
pcl_visualization Namespace Reference


class  Camera
 Camera class holds a set of camera parameters together with the window pos/size. More...
class  CloudActor
class  CloudViewer
 Dead simple/easy to use class for a point cloud. More...
class  FloatImageUtils
class  FPSCallback
class  ImageWidgetWX
class  PCLHistogramVisualizer
 PCL histogram visualizer main class. More...
class  PCLHistogramVisualizerInteractorStyle
 PCL histogram visualizer interactory style class. More...
class  PCLVisualizer
 PCL Visualizer main class. More...
class  PCLVisualizerInteractor
 The PCLVisualizer interactor. More...
class  PCLVisualizerInteractorStyle
 PCL Visualizer interactory style class. More...
class  PointCloudColorHandler
 Base Handler class for PointCloud colors. More...
class  PointCloudColorHandler< sensor_msgs::PointCloud2 >
 Base Handler class for PointCloud colors. More...
class  PointCloudColorHandlerCustom
 Handler for predefined user colors. More...
class  PointCloudColorHandlerCustom< sensor_msgs::PointCloud2 >
 Handler for predefined user colors. More...
class  PointCloudColorHandlerGenericField
 Generic field handler class for colors. More...
class  PointCloudColorHandlerGenericField< sensor_msgs::PointCloud2 >
 Generic field handler class for colors. More...
class  PointCloudColorHandlerRandom
 Handler for random PointCloud colors. More...
class  PointCloudColorHandlerRandom< sensor_msgs::PointCloud2 >
 Handler for random PointCloud colors. More...
class  PointCloudColorHandlerRGBField
 RGB handler class for colors. More...
class  PointCloudColorHandlerRGBField< sensor_msgs::PointCloud2 >
 RGB handler class for colors. More...
class  PointCloudGeometryHandler
 Base handler class for PointCloud geometry. More...
class  PointCloudGeometryHandler< sensor_msgs::PointCloud2 >
 Base handler class for PointCloud geometry. More...
class  PointCloudGeometryHandlerCustom
 Custom handler class for PointCloud geometry. More...
class  PointCloudGeometryHandlerCustom< sensor_msgs::PointCloud2 >
 Custom handler class for PointCloud geometry. More...
class  PointCloudGeometryHandlerSurfaceNormal
 Surface normal handler class for PointCloud geometry. More...
class  PointCloudGeometryHandlerSurfaceNormal< sensor_msgs::PointCloud2 >
 Surface normal handler class for PointCloud geometry. More...
class  PointCloudGeometryHandlerXYZ
 XYZ handler class for PointCloud geometry. More...
class  PointCloudGeometryHandlerXYZ< sensor_msgs::PointCloud2 >
 XYZ handler class for PointCloud geometry. More...
class  RangeImageVisualizer
class  RenWinInteract


typedef std::map< std::string,
typedef std::map< std::string,
typedef std::map< std::string,
vtkSmartPointer< vtkProp > > 


enum  RenderingProperties {


vtkSmartPointer< vtkDataSet > create2DCircle (const pcl::ModelCoefficients &coefficients, double z=0.0)
 Create a 2d circle shape from a set of model coefficients.
vtkSmartPointer< vtkDataSet > createCone (const pcl::ModelCoefficients &coefficients)
 Create a cone shape from a set of model coefficients.
vtkSmartPointer< vtkDataSet > createCylinder (const pcl::ModelCoefficients &coefficients, int numsides=30)
 Create a cylinder shape from a set of model coefficients.
vtkSmartPointer< vtkDataSet > createLine (const pcl::ModelCoefficients &coefficients)
 Create a line shape from a set of model coefficients.
template<typename P1 , typename P2 >
vtkSmartPointer< vtkDataSet > createLine (const P1 &pt1, const P2 &pt2)
 Create a line shape from two points.
vtkSmartPointer< vtkDataSet > createPlane (const pcl::ModelCoefficients &coefficients)
 Create a planar shape from a set of model coefficients.
template<typename PointT >
vtkSmartPointer< vtkDataSet > createPolygon (const pcl::PointCloud< PointT > &cloud)
 Create a 3d poly line from a set of points.
vtkSmartPointer< vtkDataSet > createSphere (const pcl::ModelCoefficients &coefficients, int res=10)
 Create a sphere shape from a set of model coefficients.
template<typename PointT >
vtkSmartPointer< vtkDataSet > createSphere (const PointT &center, double radius, int res=10)
 Create a sphere shape from a point and a radius.
void getCorrespondingPointCloud (vtkPolyData *src, const pcl::PointCloud< pcl::PointXYZ > &tgt, std::vector< int > &indices)
 Obtain a list of corresponding indices, for a set of vtk points, from a pcl::PointCloud.
void getRandomColors (double &r, double &g, double &b, double min=0.2, double max=2.8)
 Get (good) random values for R/G/B.
bool savePointData (vtkPolyData *data, const std::string &out_file, const boost::shared_ptr< CloudActorMap > &actors)
 Saves the vtk-formatted Point Cloud data into a set of files, based on whether the data comes from previously loaded PCD files. The PCD files are matched using the a list of names for the actors on screen.
 vtkStandardNewMacro (PCLHistogramVisualizerInteractorStyle)
 vtkStandardNewMacro (PCLVisualizerInteractorStyle)
 vtkStandardNewMacro (PCLVisualizerInteractor)

Detailed Description

Bastian Steder

Typedef Documentation

typedef std::map<std::string, CloudActor> pcl_visualization::CloudActorMap

Definition at line 73 of file actor_map.h.

typedef std::map<std::string, RenWinInteract> pcl_visualization::RenWinInteractMap

Definition at line 75 of file ren_win_interact_map.h.

typedef std::map<std::string, vtkSmartPointer<vtkProp> > pcl_visualization::ShapeActorMap

Definition at line 75 of file actor_map.h.

Enumeration Type Documentation


Definition at line 51 of file common.h.

Function Documentation

vtkSmartPointer< vtkDataSet > pcl_visualization::create2DCircle ( const pcl::ModelCoefficients coefficients,
double  z = 0.0 

Create a 2d circle shape from a set of model coefficients.

coefficients the model coefficients (x, y, radius)
z (optional) specify a z value (default: 0)

Definition at line 116 of file shapes.cpp.

vtkSmartPointer< vtkDataSet > pcl_visualization::createCone ( const pcl::ModelCoefficients coefficients  ) 

Create a cone shape from a set of model coefficients.

coefficients the cone coefficients (point_on_axis, axis_direction, radius))

Definition at line 156 of file shapes.cpp.

vtkSmartPointer< vtkDataSet > pcl_visualization::createCylinder ( const pcl::ModelCoefficients coefficients,
int  numsides = 30 

Create a cylinder shape from a set of model coefficients.

coefficients the model coefficients (point_on_axis, axis_direction, radius)
numsides (optional) the number of sides used for rendering the cylinder

Definition at line 45 of file shapes.cpp.

vtkSmartPointer< vtkDataSet > pcl_visualization::createLine ( const pcl::ModelCoefficients coefficients  ) 

Create a line shape from a set of model coefficients.

coefficients the model coefficients (point_on_line, line_direction)

Definition at line 87 of file shapes.cpp.

template<typename P1 , typename P2 >
vtkSmartPointer< vtkDataSet > pcl_visualization::createLine ( const P1 &  pt1,
const P2 &  pt2 
) [inline]

Create a line shape from two points.

pt1 the first point on the line
pt2 the end point on the line

Definition at line 73 of file shapes.hpp.

vtkSmartPointer< vtkDataSet > pcl_visualization::createPlane ( const pcl::ModelCoefficients coefficients  ) 

Create a planar shape from a set of model coefficients.

coefficients the model coefficients (a, b, c, d with ax+by+cz+d=0)

Definition at line 103 of file shapes.cpp.

template<typename PointT >
vtkSmartPointer< vtkDataSet > pcl_visualization::createPolygon ( const pcl::PointCloud< PointT > &  cloud  )  [inline]

Create a 3d poly line from a set of points.

cloud the set of points used to create the 3d polyline

Definition at line 43 of file shapes.hpp.

vtkSmartPointer< vtkDataSet > pcl_visualization::createSphere ( const pcl::ModelCoefficients coefficients,
int  res = 10 

Create a sphere shape from a set of model coefficients.

coefficients the model coefficients (sphere center, radius)
res (optional) the resolution used for rendering the model

Definition at line 64 of file shapes.cpp.

template<typename PointT >
vtkSmartPointer< vtkDataSet > pcl_visualization::createSphere ( const PointT &  center,
double  radius,
int  res = 10 
) [inline]

Create a sphere shape from a point and a radius.

center the center of the sphere
radius the radius of the sphere
res (optional) the resolution used for rendering the model

Definition at line 90 of file shapes.hpp.

void pcl_visualization::getCorrespondingPointCloud ( vtkPolyData *  src,
const pcl::PointCloud< pcl::PointXYZ > &  tgt,
std::vector< int > &  indices 

Obtain a list of corresponding indices, for a set of vtk points, from a pcl::PointCloud.

src the set of vtk points
tgt the target pcl::PointCloud that we need to obtain indices from
indices the resultant list of indices

Definition at line 49 of file io.cpp.

void pcl_visualization::getRandomColors ( double &  r,
double &  g,
double &  b,
double  min = 0.2,
double  max = 2.8 

Get (good) random values for R/G/B.

r the resultant R color value
g the resultant G color value
b the resultant B color value

Definition at line 48 of file common.cpp.

bool pcl_visualization::savePointData ( vtkPolyData *  data,
const std::string &  out_file,
const boost::shared_ptr< CloudActorMap > &  actors 

Saves the vtk-formatted Point Cloud data into a set of files, based on whether the data comes from previously loaded PCD files. The PCD files are matched using the a list of names for the actors on screen.

data the vtk data
out_file the output file (extra indices will be appended to it)
actors the list of actors present on screen

Definition at line 90 of file io.cpp.

pcl_visualization::vtkStandardNewMacro ( PCLHistogramVisualizerInteractorStyle   ) 
pcl_visualization::vtkStandardNewMacro ( PCLVisualizerInteractorStyle   ) 
pcl_visualization::vtkStandardNewMacro ( PCLVisualizerInteractor   ) 
 All Classes Namespaces Files Functions Variables Typedefs Enumerations Enumerator Properties Friends Defines

Author(s): Radu Bogdan Rusu, Bastian Steder, Ethan Rublee
autogenerated on Fri Mar 1 16:30:00 2013