Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 CInitJointTrajectoryOptionsOptions used when initializing a joint trajectory from ROS message data
 CJointTrajectoryControllerController for executing joint-space trajectories on a group of joints
 CJointTrajectorySegmentClass representing a multi-dimensional quintic spline segment with a start and end time
 CSegmentTolerancesTrajectory segment tolerances
 CSegmentTolerancesPerJointTrajectory segment tolerances per Joint
 CStateTolerancesTrajectory state tolerances for position, velocity and acceleration variables
 CPosVelAccStateMulti-dof trajectory state containing position, velocity and acceleration data
 CQuinticSplineSegmentClass representing a multi-dimensional quintic spline segment with a start and end time
 CClosedLoopHardwareInterfaceAdapterHelper base class template for closed loop HardwareInterfaceAdapter implementations
 CHardwareInterfaceAdapterHelper class to simplify integrating the JointTrajectoryController with different hardware interfaces
 CHardwareInterfaceAdapter< hardware_interface::EffortJointInterface, State >Adapter for an effort-controlled hardware interface. Maps position and velocity errors to effort commands through a position PID loop
 CHardwareInterfaceAdapter< hardware_interface::PositionJointInterface, State >Adapter for a position-controlled hardware interface. Forwards desired positions as commands
 CHardwareInterfaceAdapter< hardware_interface::PosVelAccJointInterface, State >Adapter for a spline-controlled hardware interface. Forwards desired positions as commands
 CHardwareInterfaceAdapter< hardware_interface::PosVelJointInterface, State >Adapter for a pos-vel hardware interface. Forwards desired positions with velcities as commands
 CHardwareInterfaceAdapter< hardware_interface::VelocityJointInterface, State >Adapter for an velocity-controlled hardware interface. Maps position and velocity errors to velocity commands through a velocity PID loop

Author(s): Adolfo Rodriguez Tsouroukdissian
autogenerated on Thu Apr 11 2019 03:08:37