Go to the documentation of this file.
38 #include "../GenApiDll.h"
42 #include "../ICategory.h"
45 #include "../IInteger.h"
46 #include "../IBoolean.h"
47 #include "../ISelector.h"
48 #include "../NodeCallback.h"
49 #include "../EnumClasses.h"
53 #include "NodeMapData/NodeMapDataTypes.h"
54 #include "NodeMapData/NodeData.h"
56 #include "../IUserData.h"
68 template<
typename C,
typename V>
71 if (std::find(c.begin(), c.end(), v) == c.end())
107 #pragma BullseyeCoverage off
112 #pragma BullseyeCoverage on
180 virtual void GetPropertyNames(GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring_vector &PropertyNames)
219 #pragma BullseyeCoverage off
221 #pragma BullseyeCoverage on
240 virtual bool GetProperty(CNodeDataMap *pNodeDataMap, CPropertyID::EProperty_ID_t PropertyID, CNodeData::PropertyVector_t &PropertyList)
242 virtual void CollectCallbacksToFire(std::list<CNodeCallback*> &CallbacksToFire,
bool allDependents =
bool always =
277 # define ADD_ORPHAN_CHILD( PropertyID, Property ) \
278 INodePrivate *pNode = dynamic_cast<CNodeMap*>(m_pNodeMap)->_GetNodeByID( Property.NodeID() ); \
279 if( CPropertyID::IsInvalidatingPointer(PropertyID) )\
281 detail::push_back_unique(m_InvalidatingChildren, pNode); \
282 if( CPropertyID::IsReadingPointer(PropertyID) ) \
284 detail::push_back_unique(m_ReadingChildren, pNode); \
285 if( CPropertyID::IsWritingPointer(PropertyID) ) \
287 detail::push_back_unique(m_WritingChildren, pNode); \
293 # define ADD_CHILD( PropertyID, Property ) \
294 INodePrivate *pNode = dynamic_cast<CNodeMap*>(m_pNodeMap)->_GetNodeByID( Property.NodeID() ); \
295 if( CPropertyID::IsInvalidatingPointer(PropertyID) )\
297 detail::push_back_unique(m_InvalidatingChildren, pNode);\
298 dynamic_cast<CNodeImpl*>(pNode)->SetParent( this );\
299 if( CPropertyID::IsReadingPointer(PropertyID) ) \
301 detail::push_back_unique(m_ReadingChildren, pNode);\
302 if( CPropertyID::IsWritingPointer(PropertyID) ) \
304 detail::push_back_unique(m_WritingChildren, pNode); \
310 # define ADD_ORPHAN_CHILD( PropertyID, Property ) \
311 INodePrivate *pNode = dynamic_cast<CNodeMap*>(m_pNodeMap)->_GetNodeByID(Property.NodeID()); \
312 add_orphan_child( PropertyID, Property, pNode );
314 # define ADD_CHILD( PropertyID, Property ) \
315 INodePrivate *pNode = dynamic_cast<CNodeMap*>(m_pNodeMap)->_GetNodeByID(Property.NodeID()); \
316 add_child( PropertyID, Property, pNode );
322 if (CPropertyID::IsInvalidatingPointer(PropertyID))
326 if (CPropertyID::IsReadingPointer(PropertyID))
329 if (CPropertyID::IsWritingPointer(PropertyID))
339 if (CPropertyID::IsInvalidatingPointer(PropertyID))
342 if (CPropertyID::IsReadingPointer(PropertyID))
345 if (CPropertyID::IsWritingPointer(PropertyID))
365 std::string nodetype;
368 return nodetype.c_str();
551 void PostSetValue( std::list<CNodeCallback*> &CallbacksToFire );
662 #if defined( _WIN32 ) && !defined( PHARLAP_WIN32 )
664 typedef std::wstring::size_type
667 #define QUALIFY_LITERAL( x ) _L( x )
668 #define _L( x ) L ## x
669 #define GET_MODULE_FILE_NAME GetModuleFileNameW
670 #define GET_CSTR( x ) x.w_str().c_str()
671 #define GET_LOCALE_INFO GetLocaleInfoW
677 #define QUALIFY_LITERAL( x ) x
678 #define GET_MODULE_FILE_NAME GetModuleFileName
679 #define GET_CSTR( x ) x.c_str()
680 #define GET_LOCALE_INFO GetLocaleInfo
701 #endif // ifndef GENAPI_NODE_H
#define GCLOGWARN(cat,...)
Lexical analyzer for CIntSwissKnife.
enum GENAPI_NAMESPACE::_EAccessMode EAccessMode
access mode of a node
EAccessMode m_AccessModeCache
cache access mode
@ intfIBase
IBase interface.
void GetStandardNameSpace(string_t &VariableContent) const
virtual void GetPropertyNames(GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring_vector &PropertyNames) const
Returns a list of the names all properties set during initialization.
FeatureList_t m_Selecting
List of selecting features.
@ _CycleDetectAccesMode
used internally for AccessMode cycle detection
INodeMapPrivate * GetNodeMapPrivate()
Retrieves the INodeMapPrivate interface.
PostSetValueFinalizer(CNodeImpl *pThis, std::list< CNodeCallback * > &CallbacksToFire)
NodePrivateVector_t m_AllTerminalNodes
All indirectly connected terminal nodes For details see GenICam wiki : GenApi/SoftwareArchitecture/No...
The EventID.
std::list< CNodeCallback * > & m_CallbacksToFire
list of callbacks to file
void GetNodeName(string_t &VariableContent) const
virtual void GetParents(GENAPI_NAMESPACE::NodeList_t &Parents) const
NodePrivateVector_t m_InvalidatingChildren
All directly connected nodes which invalidate this node For details see GenICam wiki : GenApi/Softwar...
NodePrivateVector_t m_Parents
All nodes for which this node is at least a DependecyChild.
UserData_t SetUserData(UserData_t userdata)
virtual GENAPI_NAMESPACE::ENameSpace InternalGetNameSpace() const
Get name space.
PostSetValueFinalizer & operator=(const PostSetValueFinalizer &)
Definition of polymorphical smart pointer.
virtual void InternalCheckError() const
Checks for an explicitly via the <pError> element defined error.
virtual GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring InternalGetToolTip() const
Get a short description of the node.
Definition of interface INodeMapPrivate.
virtual void Initialize(GENAPI_NAMESPACE::INodeMapPrivate *const pNodeMap, CNodeData::ENodeType_t NodeType, NodeID_t &NodeID)
void PostSetValue(std::list< CNodeCallback * > &CallbacksToFire)
Fires callback on all nodes which became affected by a SetValue call into the node tree.
void PreSetValue()
Invalidates all nodes which will become affected by a SetValue call into the node tree.
bool m_DontDeleteThisCache
indicates that the cache has been filled and should not be cleared at the end of the operation
virtual bool IsStreamable() const
True if the node is streamable.
ETerminalPropagationState m_propagationState
Current state for propagating terminals.
void SetParent(INodePrivate *pParent)
Sets a parent : CAVE : for internal use only...
INodeMapPrivate * m_pNodeMap
Pointer to the node map.
Standard implementation for the INode and the ISelector interface.
A string class which is a clone of std::string.
GENICAM_NAMESPACE::ILogger * m_pRangeLog
Logger for messages concerning the range check.
bool m_ListOfValidValuesCacheValid
true if the list of valid value is cached
virtual bool CanBeRead(bool Verify)
virtual bool GetProperty(const GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring &PropertyName, GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring &ValueStr, GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring &AttributeStr)
Retrieves a property plus an additional attribute by name.
virtual void GetSelectingFeatures(FeatureList_t &) const
void Value2String(T Value, GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring &ValueStr)
Converts an T property to a string.
Interface to manage user data stored in nodes or nodemaps.
Destructor calling.
virtual void InternalGetChildren(GENAPI_NAMESPACE::NodeList_t &Children, ELinkType LinkType) const
Get all children of the node.
virtual INodeMap * InternalGetNodeMap() const
Retrieves the node map.
Logger for messages concerning the port access.
callback body instance for INode pointers
NodeList_t m_Invalidators
List of references to nodes which may invalidate this node.
virtual void InternalInvalidateNode(std::list< CNodeCallback * > &CallbacksToFire)
virtual EInterfaceType InternalGetPrincipalInterfaceType() const
Implementation of IBase::GetPrincipalInterfaceType()
virtual EYesNo InternalIsAccessModeCacheable() const
True if the AccessMode can be cached.
CLock & GetLock() const
Acquire central lock.
virtual int64_t InternalGetPollingTime() const
recommended polling time (for not cachable nodes)
virtual GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring GetEventID() const
Get the EventId of the node.
GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring m_Name
The name of the node.
NodeID_t m_NodeID
The node's ID.
UserData_t m_pUserData
Storage of user defined data. Ownership remains by the user!. Use IUserData interface to access the d...
virtual void SetInvalid(ESetInvalidMode simMode)
EYesNo m_IsDeprecated
indicates that the feature should not be used any more
bool IsAccessModeCached() const
returns true, if the AccessModeCache is valid
bool DeleteDoubleCallbacksCompare(GENAPI_NAMESPACE::CNodeCallback *pA, GENAPI_NAMESPACE::CNodeCallback *pB)
Helper function for DeleteDoubleCallbacks.
virtual void CollectCallbacksToFire(std::list< CNodeCallback * > &CallbacksToFire, bool allDependents=false, bool always=false)
virtual GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring InternalGetDisplayName() const
INodeMapPrivate * m_pNodeMapPrivate
Private cache for the INodeMapPrivate pointer.
EYesNo m_IsStreamable
indicates if the node is streamable
Interface to access the node map.
virtual void SetProperty(CProperty &Property)
enum GENAPI_NAMESPACE::_EInterfaceType EInterfaceType
typedef for interface type
NodePrivateVector_t m_WritingChildren
all nodes which can write a value further down the node stack For details see GenICam wiki : GenApi/S...
virtual GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring InternalGetDocuURL() const
Gets a URL pointing to the documentation of that feature.
ENameSpace m_NameSpace
The namespace of the node.
CNodeImpl * m_pThis
pointer to owner object
void CacheAccessModeIfPossible(EAccessMode AccessMode) const
void add_child(CPropertyID::EProperty_ID_t PropertyID, CProperty &, INodePrivate *pNode)
virtual NodeID_t GetNodeID()
GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring m_ToolTip
The ToolTip for the node.
A URL pointing or the documentation of this featrues.
virtual EVisibility InternalGetVisibility() const
Get the recommended visibility of the node.
void DeleteDoubleCallbacks(std::list< CNodeCallback * > &CallbackList)
deletes double callbacks from list
GENICAM_NAMESPACE::ILogger * m_pPreProcLog
Logger for things done during pre-processing of the node map, e.g. determining dependencies.
GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring_vector m_PropertyNames
Helper: A list of all properties belonging to this node.
virtual CNodeData::ENodeType_t GetNodeType()
CBooleanPolyRef m_IsLocked
Reference to a Node, which indicates if the node is locked (i.e. not writable)
denotes through which method call the node tree was entered
enum GENAPI_NAMESPACE::_ELinkType ELinkType
typedef for link type
virtual void GetTerminalNodes(GENAPI_NAMESPACE::NodeList_t &Terminals) const
CNodeData::ENodeType_t m_NodeTypeEnum
virtual bool IsTerminalNode() const
Interface for enumeration properties.
Used to ensure that PostSetValue() is called in any case.
virtual GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring InternalGetDeviceName() const
Get a name of the device.
GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring GetQualifiedName(GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring Name, ENameSpace NameSpace) const
Creates the full qualified name.
virtual bool InternalDeregisterCallback(CallbackHandleType hCallback)
Deregister change callback.
CBooleanPolyRef m_IsAvailable
Reference to a Node, which indicates if the node is available.
@ eBeingVisited
PropagateTerminals is in progress for node, used for detecting cycles.
Definition of interface INodePrivate.
virtual ECachingMode InternalGetCachingMode() const
Get Caching Mode.
void add_orphan_child(CPropertyID::EProperty_ID_t PropertyID, CProperty &, INodePrivate *pNode)
EYesNo m_AccessModeCacheability
indicates if the AccessMode is cacheable
Three different modes of operation for INodePrivate::SetInvalid()
std::string::size_type size_type
intptr_t CallbackHandleType
the callback handle for nodes
Interface common to all nodes.
virtual EAccessMode InternalGetAccessMode() const
Get the access mode of the node.
virtual void ImposeVisibility(EVisibility ImposedVisibility)
Imposes a visibility to the natural visibility of the node.
NodeMap functions used for initialization.
virtual INode * GetCastAlias() const
Retrieves the a node which describes the same feature so that it can be casted.
Defines the choices of a Yes/No alternatives.
UserData_t GetUserData() const
ECachingMode m_CachingMode
indicates that the node has changed
std::vector< INodePrivate * > NodePrivateVector_t
a vector of node references using the INodePrivate interface
void GetModelName(string_t &VariableContent) const
int64_t m_PollingTime
recommended polling time in [ms]
@ eNotVisited
PropagateTerminals not run for node.
GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring m_DisplayName
The display name string of the node.
Encapsulates a GenApi pointer dealing with the dynamic_cast automatically.
GENICAM_NAMESPACE::ILogger * m_pAccessLog
Logger for messages concerning the AccessMode.
CBooleanPolyRef m_IsImplemented
Reference to a Node, which indicates if the node is implemented.
virtual bool InternalIsValueCacheValid() const
Checks if the value comes from cache or is requested from another node.
GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring GetNodeType() const
GENICAM_NAMESPACE::ILogger * m_pCacheLog
Logger for messages concerning the caching access.
Interface including the methods for node construction common to all nodes.
std::list< CNodeCallback * > m_Callbacks
List of callbacks.
virtual bool IsSelector() const
GENICAM_NAMESPACE::ILogger * m_pValueLog
Logger for messages concerning the getting and setting values.
enum GENAPI_NAMESPACE::_ENameSpace ENameSpace
Defines if a node name is standard or custom.
enum GENAPI_NAMESPACE::_EVisibility EVisibility
recommended visibility of a node
void GetNodeValue(const CValuePtr &ptrValue, CNodeImpl::string_t &VariableContent) const
virtual GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring InternalGetName(bool FullQualified=false) const
Get node name.
States when propagating terminals.
INode * m_pCastAlias
Pointer to a Node, which describes the same feature as this one so that it can be casted.
Destructor calling PostSetValue()
virtual bool IsFeature() const
True if the node can be reached via category nodes from a category node named "Std::Root".
@ _UndefinedAccesMode
Object is not yet initialized.
IEnumeration * m_pError
Pointer to a Error class.
Logger for messages concerning miscellaneous access which does not fit to the other categories.
virtual const char * c_str(void) const
@ eTerminalPropagationDone
PropagateTerminals is done for node, can just copy from m_AllTerminalNodes.
AutoLock Lock
shortcut for the lock type
Definition of value2string and string2value functions.
EVisibility m_ImposedVisibility
Visibility imposed to the natural visibility of the node.
EAccessMode m_ImposedAccessMode
Access mode imposed on the natural access mode of the node.
enum GENAPI_NAMESPACE::_ECachingMode ECachingMode
caching mode of a register
ECachingMode m_CachingModeCache
stores the cached value of the CachingMode
GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring m_Description
The Description of the node.
static const size_t MaxPath
void GetVendorName(string_t &VariableContent) const
INode * m_pAlias
Pointer to a Node, which describes the same feature as this one.
EntryMethodFinalizer(const INodePrivate *pThis, EMethod EntryMethod, bool stremable=false, bool IgnoreCache=false)
int64_t m_ElapsedTime
time elapsed since the last poll
Used to ensure that PostSetValue() is called in any case.
NodePrivateVector_t m_VariableChildren
All node use as variable by this node.
virtual CallbackHandleType InternalRegisterCallback(CNodeCallback *pCallback)
Register change callback.
GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring m_DeviceName
The device name of the node tree.
EYesNo m_IsFeature
indicates that the node is a feature that is reachable from the Root node via categories
FeatureList_t m_Selected
List of selected features.
EVisibility m_Visibility
recommended visibility;
virtual ~CNodeImpl()
void GetStringStreamContent(const ostringstream_t &Content, string_t &VariableContent) const
virtual INode * GetAlias() const
Retrieves the a node which describes the same feature in a different way.
void push_back_unique(C &c, const V &v)
Add a value to container if not already present.
CBooleanPolyRef m_BlockPolling
Reference to a Node, which indicates if the node is not cached.
Counter & GetBathometer() const
The bathometer is a counter used to measure the depth of SetValue-like call chains.
NodePrivateVector_t m_AllDependingNodes
All directly or indirectly connected nodes which are invalidated by this nodes (i....
bool m_TerminalNodeWritten
indicates that this terminal node was written and not yet invalidated.
std::ostringstream ostringstream_t
Interface for groups of features selected by a single one.
NodePrivateVector_t m_ReadingChildren
all nodes which can be read from For details see GenICam wiki : GenApi/SoftwareArchitecture/NodeDepen...
virtual bool InternalIsDeprecated() const
True if the node should not be used any more.
virtual void FinalConstruct()
GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring m_Extension
The metadata from the extension.
virtual bool Poll(int64_t ElapsedTime)
virtual GENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstring InternalGetDescription() const
Get a long description of the node.
bool m_ValueCacheValid
true if the value cache is valid
virtual bool CanBeWritten(bool Verify)
A reference to a bool which can bei either an bool variable, or a pointer to an IInteger,...
virtual void ImposeAccessMode(EAccessMode ImposedAccessMode)
Imposes an access mode to the natural access mode of the node.
Base interface common to all nodes.
virtual bool InternalIsCachable() const
Is the node value cachable.
node_vector NodeList_t
a list of node references
virtual void GetSelectedFeatures(FeatureList_t &list) const
Author(s): Heiko Hirschmueller
autogenerated on Wed Dec 4 2024 03:10:11