Go to the documentation of this file.
1 // License: Apache 2.0. See LICENSE file in root directory.
2 // Copyright(c) 2019 Intel Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
4 #pragma once
6 #include "types.h"
8 namespace librealsense
9 {
11  struct log_message
12  {
13  el::LogMessage const& el_msg;
14  std::string built_msg;
16  log_message( el::LogMessage const& el_msg ) : el_msg( el_msg ) {}
18  unsigned get_log_message_line_number() const {
19  return el_msg.line();
20  }
22  const char* get_log_message_filename() const {
23  return el_msg.file().c_str();
24  }
26  const char* get_raw_log_message() const {
27  return el_msg.message().c_str();
28  }
30  const char* get_full_log_message() {
31  if (built_msg.empty())
32  {
33  bool const append_new_line = false;
34  built_msg = el_msg.logger()->logBuilder()->build(&el_msg, append_new_line);
35  }
36  return built_msg.c_str();
37  }
38  };
40  template<char const * NAME>
41  class logger_type
42  {
43  rs2_log_severity minimum_log_severity = RS2_LOG_SEVERITY_NONE;
44  rs2_log_severity minimum_console_severity = RS2_LOG_SEVERITY_NONE;
45  rs2_log_severity minimum_file_severity = RS2_LOG_SEVERITY_NONE;
47  std::mutex log_mutex;
48  std::ofstream log_file;
49  std::vector< std::string > callback_dispatchers;
52  const std::string log_id = NAME;
54  public:
55  static el::Level severity_to_level(rs2_log_severity severity)
56  {
57  switch (severity)
58  {
64  default: return el::Level::Unknown;
65  }
66  }
68  static rs2_log_severity level_to_severity( el::Level level )
69  {
70  switch( level )
71  {
72  case el::Level::Debug: return RS2_LOG_SEVERITY_DEBUG; // LOG(DEBUG) - useful for developers to debug application
73  case el::Level::Trace: return RS2_LOG_SEVERITY_DEBUG; // LOG(TRACE) - useful to back-trace certain events
74  case el::Level::Info: return RS2_LOG_SEVERITY_INFO; // LOG(INFO) - show current progress of application
75  case el::Level::Verbose: return RS2_LOG_SEVERITY_INFO; // LOG(VERBOSE) - can be highly useful but varies with verbose logging level
76  case el::Level::Warning: return RS2_LOG_SEVERITY_WARN; // LOG(WARNING) - potentially harmful situtaions
77  case el::Level::Error: return RS2_LOG_SEVERITY_ERROR; // LOG(ERROR) - errors in application but application will keep running
78  case el::Level::Fatal: return RS2_LOG_SEVERITY_FATAL; // LOG(FATAL) - severe errors that will presumably abort application
79  default:
80  // Unknown/Global, or otherwise
81  // Global should never occur (no CGLOBAL macro); same for Unknown...
82  return RS2_LOG_SEVERITY_ERROR; // treat as error, since we don't know what it is...
83  }
84  }
86  void open() const
87  {
88  el::Configurations defaultConf;
89  defaultConf.setToDefault();
90  // To set GLOBAL configurations you may use
92  defaultConf.setGlobally(el::ConfigurationType::ToFile, "false");
95  defaultConf.setGlobally(el::ConfigurationType::Format, " %datetime{%d/%M %H:%m:%s,%g} %level [%thread] (%fbase:%line) %msg");
97  for (int i = minimum_console_severity; i < RS2_LOG_SEVERITY_NONE; i++)
98  {
99  defaultConf.set(severity_to_level(static_cast<rs2_log_severity>(i)),
101  }
103  // NOTE: you can only log to one file, so successive calls to log_to_file
104  // will override one another!
105  if (minimum_file_severity != RS2_LOG_SEVERITY_NONE)
106  {
107  // Configure filename for logging only if the severity requires it, which
108  // prevents creation of empty log files that are not required.
109  defaultConf.setGlobally(el::ConfigurationType::Filename, filename);
110  }
111  for (int i = minimum_file_severity; i < RS2_LOG_SEVERITY_NONE; i++)
112  {
113  defaultConf.set(severity_to_level(static_cast<rs2_log_severity>(i)),
115  }
117  el::Loggers::reconfigureLogger(log_id, defaultConf);
118  }
120  void open_def() const
121  {
122  el::Configurations defaultConf;
123  defaultConf.setToDefault();
124  // To set GLOBAL configurations you may use
126  defaultConf.setGlobally(el::ConfigurationType::ToFile, "false");
129  el::Loggers::reconfigureLogger(log_id, defaultConf);
130  }
133  logger_type()
134  : filename(to_string() << datetime_string() << ".log")
135  {
137  if (try_get_log_severity(severity))
138  {
139  log_to_file(severity, filename.c_str());
140  }
141  else
142  {
143  open_def();
144  }
145  }
147  static bool try_get_log_severity(rs2_log_severity& severity)
148  {
149  static const char* severity_var_name = "LRS_LOG_LEVEL";
150  auto content = getenv(severity_var_name);
152  if (content)
153  {
154  std::string content_str(content);
155  std::transform(content_str.begin(), content_str.end(), content_str.begin(), ::tolower);
157  for (uint32_t i = 0; i < RS2_LOG_SEVERITY_COUNT; i++)
158  {
159  auto current = (rs2_log_severity)i;
161  std::transform(name.begin(), name.end(), name.begin(), ::tolower);
162  if (content_str == name)
163  {
164  severity = current;
165  return true;
166  }
167  }
168  }
170  return false;
171  }
173  void log_to_console(rs2_log_severity min_severity)
174  {
175  minimum_console_severity = min_severity;
176  open();
177  }
179  void log_to_file(rs2_log_severity min_severity, const char * file_path)
180  {
181  if (!try_get_log_severity(minimum_file_severity))
182  minimum_file_severity = min_severity;
184  if (file_path)
185  filename = file_path;
187  open();
188  }
190  protected:
191  // Create a dispatch sink which will get any messages logged to EasyLogging, which will then
192  // post the messages on the viewer's notification window.
193  class elpp_dispatcher : public el::LogDispatchCallback
194  {
195  public:
199  protected:
200  void handle( el::LogDispatchData const* data ) noexcept override
201  {
202  // NOTE: once a callback is set, it gets ALL messages -- even from other (non-"librealsense") loggers!
203  el::LogMessage const& msg = *data->logMessage();
204  auto severity = level_to_severity( msg.level() );
205  if( callback && severity >= min_severity )
206  {
207  log_message msg_wrapper( msg );
208  callback->on_log( severity, reinterpret_cast<rs2_log_message const&>(msg_wrapper) ); // noexcept!
209  }
210  }
211  };
213  public:
214  void remove_callbacks()
215  {
216  for( auto const& dispatch : callback_dispatchers )
217  el::Helpers::uninstallLogDispatchCallback< elpp_dispatcher >( dispatch );
218  callback_dispatchers.clear();
219  }
221  void log_to_callback( rs2_log_severity min_severity, log_callback_ptr callback )
222  {
223  open();
225  try_get_log_severity( min_severity );
226  if( callback && min_severity != RS2_LOG_SEVERITY_NONE )
227  {
228  // Each callback we install must have a unique name
229  std::ostringstream ss;
230  ss << "elpp_dispatcher_" << callback_dispatchers.size();
231  std::string dispatch_name = ss.str();
233  // Record all the dispatchers we have so we can erase them
234  callback_dispatchers.push_back( dispatch_name );
236  // The only way to install the callback in ELPP is with a default ctor...
237  el::Helpers::installLogDispatchCallback< elpp_dispatcher >( dispatch_name );
238  auto dispatcher = el::Helpers::logDispatchCallback< elpp_dispatcher >( dispatch_name );
239  dispatcher->callback = callback;
240  dispatcher->min_severity = min_severity;
242  // Remove the default logger (which will log to standard out/err) or it'll still be active
243  //el::Helpers::uninstallLogDispatchCallback< el::base::DefaultLogDispatchCallback >( "DefaultLogDispatchCallback" );
244  }
245  }
247  // Stop logging and reset logger to initial configurations
248  void reset_logger()
249  {
253  remove_callbacks();
255  minimum_log_severity = RS2_LOG_SEVERITY_NONE;
256  minimum_console_severity = RS2_LOG_SEVERITY_NONE;
257  minimum_file_severity = RS2_LOG_SEVERITY_NONE;
258  }
260  // Callback: called by EL++ when the current log file has reached a certain maximum size.
261  // When the callback returns, the log-file will be truncated and reinitialized.
262  // We rename the current log file to "<filename>.old" so as not to lose the contents.
263  static void rolloutHandler( const char * filename, std::size_t size )
264  {
265  std::string file_str( filename );
266  std::string old_file = file_str + ".old";
268  // Remove any existing .old
269  const char* old_filename = old_file.c_str();
270  std::ifstream exists( old_filename );
271  if( exists.is_open() )
272  {
273  exists.close();
274  std::remove( old_filename );
275  }
277  std::rename( filename, old_filename );
278  }
280  // Enable rolling log file:
281  // Upon reaching (max_size/2) bytes, the log will be renamed with an ".old" suffix and a new log created. Any
282  // previous .old file will be erased.
283  // Must have permissions to remove/rename files in log file directory.
284  //
285  // @param max_size max file size in megabytes
286  //
287  void enable_rolling_log_file( unsigned max_size )
288  {
289  auto max_size_in_bytes = max_size * 1024 * 1024;
290  std::string size = std::to_string(max_size_in_bytes / 2 );
292  // Rollout checking happens when Easylogging++ flushes the log file!
293  // Or, with the flag el::LoggingFlags::StrictLogFileSizeCheck, at each log output...
294  //el::Loggers::addFlag( el::LoggingFlag::StrictLogFileSizeCheck );
297  el::Helpers::installPreRollOutCallback( rolloutHandler );
298  }
299  };
301  struct log_message
302  {
304  unsigned get_log_message_line_number() const {
305  throw std::runtime_error("rs2_get_log_message_line_number is not supported without BUILD_EASYLOGGINGPP");
306  }
308  const char* get_log_message_filename() const {
309  throw std::runtime_error("rs2_get_log_message_filename is not supported without BUILD_EASYLOGGINGPP");
310  }
312  const char* get_raw_log_message() const {
313  throw std::runtime_error("rs2_get_raw_log_message is not supported without BUILD_EASYLOGGINGPP");
314  }
316  const char* get_full_log_message() {
317  throw std::runtime_error("rs2_get_full_log_message is not supported without BUILD_EASYLOGGINGPP");
318  }
319  };
321 }
const base::type::string_t & message(void) const
GLint level
void reset_logger()
Definition: log.cpp:59
GLenum GLuint GLenum severity
const char * get_log_message_filename() const
Definition: log.h:308
const char * get_string(rs2_rs400_visual_preset value)
static void installPreRollOutCallback(const PreRollOutCallback &callback)
Installs pre rollout callback, this callback is triggered when log file is about to be rolled out (ca...
static Logger * reconfigureLogger(Logger *logger, const Configurations &configurations)
Reconfigures specified logger with new configurations.
virtual base::type::string_t build(const LogMessage *logMessage, bool appendNewLine) const =0
GLuint const GLchar * name
Information representing errors in application but application will keep running. ...
const char * get_full_log_message()
Definition: log.h:316
void log_to_callback(rs2_log_severity min_severity, log_callback_ptr callback)
Definition: log.cpp:54
GLuint64 GLenum void * handle
Definition: glext.h:7785
Informational events most useful for developers to debug application.
void set(Level level, ConfigurationType configurationType, const std::string &value)
Sets value of configuration for specified level.
Severe error information that will presumably abort application.
void setGlobally(ConfigurationType configurationType, const std::string &value)
Sets configuration for all levels.
GLsizei const GLchar *const * string
void log_to_file(rs2_log_severity min_severity, const char *file_path)
Definition: log.cpp:49
Represents unknown level.
Represents enumeration for severity level used to determine level of logging.
Determines log file (full path) to write logs to for correponding level and logger.
std::shared_ptr< rs2_log_callback > log_callback_ptr
Definition: src/types.h:202
Information that can be highly useful and vary with verbose logging level.
Determines format of logging corresponding level and logger.
GLsizeiptr size
unsigned get_log_message_line_number() const
Definition: log.h:304
unsigned int uint32_t
Definition: stdint.h:80
std::string datetime_string()
Definition: src/types.h:1516
def callback(frame)
Definition: t265_stereo.py:91
Useful when application has potentially harmful situtaions.
#define NAME
Definition: pybackend.cpp:26
LogBuilder * logBuilder(void) const
Thread-safe Configuration repository.
Mainly useful to represent current progress of application.
void enable_rolling_log_file(unsigned max_size)
Definition: log.cpp:64
Specifies number of log entries to hold until we flush pending log data.
Level level(void) const
base::type::LineNumber line(void) const
int i
Whether or not to write corresponding log to log file.
Whether or not to write corresponding level and logger log to standard output. By standard output mea...
GLuint GLenum GLenum transform
Definition: glext.h:11553
void log_to_console(rs2_log_severity min_severity)
Definition: log.cpp:44
Logger * logger(void) const
const char * get_raw_log_message() const
Definition: log.h:312
Severity of the librealsense logger.
Definition: rs_types.h:153
const std::string & file(void) const
Definition: parser.hpp:150
Information that can be useful to back-trace certain events - mostly useful than debug logs...
Specifies log file max size.
void setToDefault(void)
Sets configurations to "factory based" configurations.
std::string to_string(T value)

Author(s): Sergey Dorodnicov , Doron Hirshberg , Mark Horn , Reagan Lopez , Itay Carpis
autogenerated on Mon May 3 2021 02:47:21