Go to the documentation of this file.
1 // Written by Anna Araslanova
2 // Modified by Yixuan Qiu
3 // License: MIT
8 #include <functional>
9 #include <map>
11 #include <Eigen/Core>
12 #include <Eigen/SparseCore>
13 #include <Eigen/Eigenvalues>
14 #include <Eigen/SVD>
15 #include <Eigen/SparseCholesky>
17 #include "../SymGEigsSolver.h"
19 namespace Spectra {
82 template <typename Scalar = long double>
84 {
85 private:
89  typedef std::complex<Scalar> Complex;
96  const int m_n; // dimension of matrix A
97  const int m_nev; // number of eigenvalues requested
98  SparseMatrix A, X;
99  SparseMatrix m_Y, m_B, m_preconditioner;
102 public:
103  SparseMatrix m_residuals;
104  Matrix m_evectors;
105  Vector m_evalues;
106  int m_info;
108 private:
109  // B-orthonormalize matrix M
110  int orthogonalizeInPlace(SparseMatrix& M, SparseMatrix& B,
111  SparseMatrix& true_BM, bool has_true_BM = false)
112  {
113  SparseMatrix BM;
115  if (has_true_BM == false)
116  {
117  if (flag_with_B)
118  {
119  BM = B * M;
120  }
121  else
122  {
123  BM = M;
124  }
125  }
126  else
127  {
128  BM = true_BM;
129  }
133  if (chol_MBM.info() != SUCCESSFUL)
134  {
135  // LDLT decomposition fail
136  m_info = chol_MBM.info();
137  return chol_MBM.info();
138  }
140  SparseComplexMatrix Upper_MBM = chol_MBM.matrixU().template cast<Complex>();
141  ComplexVector D_MBM_vec = chol_MBM.vectorD().template cast<Complex>();
143  D_MBM_vec = D_MBM_vec.cwiseSqrt();
145  for (int i = 0; i < D_MBM_vec.rows(); i++)
146  {
147  D_MBM_vec(i) = Complex(1.0, 0.0) / D_MBM_vec(i);
148  }
150  SparseComplexMatrix D_MBM_mat(D_MBM_vec.asDiagonal());
152  SparseComplexMatrix U_inv(Upper_MBM.rows(), Upper_MBM.cols());
153  U_inv.setIdentity();
154  Upper_MBM.template triangularView<Eigen::Upper>().solveInPlace(U_inv);
156  SparseComplexMatrix right_product = U_inv * D_MBM_mat;
157  M = M * right_product.real();
158  if (flag_with_B)
159  {
160  true_BM = B * M;
161  }
162  else
163  {
164  true_BM = M;
165  }
167  return SUCCESSFUL;
168  }
170  void applyConstraintsInPlace(SparseMatrix& X, SparseMatrix& Y,
171  SparseMatrix& B)
172  {
173  SparseMatrix BY;
174  if (flag_with_B)
175  {
176  BY = B * Y;
177  }
178  else
179  {
180  BY = Y;
181  }
183  SparseMatrix YBY = Y.transpose() * BY;
184  SparseMatrix BYX = BY.transpose() * X;
186  SparseMatrix YBY_XYX = (Matrix(YBY).bdcSvd(Eigen::ComputeThinU | Eigen::ComputeThinV).solve(Matrix(BYX))).sparseView();
187  X = X - Y * YBY_XYX;
188  }
190  /*
191  return
192  'AB
193  CD'
194  */
195  Matrix stack_4_matricies(Matrix A, Matrix B,
196  Matrix C, Matrix D)
197  {
198  Matrix result(A.rows() + C.rows(), A.cols() + B.cols());
199  result.topLeftCorner(A.rows(), A.cols()) = A;
200  result.topRightCorner(B.rows(), B.cols()) = B;
201  result.bottomLeftCorner(C.rows(), C.cols()) = C;
202  result.bottomRightCorner(D.rows(), D.cols()) = D;
203  return result;
204  }
206  Matrix stack_9_matricies(Matrix A, Matrix B, Matrix C,
207  Matrix D, Matrix E, Matrix F,
208  Matrix G, Matrix H, Matrix I)
209  {
210  Matrix result(A.rows() + D.rows() + G.rows(), A.cols() + B.cols() + C.cols());
211  result.block(0, 0, A.rows(), A.cols()) = A;
212  result.block(0, A.cols(), B.rows(), B.cols()) = B;
213  result.block(0, A.cols() + B.cols(), C.rows(), C.cols()) = C;
214  result.block(A.rows(), 0, D.rows(), D.cols()) = D;
215  result.block(A.rows(), A.cols(), E.rows(), E.cols()) = E;
216  result.block(A.rows(), A.cols() + B.cols(), F.rows(), F.cols()) = F;
217  result.block(A.rows() + D.rows(), 0, G.rows(), G.cols()) = G;
218  result.block(A.rows() + D.rows(), A.cols(), H.rows(), H.cols()) = H;
219  result.block(A.rows() + D.rows(), A.cols() + B.cols(), I.rows(), I.cols()) = I;
221  return result;
222  }
224  void sort_epairs(Vector& evalues, Matrix& evectors, int SelectionRule)
225  {
226  std::function<bool(Scalar, Scalar)> cmp;
227  if (SelectionRule == SMALLEST_ALGE)
228  cmp = std::less<Scalar>{};
229  else
230  cmp = std::greater<Scalar>{};
232  std::map<Scalar, Vector, decltype(cmp)> epairs(cmp);
233  for (int i = 0; i < m_evectors.cols(); ++i)
234  epairs.insert(std::make_pair(evalues(i), evectors.col(i)));
236  int i = 0;
237  for (auto& epair : epairs)
238  {
239  evectors.col(i) = epair.second;
240  evalues(i) = epair.first;
241  i++;
242  }
243  }
245  void removeColumns(SparseMatrix& matrix, std::vector<int>& colToRemove)
246  {
247  // remove columns through matrix multiplication
248  SparseMatrix new_matrix(matrix.cols(), matrix.cols() - int(colToRemove.size()));
249  int iCol = 0;
250  std::vector<Eigen::Triplet<Scalar>> tripletList;
251  tripletList.reserve(matrix.cols() - int(colToRemove.size()));
253  for (int iRow = 0; iRow < matrix.cols(); iRow++)
254  {
255  if (std::find(colToRemove.begin(), colToRemove.end(), iRow) == colToRemove.end())
256  {
257  tripletList.push_back(Eigen::Triplet<Scalar>(iRow, iCol, 1));
258  iCol++;
259  }
260  }
262  new_matrix.setFromTriplets(tripletList.begin(), tripletList.end());
263  matrix = matrix * new_matrix;
264  }
266  int checkConvergence_getBlocksize(SparseMatrix& m_residuals, Scalar tolerance_L2, std::vector<int>& columnsToDelete)
267  {
268  // square roots from sum of squares by column
269  int BlockSize = m_nev;
270  Scalar sum, buffer;
272  for (int iCol = 0; iCol < m_nev; iCol++)
273  {
274  sum = 0;
275  for (int iRow = 0; iRow < m_n; iRow++)
276  {
277  buffer = m_residuals.coeff(iRow, iCol);
278  sum += buffer * buffer;
279  }
281  if (sqrt(sum) < tolerance_L2)
282  {
283  BlockSize--;
284  columnsToDelete.push_back(iCol);
285  }
286  }
287  return BlockSize;
288  }
290 public:
291  LOBPCGSolver(const SparseMatrix& A, const SparseMatrix X) :
292  m_n(A.rows()),
293  m_nev(X.cols()),
294  m_info(NOT_COMPUTED),
295  flag_with_constraints(false),
296  flag_with_B(false),
297  flag_with_preconditioner(false),
298  A(A),
299  X(X)
300  {
301  if (A.rows() != X.rows() || A.rows() != A.cols())
302  throw std::invalid_argument("Wrong size");
304  //if (m_n < 5* m_nev)
305  // throw std::invalid_argument("The problem size is small compared to the block size. Use standard eigensolver");
306  }
308  void setConstraints(const SparseMatrix& Y)
309  {
310  m_Y = Y;
311  flag_with_constraints = true;
312  }
314  void setB(const SparseMatrix& B)
315  {
316  if (B.rows() != A.rows() || B.cols() != A.cols())
317  throw std::invalid_argument("Wrong size");
318  m_B = B;
319  flag_with_B = true;
320  }
322  void setPreconditioner(const SparseMatrix& preconditioner)
323  {
324  m_preconditioner = preconditioner;
325  flag_with_preconditioner = true;
326  }
328  void compute(int maxit = 10, Scalar tol_div_n = 1e-7)
329  {
330  Scalar tolerance_L2 = tol_div_n * m_n;
331  int BlockSize;
332  int max_iter = std::min(m_n, maxit);
334  SparseMatrix directions, AX, AR, BX, AD, ADD, DD, BDD, BD, XAD, RAD, DAD, XBD, RBD, BR, sparse_eVecX, sparse_eVecR, sparse_eVecD, inverse_matrix;
335  Matrix XAR, RAR, XBR, gramA, gramB, eVecX, eVecR, eVecD;
336  std::vector<int> columnsToDelete;
338  if (flag_with_constraints)
339  {
340  // Apply the constraints Y to X
341  applyConstraintsInPlace(X, m_Y, m_B);
342  }
344  // Make initial vectors orthonormal
345  // implicit BX declaration
346  if (orthogonalizeInPlace(X, m_B, BX) != SUCCESSFUL)
347  {
348  max_iter = 0;
349  }
351  AX = A * X;
352  // Solve the following NxN eigenvalue problem for all N eigenvalues and -vectors:
353  // first approximation via a dense problem
354  Eigen::EigenSolver<Matrix> eigs(Matrix(X.transpose() * AX));
356  if (eigs.info() != SUCCESSFUL)
357  {
358  m_info = eigs.info();
359  max_iter = 0;
360  }
361  else
362  {
363  m_evalues = eigs.eigenvalues().real();
364  m_evectors = eigs.eigenvectors().real();
365  sort_epairs(m_evalues, m_evectors, SMALLEST_ALGE);
366  sparse_eVecX = m_evectors.sparseView();
368  X = X * sparse_eVecX;
369  AX = AX * sparse_eVecX;
370  BX = BX * sparse_eVecX;
371  }
373  for (int iter_num = 0; iter_num < max_iter; iter_num++)
374  {
375  m_residuals.resize(m_n, m_nev);
376  for (int i = 0; i < m_nev; i++)
377  {
378  m_residuals.col(i) = AX.col(i) - m_evalues(i) * BX.col(i);
379  }
380  BlockSize = checkConvergence_getBlocksize(m_residuals, tolerance_L2, columnsToDelete);
382  if (BlockSize == 0)
383  {
384  m_info = SUCCESSFUL;
385  break;
386  }
388  // substitution of the original active mask
389  if (columnsToDelete.size() > 0)
390  {
391  removeColumns(m_residuals, columnsToDelete);
392  if (iter_num > 0)
393  {
394  removeColumns(directions, columnsToDelete);
395  removeColumns(AD, columnsToDelete);
396  removeColumns(BD, columnsToDelete);
397  }
398  columnsToDelete.clear(); // for next iteration
399  }
401  if (flag_with_preconditioner)
402  {
403  // Apply the preconditioner to the residuals
404  m_residuals = m_preconditioner * m_residuals;
405  }
407  if (flag_with_constraints)
408  {
409  // Apply the constraints Y to residuals
410  applyConstraintsInPlace(m_residuals, m_Y, m_B);
411  }
413  if (orthogonalizeInPlace(m_residuals, m_B, BR) != SUCCESSFUL)
414  {
415  break;
416  }
417  AR = A * m_residuals;
419  // Orthonormalize conjugate directions
420  if (iter_num > 0)
421  {
422  if (orthogonalizeInPlace(directions, m_B, BD, true) != SUCCESSFUL)
423  {
424  break;
425  }
426  AD = A * directions;
427  }
429  // Perform the Rayleigh Ritz Procedure
430  XAR = Matrix(X.transpose() * AR);
431  RAR = Matrix(m_residuals.transpose() * AR);
432  XBR = Matrix(X.transpose() * BR);
434  if (iter_num > 0)
435  {
436  XAD = X.transpose() * AD;
437  RAD = m_residuals.transpose() * AD;
438  DAD = directions.transpose() * AD;
439  XBD = X.transpose() * BD;
440  RBD = m_residuals.transpose() * BD;
442  gramA = stack_9_matricies(m_evalues.asDiagonal(), XAR, XAD, XAR.transpose(), RAR, RAD, XAD.transpose(), RAD.transpose(), DAD.transpose());
443  gramB = stack_9_matricies(Matrix::Identity(m_nev, m_nev), XBR, XBD, XBR.transpose(), Matrix::Identity(BlockSize, BlockSize), RBD, XBD.transpose(), RBD.transpose(), Matrix::Identity(BlockSize, BlockSize));
444  }
445  else
446  {
447  gramA = stack_4_matricies(m_evalues.asDiagonal(), XAR, XAR.transpose(), RAR);
448  gramB = stack_4_matricies(Matrix::Identity(m_nev, m_nev), XBR, XBR.transpose(), Matrix::Identity(BlockSize, BlockSize));
449  }
451  //calculate the lowest/largest m eigenpairs; Solve the generalized eigenvalue problem.
452  DenseSymMatProd<Scalar> Aop(gramA);
453  DenseCholesky<Scalar> Bop(gramB);
457  geigs(&Aop, &Bop, m_nev, std::min(10, int(gramA.rows()) - 1));
459  geigs.init();
460  int nconv = geigs.compute();
462  //Mat evecs;
463  if (geigs.info() == SUCCESSFUL)
464  {
465  m_evalues = geigs.eigenvalues();
466  m_evectors = geigs.eigenvectors();
467  sort_epairs(m_evalues, m_evectors, SMALLEST_ALGE);
468  }
469  else
470  {
471  // Problem With General EgenVec
472  m_info = geigs.info();
473  break;
474  }
476  // Compute Ritz vectors
477  if (iter_num > 0)
478  {
479  eVecX = m_evectors.block(0, 0, m_nev, m_nev);
480  eVecR = m_evectors.block(m_nev, 0, BlockSize, m_nev);
481  eVecD = m_evectors.block(m_nev + BlockSize, 0, BlockSize, m_nev);
483  sparse_eVecX = eVecX.sparseView();
484  sparse_eVecR = eVecR.sparseView();
485  sparse_eVecD = eVecD.sparseView();
487  DD = m_residuals * sparse_eVecR; // new conjugate directions
488  ADD = AR * sparse_eVecR;
489  BDD = BR * sparse_eVecR;
491  DD = DD + directions * sparse_eVecD;
492  ADD = ADD + AD * sparse_eVecD;
493  BDD = BDD + BD * sparse_eVecD;
494  }
495  else
496  {
497  eVecX = m_evectors.block(0, 0, m_nev, m_nev);
498  eVecR = m_evectors.block(m_nev, 0, BlockSize, m_nev);
500  sparse_eVecX = eVecX.sparseView();
501  sparse_eVecR = eVecR.sparseView();
503  DD = m_residuals * sparse_eVecR;
504  ADD = AR * sparse_eVecR;
505  BDD = BR * sparse_eVecR;
506  }
508  X = X * sparse_eVecX + DD;
509  AX = AX * sparse_eVecX + ADD;
510  BX = BX * sparse_eVecX + BDD;
512  directions = DD;
513  AD = ADD;
514  BD = BDD;
516  } // iteration loop
518  // calculate last residuals
519  m_residuals.resize(m_n, m_nev);
520  for (int i = 0; i < m_nev; i++)
521  {
522  m_residuals.col(i) = AX.col(i) - m_evalues(i) * BX.col(i);
523  }
524  BlockSize = checkConvergence_getBlocksize(m_residuals, tolerance_L2, columnsToDelete);
526  if (BlockSize == 0)
527  {
528  m_info = SUCCESSFUL;
529  }
530  } // compute
532  Vector eigenvalues()
533  {
534  return m_evalues;
535  }
537  Matrix eigenvectors()
538  {
539  return m_evectors;
540  }
542  Matrix residuals()
543  {
544  return Matrix(m_residuals);
545  }
547  int info() { return m_info; }
548 };
550 } // namespace Spectra
552 #endif // LOBPCG_SOLVER
Eigen::Matrix< Complex, Eigen::Dynamic, 1 > ComplexVector
Definition: LOBPCGSolver.h:91
SparseMatrix m_residuals
Definition: LOBPCGSolver.h:103
Definition: bench_gemm.cpp:33
void setPreconditioner(const SparseMatrix &preconditioner)
Definition: LOBPCGSolver.h:322
Matrix< RealScalar, Dynamic, Dynamic > M
Definition: bench_gemm.cpp:38
Scalar coeff(Index row, Index col) const
Definition: SparseMatrix.h:188
Key E(std::uint64_t j)
EigenvectorsType eigenvectors() const
Returns the eigenvectors of given matrix.
Definition: EigenSolver.h:345
return int(ret)+1
JacobiRotation< float > G
#define min(a, b)
Definition: datatypes.h:19
void resize(Index rows, Index cols)
Definition: SparseMatrix.h:621
Using Cholesky decomposition to solve generalized eigenvalues.
Definition: GEigsMode.h:19
void removeColumns(SparseMatrix &matrix, std::vector< int > &colToRemove)
Definition: LOBPCGSolver.h:245
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC const SqrtReturnType sqrt() const
LOBPCGSolver(const SparseMatrix &A, const SparseMatrix X)
Definition: LOBPCGSolver.h:291
void setB(const SparseMatrix &B)
Definition: LOBPCGSolver.h:314
set noclip points set clip one set noclip two set bar set border lt lw set xdata set ydata set zdata set x2data set y2data set boxwidth set dummy y set format x g set format y g set format x2 g set format y2 g set format z g set angles radians set nogrid set key title set key left top Right noreverse box linetype linewidth samplen spacing width set nolabel set noarrow set nologscale set logscale x set set pointsize set encoding default set nopolar set noparametric set set set set surface set nocontour set clabel set mapping cartesian set nohidden3d set cntrparam order set cntrparam linear set cntrparam levels auto set cntrparam points set size set set xzeroaxis lt lw set x2zeroaxis lt lw set yzeroaxis lt lw set y2zeroaxis lt lw set tics in set ticslevel set tics set mxtics default set mytics default set mx2tics default set my2tics default set xtics border mirror norotate autofreq set ytics border mirror norotate autofreq set ztics border nomirror norotate autofreq set nox2tics set noy2tics set timestamp bottom norotate set rrange[*:*] noreverse nowriteback set trange[*:*] noreverse nowriteback set urange[*:*] noreverse nowriteback set vrange[*:*] noreverse nowriteback set xlabel matrix size set x2label set timefmt d m y n H
A direct sparse LDLT Cholesky factorizations without square root.
Matrix stack_9_matricies(Matrix A, Matrix B, Matrix C, Matrix D, Matrix E, Matrix F, Matrix G, Matrix H, Matrix I)
Definition: LOBPCGSolver.h:206
ComputationInfo info() const
Definition: EigenSolver.h:281
Computation was successful.
Definition: CompInfo.h:19
Index rows() const
Definition: SparseMatrix.h:136
Select eigenvalues with smallest algebraic value. Only for symmetric eigen solvers.
Definition: SelectionRule.h:51
std::complex< Scalar > Complex
Definition: LOBPCGSolver.h:89
Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic > Matrix
Definition: LOBPCGSolver.h:86
int orthogonalizeInPlace(SparseMatrix &M, SparseMatrix &B, SparseMatrix &true_BM, bool has_true_BM=false)
Definition: LOBPCGSolver.h:110
Signature::Row F
Definition: Signature.cpp:53
BearingRangeFactor< Pose, Point2 > BR
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC RealReturnType real() const
Values result
TransposeReturnType transpose()
Index cols() const
Definition: SparseMatrix.h:138
Array< double, 1, 3 > e(1./3., 0.5, 2.)
const mpreal sum(const mpreal tab[], const unsigned long int n, int &status, mp_rnd_t mode=mpreal::get_default_rnd())
Definition: mpreal.h:2381
static const Matrix I
Definition: lago.cpp:35
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC ColXpr col(Index i)
ComputationInfo info() const
Reports whether previous computation was successful.
void compute(int maxit=10, Scalar tol_div_n=1e-7)
Definition: LOBPCGSolver.h:328
Eigen::SparseMatrix< Scalar > SparseMatrix
Definition: LOBPCGSolver.h:93
Matrix< Scalar, Dynamic, Dynamic > C
Definition: bench_gemm.cpp:37
A small structure to hold a non zero as a triplet (i,j,value).
Definition: SparseUtil.h:154
void sort_epairs(Vector &evalues, Matrix &evectors, int SelectionRule)
Definition: LOBPCGSolver.h:224
void setFromTriplets(const InputIterators &begin, const InputIterators &end)
Definition: SparseMatrix.h:993
void applyConstraintsInPlace(SparseMatrix &X, SparseMatrix &Y, SparseMatrix &B)
Definition: LOBPCGSolver.h:170
Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, Eigen::Dynamic, 1 > Vector
Definition: LOBPCGSolver.h:87
Eigen::SparseMatrix< Complex > SparseComplexMatrix
Definition: LOBPCGSolver.h:94
Eigen::Matrix< Complex, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic > ComplexMatrix
Definition: LOBPCGSolver.h:90
SparseMatrix m_preconditioner
Definition: LOBPCGSolver.h:99
Computes eigenvalues and eigenvectors of general matrices.
Definition: EigenSolver.h:64
Map< Matrix< T, Dynamic, Dynamic, ColMajor >, 0, OuterStride<> > matrix(T *data, int rows, int cols, int stride)
void setConstraints(const SparseMatrix &Y)
Definition: LOBPCGSolver.h:308
const EigenvalueType & eigenvalues() const
Returns the eigenvalues of given matrix.
Definition: EigenSolver.h:244
int checkConvergence_getBlocksize(SparseMatrix &m_residuals, Scalar tolerance_L2, std::vector< int > &columnsToDelete)
Definition: LOBPCGSolver.h:266
Matrix stack_4_matricies(Matrix A, Matrix B, Matrix C, Matrix D)
Definition: LOBPCGSolver.h:195

autogenerated on Sat May 8 2021 02:42:32