Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 CAreaOccupancyEstimatorA strategy that estimates a grid cell's occupancy based on how a laser beam passes through the cell
 CAvgTinyCellThe grid cell's model updates probabilities as an average value
 CBaseTinyCellThe grid cell's model presented in the original tinySLAM paper
 CConstOccupancyEstimatorConstEstimator is responsible for the occupancy estimation strategy that returns probability of being occupied for a cell depending only on the cell status predicted by a sensor
 CDiscreteLine2DDefines a line segment on a plane
 CDiscretePoint2DDefines a point with integer coordinates on a plane
 CGridCellThe base class for GridMap's cell that defines a model of occupancy tracking
 CGridCellFactoryThe base class for factories that encapsulate creation of a specific cell (The Factory method pattern is applied)
 CGridCellStrategyA container for strategies specific to a grid cell model
 CGridMapAn occupancy grid implementation
 CGridScanMatcherClass that matches scans. Performes a scan adjustment by altering a robot pose in order to maximize the correspondence between a scan and a grid map; the rule of correspondence computation is defined in ScanCostEstimator subclasses
 CGridScanMatcherObserverInterface of scan matcher observer
 CLaserScanGridWorldTracks a robots perception of an environment. The environment is represented by a GridMap; A laser scan with transformation is expected as a sensor data
 CLaserScanObserverClass responsibilities: observes laser scans and odometry; converts ROS structures to internal representation
 CMonteCarloScanMatcherScan Matcher based on the Monte Carlo method. The focus of the scan matcher is to compare a scan and a built map; in this class the method of scan comparison is performed by comparing corresponding scan costs
 CPoseScanMatcherObserverDerived class from GridScanMatcherObserver to publish the robot pose
 CRectangleDefines an axis-aligned rectangle
 CRobotStateDefines a robot position in cartesian coordinates and an angle of rotation
 CRvizGridViewerThe class publishes information about robot's map and location in ROS-compatible format so it can be shown by rviz
 CScanCostEstimatorInterface of Estimator of Scan Cost. Cost - is a number that complies to a scan; the lower cost the better scan
 CScanPointContains a point in polar coordinates and a state whether it is occupied
 CTinyAvgCellFactoryA strategy creates cells with the average probability calculation rule (AvgTinyCell)
 CTinyBaseCellFactoryA strategy creates cells of the base tiny model (BaseTinyCell)
 CTinyScanCostEstimatorAn implementation of the scan cost function described in the original tinySLAM paper
 CTinyScanMatcherThe scan matcher based on the Monte Carlo simulation
 CTinySlamFascadeThe TinySLAM access point. SLAM users are supposed to work with it
 CTinyWorldThe class implements the tinySLAM-specific map update logic
 CTinyWorldParamsA container for the following tinySLAM parameters:
TODO: params description
 CTopicObserverThe base class which subclasses convert laser scan and odometry data ROS structures to internal data structure
 CTopicWithTransformThis class synchronizes the transform and odometry
 CTransformedLaserScanFramework internal representation of a laser scan

autogenerated on Mon Jun 10 2019 15:30:57