Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #!/usr/bin/env python
00002 from object_manipulator.cluster_bounding_box_finder import ClusterBoundingBoxFinder
00003 from tabletop_object_detector.srv import TabletopDetection
00004 from tabletop_object_detector.msg import TabletopDetectionResult
00009 cbbf = ClusterBoundingBoxFinder()
00010 object_detector = rospy.ServiceProxy("/object_detection", TabletopDetection)
00011 detects = object_detector(True, False).detection
00012 object_detector.close()
00013 if detects.result != 4:
00014     err("Detection failed (err %d)" % (detects.result))
00015 table_z = detects.table.pose.pose.position.z
00016 objects = []
00017 for cluster in detects.clusters:
00018     (object_points, 
00019      object_bounding_box_dims, 
00020      object_bounding_box, 
00021      object_to_base_link_frame, 
00022      object_to_cluster_frame) = cbbf.find_object_frame_and_bounding_box(cluster)
00023             # log("bounding box:", object_bounding_box)
00024     (object_pos, object_quat) = cf.mat_to_pos_and_quat(object_to_cluster_frame)
00025     angs = euler_from_quaternion(object_quat)
00026     log("angs:", angs)
00027             # position is half of height
00028     object_pos[2] = table_z + object_bounding_box[1][2] / 2. + DETECT_ERROR
00029     log("pos:", object_pos)
00030     log("table_z:", table_z)
00031     objects += [[object_pos, angs[2]]]

Author(s): Marc Killpack / mkillpack3@gatech.edu, Advisor: Prof. Charlie Kemp, Lab: Healthcare Robotics Lab at Georgia Tech
autogenerated on Wed Nov 27 2013 12:18:32