391 #endif // ACADO_TOOLKIT_INTEGRATION_ALGORITHM_HPP Data class for storing generic optimization variables.
Implements a very rudimentary block sparse matrix class.
returnValue setUnitForwardSeed()
returnValue getBackwardSensitivities(BlockMatrix &D) const
ShootingMethod * integrationMethod
Stores a DifferentialEquation together with an OutputFcn.
Discretizes a DifferentialEquation by means of single or multiple shooting.
Provides a time grid consisting of vector-valued optimization variables at each grid point...
Allows to pass back messages to the calling function.
returnValue getXA(DVector &xaEnd) const
Allows to conveniently handle (one-dimensional) grids consisting of time points.
returnValue getX(DVector &xEnd) const
virtual returnValue setupLogging()
returnValue integrate(VariablesGrid *x, VariablesGrid *xa, VariablesGrid *p, VariablesGrid *u, VariablesGrid *w)
static BlockMatrix emptyBlockMatrix
returnValue integrateSensitivities()
returnValue deleteAllSeeds()
returnValue evaluateSensitivities()
User-interface to integrate a DynamicSystem, possibly over multiple stages.
returnValue setForwardSeed(const BlockMatrix &xSeed_, const BlockMatrix &pSeed_=emptyBlockMatrix, const BlockMatrix &uSeed_=emptyBlockMatrix, const BlockMatrix &wSeed_=emptyBlockMatrix)
virtual returnValue clear()
Encapsulates all user interaction for setting options, logging data and plotting results.
virtual ~IntegrationAlgorithm()
returnValue setUnitBackwardSeed()
void rhs(const real_t *x, real_t *f)
virtual returnValue setupOptions()
Allows to setup and evaluate transition functions based on SymbolicExpressions.
IntegrationAlgorithm & operator=(const IntegrationAlgorithm &rhs)
returnValue setBackwardSeed(const BlockMatrix &seed)
returnValue evaluate(VariablesGrid *x, VariablesGrid *xa, VariablesGrid *p, VariablesGrid *u, VariablesGrid *w)
returnValue getForwardSensitivities(BlockMatrix &D) const
virtual returnValue addStage(const DynamicSystem &dynamicSystem_, const Grid &stageIntervals, const IntegratorType &integratorType_=INT_UNKNOWN)
static DVector emptyVector
BooleanType isAffine() const
virtual returnValue addTransition(const Transition &transition_)