Go to the documentation of this file.
38 # pragma warning ( push )
39 # pragma warning ( disable : 4251 ) // XXX needs to have dll-interface to be used by clients of class YYY
56 virtual void ClearAllNodes() = 0;
120 # pragma warning ( pop )
123 #endif // ifndef GENAPI_INODEMAPDYN_H
virtual void LoadXMLFromZIPFile(const GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring &ZipFileName)=0
Loads an XML from a ZIP file.
Lexical analyzer for CIntSwissKnife.
virtual void GetSupportedSchemaVersions(GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring_vector &SchemaVersions)=0
Gets a list of supported schema versions.
A string class which is a clone of std::string.
Definition of interface INodeMap.
Interface to access the node map.
virtual void MergeXMLFiles(const GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring &TargetFileName, const GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring &InjectedFileName, const GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring &OutputFileName)=0
Injects an XML file into a target file.
virtual void LoadXMLFromFileInject(const GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring &TargetFileName, const GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring &InjectFileName)=0
Loads an XML from a file with injection.
virtual void LoadXMLFromZIPData(const void *zipData, size_t zipSize)=0
Loads an XML from a ZIP data buffer.
virtual void PreprocessXMLFromFile(const GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring &XMLFileName, const GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring &StyleSheetFileName, const GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring &OutputFileName, const uint32_t XMLValidation=xvDefault)=0
Loads an XML, checks it for correctness, pre-processes it, caches it, and optionally applies a style ...
virtual void LoadXMLFromFile(const GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring &FileName)=0
Loads an XML from a file.
Common GenICam base include file.
Interface to access the node map.
@ xvDefault
checks performed if nothing else is said
virtual void ExtractIndependentSubtree(const GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring &XMLData, const GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring &InjectXMLData, const GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring &SubTreeRootNodeName, GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring &ExtractedSubtree)=0
Extract independent subtree.
virtual void PreprocessXMLFromZIPFile(const GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring &XMLFileName, const GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring &StyleSheetFileName, const GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring &OutputFileName, const uint32_t XMLValidation=xvDefault)=0
Loads a Zipped XML, checks it for correctness, pre-processes it, caches it, and optionally applies a ...
virtual void LoadXMLFromStringInject(const GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring &TargetXMLData, const GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring &InjectXMLData)=0
Loads an XML from a string with injection.
virtual void LoadXMLFromString(const GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring &XMLData)=0
Loads an XML from a string.
Author(s): Heiko Hirschmueller
autogenerated on Wed Dec 4 2024 03:10:11