34 #ifndef ACADO_TOOLKIT_OCP_ITERATE_HPP 35 #define ACADO_TOOLKIT_OCP_ITERATE_HPP 220 #include <acado/function/ocp_iterate.ipp> 222 #endif // ACADO_TOOLKIT_OCP_ITERATE_HPP Data class for storing generic optimization variables.
Implements a very rudimentary block sparse matrix class.
Provides a time grid consisting of vector-valued optimization variables at each grid point...
Allows to pass back messages to the calling function.
returnValue allocateAll()
DVector getW(const uint &idx) const
DVector getX(const uint &idx) const
DVector getXA(const uint &idx) const
BEGIN_NAMESPACE_ACADO typedef unsigned int uint
returnValue updateData(double t, DVector &x_=emptyVector, DVector &xa_=emptyVector, DVector &p_=emptyVector, DVector &u_=emptyVector, DVector &w_=emptyVector)
returnValue init(const VariablesGrid *const _x, const VariablesGrid *const _xa, const VariablesGrid *const _p, const VariablesGrid *const _u, const VariablesGrid *const _w)
Allows to conveniently handle (one-dimensional) grids consisting of time points.
void copy(const OCPiterate &rhs)
uint getNumPoints() const
DVector getP(const uint &idx) const
DVector getU(const uint &idx) const
returnValue enableSimulationMode()
Grid getUnionGrid() const
returnValue getInitialData(DVector &x_=emptyVector, DVector &xa_=emptyVector, DVector &p_=emptyVector, DVector &u_=emptyVector, DVector &w_=emptyVector) const
OCPiterate & operator=(const OCPiterate &rhs)
returnValue applyStep(const BlockMatrix &bm, double alpha)
void update(double t, VariablesGrid &z1, DVector &z2) const
void rhs(const real_t *x, real_t *f)
uint getDim(VariablesGrid *z) const
BooleanType inSimulationMode
virtual returnValue shift(double timeShift=-1.0, DVector lastX=emptyVector, DVector lastXA=emptyVector, DVector lastP=emptyVector, DVector lastU=emptyVector, DVector lastW=emptyVector)
BooleanType areGridsConsistent()
static DVector emptyVector
returnValue print() const
double getTime(const uint &idx) const
BooleanType isInSimulationMode() const