculations.h.
inline |
Helper function to calculate the smallest distance between a line segment and a closed polygon.
line_start | 2D point representing the start of the line segment |
line_end | 2D point representing the end of the line segment |
vertices | Vertices describing the closed polygon (the first vertex is not repeated at the end) |
Definition at line 201 of file distance_calculations.h.
inline |
Helper function to calculate the smallest distance between two line segments.
line1_start | 2D point representing the start of the first line segment |
line1_end | 2D point representing the end of the first line segment |
line2_start | 2D point representing the start of the second line segment |
line2_end | 2D point representing the end of the second line segment |
Definition at line 138 of file distance_calculations.h.
inline |
inline |
Helper function that returns the const reference to a value defined by either its raw pointer type or const reference.
Return a constant reference for boths input variants (pointer or reference).
ptr | pointer of type T |
T | arbitrary type |
is a pointer, return const *T (leading to const T&), otherwise const T& with out pointer-to-ref conversion
inline |
Helper function that returns the const reference to a value defined by either its raw pointer type or const reference.
Return a constant reference for boths input variants (pointer or reference).
val | |
dummy | SFINAE helper variable |
T | arbitrary type |
is a pointer, return const *T (leading to const T&), otherwise const T& with out pointer-to-ref conversion
inline |
Inline function used for initializing the TEB in combination with HCP graph vertex descriptors.
Definition at line 93 of file graph_search.h.
inline |
Inline function used for calculateHSignature() in combination with geometry_msgs::PoseStamped.
Definition at line 78 of file homotopy_class_planner.h.
inline |
< Inline function used for calculateHSignature() in combination with VertexPose pointers
Definition at line 71 of file homotopy_class_planner.h.
inline |
Definition at line 99 of file graph_search.h.
inline |
inline |
Linear penalty function for bounding var
from below: .
var | The scalar that should be bounded |
a | lower bound |
epsilon | safty margin (move bound to the interior of the interval) |
Definition at line 107 of file penalties.h.
inline |
Derivative of the linear penalty function for bounding var
from below: .
var | The scalar that should be bounded |
a | lower bound |
epsilon | safty margin (move bound to the interior of the interval) |
Definition at line 177 of file penalties.h.
inline |
Linear penalty function for bounding var
to the interval .
var | The scalar that should be bounded |
a | lower and upper absolute bound |
epsilon | safty margin (move bound to the interior of the interval) |
Definition at line 57 of file penalties.h.
inline |
Linear penalty function for bounding var
to the interval .
var | The scalar that should be bounded |
a | lower bound |
b | upper bound |
epsilon | safty margin (move bound to the interior of the interval) |
Definition at line 82 of file penalties.h.
inline |
Derivative of the linear penalty function for bounding var
to the interval .
var | The scalar that should be bounded |
a | lower and upper absolute bound |
epsilon | safty margin (move bound to the interior of the interval) |
Definition at line 127 of file penalties.h.
inline |
Derivative of the linear penalty function for bounding var
to the interval .
var | The scalar that should be bounded |
a | lower bound |
b | upper bound |
epsilon | safty margin (move bound to the interior of the interval) |
Definition at line 152 of file penalties.h.