Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 1234]
 Calvar::BitsetBitset is a basic class for handling bit sequences
 Calvar::CameraSimple Camera class for calculating distortions, orientation or projections with pre-calibrated camera
 Calvar::CaptureCapture interface that plugins must implement
 Calvar::CaptureDeviceCaptureDevice holder for camera information
 Calvar::CaptureFactoryCaptureFactory for creating Capture classes
 Calvar::CaptureFactory::CaptureFactoryDestroyerCaptureFactoryDestroyer for deleting the CaptureFactory singleton
 Calvar::CapturePluginCapturePlugin interface that plugins must implement
 Calvar::Container3d< T >Generic container to store any information in 3D (features, photos, ...)
 Calvar::Container3dLimitDist< T >Functor class for Container3d Limit() to limit the search space with distance
 Calvar::Container3dSortDist< T >Functor class for Container3d Sort() to sort the search base using distance to specified origin
 Calvar::Container3dSortSize< T >Functor class for Container3d Sort() to sort the search base using content size
 CCvTestbedCvTestbed is a class for making quick OpenCV test applications
 Calvar::DirectoryIteratorDirectoryIterator for iterating over files and directories
 Calvar::DoEraseTest< T >This is default functor for testing which items in the container should be erased
 Calvar::DoHandleTest< T >This is a default functor for testing which items in the container should be handled by each method
 Calvar::ExternalContainerBasic structure to be usable with EC methods
 Calvar::FernImageDetectorImage detector based on a Fern classifier
 Calvar::FernPoseEstimatorPose estimation class for FernImageDetector
 Calvar::FileFormatUtilsUtility functions for file reading / writing
 Calvar::FilterFilter is pure virtual class describing the basic virtual interface for all filters
 Calvar::FilterArray< F >Class for handling an array of filtered values
 Calvar::HistogramClass for N-dimensional Histograms
 Calvar::HomographySimple Homography class for finding and projecting points between two planes
 CCvTestbed::ImageImage structure to store the images internally
 Calvar::IndexClass for N-dimensional index to be used e.g. with STL maps
 Calvar::IntegralGradientIntegralGradient is used for calculating rectangular image gradients rapidly
 Calvar::IntegralImageIntegralImage is used for calculating rectangular image sums and averages rapidly
 Calvar::IntIndexClass for calculating "evenly spaced" integer indices for data sequence
 Calvar::KalmanCoreCore implementation for Kalman
 Calvar::KalmanSensorCoreCore implementation for Kalman sensor
 Calvar::KalmanVisualizeClass for visualizing Kalman filter
 Calvar::LabelingBase class for labeling connected components from binary image
 Calvar::LineStruct representing a line. The line is parametrized by its center and direction vector
 Calvar::MarkerBasic 2D Marker functionality
 Calvar::MarkerDetectorImplTemplateless version of MarkerDetector. Please use MarkerDetector instead
 Calvar::MultiMarkerBase class for using MultiMarker
 Calvar::MutexMutex for synchronizing multiple threads
 Calvar::OptimizationNon-linear optimization routines. There are three methods implemented that include Gauss-Newton, Levenberg-Marquardt and Tukey m-estimator
 Calvar::PluginPlugin for loading dynamic libraries
 Calvar::ProjPointsSimple structure for collecting 2D and 3D points e.g. for camera calibration
 Calvar::RansacImplInternal implementation of RANSAC. Please use Ransac or IndexRansac
 Calvar::RotationRotation structure and transformations between different parameterizations
 Calvar::SerializationClass for serializing class content to/from file or std::iostream
 Calvar::SimpleSfMSimple structure from motion implementation using CameraEC , MarkerDetectorEC and TrackerFeaturesEC
 Calvar::ThreadsThreads vector for handling multiple threads
 Calvar::TimerTimer for measuring execution time
 Calvar::TrackerPure virtual base class for tracking optical flow
 Calvar::TrifocalTensorTrifocal tensor works for three images like a fundamental matrix works for two images
 Calvar::UncopyableUncopyable for preventing object copies
 Calvar::UnscentedKalmanImplementation of unscented kalman filter (UKF) for filtering non-linear processes
 Calvar::UnscentedObservationObservation model for an unscented kalman filter
 Calvar::UnscentedProcessProcess model for an unscented kalman filter

Author(s): Scott Niekum
autogenerated on Thu Jun 6 2019 19:27:24