GenICam common utilities. More...
#include <GenICamVersion.h>
#include <Base/GCTypes.h>
#include <Base/GCString.h>
#include <Base/GCStringVector.h>
#include <Base/GCException.h>
#include <Base/GCLinkage.h>
Go to the source code of this file.
Namespaces | |
Macros | |
#define | __ERR__ __OUTPUT_FORMATER__("ERROR") |
#define | __LOCATION__ __FILE__ "(" __LINE_STR__ ")" |
#define | __OUTPUT_FORMATER__(_type) __LOCATION__ " : " _type " : " |
#define | __TODO__ __OUTPUT_FORMATER__("TBD") |
#define | __WARN__ __OUTPUT_FORMATER__("WARNING") |
#define | _TO_STRING(__stN) #__stN |
#define | EXPAND_TO_STRINGISE(__stN) _TO_STRING( __stN ) |
#define | GC_COUNTOF(arr) (sizeof (arr) / sizeof (arr)[0] ) |
#define | GENICAM_UNUSED(unused_var) ((void)(unused_var)) |
#define | USE_TEMP_CACHE_FILE 1 |
#define | USE_TEMP_CACHE_FILE 1 |
Functions | |
GCBASE_API bool | GENICAM_NAMESPACE::DoesEnvironmentVariableExist (const gcstring &VariableName) |
Returns true if an environment variable exists. More... | |
GCBASE_API bool | GENICAM_NAMESPACE::GetCacheFileDirectory (gcstring &CacheFileDirectory) |
Returns the directory where cache files are located. More... | |
GCBASE_API void | GENICAM_NAMESPACE::GetCandidateCacheFilePaths (gcstring_vector &CacheFileNames, const gcstring &CacheFileDirectory) |
GCBASE_API void | GENICAM_NAMESPACE::GetFiles (const gcstring &FileTemplate, gcstring_vector &FileNames, const bool DirectoriesOnly=false) |
Gets a list of files or directories matching a given FileTemplate. More... | |
GCBASE_API gcstring | GENICAM_NAMESPACE::GetGenICamCacheFolder (void) |
Retrieve the path of the GenICam cache folder. More... | |
GCBASE_API gcstring | GENICAM_NAMESPACE::GetGenICamCLProtocolFolder (void) |
Retrieve the path of the CLProtocol folder. More... | |
GCBASE_API gcstring | GENICAM_NAMESPACE::GetGenICamLogConfig (void) |
Retrieve the path of the GenICam logging properties file. More... | |
GCBASE_API void | GENICAM_NAMESPACE::GetLastErrorMessage (gcstring &Message) |
GCBASE_API gcstring | GENICAM_NAMESPACE::GetModulePathFromFunction (void *pFunction) |
More... | |
GCBASE_API gcstring | GENICAM_NAMESPACE::GetValueOfEnvironmentVariable (const gcstring &VariableName) |
Retrieve the value of an environment variable. More... | |
GCBASE_API bool | GENICAM_NAMESPACE::GetValueOfEnvironmentVariable (const gcstring &VariableName, gcstring &VariableContent) |
Retrieve the value of an environment variable. More... | |
GCBASE_API bool | GENICAM_NAMESPACE::HasValidExtension (const gcstring &FileName) |
Returns the truth value for the proposition: The given file has the valid file extension. More... | |
GCBASE_API bool | GENICAM_NAMESPACE::HasValidLength (const gcstring &FileName) |
Returns the truth value for the proposition: The given file name has the valid length. More... | |
template<typename T > | |
This verifies at runtime if there was no loss of data if an int64_t was downcast to type T (e.g. int32_t) More... | |
template<typename Td , typename Ts > | |
This verifies at runtime if there was no loss of data if an type Ts (e.g. int64t) was downcast to type Td (e.g. int32_t) More... | |
GCBASE_API void | GENICAM_NAMESPACE::ReplaceEnvironmentVariables (gcstring &Buffer, bool ReplaceBlankBy20=false) |
Replaces in a string and replace ' ' with %20. More... | |
GCBASE_API void | GENICAM_NAMESPACE::SetGenICamCacheFolder (const gcstring &path) |
Stores the path of the GenICam cache folder. More... | |
GCBASE_API void | GENICAM_NAMESPACE::SetGenICamCLProtocolFolder (const gcstring &path) |
Stores the path of the CLProtocol folder. More... | |
GCBASE_API void | GENICAM_NAMESPACE::SetGenICamLogConfig (const gcstring &path) |
Stores the path of the GenICam logging properties file. More... | |
GCBASE_API void | GENICAM_NAMESPACE::Tokenize (const gcstring &str, gcstring_vector &tokens, const gcstring &delimiters=" ") |
splits str input string into a list of tokens using the delimiter More... | |
Replaces xx escapes by their char equivalent. More... | |
GCBASE_API gcstring | GENICAM_NAMESPACE::UrlEncode (const GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring &Input) |
Converts \ to / and replaces all unsafe characters by their xx equivalent. More... | |
GenICam common utilities.
Definition in file GCUtilities.h.
#define __ERR__ __OUTPUT_FORMATER__("ERROR") |
Definition at line 242 of file GCUtilities.h.
Definition at line 236 of file GCUtilities.h.
#define __LOCATION__ __FILE__ "(" __LINE_STR__ ")" |
Definition at line 237 of file GCUtilities.h.
#define __OUTPUT_FORMATER__ | ( | _type | ) | __LOCATION__ " : " _type " : " |
Definition at line 238 of file GCUtilities.h.
#define __TODO__ __OUTPUT_FORMATER__("TBD") |
Definition at line 243 of file GCUtilities.h.
Definition at line 241 of file GCUtilities.h.
#define _TO_STRING | ( | __stN | ) | #__stN |
Definition at line 234 of file GCUtilities.h.
#define EXPAND_TO_STRINGISE | ( | __stN | ) | _TO_STRING( __stN ) |
Definition at line 235 of file GCUtilities.h.
#define GC_COUNTOF | ( | arr | ) | (sizeof (arr) / sizeof (arr)[0] ) |
Definition at line 93 of file GCUtilities.h.
Definition at line 220 of file GCUtilities.h.
#define GENICAM_UNUSED | ( | unused_var | ) | ((void)(unused_var)) |
Definition at line 212 of file GCUtilities.h.
Definition at line 58 of file GCUtilities.h.
Definition at line 58 of file GCUtilities.h.