Program Listing for File estimation.hpp

Return to documentation for file (include/beluga/algorithm/estimation.hpp)

// Copyright 2022-2023 Ekumen, Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.


#include <range/v3/algorithm/count_if.hpp>
#include <range/v3/numeric/accumulate.hpp>
#include <range/v3/range/access.hpp>
#include <range/v3/range/primitives.hpp>
#include <range/v3/view/common.hpp>
#include <range/v3/view/repeat_n.hpp>
#include <range/v3/view/transform.hpp>
#include <sophus/se2.hpp>
#include <sophus/types.hpp>

#include <numeric>

namespace beluga {

template <class Range, class WeightsRange, class Scalar>
calculate_covariance(Range&& range, WeightsRange&& normalized_weights, const Sophus::Vector2<Scalar>& mean) {
  auto translations_view = range | ranges::views::common;
  auto normalized_weights_view = normalized_weights | ranges::views::common;

  auto calculate_weighted_sample_covariance = [mean](const auto& value, const auto& weight) {
    const auto centered = value - mean;
    return Sophus::Vector3<Scalar>{
        weight * centered.x() * centered.x(),  // weighted sample x autocovariance
        weight * centered.x() * centered.y(),  // weighted sample xy cross-covariance
        weight * centered.y() * centered.y(),  // weighted sample y autocovariance

  // calculate the averaging factor for the weighted covariance estimate
  // See
  const auto squared_weight_sum = std::transform_reduce(
      normalized_weights_view.begin(), normalized_weights_view.end(), Scalar{0.0}, std::plus{},
      [](const auto& weight) { return (weight * weight); });

  // calculate the x autocovariance, xy cross-covariance, and y autocovariance
  Sophus::Vector3<Scalar> coefficients =
          translations_view.begin(), translations_view.end(), normalized_weights_view.begin(),
          Sophus::Vector3<Scalar>::Zero().eval(), std::plus{}, calculate_weighted_sample_covariance) /
      (1.0 - squared_weight_sum);

  // create the symmetric 2x2 translation covariance matrix from the coefficients
  auto covariance_matrix = Sophus::Matrix2<Scalar>{};
  covariance_matrix << coefficients(0), coefficients(1), coefficients(1), coefficients(2);
  return covariance_matrix;

template <class Range, class Scalar>
Sophus::Matrix2<Scalar> calculate_covariance(Range&& range, const Sophus::Vector2<Scalar>& mean) {
  const auto sample_count = range.size();
  return calculate_covariance(
      ranges::views::repeat_n(1.0 / static_cast<Scalar>(sample_count), static_cast<std::ptrdiff_t>(sample_count)),

template <
    class Poses,
    class Weights,
    class Pose = ranges::range_value_t<Poses>,
    class Scalar = typename Pose::Scalar,
    typename = std::enable_if_t<std::is_same_v<Pose, typename Sophus::SE2<Scalar>>>>
std::pair<Sophus::SE2<Scalar>, Sophus::Matrix3<Scalar>> estimate(Poses&& poses, Weights&& weights) {
  auto translation_view = poses | ranges::views::transform([](const auto& pose) { return pose.translation(); });
  auto weights_view = weights | ranges::views::common;
  const auto weights_sum = std::accumulate(weights_view.begin(), weights_view.end(), 0.0);
  auto normalized_weights_view =
      weights_view | ranges::views::transform([weights_sum](const auto& weight) { return weight / weights_sum; });

  // map sophus pose 2D pose into a 4D Eigen vector. Mapping exploits that Sophus stores the 2D transform
  // as two elements for the linear translation, and two more for the orientation (in complex number form)
  const auto pose_to_weighted_eigen_vector = [](const auto& pose, const auto& weight) {
    return Eigen::Map<const Sophus::Vector4<Scalar>>{} * weight;

  // Compute the average of all the coefficients of the SE2 group elements and construct a new SE2 element. Notice
  // that after averaging the complex representation of the orientation the resulting complex is not on the unit circle.
  // This is expected and the value will be renormalized after having used the non-normal result to estimate the
  // orientation autocovariance.
  const Sophus::Vector4<Scalar> mean_pose_vector = std::transform_reduce(
      poses.begin(), poses.end(), normalized_weights_view.begin(), Sophus::Vector4<Scalar>::Zero().eval(), std::plus{},

  // Calculate the weighted pose estimation
  Sophus::SE2<Scalar> estimated_pose = Eigen::Map<const Sophus::SE2<Scalar>>{};

  Sophus::Matrix3<Scalar> covariance_matrix = Sophus::Matrix3<Scalar>::Zero();

  // Compute the covariance of the translation part.
  covariance_matrix.template topLeftCorner<2, 2>() =
      calculate_covariance(translation_view, normalized_weights_view, estimated_pose.translation());

  // Compute the orientation variance and re-normalize the rotation component.
  if (estimated_pose.so2().unit_complex().norm() < std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon()) {
    // Handle the case where both averages are too close to zero.
    // Return zero yaw and infinite variance.
    covariance_matrix.coeffRef(2, 2) = std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
    estimated_pose.so2() = Sophus::SO2<Scalar>{0.0};
  } else {
    // See circular standard deviation in
    covariance_matrix.coeffRef(2, 2) = -2.0 * std::log(estimated_pose.so2().unit_complex().norm());
  return std::pair{estimated_pose, covariance_matrix};

template <
    class Scalars,
    class Weights,
    class Scalar = ranges::range_value_t<Scalars>,
    typename = std::enable_if_t<std::is_arithmetic_v<Scalar>>>
std::pair<Scalar, Scalar> estimate(Scalars&& scalars, Weights&& weights) {
  auto weights_view = weights | ranges::views::common;
  const auto weights_sum = ranges::accumulate(weights, 0.0, std::plus<>{});
  auto normalized_weights_view =
      weights_view | ranges::views::transform([weights_sum](auto weight) { return weight / weights_sum; });

  const Scalar weighted_mean = std::transform_reduce(
      scalars.begin(), scalars.end(), normalized_weights_view.begin(), 0.0, std::plus<>{}, std::multiplies<>{});

  const Scalar weighted_squared_deviations = std::transform_reduce(
      scalars.begin(), scalars.end(), normalized_weights_view.begin(), 0.0, std::plus<>{},
      [weighted_mean](const auto& scalar, const auto& weight) {
        return weight * (scalar - weighted_mean) * (scalar - weighted_mean);

  const auto number_of_non_zero_weights =
      static_cast<Scalar>(ranges::count_if(weights_view, [&](auto weight) { return weight > 0; }));

  const Scalar weighted_sd =
      std::sqrt(weighted_squared_deviations * number_of_non_zero_weights / (number_of_non_zero_weights - 1));

  return std::pair{weighted_mean, weighted_sd};

template <
    class Poses,
    class Pose = ranges::range_value_t<Poses>,
    class Scalar = typename Pose::Scalar,
    typename = std::enable_if_t<std::is_same_v<Pose, typename Sophus::SE2<Scalar>>>>
std::pair<Sophus::SE2<Scalar>, Sophus::Matrix3<Scalar>> estimate(Poses&& poses) {
  return beluga::estimate(poses, ranges::views::repeat_n(1.0, static_cast<std::ptrdiff_t>(poses.size())));

}  // namespace beluga
