class | aligned_allocator |
| STL compatible allocator to use with with 16 byte aligned types. More...
class | aligned_allocator_indirection |
class | AlignedBox |
| An axis aligned box. More...
class | AMDOrdering |
class | AngleAxis |
| Represents a 3D rotation as a rotation angle around an arbitrary 3D axis. More...
class | Array |
| General-purpose arrays with easy API for coefficient-wise operations. More...
class | ArrayBase |
| Base class for all 1D and 2D array, and related expressions. More...
class | ArrayWrapper |
| Expression of a mathematical vector or matrix as an array object. More...
struct | ArrayXpr |
class | BiCGSTAB |
| A bi conjugate gradient stabilized solver for sparse square problems. More...
class | Block |
| Expression of a fixed-size or dynamic-size block. More...
class | BlockImpl |
class | BlockImpl< SparseMatrix< _Scalar, _Options, _Index >, BlockRows, BlockCols, true, Sparse > |
class | BlockImpl< XprType, BlockRows, BlockCols, InnerPanel, Dense > |
class | BlockImpl< XprType, BlockRows, BlockCols, InnerPanel, Sparse > |
class | BlockImpl< XprType, BlockRows, BlockCols, true, Sparse > |
class | CholmodBase |
| The base class for the direct Cholesky factorization of Cholmod. More...
class | CholmodDecomposition |
| A general Cholesky factorization and solver based on Cholmod. More...
class | CholmodSimplicialLDLT |
| A simplicial direct Cholesky (LDLT) factorization and solver based on Cholmod. More...
class | CholmodSimplicialLLT |
| A simplicial direct Cholesky (LLT) factorization and solver based on Cholmod. More...
class | CholmodSupernodalLLT |
| A supernodal Cholesky (LLT) factorization and solver based on Cholmod. More...
class | CoeffBasedProduct |
class | COLAMDOrdering |
class | ColPivHouseholderQR |
| Householder rank-revealing QR decomposition of a matrix with column-pivoting. More...
class | CommaInitializer |
| Helper class used by the comma initializer operator. More...
class | ComplexEigenSolver |
| Computes eigenvalues and eigenvectors of general complex matrices. More...
class | ComplexSchur |
| Performs a complex Schur decomposition of a real or complex square matrix. More...
class | Conjugate |
class | ConjugateGradient |
| A conjugate gradient solver for sparse self-adjoint problems. More...
class | Cross |
class | Cwise |
| Pseudo expression providing additional coefficient-wise operations. More...
class | CwiseBinaryOp |
| Generic expression where a coefficient-wise binary operator is applied to two expressions. More...
class | CwiseBinaryOpImpl |
class | CwiseBinaryOpImpl< BinaryOp, Lhs, Rhs, Dense > |
class | CwiseBinaryOpImpl< BinaryOp, Lhs, Rhs, Sparse > |
class | CwiseNullaryOp |
| Generic expression of a matrix where all coefficients are defined by a functor. More...
class | CwiseUnaryOp |
| Generic expression where a coefficient-wise unary operator is applied to an expression. More...
class | CwiseUnaryOpImpl |
class | CwiseUnaryOpImpl< UnaryOp, MatrixType, Sparse > |
class | CwiseUnaryOpImpl< UnaryOp, XprType, Dense > |
class | CwiseUnaryView |
| Generic lvalue expression of a coefficient-wise unary operator of a matrix or a vector. More...
class | CwiseUnaryViewImpl |
class | CwiseUnaryViewImpl< ViewOp, MatrixType, Dense > |
class | CwiseUnaryViewImpl< ViewOp, MatrixType, Sparse > |
struct | Dense |
class | DenseBase |
| Base class for all dense matrices, vectors, and arrays. More...
class | DenseCoeffsBase |
class | DenseCoeffsBase< Derived, DirectAccessors > |
| Base class providing direct read-only coefficient access to matrices and arrays. More...
class | DenseCoeffsBase< Derived, DirectWriteAccessors > |
| Base class providing direct read/write coefficient access to matrices and arrays. More...
class | DenseCoeffsBase< Derived, ReadOnlyAccessors > |
| Base class providing read-only coefficient access to matrices and arrays. More...
class | DenseCoeffsBase< Derived, WriteAccessors > |
| Base class providing read/write coefficient access to matrices and arrays. More...
struct | DenseSparseProductReturnType |
struct | DenseSparseProductReturnType< Lhs, Rhs, 1 > |
class | DenseStorage |
class | DenseStorage< T, 0, _Rows, _Cols, _Options > |
class | DenseStorage< T, 0, _Rows, Dynamic, _Options > |
class | DenseStorage< T, 0, Dynamic, _Cols, _Options > |
class | DenseStorage< T, 0, Dynamic, Dynamic, _Options > |
class | DenseStorage< T, Dynamic, _Rows, Dynamic, _Options > |
class | DenseStorage< T, Dynamic, Dynamic, _Cols, _Options > |
class | DenseStorage< T, Dynamic, Dynamic, Dynamic, _Options > |
class | DenseStorage< T, Size, _Rows, Dynamic, _Options > |
class | DenseStorage< T, Size, Dynamic, _Cols, _Options > |
class | DenseStorage< T, Size, Dynamic, Dynamic, _Options > |
class | DenseTimeSparseProduct |
class | DenseTimeSparseSelfAdjointProduct |
class | Diagonal |
| Expression of a diagonal/subdiagonal/superdiagonal in a matrix. More...
class | DiagonalBase |
class | DiagonalMatrix |
| Represents a diagonal matrix with its storage. More...
class | DiagonalPreconditioner |
| A preconditioner based on the digonal entries. More...
class | DiagonalProduct |
class | DiagonalWrapper |
| Expression of a diagonal matrix. More...
class | DynamicSparseMatrix |
struct | ei_cleantype |
struct | ei_cleantype< const T & > |
struct | ei_cleantype< const T * > |
struct | ei_cleantype< const T > |
struct | ei_cleantype< T & > |
struct | ei_cleantype< T * > |
struct | ei_is_same_type |
struct | ei_is_same_type< T, T > |
struct | ei_meta_false |
struct | ei_meta_if |
struct | ei_meta_if< false, Then, Else > |
class | ei_meta_sqrt |
class | ei_meta_sqrt< Y, InfX, SupX, true > |
struct | ei_meta_true |
struct | ei_quaternion_assign_impl |
struct | ei_quaternion_assign_impl< Other, 3, 3 > |
struct | ei_quaternion_assign_impl< Other, 4, 1 > |
struct | ei_traits |
struct | ei_traits< AngleAxis< _Scalar > > |
struct | ei_traits< Quaternion< _Scalar > > |
struct | ei_traits< Rotation2D< _Scalar > > |
struct | ei_transform_product_impl |
struct | ei_transform_product_impl< Other, Dim, HDim, Dim, 1 > |
struct | ei_transform_product_impl< Other, Dim, HDim, Dim, Dim > |
struct | ei_transform_product_impl< Other, Dim, HDim, HDim, 1 > |
struct | ei_transform_product_impl< Other, Dim, HDim, HDim, HDim > |
struct | ei_unconst |
struct | ei_unconst< const T > |
struct | ei_unconst< T const & > |
struct | ei_unconst< T const * > |
struct | ei_unpointer |
struct | ei_unpointer< T * > |
struct | ei_unpointer< T *const > |
struct | ei_unref |
struct | ei_unref< T & > |
struct | EigenBase |
class | EigenSolver |
| Computes eigenvalues and eigenvectors of general matrices. More...
class | Flagged |
| Expression with modified flags. More...
class | ForceAlignedAccess |
| Enforce aligned packet loads and stores regardless of what is requested. More...
class | FullPivHouseholderQR |
| Householder rank-revealing QR decomposition of a matrix with full pivoting. More...
class | FullPivLU |
| LU decomposition of a matrix with complete pivoting, and related features. More...
struct | general_product_to_triangular_selector |
struct | general_product_to_triangular_selector< MatrixType, ProductType, UpLo, false > |
struct | general_product_to_triangular_selector< MatrixType, ProductType, UpLo, true > |
class | GeneralizedEigenSolver |
| Computes the generalized eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a pair of general matrices. More...
class | GeneralizedSelfAdjointEigenSolver |
| Computes eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the generalized selfadjoint eigen problem. More...
class | GeneralProduct |
| Expression of the product of two general matrices or vectors. More...
class | GeneralProduct< Lhs, Rhs, GemmProduct > |
class | GeneralProduct< Lhs, Rhs, GemvProduct > |
class | GeneralProduct< Lhs, Rhs, InnerProduct > |
class | GeneralProduct< Lhs, Rhs, OuterProduct > |
struct | GenericNumTraits |
class | HessenbergDecomposition |
| Reduces a square matrix to Hessenberg form by an orthogonal similarity transformation. More...
class | Homogeneous |
| Expression of one (or a set of) homogeneous vector(s) More...
class | HouseholderQR |
| Householder QR decomposition of a matrix. More...
class | HouseholderSequence |
| Sequence of Householder reflections acting on subspaces with decreasing size. More...
class | Hyperplane |
| A hyperplane. More...
class | IdentityPreconditioner |
| A naive preconditioner which approximates any matrix as the identity matrix. More...
class | IncompleteLUT |
| Incomplete LU factorization with dual-threshold strategy. More...
class | InnerStride |
| Convenience specialization of Stride to specify only an inner stride See class Map for some examples. More...
class | IOFormat |
| Stores a set of parameters controlling the way matrices are printed. More...
class | IterativeSolverBase |
| Base class for linear iterative solvers. More...
class | JacobiRotation |
| Rotation given by a cosine-sine pair. More...
class | JacobiSVD |
| Two-sided Jacobi SVD decomposition of a rectangular matrix. More...
struct | LazyProductReturnType |
class | LDLT |
| Robust Cholesky decomposition of a matrix with pivoting. More...
class | LLT |
| Standard Cholesky decomposition (LL^T) of a matrix and associated features. More...
class | LU |
class | Map |
| A matrix or vector expression mapping an existing array of data. More...
class | Map< const Quaternion< _Scalar >, _Options > |
| Quaternion expression mapping a constant memory buffer. More...
class | Map< PermutationMatrix< SizeAtCompileTime, MaxSizeAtCompileTime, IndexType >, _PacketAccess > |
class | Map< Quaternion< _Scalar >, _Options > |
| Expression of a quaternion from a memory buffer. More...
class | Map< Transpositions< SizeAtCompileTime, MaxSizeAtCompileTime, IndexType >, PacketAccess > |
class | MapBase |
| Base class for Map and Block expression with direct access. More...
class | MapBase< Derived, ReadOnlyAccessors > |
class | MapBase< Derived, WriteAccessors > |
class | MappedSparseMatrix |
| Sparse matrix. More...
class | Matrix |
| The matrix class, also used for vectors and row-vectors. More...
class | MatrixBase |
| Base class for all dense matrices, vectors, and expressions. More...
struct | MatrixExponentialReturnValue |
class | MatrixFunctionReturnValue |
class | MatrixLogarithmReturnValue |
class | MatrixPowerProduct |
class | MatrixPowerReturnValue |
class | MatrixSquareRootReturnValue |
class | MatrixWrapper |
| Expression of an array as a mathematical vector or matrix. More...
struct | MatrixXpr |
class | MetisOrdering |
class | Minor |
| Expression of a minor. More...
class | NaturalOrdering |
class | NestByValue |
| Expression which must be nested by value. More...
class | NoAlias |
| Pseudo expression providing an operator = assuming no aliasing. More...
class | NumTraits |
| Holds information about the various numeric (i.e. scalar) types allowed by Eigen. More...
struct | NumTraits< Array< Scalar, Rows, Cols, Options, MaxRows, MaxCols > > |
struct | NumTraits< double > |
struct | NumTraits< float > |
struct | NumTraits< long double > |
struct | NumTraits< std::complex< _Real > > |
class | OuterStride |
| Convenience specialization of Stride to specify only an outer stride See class Map for some examples. More...
class | ParametrizedLine |
| A parametrized line. More...
class | PardisoImpl |
class | PardisoLDLT |
| A sparse direct Cholesky (LDLT) factorization and solver based on the PARDISO library. More...
class | PardisoLLT |
| A sparse direct Cholesky (LLT) factorization and solver based on the PARDISO library. More...
class | PardisoLU |
| A sparse direct LU factorization and solver based on the PARDISO library. More...
class | PartialPivLU |
| LU decomposition of a matrix with partial pivoting, and related features. More...
class | PartialReduxExpr |
| Generic expression of a partially reduxed matrix. More...
class | PastixBase |
class | PastixLDLT |
| A sparse direct supernodal Cholesky (LLT) factorization and solver based on the PaStiX library. More...
class | PastixLLT |
| A sparse direct supernodal Cholesky (LLT) factorization and solver based on the PaStiX library. More...
class | PastixLU |
| Interface to the PaStix solver. More...
class | PermutationBase |
| Base class for permutations. More...
class | PermutationMatrix |
| Permutation matrix. More...
struct | PermutationStorage |
class | PermutationWrapper |
| Class to view a vector of integers as a permutation matrix. More...
class | PermutedImpl |
class | PlainObjectBase |
| Dense storage base class for matrices and arrays. More...
class | ProductBase |
class | ProductReturnType |
| Helper class to get the correct and optimized returned type of operator*. More...
struct | ProductReturnType< Lhs, Rhs, CoeffBasedProductMode > |
struct | ProductReturnType< Lhs, Rhs, LazyCoeffBasedProductMode > |
class | QR |
class | Quaternion |
| The quaternion class used to represent 3D orientations and rotations. More...
class | QuaternionBase |
| Base class for quaternion expressions. More...
class | RealQZ |
| Performs a real QZ decomposition of a pair of square matrices. More...
class | RealSchur |
| Performs a real Schur decomposition of a square matrix. More...
class | Ref |
| A matrix or vector expression mapping an existing expressions. More...
class | Ref< const TPlainObjectType, Options, StrideType > |
class | RefBase |
class | Replicate |
| Expression of the multiple replication of a matrix or vector. More...
class | ReturnByValue |
class | Reverse |
| Expression of the reverse of a vector or matrix. More...
class | Rotation2D |
| Represents a rotation/orientation in a 2 dimensional space. More...
class | RotationBase |
| Common base class for compact rotation representations. More...
class | ScaledProduct |
class | Scaling |
| Represents a possibly non uniform scaling transformation. More...
class | Select |
| Expression of a coefficient wise version of the C++ ternary operator ?: More...
struct | selfadjoint_product_selector |
struct | selfadjoint_product_selector< MatrixType, OtherType, UpLo, false > |
struct | selfadjoint_product_selector< MatrixType, OtherType, UpLo, true > |
struct | selfadjoint_rank1_update |
struct | selfadjoint_rank1_update< Scalar, Index, ColMajor, UpLo, ConjLhs, ConjRhs > |
struct | selfadjoint_rank1_update< Scalar, Index, RowMajor, UpLo, ConjLhs, ConjRhs > |
class | SelfAdjointEigenSolver |
| Computes eigenvalues and eigenvectors of selfadjoint matrices. More...
struct | SelfadjointProductMatrix |
struct | SelfadjointProductMatrix< Lhs, 0, true, Rhs, RhsMode, false > |
struct | SelfadjointProductMatrix< Lhs, LhsMode, false, Rhs, 0, true > |
struct | SelfadjointProductMatrix< Lhs, LhsMode, false, Rhs, RhsMode, false > |
class | SelfAdjointView |
| Expression of a selfadjoint matrix from a triangular part of a dense matrix. More...
class | SelfCwiseBinaryOp |
class | SimplicialCholesky |
class | SimplicialCholeskyBase |
| A direct sparse Cholesky factorizations. More...
class | SimplicialLDLT |
| A direct sparse LDLT Cholesky factorizations without square root. More...
class | SimplicialLLT |
| A direct sparse LLT Cholesky factorizations. More...
struct | SluMatrix |
struct | SluMatrixMapHelper |
struct | SluMatrixMapHelper< Matrix< Scalar, Rows, Cols, Options, MRows, MCols > > |
struct | SluMatrixMapHelper< SparseMatrixBase< Derived > > |
class | SparseDenseOuterProduct |
struct | SparseDenseProductReturnType |
struct | SparseDenseProductReturnType< Lhs, Rhs, 1 > |
class | SparseDiagonalProduct |
class | SparseLU |
| Sparse supernodal LU factorization for general matrices. More...
struct | SparseLUMatrixLReturnType |
struct | SparseLUMatrixUReturnType |
class | SparseMatrix |
| A versatible sparse matrix representation. More...
class | SparseMatrixBase |
| Base class of any sparse matrices or sparse expressions. More...
class | SparseQR |
| Sparse left-looking rank-revealing QR factorization. More...
struct | SparseQR_QProduct |
struct | SparseQRMatrixQReturnType |
struct | SparseQRMatrixQTransposeReturnType |
class | SparseSelfAdjointTimeDenseProduct |
class | SparseSelfAdjointView |
| Pseudo expression to manipulate a triangular sparse matrix as a selfadjoint matrix. More...
class | SparseSparseProduct |
struct | SparseSparseProductReturnType |
class | SparseSymmetricPermutationProduct |
class | SparseTimeDenseProduct |
class | SparseTriangularView |
class | SparseVector |
| a sparse vector class More...
class | SparseView |
class | SPQR |
| Sparse QR factorization based on SuiteSparseQR library. More...
struct | SPQR_QProduct |
struct | SPQRMatrixQReturnType |
struct | SPQRMatrixQTransposeReturnType |
class | Stride |
| Holds strides information for Map. More...
class | SuperLU |
| A sparse direct LU factorization and solver based on the SuperLU library. More...
class | SuperLUBase |
| The base class for the direct and incomplete LU factorization of SuperLU. More...
class | SVD |
| Standard SVD decomposition of a matrix and associated features. More...
class | SwapWrapper |
class | Transform |
| Represents an homogeneous transformation in a N dimensional space. More...
class | Translation |
| Represents a translation transformation. More...
class | Transpose |
| Expression of the transpose of a matrix. More...
class | Transpose< PermutationBase< Derived > > |
class | Transpose< TranspositionsBase< TranspositionsDerived > > |
class | TransposeImpl |
class | TransposeImpl< MatrixType, Dense > |
class | TransposeImpl< MatrixType, Sparse > |
class | Transpositions |
| Represents a sequence of transpositions (row/column interchange) More...
class | TranspositionsBase |
class | TranspositionsWrapper |
class | TriangularBase |
struct | TriangularProduct |
struct | TriangularProduct< Mode, false, Lhs, true, Rhs, false > |
struct | TriangularProduct< Mode, LhsIsTriangular, Lhs, false, Rhs, false > |
struct | TriangularProduct< Mode, true, Lhs, false, Rhs, true > |
class | TriangularView |
| Base class for triangular part in a matrix. More...
class | Tridiagonalization |
| Tridiagonal decomposition of a selfadjoint matrix. More...
class | Triplet |
| A small structure to hold a non zero as a triplet (i,j,value). More...
class | UmfPackLU |
| A sparse LU factorization and solver based on UmfPack. More...
class | UniformScaling |
class | VectorBlock |
| Expression of a fixed-size or dynamic-size sub-vector. More...
class | VectorwiseOp |
| Pseudo expression providing partial reduction operations. More...
class | WithFormat |
| Pseudo expression providing matrix output with given format. More...
template<typename Scalar > |
std::complex< Scalar > | cdiv (const Scalar &xr, const Scalar &xi, const Scalar &yr, const Scalar &yi) |
template<typename T > |
NumTraits< T >::Real | ei_abs (const T &x) |
template<typename T > |
NumTraits< T >::Real | ei_abs2 (const T &x) |
template<typename T > |
void | ei_aligned_delete (T *ptr, size_t size) |
void | ei_aligned_free (void *ptr) |
void * | ei_aligned_malloc (size_t size) |
template<typename T > |
T * | ei_aligned_new (size_t size) |
void * | ei_aligned_realloc (void *ptr, size_t new_size, size_t old_size) |
template<typename T > |
T | ei_atan2 (const T &x, const T &y) |
template<bool Align> |
void | ei_conditional_aligned_free (void *ptr) |
template<bool Align> |
void * | ei_conditional_aligned_malloc (size_t size) |
template<bool Align> |
void * | ei_conditional_aligned_realloc (void *ptr, size_t new_size, size_t old_size) |
template<typename T > |
T | ei_conj (const T &x) |
template<typename T > |
T | ei_cos (const T &x) |
template<typename T > |
T | ei_exp (const T &x) |
void | ei_handmade_aligned_free (void *ptr) |
void * | ei_handmade_aligned_malloc (size_t size) |
template<typename T > |
NumTraits< T >::Real | ei_imag (const T &x) |
template<typename Scalar > |
bool | ei_isApprox (const Scalar &x, const Scalar &y, typename NumTraits< Scalar >::Real precision=NumTraits< Scalar >::dummy_precision()) |
template<typename Scalar > |
bool | ei_isApproxOrLessThan (const Scalar &x, const Scalar &y, typename NumTraits< Scalar >::Real precision=NumTraits< Scalar >::dummy_precision()) |
template<typename Scalar , typename OtherScalar > |
bool | ei_isMuchSmallerThan (const Scalar &x, const OtherScalar &y, typename NumTraits< Scalar >::Real precision=NumTraits< Scalar >::dummy_precision()) |
template<typename T > |
T | ei_log (const T &x) |
template<typename T > |
T | ei_pow (const T &x, const T &y) |
template<typename Scalar > |
Quaternion< Scalar > | ei_quaternion_product (const Quaternion< Scalar > &a, const Quaternion< Scalar > &b) |
template<typename T > |
T | ei_random () |
template<typename T > |
T | ei_random (const T &x, const T &y) |
template<typename T > |
NumTraits< T >::Real | ei_real (const T &x) |
template<typename T > |
T | ei_sin (const T &x) |
template<typename T > |
T | ei_sqrt (const T &x) |
template<typename Scalar , int Dim> |
static Matrix< Scalar, 2, 2 > | ei_toRotationMatrix (const Scalar &s) |
template<typename Scalar , int Dim, typename OtherDerived > |
static Matrix< Scalar, Dim, Dim > | ei_toRotationMatrix (const RotationBase< OtherDerived, Dim > &r) |
template<typename Scalar , int Dim, typename OtherDerived > |
static const MatrixBase< OtherDerived > & | ei_toRotationMatrix (const MatrixBase< OtherDerived > &mat) |
template<typename ExpressionType > |
EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE const | EIGEN_CWISE_UNOP_RETURN_TYPE (internal::scalar_abs_op) Cwise< ExpressionType > |
template<typename ExpressionType > |
const | EIGEN_CWISE_UNOP_RETURN_TYPE (internal::scalar_sqrt_op) Cwise< ExpressionType > |
template<typename VectorType , typename HyperplaneType > |
void | fitHyperplane (int numPoints, VectorType **points, HyperplaneType *result, typename NumTraits< typename VectorType::Scalar >::Real *soundness=0) |
template<typename VectorsType , typename CoeffsType > |
HouseholderSequence< VectorsType, CoeffsType > | householderSequence (const VectorsType &v, const CoeffsType &h) |
| Convenience function for constructing a Householder sequence. More...
void | initParallel () |
std::ptrdiff_t | l1CacheSize () |
std::ptrdiff_t | l2CacheSize () |
template<typename VectorType > |
void | linearRegression (int numPoints, VectorType **points, VectorType *result, int funcOfOthers) |
template<typename T > |
T | machine_epsilon () |
int | nbThreads () |
template<typename SparseDerived , typename PermDerived > |
const internal::permut_sparsematrix_product_retval< PermutationBase< PermDerived >, SparseDerived, OnTheRight, false > | operator* (const SparseMatrixBase< SparseDerived > &matrix, const PermutationBase< PermDerived > &perm) |
template<typename SparseDerived , typename PermDerived > |
const internal::permut_sparsematrix_product_retval< PermutationBase< PermDerived >, SparseDerived, OnTheLeft, false > | operator* (const PermutationBase< PermDerived > &perm, const SparseMatrixBase< SparseDerived > &matrix) |
template<typename SparseDerived , typename PermDerived > |
const internal::permut_sparsematrix_product_retval< PermutationBase< PermDerived >, SparseDerived, OnTheRight, true > | operator* (const SparseMatrixBase< SparseDerived > &matrix, const Transpose< PermutationBase< PermDerived > > &tperm) |
template<typename SparseDerived , typename PermDerived > |
const internal::permut_sparsematrix_product_retval< PermutationBase< PermDerived >, SparseDerived, OnTheLeft, true > | operator* (const Transpose< PermutationBase< PermDerived > > &tperm, const SparseMatrixBase< SparseDerived > &matrix) |
template<typename Derived , typename Lhs , typename Rhs > |
const ScaledProduct< Derived > | operator* (const ProductBase< Derived, Lhs, Rhs > &prod, const typename Derived::Scalar &x) |
template<typename Derived , typename Lhs , typename Rhs > |
internal::enable_if<!internal::is_same< typename Derived::Scalar, typename Derived::RealScalar >::value, const ScaledProduct< Derived > >::type | operator* (const ProductBase< Derived, Lhs, Rhs > &prod, const typename Derived::RealScalar &x) |
template<typename Derived , typename Lhs , typename Rhs > |
const ScaledProduct< Derived > | operator* (const typename Derived::Scalar &x, const ProductBase< Derived, Lhs, Rhs > &prod) |
template<typename Derived , typename Lhs , typename Rhs > |
internal::enable_if<!internal::is_same< typename Derived::Scalar, typename Derived::RealScalar >::value, const ScaledProduct< Derived > >::type | operator* (const typename Derived::RealScalar &x, const ProductBase< Derived, Lhs, Rhs > &prod) |
template<typename Derived , typename TranspositionsDerived > |
const internal::transposition_matrix_product_retval< TranspositionsDerived, Derived, OnTheRight > | operator* (const MatrixBase< Derived > &matrix, const TranspositionsBase< TranspositionsDerived > &transpositions) |
template<typename Derived , typename TranspositionDerived > |
const internal::transposition_matrix_product_retval< TranspositionDerived, Derived, OnTheLeft > | operator* (const TranspositionsBase< TranspositionDerived > &transpositions, const MatrixBase< Derived > &matrix) |
template<typename OtherDerived , typename VectorsType , typename CoeffsType , int Side> |
internal::matrix_type_times_scalar_type< typename VectorsType::Scalar, OtherDerived >::Type | operator* (const MatrixBase< OtherDerived > &other, const HouseholderSequence< VectorsType, CoeffsType, Side > &h) |
| Computes the product of a matrix with a Householder sequence. More...
template<typename Derived , typename PermutationDerived > |
const internal::permut_matrix_product_retval< PermutationDerived, Derived, OnTheRight > | operator* (const MatrixBase< Derived > &matrix, const PermutationBase< PermutationDerived > &permutation) |
template<typename Derived , typename PermutationDerived > |
const internal::permut_matrix_product_retval< PermutationDerived, Derived, OnTheLeft > | operator* (const PermutationBase< PermutationDerived > &permutation, const MatrixBase< Derived > &matrix) |
template<typename Derived > |
const Eigen::CwiseUnaryOp< Eigen::internal::scalar_inverse_mult_op< typename Derived::Scalar >, const Derived > | operator/ (const typename Derived::Scalar &s, const Eigen::ArrayBase< Derived > &a) |
| Component-wise division of a scalar by array elements. More...
template<typename Derived > |
const Eigen::CwiseUnaryOp< Eigen::internal::scalar_pow_op< typename Derived::Scalar >, const Derived > | pow (const Eigen::ArrayBase< Derived > &x, const typename Derived::Scalar &exponent) |
template<typename Derived > |
const Eigen::CwiseBinaryOp< Eigen::internal::scalar_binary_pow_op< typename Derived::Scalar, typename Derived::Scalar >, const Derived, const Derived > | pow (const Eigen::ArrayBase< Derived > &x, const Eigen::ArrayBase< Derived > &exponents) |
template<typename T > |
T | precision () |
template<typename VectorsType , typename CoeffsType > |
HouseholderSequence< VectorsType, CoeffsType, OnTheRight > | rightHouseholderSequence (const VectorsType &v, const CoeffsType &h) |
| Convenience function for constructing a Householder sequence. More...
static UniformScaling< float > | Scaling (float s) |
static UniformScaling< double > | Scaling (double s) |
template<typename RealScalar > |
static UniformScaling< std::complex< RealScalar > > | Scaling (const std::complex< RealScalar > &s) |
template<typename Scalar > |
static DiagonalMatrix< Scalar, 2 > | Scaling (const Scalar &sx, const Scalar &sy) |
template<typename Scalar > |
static DiagonalMatrix< Scalar, 3 > | Scaling (const Scalar &sx, const Scalar &sy, const Scalar &sz) |
template<typename Derived > |
static const DiagonalWrapper< const Derived > | Scaling (const MatrixBase< Derived > &coeffs) |
void | setCpuCacheSizes (std::ptrdiff_t l1, std::ptrdiff_t l2) |
void | setNbThreads (int v) |
template<typename Derived , typename OtherDerived > |
internal::umeyama_transform_matrix_type< Derived, OtherDerived >::type | umeyama (const MatrixBase< Derived > &src, const MatrixBase< OtherDerived > &dst, bool with_scaling=true) |
| Returns the transformation between two point sets. More...
void | umfpack_free_numeric (void **Numeric, double) |
void | umfpack_free_numeric (void **Numeric, std::complex< double >) |
void | umfpack_free_symbolic (void **Symbolic, double) |
void | umfpack_free_symbolic (void **Symbolic, std::complex< double >) |
int | umfpack_get_determinant (double *Mx, double *Ex, void *NumericHandle, double User_Info[UMFPACK_INFO]) |
int | umfpack_get_determinant (std::complex< double > *Mx, double *Ex, void *NumericHandle, double User_Info[UMFPACK_INFO]) |
int | umfpack_get_lunz (int *lnz, int *unz, int *n_row, int *n_col, int *nz_udiag, void *Numeric, double) |
int | umfpack_get_lunz (int *lnz, int *unz, int *n_row, int *n_col, int *nz_udiag, void *Numeric, std::complex< double >) |
int | umfpack_get_numeric (int Lp[], int Lj[], double Lx[], int Up[], int Ui[], double Ux[], int P[], int Q[], double Dx[], int *do_recip, double Rs[], void *Numeric) |
int | umfpack_get_numeric (int Lp[], int Lj[], std::complex< double > Lx[], int Up[], int Ui[], std::complex< double > Ux[], int P[], int Q[], std::complex< double > Dx[], int *do_recip, double Rs[], void *Numeric) |
int | umfpack_numeric (const int Ap[], const int Ai[], const double Ax[], void *Symbolic, void **Numeric, const double Control[UMFPACK_CONTROL], double Info[UMFPACK_INFO]) |
int | umfpack_numeric (const int Ap[], const int Ai[], const std::complex< double > Ax[], void *Symbolic, void **Numeric, const double Control[UMFPACK_CONTROL], double Info[UMFPACK_INFO]) |
int | umfpack_solve (int sys, const int Ap[], const int Ai[], const double Ax[], double X[], const double B[], void *Numeric, const double Control[UMFPACK_CONTROL], double Info[UMFPACK_INFO]) |
int | umfpack_solve (int sys, const int Ap[], const int Ai[], const std::complex< double > Ax[], std::complex< double > X[], const std::complex< double > B[], void *Numeric, const double Control[UMFPACK_CONTROL], double Info[UMFPACK_INFO]) |
int | umfpack_symbolic (int n_row, int n_col, const int Ap[], const int Ai[], const double Ax[], void **Symbolic, const double Control[UMFPACK_CONTROL], double Info[UMFPACK_INFO]) |
int | umfpack_symbolic (int n_row, int n_col, const int Ap[], const int Ai[], const std::complex< double > Ax[], void **Symbolic, const double Control[UMFPACK_CONTROL], double Info[UMFPACK_INFO]) |
template<typename _Scalar , int _Options, typename _Index > |
cholmod_sparse | viewAsCholmod (SparseMatrix< _Scalar, _Options, _Index > &mat) |
template<typename _Scalar , int _Options, typename _Index > |
const cholmod_sparse | viewAsCholmod (const SparseMatrix< _Scalar, _Options, _Index > &mat) |
template<typename _Scalar , int _Options, typename _Index , unsigned int UpLo> |
cholmod_sparse | viewAsCholmod (const SparseSelfAdjointView< SparseMatrix< _Scalar, _Options, _Index >, UpLo > &mat) |
template<typename Derived > |
cholmod_dense | viewAsCholmod (MatrixBase< Derived > &mat) |
template<typename Scalar , int Flags, typename Index > |
MappedSparseMatrix< Scalar, Flags, Index > | viewAsEigen (cholmod_sparse &cm) |