Namespaces | Classes | Typedefs | Enumerations | Functions | Variables
grid_map Namespace Reference

Node for comparing different normal filters performances. More...




class  BufferNormalizerFilter
class  BufferRegion
class  CircleIterator
struct  Clamp
union  Color
class  ColorBlendingFilter
class  ColorFillFilter
class  ColorMapFilter
class  CurvatureFilter
class  DeletionFilter
class  DuplicationFilter
class  EllipseIterator
class  GridMap
class  GridMapCvConverter
class  GridMapCvProcessing
class  GridMapIterator
class  GridMapOctomapConverter
class  GridMapRosConverter
class  InpaintFilter
class  LightIntensityFilter
class  LineIterator
class  MathExpressionFilter
class  MeanInRadiusFilter
class  MedianFillFilter
class  MinInRadiusFilter
class  MockFilter
class  NormalColorMapFilter
class  NormalVectorsFilter
class  Polygon
class  PolygonIterator
class  PolygonRosConverter
class  SetBasicLayersFilter
class  SlidingWindowIterator
class  SlidingWindowMathExpressionFilter
class  SpiralIterator
class  SubmapGeometry
class  SubmapIterator
class  ThresholdFilter


typedef Matrix::Scalar DataType
typedef Matrix::Scalar DataType
typedef Matrix::Scalar DataType
typedef Matrix::Scalar DataType
typedef Matrix::Scalar DataType
typedef Matrix::Scalar DataType
typedef Matrix::Scalar DataType
typedef Matrix::Scalar DataType
typedef Matrix::Scalar DataType
typedef Eigen::Matrix4d FunctionValueMatrix
typedef Eigen::Matrix4d FunctionValueMatrix
typedef Eigen::Matrix4d FunctionValueMatrix
typedef Eigen::Matrix4d FunctionValueMatrix
typedef Eigen::Matrix4d FunctionValueMatrix
typedef Eigen::Matrix4d FunctionValueMatrix
typedef Eigen::Matrix4d FunctionValueMatrix
typedef Eigen::Matrix4d FunctionValueMatrix
typedef Eigen::Matrix4d FunctionValueMatrix
typedef Eigen::Array2i Index
typedef Eigen::Array2i Index
typedef Eigen::Array2i Index
typedef Eigen::Array2i Index
typedef Eigen::Array2i Index
typedef Eigen::Array2i Index
typedef Eigen::Array2i Index
typedef Eigen::Array2i Index
typedef Eigen::Array2i Index
typedef Eigen::Array2d Length
typedef Eigen::Array2d Length
typedef Eigen::Array2d Length
typedef Eigen::Array2d Length
typedef Eigen::Array2d Length
typedef Eigen::Array2d Length
typedef Eigen::Array2d Length
typedef Eigen::Array2d Length
typedef Eigen::Array2d Length
typedef Eigen::MatrixXf Matrix
typedef Eigen::MatrixXf Matrix
typedef Eigen::MatrixXf Matrix
typedef Eigen::MatrixXf Matrix
typedef Eigen::MatrixXf Matrix
typedef Eigen::MatrixXf Matrix
typedef Eigen::MatrixXf Matrix
typedef Eigen::MatrixXf Matrix
typedef Eigen::MatrixXf Matrix
typedef Eigen::Vector2d Position
typedef Eigen::Vector2d Position
typedef Eigen::Vector2d Position
typedef Eigen::Vector2d Position
typedef Eigen::Vector2d Position
typedef Eigen::Vector2d Position
typedef Eigen::Vector2d Position
typedef Eigen::Vector2d Position
typedef Eigen::Vector2d Position
typedef Eigen::Vector3d Position3
typedef Eigen::Vector3d Position3
typedef Eigen::Vector3d Position3
typedef Eigen::Vector3d Position3
typedef Eigen::Vector3d Position3
typedef Eigen::Vector3d Position3
typedef Eigen::Vector3d Position3
typedef Eigen::Vector3d Position3
typedef Eigen::Vector3d Position3
typedef Eigen::Array2i Size
typedef Eigen::Array2i Size
typedef Eigen::Array2i Size
typedef Eigen::Array2i Size
typedef Eigen::Array2i Size
typedef Eigen::Array2i Size
typedef Eigen::Array2i Size
typedef Eigen::Array2i Size
typedef Eigen::Array2i Size
typedef uint64_t Time
typedef uint64_t Time
typedef uint64_t Time
typedef uint64_t Time
typedef uint64_t Time
typedef uint64_t Time
typedef uint64_t Time
typedef uint64_t Time
typedef uint64_t Time
typedef Eigen::Vector2d Vector
typedef Eigen::Vector2d Vector
typedef Eigen::Vector2d Vector
typedef Eigen::Vector2d Vector
typedef Eigen::Vector2d Vector
typedef Eigen::Vector2d Vector
typedef Eigen::Vector2d Vector
typedef Eigen::Vector2d Vector
typedef Eigen::Vector2d Vector
typedef Eigen::Vector3d Vector3
typedef Eigen::Vector3d Vector3
typedef Eigen::Vector3d Vector3
typedef Eigen::Vector3d Vector3
typedef Eigen::Vector3d Vector3
typedef Eigen::Vector3d Vector3
typedef Eigen::Vector3d Vector3
typedef Eigen::Vector3d Vector3
typedef Eigen::Vector3d Vector3


enum  InterpolationMethods { InterpolationMethods::INTER_NEAREST, InterpolationMethods::INTER_LINEAR, InterpolationMethods::INTER_CUBIC_CONVOLUTION, InterpolationMethods::INTER_CUBIC }
enum  InterpolationMethods { InterpolationMethods::INTER_NEAREST, InterpolationMethods::INTER_LINEAR, InterpolationMethods::INTER_CUBIC_CONVOLUTION, InterpolationMethods::INTER_CUBIC }
enum  InterpolationMethods { InterpolationMethods::INTER_NEAREST, InterpolationMethods::INTER_LINEAR, InterpolationMethods::INTER_CUBIC_CONVOLUTION, InterpolationMethods::INTER_CUBIC }
enum  InterpolationMethods { InterpolationMethods::INTER_NEAREST, InterpolationMethods::INTER_LINEAR, InterpolationMethods::INTER_CUBIC_CONVOLUTION, InterpolationMethods::INTER_CUBIC }
enum  InterpolationMethods { InterpolationMethods::INTER_NEAREST, InterpolationMethods::INTER_LINEAR, InterpolationMethods::INTER_CUBIC_CONVOLUTION, InterpolationMethods::INTER_CUBIC }
enum  InterpolationMethods { InterpolationMethods::INTER_NEAREST, InterpolationMethods::INTER_LINEAR, InterpolationMethods::INTER_CUBIC_CONVOLUTION, InterpolationMethods::INTER_CUBIC }
enum  InterpolationMethods { InterpolationMethods::INTER_NEAREST, InterpolationMethods::INTER_LINEAR, InterpolationMethods::INTER_CUBIC_CONVOLUTION, InterpolationMethods::INTER_CUBIC }
enum  InterpolationMethods { InterpolationMethods::INTER_NEAREST, InterpolationMethods::INTER_LINEAR, InterpolationMethods::INTER_CUBIC_CONVOLUTION, InterpolationMethods::INTER_CUBIC }
enum  InterpolationMethods { InterpolationMethods::INTER_NEAREST, InterpolationMethods::INTER_LINEAR, InterpolationMethods::INTER_CUBIC_CONVOLUTION, InterpolationMethods::INTER_CUBIC }
enum  StorageIndices { StorageIndices::Column, StorageIndices::Row }
enum  StorageIndices { StorageIndices::Column, StorageIndices::Row }


void assertEqual (const M1 &A, const M2 &B, std::string const &message="")
void assertFinite (const M1 &A, std::string const &message="")
void assertNear (const M1 &A, const M2 &B, T tolerance, std::string const &message="")
unsigned int bindIndexToRange (int idReq, unsigned int nElem)
void boundIndexToRange (Index &index, const Size &bufferSize)
void boundIndexToRange (int &index, const int &bufferSize)
void boundPositionToRange (Position &position, const Length &mapLength, const Position &mapPosition)
bool checkIfIndexInRange (const Index &index, const Size &bufferSize)
bool checkIfPositionWithinMap (const Position &position, const Length &mapLength, const Position &mapPosition)
bool colorValueToVector (const unsigned long &colorValue, Eigen::Vector3i &colorVector)
bool colorValueToVector (const unsigned long &colorValue, Eigen::Vector3f &colorVector)
bool colorValueToVector (const float &colorValue, Eigen::Vector3f &colorVector)
bool colorVectorToValue (const Eigen::Vector3i &colorVector, unsigned long &colorValue)
void colorVectorToValue (const Eigen::Vector3i &colorVector, float &colorValue)
void colorVectorToValue (const Eigen::Vector3f &colorVector, float &colorValue)
bool compareRelative (double a, double b, double percentTolerance, double *percentError=NULL)
void expectNear (const M1 &A, const M2 &B, T tolerance, std::string const &message="")
Index getBufferIndexFromIndex (const Index &index, const Size &bufferSize, const Index &bufferStartIndex)
const Eigen::Matrix2i getBufferOrderToMapFrameAlignment ()
bool getBufferRegionsForSubmap (std::vector< BufferRegion > &submapBufferRegions, const Index &submapIndex, const Size &submapBufferSize, const Size &bufferSize, const Index &bufferStartIndex=Index::Zero())
unsigned int getCols (const MultiArrayMessageType_ &message)
Index getIndexFromBufferIndex (const Index &bufferIndex, const Size &bufferSize, const Index &bufferStartIndex)
Index getIndexFromLinearIndex (const size_t linearIndex, const Size &bufferSize, const bool rowMajor=false)
bool getIndexFromPosition (Index &index, const Position &position, const Length &mapLength, const Position &mapPosition, const double &resolution, const Size &bufferSize, const Index &bufferStartIndex=Index::Zero())
bool getIndexShiftFromPositionShift (Index &indexShift, const Vector &positionShift, const double &resolution)
double getLayerValue (const Matrix &layerMat, int rowReq, int colReq)
size_t getLinearIndexFromIndex (const Index &index, const Size &bufferSize, const bool rowMajor=false)
bool getPositionFromIndex (Position &position, const Index &index, const Length &mapLength, const Position &mapPosition, const double &resolution, const Size &bufferSize, const Index &bufferStartIndex=Index::Zero())
void getPositionOfDataStructureOrigin (const Position &position, const Length &mapLength, Position &positionOfOrigin)
bool getPositionShiftFromIndexShift (Vector &positionShift, const Index &indexShift, const double &resolution)
unsigned int getRows (const MultiArrayMessageType_ &message)
bool getSubmapInformation (Index &submapTopLeftIndex, Size &submapBufferSize, Position &submapPosition, Length &submapLength, Index &requestedIndexInSubmap, const Position &requestedSubmapPosition, const Length &requestedSubmapLength, const Length &mapLength, const Position &mapPosition, const double &resolution, const Size &bufferSize, const Index &bufferStartIndex=Index::Zero())
Size getSubmapSizeFromCornerIndeces (const Index &topLeftIndex, const Index &bottomRightIndex, const Size &bufferSize, const Index &bufferStartIndex)
bool incrementIndex (Index &index, const Size &bufferSize, const Index &bufferStartIndex=Index::Zero())
bool incrementIndexForSubmap (Index &submapIndex, Index &index, const Index &submapTopLeftIndex, const Size &submapBufferSize, const Size &bufferSize, const Index &bufferStartIndex=Index::Zero())
bool isRowMajor (const MultiArrayMessageType_ &message)
void mapAddNoise (grid_map::GridMap &map, const grid_map::Size &gridMapSize, const double &noise_on_map)
void mapAddOutliers (grid_map::GridMap &map, const grid_map::Size &gridMapSize, const double outlierPercentage)
void mapAverageFiltering (grid_map::GridMap &map, const grid_map::Size &gridMapSize, const double filterRadius)
bool matrixEigenCopyToMultiArrayMessage (const EigenType_ &e, MultiArrayMessageType_ &m)
bool multiArrayMessageCopyToMatrixEigen (const MultiArrayMessageType_ &m, EigenType_ &e)
bool multiArrayMessageMapToMatrixEigen (MultiArrayMessageType_ &m, EigenType_ &e)
int nDimensions ()
void normalsErrorCalculation (grid_map::GridMap &map, const grid_map::Size &gridMapSize, double &directionalErrorAreaSum, double &directionalErrorRasterSum)
Eigen::Matrix< double, N, N > randomCovariance ()
Eigen::MatrixXd randomCovarianceXd (int N)
void wrapIndexToRange (int &index, int bufferSize)
void wrapIndexToRange (Index &index, const Size &bufferSize)


std::map< StorageIndices, std::string > storageIndexNames
std::map< StorageIndices, std::string > storageIndexNames

Detailed Description

Node for comparing different normal filters performances.

Peter Fankhauser, Simone Arreghini ANYbotics

Function Documentation

void grid_map::mapAddNoise ( grid_map::GridMap map,
const grid_map::Size gridMapSize,
const double &  noise_on_map 

Function to add noise to the elevation map. Noise added is white noise from a uniform distribution [-1:1] multiplied by the amount of noise wanted specified by noise_on_map.

mapgrid map to which add the layers that contains the errors.
gridMapSizeDimensions of grid map, passed as parameter to not being calculated every time.
noise_on_mapAmount of noise wanted in meters, can be set as an argument in the roslaunch phase.

Definition at line 236 of file normal_filter_comparison_node.cpp.

void grid_map::mapAddOutliers ( grid_map::GridMap map,
const grid_map::Size gridMapSize,
const double  outlierPercentage 

Function to add outliers to the elevation map. Outliers are point where the elevation value is set to infinity. It has to be performed after mapAddNoise.

mapgrid map to which add the layers that contains the errors.
gridMapSizeDimensions of grid map, passed as parameter to not being calculated every time.
outlierPercentageAmount of outliers wanted percentage, can be set as an argument in the roslaunch phase.

Definition at line 242 of file normal_filter_comparison_node.cpp.

void grid_map::mapAverageFiltering ( grid_map::GridMap map,
const grid_map::Size gridMapSize,
const double  filterRadius 

Function to add outliers to the elevation map. Outliers are point where the elevation value is set to infinity. It has to be performed after mapAddNoise.

mapgrid map to which add the layers that contains the errors.
gridMapSizeDimensions of grid map, passed as parameter to not being calculated every time.
filterRadiusRadius of the wanted shifting average filter.

Definition at line 254 of file normal_filter_comparison_node.cpp.

void grid_map::normalsErrorCalculation ( grid_map::GridMap map,
const grid_map::Size gridMapSize,
double &  directionalErrorAreaSum,
double &  directionalErrorRasterSum 

Function to calculate the normal vector computation error.Error is defined as sum over the map of absolute cosines between analytical and computed normals. The cosines are calculated using the dot product between two unitary vectors. The error sum is then averaged between the latest 20 iteration of the functions.

mapgrid map to which add the layers that contains the errors.
gridMapSizeDimensions of grid map, passed as parameter to not being calculated every time.
directionalErrorAreaSumAverage of the summed error over the map for area method.
directionalErrorRasterSumAverage of the summed error over the map for raster method.

Definition at line 181 of file normal_filter_comparison_node.cpp.

Author(s): Péter Fankhauser
autogenerated on Tue Jun 1 2021 02:13:55