►NBT | |
►Ndetail | |
Cin_place_index_tag | |
Cin_place_type_tag | |
►Ndetails | |
CSemaphore | |
►Noptional_lite | |
►Ndetail | |
Calignment_logic | |
Calignment_of | |
Calignment_of_hack | |
Cconditional | |
Cconditional< false, T, F > | |
Cnulltype | |
►Cstorage_t | C++03 constructed union to hold value |
Caligned_storage_t | |
Cstruct_t | |
Ctype_of_size | |
Ctype_of_size< nulltype, N > | |
Ctypelist | |
Cbad_optional_access | Optional access error |
►Cnullopt_t | Disengaged state tag |
Cinit | |
Coptional | Class optional |
CActionNodeBase | |
CAlwaysFailure | |
CAlwaysSuccess | |
CAsyncActionNode | The AsyncActionNode a different thread where the action will be executed |
CAsyncActionTest | |
CBehaviorTreeException | |
►CBehaviorTreeFactory | |
Chas_static_method_requiredParams | |
Chas_static_method_requiredParams< T, typename std::enable_if< std::is_same< decltype(T::requiredNodeParameters()), const NodeParameters & >::value >::type > | |
CBlackboard | |
CBlackboardImpl | |
CBlackboardLocal | |
CBlackboardPreconditionNode | |
CConditionNode | |
CConditionTestNode | |
CControlNode | |
►CCoroActionNode | Ideal candidate for asynchronous actions which need to communicate with a service provider using an asynch request/reply interface (being a notable example ActionLib in ROS, MoveIt clients or move_base clients) |
CPimpl | |
CDecoratorNode | |
CDecoratorSubtreeNode | |
CFallbackNode | The FallbackNode is used to try different strategies, until one succeed. If any child returns RUNNING, previous children will be ticked again |
CFallbackStarNode | The FallbackStarNode is used to try different strategies, until one succeed. If any child returns RUNNING, previous children will NOT be ticked again |
CFileLogger | |
CForceFailureDecorator | |
CForceSuccessDecorator | |
Cin_place_t | |
CInverterNode | |
CLeafNode | |
CMinitraceLogger | |
CParallelNode | |
►CPublisherZMQ | |
CPimpl | |
CRepeatNode | |
CRetryNode | |
Cscoped_demangled_name | |
CSequenceNode | The SequenceNode is used to execute a sequence of children. If any child returns RUNNING, previous children will be ticked again |
CSequenceStarNode | The SequenceStarNode is used to execute a sequence of children. If any child returns RUNNING, previous children are not ticked again |
CSetBlackboard | |
CSharedLibrary | |
CSignal | |
CSimpleActionNode | The SimpleActionNode provides an easy to use ActionNode. The user should simply provide a callback with this signature |
CSimpleConditionNode | The SimpleConditionNode provides an easy to use ConditionNode. The user should simply provide a callback with this signature |
CSimpleDecoratorNode | The SimpleDecoratorNode provides an easy to use DecoratorNode. The user should simply provide a callback with this signature |
CStatusChangeLogger | |
CStdCoutLogger | AddStdCoutLoggerToTree. Give the root node of a tree, a simple callback is subscribed to any status change of each node |
CSyncActionNode | The SyncActionNode is an helper derived class that explicitly forbids the status RUNNING and doesn't require an implementation of halt() |
CSyncActionTest | |
CTickEngine | |
CTimeoutNode | |
►CTimerQueue | |
CQueue | |
CWorkItem | |
CTree | |
CTreeNode | |
CTreeNodeManifest | This information is used mostly by the XMLParser |
►CXMLParser | |
CPimpl | |
►NBT_Serialization | |
CBehaviorTreeBuilder | |
CKeyValueBuilder | |
CStatusChangeLogBuilder | |
CTreeNodeBuilder | |
►Nbuild | |
CBuilderSettings | |
►Nconanfile | |
CBehaviorTreeConan | |
CTestPackageConan | |
►Ncoroutine | |
CChannel | |
COrdinator | |
CRoutine | |
►NDummyNodes | |
CApproachObject | |
CGripperInterface | |
CSaySomething | |
►Nflatbuffers | |
CAllocator | |
CDefaultAllocator | |
CDetachedBuffer | |
►CFlatBufferBuilder | Helper class to hold data needed in creation of a FlatBuffer. To serialize data, you typically call one of the Create*() functions in the generated code, which in turn call a sequence of StartTable / PushElement /AddElement /EndTable , or the builtin CreateString / CreateVector functions. Do this is depth-first order to build up a tree to the root. Finish() wraps up the buffer ready for transport |
CFieldLoc | |
CStringOffsetCompare | |
CIndirectHelper | |
CIndirectHelper< const T * > | |
CIndirectHelper< Offset< T > > | |
COffset | |
CString | |
CVector | |
Cvector_downward | |
CVectorIterator | |
CVectorOfAny | |
►Nlinb | |
►Cany | |
Crequires_allocation | Whether the type T must be dynamically allocated or can be stored on the stack |
Cstorage_union | |
Cvtable_dynamic | VTable for dynamically allocated storage |
Cvtable_stack | VTable for stack allocated storage |
Cvtable_type | Base VTable specification |
Cbad_any_cast | |
►Nminitrace | |
CMTRScopedTrace | |
CMTRScopedTraceArg | |
CMTRScopedTraceLimit | |
Craw_event | |
►Nnonstd | |
►NSafeAny | |
►Ndetails | |
Cis_integer | |
Cis_safe_integer_conversion | |
Cis_same_real | |
CAny | |
CSimpleString | |
►Ntinyxml2 | |
CDynArray | |
CEntity | |
CLongFitsIntoSizeTMinusOne | |
CLongFitsIntoSizeTMinusOne< false > | |
CMemPool | |
►CMemPoolT | |
CBlock | |
CItem | |
CStrPair | |
CXMLAttribute | |
CXMLComment | |
CXMLConstHandle | |
CXMLDeclaration | |
►CXMLDocument | |
CDepthTracker | |
CXMLElement | |
CXMLHandle | |
CXMLNode | |
CXMLPrinter | |
CXMLText | |
CXMLUnknown | |
CXMLUtil | |
CXMLVisitor | |
CActionTestNode | |
CBackUpAndSpin | |
CBehaviorTreeTest | |
CComplexFallbackTest | |
CComplexFallbackWithMemoryTest | |
CComplexParallelTest | |
CComplexSequence2ActionsTest | |
CComplexSequenceTest | |
CComplexSequenceWithMemoryTest | |
CComputePathToPose | |
CDeadlineTest | |
CFollowPath | |
CInitTestNode | |
CIsStuck | |
CMoveBaseAction | |
CMyAction | |
CMyAsyncAction | |
CMyCondition | |
CMyLegacyMoveTo | |
Cpath | Simple class for manipulating paths on Linux/Windows/Mac OS |
CPoint3D | |
CPose2D | |
CRepeatTest | |
Cresolver | Simple class for resolving paths on Linux/Windows/Mac OS |
CRetryTest | |
CSequenceTripleActionTest | |
CSimpleFallbackTest | |
CSimpleFallbackWithMemoryTest | |
CSimpleParallelTest | |
CSimpleSequenceTest | |
CSimpleSequenceWithMemoryTest | |
CTestNode | |