launch_pal.include_utils module
- launch_pal.include_utils.get_nested_launch_configurations(configuration_list: Dict)
- launch_pal.include_utils.include_launch_py_description(pkg_name: launch.SomeSubstitutionsType, paths: List[launch.SomeSubstitutionsType], **kwargs) launch.Action
Return IncludeLaunchDescription for the file inside pkg at paths.
include_launch_py_description(‘my_pkg’, [‘launch’, ‘’]) returns file IncludeLaunchDescription from PATH_TO_MY_PKG_SHARE/launch/
- launch_pal.include_utils.include_scoped_launch_py_description(pkg_name: launch.SomeSubstitutionsType, paths: List[launch.SomeSubstitutionsType], launch_arguments: Dict = {}, env_vars: List[launch.actions.SetEnvironmentVariable] = [], condition: launch.Condition | None = None, namespace: str | None = None, **kwargs) launch.Action
Return a GroupAction for the launch file inside pkg at paths.
The launch file will be scoped and launch arguments or environment variables have to be explicitly passed on in this function.
- pkg_name: str
Name of the package of the launch file
- paths: List[str]
Relative path to the launch file
- launch_arguments: Dict
Dictionary of arguments required for the launch file. The key is the name of the argument, the value can be a LaunchConfiguration, DeclareLaunchArgument or default type (int, str, float etc.). Remappings of argument names are also done here.
- env_vars: List[SetEnvironmentVariable]
Environment variables required for the launch file
- condition: Optional[Condition]
Conditionally include this launch file
- namespace: Optional[str]
Add a namespace to this launch file
- **kwargs:
Any other required function arguments
- scoped_launch_file: GroupAction
The launch file wrapped as a group action
include_scoped_launch_py_description(‘my_pkg’, [‘launch’, ‘’], launch_arguments= { ‘arg_a’: DeclareLaunchArgument(‘arg_a’),
‘arg_2’: DeclareLaunchArgument(‘arg_b’), ‘arg_c’: LaunchConfiguration(‘arg_c’), ‘arg_d’: “some_value’ }
env_vars= [SetEnvironmentVariable(“VAR_NAME”, ‘value)] condition=IfCondition(LaunchConfiguration(‘arg_a’))) namespace=’my_namespace’