Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 import rosbag
00002 import tf
00003 import copy
00004 import math
00005 import matplotlib
00006 matplotlib.use('Agg')
00007 from matplotlib import pyplot
00008 import numpy
00009 from scipy import signal
00010 from geometry_msgs.msg import PoseStamped, Quaternion, Point
00013 __author__ = "Fadri Furrer, Michael Burri, Markus Achtelik"
00014 __copyright__ = ("Copyright 2015, Fadri Furrer & Michael Burri & "
00015                  "Markus Achtelik, ASL, ETH Zurich, Switzerland")
00016 __credits__ = ["Fadri Furrer", "Michael Burri", "Markus Achtelik"]
00017 __license__ = "ASL 2.0"
00018 __version__ = "0.1"
00019 __maintainer__ = "Fadri Furrer"
00020 __email__ = ""
00021 __status__ = "Development"
00024 class BaseWithTime(object):
00026     """Base Class for all objects with time and bag_time."""
00028     def __init__(self):
00029         self.time = numpy.array([])
00030         self.bag_time = numpy.array([])
00032     def append_times(self, msg_time, bag_time):
00033         """Append the msg_time and the bag_time."""
00034         self.time = numpy.append(self.time, msg_time)
00035         self.bag_time = numpy.append(self.bag_time, bag_time)
00037     def slice(self, start_time, end_time):
00038         """Copy the object and slice it between start_time and end_time."""
00039         start_index = self.get_next_index(start_time)
00040         end_index = self.get_next_index(end_time)
00041         copied_obj = copy.deepcopy(self)
00042         for key in self.__dict__:
00043             copied_obj.__setattr__(
00044                 key, copied_obj.__getattribute__(key)[start_index:end_index])
00045         return copied_obj
00047     def get_next_index(self, time):
00048         """Get the index of the next value after time."""
00049         try:
00050             index = next(idx for idx, val in enumerate(self.time) if val > time)
00051         except StopIteration:
00052             index = len(self.time)
00053         except Exception, e:
00054             raise e
00055         return index
00058 class ArrayWithTime(BaseWithTime):
00060     """This class stores arrays or lists and its corresponding times."""
00062     def __init__(self):
00063 = numpy.array([])
00064         BaseWithTime.__init__(self)
00066     def append_array(self, array):
00067         """Append an array or list to the data array."""
00068         try:
00069    = numpy.append(, [numpy.array(array)], axis=0)
00070         except ValueError:
00071             # If the array is empty create one with the first array in it.
00072             if == 0:
00073        = numpy.array([numpy.array(array)])
00074             else:
00075                 raise ValueError
00078 class QuatWithTime(BaseWithTime):
00080     """This class stores quaternions and its corresponding times."""
00082     def __init__(self):
00083         self.w = numpy.array([])
00084         self.x = numpy.array([])
00085         self.y = numpy.array([])
00086         self.z = numpy.array([])
00087         BaseWithTime.__init__(self)
00089     def append_quaternion(self, quaternion_msg):
00090         """Append the w, x, y, z components from a quaternion to its arrays."""
00091         self.w = numpy.append(self.w, quaternion_msg.w)
00092         self.x = numpy.append(self.x, quaternion_msg.x)
00093         self.y = numpy.append(self.y, quaternion_msg.y)
00094         self.z = numpy.append(self.z, quaternion_msg.z)
00097 class XYZWithTime(BaseWithTime):
00099     """This class stores x,y,z and its corresponding times."""
00101     def __init__(self):
00102         self.x = numpy.array([])
00103         self.y = numpy.array([])
00104         self.z = numpy.array([])
00105         BaseWithTime.__init__(self)
00107     def append_point(self, point_msg):
00108         """Append the x, y, z components from a point to its arrays."""
00109         self.x = numpy.append(self.x, point_msg.x)
00110         self.y = numpy.append(self.y, point_msg.y)
00111         self.z = numpy.append(self.z, point_msg.z)
00113     def resample(self, sampling_times):
00115         [self.x, self.time] = signal.resample(
00116             self.x,
00117             len(sampling_times),
00118             sampling_times)
00119         [self.y, self.time] = signal.resample(
00120             self.y,
00121             len(sampling_times),
00122             sampling_times)
00123         [self.z, self.time] = signal.resample(
00124             self.z,
00125             len(sampling_times),
00126             sampling_times)
00129 class WrenchWithTime(BaseWithTime):
00131     """
00132     This class stores x,y,z-forces and torques with its corresponding times.
00133     """
00135     def __init__(self):
00136         self.force_x = numpy.array([])
00137         self.force_y = numpy.array([])
00138         self.force_z = numpy.array([])
00139         self.torque_x = numpy.array([])
00140         self.torque_y = numpy.array([])
00141         self.torque_z = numpy.array([])
00142         BaseWithTime.__init__(self)
00144     def append_wrench(self, wrench_msg):
00145         """
00146         Append the x, y, z components for force and torque to their arrays.
00147         """
00148         self.force_x = numpy.append(self.force_x, wrench_msg.wrench.force.x)
00149         self.force_y = numpy.append(self.force_y, wrench_msg.wrench.force.y)
00150         self.force_z = numpy.append(self.force_z, wrench_msg.wrench.force.z)
00151         self.torque_x = numpy.append(self.torque_x, wrench_msg.wrench.torque.x)
00152         self.torque_y = numpy.append(self.torque_y, wrench_msg.wrench.torque.y)
00153         self.torque_z = numpy.append(self.torque_z, wrench_msg.wrench.torque.z)
00156 class WaypointWithTime(XYZWithTime):
00158     """This class stores waypoints or and its corresponding times."""
00160     def __init__(self):
00161         self.yaw = numpy.array([])
00162         XYZWithTime.__init__(self)
00163         self.empty = True
00165     def append_waypoint(self, waypoint_msg, msg_time, bag_time):
00166         """Append data from a waypoint to its arrays."""
00167         position = waypoint_msg.points[0].transforms[0].translation
00168         rotation = waypoint_msg.points[0].transforms[0].rotation
00169         quaternion = (rotation.x, rotation.y, rotation.z, rotation.w)
00170         euler = tf.transformations.euler_from_quaternion(quaternion)
00171         point_msg = Point(position.x, position.y, position.z)
00172         yaw = euler[2]
00173         # Check if the waypoint is different from the last one.
00174         try:
00175             different_waypoint = (self.yaw[-1] != yaw or
00176                                   self.x[-1] != point_msg.x or
00177                                   self.y[-1] != point_msg.y or
00178                                   self.z[-1] != point_msg.z)
00179         except IndexError:
00180             different_waypoint = True
00181         # Append new waypoint.
00182         if (different_waypoint):
00183             self.append_point(point_msg)
00184             self.yaw = numpy.append(self.yaw, yaw)
00185             self.append_times(msg_time, bag_time)
00188 class RPYWithTime(BaseWithTime):
00190     """This class stores roll, pitch, yaw and its corresponding times."""
00192     def __init__(self):
00193         self.roll = numpy.array([])
00194         self.pitch = numpy.array([])
00195         self.yaw = numpy.array([])
00196         BaseWithTime.__init__(self)
00198     def append_quaternion(self, quaternion_msg):
00199         """Append a roll, pitch, and yaw to each array from a quaternion."""
00200         quaternion = (
00201             quaternion_msg.x,
00202             quaternion_msg.y,
00203             quaternion_msg.z,
00204             quaternion_msg.w)
00205         euler = tf.transformations.euler_from_quaternion(quaternion)
00206         self.roll = numpy.append(self.roll, euler[0] * 180 / math.pi)
00207         self.pitch = numpy.append(self.pitch, euler[1] * 180 / math.pi)
00208         self.yaw = numpy.append(self.yaw, euler[2] * 180 / math.pi)
00211 class AnalyzeBag(object):
00213     """This class can be used to plot data and compare data."""
00215     def __init__(self, bag_path_name, save_plots, prefix=None):
00216         self.bag = rosbag.Bag(bag_path_name)
00217         self.topics = []
00218         self.pose_topics = []
00219         self.twist_topics = []
00220         self.imu_topics = []
00221         self.motor_velocity_topics = []
00222         self.waypoint_topics = []
00223         self.wrench_topics = []
00224         self.pos = []
00225         self.quat = []
00226         self.rpy = []
00227         self.pqr = []
00228         self.motor_vel = []
00229         self.acc = []
00230         self.ang_vel = []
00231         self.waypoint = []
00232         self.wrench = []
00233         self.save_plots = save_plots
00234         self.bag_time_start = None
00235         self.bag_time_end = None
00236         self.prefix = prefix
00238     def add_pose_topic(self, topic):
00239         """Add a pose topic that should be analyzed."""
00240         self.pos.append(XYZWithTime())
00241         self.quat.append(QuatWithTime())
00242         self.rpy.append(RPYWithTime())
00243         self.pose_topics.append(topic)
00244         self.topics.append(topic)
00246     def add_twist_topic(self, topic):
00247         """Add a twist topic that should be analyzed."""
00248         self.pqr.append(XYZWithTime())
00249         self.twist_topics.append(topic)
00250         self.topics.append(topic)
00252     def add_imu_topic(self, topic):
00253         """Add an imu topic that should be analyzed."""
00254         self.acc.append(XYZWithTime())
00255         self.ang_vel.append(XYZWithTime())
00256         self.imu_topics.append(topic)
00257         self.topics.append(topic)
00259     def add_motor_velocity_topic(self, topic):
00260         """Add a motor velocity topic."""
00261         self.motor_vel.append(ArrayWithTime())
00262         self.motor_velocity_topics.append(topic)
00263         self.topics.append(topic)
00265     def add_waypoint_topic(self, topic):
00266         """Add a waypoint topic that should be analyzed."""
00267         self.waypoint.append(WaypointWithTime())
00268         self.waypoint_topics.append(topic)
00269         self.topics.append(topic)
00271     def add_wrench_topic(self, topic):
00272         """Add a topic of the wrench."""
00273         self.wrench.append(WrenchWithTime())
00274         self.wrench_topics.append(topic)
00275         self.topics.append(topic)
00277     def extract_messages(self):
00278         """Run through the bag file and assign the msgs to its attributes."""
00279         for topic, msg, bag_time in self.bag.read_messages(topics=self.topics):
00280             if self.bag_time_start is None:
00281                 self.bag_time_start = bag_time
00282             self.extract_pose_topics(topic, msg, bag_time)
00283             self.extract_imu_topics(topic, msg, bag_time)
00284             self.extract_twist_topics(topic, msg, bag_time)
00285             self.extract_motor_velocity_topics(topic, msg, bag_time)
00286             self.extract_waypoint_topics(topic, msg, bag_time)
00287             self.extract_wrench_topics(topic, msg, bag_time)
00288             self.bag_time_end = bag_time
00290     def extract_pose_topics(self, topic, msg, bag_time):
00291         """Append the pose topic msg content to the rpy and pos attributes."""
00292         msg_time = msg.header.stamp.to_sec()
00294         pose_msg = PoseStamped()
00295         pose_msg.pose.orientation = Quaternion(x=0, y=0, z=0, w=1)
00296         for index, pose_topic in enumerate(self.pose_topics):
00297             if topic != pose_topic:
00298                 continue
00299             elif "PoseStamped" in str(type(msg)):
00300                 self.pos[index].append_point(msg.pose.position)
00301                 self.pos[index].append_times(msg_time, bag_time)
00302                 self.quat[index].append_quaternion(msg.pose.orientation)
00303                 self.quat[index].append_times(msg_time, bag_time)
00304                 self.rpy[index].append_quaternion(msg.pose.orientation)
00305                 self.rpy[index].append_times(msg_time, bag_time)
00306             elif "TransformStamped" in str(type(msg)):
00307                 self.pos[index].append_point(msg.transform.translation)
00308                 self.pos[index].append_times(msg_time, bag_time)
00309                 self.quat[index].append_quaternion(msg.transform.rotation)
00310                 self.quat[index].append_times(msg_time, bag_time)
00311                 self.rpy[index].append_quaternion(msg.transform.rotation)
00312                 self.rpy[index].append_times(msg_time, bag_time)
00313             elif "PointStamped" in str(type(msg)):
00314                 self.pos[index].append_point(msg.point)
00315                 self.pos[index].append_times(msg_time, bag_time)
00316                 self.quat[index].append_quaternion(pose_msg.pose.orientation)
00317                 self.quat[index].append_times(msg_time, bag_time)
00318                 self.rpy[index].append_quaternion(pose_msg.pose.orientation)
00319                 self.rpy[index].append_times(msg_time, bag_time)
00320             else:
00321                 print("Got unknown type: %s" % type(msg))
00323     def extract_imu_topics(self, topic, msg, bag_time):
00324         """Append the imu topic msg content to the acc attributes."""
00325         msg_time = msg.header.stamp.to_sec()
00326         for index, imu_topic in enumerate(self.imu_topics):
00327             if topic == imu_topic:
00328                 self.acc[index].x.append(msg.linear_acceleration.x)
00329                 self.acc[index].y.append(msg.linear_acceleration.y)
00330                 self.acc[index].z.append(msg.linear_acceleration.z)
00331                 self.acc[index].append_times(msg_time, bag_time)
00333     def extract_twist_topics(self, topic, msg, bag_time):
00334         """Append the twist topic msg content to the pqr attributes."""
00335         msg_time = msg.header.stamp.to_sec()
00336         for index, twist_topic in enumerate(self.twist_topics):
00337             if topic == twist_topic:
00338                 self.pqr[index].append_point(msg.twist.angular)
00339                 self.pqr[index].append_times(msg_time, bag_time)
00341     def extract_motor_velocity_topics(self, topic, msg, bag_time):
00342         """
00343         Append the motor velocity topic msg content to the motor_vel
00344         attributes.
00345         """
00346         msg_time = msg.header.stamp.to_sec()
00347         for index, motor_velocity_topic in enumerate(self.motor_velocity_topics):
00348             if topic == motor_velocity_topic:
00349                 self.motor_vel[index].append_array(msg.motor_speed)
00350                 self.motor_vel[index].append_times(msg_time, bag_time)
00352     def extract_waypoint_topics(self, topic, msg, bag_time):
00353         """Append the waypoint topic msg to the waypoint attributes."""
00354         msg_time = msg.header.stamp.to_sec()
00355         for index, waypoint_topic in enumerate(self.waypoint_topics):
00356             if topic == waypoint_topic:
00357                 self.waypoint[index].append_waypoint(msg, msg_time, bag_time)
00359     def extract_wrench_topics(self, topic, msg, bag_time):
00360         """Append the wrench topic msg to the wrench attributes."""
00361         msg_time = msg.header.stamp.to_sec()
00362         for index, wrench_topic in enumerate(self.wrench_topics):
00363             if topic == wrench_topic:
00364                 self.wrench[index].append_wrench(msg)
00365                 self.wrench[index].append_times(msg_time, bag_time)
00367     def plot_positions(self, start_time=None, end_time=None,
00368                        settling_time=None, x_range=None, y_range=None,
00369                        plot_suffix=None):
00370         """Plot all position lists."""
00371         fig = pyplot.figure()
00372         fig.suptitle("Position")
00373         a_x = fig.add_subplot(111)
00374         for index, pos in enumerate(self.pos):
00375             # fig.suptitle(self.pose_topics[index])
00376             a_x.plot(pos.time, pos.x, 'b', label='x')
00377             a_x.plot(pos.time, pos.y, 'r', label='y')
00378             a_x.plot(pos.time, pos.z, 'g', label='z')
00380         if not y_range:
00381             y_max = max([max(pos.x), max(pos.y), max(pos.z)])
00382             y_min = min([min(pos.x), min(pos.y), min(pos.z)])
00383         else:
00384             y_max = y_range[1]
00385             y_min = y_range[0]
00386         y_center = (y_max + y_min)/2.0
00388         if start_time:
00389             a_x.axvline(x=start_time, color='c')
00390             pyplot.text(start_time, y_center, 'start evaluation', rotation=90,
00391                         color='c')
00392         if end_time:
00393             a_x.axvline(x=end_time, color='m')
00394             pyplot.text(end_time, y_max, 'end evaluation', rotation=90,
00395                         color='m')
00396         if settling_time:
00397             a_x.axvline(x=settling_time, color='k')
00398             pyplot.text(settling_time, y_max, 'settled, start RMS eval',
00399                         rotation=90, color='k')
00401         pyplot.xlabel('time [s]')
00402         pyplot.ylabel('position [m]')
00403         # Shrink current axis's height by 10% on the bottom
00404         box = a_x.get_position()
00405         a_x.set_position([box.x0, box.y0 + box.height * 0.2,
00406                          box.width, box.height * 0.8])
00408         # Put a legend below current axis
00409         a_x.legend(loc='upper center', bbox_to_anchor=(0.5, -0.15),
00410                    fancybox=True, shadow=True, ncol=5)
00411         pyplot.xlim(x_range)
00412         pyplot.ylim(y_range)
00413         pyplot.grid(b=True, which='both')
00415         if self.save_plots:
00416             file_name = self.prefix + '_pos' if self.prefix else 'pos'
00417             if plot_suffix:
00418                 file_name += '_' + str(plot_suffix)
00419             file_name += '.png'
00420             pyplot.savefig(file_name)
00422     def plot_position_error(self, set_point, settling_radius=None,
00423                             start_time=None, end_time=None, settling_time=None,
00424                             x_range=None, y_range=None, plot_suffix=None):
00425         """Plot all position errors lists."""
00426         fig = pyplot.figure()
00427         fig.suptitle("Position error")
00428         a_x = fig.add_subplot(111)
00429         pos_errors = numpy.array([])
00431         for index, pos in enumerate(self.pos):
00432             x_error = (pos.x - set_point.x[0])
00433             y_error = (pos.y - set_point.y[0])
00434             z_error = (pos.z - set_point.z[0])
00436             pos_errors = numpy.append(pos_errors,
00437                                       (x_error ** 2 + y_error ** 2
00438                                        + z_error ** 2) ** 0.5)
00439             a_x.plot(pos.time, pos_errors, 'b', label='pos_error')
00441         if not y_range:
00442             y_max = max(pos_errors)
00443             y_min = 0
00444         else:
00445             y_max = y_range[1]
00446             y_min = y_range[0]
00447         y_center = (y_max + y_min)/2.0
00449         if settling_radius:
00450             a_x.axhline(y=settling_radius, color='r', xmin=0, xmax=1)
00451             pyplot.text(start_time, settling_radius, 'settling radius',
00452                         color='r')
00453         if start_time:
00454             a_x.axvline(x=start_time, color='c')
00455             pyplot.text(start_time, y_center, 'start evaluation', rotation=90,
00456                         color='c')
00457         if end_time:
00458             a_x.axvline(x=end_time, color='m')
00459             pyplot.text(end_time, y_max, 'end evaluation', rotation=90,
00460                         color='m')
00461         if settling_time:
00462             a_x.axvline(x=settling_time, color='k')
00463             pyplot.text(settling_time, y_max, 'settled, start RMS eval',
00464                         rotation=90, color='k')
00466         pyplot.xlabel('time [s]')
00467         pyplot.ylabel('position error [m]')
00468         # Shrink current axis's height by 10% on the bottom
00469         box = a_x.get_position()
00470         a_x.set_position([box.x0, box.y0 + box.height * 0.2,
00471                          box.width, box.height * 0.8])
00473         # Put a legend below current axis
00474         a_x.legend(loc='upper center', bbox_to_anchor=(0.5, -0.15),
00475                    fancybox=True, shadow=True, ncol=5)
00476         pyplot.xlim(x_range)
00477         pyplot.ylim(y_range)
00478         pyplot.grid(b=True, which='both')
00480         if self.save_plots:
00481             file_name = self.prefix + '_pos_error' if self.prefix else 'pos_error'
00482             if plot_suffix:
00483                 file_name += '_' + str(plot_suffix)
00484             file_name += '.png'
00485             pyplot.savefig(file_name)
00487         #
00489     def plot_angular_velocities(self, start_time=None, end_time=None,
00490                                 settling_time=None, x_range=None, y_range=None,
00491                                 plot_suffix=None):
00492         """Plot all angular_velocity lists."""
00493         fig = pyplot.figure()
00494         fig.suptitle("Angular Velocity")
00495         a_x = fig.add_subplot(111)
00496         for index, pqr in enumerate(self.pqr):
00497             a_x.plot(pqr.time, pqr.x, 'b', label='x')
00498             a_x.plot(pqr.time, pqr.y, 'r', label='y')
00499             a_x.plot(pqr.time, pqr.z, 'g', label='z')
00501         if not y_range:
00502             y_max = max([max(pqr.x), max(pqr.y), max(pqr.z)])
00503             y_min = min([min(pqr.x), min(pqr.y), min(pqr.z)])
00504         else:
00505             y_max = y_range[1]
00506             y_min = y_range[0]
00507         y_center = (y_max + y_min)/2.0
00509         if start_time:
00510             a_x.axvline(x=start_time, color='c')
00511             pyplot.text(start_time, y_center, 'start evaluation', rotation=90,
00512                         color='c')
00513         if end_time:
00514             a_x.axvline(x=end_time, color='m')
00515             pyplot.text(end_time, y_max, 'end evaluation', rotation=90,
00516                         color='m')
00517         if settling_time:
00518             a_x.axvline(x=settling_time, color='k')
00519             pyplot.text(settling_time, y_max, 'settled, start RMS eval',
00520                         rotation=90, color='k')
00522         pyplot.xlabel('time [s]')
00523         pyplot.ylabel('angular velocity [rad/s]')
00524         # Shrink current axis's height by 10% on the bottom
00525         box = a_x.get_position()
00526         a_x.set_position([box.x0, box.y0 + box.height * 0.2,
00527                          box.width, box.height * 0.8])
00529         # Put a legend below current axis
00530         a_x.legend(loc='upper center', bbox_to_anchor=(0.5, -0.15),
00531                    fancybox=True, shadow=True, ncol=5)
00532         pyplot.xlim(x_range)
00533         pyplot.ylim(y_range)
00534         pyplot.grid(b=True, which='both')
00536         if self.save_plots:
00537             file_name = self.prefix + '_angular_velocity' if self.prefix else 'angular_velocity'
00538             if plot_suffix:
00539                 file_name += '_' + str(plot_suffix)
00540             file_name += '.png'
00541             pyplot.savefig(file_name)
00543         #
00545     def plot_3d_trajectories(self):
00546         fig = pyplot.figure()
00547         a_x = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
00548         for index, pos in enumerate(self.pos):
00549             a_x.plot(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z, label=self.pose_topics[index])
00550         #
00552     def plot_rpys(self, start_time=None, end_time=None, settling_time=None,
00553                   plot_suffix=None):
00554         """Plot rpy lists."""
00555         fig = pyplot.figure()
00556         fig.suptitle("RPY")
00557         a_x = fig.add_subplot(111)
00558         for index, rpy in enumerate(self.rpy):
00559             a_x.plot(rpy.time, rpy.roll, 'b',
00560                      label='roll' + self.pose_topics[index])
00561             a_x.plot(rpy.time, rpy.pitch, 'r',
00562                      label='pitch' + self.pose_topics[index])
00563             a_x.plot(rpy.time, rpy.yaw, 'g',
00564                      label='yaw' + self.pose_topics[index])
00566         if start_time:
00567             a_x.axvline(x=start_time, color='c')
00568         if end_time:
00569             a_x.axvline(x=end_time, color='m')
00570         if settling_time:
00571             a_x.axvline(x=settling_time, color='k')
00573         pyplot.xlabel('time [s]')
00574         pyplot.ylabel('angle [deg]')
00575         pyplot.legend()
00577         if self.save_plots:
00578             file_name = self.prefix + '_rpy' if self.prefix else 'rpy'
00579             if plot_suffix:
00580                 file_name += '_' + str(plot_suffix)
00581             file_name += '.png'
00582             pyplot.savefig(file_name)
00584         #
00586     def plot_accelerations(self, plot_suffix=None):
00587         """Plot all acceleration lists."""
00588         fig = pyplot.figure()
00589         fig.suptitle("Accelerations")
00590         a_x = fig.add_subplot(111)
00591         for index, acc in enumerate(self.acc):
00592             a_x.plot(acc.time, acc.x, 'b', label='x' + self.imu_topics[index])
00593             a_x.plot(acc.time, acc.y, 'r', label='y' + self.imu_topics[index])
00594             a_x.plot(acc.time, acc.z, 'g', label='z' + self.imu_topics[index])
00595         pyplot.xlabel('time [s]')
00596         pyplot.ylabel('acceleration [m/s^2]')
00597         pyplot.legend()
00598         if self.save_plots:
00599             file_name = self.prefix + '_acc' if self.prefix else 'acc'
00600             if plot_suffix:
00601                 file_name += '_' + str(plot_suffix)
00602             file_name += '.png'
00603             pyplot.savefig(file_name)
00604         #
00606     def compare_positions(self, pose_indeces):
00607         """
00608         Compare the position lists of pose_topics.
00610         Args:
00611            pose_indeces (list): Indeces of pose_topics for comparison.
00612         """
00613         if len(pose_indeces) < 2:
00614             print("At least two pose_indeces need to be provided to make a "
00615                   "comparison")
00616         for index, pose_index in enumerate(pose_indeces):
00617             for pose_index_cmp in pose_indeces[index+1:]:
00618                 compare_two_xyz(self.pos[pose_index],
00619                                 self.pos[pose_index_cmp])
00621     def get_collisions(self, start_time=None, end_time=None):
00622         """Get the collision times."""
00623         collision_times = []
00625         for collision in self.wrench:
00626             for t in collision.time:
00627                 if t >= (start_time or 0) and t <= (end_time or
00628                                                     max(collision.time)):
00629                     collision_times.append(t)
00630         return collision_times
00633 def compare_two_xyz(xyz_one, xyz_two):
00634     # TODO(ff): Implement some position comparison
00635     pass
00638 def xyz_rms_error(set_point, input_series):
00639     """
00640     Calculate the RMS error between a set_point and the points in input_series.
00642     Args:
00643         set_point: XYZWithTime of the reference point
00644         input_series (list): XYZWithTime of the points that should be evaluated
00646     Returns:
00647         rms: Float of the RMS Error of the XYZWithTime input_series
00648     """
00649     sum_of_squares = 0.0
00650     elems = len(input_series.x)
00651     for index in range(elems):
00652         x_error = (input_series.x[index] - set_point.x)
00653         y_error = (input_series.y[index] - set_point.y)
00654         z_error = (input_series.z[index] - set_point.z)
00655         sum_of_squares += (1.0 / elems *
00656                            (x_error ** 2 + y_error ** 2 + z_error ** 2))
00657     rms = sum_of_squares ** 0.5
00658     return rms
00661 def settling_time(set_point, input_series, bounding_radius, min_time):
00662     """
00663     Calculate the settling time of input_series to be bounded for min_time.
00665     Args:
00666         set_point: XYZWithTime of the reference point
00667         input_series (list): XYZWithTime of the points that should be evaluated
00668         bounding_radius: Float of the radius of the bounding sphere
00669         min_time: Float of the time, the input_series has to stay within bounds
00671     Returns:
00672         settling_time: Float of the time for input_series to be settled
00673     """
00674     bounded_time = False
00675     elems = len(input_series.x)
00676     for index in range(elems):
00677         current_time = input_series.time[index]
00678         x_error = (input_series.x[index] - set_point.x)
00679         y_error = (input_series.y[index] - set_point.y)
00680         z_error = (input_series.z[index] - set_point.z)
00681         error_radius = (x_error ** 2 + y_error ** 2 + z_error ** 2) ** 0.5
00682         if error_radius <= bounding_radius and not bounded_time:
00683             bounded_time = current_time
00684         elif (error_radius <= bounding_radius and bounded_time and
00685               current_time - bounded_time >= min_time):
00686             return bounded_time - input_series.time[0]
00687         elif (not bounded_time or error_radius <= bounding_radius and
00688               bounded_time):
00689             continue
00690         else:
00691             bounded_time = False
00692     return None
00695 def work(input_series, work_constant):
00696     """
00697     Calculate the work of input_series.
00699     Args:
00700         input_series (list): ArrayWithTime of the motor velocities
00701         work_constant: Float of the (rotor_constant * moment_constant) constant
00703     Returns:
00704         total_work: Float of the work done in input_series
00705     """
00706     total_work = 0
00708     elems = len(input_series.time)
00709     for index in range(elems - 1):
00710         current_time = input_series.time[index]
00711         next_time = input_series.time[index + 1]
00712         delta_time = next_time - current_time
00713         for value in[index]:
00714             total_work += abs(value) ** 3 * work_constant * delta_time
00715     return total_work
00718 def get_errors_pos_only(xyz_one, quat_one, xyz_two, restart_distance,
00719                         alignment_length, t_vs=numpy.eye(4), time_offset=0):
00720     # TODO(ff): Implement this function
00721     xyz_two_time_shifted = copy.deepcopy(xyz_two)
00722     xyz_two_time_shifted.time -= time_offset
00723     xyz_two_time_shifted.resample(xyz_one.time)
00724     xyz_one_time_shifted = xyz_one
00725     xyz_one_time_shifted.time -= time_offset
00726     xyz_one_time_shifted.resample(xyz_two.time)
00727     xyz_two = xyz_two_time_shifted
00730 def create_topic_list(topics_string):
00731     if topics_string and ',' in topics_string:
00732         return topics_string.split(',')
00733     elif topics_string:
00734         return [topics_string]
00735     else:
00736         return []
00739 def create_set_point(x, y, z):
00740     """Create a XYZWithTime set point."""
00741     point_msg = Point(x, y, z)
00742     set_point = XYZWithTime()
00743     set_point.append_point(point_msg)
00744     return set_point

Author(s): Fadri Furrer, Michael Burri, Mina Kamel, Janosch Nikolic, Markus Achtelik
autogenerated on Thu Apr 18 2019 02:43:40