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# whill_driver

## About
The "whill_driver" is a ROS2 package for WHILL Model CR2 controller.

<img width=22% title="WHILL Model CR2" src="">
<img width=24% title="Wheeled Robot Base" src="">

## Package Structure


namespace whill_driver {
    class WhillNode{
    class Whill{
    class Parser{
    class SerialPort{

namespace rclcpp {
    class Node{
    class Publisher{
    class Subscription{
    class Service{

namespace whill_msgs {
    class WhillModelCMsg{
    class SpeedProfileMsg{
    class SetPowerSrv{
    class SetSpeedProfileSrv{

namespace c {
    class unistd{

WhillNode --|> Node
WhillNode -- Publisher
WhillNode -- Subscription
WhillNode -- Service
WhillNode "1" *-- "1" Whill
Whill "1" *-- "1" Parser
Whill "1" *-- "1" SerialPort
SerialPort -- unistd
Whill -- WhillModelCMsg
Whill -- SpeedProfileMsg
Whill -- SetPowerSrv
Whill -- SetSpeedProfileSrv

| Class name | Explanation |
| WhillNode | This class provides ROS2 Node, and has responsible for RCLCPP abstraction. |
| Whill | This class has WHILL Model CR2 domain. So, this class can understand control commands and WHILL state datasets. |
| Parser | This class has the ability to parse packets from WHILL. |
| SerialPort | This class provides serial port driver, and has responsible for hardware abstraction. |

**Note:** [whill_msgs]( is not provided by this repository.

## License

Copyright (c) 2024 WHILL, Inc.

Released under the [MIT license](