_IVTImage | |
_IVTImageClass | |
BitmapCharacter | |
CBitmapFont::BitmapCharacter | |
CApplicationHandlerInterface | |
CBasicFileIO | |
CBitmapCapture | |
CBitmapFont | |
CBitmapSequenceCapture | |
CByteImage | Data structure for the representation of 8-bit grayscale images and 24-bit RGB (or HSV) color images using the data type unsigned char |
CCalibration | Camera model parameters and functions for a single camera |
CCalibration::CCameraParameters | Struct containing all parameters of the camera model |
CClassificatorInterface | |
CCMU1394Capture | |
CCocoaApplicationHandler | |
CCocoaMainWindow | |
CCocoaMainWindowWidget | |
CColorParameterSet | |
CCompactRegionFilter | |
CConfiguration | |
CCVCamCapture | |
CDatabaseEntry | |
CDLTCalibration | |
CDoubleMatrix | Data structure for the representation of a matrix of values of the data type double |
CDoubleVector | Data structure for the representation of a vector of values of the data type double |
CDragonFlyCapture | |
CDynamicArray | |
CDynamicArrayElement | |
CDynamicArrayTemplate< T > | |
CDynamicArrayTemplatePointer< T > | |
CEvent | Implementation of events |
CFeatureCalculatorInterface | |
CFeatureEntry | Base class for the representation of local features |
CTexturedObjectDatabase::CFeatureMapEntry | |
CHoughSpace2D::CFeaturePair | |
CFeatureSet | |
CFilterInterface | |
CFloatImage | Data structure for the representation of any image type (arbitrary number of channels) using the data type float |
CFloatMatrix | Data structure for the representation of a matrix of values of the data type float |
CFloatVector | Data structure for the representation of a vector of values of the data type float |
CGLContext | |
CGTKApplicationHandler | |
CGTKGLContext | |
CGTKMainWindow | |
CGTKMainWindowWidget | |
CGUIInterface | |
CHaarClassifierCV | |
CHarrisSIFTFeatureCalculator | Class for computing Harris-SIFT features in a CByteImage |
CHoughSpace2D | |
CHoughSpace2D::CHoughSpace2DBin | |
CICP | Implementation of the Iterative Closest Point (ICP) algorithm |
CImageMapper | Class for efficient application of arbitrary 2D-2D transformations to whole images |
CIntImage | Data structure for the representation of single channel images of the data type signed int |
Circle2d | Data structure for the representation of a 2D circle |
CKdPriorityQueue | |
CKdTree | |
CKdTreeNode | |
CKLTTracker | Implementation of the Kanade Lucas Tomasi optical flow tracking algorithm |
CLinux1394Capture | |
CLinux1394Capture2 | |
CMainWindowEventInterface | Interface for the event mechanism of GUIs using the GUI toolkit of the IVT |
CMainWindowInterface | Interface for the creation of GUIs with the GUI toolkit of the IVT |
CMatd | Data structure and operations for calculating with matrices of arbitrary dimension |
CMeanFilter | Implementation of the average filter for 1D data |
CMutex | Implementation of mutexes for synchronization |
CNearestNeighbor | Class containing different implementations of the nearest neighbor classificator |
CObjectClassifierInterface | |
CObjectColorSegmenter | |
CObjectEntry | |
CObjectEntryFilterInterface | |
CObjectFinder | |
CObjectFinderStereo | |
CObjectPose | Implementation of an alternative to the POSIT algorithm |
CFeatureSet::ContourPoint | |
COpenCVApplicationHandler | |
COpenCVCapture | |
COpenCVWindow | |
COpenGLCapture | |
COpenGLVisualizer | |
COpenGLVisualizerControl | |
COpenInventorVisualizer | |
CParticleFilterFramework | Framework for the implementation of particle filters using the data type double |
CParticleFilterFrameworkFloat | Framework for the implementation of particle filters using the data type float |
CPatchFeatureEntry | Data structure for the representation of simple squared patch features |
CPerformanceLibInitializer | |
CPosixThread | Implementation of CThreadBase for POSIX threads |
CQtApplicationHandler | |
CQTApplicationHandler | |
CQTColorParameterWindow | |
CQTGLWindow | |
CQtImageWidget | |
CQtMainWindow | |
CQtMainWindowWidget | |
CQTPainter | |
CQTWindow | |
CQuicktimeCapture | |
CRAPiD | Implementation of the RAPiD algorithm |
CRAPiD::CRAPiDElement | |
CRectification | Performing rectification of a stereo image pair |
CRectification::CRectificationMapper | |
CRegionFilterInterface | |
CRGBColorModel | Training and application of an RGB color model on the basis of the Mahalanobis distance |
CRigidObjectTrackingInterface | |
CSegmentableDatabase | |
CSegmentableRecognition | |
CShortImage | Data structure for the representation of single channel images of the data type signed short |
CSIFTFeatureCalculator | Class for computing SIFT features in a CByteImage |
CSIFTFeatureEntry | Data structure for the representation of SIFT features |
CStereoCalibration | Camera model and functions for a stereo camera system |
CStereoMatcher | Class for computing matches for individual points in stereo image pairs |
CStereoVision | Calculation of stereo depth (disparity) maps |
CStereoVisionSVS | Calculation of depth maps |
CSVSCapture | |
CTCPSocket | |
CTexturedFeatureSet | Data structure for handling of sets of features, represented as instances of CFeatureEntry (resp. subclasses of) |
CTexturedObjectDatabase | |
CTexturedRecognition | |
CThreadBase | |
CTimer | |
CTracker2d3d | Very basic implementation of the 2D-3D model-based tracking algorithm |
CTriclopsCapture | |
CUncompressedAVICapture | |
CUndistortion | Performing undistortion of an image (or image pair) |
CUndistortion::CUndistortionMapper | |
CUndistortionSimple::CUndistortionMapper | |
CUndistortionSimple | |
CUnicap1394Capture | |
CV4LCapture | |
CVCCapture | |
CVCDisplay | |
CVecd | Data structure and operations for calculating with vectors of arbitrary dimension |
CVFWCapture | |
CVideoCaptureInterface | Interface to video capture modules |
CVideoReader | |
CVideoWriterCV | |
CViewDatabase | |
CViewDatabase2 | |
CWin32ApplicationHandler | |
CWin32MainWindow | |
CWindowEventInterface | |
CWindowsThread | Implementation of CThreadBase for Windows threads |
Edge | |
Ellipse2d | Data structure for the representation of a 2D ellipse |
KdBounding | |
KdBoundingBox | |
CKdPriorityQueue::KdQueueEntry | |
CImageMapper::MapCoordinates | |
Mat2d | Data structure for the representation of a 2x2 matrix |
Mat3d | Data structure for the representation of a 3x3 matrix |
MyDelegate | |
MyImageView | |
MyOpenGLView | |
MyRegion | |
MySlider | |
MyWindow | |
Object2DEntry | |
Object3DEntry | |
CDLTCalibration::PairElement | |
PCFAcceleratorTable | |
PCFEncodingTable | |
PCFMetricsEntry | |
PCFMetricsTable | |
PointPair2d | |
PointPair3d | |
Quaternion | Data structure for the representation of a quaternion |
Rectangle2d | Data structure for the representation of a 2D rectangle |
ROI | |
SetTheCWDHack | |
StraightLine2d | Data structure for the representation of a 2D straight line |
CLinux1394Capture::TCameraInfo | |
TOCEntry | |
Transformation3d | Data structure for the representation of a 3D rigid body transformation |
CConfiguration::VarMap | |
Vec2d | Data structure for the representation of a 2D vector |
Vec2dInt | |
Vec3d | Data structure for the representation of a 3D vector |
Win32GLWidget | |
Win32ImageWidget | |
Win32Widget | |