00001 /********************************************************************* 00002 * Software License Agreement (BSD License) 00003 * 00004 * Copyright (c) 2008, Willow Garage, Inc. 00005 * All rights reserved. 00006 * 00007 * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without 00008 * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions 00009 * are met: 00010 * 00011 * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright 00012 * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 00013 * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above 00014 * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following 00015 * disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided 00016 * with the distribution. 00017 * * Neither the name of the Willow Garage nor the names of its 00018 * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived 00019 * from this software without specific prior written permission. 00020 * 00021 * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS 00022 * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT 00023 * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS 00024 * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE 00025 * COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, 00026 * INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, 00027 * BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; 00028 * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER 00029 * CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT 00030 * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN 00031 * ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE 00032 * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. 00033 *********************************************************************/ 00034 /* 00035 * Author: Sachin Chitta and Matthew Piccoli 00036 */ 00037 00038 #include "pr2_mechanism_controllers/pr2_odometry.h" 00039 #include "pluginlib/class_list_macros.h" 00040 00041 PLUGINLIB_DECLARE_CLASS(pr2_mechanism_controllers, Pr2Odometry, controller::Pr2Odometry, pr2_controller_interface::Controller) 00042 00043 namespace controller { 00044 00045 00046 const static double ODOMETRY_THRESHOLD = 1e-4; 00047 const static double MAX_ALLOWABLE_SVD_TIME = 3e-4; 00048 00049 Pr2Odometry::Pr2Odometry() 00050 { 00051 sequence_ = 0; 00052 } 00053 00054 Pr2Odometry::~Pr2Odometry() 00055 { 00056 } 00057 00058 bool Pr2Odometry::init(pr2_mechanism_model::RobotState *robot_state, ros::NodeHandle &node) 00059 { 00060 node_ = node; 00061 00062 std::string prefix_param; 00063 node.searchParam("tf_prefix", prefix_param); 00064 node.getParam(prefix_param, tf_prefix_); 00065 00066 node.param("odometer/initial_distance", odometer_distance_, 0.0); 00067 node.param("odometer/initial_angle", odometer_angle_, 0.0); 00068 node.param("odom/initial_x", odom_.x, 0.0); 00069 node.param("odom/initial_y", odom_.y, 0.0); 00070 node.param("odom/initial_yaw", odom_.z, 0.0); 00071 00072 node.param("publish_tf", publish_tf_, true); 00073 ils_weight_type_ = "Gaussian"; 00074 // node.param<std::string> ("ils_weight_type", ils_weight_type_, "Gaussian"); 00075 node.param<int> ("ils_max_iterations", ils_max_iterations_, 3); 00076 node.param<std::string> ("odom_frame", odom_frame_, "odom"); 00077 node.param<std::string> ("base_footprint_frame", base_footprint_frame_, "base_footprint"); 00078 node.param<std::string> ("base_link_frame", base_link_frame_, "base_link"); 00079 // node.param<double> ("base_link_floor_z_offset", base_link_floor_z_offset_, 0.051); 00080 00081 node.param<double> ("x_stddev", sigma_x_, 0.002); 00082 node.param<double> ("y_stddev", sigma_y_, 0.002); 00083 node.param<double> ("rotation_stddev", sigma_theta_, 0.017); 00084 00085 node.param<double> ("cov_xy", cov_x_y_, 0.0); 00086 node.param<double> ("cov_xrotation", cov_x_theta_, 0.0); 00087 node.param<double> ("cov_yrotation", cov_y_theta_, 0.0); 00088 node.param<bool> ("verbose", verbose_, false); 00089 00090 node.param("odom_publish_rate", odom_publish_rate_, 30.0); 00091 node.param("odometer_publish_rate", odometer_publish_rate_, 1.0); 00092 node.param("state_publish_rate", state_publish_rate_, 1.0); 00093 node.param("caster_calibration_multiplier", caster_calibration_multiplier_, 1.0); 00094 00095 if(odom_publish_rate_ <= 0.0) 00096 { 00097 expected_publish_time_ = 0.0; 00098 publish_odom_ = false; 00099 } 00100 else 00101 { 00102 expected_publish_time_ = 1.0/odom_publish_rate_; 00103 publish_odom_ = true; 00104 } 00105 00106 if(odometer_publish_rate_ <= 0.0) 00107 { 00108 expected_odometer_publish_time_ = 0.0; 00109 publish_odometer_ = false; 00110 } 00111 else 00112 { 00113 expected_odometer_publish_time_ = 1.0/odometer_publish_rate_; 00114 publish_odometer_ = true; 00115 } 00116 00117 if(state_publish_rate_ <= 0.0) 00118 { 00119 expected_state_publish_time_ = 0.0; 00120 publish_state_ = false; 00121 } 00122 else 00123 { 00124 expected_state_publish_time_ = 1.0/state_publish_rate_; 00125 publish_state_ = true; 00126 } 00127 00128 00129 00130 if(!base_kin_.init(robot_state, node_)) 00131 return false; 00132 00133 for(int i = 0; i < base_kin_.num_casters_; ++i) 00134 { 00135 if(!base_kin_.caster_[i].joint_->calibrated_) 00136 { 00137 ROS_ERROR("The Base odometry could not start because the casters were not calibrated. Relaunch the odometry after you see the caster calibration finish."); 00138 return false; // Casters are not calibrated 00139 } 00140 } 00141 00142 cbv_rhs_.setZero(); 00143 cbv_lhs_.setZero(); 00144 cbv_soln_.setZero(); 00145 fit_lhs_.setZero(); 00146 fit_rhs_.setZero(); 00147 fit_soln_.setZero(); 00148 fit_residual_.setZero(); 00149 odometry_residual_.setZero(); 00150 weight_matrix_.setIdentity(); 00151 00152 if(verbose_) 00153 { 00154 matrix_publisher_.reset(new realtime_tools::RealtimePublisher<pr2_mechanism_controllers::OdometryMatrix>(node_,"odometry_matrix", 1)); 00155 debug_publisher_.reset(new realtime_tools::RealtimePublisher<pr2_mechanism_controllers::DebugInfo>(node_,"debug", 1)); 00156 debug_publisher_->msg_.timing.resize(3); 00157 matrix_publisher_->msg_.m.resize(48); 00158 } 00159 00160 state_publisher_.reset(new realtime_tools::RealtimePublisher<pr2_mechanism_controllers::BaseOdometryState>(node_,"state", 1)); 00161 odometer_publisher_.reset(new realtime_tools::RealtimePublisher<pr2_mechanism_controllers::Odometer>(node_,"odometer", 1)); 00162 odometry_publisher_.reset(new realtime_tools::RealtimePublisher<nav_msgs::Odometry>(node_,odom_frame_, 1)); 00163 transform_publisher_.reset(new realtime_tools::RealtimePublisher<tf::tfMessage>(node_,"/tf", 1)); 00164 transform_publisher_->msg_.transforms.resize(1); 00165 00166 state_publisher_->msg_.wheel_link_names.resize(base_kin_.num_wheels_); 00167 state_publisher_->msg_.drive_constraint_errors.resize(base_kin_.num_wheels_); 00168 state_publisher_->msg_.longitudinal_slip_constraint_errors.resize(base_kin_.num_wheels_); 00169 return true; 00170 } 00171 00172 bool Pr2Odometry::isInputValid() 00173 { 00174 return true; 00175 00176 for(int i=0; i < base_kin_.num_wheels_; i++) 00177 if(isnan(base_kin_.wheel_[i].joint_->velocity_) || isnan(base_kin_.wheel_[i].joint_->velocity_)) 00178 return false; 00179 00180 for(int i=0; i < base_kin_.num_casters_; i++) 00181 if(isnan(base_kin_.caster_[i].joint_->velocity_) || isnan(base_kin_.caster_[i].joint_->velocity_)) 00182 return false; 00183 00184 return true; 00185 } 00186 00187 void Pr2Odometry::starting() 00188 { 00189 current_time_ = base_kin_.robot_state_->getTime(); 00190 last_time_ = base_kin_.robot_state_->getTime(); 00191 last_publish_time_ = base_kin_.robot_state_->getTime(); 00192 last_transform_publish_time_ = base_kin_.robot_state_->getTime(); 00193 last_state_publish_time_ = base_kin_.robot_state_->getTime(); 00194 last_odometer_publish_time_ = base_kin_.robot_state_->getTime(); 00195 } 00196 00197 void Pr2Odometry::update() 00198 { 00199 if(!isInputValid()) 00200 { 00201 if(verbose_) 00202 debug_publisher_->msg_.input_valid = false; 00203 ROS_DEBUG("Odometry:: Input velocities are invalid"); 00204 return; 00205 } 00206 else 00207 { 00208 if(verbose_) 00209 debug_publisher_->msg_.input_valid = true; 00210 } 00211 00212 current_time_ = base_kin_.robot_state_->getTime(); 00213 ros::Time update_start = ros::Time::now(); 00214 updateOdometry(); 00215 double update_time = (ros::Time::now()-update_start).toSec(); 00216 ros::Time publish_start = ros::Time::now(); 00217 if(publish_odom_) 00218 publish(); 00219 if(publish_odometer_) 00220 publishOdometer(); 00221 if(publish_state_) 00222 publishState(); 00223 if(publish_tf_) 00224 publishTransform(); 00225 double publish_time = (ros::Time::now()-publish_start).toSec(); 00226 if(verbose_) 00227 { 00228 debug_publisher_->msg_.timing[0] = update_time; 00229 debug_publisher_->msg_.timing[1] = publish_time; 00230 debug_publisher_->msg_.residual = odometry_residual_max_; 00231 debug_publisher_->msg_.sequence = sequence_; 00232 if(debug_publisher_->trylock()) 00233 { 00234 debug_publisher_->unlockAndPublish(); 00235 } 00236 } 00237 last_time_ = current_time_; 00238 sequence_++; 00239 } 00240 00241 void Pr2Odometry::updateOdometry() 00242 { 00243 double dt = (current_time_ - last_time_).toSec(); 00244 double theta = odom_.z; 00245 double costh = cos(theta); 00246 double sinth = sin(theta); 00247 00248 computeBaseVelocity(); 00249 00250 double odom_delta_x = (odom_vel_.linear.x * costh - odom_vel_.linear.y * sinth) * dt; 00251 double odom_delta_y = (odom_vel_.linear.x * sinth + odom_vel_.linear.y * costh) * dt; 00252 double odom_delta_th = odom_vel_.angular.z * dt; 00253 00254 odom_.x += odom_delta_x; 00255 odom_.y += odom_delta_y; 00256 odom_.z += odom_delta_th; 00257 00258 ROS_DEBUG("Odometry:: Position: %f, %f, %f",odom_.x,odom_.y,odom_.z); 00259 00260 odometer_distance_ += sqrt(odom_delta_x * odom_delta_x + odom_delta_y * odom_delta_y); 00261 odometer_angle_ += fabs(odom_delta_th); 00262 } 00263 00264 void Pr2Odometry::getOdometry(geometry_msgs::Point &odom, geometry_msgs::Twist &odom_vel) 00265 { 00266 odom = odom_; 00267 odom_vel = odom_vel_; 00268 return; 00269 } 00270 00271 void Pr2Odometry::getOdometryMessage(nav_msgs::Odometry &msg) 00272 { 00273 msg.header.frame_id = odom_frame_; 00274 msg.header.stamp = current_time_; 00275 msg.pose.pose.position.x = odom_.x; 00276 msg.pose.pose.position.y = odom_.y; 00277 msg.pose.pose.position.z = 0.0; 00278 00279 btQuaternion quat_trans; 00280 quat_trans.setRPY(0.0, 0.0, odom_.z); 00281 msg.pose.pose.orientation.x = quat_trans.x(); 00282 msg.pose.pose.orientation.y = quat_trans.y(); 00283 msg.pose.pose.orientation.z = quat_trans.z(); 00284 msg.pose.pose.orientation.w = quat_trans.w(); 00285 00286 msg.twist.twist = odom_vel_; 00287 /* msg.twist.linear.x = odom_vel_.x*cos(odom_.z)-odom_vel_.y*sin(odom_.z); 00288 msg.twist.linear.y = odom_vel_.x*sin(odom_.z)+odom_vel_.y*cos(odom_.z); 00289 */ 00290 populateCovariance(odometry_residual_max_,msg); 00291 } 00292 00293 void Pr2Odometry::populateCovariance(const double &residual, nav_msgs::Odometry &msg) 00294 { 00295 // multiplier to scale covariance 00296 // the smaller the residual, the more reliable odom 00297 /* 00298 //this does not seem to work correctly, commenting it out 00299 double odom_multiplier; 00300 if (residual < 0.05) 00301 { 00302 odom_multiplier = ((residual-0.00001)*(0.99999/0.04999))+0.00001; 00303 } 00304 else 00305 { 00306 odom_multiplier = ((residual-0.05)*(19.0/0.15))+1.0; 00307 } 00308 odom_multiplier = fmax(0.00001, fmin(100.0, odom_multiplier)); 00309 odom_multiplier *= 2.0; 00310 */ 00311 double odom_multiplier = 1.0; 00312 00313 if(fabs(odom_vel_.linear.x) <= 1e-8 && fabs(odom_vel_.linear.y) <= 1e-8 && fabs(odom_vel_.angular.z) <= 1e-8) 00314 { 00315 //nav_msgs::Odometry has a 6x6 covariance matrix 00316 msg.pose.covariance[0] = 1e-12; 00317 msg.pose.covariance[7] = 1e-12; 00318 msg.pose.covariance[35] = 1e-12; 00319 00320 msg.pose.covariance[1] = 1e-12; 00321 msg.pose.covariance[6] = 1e-12; 00322 00323 msg.pose.covariance[31] = 1e-12; 00324 msg.pose.covariance[11] = 1e-12; 00325 00326 msg.pose.covariance[30] = 1e-12; 00327 msg.pose.covariance[5] = 1e-12; 00328 } 00329 else 00330 { 00331 //nav_msgs::Odometry has a 6x6 covariance matrix 00332 msg.pose.covariance[0] = odom_multiplier*pow(sigma_x_,2); 00333 msg.pose.covariance[7] = odom_multiplier*pow(sigma_y_,2); 00334 msg.pose.covariance[35] = odom_multiplier*pow(sigma_theta_,2); 00335 00336 msg.pose.covariance[1] = odom_multiplier*cov_x_y_; 00337 msg.pose.covariance[6] = odom_multiplier*cov_x_y_; 00338 00339 msg.pose.covariance[31] = odom_multiplier*cov_y_theta_; 00340 msg.pose.covariance[11] = odom_multiplier*cov_y_theta_; 00341 00342 msg.pose.covariance[30] = odom_multiplier*cov_x_theta_; 00343 msg.pose.covariance[5] = odom_multiplier*cov_x_theta_; 00344 } 00345 00346 msg.pose.covariance[14] = DBL_MAX; 00347 msg.pose.covariance[21] = DBL_MAX; 00348 msg.pose.covariance[28] = DBL_MAX; 00349 00350 msg.twist.covariance = msg.pose.covariance; 00351 } 00352 00353 00354 void Pr2Odometry::getOdometry(double &x, double &y, double &yaw, double &vx, double &vy, double &vw) 00355 { 00356 x = odom_.x; 00357 y = odom_.y; 00358 yaw = odom_.z; 00359 vx = odom_vel_.linear.x; 00360 vy = odom_vel_.linear.y; 00361 vw = odom_vel_.angular.z; 00362 } 00363 00364 void Pr2Odometry::computeBaseVelocity() 00365 { 00366 double steer_angle, wheel_speed, costh, sinth; 00367 geometry_msgs::Twist caster_local_velocity; 00368 geometry_msgs::Twist wheel_local_velocity; 00369 geometry_msgs::Point wheel_position; 00370 for(int i = 0; i < base_kin_.num_wheels_; i++) 00371 { 00372 base_kin_.wheel_[i].updatePosition(); 00373 steer_angle = base_kin_.wheel_[i].parent_->joint_->position_;//I'm coming out properly! 00374 wheel_position = base_kin_.wheel_[i].position_; 00375 costh = cos(steer_angle); 00376 sinth = sin(steer_angle); 00377 wheel_speed = getCorrectedWheelSpeed(i); 00378 ROS_DEBUG("Odometry:: Wheel: %s, angle: %f, speed: %f",base_kin_.wheel_[i].link_name_.c_str(),steer_angle,wheel_speed); 00379 cbv_rhs_(i * 2, 0) = base_kin_.wheel_[i].wheel_radius_ * wheel_speed; 00380 cbv_rhs_(i * 2 + 1, 0) = 0; 00381 00382 cbv_lhs_(i * 2, 0) = costh; 00383 cbv_lhs_(i * 2, 1) = sinth; 00384 cbv_lhs_(i * 2, 2) = -costh * wheel_position.y + sinth * wheel_position.x; 00385 cbv_lhs_(i * 2 + 1, 0) = -sinth; 00386 cbv_lhs_(i * 2 + 1, 1) = costh; 00387 cbv_lhs_(i * 2 + 1, 2) = sinth * wheel_position.y + costh * wheel_position.x; 00388 } 00389 cbv_soln_ = iterativeLeastSquares(cbv_lhs_, cbv_rhs_, ils_weight_type_, ils_max_iterations_); 00390 00391 odometry_residual_ = cbv_lhs_ * cbv_soln_ - cbv_rhs_; 00392 odometry_residual_max_ = odometry_residual_.array().abs().maxCoeff(); 00393 ROS_DEBUG("Odometry:: base velocity: %f, %f, %f",cbv_soln_(0,0), cbv_soln_(1,0), cbv_soln_(2,0)); 00394 ROS_DEBUG("Odometry:: odometry residual: %f",odometry_residual_max_); 00395 odom_vel_.linear.x = cbv_soln_(0, 0); 00396 odom_vel_.linear.y = cbv_soln_(1, 0); 00397 odom_vel_.angular.z = cbv_soln_(2, 0); 00398 } 00399 00400 double Pr2Odometry::getCorrectedWheelSpeed(const int &index) 00401 { 00402 double wheel_speed; 00403 geometry_msgs::Twist caster_local_vel; 00404 geometry_msgs::Twist wheel_local_vel; 00405 caster_local_vel.angular.z = base_kin_.wheel_[index].parent_->joint_->velocity_*caster_calibration_multiplier_; 00406 wheel_local_vel = base_kin_.pointVel2D(base_kin_.wheel_[index].offset_, caster_local_vel); 00407 wheel_speed = base_kin_.wheel_[index].joint_->velocity_ - wheel_local_vel.linear.x / (base_kin_.wheel_[index].wheel_radius_); 00408 return wheel_speed; 00409 } 00410 00411 OdomMatrix3x1 Pr2Odometry::iterativeLeastSquares(const OdomMatrix16x3 &lhs, const OdomMatrix16x1 &rhs, const std::string &weight_type, const int &max_iter) 00412 { 00413 // weight_matrix_ = Eigen::MatrixXf::Identity(16, 16); 00414 weight_matrix_.setIdentity(); 00415 double svd_time = 0.0; 00416 bool pub_matrix = false; 00417 ros::Time tmp_start; 00418 00419 for(int i = 0; i < max_iter; i++) 00420 { 00421 fit_lhs_ = weight_matrix_ * lhs; 00422 fit_rhs_ = weight_matrix_ * rhs; 00423 00424 if(verbose_) 00425 tmp_start = ros::Time::now(); 00426 Eigen::JacobiSVD<Eigen::MatrixXf> svdOfFit(fit_lhs_,Eigen::ComputeThinU|Eigen::ComputeThinV); 00427 fit_soln_ = svdOfFit.solve(fit_rhs_); 00428 00429 ROS_DEBUG("Odometry:: fit_soln_: %f %f %f",fit_soln_(0,0), fit_soln_(1,0), fit_soln_(2,0)); 00430 00431 if(verbose_) 00432 { 00433 svd_time = (ros::Time::now()-tmp_start).toSec(); 00434 debug_publisher_->msg_.timing[2] = svd_time; 00435 if((ros::Time::now()-tmp_start).toSec() > MAX_ALLOWABLE_SVD_TIME) 00436 { 00437 for(int k = 0; k < 48; k++) 00438 { 00439 int i_index = k/3; 00440 int j_index = k - i_index *3; 00441 matrix_publisher_->msg_.m[i] = fit_lhs_(i_index,j_index); 00442 } 00443 pub_matrix = true; 00444 } 00445 if(pub_matrix) 00446 { 00447 if(matrix_publisher_->trylock()) 00448 matrix_publisher_->unlockAndPublish(); 00449 break; 00450 } 00451 } 00452 00453 fit_residual_ = rhs - lhs * fit_soln_; 00454 if(odometry_residual_.array().abs().maxCoeff() <= ODOMETRY_THRESHOLD) 00455 { 00456 ROS_DEBUG("Breaking out since odometry looks good"); 00457 break; 00458 } 00459 for(int j = 0; j < base_kin_.num_wheels_; j++) 00460 { 00461 int fw = 2 * j; 00462 int sw = fw + 1; 00463 if(fabs(fit_residual_(fw, 0)) > fabs(fit_residual_(sw, 0))) 00464 { 00465 fit_residual_(fw, 0) = fabs(fit_residual_(fw, 0)); 00466 fit_residual_(sw, 0) = fit_residual_(fw, 0); 00467 } 00468 else 00469 { 00470 fit_residual_(fw, 0) = fabs(fit_residual_(sw, 0)); 00471 fit_residual_(sw, 0) = fit_residual_(fw, 0); 00472 } 00473 } 00474 weight_matrix_ = findWeightMatrix(fit_residual_, weight_type); 00475 00476 } 00477 return fit_soln_; 00478 } 00479 00480 OdomMatrix16x16 Pr2Odometry::findWeightMatrix(const OdomMatrix16x1 &residual, const std::string &weight_type) 00481 { 00482 // Eigen::MatrixXf w_fit = Eigen::MatrixXf::Identity(16, 16); 00483 w_fit.setIdentity(); 00484 double g_sigma = 0.1; 00485 00486 /* 00487 double epsilon = 0; 00488 if(weight_type == std::string("BubeLagan")) 00489 { 00490 for(int i = 0; i < 2 * base_kin_.num_wheels_; i++) 00491 { 00492 if(fabs(residual(i, 0) > epsilon)) 00493 epsilon = fabs(residual(i, 0)); 00494 } 00495 epsilon = epsilon / 100.0; 00496 }*/ 00497 for(int i = 0; i < 2 * base_kin_.num_wheels_; i++) 00498 { 00499 /* if(weight_type == std::string("L1norm")) 00500 { 00501 w_fit(i, i) = 1.0 / (1 + sqrt(fabs(residual(i, 0)))); 00502 } 00503 else if(weight_type == std::string("fair")) 00504 { 00505 w_fit(i, i) = 1.0 / (1 + fabs(residual(i, 0))); 00506 } 00507 else if(weight_type == std::string("Cauchy")) 00508 { 00509 w_fit(i, i) = 1.0 / (1 + residual(i, 0) * residual(i, 0)); 00510 } 00511 else if(weight_type == std::string("BubeLangan")) 00512 { 00513 w_fit(i, i) = 1.0 / pow((1 + pow((residual(i, 0) / epsilon), 2)), 0.25); 00514 } 00515 else if(weight_type == std::string("Gaussian")) 00516 {*/ 00517 w_fit(i, i) = sqrt(exp(-pow(residual(i, 0), 2) / (2 * g_sigma * g_sigma))); 00518 /* } 00519 else // default to fair 00520 { 00521 w_fit(i, i) = 1.0 / (0.1 + sqrt(fabs(residual(i, 0)))); 00522 }*/ 00523 } 00524 return w_fit; 00525 } 00526 00527 void Pr2Odometry::publishOdometer() 00528 { 00529 if(fabs((last_odometer_publish_time_ - current_time_).toSec()) < expected_odometer_publish_time_) 00530 return; 00531 if(odometer_publisher_->trylock()) 00532 { 00533 odometer_publisher_->msg_.distance = odometer_distance_; 00534 odometer_publisher_->msg_.angle = odometer_angle_; 00535 odometer_publisher_->unlockAndPublish(); 00536 last_odometer_publish_time_ = current_time_; 00537 } 00538 } 00539 00540 void Pr2Odometry::publishState() 00541 { 00542 if(fabs((last_state_publish_time_ - current_time_).toSec()) < expected_state_publish_time_) 00543 return; 00544 if(state_publisher_->trylock()) 00545 { 00546 for(int i=0; i < base_kin_.num_wheels_; i++) 00547 { 00548 state_publisher_->msg_.wheel_link_names[i] = base_kin_.wheel_[i].link_name_; 00549 state_publisher_->msg_.drive_constraint_errors[i] = odometry_residual_(2*i,0); 00550 state_publisher_->msg_.longitudinal_slip_constraint_errors[i] = odometry_residual_(2*i+1,0); 00551 } 00552 state_publisher_->msg_.velocity = odom_vel_; 00553 state_publisher_->unlockAndPublish(); 00554 last_state_publish_time_ = current_time_; 00555 } 00556 } 00557 00558 void Pr2Odometry::publish() 00559 { 00560 if(fabs((last_publish_time_ - current_time_).toSec()) < expected_publish_time_) 00561 return; 00562 00563 if(odometry_publisher_->trylock()) 00564 { 00565 getOdometryMessage(odometry_publisher_->msg_); 00566 odometry_publisher_->unlockAndPublish(); 00567 last_publish_time_ = current_time_; 00568 } 00569 } 00570 00571 void Pr2Odometry::publishTransform() 00572 { 00573 if(fabs((last_transform_publish_time_ - current_time_).toSec()) < expected_publish_time_) 00574 return; 00575 if(transform_publisher_->trylock()) 00576 { 00577 double x(0.), y(0.0), yaw(0.0), vx(0.0), vy(0.0), vyaw(0.0); 00578 this->getOdometry(x, y, yaw, vx, vy, vyaw); 00579 00580 geometry_msgs::TransformStamped &out = transform_publisher_->msg_.transforms[0]; 00581 out.header.stamp = current_time_; 00582 out.header.frame_id = tf::resolve(tf_prefix_,base_footprint_frame_); 00583 out.child_frame_id = tf::resolve(tf_prefix_,odom_frame_); 00584 out.transform.translation.x = -x * cos(yaw) - y * sin(yaw); 00585 out.transform.translation.y = +x * sin(yaw) - y * cos(yaw); 00586 out.transform.translation.z = 0; 00587 btQuaternion quat_trans; 00588 quat_trans.setRPY(0.0, 0.0, -yaw); 00589 00590 out.transform.rotation.x = quat_trans.x(); 00591 out.transform.rotation.y = quat_trans.y(); 00592 out.transform.rotation.z = quat_trans.z(); 00593 out.transform.rotation.w = quat_trans.w(); 00594 00595 /* geometry_msgs::TransformStamped &out2 = transform_publisher_->msg_.transforms[1]; 00596 out2.header.stamp = current_time_; 00597 out2.header.frame_id = base_footprint_frame_; 00598 out2.child_frame_id = base_link_frame_; 00599 out2.transform.translation.x = 0; 00600 out2.transform.translation.y = 0; 00601 00602 // FIXME: this is the offset between base_link origin and the ideal floor 00603 out2.transform.translation.z = base_link_floor_z_offset_; // FIXME: this is hardcoded, considering we are deprecating base_footprint soon, I will not get this from URDF. 00604 00605 out2.transform.rotation.x = 0; 00606 out2.transform.rotation.y = 0; 00607 out2.transform.rotation.z = 0; 00608 out2.transform.rotation.w = 1; 00609 */ 00610 transform_publisher_->unlockAndPublish(); 00611 last_transform_publish_time_ = current_time_; 00612 } 00613 } 00614 } // namespace