RTT::internal::TsPool< T >::Pointer_t::_ptr_type | |
A | |
RTT::internal::ActionAliasAssignableDataSource< T > | |
RTT::internal::ActionAliasDataSource< T > | |
RTT::base::ActionInterface | Based on the software pattern 'command', this interface allows execution of action objects |
ActivitiesMultipleTest | |
ActivitiesTest | |
ActivitiesThreadTest | |
RTT::Activity | An Activity is an object that represents a thread |
Activity | |
RTT::base::ActivityInterface | Interface to start/stop and query a Activity |
RTT::internal::AddMember< F, Class > | |
RTT::internal::adds3< R, A, B > | |
RTT::Alias | |
RTT::internal::AliasDataSource< T > | |
RTT::dev::AnalogInInterface | |
RTT::dev::AnalogInput | |
RTT::dev::AnalogOutInterface | |
RTT::dev::AnalogOutput | |
RTT::corba::AnyConversion< Type > | |
RTT::corba::AnyConversion< bool > | |
RTT::corba::AnyConversion< char > | |
RTT::corba::AnyConversion< ConnPolicy > | |
RTT::corba::AnyConversion< CORBA::Any_ptr > | |
RTT::corba::AnyConversion< CORBA::Any_var > | |
RTT::corba::AnyConversion< double > | |
RTT::corba::AnyConversion< float > | |
RTT::corba::AnyConversion< int > | |
RTT::corba::AnyConversion< RTT::TaskContext * > | |
RTT::corba::AnyConversion< std::map< T1, T2 > > | |
RTT::corba::AnyConversion< std::pair< T1, T2 > > | |
RTT::corba::AnyConversion< std::string > | |
RTT::corba::AnyConversion< std::vector< T > > | |
RTT::corba::AnyConversion< unsigned int > | |
RTT::corba::AnyConversionHelper< Type, _CorbaType > | |
RTT::corba::AnyDataSource | |
RTT::corba::ApplicationServer | |
RTT::mqueue::binary_data_iarchive::use_array_optimization::apply< T > | |
RTT::mqueue::binary_data_oarchive::use_array_optimization::apply< T > | |
AQEater< T > | |
AQGrower< T > | |
AQWorker< T > | |
area_info_struct | |
RTT::internal::ArgMember< F > | |
RTT::ArgumentDescription | Description of one Argument of a Command |
RTT::scripting::ArgumentsParser | |
RTT::internal::ArrayDataSource< T > | |
RTT::internal::ArrayPartDataSource< T > | |
RTT::internal::AssignableDataSource< T > | |
RTT::internal::AssignCommand< T, S > | |
RTT::internal::AssignHelper< Seq, Data, Enable > | |
RTT::internal::AssignHelper< Seq, Data, typename boost::enable_if< boost::is_pointer< typename mpl::front< Data >::type > >::type > | |
RTT::internal::AStore< T > | |
RTT::internal::AStore< T & > | |
RTT::os::AtomicInt | |
RTT::internal::AtomicMWSRQueue< T > | |
RTT::internal::AtomicQueue< T > | |
RTT::Attribute< T > | |
RTT::base::AttributeBase | |
AType | |
RTT::dev::AxisInterface | |
RTT::internal::bad_assignment | |
RTT::os::basic_iostreams | |
RTT::os::basic_istreams | |
RTT::os::basic_ostreams | |
RTT::os::basic_streams | |
bhdr_struct | |
RTT::mqueue::binary_data_iarchive | |
RTT::mqueue::binary_data_oarchive | |
RTT::internal::BinaryDataSource< function > | |
RTT::types::BinaryOp | |
RTT::types::BinaryOperator< function > | |
RTT::internal::BindStorage< ToBind > | |
BindStorageImpl | |
RTT::internal::BindStorageImpl< 0, ToBind > | |
RTT::internal::BindStorageImpl< 1, ToBind > | |
RTT::internal::BindStorageImpl< 2, ToBind > | |
RTT::internal::BindStorageImpl< 3, ToBind > | |
RTT::internal::BindStorageImpl< 4, ToBind > | |
RTT::internal::BindStorageImpl< 5, ToBind > | |
RTT::internal::BindStorageImpl< 6, ToBind > | |
RTT::internal::BindStorageImpl< 7, ToBind > | |
RTT::types::BoolTypeInfo | |
RTT::types::BoostArrayTypeInfo< T, has_ostream > | |
BType | |
RTT::base::Buffer< T > | |
RTT::base::BufferBase | |
RTT::base::BufferInterface< T > | |
RTT::base::BufferLocked< T > | |
RTT::base::BufferLockFree< T > | |
BuffersAQueueTest | |
BuffersAtomicMWSRQueueTest | |
BuffersDataFlowTest | |
BuffersMPoolTest | |
RTT::base::BufferUnSync< T > | |
RTT::dev::CalibrationInterface | A class which will calibrate a sensor. It is useful for making 'calibration' objects |
RTT::scripting::CallFunction | |
RTT::types::carray< T > | |
RTT::types::CArrayTypeInfo< T, has_ostream > | |
RTT::corba::CDataFlowInterface_i | |
RTT::internal::ChannelBufferElement< T > | |
RTT::internal::ChannelDataElement< T > | |
RTT::base::ChannelElement< T > | |
RTT::base::ChannelElementBase | |
RTT::os::CleanupFunction | |
RTT::CleanupHandle | |
RTT::internal::Collect< F, BaseImpl > | |
RTT::internal::CollectBase< F > | |
CollectBaseImpl | |
RTT::internal::CollectBaseImpl< 0, Ft > | |
RTT::internal::CollectBaseImpl< 1, Ft > | |
RTT::internal::CollectBaseImpl< 2, Ft > | |
RTT::internal::CollectBaseImpl< 3, Ft > | |
RTT::internal::CollectBaseImpl< 4, Ft > | |
RTT::internal::CollectBaseImpl< 5, Ft > | |
RTT::internal::CollectBaseImpl< 6, Ft > | |
RTT::internal::CollectImpl< 0, Ft, BaseImpl > | |
RTT::internal::CollectImpl< 1, Ft, BaseImpl > | |
RTT::internal::CollectImpl< 2, Ft, BaseImpl > | |
RTT::internal::CollectImpl< 3, Ft, BaseImpl > | |
RTT::internal::CollectImpl< 4, Ft, BaseImpl > | |
RTT::internal::CollectImpl< 5, Ft, BaseImpl > | |
RTT::internal::CollectImpl< 6, Ft, BaseImpl > | |
RTT::internal::CollectSignature< 0, F, ToCollect > | |
RTT::internal::CollectSignature< 1, F, ToCollect > | |
RTT::internal::CollectSignature< 2, F, ToCollect > | |
RTT::internal::CollectSignature< 3, F, ToCollect > | |
RTT::internal::CollectSignature< 4, F, ToCollect > | |
RTT::internal::CollectSignature< 5, F, ToCollect > | |
RTT::internal::CollectSignature< 6, F, ToCollect > | |
RTT::internal::CollectType< F > | |
RTT::scripting::CommandBinary | |
RTT::scripting::CommandComposite | Based on the software pattern 'composite', this class RTT_SCRIPTING_API allows composing command objects into one command object |
RTT::scripting::CommandCounter | This command increments a counter when executed |
RTT::scripting::CommandDataSource | |
RTT::scripting::CommandDataSourceBool | |
RTT::scripting::CommandFunction | |
RTT::scripting::CommandIllegal | A Command indicating that an error was encountered somewhere, most likely during the construction of another command |
RTT::scripting::CommandNOP | |
RTT::scripting::CommandString | This command displays a string when executed |
RTT::scripting::CommonParser | This class contains some very common parser definitions |
RTT::ComponentLoader::ComponentData | |
RTT::ComponentFactories | |
RTT::ComponentFactoryLoader< C > | |
RTT::ComponentLoader | |
RTT::types::CompositionFactory | |
RTT::os::Condition | An object oriented wrapper around a condition variable |
RTT::scripting::ConditionBinaryCompositeAND | |
RTT::scripting::ConditionBinaryCompositeOR | |
RTT::scripting::ConditionBool | |
RTT::scripting::ConditionBoolDataSource | |
RTT::scripting::ConditionBoolProperty | |
RTT::scripting::ConditionCache | |
RTT::scripting::ConditionCompare< T, compare_op > | |
RTT::scripting::ConditionCompositeNOT | |
RTT::scripting::ConditionDSDuration | |
RTT::scripting::ConditionDuration | |
RTT::scripting::ConditionExpire | |
RTT::scripting::ConditionFalse | |
RTT::scripting::ConditionFunction | |
RTT::scripting::ConditionInterface | This interface represents the concept of a condition which can be evaluated and return true or false |
RTT::scripting::ConditionInvert | |
RTT::scripting::ConditionOnce | |
RTT::scripting::ConditionParser | |
RTT::scripting::ConditionTrue | |
RTT::ConfigurationInterface | A class for keeping track of Attribute, Constant and Property objects of a TaskContext. It allows plugins and remote components to browse the attributes and properties of a TaskContext |
ConfigurationTestFixture | |
RTT::internal::ConnectionBase | |
RTT::internal::ConnectionManager | |
RTT::internal::ConnFactory | |
RTT::internal::ConnID | |
RTT::internal::ConnInputEndpoint< T > | |
RTT::internal::ConnOutputEndpoint< T > | |
RTT::ConnPolicy | |
RTT::Constant< T > | |
RTT::internal::ConstantDataSource< T > | |
RTT::internal::ConstReferenceDataSource< T > | |
RTT::scripting::ConstructorParser | |
RTT::internal::ListLocked< T >::Cont | |
ListTest::Cont | |
RTT::corba::CorbaDispatcher | |
RTT::corba::CorbaFallBackProtocol | |
RTT::corba::CorbaLibPlugin | |
CorbaMQueueIPCTest | |
CorbaMQueueTest | |
CorbaOperationCallerCall | |
CorbaOperationCallerCollect | |
RTT::corba::CorbaOperationCallerFactory | |
RTT::corba::CorbaTemplateProtocol< T > | |
CorbaTest | |
RTT::corba::CorbaTypeTransporter | |
RTT::marsh::CPFMarshaller< std::ostream > | |
RTT::internal::create_sequence< List > | |
RTT::internal::create_sequence_helper | |
RTT::internal::create_sequence_impl< List, size > | |
RTT::internal::create_sequence_impl< List, 0 > | |
RTT::internal::create_sequence_impl< List, 1 > | |
RTT::corba::CRemoteChannelElement_i | |
CrossRemover | |
CType | |
cyg_recursive_mutex_t | |
RTT::StatementProcessor::D | |
RTT::OperationCallerC::D | |
RTT::SendHandleC::D | |
RTT::Logger::D | |
RTT::TinyDemarshaller::D | |
RTT::base::DataObjectLockFree< T >::DataBuf | |
RTT::scripting::DataCallParser | |
RTT::DataFlowInterface | |
RTT::base::DataObject< T > | |
RTT::internal::DataObjectDataSource< T > | |
RTT::base::DataObjectInterface< T > | A DataObjectInterface implements multi-threaded read/write solutions |
RTT::base::DataObjectLocked< T > | A class which provides locked/protected access to one typed element of data |
RTT::base::DataObjectLockFree< T > | This DataObject is a Lock-Free implementation, such that reads and writes can happen concurrently without priority inversions |
RTT::base::DataObjectUnSync< T > | A class which provides unprotected (not thread-safe) access to one typed element of data |
RTT::internal::DataSource< T > | |
RTT::internal::DataSourceArgStorage< A > | |
RTT::internal::DataSourceArgStorage< A & > | Partial specialisations for storing a reference |
RTT::internal::DataSourceArgStorage< A const & > | Partial specialisations for storing a const reference |
RTT::base::DataSourceBase | The base class for all internal data representations |
RTT::internal::DataSourceCommand | |
RTT::scripting::DataSourceCondition | |
RTT::corba::DataSourceProxy< T > | |
RTT::internal::DataSourceResultStorage< R > | |
RTT::internal::DataSourceResultStorage< R const & > | |
RTT::internal::DataSourceResultStorage< void > | |
RTT::internal::DataSourceStorage< DataType > | |
DataSourceStorageImpl | |
RTT::internal::DataSourceStorageImpl< 0, DataType > | |
RTT::internal::DataSourceStorageImpl< 1, DataType > | |
RTT::internal::DataSourceStorageImpl< 2, DataType > | |
RTT::internal::DataSourceStorageImpl< 3, DataType > | |
RTT::internal::DataSourceStorageImpl< 4, DataType > | |
RTT::internal::DataSourceStorageImpl< 5, DataType > | |
RTT::internal::DataSourceStorageImpl< 6, DataType > | |
RTT::internal::DataSourceStorageImpl< 7, DataType > | |
DataSourceTest | |
RTT::scripting::DataSourceTime | |
RTT::internal::DataSourceTypeInfo< T > | |
RTT::internal::DataSourceTypeInfo< const T & > | |
RTT::internal::DataSourceTypeInfo< const T * > | |
RTT::internal::DataSourceTypeInfo< const T > | |
RTT::internal::DataSourceTypeInfo< T & > | |
RTT::internal::DataSourceTypeInfo< T * > | |
RTT::internal::DataSourceTypeInfo< types::carray< T > > | |
RTT::internal::DataSourceTypeInfo< UnknownType > | |
RTT::internal::DataSourceTypeInfo< void > | |
RTT::marsh::DemarshallInterface | An interface for extracting properties from a format |
DevTest | |
RTT::dev::DigitalInInterface | |
RTT::dev::DigitalInput | |
RTT::dev::DigitalOutInterface | |
RTT::dev::DigitalOutput | |
RTT::mqueue::Dispatcher | |
DispatchTest | |
RTT::base::DisposableInterface | An object that is executable and is freed after execution |
RTT::internal::divides3< R, A, B > | |
RTT::internal::divides3< int, int, int > | |
RTT::dev::DriveInterface | A Drive Object controls a single axis. It is responsible for keeping track of its status (enabled, disabled) |
RTT::internal::DSRStore< T > | |
RTT::internal::DSRStore< T & > | |
RTT::internal::DSRStore< void > | |
RTT::internal::DSWrap< T, Enable > | |
RTT::internal::DSWrap< boost::intrusive_ptr< T >, typename boost::enable_if< boost::is_base_of< base::DataSourceBase, typename boost::remove_pointer< T >::type > >::type > | |
RTT::internal::DSWrap< T, typename boost::enable_if< boost::is_base_of< base::DataSourceBase, typename boost::remove_pointer< T >::type > >::type > | |
RTT::internal::DSWrap< T, typename boost::enable_if< boost::is_reference< T > >::type > | |
RTT::internal::DSWrap< T, typename boost::enable_if< boost::is_reference_wrapper< T > >::type > | |
Dummy | |
DummyTask< T > | |
RTT::SendHandleC::E | |
RTT::scripting::EdgeCondition | This class represents a conditional branch in a program tree. It contains a condition which must be satisfied to pass to the next node |
EmitAndcount | |
RTT::types::EmptySendHandle | |
RTT::types::EmptyTypeInfo | |
RTT::dev::EncoderInterface | The most generic interface to a position/turn counter, for encoding positions |
RTT::marsh::TiXmlBase::Entity | |
svn2log.Entry | |
EnumStringTypeInfo | |
RTT::types::EnumTypeInfo< T > | |
EnumTypeTest | |
std::equal_to< const _Tp & > | |
RTT::scripting::EvalCommand | |
RTT::scripting::EvalCommandResult | |
EventPortsTC | |
EventServiceTest | |
EventTest | |
RTT::base::ExecutableInterface | |
RTT::ExecutionEngine | |
RTT::scripting::ExpressionParser | |
RTT::FakeAnalogDevice | |
RTT::FakeDigitalDevice | |
RTT::scripting::fatal_semantic_parse_exception | |
RTT::scripting::fatal_syntactic_parse_exception | |
fd_watch | |
RTT::file_parse_exception | |
RTT::extras::FileDescriptorActivity | |
RTT::finder< _Map > | |
RTT::PropertyBag::FindPropType< T > | |
free_ptr_struct | |
RTT::scripting::FunctionFactory | |
RTT::scripting::FunctionGraph | |
RTT::scripting::FunctionGraphBuilder | This class builds a program consisting of data contained in a program graph tree, based on the Boost Graph Library |
FunctionsFixture | |
RTT::internal::FusedFunctorDataSource< Signature, Enable > | |
RTT::internal::FusedFunctorDataSource< Signature, typename boost::enable_if< is_pure_reference< typename boost::function_traits< Signature >::result_type > >::type > | |
RTT::internal::FusedMCallDataSource< Signature > | |
RTT::internal::FusedMCollectDataSource< Signature > | |
RTT::internal::FusedMSendDataSource< Signature > | |
RTT::internal::FusedMSignal< Signature > | |
RTT::internal::GenerateDataSource | |
Generic_TaskTest | |
RTT::get_capacity< T > | |
RTT::internal::get_signal_impl< Signature, SlotFunction > | |
RTT::get_size< T > | |
RTT::internal::GetArgument< Seq, Data, Enable > | |
RTT::internal::GetArgument< Seq, Data, typename boost::enable_if< is_pure_reference< Data > >::type > | |
RTT::internal::details::GetConstRef< X > | |
RTT::internal::details::GetConstRef< void > | |
RTT::internal::GetSignature< FunctionT > | |
RTT::internal::GetSignatureDS< FunctionT > | |
global_object | |
RTT::internal::GlobalEngine | |
RTT::internal::GlobalService | |
RTT::types::GlobalsRepository | |
std::greater< const _Tp & > | One of the comparison functors |
RTT::Handle | The Handle holds the information, and allows manipulation, of a connection between a internal::Signal Handler function and the Signal itself |
RTT::internal::details::HasConst< X > | |
RTT::internal::details::HasConst< X const > | |
RTT::dev::HomingInterface | |
RTT::internal::identity< T > | |
RTT::corba::IllegalServer | |
RTT::Logger::In | |
RTT::os::InitFunction | |
InitOrocos | |
RTT::InputPort< T > | |
RTT::base::InputPortInterface | |
RTT::internal::InputPortSource< T > | |
RTT::internal::IntrusiveStorage | |
RTT::invalid_handle_exception | |
RTT::internal::Invoker< F, BaseImpl > | |
RTT::internal::InvokerBase< F > | |
InvokerBaseImpl | |
RTT::internal::InvokerBaseImpl< 0, F > | |
RTT::internal::InvokerBaseImpl< 1, F > | |
RTT::internal::InvokerBaseImpl< 2, F > | |
RTT::internal::InvokerBaseImpl< 3, F > | |
RTT::internal::InvokerBaseImpl< 4, F > | |
RTT::internal::InvokerBaseImpl< 5, F > | |
RTT::internal::InvokerBaseImpl< 6, F > | |
RTT::internal::InvokerBaseImpl< 7, F > | |
InvokerImpl | |
RTT::internal::InvokerImpl< 0, F, BaseImpl > | |
RTT::internal::InvokerImpl< 1, F, BaseImpl > | |
RTT::internal::InvokerImpl< 2, F, BaseImpl > | |
RTT::internal::InvokerImpl< 3, F, BaseImpl > | |
RTT::internal::InvokerImpl< 4, F, BaseImpl > | |
RTT::internal::InvokerImpl< 5, F, BaseImpl > | |
RTT::internal::InvokerImpl< 6, F, BaseImpl > | |
RTT::internal::InvokerImpl< 7, F, BaseImpl > | |
InvokerSignature | |
RTT::internal::InvokerSignature< 0, F, ToInvoke > | |
RTT::internal::InvokerSignature< 1, F, ToInvoke > | |
RTT::internal::InvokerSignature< 2, F, ToInvoke > | |
RTT::internal::InvokerSignature< 3, F, ToInvoke > | |
RTT::internal::InvokerSignature< 4, F, ToInvoke > | |
RTT::internal::InvokerSignature< 5, F, ToInvoke > | |
RTT::internal::InvokerSignature< 6, F, ToInvoke > | |
RTT::internal::InvokerSignature< 7, F, ToInvoke > | |
RTT::extras::IRQActivity | |
RTT::internal::is_arg_return< Arg > | |
RTT::internal::is_arg_return< AStore< T & > > | |
RTT::internal::is_arg_return< AStore< T const & > > | |
RTT::internal::is_arg_return< DSRStore< T > > | |
RTT::internal::is_arg_return< DSRStore< void > > | |
RTT::internal::is_arg_return< RStore< T > > | |
RTT::internal::is_arg_return< RStore< void > > | |
RTT::internal::is_out_arg< Arg > | |
RTT::internal::is_out_arg< AStore< T & > > | |
RTT::internal::is_out_arg< AStore< T const & > > | |
RTT::internal::is_pure_reference< T > | |
RTT::internal::is_pure_reference< T & > | |
RTT::internal::is_pure_reference< T const & > | |
RTT::internal::ListLockFree< T >::Item | |
RTT::internal::TsPool< T >::Item | |
RTT::internal::LateConstReferenceDataSource< T > | |
RTT::internal::LateReferenceDataSource< T > | |
std::less< const _Tp & > | One of the comparison functors |
RTT::internal::List< T > | |
RTT::internal::ListLocked< T > | |
RTT::internal::ListLockFree< T > | |
ListTest | |
LLFGrower | |
LLFWorker | |
RTT::plugin::PluginLoader::LoadedLib | |
RTT::ComponentLoader::LoadedLib | |
LoaderTest | |
RTT::os::local_allocator< T, Alloc > | |
RTT::os::local_allocator< void > | |
RTT::internal::LocalConnID | |
RTT::internal::LocalOperationCaller< FunctionT > | |
RTT::internal::LocalOperationCallerImpl< FunctionT > | |
RTT::internal::LockedQueue< T > | |
RTT::Logger | |
LoggerTest | |
RTT::os::MainThread | |
RTT::Marshalling | |
MarshallingFixture | |
RTT::marsh::MarshallingService | |
RTT::marsh::MarshallInterface | A MarshallInterface converts Property objects to a (file/text) format |
RTT::types::MatrixTypeInfo< T, has_ostream > | |
RTT::types::MemberFactory | |
RTT::mqueue::MQChannelElement< T > | |
RTT::mqueue::MQLibPlugin | |
RTT::mqueue::MQSendRecv | |
RTT::mqueue::MQSerializationProtocol< T > | |
RTT::mqueue::MQTemplateProtocol< T > | |
RTT::mqueue::MQTemplateProtocolBase< T > | |
MQueueArchiveTest | |
MQueueFixture | |
MQueueTest | |
RTT::internal::multiplies3< R, A, B > | |
RTT::extras::MultiVector< S, T > | A static allocated Vector |
RTT::os::Mutex | An object oriented wrapper around a non recursive mutex |
RTT::os::MutexInterface | An interface to a Mutex |
RTT::os::MutexLock | MutexLock is a scope based Monitor, protecting critical sections with a Mutex object through locking and unlocking it |
RTT::os::MutexRecursive | An object oriented wrapper around a recursive mutex |
RTT::os::MutexTimedLock | A MutexTimedLock locks a Mutex object on construction and if successful, unlocks it on destruction of the MutexTimedLock. If the lock can not be acquired within the user provided time limit, the attempt is aborted. Use isSuccessful() to check whether the attempt succeeded |
RTT::os::MutexTryLock | A MutexTryLock tries to lock an Mutex object on construction and if successful, unlocks it on destruction of the MutexTryLock. Use isSuccessful() to check whether the attempt succeeded |
RTT::internal::MWSRQueue< T > | |
MyStruct | |
RTT::internal::NA< T > | |
RTT::internal::NA< void > | |
RTT::dev::NameServer< _ValueType >::name_iterator | An Iterator to iterate over the registered names |
RTT::name_not_found_exception | |
RTT::dev::NameServer< _ValueType > | A nameserver for Orocos Device classes |
RTT::dev::NameServerRegistrator< T > | Utility class to register a given object with a nameserver, and deregister upon destruction |
RTT::internal::NArityDataSource< function > | |
boost::unit_test::ut_detail::nil_t | |
RTT::no_asynchronous_operation_exception | |
RTT::non_lvalue_args_exception | |
RTT::corba::NonExistingDataSource | |
std::not_equal_to< const _Tp & > | One of the comparison functors |
RTT::internal::OffsetDataSource | |
RTT::internal::OffsetPartDataSource< T > | |
RTT::Operation< Signature > | |
RTT::base::OperationBase | |
RTT::OperationCaller< SignatureT > | |
RTT::base::OperationCallerBase< F > | |
RTT::base::OperationCallerBaseInvoker | |
RTT::internal::OperationCallerBinder< F > | |
RTT::internal::OperationCallerBinderImpl< 0, F > | |
RTT::internal::OperationCallerBinderImpl< 1, F > | |
RTT::internal::OperationCallerBinderImpl< 2, F > | |
RTT::internal::OperationCallerBinderImpl< 3, F > | |
RTT::internal::OperationCallerBinderImpl< 4, F > | |
RTT::internal::OperationCallerBinderImpl< 5, F > | |
RTT::internal::OperationCallerBinderImpl< 6, F > | |
RTT::internal::OperationCallerBinderImpl< 7, F > | |
RTT::internal::OperationCallerBinderImpl< 8, F > | |
RTT::internal::OperationCallerBinderImpl< 9, F > | |
RTT::internal::OperationCallerC | |
RTT::base::OperationCallerInterface | |
RTT::corba::OperationCallerProxy | |
RTT::OperationInterface | Holds all exported operations of a component and is able to produce callers for these operations |
RTT::OperationInterfacePart | |
RTT::internal::OperationInterfacePartFused< Signature > | |
RTT::internal::OperationInterfacePartFusedDS< Signature, ObjT > | |
RTT::internal::OperationInterfacePartHelper | |
RTT::SendHandleC::E::OperationKeeper | |
OperationsFixture | |
OperationTest | |
RTT::types::OperatorRepository | |
RTT::corba::OrbRunner | |
oro__xchg_dummy | |
oro_atomic_t | |
oro_rtai_cond_t | |
oro_rtai_sem_t | |
oro_timespec | |
RTT::internal::OROCOS_SIGNAL_CONNECTION_N< SlotFunction > | |
RTT::internal::OROCOS_SIGNAL_N< R, SlotFunctionT > | |
RTT::OutputPort< T > | |
RTT::base::OutputPortInterface | |
RTT::parse_exception | |
RTT::scripting::parse_exception_fatal_semantic_error | |
RTT::scripting::parse_exception_illegal_identifier | |
RTT::scripting::parse_exception_no_such_component | |
RTT::scripting::parse_exception_no_such_constructor | |
RTT::scripting::parse_exception_no_such_method_on_component | |
RTT::scripting::parse_exception_parser_fail | |
RTT::scripting::parse_exception_semantic_error | |
RTT::scripting::parse_exception_syntactic_error | |
RTT::scripting::parse_exception_undefined_value | |
RTT::scripting::parse_exception_wrong_number_of_arguments | |
RTT::scripting::parse_exception_wrong_type_of_argument | |
RTT::scripting::ParsedStateMachine | |
RTT::scripting::Parser | This class is the public interface to the Orocos Program Parser Framework. It parsers Orocos program scripts, Orocos State Contexts and allows to parse a text Command, Condition or Expression to the respective objects |
RTT::internal::PartDataSource< T > | |
RTT::internal::PartDataSource< types::carray< T > > | |
RTT::scripting::PeerParser | |
RTT::extras::PeriodicActivity | A PeriodicActivity is the general implementation of a Activity which has (realtime) periodic constraints |
PeriodicActivity | |
RTT::plugin::PluginLoader | |
PluginsFixture | |
POAUtility | |
RTT::internal::TsPool< T >::Pointer_t | |
RTT::internal::pointer_to_sixary_function< ResultT, Arg1T, Arg2T, Arg3T, Arg4T, Arg5T, Arg6T > | |
RTT::internal::pointer_to_ternary_function< ResultT, Arg1T, Arg2T, Arg3T > | |
RTT::os::local_allocator< T, Alloc >::pool_wrapper_type | |
RTT::base::PortInterface | |
PortsTestFixture | |
RTT::os::PosixCookie | |
RTT::types::PrimitiveSequenceTypeInfo< T, has_ostream > | |
RTT::types::PrimitiveTypeInfo< T, use_ostream > | |
RTT::os::print_helper | |
RTT::os::printbufs | |
RTT::os::printstream | |
RTT::scripting::program_load_exception | |
RTT::scripting::program_unload_exception | |
RTT::scripting::ProgramGraphParser | A Parser for Orocos Program Scripts |
RTT::scripting::ProgramInterface | A Program represents a collection of instructions that can be stepwise executed |
RTT::scripting::ProgramService | This class represents a program as an Service in the Orocos TaskContext system |
ProgramTest | |
RTT::Property< T > | A property represents a named value of any type with a description |
RTT::PropertyBag | A container for holding references to properties |
RTT::marsh::PropertyBagIntrospector | This class fills up a given bag with the results of an introspection |
RTT::base::PropertyBagVisitor | |
RTT::base::PropertyBase | |
PropertyCompositionTest | |
RTT::marsh::PropertyDemarshaller | The default Orocos demarshaller for extracting properties and property bags from a property file |
RTT::base::PropertyIntrospection | |
RTT::marsh::PropertyLoader | |
RTT::marsh::PropertyMarshaller | |
PropertyMarshTest | |
RTT::scripting::PropertyParser | |
PropertyTest | |
RTT::extras::IRQActivity::Provider | |
PtrTest | |
RTT::dev::PulseTrainGeneratorInterface | A generic interface to a pulsetraingenerator for simulation of encoder like behaviour |
RTT::internal::Queue< T > | |
RTT::extras::ReadOnlyPointer< T > | |
RTT::internal::real_get_signal_impl< 0, Signature, SlotFunction > | |
RTT::internal::real_get_signal_impl< 1, Signature, SlotFunction > | |
RTT::internal::real_get_signal_impl< 2, Signature, SlotFunction > | |
RTT::internal::real_get_signal_impl< 3, Signature, SlotFunction > | |
RTT::internal::real_get_signal_impl< 4, Signature, SlotFunction > | |
RTT::internal::real_get_signal_impl< 5, Signature, SlotFunction > | |
RTT::internal::real_get_signal_impl< 6, Signature, SlotFunction > | |
RTT::internal::real_get_signal_impl< 7, Signature, SlotFunction > | |
RTT::types::RealTimeTypekitPlugin | |
RTT::os::rt_allocator< void >::rebind< U > | |
RTT::os::rt_allocator< T >::rebind< U > | |
RTT::os::local_allocator< void >::rebind< U > | |
RTT::os::local_allocator< T, Alloc >::rebind< U > | |
RTT::internal::Reference | |
RTT::internal::ReferenceDataSource< T > | |
RTT::corba::RemoteChannelElement< T > | |
RTT::corba::RemoteConnID | |
RTT::corba::RemoteInputPort | |
RTT::internal::RemoteOperationCaller< OperationCallerT > | |
RTT::internal::RemoteOperationCallerImpl< OperationCallerT > | |
RTT::corba::RemoteOutputPort | |
RTT::corba::RemotePort< PortClass > | |
RTT::internal::remove_cr< T > | |
RTT::RemoveMsg | |
RTT::marsh::TiXmlString::Rep | |
RTT::internal::Return< F, BaseImpl > | |
RTT::internal::ReturnBase< F > | |
ReturnBaseImpl | |
RTT::internal::ReturnBaseImpl< 0, F > | |
RTT::internal::ReturnBaseImpl< 1, F > | |
RTT::internal::ReturnBaseImpl< 2, F > | |
RTT::internal::ReturnBaseImpl< 3, F > | |
RTT::internal::ReturnBaseImpl< 4, F > | |
RTT::internal::ReturnBaseImpl< 5, F > | |
RTT::internal::ReturnBaseImpl< 6, F > | |
RTT::internal::ReturnBaseImpl< 7, F > | |
RTT::internal::ReturnImpl< 0, F, BaseImpl > | |
RTT::internal::ReturnImpl< 1, F, BaseImpl > | |
RTT::internal::ReturnImpl< 2, F, BaseImpl > | |
RTT::internal::ReturnImpl< 3, F, BaseImpl > | |
RTT::internal::ReturnImpl< 4, F, BaseImpl > | |
RTT::internal::ReturnImpl< 5, F, BaseImpl > | |
RTT::internal::ReturnImpl< 6, F, BaseImpl > | |
RTT::internal::ReturnImpl< 7, F, BaseImpl > | |
RTT::internal::ReturnSignature< 0, F, ToInvoke > | |
RTT::internal::ReturnSignature< 1, F, ToInvoke > | |
RTT::internal::ReturnSignature< 2, F, ToInvoke > | |
RTT::internal::ReturnSignature< 3, F, ToInvoke > | |
RTT::internal::ReturnSignature< 4, F, ToInvoke > | |
RTT::internal::ReturnSignature< 5, F, ToInvoke > | |
RTT::internal::ReturnSignature< 6, F, ToInvoke > | |
RTT::internal::ReturnSignature< 7, F, ToInvoke > | |
RTT::extras::ROPtrInternal< T > | |
RTT::internal::RStore< T > | |
RTT::internal::RStore< const T > | |
RTT::internal::RStore< T & > | |
RTT::internal::RStore< void > | |
RTT::os::rt_allocator< T > | |
RTT::os::rt_allocator< void > | |
rt_cond_t | |
RTT::os::rt_list< T, Alloc > | |
rt_mutex_impl_t | |
RTT::os::RTAI_Thread | |
RTT::types::RTStringTypeInfo | |
RTT_corba_CConfigurationInterface_i | |
RTT_corba_COperationInterface_i | |
RTT_corba_CSendHandle_i | |
RTT_corba_CService_i | |
RTT_corba_CServiceRequester_i | |
RTT_corba_CTaskContext_i | |
RTT::base::RunnableInterface | A class for running a certain piece of code in a thread |
Runner | |
RTT::marsh::SAX2XMLRPCHandler | |
RTT::ScopedHandle | |
RTT::Scripting | |
RTT::scripting::ScriptingService | |
RTT::scripting::ScriptParser | |
RTT::internal::select1st< T > | |
RTT::internal::select2nd< T > | |
SelfRemover | |
RTT::scripting::semantic_parse_exception | |
RTT::os::Semaphore | |
RTT::SendHandle< Signature > | The SendHandle is used to collect the result values of an asynchronous invocation. The template argument Signature must have the same type as the method being invoked |
RTT::scripting::SendHandleAlias | |
RTT::internal::SendHandleC | |
RTT::dev::SensorInterface< SensorData > | An interface that describes a general sensor You can read a value/structure |
RTT::types::sequence_constructor_datasource< T > | |
RTT::types::sequence_ctor< T > | |
RTT::types::sequence_ctor2< T > | |
RTT::types::sequence_varargs_ctor< T > | |
RTT::types::SequenceBuilder< T > | |
RTT::types::SequenceTypeInfo< T, has_ostream > | |
RTT::types::SequenceTypeInfoBase< T > | |
SequenceTypeTest | |
RTT::extras::SequentialActivity | The default, thread-less activity for any newly created TaskContext |
RTT::corba::CDataFlowInterface_i::ServantInfo | |
RTT::Service | |
ServicePluginTest | |
ServicePortFixture | |
RTT::ServiceRequester | |
RTT::internal::Signal< Signature, TSlotFunction > | |
RTT::internal::SignalBase | |
RTT::internal::SimpleConnID | |
RTT::extras::SimulationActivity | A SimulationActivity is a PeriodicActivity which is used for simulation |
RTT::extras::SimulationThread | |
RTT::internal::AtomicMWSRQueue< T >::SIndexes | |
RTT::internal::AtomicQueue< T >::SIndexes | |
RTT::extras::SlaveActivity | An base::ActivityInterface implementation which executes 'step' upon the invocation of 'execute()', which is called by another Activity ('master'). The SlaveActivity can only be started if the master is active or if no master is present. If a master is used, this activity takes periodicity over from the master. If no master is present, use one of the alternative constructors to make a periodic slave or a non periodic slave |
SlaveActivity | |
SpecializedActivities | |
RTT::os::StartStopManager | This manager starts and stops all globally registered start/stop functions, without a particular order |
RTT::scripting::StateDescription | This class represents a state with all actions stored in an external program |
RTT::scripting::StateGraphParser | |
RTT::scripting::StateInterface | |
RTT::scripting::StateMachine | A hierarchical StateMachine which is loaded in the Program Processor |
RTT::scripting::StateMachineBuilder | |
RTT::scripting::StateMachineService | This class represents a stateMachine as a Service in the Orocos TaskContext system |
RTT::scripting::StatementProcessor | |
StatesTC | |
StateTest | |
RTT::scripting::ProgramInterface::Status | |
RTT::scripting::StateMachine::Status | |
RTT::types::StdPrimitiveTypeInfo< T > | |
RTT::types::StdStringTypeInfo | |
RTT::types::StdTypeInfo< T > | |
RTT::types::stdvector_ctor< T > | |
RTT::types::stdvector_ctor2< T > | |
RTT::types::stdvector_varargs_ctor< T > | |
RTT::types::StdVectorBuilder< T > | |
RTT::types::StdVectorTemplateTypeInfo< T, has_ostream > | |
RTT::types::StdVectorTypeInfo | |
RTT::internal::ListLockFree< T >::StorageImpl | |
RTT::os::streambufs | |
RTT::internal::StreamConnID | |
RTT::types::StreamFactory | |
RTT::marsh::StreamProcessor< Stream > | An interface for setting and getting a stream object. This can be a file, a string buffer,.. |
RTT::os::string_helper | |
RTT::os::stringbufs | |
RTT::os::stringstreams | |
RTT::marsh::TiXmlBase::StringToBuffer | |
RTT::types::StructTypeInfo< T, has_ostream > | |
StructTypeTest | |
RTT::internal::subs3< R, A, B > | |
RTT::internal::SynchronousOperationInterfacePartFused< Signature > | |
RTT::scripting::syntactic_parse_exception | |
RTT::TaskContext | |
RTT::corba::TaskContextFactory | |
RTT::corba::TaskContextProxy | |
RTT::corba::TaskContextServer | |
RTT::base::TaskCore | |
TaskStates_Test | |
RTT::types::TemplateCompositionFactory< T > | |
RTT::types::TemplateConnFactory< T > | |
RTT::types::TemplateConstructor< S > | |
RTT::types::TemplateTypeInfo< T, use_ostream > | |
RTT::types::TemplateValueFactory< T > | |
std::ternary_function< Arg1T, Arg2T, Arg3T, ResultT > | |
TestActivity< T > | |
TestAllocate | |
TestEventService | |
TestFDActivity | |
TestLog | |
TestOverrun | |
TestPeriodic | |
TestRunnableInterface | |
TestRunner | |
TestSelfRemove | |
TestService | |
TestTimer | |
TheServer | |
RTT::os::Thread | |
RTT::os::ThreadInterface | |
RTT::os::ThreadWrapperData | |
RTT::os::Timer | |
RTT::extras::TimerThread | |
RTT::os::TimeService | |
TimeTest | |
RTT::marsh::Tiny2CPFHandler | |
RTT::marsh::TinyDemarshaller | A TinyXML demarshaller for extracting properties and property bags from a Component Property File (CPF) following the CORBA 3 standard |
RTT::marsh::TiXmlAttribute | |
RTT::marsh::TiXmlAttributeSet | |
RTT::marsh::TiXmlBase | |
RTT::marsh::TiXmlComment | |
RTT::marsh::TiXmlCursor | |
RTT::marsh::TiXmlDeclaration | |
RTT::marsh::TiXmlDocument | |
RTT::marsh::TiXmlElement | |
RTT::marsh::TiXmlHandle | |
RTT::marsh::TiXmlNode | |
RTT::marsh::TiXmlOutStream | |
RTT::marsh::TiXmlParsingData | |
RTT::marsh::TiXmlString | |
RTT::marsh::TiXmlText | |
RTT::marsh::TiXmlUnknown | |
TLSF_struct | |
RTT::types::TransportPlugin | |
RTT::scripting::TryCommand | |
RTT::scripting::TryCommandResult | |
RTT::internal::TsPool< T > | |
RTT::types::type_discovery | |
TypeArchiveTest | |
RTT::types::TypeConstructor | |
RTT::types::TypeInfo | |
RTT::types::TypeInfoGenerator | |
RTT::types::TypeInfoName< T > | |
RTT::types::TypeInfoRepository | |
TypekitFixture | |
RTT::types::TypekitPlugin | |
RTT::types::TypekitRepository | |
RTT::types::TypeMarshaller | |
TypesPluginTest | |
TypesTest | |
RTT::types::TypeStreamSelector< T, false > | |
RTT::types::TypeStreamSelector< T, true > | |
RTT::types::TypeTransporter | |
RTT::internal::UnaryDataSource< function > | |
RTT::types::UnaryOp | |
RTT::types::UnaryOperator< function > | |
RTT::internal::UnboundDataSource< BoundType > | |
RTT::internal::UnknownType | |
RTT::internal::UnMember< F > | |
RTT::internal::UnPointer< F > | |
UpdatedReferenceDataSource< T > | |
RTT::internal::UpdateHelper< T > | |
RTT::internal::UpdateHelper< T & > | |
RTT::mqueue::binary_data_iarchive::use_array_optimization | |
RTT::mqueue::binary_data_oarchive::use_array_optimization | |
RTT::dev::NameServer< _ValueType >::value_iterator | An Iterator to iterate over the registered objects |
RTT::scripting::ValueChangeParser | |
RTT::internal::ValueDataSource< T > | |
RTT::corba::ValueDataSourceProxy< T > | |
RTT::types::ValueFactory | |
RTT::scripting::ValueParser | A class for parsing const values |
RTT::scripting::VertexNode | |
RTT::scripting::wrong_context_params_exception | |
RTT::wrong_number_of_args_exception | |
RTT::wrong_types_of_args_exception | |
RTT::os::XenoCookie | |
RTT::marsh::XMLRPCDemarshaller | |
RTT::marsh::XMLRPCMarshaller< output_stream > | |