Go to the documentation of this file.
00002 // grabCut->initialize (xstart, ystart, xend, yend); //
00003 // grabCut->fitGMMs ();                              //
00008 #include <pcl/search/organized.h>
00009 #include <pcl/search/kdtree.h>
00010 #include <pcl/common/distances.h>
00012 namespace pcl
00013 {
00014   template <>
00015   float squaredEuclideanDistance (const pcl::segmentation::grabcut::Color &c1, 
00016                                   const pcl::segmentation::grabcut::Color &c2)
00017   {
00018     return ((c1.r-c2.r)*(c1.r-c2.r)+(c1.g-c2.g)*(c1.g-c2.g)+(c1.b-c2.b)*(c1.b-c2.b));
00019   }
00020 }
00022 template <typename PointT> void
00023 pcl::GrabCut<PointT>::setInputCloud (const PointCloudConstPtr &cloud)
00024 {
00025   input_ = cloud;
00026 }
00028 template <typename PointT> bool
00029 pcl::GrabCut<PointT>::initCompute ()
00030 {
00031   using namespace pcl::segmentation::grabcut;
00032   if (!pcl::PCLBase<PointT>::initCompute ())
00033   {
00034     PCL_ERROR ("[pcl::GrabCut::initCompute ()] Init failed!");
00035     return (false);
00036   }
00038   if (!input_->isOrganized ())
00039   {
00040     PCL_ERROR ("[pcl::GrabCut::initCompute ()] Need an organized point cloud to proceed!");
00041     return (false);
00042   }
00044   std::vector<pcl::PCLPointField> in_fields_;
00045   if ((pcl::getFieldIndex<PointT> (*input_, "rgb", in_fields_) == -1) &&
00046       (pcl::getFieldIndex<PointT> (*input_, "rgba", in_fields_) == -1))
00047   {
00048     PCL_ERROR ("[pcl::GrabCut::initCompute ()] No RGB data available, aborting!");
00049     return (false);
00050   }
00052   // Initialize the working image
00053   image_.reset (new Image (input_->width, input_->height));
00054   for (std::size_t i = 0; i < input_->size (); ++i)
00055   {
00056     (*image_) [i] = Color (input_->points[i]);
00057   }
00058   width_ = image_->width;
00059   height_ = image_->height;
00061   // Initialize the spatial locator
00062   if (!tree_)
00063   {
00064     if (input_->isOrganized ())
00065       tree_.reset (new pcl::search::OrganizedNeighbor<PointT> ());
00066     else
00067       tree_.reset (new pcl::search::KdTree<PointT> (false));
00068     tree_->setInputCloud (input_);
00069   }
00070   const std::size_t indices_size = indices_->size ();
00071   trimap_ = std::vector<segmentation::grabcut::TrimapValue> (indices_size, TrimapUnknown);
00072   hard_segmentation_ = std::vector<segmentation::grabcut::SegmentationValue> (indices_size, 
00073                                                                               SegmentationBackground);
00074   GMM_component_.resize (indices_size);
00075   n_links_.resize (indices_size);
00076   //  soft_segmentation_ = 0;           // Not yet implemented
00077   foreground_GMM_.resize (K_);
00078   background_GMM_.resize (K_);
00079   //set some constants
00080   computeL ();
00081   computeBeta ();
00082   computeNLinks ();
00084   initialized_ = false;
00085   return (true);
00086 }
00088 template <typename PointT> void
00089 pcl::GrabCut<PointT>::addEdge (vertex_descriptor v1, vertex_descriptor v2, float capacity, float rev_capacity)
00090 {
00091   graph_.addEdge (v1, v2, capacity, rev_capacity);
00092 }
00094 template <typename PointT> void
00095 pcl::GrabCut<PointT>::setTerminalWeights (vertex_descriptor v, float source_capacity, float sink_capacity)
00096 {
00097   graph_.addSourceEdge (v, source_capacity);
00098   graph_.addTargetEdge (v, sink_capacity);
00099 }
00101 // template <typename PointT> void 
00102 // pcl::GrabCut<PointT>::setBackgroundPointsIndices (int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2)
00103 // {
00104 //   using namespace pcl::segmentation::grabcut;
00106 //   // Step 1: User creates inital Trimap with rectangle, Background outside, Unknown inside
00107 //   fill (trimap_.begin (), trimap_.end (), TrimapBackground);  
00108 //   fillRectangle (trimap_, width_, height_, x1, y1, x2, y2, TrimapUnknown);
00110 //   // Step 2: Initial segmentation, Background where Trimap is Background, Foreground where Trimap is Unknown.
00111 //   fill (hard_segmentation_.begin (), hard_segmentation_.end (), SegmentationBackground);
00112 //   fillRectangle (hard_segmentation_, width_, height_, x1, y1, x2, y2, SegmentationForeground);
00113 //   if (!initialized_)
00114 //   {
00115 //     fitGMMs ();
00116 //     initialized_ = true;
00117 //   }
00118 // }
00120 template <typename PointT> void 
00121 pcl::GrabCut<PointT>::setBackgroundPointsIndices (const PointIndicesConstPtr &indices)
00122 {
00123   using namespace pcl::segmentation::grabcut;
00124   if (!initCompute ())
00125     return;  
00127   std::fill (trimap_.begin (), trimap_.end (), TrimapBackground);
00128   std::fill (hard_segmentation_.begin (), hard_segmentation_.end (), SegmentationBackground);
00129   for (std::vector<int>::const_iterator idx = indices->indices.begin (); idx != indices->indices.end (); ++idx)
00130   {
00131     trimap_[*idx] = TrimapUnknown;
00132     hard_segmentation_[*idx] = SegmentationForeground;
00133   }
00135   if (!initialized_)
00136   {
00137     fitGMMs ();
00138     initialized_ = true;
00139   }
00140 }
00142 template <typename PointT> void 
00143 pcl::GrabCut<PointT>::fitGMMs ()
00144 {
00145   // Step 3: Build GMMs using Orchard-Bouman clustering algorithm
00146   buildGMMs (*image_, *indices_, hard_segmentation_, GMM_component_, background_GMM_, foreground_GMM_);
00148   // Initialize the graph for graphcut (do this here so that the T-Link debugging image will be initialized)
00149   initGraph ();  
00150 }
00152 template <typename PointT> int 
00153 pcl::GrabCut<PointT>::refineOnce ()
00154 {
00155   // Steps 4 and 5: Learn new GMMs from current segmentation
00156   learnGMMs (*image_, *indices_, hard_segmentation_, GMM_component_, background_GMM_, foreground_GMM_);
00158   // Step 6: Run GraphCut and update segmentation
00159   initGraph ();
00161   float flow = graph_.solve ();
00163   int changed = updateHardSegmentation ();
00164   PCL_INFO ("%d pixels changed segmentation (max flow = %f)\n", changed, flow);
00166   return (changed);
00167 }
00169 template <typename PointT> void 
00170 pcl::GrabCut<PointT>::refine ()
00171 {
00172   std::size_t changed = indices_->size ();
00174   while (changed)
00175     changed = refineOnce ();
00176 }
00178 template <typename PointT> int 
00179 pcl::GrabCut<PointT>::updateHardSegmentation ()
00180 {
00181   using namespace pcl::segmentation::grabcut;
00183   int changed = 0;
00185   const int number_of_indices = static_cast<int> (indices_->size ());
00186   for (int i_point = 0; i_point < number_of_indices; ++i_point)
00187   {
00188     SegmentationValue old_value = hard_segmentation_ [i_point];
00190     if (trimap_ [i_point] == TrimapBackground)
00191       hard_segmentation_ [i_point] = SegmentationBackground;
00192     else 
00193       if (trimap_ [i_point] == TrimapForeground)
00194         hard_segmentation_ [i_point] = SegmentationForeground;
00195       else      // TrimapUnknown
00196       {
00197         if (isSource (graph_nodes_[i_point]))
00198           hard_segmentation_ [i_point] = SegmentationForeground;
00199         else
00200           hard_segmentation_ [i_point] = SegmentationBackground;
00201       }
00203     if (old_value != hard_segmentation_ [i_point])
00204       ++changed;
00205   }
00206   return (changed);
00207 }
00209 template <typename PointT> void 
00210 pcl::GrabCut<PointT>::setTrimap (const PointIndicesConstPtr &indices, segmentation::grabcut::TrimapValue t)
00211 {
00212   using namespace pcl::segmentation::grabcut;
00213   std::vector<int>::const_iterator idx = indices->indices.begin ();
00214   for (; idx != indices->indices.end (); ++idx)
00215     trimap_[*idx] = t;
00217   // Immediately set the hard segmentation as well so that the display will update.
00218   if (t == TrimapForeground)
00219     for (idx = indices->indices.begin (); idx != indices->indices.end (); ++idx)
00220       hard_segmentation_[*idx] = SegmentationForeground;
00221   else 
00222     if (t == TrimapBackground)
00223       for (idx = indices->indices.begin (); idx != indices->indices.end (); ++idx)
00224         hard_segmentation_[*idx] = SegmentationBackground;
00225 }
00227 template <typename PointT> void 
00228 pcl::GrabCut<PointT>::initGraph ()
00229 {
00230   using namespace pcl::segmentation::grabcut;
00231   const int number_of_indices = static_cast<int> (indices_->size ());  
00232   // Set up the graph (it can only be used once, so we have to recreate it each time the graph is updated)
00233   graph_.clear ();
00234   graph_nodes_.clear ();
00235   graph_nodes_.resize (indices_->size ());
00236   int start = graph_.addNodes (indices_->size ());
00237   for (int idx = 0; idx < indices_->size (); ++idx)
00238   {
00239     graph_nodes_[idx] = start;
00240     ++start;
00241   }
00243   // Set T-Link weights
00244   for (int i_point = 0; i_point < number_of_indices; ++i_point)
00245   {
00246     int point_index = (*indices_) [i_point];
00247     float back, fore;
00249     switch (trimap_[point_index])
00250     {
00251       case TrimapUnknown :
00252       {
00253         fore = static_cast<float> (-log (background_GMM_.probabilityDensity (image_->points[point_index])));
00254         back = static_cast<float> (-log (foreground_GMM_.probabilityDensity (image_->points[point_index])));
00255         break;
00256       }
00257       case TrimapBackground :
00258       {
00259         fore = 0;
00260         back = L_;
00261         break;
00262       }
00263       default :
00264       {
00265         fore = L_;
00266         back = 0;
00267       }  
00268     }
00270     setTerminalWeights (graph_nodes_[i_point], fore, back);
00271   }
00273   // Set N-Link weights from precomputed values
00274   for (int i_point = 0; i_point < number_of_indices; ++i_point)
00275   {
00276     const NLinks &n_link = n_links_[i_point];
00277     if (n_link.nb_links > 0)
00278     {
00279       int point_index = (*indices_) [i_point];
00280       std::vector<int>::const_iterator indices_it    = n_link.indices.begin ();
00281       std::vector<float>::const_iterator weights_it  = n_link.weights.begin ();
00282       for (; indices_it != n_link.indices.end (); ++indices_it, ++weights_it)
00283       {
00284         if (*indices_it != point_index)
00285         {
00286           addEdge (graph_nodes_[i_point], graph_nodes_[*indices_it], *weights_it, *weights_it);
00287         }
00288       }
00289     }
00290   }
00291 }
00293 template <typename PointT> void 
00294 pcl::GrabCut<PointT>::computeNLinks ()
00295 {
00296   const int number_of_indices = static_cast<int> (indices_->size ());
00297   for (int i_point = 0; i_point < number_of_indices; ++i_point)
00298   {
00299     NLinks &n_link = n_links_[i_point];
00300     if (n_link.nb_links > 0)
00301     {
00302       int point_index = (*indices_) [i_point];
00303       std::vector<int>::const_iterator indices_it = n_link.indices.begin ();
00304       std::vector<float>::const_iterator dists_it = n_link.dists.begin   ();
00305       std::vector<float>::iterator weights_it     = n_link.weights.begin ();
00306       for (; indices_it != n_link.indices.end (); ++indices_it, ++dists_it, ++weights_it)
00307       {
00308         if (*indices_it != point_index)
00309         {
00310           // We saved the color distance previously at the computeBeta stage for optimization purpose
00311           float color_distance = *weights_it;
00312           // Set the real weight
00313           *weights_it = static_cast<float> (lambda_ * exp (-beta_ * color_distance) / sqrt (*dists_it));
00314         }
00315       }
00316     }
00317   }
00318 }
00320 template <typename PointT> void 
00321 pcl::GrabCut<PointT>::computeBeta ()
00322 {
00323   float result = 0;
00324   std::size_t edges = 0;
00326   const int number_of_indices = static_cast<int> (indices_->size ());
00328   for (int i_point = 0; i_point < number_of_indices; i_point++)
00329   {
00330     int point_index = (*indices_)[i_point];
00331     const PointT& point = input_->points [point_index];
00332     if (pcl::isFinite (point))
00333     {
00334       NLinks &links = n_links_[i_point];
00335       int found = tree_->nearestKSearch (point, nb_neighbours_, links.indices, links.dists);
00336       if (found > 1)
00337       {
00338         links.nb_links = found - 1;
00339         links.weights.reserve (links.nb_links);
00340         for (std::vector<int>::const_iterator nn_it = links.indices.begin (); nn_it != links.indices.end (); ++nn_it)
00341         {
00342           if (*nn_it != point_index)
00343           {
00344             float color_distance = squaredEuclideanDistance (image_->points[point_index], image_->points[*nn_it]);
00345             links.weights.push_back (color_distance);
00346             result+= color_distance;
00347             ++edges;
00348           }
00349           else
00350             links.weights.push_back (0.f);
00351         }
00352       }
00353     }
00354   }
00355   std::cout << "result " << result << std::endl;
00356   std::cout << "edges " << edges << std::endl;
00357   beta_ = 1e5 / (2*result / edges);
00358   std::cout << "beta " << beta_ << std::endl;
00359 }
00361 template <typename PointT> void 
00362 pcl::GrabCut<PointT>::computeL ()
00363 {
00364   L_ = 8*lambda_ + 1;
00365 }
00367 template <typename PointT> void 
00368 pcl::GrabCut<PointT>::extract (std::vector<pcl::PointIndices>& clusters)
00369 {
00370   using namespace pcl::segmentation::grabcut;
00371   clusters.clear ();
00372   clusters.resize (2);
00373   clusters[0].indices.reserve (indices_->size ());
00374   clusters[1].indices.reserve (indices_->size ());
00375   refine ();
00376   assert (hard_segmentation_.size () == indices_->size ());
00377   const int indices_size = static_cast<int> (indices_->size ());  
00378   for (int i = 0; i < indices_size; ++i)
00379     if (hard_segmentation_[i] == SegmentationForeground)
00380       clusters[1].indices.push_back (i);
00381     else
00382       clusters[0].indices.push_back (i);
00383 }
00385 #endif

Author(s): Open Perception
autogenerated on Wed Aug 26 2015 15:24:34