Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 // -*- C++ -*-
00010 #include <rtm/CorbaNaming.h>
00011 #include <hrpModel/Link.h>
00012 #include <hrpModel/Sensor.h>
00013 #include <hrpModel/ModelLoaderUtil.h>
00014 #include "Stabilizer.h"
00015 #include "hrpsys/util/VectorConvert.h"
00016 #include <math.h>
00017 #include <boost/lambda/lambda.hpp>
00019 typedef coil::Guard<coil::Mutex> Guard;
00021 #ifndef deg2rad
00022 #define deg2rad(x) ((x) * M_PI / 180.0)
00023 #endif
00024 #ifndef rad2deg
00025 #define rad2deg(rad) (rad * 180 / M_PI)
00026 #endif
00028 // Module specification
00029 // <rtc-template block="module_spec">
00030 static const char* stabilizer_spec[] =
00031   {
00032     "implementation_id", "Stabilizer",
00033     "type_name",         "Stabilizer",
00034     "description",       "stabilizer",
00035     "version",           HRPSYS_PACKAGE_VERSION,
00036     "vendor",            "AIST",
00037     "category",          "example",
00038     "activity_type",     "DataFlowComponent",
00039     "max_instance",      "10",
00040     "language",          "C++",
00041     "lang_type",         "compile",
00042     // Configuration variables
00043     "conf.default.debugLevel", "0",
00044     ""
00045   };
00046 // </rtc-template>
00048 static std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const struct RTC::Time &tm)
00049 {
00050     int pre = os.precision();
00051     os.setf(std::ios::fixed);
00052     os << std::setprecision(6)
00053        << (tm.sec + tm.nsec/1e9)
00054        << std::setprecision(pre);
00055     os.unsetf(std::ios::fixed);
00056     return os;
00057 }
00059 static double switching_inpact_absorber(double force, double lower_th, double upper_th);
00061 Stabilizer::Stabilizer(RTC::Manager* manager)
00062   : RTC::DataFlowComponentBase(manager),
00063     // <rtc-template block="initializer">
00064     m_qCurrentIn("qCurrent", m_qCurrent),
00065     m_qRefIn("qRef", m_qRef),
00066     m_rpyIn("rpy", m_rpy),
00067     m_zmpRefIn("zmpRef", m_zmpRef),
00068     m_StabilizerServicePort("StabilizerService"),
00069     m_basePosIn("basePosIn", m_basePos),
00070     m_baseRpyIn("baseRpyIn", m_baseRpy),
00071     m_contactStatesIn("contactStates", m_contactStates),
00072     m_toeheelRatioIn("toeheelRatio", m_toeheelRatio),
00073     m_controlSwingSupportTimeIn("controlSwingSupportTime", m_controlSwingSupportTime),
00074     m_qRefSeqIn("qRefSeq", m_qRefSeq),
00075     m_walkingStatesIn("walkingStates", m_walkingStates),
00076     m_sbpCogOffsetIn("sbpCogOffset", m_sbpCogOffset),
00077     m_qRefOut("q", m_qRef),
00078     m_tauOut("tau", m_tau),
00079     m_zmpOut("zmp", m_zmp),
00080     m_refCPOut("refCapturePoint", m_refCP),
00081     m_actCPOut("actCapturePoint", m_actCP),
00082     m_diffCPOut("diffCapturePoint", m_diffCP),
00083     m_diffFootOriginExtMomentOut("diffFootOriginExtMoment", m_diffFootOriginExtMoment),
00084     m_actContactStatesOut("actContactStates", m_actContactStates),
00085     m_COPInfoOut("COPInfo", m_COPInfo),
00086     m_emergencySignalOut("emergencySignal", m_emergencySignal),
00087     // for debug output
00088     m_originRefZmpOut("originRefZmp", m_originRefZmp),
00089     m_originRefCogOut("originRefCog", m_originRefCog),
00090     m_originRefCogVelOut("originRefCogVel", m_originRefCogVel),
00091     m_originNewZmpOut("originNewZmp", m_originNewZmp),
00092     m_originActZmpOut("originActZmp", m_originActZmp),
00093     m_originActCogOut("originActCog", m_originActCog),
00094     m_originActCogVelOut("originActCogVel", m_originActCogVel),
00095     m_actBaseRpyOut("actBaseRpy", m_actBaseRpy),
00096     m_currentBasePosOut("currentBasePos", m_currentBasePos),
00097     m_currentBaseRpyOut("currentBaseRpy", m_currentBaseRpy),
00098     m_allRefWrenchOut("allRefWrench", m_allRefWrench),
00099     m_allEECompOut("allEEComp", m_allEEComp),
00100     m_debugDataOut("debugData", m_debugData),
00101     control_mode(MODE_IDLE),
00102     st_algorithm(OpenHRP::StabilizerService::TPCC),
00103     emergency_check_mode(OpenHRP::StabilizerService::NO_CHECK),
00104     szd(NULL),
00105     // </rtc-template>
00106     m_debugLevel(0)
00107 {
00108   m_service0.stabilizer(this);
00109 }
00111 Stabilizer::~Stabilizer()
00112 {
00113 }
00115 RTC::ReturnCode_t Stabilizer::onInitialize()
00116 {
00117   std::cerr << "[" << m_profile.instance_name << "] onInitialize()" << std::endl;
00118   // <rtc-template block="bind_config">
00119   // Bind variables and configuration variable
00120   bindParameter("debugLevel", m_debugLevel, "0");
00122   // </rtc-template>
00124   // Registration: InPort/OutPort/Service
00125   // <rtc-template block="registration">
00126   // Set InPort buffers
00127   addInPort("qCurrent", m_qCurrentIn);
00128   addInPort("qRef", m_qRefIn);
00129   addInPort("rpy", m_rpyIn);
00130   addInPort("zmpRef", m_zmpRefIn);
00131   addInPort("basePosIn", m_basePosIn);
00132   addInPort("baseRpyIn", m_baseRpyIn);
00133   addInPort("contactStates", m_contactStatesIn);
00134   addInPort("toeheelRatio", m_toeheelRatioIn);
00135   addInPort("controlSwingSupportTime", m_controlSwingSupportTimeIn);
00136   addInPort("qRefSeq", m_qRefSeqIn);
00137   addInPort("walkingStates", m_walkingStatesIn);
00138   addInPort("sbpCogOffset", m_sbpCogOffsetIn);
00140   // Set OutPort buffer
00141   addOutPort("q", m_qRefOut);
00142   addOutPort("tau", m_tauOut);
00143   addOutPort("zmp", m_zmpOut);
00144   addOutPort("refCapturePoint", m_refCPOut);
00145   addOutPort("actCapturePoint", m_actCPOut);
00146   addOutPort("diffCapturePoint", m_diffCPOut);
00147   addOutPort("diffStaticBalancePointOffset", m_diffFootOriginExtMomentOut);
00148   addOutPort("actContactStates", m_actContactStatesOut);
00149   addOutPort("COPInfo", m_COPInfoOut);
00150   addOutPort("emergencySignal", m_emergencySignalOut);
00151   // for debug output
00152   addOutPort("originRefZmp", m_originRefZmpOut);
00153   addOutPort("originRefCog", m_originRefCogOut);
00154   addOutPort("originRefCogVel", m_originRefCogVelOut);
00155   addOutPort("originNewZmp", m_originNewZmpOut);
00156   addOutPort("originActZmp", m_originActZmpOut);
00157   addOutPort("originActCog", m_originActCogOut);
00158   addOutPort("originActCogVel", m_originActCogVelOut);
00159   addOutPort("actBaseRpy", m_actBaseRpyOut);
00160   addOutPort("currentBasePos", m_currentBasePosOut);
00161   addOutPort("currentBaseRpy", m_currentBaseRpyOut);
00162   addOutPort("allRefWrench", m_allRefWrenchOut);
00163   addOutPort("allEEComp", m_allEECompOut);
00164   addOutPort("debugData", m_debugDataOut);
00166   // Set service provider to Ports
00167   m_StabilizerServicePort.registerProvider("service0", "StabilizerService", m_service0);
00169   // Set service consumers to Ports
00171   // Set CORBA Service Ports
00172   addPort(m_StabilizerServicePort);
00174   // </rtc-template>
00175   RTC::Properties& prop = getProperties();
00176   coil::stringTo(dt, prop["dt"].c_str());
00178   // parameters for corba
00179   RTC::Manager& rtcManager = RTC::Manager::instance();
00180   std::string nameServer = rtcManager.getConfig()["corba.nameservers"];
00181   int comPos = nameServer.find(",");
00182   if (comPos < 0){
00183     comPos = nameServer.length();
00184   }
00185   nameServer = nameServer.substr(0, comPos);
00186   RTC::CorbaNaming naming(rtcManager.getORB(), nameServer.c_str());
00188   // parameters for internal robot model
00189   m_robot = hrp::BodyPtr(new hrp::Body());
00190   if (!loadBodyFromModelLoader(m_robot, prop["model"].c_str(), 
00191                                CosNaming::NamingContext::_duplicate(naming.getRootContext())
00192                                )){
00193     std::cerr << "[" << m_profile.instance_name << "]failed to load model[" << prop["model"] << "]" << std::endl;
00194     return RTC::RTC_ERROR;
00195   }
00197   // Setting for wrench data ports (real + virtual)
00198   std::vector<std::string> force_sensor_names;
00200   // Find names for real force sensors
00201   int npforce = m_robot->numSensors(hrp::Sensor::FORCE);
00202   for (unsigned int i=0; i<npforce; ++i) {
00203       force_sensor_names.push_back(m_robot->sensor(hrp::Sensor::FORCE, i)->name);
00204   }
00206   // load virtual force sensors
00207   readVirtualForceSensorParamFromProperties(m_vfs, m_robot, prop["virtual_force_sensor"], std::string(m_profile.instance_name));
00208   int nvforce = m_vfs.size();
00209   for (unsigned int i=0; i<nvforce; ++i) {
00210       for ( std::map<std::string, hrp::VirtualForceSensorParam>::iterator it = m_vfs.begin(); it != m_vfs.end(); it++ ) {
00211           if (it-> == i) {
00212               force_sensor_names.push_back(it->first);
00213           }
00214       }
00215   }
00217   int nforce = npforce + nvforce;
00218   m_wrenches.resize(nforce);
00219   m_wrenchesIn.resize(nforce);
00220   m_ref_wrenches.resize(nforce);
00221   m_ref_wrenchesIn.resize(nforce);
00222   m_limbCOPOffset.resize(nforce);
00223   m_limbCOPOffsetIn.resize(nforce);
00224   std::cerr << "[" << m_profile.instance_name << "] force sensor ports (" << npforce << ")" << std::endl;
00225   for (unsigned int i=0; i<nforce; ++i) {
00226       std::string force_sensor_name = force_sensor_names[i];
00227       // actual inport
00228       m_wrenchesIn[i] = new RTC::InPort<RTC::TimedDoubleSeq>(force_sensor_name.c_str(), m_wrenches[i]);
00229       m_wrenches[i].data.length(6);
00230       registerInPort(force_sensor_name.c_str(), *m_wrenchesIn[i]);
00231       // referecen inport
00232       m_ref_wrenchesIn[i] = new RTC::InPort<RTC::TimedDoubleSeq>(std::string(force_sensor_name+"Ref").c_str(), m_ref_wrenches[i]);
00233       m_ref_wrenches[i].data.length(6);
00234       registerInPort(std::string(force_sensor_name+"Ref").c_str(), *m_ref_wrenchesIn[i]);
00235       std::cerr << "[" << m_profile.instance_name << "]   name = " << force_sensor_name << std::endl;
00236   }
00237   std::cerr << "[" << m_profile.instance_name << "] limbCOPOffset ports (" << npforce << ")" << std::endl;
00238   for (unsigned int i=0; i<nforce; ++i) {
00239       std::string force_sensor_name = force_sensor_names[i];
00240       std::string nm("limbCOPOffset_"+force_sensor_name);
00241       m_limbCOPOffsetIn[i] = new RTC::InPort<RTC::TimedPoint3D>(nm.c_str(), m_limbCOPOffset[i]);
00242       registerInPort(nm.c_str(), *m_limbCOPOffsetIn[i]);
00243       std::cerr << "[" << m_profile.instance_name << "]   name = " << nm << std::endl;
00244   }
00246   // setting from conf file
00247   // rleg,TARGET_LINK,BASE_LINK,x,y,z,rx,ry,rz,rth #<=pos + rot (axis+angle)
00248   coil::vstring end_effectors_str = coil::split(prop["end_effectors"], ",");
00249   if (end_effectors_str.size() > 0) {
00250     size_t prop_num = 10;
00251     size_t num = end_effectors_str.size()/prop_num;
00252     for (size_t i = 0; i < num; i++) {
00253       std::string ee_name, ee_target, ee_base;
00254       coil::stringTo(ee_name, end_effectors_str[i*prop_num].c_str());
00255       coil::stringTo(ee_target, end_effectors_str[i*prop_num+1].c_str());
00256       coil::stringTo(ee_base, end_effectors_str[i*prop_num+2].c_str());
00257       STIKParam ikp;
00258       for (size_t j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
00259         coil::stringTo(ikp.localp(j), end_effectors_str[i*prop_num+3+j].c_str());
00260       }
00261       double tmpv[4];
00262       for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++ ) {
00263         coil::stringTo(tmpv[j], end_effectors_str[i*prop_num+6+j].c_str());
00264       }
00265       ikp.localR = Eigen::AngleAxis<double>(tmpv[3], hrp::Vector3(tmpv[0], tmpv[1], tmpv[2])).toRotationMatrix(); // rotation in VRML is represented by axis + angle
00266       ikp.target_name = ee_target;
00267       ikp.ee_name = ee_name;
00268       {
00269           bool is_ee_exists = false;
00270           for (size_t j = 0; j < npforce; j++) {
00271               hrp::Sensor* sensor = m_robot->sensor(hrp::Sensor::FORCE, j);
00272               hrp::Link* alink = m_robot->link(ikp.target_name);
00273               while (alink != NULL && alink->name != ee_base && !is_ee_exists) {
00274                   if ( alink->name == sensor->link->name ) {
00275                       is_ee_exists = true;
00276                       ikp.sensor_name = sensor->name;
00277                   }
00278                   alink = alink->parent;
00279               }
00280           }
00281       }
00282       ikp.avoid_gain = 0.001;
00283       ikp.reference_gain = 0.01;
00284       ikp.ik_loop_count = 3;
00285       // For swing ee modification
00286       ikp.target_ee_diff_p = hrp::Vector3::Zero();
00287       ikp.target_ee_diff_r = hrp::Matrix33::Identity();
00288       ikp.d_rpy_swing = hrp::Vector3::Zero();
00289       ikp.d_pos_swing = hrp::Vector3::Zero();
00290       ikp.target_ee_diff_p_filter = boost::shared_ptr<FirstOrderLowPassFilter<hrp::Vector3> >(new FirstOrderLowPassFilter<hrp::Vector3>(50.0, dt, hrp::Vector3::Zero())); // [Hz]
00291       ikp.target_ee_diff_r_filter = boost::shared_ptr<FirstOrderLowPassFilter<hrp::Vector3> >(new FirstOrderLowPassFilter<hrp::Vector3>(50.0, dt, hrp::Vector3::Zero())); // [Hz]
00292       ikp.prev_d_pos_swing = hrp::Vector3::Zero();
00293       ikp.prev_d_rpy_swing = hrp::Vector3::Zero();
00294       //
00295       stikp.push_back(ikp);
00296       jpe_v.push_back(hrp::JointPathExPtr(new hrp::JointPathEx(m_robot, m_robot->link(ee_base), m_robot->link(ee_target), dt, false, std::string(m_profile.instance_name))));
00297       // Fix for toe joint
00298       if (ee_name.find("leg") != std::string::npos && jpe_v.back()->numJoints() == 7) { // leg and has 7dof joint (6dof leg +1dof toe)
00299           std::vector<double> optw;
00300           for (int j = 0; j < jpe_v.back()->numJoints(); j++ ) {
00301               if ( j == jpe_v.back()->numJoints()-1 ) optw.push_back(0.0);
00302               else optw.push_back(1.0);
00303           }
00304           jpe_v.back()->setOptionalWeightVector(optw);
00305       }
00306       target_ee_p.push_back(hrp::Vector3::Zero());
00307       target_ee_R.push_back(hrp::Matrix33::Identity());
00308       act_ee_p.push_back(hrp::Vector3::Zero());
00309       act_ee_R.push_back(hrp::Matrix33::Identity());
00310       projected_normal.push_back(hrp::Vector3::Zero());
00311       act_force.push_back(hrp::Vector3::Zero());
00312       ref_force.push_back(hrp::Vector3::Zero());
00313       ref_moment.push_back(hrp::Vector3::Zero());
00314       contact_states_index_map.insert(std::pair<std::string, size_t>(ee_name, i));
00315       is_ik_enable.push_back( (ee_name.find("leg") != std::string::npos ? true : false) ); // Hands ik => disabled, feet ik => enabled, by default
00316       is_feedback_control_enable.push_back( (ee_name.find("leg") != std::string::npos ? true : false) ); // Hands feedback control => disabled, feet feedback control => enabled, by default
00317       is_zmp_calc_enable.push_back( (ee_name.find("leg") != std::string::npos ? true : false) ); // To zmp calculation, hands are disabled and feet are enabled, by default
00318       std::cerr << "[" << m_profile.instance_name << "] End Effector [" << ee_name << "]" << std::endl;
00319       std::cerr << "[" << m_profile.instance_name << "]   target = " << m_robot->link(ikp.target_name)->name << ", base = " << ee_base << ", sensor_name = " << ikp.sensor_name << std::endl;
00320       std::cerr << "[" << m_profile.instance_name << "]   offset_pos = " << ikp.localp.format(Eigen::IOFormat(Eigen::StreamPrecision, 0, ", ", ", ", "", "", "    [", "]")) << "[m]" << std::endl;
00321       prev_act_force_z.push_back(0.0);
00322     }
00325     m_will_fall_counter.resize(num);
00326   }
00328   std::vector<std::pair<hrp::Link*, hrp::Link*> > interlocking_joints;
00329   readInterlockingJointsParamFromProperties(interlocking_joints, m_robot, prop["interlocking_joints"], std::string(m_profile.instance_name));
00330   if (interlocking_joints.size() > 0) {
00331       for (size_t i = 0; i < jpe_v.size(); i++) {
00332           std::cerr << "[" << m_profile.instance_name << "] Interlocking Joints for [" << stikp[i].ee_name << "]" << std::endl;
00333           jpe_v[i]->setInterlockingJointPairIndices(interlocking_joints, std::string(m_profile.instance_name));
00334       }
00335   }
00338   // parameters for TPCC
00339   act_zmp = hrp::Vector3::Zero();
00340   for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
00341     k_tpcc_p[i] = 0.2;
00342     k_tpcc_x[i] = 4.0;
00343     k_brot_p[i] = 0.1;
00344     k_brot_tc[i] = 1.5;
00345   }
00346   // parameters for EEFM
00347   double k_ratio = 0.9;
00348   for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
00349     eefm_k1[i] = -1.41429*k_ratio;
00350     eefm_k2[i] = -0.404082*k_ratio;
00351     eefm_k3[i] = -0.18*k_ratio;
00352     eefm_body_attitude_control_gain[i] = 0.5;
00353     eefm_body_attitude_control_time_const[i] = 1e5;
00354   }
00355   for (size_t i = 0; i < stikp.size(); i++) {
00356       STIKParam& ikp = stikp[i];
00357       hrp::Link* root = m_robot->link(ikp.target_name);
00358       ikp.eefm_rot_damping_gain = hrp::Vector3(20*5, 20*5, 1e5);
00359       ikp.eefm_rot_time_const = hrp::Vector3(1.5, 1.5, 1.5);
00360       ikp.eefm_rot_compensation_limit = deg2rad(10.0);
00361       ikp.eefm_swing_rot_spring_gain = hrp::Vector3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
00362       ikp.eefm_swing_rot_time_const = hrp::Vector3(1.5, 1.5, 1.5);
00363       ikp.eefm_pos_damping_gain = hrp::Vector3(3500*10, 3500*10, 3500);
00364       ikp.eefm_pos_time_const_support = hrp::Vector3(1.5, 1.5, 1.5);
00365       ikp.eefm_pos_compensation_limit = 0.025;
00366       ikp.eefm_swing_pos_spring_gain = hrp::Vector3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
00367       ikp.eefm_swing_pos_time_const = hrp::Vector3(1.5, 1.5, 1.5);
00368       ikp.eefm_ee_moment_limit = hrp::Vector3(1e4, 1e4, 1e4); // Default limit [Nm] is too large. Same as no limit.
00369       if (ikp.ee_name.find("leg") == std::string::npos) { // Arm default
00370           ikp.eefm_ee_forcemoment_distribution_weight = Eigen::Matrix<double, 6,1>::Zero();
00371       } else { // Leg default
00372           for (size_t j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
00373               ikp.eefm_ee_forcemoment_distribution_weight[j] = 1; // Force
00374               ikp.eefm_ee_forcemoment_distribution_weight[j+3] = 1e-2; // Moment
00375           }
00376       }
00377       ikp.max_limb_length = 0.0;
00378       while (!root->isRoot()) {
00379         ikp.max_limb_length += root->b.norm();
00380         ikp.parent_name = root->name;
00381         root = root->parent;
00382       }
00383       ikp.limb_length_margin = 0.13;
00384       ikp.support_time = 0.0;
00385   }
00386   eefm_swing_rot_damping_gain = hrp::Vector3(20*5, 20*5, 1e5);
00387   eefm_swing_pos_damping_gain = hrp::Vector3(33600, 33600, 7000);
00388   eefm_pos_time_const_swing = 0.08;
00389   eefm_pos_transition_time = 0.01;
00390   eefm_pos_margin_time = 0.02;
00391   eefm_zmp_delay_time_const[0] = eefm_zmp_delay_time_const[1] = 0.055;
00392   //eefm_leg_inside_margin = 0.065; // [m]
00393   //eefm_leg_front_margin = 0.05;
00394   //eefm_leg_rear_margin = 0.05;
00395   //fm_wrench_alpha_blending = 1.0; // fz_alpha
00396   eefm_gravitational_acceleration = 9.80665; // [m/s^2]
00397   cop_check_margin = 20.0*1e-3; // [m]
00398   cp_check_margin.resize(4, 30*1e-3); // [m]
00399   cp_offset = hrp::Vector3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0); // [m]
00400   tilt_margin.resize(2, 30 * M_PI / 180); // [rad]
00401   contact_decision_threshold = 50; // [N]
00402   eefm_use_force_difference_control = true;
00403   eefm_use_swing_damping = false;
00404   eefm_swing_damping_force_thre.resize(3, 300);
00405   eefm_swing_damping_moment_thre.resize(3, 15);
00406   initial_cp_too_large_error = true;
00407   is_walking = false;
00408   is_estop_while_walking = false;
00409   sbp_cog_offset = hrp::Vector3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
00410   use_limb_stretch_avoidance = false;
00411   use_zmp_truncation = false;
00412   limb_stretch_avoidance_time_const = 1.5;
00413   limb_stretch_avoidance_vlimit[0] = -100 * 1e-3 * dt; // lower limit
00414   limb_stretch_avoidance_vlimit[1] = 50 * 1e-3 * dt; // upper limit
00415   root_rot_compensation_limit[0] = root_rot_compensation_limit[1] = deg2rad(90.0);
00416   detection_count_to_air = static_cast<int>(0.0 / dt);
00418   // parameters for RUNST
00419   double ke = 0, tc = 0;
00420   for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
00421     m_tau_x[i].setup(ke, tc, dt);
00422     m_tau_x[i].setErrorPrefix(std::string(m_profile.instance_name));
00423     m_tau_y[i].setup(ke, tc, dt);
00424     m_tau_y[i].setErrorPrefix(std::string(m_profile.instance_name));
00425     m_f_z.setup(ke, tc, dt);
00426     m_f_z.setErrorPrefix(std::string(m_profile.instance_name));
00427   }
00428   pangx_ref = pangy_ref = pangx = pangy = 0;
00429   rdx = rdy = rx = ry = 0;
00430   pdr = hrp::Vector3::Zero();
00432   // Check is legged robot or not
00433   is_legged_robot = false;
00434   for (size_t i = 0; i < stikp.size(); i++) {
00435       if (stikp[i].ee_name.find("leg") == std::string::npos) continue;
00436       hrp::Sensor* sen= m_robot->sensor<hrp::ForceSensor>(stikp[i].sensor_name);
00437       if ( sen != NULL ) is_legged_robot = true;
00438   }
00439   is_emergency = false;
00440   reset_emergency_flag = false;
00445   transition_joint_q.resize(m_robot->numJoints());
00446   qorg.resize(m_robot->numJoints());
00447   qrefv.resize(m_robot->numJoints());
00448   transition_count = 0;
00449   loop = 0;
00450   m_is_falling_counter = 0;
00451   is_air_counter = 0;
00452   total_mass = m_robot->totalMass();
00453   ref_zmp_aux = hrp::Vector3::Zero();
00455   for (size_t i = 0; i <; i++) {
00456     ref_contact_states.push_back(true);
00457     prev_ref_contact_states.push_back(true);
00458[i] = false;
00459     act_contact_states.push_back(false);
00460     toeheel_ratio.push_back(1.0);
00461   }
00462*3); // nx, ny, fz for each end-effectors
00463   for (size_t i = 0; i <; i++) {
00464[i] = 0.0;
00465   }
00466   transition_time = 2.0;
00467   foot_origin_offset[0] = hrp::Vector3::Zero();
00468   foot_origin_offset[1] = hrp::Vector3::Zero();
00470   //
00471   act_cogvel_filter = boost::shared_ptr<FirstOrderLowPassFilter<hrp::Vector3> >(new FirstOrderLowPassFilter<hrp::Vector3>(4.0, dt, hrp::Vector3::Zero())); // [Hz]
00473   // for debug output
00474 = = = 0.0;
00475 = = = 0.0;
00476 = = = 0.0;
00477 = = = 0.0;
00478 = = = 0.0;
00479 = = = 0.0;
00480 = = = 0.0;
00481 * 6); // 6 is wrench dim
00482 * 6); // 6 is pos+rot dim
00483;[0] = 0.0;
00485   //
00486   szd = new SimpleZMPDistributor(dt);
00487   std::vector<std::vector<Eigen::Vector2d> > support_polygon_vec;
00488   for (size_t i = 0; i < stikp.size(); i++) {
00489       support_polygon_vec.push_back(std::vector<Eigen::Vector2d>(1,Eigen::Vector2d::Zero()));
00490   }
00491   szd->set_vertices(support_polygon_vec);
00493   rel_ee_pos.reserve(stikp.size());
00494   rel_ee_rot.reserve(stikp.size());
00495   rel_ee_name.reserve(stikp.size());
00497   hrp::Sensor* sen = m_robot->sensor<hrp::RateGyroSensor>("gyrometer");
00498   if (sen == NULL) {
00499       std::cerr << "[" << m_profile.instance_name << "] WARNING! This robot model has no GyroSensor named 'gyrometer'! " << std::endl;
00500   }
00501   return RTC::RTC_OK;
00502 }
00505 RTC::ReturnCode_t Stabilizer::onFinalize()
00506 {
00507   if (szd == NULL) {
00508       delete szd;
00509       szd = NULL;
00510   }
00511   return RTC::RTC_OK;
00512 }
00514 /*
00515 RTC::ReturnCode_t Stabilizer::onStartup(RTC::UniqueId ec_id)
00516 {
00517   return RTC::RTC_OK;
00518 }
00519 */
00521 /*
00522 RTC::ReturnCode_t Stabilizer::onShutdown(RTC::UniqueId ec_id)
00523 {
00524   return RTC::RTC_OK;
00525 }
00526 */
00528 RTC::ReturnCode_t Stabilizer::onActivated(RTC::UniqueId ec_id)
00529 {
00530   std::cerr << "[" << m_profile.instance_name<< "] onActivated(" << ec_id << ")" << std::endl;
00531   return RTC::RTC_OK;
00532 }
00534 RTC::ReturnCode_t Stabilizer::onDeactivated(RTC::UniqueId ec_id)
00535 {
00536   Guard guard(m_mutex);
00537   std::cerr << "[" << m_profile.instance_name<< "] onDeactivated(" << ec_id << ")" << std::endl;
00538   if ( (control_mode == MODE_ST || control_mode == MODE_AIR) ) {
00539     sync_2_idle ();
00540     control_mode = MODE_IDLE;
00541     transition_count = 1; // sync in one controller loop
00542   }
00543   return RTC::RTC_OK;
00544 }
00546 #define DEBUGP ((m_debugLevel==1 && loop%200==0) || m_debugLevel > 1 )
00547 #define DEBUGP2 (loop%10==0)
00548 RTC::ReturnCode_t Stabilizer::onExecute(RTC::UniqueId ec_id)
00549 {
00550   loop++;
00551   // std::cout << m_profile.instance_name<< ": onExecute(" << ec_id << ")" << std::endl;
00553   if (m_qRefIn.isNew()) {
00555   }
00556   if (m_qCurrentIn.isNew()) {
00558   }
00559   if (m_rpyIn.isNew()) {
00561   }
00562   if (m_zmpRefIn.isNew()) {
00564   }
00565   if (m_basePosIn.isNew()){
00567   }
00568   if (m_baseRpyIn.isNew()){
00570   }
00571   if (m_contactStatesIn.isNew()){
00573     for (size_t i = 0; i <; i++) {
00574       ref_contact_states[i] =[i];
00575     }
00576   }
00577   if (m_toeheelRatioIn.isNew()){
00579     for (size_t i = 0; i <; i++) {
00580       toeheel_ratio[i] =[i];
00581     }
00582   }
00583   if (m_controlSwingSupportTimeIn.isNew()){
00585   }
00586   for (size_t i = 0; i < m_wrenchesIn.size(); ++i) {
00587     if ( m_wrenchesIn[i]->isNew() ) {
00588       m_wrenchesIn[i]->read();
00589     }
00590   }
00591   for (size_t i = 0; i < m_ref_wrenchesIn.size(); ++i) {
00592     if ( m_ref_wrenchesIn[i]->isNew() ) {
00593       m_ref_wrenchesIn[i]->read();
00594     }
00595   }
00596   Guard guard(m_mutex);
00597   for (size_t i = 0; i < m_limbCOPOffsetIn.size(); ++i) {
00598     if ( m_limbCOPOffsetIn[i]->isNew() ) {
00599       m_limbCOPOffsetIn[i]->read();
00600       //stikp[i].localCOPPos = stikp[i].localp + stikp[i].localR * hrp::Vector3(m_limbCOPOffset[i].data.x, m_limbCOPOffset[i].data.y, m_limbCOPOffset[i].data.z);
00601       stikp[i].localCOPPos = stikp[i].localp + stikp[i].localR * hrp::Vector3(m_limbCOPOffset[i].data.x, 0, m_limbCOPOffset[i].data.z);
00602     }
00603   }
00604   if (m_qRefSeqIn.isNew()) {
00606     is_seq_interpolating = true;
00607   } else {
00608     is_seq_interpolating = false;
00609   }
00610   if (m_walkingStatesIn.isNew()){
00612     is_walking =;
00613   }
00614   if (m_sbpCogOffsetIn.isNew()){
00616     sbp_cog_offset(0) =;
00617     sbp_cog_offset(1) =;
00618     sbp_cog_offset(2) =;
00619   }
00621   if (is_legged_robot) {
00622     getCurrentParameters();
00623     getTargetParameters();
00624     getActualParameters();
00625     calcStateForEmergencySignal();
00626     switch (control_mode) {
00627     case MODE_IDLE:
00628       break;
00629     case MODE_AIR:
00630       if ( transition_count == 0 && on_ground ) sync_2_st();
00631       break;
00632     case MODE_ST:
00633       if (st_algorithm != OpenHRP::StabilizerService::TPCC) {
00634         calcEEForceMomentControl();
00635       } else {
00636         calcTPCC();
00637       }
00638       if ( transition_count == 0 && !on_ground ) {
00639           if (is_air_counter < detection_count_to_air) ++is_air_counter;
00640           else control_mode = MODE_SYNC_TO_AIR;
00641       } else is_air_counter = 0;
00642       break;
00643     case MODE_SYNC_TO_IDLE:
00644       sync_2_idle();
00645       control_mode = MODE_IDLE;
00646       break;
00647     case MODE_SYNC_TO_AIR:
00648       sync_2_idle();
00649       control_mode = MODE_AIR;
00650       break;
00651     }
00652   }
00653   if ( m_robot->numJoints() == ) {
00654     if (is_legged_robot) {
00655       for ( int i = 0; i < m_robot->numJoints(); i++ ){
00656[i] = m_robot->joint(i)->q;
00657         //[i] = m_robot->joint(i)->u;
00658       }
00659 = rel_act_zmp(0);
00660 = rel_act_zmp(1);
00661 = rel_act_zmp(2);
00662 =;
00663       m_zmpOut.write();
00664 = rel_ref_cp(0);
00665 = rel_ref_cp(1);
00666 = rel_ref_cp(2);
00667 =;
00668       m_refCPOut.write();
00669 = rel_act_cp(0);
00670 = rel_act_cp(1);
00671 = rel_act_cp(2);
00672 =;
00673       m_actCPOut.write();
00674       {
00675         hrp::Vector3 tmp_diff_cp = ref_foot_origin_rot * (ref_cp - act_cp - cp_offset);
00676 = tmp_diff_cp(0);
00677 = tmp_diff_cp(1);
00678 = tmp_diff_cp(2);
00679 =;
00680         m_diffCPOut.write();
00681       }
00682 = diff_foot_origin_ext_moment(0);
00683 = diff_foot_origin_ext_moment(1);
00684 = diff_foot_origin_ext_moment(2);
00685 =;
00686       m_diffFootOriginExtMomentOut.write();
00687 =;
00688       m_actContactStatesOut.write();
00689 =;
00690       m_COPInfoOut.write();
00691       //m_tauOut.write();
00692       // for debug output
00693 = ref_zmp(0); = ref_zmp(1); = ref_zmp(2);
00694 = ref_cog(0); = ref_cog(1); = ref_cog(2);
00695 = ref_cogvel(0); = ref_cogvel(1); = ref_cogvel(2);
00696 = new_refzmp(0); = new_refzmp(1); = new_refzmp(2);
00697 = act_zmp(0); = act_zmp(1); = act_zmp(2);
00698 = act_cog(0); = act_cog(1); = act_cog(2);
00699 = act_cogvel(0); = act_cogvel(1); = act_cogvel(2);
00700 =;
00701       m_originRefZmpOut.write();
00702 =;
00703       m_originRefCogOut.write();
00704 =;
00705       m_originRefCogVelOut.write();
00706 =;
00707       m_originNewZmpOut.write();
00708 =;
00709       m_originActZmpOut.write();
00710 =;
00711       m_originActCogOut.write();
00712 =;
00713       m_originActCogVelOut.write();
00714       for (size_t i = 0; i < stikp.size(); i++) {
00715           for (size_t j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
00716     [6*i+j] = stikp[i].ref_force(j);
00717     [6*i+j+3] = stikp[i].ref_moment(j);
00718     [6*i+j] = stikp[i].d_foot_pos(j);
00719     [6*i+j+3] = stikp[i].d_foot_rpy(j);
00720           }
00721       }
00722 =;
00723       m_allRefWrenchOut.write();
00724 =;
00725       m_allEECompOut.write();
00726 = act_base_rpy(0);
00727 = act_base_rpy(1);
00728 = act_base_rpy(2);
00729 =;
00730 = current_base_rpy(0);
00731 = current_base_rpy(1);
00732 = current_base_rpy(2);
00733 =;
00734 = current_base_pos(0);
00735 = current_base_pos(1);
00736 = current_base_pos(2);
00737 =;
00738       m_actBaseRpyOut.write();
00739       m_currentBaseRpyOut.write();
00740       m_currentBasePosOut.write();
00741 =;
00742       m_debugDataOut.write();
00743     }
00744     m_qRefOut.write();
00745     // emergencySignal
00746     if (reset_emergency_flag) {
00747 = 0;
00748       m_emergencySignalOut.write();
00749       reset_emergency_flag = false;
00750     } else if (is_emergency) {
00751 = 1;
00752       m_emergencySignalOut.write();
00753     }
00754   }
00756   return RTC::RTC_OK;
00757 }
00759 void Stabilizer::getCurrentParameters ()
00760 {
00761   current_root_p = m_robot->rootLink()->p;
00762   current_root_R = m_robot->rootLink()->R;
00763   for ( int i = 0; i < m_robot->numJoints(); i++ ){
00764     qorg[i] = m_robot->joint(i)->q;
00765   }
00766 }
00768 void Stabilizer::calcFootOriginCoords (hrp::Vector3& foot_origin_pos, hrp::Matrix33& foot_origin_rot)
00769 {
00770   rats::coordinates leg_c[2], tmpc;
00771   hrp::Vector3 ez = hrp::Vector3::UnitZ();
00772   hrp::Vector3 ex = hrp::Vector3::UnitX();
00773   for (size_t i = 0; i < stikp.size(); i++) {
00774     if (stikp[i].ee_name.find("leg") == std::string::npos) continue;
00775     hrp::Link* target = m_robot->sensor<hrp::ForceSensor>(stikp[i].sensor_name)->link;
00776     leg_c[i].pos = target->p + target->R * foot_origin_offset[i];
00777     hrp::Vector3 xv1(target->R * ex);
00778     xv1(2)=0.0;
00779     xv1.normalize();
00780     hrp::Vector3 yv1(ez.cross(xv1));
00781     leg_c[i].rot(0,0) = xv1(0); leg_c[i].rot(1,0) = xv1(1); leg_c[i].rot(2,0) = xv1(2);
00782     leg_c[i].rot(0,1) = yv1(0); leg_c[i].rot(1,1) = yv1(1); leg_c[i].rot(2,1) = yv1(2);
00783     leg_c[i].rot(0,2) = ez(0); leg_c[i].rot(1,2) = ez(1); leg_c[i].rot(2,2) = ez(2);
00784   }
00785   if (ref_contact_states[contact_states_index_map["rleg"]] &&
00786       ref_contact_states[contact_states_index_map["lleg"]]) {
00787     rats::mid_coords(tmpc, 0.5, leg_c[0], leg_c[1]);
00788     foot_origin_pos = tmpc.pos;
00789     foot_origin_rot = tmpc.rot;
00790   } else if (ref_contact_states[contact_states_index_map["rleg"]]) {
00791     foot_origin_pos = leg_c[contact_states_index_map["rleg"]].pos;
00792     foot_origin_rot = leg_c[contact_states_index_map["rleg"]].rot;
00793   } else {
00794     foot_origin_pos = leg_c[contact_states_index_map["lleg"]].pos;
00795     foot_origin_rot = leg_c[contact_states_index_map["lleg"]].rot;
00796   }
00797 }
00799 void Stabilizer::getActualParameters ()
00800 {
00801   // Actual world frame =>
00802   hrp::Vector3 foot_origin_pos;
00803   hrp::Matrix33 foot_origin_rot;
00804   if (st_algorithm != OpenHRP::StabilizerService::TPCC) {
00805     // update by current joint angles
00806     for ( int i = 0; i < m_robot->numJoints(); i++ ){
00807       m_robot->joint(i)->q =[i];
00808     }
00809     // tempolary
00810     m_robot->rootLink()->p = hrp::Vector3::Zero();
00811     m_robot->calcForwardKinematics();
00812     hrp::Sensor* sen = m_robot->sensor<hrp::RateGyroSensor>("gyrometer");
00813     hrp::Matrix33 senR = sen->link->R * sen->localR;
00814     hrp::Matrix33 act_Rs(hrp::rotFromRpy(,,;
00815     //hrp::Matrix33 act_Rs(hrp::rotFromRpy(*0.5,*0.5,*0.5));
00816     m_robot->rootLink()->R = act_Rs * (senR.transpose() * m_robot->rootLink()->R);
00817     m_robot->calcForwardKinematics();
00818     act_base_rpy = hrp::rpyFromRot(m_robot->rootLink()->R);
00819     calcFootOriginCoords (foot_origin_pos, foot_origin_rot);
00820   } else {
00821     for ( int i = 0; i < m_robot->numJoints(); i++ ) {
00822       m_robot->joint(i)->q = qorg[i];
00823     }
00824     m_robot->rootLink()->p = current_root_p;
00825     m_robot->rootLink()->R = current_root_R;
00826     m_robot->calcForwardKinematics();
00827   }
00828   // cog
00829   act_cog = m_robot->calcCM();
00830   // zmp
00831   on_ground = false;
00832   if (st_algorithm != OpenHRP::StabilizerService::TPCC) {
00833     on_ground = calcZMP(act_zmp, zmp_origin_off+foot_origin_pos(2));
00834   } else {
00835     on_ground = calcZMP(act_zmp, ref_zmp(2));
00836   }
00837   // set actual contact states
00838   for (size_t i = 0; i < stikp.size(); i++) {
00839       std::string limb_name = stikp[i].ee_name;
00840       size_t idx = contact_states_index_map[limb_name];
00841       act_contact_states[idx] = isContact(idx);
00842[idx] = act_contact_states[idx];
00843   }
00844   // <= Actual world frame
00846   // convert absolute (in st) -> root-link relative
00847   rel_act_zmp = m_robot->rootLink()->R.transpose() * (act_zmp - m_robot->rootLink()->p);
00848   if (st_algorithm != OpenHRP::StabilizerService::TPCC) {
00849     // Actual foot_origin frame =>
00850     act_zmp = foot_origin_rot.transpose() * (act_zmp - foot_origin_pos);
00851     act_cog = foot_origin_rot.transpose() * (act_cog - foot_origin_pos);
00852     //act_cogvel = foot_origin_rot.transpose() * act_cogvel;
00853     if (ref_contact_states != prev_ref_contact_states) {
00854       act_cogvel = (foot_origin_rot.transpose() * prev_act_foot_origin_rot) * act_cogvel;
00855     } else {
00856       act_cogvel = (act_cog - prev_act_cog)/dt;
00857     }
00858     act_cogvel = act_cogvel_filter->passFilter(act_cogvel);
00859     prev_act_cog = act_cog;
00860     //act_root_rot = m_robot->rootLink()->R;
00861     for (size_t i = 0; i < stikp.size(); i++) {
00862       hrp::Link* target = m_robot->link(stikp[i].target_name);
00863       //hrp::Vector3 act_ee_p = target->p + target->R * stikp[i].localCOPPos;
00864       hrp::Vector3 _act_ee_p = target->p + target->R * stikp[i].localp;
00865       act_ee_p[i] = foot_origin_rot.transpose() * (_act_ee_p - foot_origin_pos);
00866       act_ee_R[i] = foot_origin_rot.transpose() * (target->R * stikp[i].localR);
00867     }
00868     // capture point
00869     act_cp = act_cog + act_cogvel / std::sqrt(eefm_gravitational_acceleration / (act_cog - act_zmp)(2));
00870     rel_act_cp = hrp::Vector3(act_cp(0), act_cp(1), act_zmp(2));
00871     rel_act_cp = m_robot->rootLink()->R.transpose() * ((foot_origin_pos + foot_origin_rot * rel_act_cp) - m_robot->rootLink()->p);
00872     // <= Actual foot_origin frame
00874     // Actual world frame =>
00875     // new ZMP calculation
00876     // Kajita's feedback law
00877     //   Basically Equation (26) in the paper [1].
00878     hrp::Vector3 dcog=foot_origin_rot * (ref_cog - act_cog);
00879     hrp::Vector3 dcogvel=foot_origin_rot * (ref_cogvel - act_cogvel);
00880     hrp::Vector3 dzmp=foot_origin_rot * (ref_zmp - act_zmp);
00881     new_refzmp = foot_origin_rot * new_refzmp + foot_origin_pos;
00882     for (size_t i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
00883       new_refzmp(i) += eefm_k1[i] * transition_smooth_gain * dcog(i) + eefm_k2[i] * transition_smooth_gain * dcogvel(i) + eefm_k3[i] * transition_smooth_gain * dzmp(i) + ref_zmp_aux(i);
00884     }
00885     if (DEBUGP) {
00886       // All state variables are foot_origin coords relative
00887       std::cerr << "[" << m_profile.instance_name << "] state values" << std::endl;
00888       std::cerr << "[" << m_profile.instance_name << "]   "
00889                 << "ref_cog    = " << hrp::Vector3(ref_cog*1e3).format(Eigen::IOFormat(Eigen::StreamPrecision, 0, ", ", ", ", "", "", "[", "]"))
00890                 << ", act_cog    = " << hrp::Vector3(act_cog*1e3).format(Eigen::IOFormat(Eigen::StreamPrecision, 0, ", ", ", ", "", "", "[", "]")) << "[mm]" << std::endl;
00891       std::cerr << "[" << m_profile.instance_name << "]   "
00892                 << "ref_cogvel = " << hrp::Vector3(ref_cogvel*1e3).format(Eigen::IOFormat(Eigen::StreamPrecision, 0, ", ", ", ", "", "", "[", "]"))
00893                 << ", act_cogvel = " << hrp::Vector3(act_cogvel*1e3).format(Eigen::IOFormat(Eigen::StreamPrecision, 0, ", ", ", ", "", "", "[", "]")) << "[mm/s]" << std::endl;
00894       std::cerr << "[" << m_profile.instance_name << "]   "
00895                 << "ref_zmp    = " << hrp::Vector3(ref_zmp*1e3).format(Eigen::IOFormat(Eigen::StreamPrecision, 0, ", ", ", ", "", "", "[", "]"))
00896                 << ", act_zmp    = " << hrp::Vector3(act_zmp*1e3).format(Eigen::IOFormat(Eigen::StreamPrecision, 0, ", ", ", ", "", "", "[", "]")) << "[mm]" << std::endl;
00897       hrp::Vector3 tmpnew_refzmp;
00898       tmpnew_refzmp = foot_origin_rot.transpose()*(new_refzmp-foot_origin_pos); // Actual world -> foot origin relative
00899       std::cerr << "[" << m_profile.instance_name << "]   "
00900                 << "new_zmp    = " << hrp::Vector3(tmpnew_refzmp*1e3).format(Eigen::IOFormat(Eigen::StreamPrecision, 0, ", ", ", ", "", "", "[", "]"))
00901                 << ", dif_zmp    = " << hrp::Vector3((tmpnew_refzmp-ref_zmp)*1e3).format(Eigen::IOFormat(Eigen::StreamPrecision, 0, ", ", ", ", "", "", "[", "]")) << "[mm]" << std::endl;
00902     }
00904     std::vector<std::string> ee_name;
00905     // distribute new ZMP into foot force & moment
00906     std::vector<hrp::Vector3> tmp_ref_force, tmp_ref_moment;
00907     std::vector<double> limb_gains;
00908     std::vector<hrp::dvector6> ee_forcemoment_distribution_weight;
00909     std::vector<double> tmp_toeheel_ratio;
00910     if (control_mode == MODE_ST) {
00911       std::vector<hrp::Vector3> ee_pos, cop_pos;
00912       std::vector<hrp::Matrix33> ee_rot;
00913       std::vector<bool> is_contact_list;
00914       is_contact_list.reserve(stikp.size());
00915       for (size_t i = 0; i < stikp.size(); i++) {
00916           STIKParam& ikp = stikp[i];
00917           if (!is_feedback_control_enable[i]) continue;
00918           hrp::Link* target = m_robot->link(ikp.target_name);
00919           ee_pos.push_back(target->p + target->R * ikp.localp);
00920           cop_pos.push_back(target->p + target->R * ikp.localCOPPos);
00921           ee_rot.push_back(target->R * ikp.localR);
00922           ee_name.push_back(ikp.ee_name);
00923           limb_gains.push_back(ikp.swing_support_gain);
00924           tmp_ref_force.push_back(hrp::Vector3(foot_origin_rot * ref_force[i]));
00925           tmp_ref_moment.push_back(hrp::Vector3(foot_origin_rot * ref_moment[i]));
00926           rel_ee_pos.push_back(foot_origin_rot.transpose() * (ee_pos.back() - foot_origin_pos));
00927           rel_ee_rot.push_back(foot_origin_rot.transpose() * ee_rot.back());
00928           rel_ee_name.push_back(ee_name.back());
00929           is_contact_list.push_back(act_contact_states[i]);
00930           // std::cerr << ee_forcemoment_distribution_weight[i] << std::endl;
00931           ee_forcemoment_distribution_weight.push_back(hrp::dvector6::Zero(6,1));
00932           for (size_t j = 0; j < 6; j++) {
00933               ee_forcemoment_distribution_weight[i][j] = ikp.eefm_ee_forcemoment_distribution_weight[j];
00934           }
00935           tmp_toeheel_ratio.push_back(toeheel_ratio[i]);
00936       }
00938       // All state variables are foot_origin coords relative
00939       if (DEBUGP) {
00940           std::cerr << "[" << m_profile.instance_name << "] ee values" << std::endl;
00941           hrp::Vector3 tmpp;
00942           for (size_t i = 0; i < ee_name.size(); i++) {
00943               tmpp = foot_origin_rot.transpose()*(ee_pos[i]-foot_origin_pos);
00944               std::cerr << "[" << m_profile.instance_name << "]   "
00945                         << "ee_pos (" << ee_name[i] << ")    = " << hrp::Vector3(tmpp*1e3).format(Eigen::IOFormat(Eigen::StreamPrecision, 0, ", ", ", ", "", "", "[", "]"));
00946               tmpp = foot_origin_rot.transpose()*(cop_pos[i]-foot_origin_pos);
00947               std::cerr << ", cop_pos (" << ee_name[i] << ")    = " << hrp::Vector3(tmpp*1e3).format(Eigen::IOFormat(Eigen::StreamPrecision, 0, ", ", ", ", "", "", "[", "]")) << "[mm]" << std::endl;
00948           }
00949       }
00951       // truncate ZMP
00952       if (use_zmp_truncation) {
00953         Eigen::Vector2d tmp_new_refzmp(new_refzmp.head(2));
00954         szd->get_vertices(support_polygon_vetices);
00955         szd->calc_convex_hull(support_polygon_vetices, ref_contact_states, ee_pos, ee_rot);
00956         if (!szd->is_inside_support_polygon(tmp_new_refzmp, hrp::Vector3::Zero(), true, std::string(m_profile.instance_name))) new_refzmp.head(2) = tmp_new_refzmp;
00957       }
00959       // Distribute ZMP into each EE force/moment at each COP
00960       if (st_algorithm == OpenHRP::StabilizerService::EEFM) {
00961           // Modified version of distribution in Equation (4)-(6) and (10)-(13) in the paper [1].
00962           szd->distributeZMPToForceMoments(tmp_ref_force, tmp_ref_moment,
00963                                            ee_pos, cop_pos, ee_rot, ee_name, limb_gains, tmp_toeheel_ratio,
00964                                            new_refzmp, hrp::Vector3(foot_origin_rot * ref_zmp + foot_origin_pos),
00965                                            eefm_gravitational_acceleration * total_mass, dt,
00966                                            DEBUGP, std::string(m_profile.instance_name));
00967       } else if (st_algorithm == OpenHRP::StabilizerService::EEFMQP) {
00968           szd->distributeZMPToForceMomentsQP(tmp_ref_force, tmp_ref_moment,
00969                                              ee_pos, cop_pos, ee_rot, ee_name, limb_gains, tmp_toeheel_ratio,
00970                                              new_refzmp, hrp::Vector3(foot_origin_rot * ref_zmp + foot_origin_pos),
00971                                              eefm_gravitational_acceleration * total_mass, dt,
00972                                              DEBUGP, std::string(m_profile.instance_name),
00973                                              (st_algorithm == OpenHRP::StabilizerService::EEFMQPCOP));
00974       } else if (st_algorithm == OpenHRP::StabilizerService::EEFMQPCOP) {
00975           szd->distributeZMPToForceMomentsPseudoInverse(tmp_ref_force, tmp_ref_moment,
00976                                              ee_pos, cop_pos, ee_rot, ee_name, limb_gains, tmp_toeheel_ratio,
00977                                              new_refzmp, hrp::Vector3(foot_origin_rot * ref_zmp + foot_origin_pos),
00978                                              eefm_gravitational_acceleration * total_mass, dt,
00979                                              DEBUGP, std::string(m_profile.instance_name),
00980                                              (st_algorithm == OpenHRP::StabilizerService::EEFMQPCOP), is_contact_list);
00981       } else if (st_algorithm == OpenHRP::StabilizerService::EEFMQPCOP2) {
00982           szd->distributeZMPToForceMomentsPseudoInverse2(tmp_ref_force, tmp_ref_moment,
00983                                                          ee_pos, cop_pos, ee_rot, ee_name, limb_gains, tmp_toeheel_ratio,
00984                                                          new_refzmp, hrp::Vector3(foot_origin_rot * ref_zmp + foot_origin_pos),
00985                                                          foot_origin_rot * ref_total_force, foot_origin_rot * ref_total_moment,
00986                                                          ee_forcemoment_distribution_weight,
00987                                                          eefm_gravitational_acceleration * total_mass, dt,
00988                                                          DEBUGP, std::string(m_profile.instance_name));
00989       }
00990       // for debug output
00991       new_refzmp = foot_origin_rot.transpose() * (new_refzmp - foot_origin_pos);
00992     }
00994     // foor modif
00995     if (control_mode == MODE_ST) {
00996       hrp::Vector3 f_diff(hrp::Vector3::Zero());
00997       std::vector<bool> large_swing_f_diff(3, false);
00998       // moment control
00999       act_total_foot_origin_moment = hrp::Vector3::Zero();
01000       for (size_t i = 0; i < stikp.size(); i++) {
01001         STIKParam& ikp = stikp[i];
01002         std::vector<bool> large_swing_m_diff(3, false);
01003         if (!is_feedback_control_enable[i]) continue;
01004         hrp::Sensor* sensor = m_robot->sensor<hrp::ForceSensor>(ikp.sensor_name);
01005         hrp::Link* target = m_robot->link(ikp.target_name);
01006         // Convert moment at COP => moment at ee
01007         size_t idx = contact_states_index_map[ikp.ee_name];
01008         ikp.ref_moment = tmp_ref_moment[idx] + ((target->R * ikp.localCOPPos + target->p) - (target->R * ikp.localp + target->p)).cross(tmp_ref_force[idx]);
01009         ikp.ref_force = tmp_ref_force[idx];
01010         // Actual world frame =>
01011         hrp::Vector3 sensor_force = (sensor->link->R * sensor->localR) * hrp::Vector3(m_wrenches[i].data[0], m_wrenches[i].data[1], m_wrenches[i].data[2]);
01012         hrp::Vector3 sensor_moment = (sensor->link->R * sensor->localR) * hrp::Vector3(m_wrenches[i].data[3], m_wrenches[i].data[4], m_wrenches[i].data[5]);
01013         //hrp::Vector3 ee_moment = ((sensor->link->R * sensor->localPos + sensor->link->p) - (target->R * ikp.localCOPPos + target->p)).cross(sensor_force) + sensor_moment;
01014         hrp::Vector3 ee_moment = ((sensor->link->R * sensor->localPos + sensor->link->p) - (target->R * ikp.localp + target->p)).cross(sensor_force) + sensor_moment;
01015         // <= Actual world frame
01016         hrp::Matrix33 ee_R(target->R * ikp.localR);
01017         // Actual ee frame =>
01018         ikp.ref_moment = ee_R.transpose() * ikp.ref_moment;
01019         ikp.ref_force = ee_R.transpose() * ikp.ref_force;
01020         sensor_force = ee_R.transpose() * sensor_force;
01021         ee_moment = ee_R.transpose() * ee_moment;
01022         if ( i == 0 ) f_diff += -1*sensor_force;
01023         else f_diff += sensor_force;
01024         for (size_t j = 0; j < 3; ++j) {
01025             if ((!ref_contact_states[i] || !act_contact_states[i]) && fabs(ikp.ref_force(j) - sensor_force(j)) > eefm_swing_damping_force_thre[j]) large_swing_f_diff[j] = true;
01026             if ((!ref_contact_states[i] || !act_contact_states[i]) && (fabs(ikp.ref_moment(j) - ee_moment(j)) > eefm_swing_damping_moment_thre[j])) large_swing_m_diff[j] = true;
01027         }
01028         // Moment limitation
01029         ikp.ref_moment = ee_R * vlimit((ee_R.transpose() * ikp.ref_moment), ikp.eefm_ee_moment_limit);
01030         // calcDampingControl
01031         // ee_d_foot_rpy and ee_d_foot_pos is (actual) end effector coords relative value because these use end effector coords relative force & moment
01032         { // Rot
01033           //   Basically Equation (16) and (17) in the paper [1]
01034           hrp::Vector3 tmp_damping_gain;
01035           for (size_t j = 0; j < 3; ++j) {
01036               if (!eefm_use_swing_damping || !large_swing_m_diff[j]) tmp_damping_gain(j) = (1-transition_smooth_gain) * ikp.eefm_rot_damping_gain(j) * 10 + transition_smooth_gain * ikp.eefm_rot_damping_gain(j);
01037               else tmp_damping_gain(j) = (1-transition_smooth_gain) * eefm_swing_rot_damping_gain(j) * 10 + transition_smooth_gain * eefm_swing_rot_damping_gain(j);
01038           }
01039           ikp.ee_d_foot_rpy = calcDampingControl(ikp.ref_moment, ee_moment, ikp.ee_d_foot_rpy, tmp_damping_gain, ikp.eefm_rot_time_const);
01040           ikp.ee_d_foot_rpy = vlimit(ikp.ee_d_foot_rpy, -1 * ikp.eefm_rot_compensation_limit, ikp.eefm_rot_compensation_limit);
01041         }
01042         if (!eefm_use_force_difference_control) { // Pos
01043             hrp::Vector3 tmp_damping_gain = (1-transition_smooth_gain) * ikp.eefm_pos_damping_gain * 10 + transition_smooth_gain * ikp.eefm_pos_damping_gain;
01044             ikp.ee_d_foot_pos = calcDampingControl(ikp.ref_force, sensor_force, ikp.ee_d_foot_pos, tmp_damping_gain, ikp.eefm_pos_time_const_support);
01045             ikp.ee_d_foot_pos = vlimit(ikp.ee_d_foot_pos, -1 * ikp.eefm_pos_compensation_limit, ikp.eefm_pos_compensation_limit);
01046         }
01047         // Convert force & moment as foot origin coords relative
01048         ikp.ref_moment = foot_origin_rot.transpose() * ee_R * ikp.ref_moment;
01049         ikp.ref_force = foot_origin_rot.transpose() * ee_R * ikp.ref_force;
01050         sensor_force = foot_origin_rot.transpose() * ee_R * sensor_force;
01051         ee_moment = foot_origin_rot.transpose() * ee_R * ee_moment;
01052         ikp.d_foot_rpy = foot_origin_rot.transpose() * ee_R * ikp.ee_d_foot_rpy;
01053         ikp.d_foot_pos = foot_origin_rot.transpose() * ee_R * ikp.ee_d_foot_pos;
01054         // tilt Check : only flat plane is supported
01055         {
01056             hrp::Vector3 plane_x = target_ee_R[i].col(0);
01057             hrp::Vector3 plane_y = target_ee_R[i].col(1);
01058             hrp::Matrix33 act_ee_R_world = target->R * stikp[i].localR;
01059             hrp::Vector3 normal_vector = act_ee_R_world.col(2);
01060             /* projected_normal = c1 * plane_x + c2 * plane_y : c1 =, c2 = because (normal-vector - projected_normal) is orthogonal to plane */
01061    = * plane_x + * plane_y;
01062    = sensor_force;
01063         }
01064         //act_total_foot_origin_moment += (target->R * ikp.localCOPPos + target->p).cross(sensor_force) + ee_moment;
01065         act_total_foot_origin_moment += (target->R * ikp.localp + target->p - foot_origin_pos).cross(sensor_force) + ee_moment;
01066       }
01067       act_total_foot_origin_moment = foot_origin_rot.transpose() * act_total_foot_origin_moment;
01069       if (eefm_use_force_difference_control) {
01070           // fxyz control
01071           // foot force difference control version
01072           //   Basically Equation (18) in the paper [1]
01073           hrp::Vector3 ref_f_diff = (stikp[1].ref_force-stikp[0].ref_force);
01074           if (ref_contact_states != prev_ref_contact_states) pos_ctrl = (foot_origin_rot.transpose() * prev_act_foot_origin_rot) * pos_ctrl;
01075           if (eefm_use_swing_damping) {
01076             hrp::Vector3 tmp_damping_gain;
01077             for (size_t i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
01078                 if (!large_swing_f_diff[i]) tmp_damping_gain(i) = (1-transition_smooth_gain) * stikp[0].eefm_pos_damping_gain(i) * 10 + transition_smooth_gain * stikp[0].eefm_pos_damping_gain(i);
01079                 else tmp_damping_gain(i) = (1-transition_smooth_gain) * eefm_swing_pos_damping_gain(i) * 10 + transition_smooth_gain * eefm_swing_pos_damping_gain(i);
01080             }
01081             pos_ctrl = calcDampingControl (ref_f_diff, f_diff, pos_ctrl,
01082                                            tmp_damping_gain, stikp[0].eefm_pos_time_const_support);
01083           } else {
01084             if ( (ref_contact_states[contact_states_index_map["rleg"]] && ref_contact_states[contact_states_index_map["lleg"]]) // Reference : double support phase
01085                  || (act_contact_states[0] && act_contact_states[1]) ) { // Actual : double support phase
01086               // Temporarily use first pos damping gain (stikp[0])
01087               hrp::Vector3 tmp_damping_gain = (1-transition_smooth_gain) * stikp[0].eefm_pos_damping_gain * 10 + transition_smooth_gain * stikp[0].eefm_pos_damping_gain;
01088               pos_ctrl = calcDampingControl (ref_f_diff, f_diff, pos_ctrl,
01089                                              tmp_damping_gain, stikp[0].eefm_pos_time_const_support);
01090             } else {
01091               double remain_swing_time;
01092               if ( !ref_contact_states[contact_states_index_map["rleg"]] ) { // rleg swing
01093                   remain_swing_time =[contact_states_index_map["rleg"]];
01094               } else { // lleg swing
01095                   remain_swing_time =[contact_states_index_map["lleg"]];
01096               }
01097               // std::cerr << "st " << remain_swing_time << " rleg " << contact_states[contact_states_index_map["rleg"]] << " lleg " << contact_states[contact_states_index_map["lleg"]] << std::endl;
01098               double tmp_ratio = std::max(0.0, std::min(1.0, 1.0 - (remain_swing_time-eefm_pos_margin_time)/eefm_pos_transition_time)); // 0=>1
01099               // Temporarily use first pos damping gain (stikp[0])
01100               hrp::Vector3 tmp_damping_gain = (1-transition_smooth_gain) * stikp[0].eefm_pos_damping_gain * 10 + transition_smooth_gain * stikp[0].eefm_pos_damping_gain;
01101               hrp::Vector3 tmp_time_const = (1-tmp_ratio)*eefm_pos_time_const_swing*hrp::Vector3::Ones()+tmp_ratio*stikp[0].eefm_pos_time_const_support;
01102               pos_ctrl = calcDampingControl (tmp_ratio * ref_f_diff, tmp_ratio * f_diff, pos_ctrl, tmp_damping_gain, tmp_time_const);
01103             }
01104           }
01105           // zctrl = vlimit(zctrl, -0.02, 0.02);
01106           // Temporarily use first pos compensation limit (stikp[0])
01107           pos_ctrl = vlimit(pos_ctrl, -1 * stikp[0].eefm_pos_compensation_limit * 2, stikp[0].eefm_pos_compensation_limit * 2);
01108           // Divide pos_ctrl into rfoot and lfoot
01109           stikp[0].d_foot_pos = -0.5 * pos_ctrl;
01110           stikp[1].d_foot_pos = 0.5 * pos_ctrl;
01111       }
01112       if (DEBUGP) {
01113         std::cerr << "[" << m_profile.instance_name << "] Control values" << std::endl;
01114         if (eefm_use_force_difference_control) {
01115             std::cerr << "[" << m_profile.instance_name << "]   "
01116                       << "pos_ctrl    = [" << pos_ctrl(0)*1e3 << " " << pos_ctrl(1)*1e3 << " "<< pos_ctrl(2)*1e3 << "] [mm]" << std::endl;
01117         }
01118         for (size_t i = 0; i < ee_name.size(); i++) {
01119             std::cerr << "[" << m_profile.instance_name << "]   "
01120                       << "d_foot_pos (" << ee_name[i] << ")  = [" << stikp[i].d_foot_pos(0)*1e3 << " " << stikp[i].d_foot_pos(1)*1e3 << " " << stikp[i].d_foot_pos(2)*1e3 << "] [mm], "
01121                       << "d_foot_rpy (" << ee_name[i] << ")  = [" << stikp[i].d_foot_rpy(0)*180.0/M_PI << " " << stikp[i].d_foot_rpy(1)*180.0/M_PI << " " << stikp[i].d_foot_rpy(2)*180.0/M_PI << "] [deg]" << std::endl;
01122         }
01123       }
01124       // foot force independent damping control
01125       // for (size_t i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
01126       //   f_zctrl[i] = calcDampingControl (ref_force[i](2),
01127       //                                    fz[i], f_zctrl[i], eefm_pos_damping_gain, eefm_pos_time_const);
01128       //   f_zctrl[i] = vlimit(f_zctrl[i], -0.05, 0.05);
01129       // }
01130       calcDiffFootOriginExtMoment ();
01131     }
01132   } // st_algorithm == OpenHRP::StabilizerService::EEFM
01134   for ( int i = 0; i < m_robot->numJoints(); i++ ){
01135     m_robot->joint(i)->q = qrefv[i];
01136   }
01137   m_robot->rootLink()->p = target_root_p;
01138   m_robot->rootLink()->R = target_root_R;
01139   if ( !(control_mode == MODE_IDLE || control_mode == MODE_AIR) ) {
01140     for (size_t i = 0; i < jpe_v.size(); i++) {
01141       if (is_ik_enable[i]) {
01142         for ( int j = 0; j < jpe_v[i]->numJoints(); j++ ){
01143           int idx = jpe_v[i]->joint(j)->jointId;
01144           m_robot->joint(idx)->q = qorg[idx];
01145         }
01146       }
01147     }
01148     m_robot->rootLink()->p(0) = current_root_p(0);
01149     m_robot->rootLink()->p(1) = current_root_p(1);
01150     m_robot->rootLink()->R = current_root_R;
01151     m_robot->calcForwardKinematics();
01152   }
01153   copy (ref_contact_states.begin(), ref_contact_states.end(), prev_ref_contact_states.begin());
01154   if (control_mode != MODE_ST) d_pos_z_root = 0.0;
01155   prev_act_foot_origin_rot = foot_origin_rot;
01156 }
01158 void Stabilizer::getTargetParameters ()
01159 {
01160   // Reference world frame =>
01161   // update internal robot model
01162   if ( transition_count == 0 ) {
01163     transition_smooth_gain = 1.0;
01164   } else {
01165     double max_transition_count = calcMaxTransitionCount();
01166     transition_smooth_gain = 1/(1+exp(-9.19*(((max_transition_count - std::fabs(transition_count)) / max_transition_count) - 0.5)));
01167   }
01168   if (transition_count > 0) {
01169     for ( int i = 0; i < m_robot->numJoints(); i++ ){
01170       m_robot->joint(i)->q = ([i] - transition_joint_q[i] ) * transition_smooth_gain + transition_joint_q[i];
01171     }
01172   } else {
01173     for ( int i = 0; i < m_robot->numJoints(); i++ ){
01174       m_robot->joint(i)->q =[i];
01175     }
01176   }
01177   if ( transition_count < 0 ) {
01178     transition_count++;
01179   } else if ( transition_count > 0 ) {
01180     if ( transition_count == 1 ) {
01181       std::cerr << "[" << m_profile.instance_name << "] [" << << "] Move to MODE_IDLE" << std::endl;
01182       reset_emergency_flag = true;
01183     }
01184     transition_count--;
01185   }
01186   for ( int i = 0; i < m_robot->numJoints(); i++ ){
01187     qrefv[i] = m_robot->joint(i)->q;
01188   }
01189   m_robot->rootLink()->p = hrp::Vector3(,,;
01190   target_root_p = m_robot->rootLink()->p;
01191   target_root_R = hrp::rotFromRpy(,,;
01192   m_robot->rootLink()->R = target_root_R;
01193   m_robot->calcForwardKinematics();
01194   ref_zmp = m_robot->rootLink()->R * hrp::Vector3(,, + m_robot->rootLink()->p; // base frame -> world frame
01195   hrp::Vector3 foot_origin_pos;
01196   hrp::Matrix33 foot_origin_rot;
01197   calcFootOriginCoords (foot_origin_pos, foot_origin_rot);
01198   if (st_algorithm != OpenHRP::StabilizerService::TPCC) {
01199     // apply inverse system
01200     hrp::Vector3 tmp_ref_zmp = ref_zmp + eefm_zmp_delay_time_const[0] * (ref_zmp - prev_ref_zmp) / dt;
01201     prev_ref_zmp = ref_zmp;
01202     ref_zmp = tmp_ref_zmp;
01203   }
01204   ref_cog = m_robot->calcCM();
01205   ref_total_force = hrp::Vector3::Zero();
01206   ref_total_moment = hrp::Vector3::Zero(); // Total moment around reference ZMP tmp
01207   ref_total_foot_origin_moment = hrp::Vector3::Zero();
01208   for (size_t i = 0; i < stikp.size(); i++) {
01209     hrp::Link* target = m_robot->link(stikp[i].target_name);
01210     //target_ee_p[i] = target->p + target->R * stikp[i].localCOPPos;
01211     target_ee_p[i] = target->p + target->R * stikp[i].localp;
01212     target_ee_R[i] = target->R * stikp[i].localR;
01213     ref_force[i] = hrp::Vector3(m_ref_wrenches[i].data[0], m_ref_wrenches[i].data[1], m_ref_wrenches[i].data[2]);
01214     ref_moment[i] = hrp::Vector3(m_ref_wrenches[i].data[3], m_ref_wrenches[i].data[4], m_ref_wrenches[i].data[5]);
01215     ref_total_force += ref_force[i];
01217     // Force/moment diff control
01218     ref_total_moment += (target_ee_p[i]-ref_zmp).cross(ref_force[i]);
01219 #else
01220     // Force/moment control
01221     ref_total_moment += (target_ee_p[i]-ref_zmp).cross(hrp::Vector3(m_ref_wrenches[i].data[0], m_ref_wrenches[i].data[1], m_ref_wrenches[i].data[2]))
01222         + hrp::Vector3(m_ref_wrenches[i].data[3], m_ref_wrenches[i].data[4], m_ref_wrenches[i].data[5]);
01223 #endif
01224     if (is_feedback_control_enable[i]) {
01225         ref_total_foot_origin_moment += (target_ee_p[i]-foot_origin_pos).cross(ref_force[i]) + ref_moment[i];
01226     }
01227   }
01228   // <= Reference world frame
01230   // Reset prev_ref_cog for transition (MODE_IDLE=>MODE_ST) because the coordinates for ref_cog differs among st algorithms.
01231   if (transition_count == (-1 * calcMaxTransitionCount() + 1)) { // max transition count. In MODE_IDLE => MODE_ST, transition_count is < 0 and upcounter. "+ 1" is upcount at the beginning of this function.
01232       prev_ref_cog = ref_cog;
01233       std::cerr << "[" << m_profile.instance_name << "]   Reset prev_ref_cog for transition (MODE_IDLE=>MODE_ST)." << std::endl;
01234   }
01236   if (st_algorithm != OpenHRP::StabilizerService::TPCC) {
01237     // Reference foot_origin frame =>
01238     // initialize for new_refzmp
01239     new_refzmp = ref_zmp;
01240     rel_cog = m_robot->rootLink()->R.transpose() * (ref_cog-m_robot->rootLink()->p);
01241     // convert world (current-tmp) => local (foot_origin)
01242     zmp_origin_off = ref_zmp(2) - foot_origin_pos(2);
01243     ref_zmp = foot_origin_rot.transpose() * (ref_zmp - foot_origin_pos);
01244     ref_cog = foot_origin_rot.transpose() * (ref_cog - foot_origin_pos);
01245     new_refzmp = foot_origin_rot.transpose() * (new_refzmp - foot_origin_pos);
01246     if (ref_contact_states != prev_ref_contact_states) {
01247       ref_cogvel = (foot_origin_rot.transpose() * prev_ref_foot_origin_rot) * ref_cogvel;
01248     } else {
01249       ref_cogvel = (ref_cog - prev_ref_cog)/dt;
01250     }
01251     prev_ref_foot_origin_rot = ref_foot_origin_rot = foot_origin_rot;
01252     for (size_t i = 0; i < stikp.size(); i++) {
01253       stikp[i].target_ee_diff_p = foot_origin_rot.transpose() * (target_ee_p[i] - foot_origin_pos);
01254       stikp[i].target_ee_diff_r = foot_origin_rot.transpose() * target_ee_R[i];
01255       ref_force[i] = foot_origin_rot.transpose() * ref_force[i];
01256       ref_moment[i] = foot_origin_rot.transpose() * ref_moment[i];
01257     }
01258     ref_total_foot_origin_moment = foot_origin_rot.transpose() * ref_total_foot_origin_moment;
01259     ref_total_force = foot_origin_rot.transpose() * ref_total_force;
01260     ref_total_moment = foot_origin_rot.transpose() * ref_total_moment;
01261     target_foot_origin_rot = foot_origin_rot;
01262     // capture point
01263     ref_cp = ref_cog + ref_cogvel / std::sqrt(eefm_gravitational_acceleration / (ref_cog - ref_zmp)(2));
01264     rel_ref_cp = hrp::Vector3(ref_cp(0), ref_cp(1), ref_zmp(2));
01265     rel_ref_cp = m_robot->rootLink()->R.transpose() * ((foot_origin_pos + foot_origin_rot * rel_ref_cp) - m_robot->rootLink()->p);
01266     sbp_cog_offset = foot_origin_rot.transpose() * sbp_cog_offset;
01267     // <= Reference foot_origin frame
01268   } else {
01269     ref_cogvel = (ref_cog - prev_ref_cog)/dt;
01270   } // st_algorithm == OpenHRP::StabilizerService::EEFM
01271   prev_ref_cog = ref_cog;
01272   // Calc swing support limb gain param
01273   calcSwingSupportLimbGain();
01274 }
01276 bool Stabilizer::calcZMP(hrp::Vector3& ret_zmp, const double zmp_z)
01277 {
01278   double tmpzmpx = 0;
01279   double tmpzmpy = 0;
01280   double tmpfz = 0, tmpfz2 = 0.0;
01281   for (size_t i = 0; i < stikp.size(); i++) {
01282     if (!is_zmp_calc_enable[i]) continue;
01283     hrp::ForceSensor* sensor = m_robot->sensor<hrp::ForceSensor>(stikp[i].sensor_name);
01284     hrp::Vector3 fsp = sensor->link->p + sensor->link->R * sensor->localPos;
01285     hrp::Matrix33 tmpR;
01286     rats::rotm3times(tmpR, sensor->link->R, sensor->localR);
01287     hrp::Vector3 nf = tmpR * hrp::Vector3(m_wrenches[i].data[0], m_wrenches[i].data[1], m_wrenches[i].data[2]);
01288     hrp::Vector3 nm = tmpR * hrp::Vector3(m_wrenches[i].data[3], m_wrenches[i].data[4], m_wrenches[i].data[5]);
01289     tmpzmpx += nf(2) * fsp(0) - (fsp(2) - zmp_z) * nf(0) - nm(1);
01290     tmpzmpy += nf(2) * fsp(1) - (fsp(2) - zmp_z) * nf(1) + nm(0);
01291     tmpfz += nf(2);
01292     // calc ee-local COP
01293     hrp::Link* target = m_robot->link(stikp[i].target_name);
01294     hrp::Matrix33 eeR = target->R * stikp[i].localR;
01295     hrp::Vector3 ee_fsp = eeR.transpose() * (fsp - (target->p + target->R * stikp[i].localp)); // ee-local force sensor pos
01296     nf = eeR.transpose() * nf;
01297     nm = eeR.transpose() * nm;
01298     // ee-local total moment and total force at ee position
01299     double tmpcopmy = nf(2) * ee_fsp(0) - nf(0) * ee_fsp(2) - nm(1);
01300     double tmpcopmx = nf(2) * ee_fsp(1) - nf(1) * ee_fsp(2) + nm(0);
01301     double tmpcopfz = nf(2);
01302[i*3] = tmpcopmx;
01303[i*3+1] = tmpcopmy;
01304[i*3+2] = tmpcopfz;
01305     prev_act_force_z[i] = 0.85 * prev_act_force_z[i] + 0.15 * nf(2); // filter, cut off 5[Hz]
01306     tmpfz2 += prev_act_force_z[i];
01307   }
01308   if (tmpfz2 < contact_decision_threshold) {
01309     ret_zmp = act_zmp;
01310     return false; // in the air
01311   } else {
01312     ret_zmp = hrp::Vector3(tmpzmpx / tmpfz, tmpzmpy / tmpfz, zmp_z);
01313     return true; // on ground
01314   }
01315 };
01317 void Stabilizer::calcStateForEmergencySignal()
01318 {
01319   // COP Check
01320   bool is_cop_outside = false;
01321   if (DEBUGP) {
01322       std::cerr << "[" << m_profile.instance_name << "] Check Emergency State (seq = " << (is_seq_interpolating?"interpolating":"empty") << ")" << std::endl;
01323   }
01324   if (on_ground && transition_count == 0 && control_mode == MODE_ST) {
01325     if (DEBUGP) {
01326         std::cerr << "[" << m_profile.instance_name << "] COP check" << std::endl;
01327     }
01328     for (size_t i = 0; i < stikp.size(); i++) {
01329       if (stikp[i].ee_name.find("leg") == std::string::npos) continue;
01330       // check COP inside
01331       if ([i*3+2] > 20.0 ) {
01332         hrp::Vector3 tmpcop([i*3+1]/[i*3+2],[i*3]/[i*3+2], 0);
01333         is_cop_outside = is_cop_outside ||
01334             (!szd->is_inside_foot(tmpcop, stikp[i].ee_name=="lleg", cop_check_margin) ||
01335              szd->is_front_of_foot(tmpcop, cop_check_margin) ||
01336              szd->is_rear_of_foot(tmpcop, cop_check_margin));
01337         if (DEBUGP) {
01338             std::cerr << "[" << m_profile.instance_name << "]   [" << stikp[i].ee_name << "] "
01339                       << "outside(" << !szd->is_inside_foot(tmpcop, stikp[i].ee_name=="lleg", cop_check_margin) << ") "
01340                       << "front(" << szd->is_front_of_foot(tmpcop, cop_check_margin) << ") "
01341                       << "rear(" << szd->is_rear_of_foot(tmpcop, cop_check_margin) << ")" << std::endl;
01342         }
01343       } else {
01344         is_cop_outside = true;
01345       }
01346     }
01347   } else {
01348     is_cop_outside = false;
01349   }
01350   // CP Check
01351   bool is_cp_outside = false;
01352   if (on_ground && transition_count == 0 && control_mode == MODE_ST) {
01353     Eigen::Vector2d tmp_cp = act_cp.head(2);
01354     szd->get_margined_vertices(margined_support_polygon_vetices);
01355     szd->calc_convex_hull(margined_support_polygon_vetices, act_contact_states, rel_ee_pos, rel_ee_rot);
01356     if (!is_walking || is_estop_while_walking) is_cp_outside = !szd->is_inside_support_polygon(tmp_cp, - sbp_cog_offset);
01357     if (DEBUGP) {
01358       std::cerr << "[" << m_profile.instance_name << "] CP value " << "[" << act_cp(0) << "," << act_cp(1) << "] [m], "
01359                 << "sbp cog offset [" << sbp_cog_offset(0) << " " << sbp_cog_offset(1) << "], outside ? "
01360                 << (is_cp_outside?"Outside":"Inside")
01361                 << std::endl;
01362     }
01363     if (is_cp_outside) {
01364       if (initial_cp_too_large_error || loop % static_cast <int>(0.2/dt) == 0 ) { // once per 0.2[s]
01365         std::cerr << "[" << m_profile.instance_name << "] [" <<
01366                   << "] CP too large error " << "[" << act_cp(0) << "," << act_cp(1) << "] [m]" << std::endl;
01367       }
01368       initial_cp_too_large_error = false;
01369     } else {
01370       initial_cp_too_large_error = true;
01371     }
01372   }
01373   // tilt Check
01374   hrp::Vector3 fall_direction = hrp::Vector3::Zero();
01375   bool is_falling = false, will_fall = false;
01376   {
01377       double total_force = 0.0;
01378       for (size_t i = 0; i < stikp.size(); i++) {
01379           if (is_zmp_calc_enable[i]) {
01380               if (is_walking) {
01381                   if ( > sin(tilt_margin[0])) {
01382                       will_fall = true;
01383                       if (m_will_fall_counter[i] % static_cast <int>(1.0/dt) == 0 ) { // once per 1.0[s]
01384                           std::cerr << "[" << m_profile.instance_name << "] [" <<
01385                                     << "] " << stikp[i].ee_name << " cannot support total weight, "
01386                                     << "swgsuptime : " <<[i] << ", state : " << ref_contact_states[i]
01387                                     << ", otherwise robot will fall down toward " << "(" << << "," << << ") direction" << std::endl;
01388                       }
01389                       m_will_fall_counter[i]++;
01390                   } else {
01391                       m_will_fall_counter[i] = 0;
01392                   }
01393               }
01394               fall_direction += *;
01395               total_force +=;
01396           }
01397       }
01398       if (on_ground && transition_count == 0 && control_mode == MODE_ST) {
01399           fall_direction = fall_direction / total_force;
01400       } else {
01401           fall_direction = hrp::Vector3::Zero();
01402       }
01403       if (fall_direction.norm() > sin(tilt_margin[1])) {
01404           is_falling = true;
01405           if (m_is_falling_counter % static_cast <int>(0.2/dt) == 0) { // once per 0.2[s]
01406               std::cerr << "[" << m_profile.instance_name << "] [" <<
01407                         << "] robot is falling down toward " << "(" << fall_direction(0) << "," << fall_direction(1) << ") direction" << std::endl;
01408           }
01409           m_is_falling_counter++;
01410       } else {
01411           m_is_falling_counter = 0;
01412       }
01413   }
01414   // Total check for emergency signal
01415   switch (emergency_check_mode) {
01416   case OpenHRP::StabilizerService::NO_CHECK:
01417       is_emergency = false;
01418       break;
01419   case OpenHRP::StabilizerService::COP:
01420       is_emergency = is_cop_outside && is_seq_interpolating;
01421       break;
01422   case OpenHRP::StabilizerService::CP:
01423       is_emergency = is_cp_outside;
01424       break;
01425   case OpenHRP::StabilizerService::TILT:
01426       is_emergency = will_fall || is_falling;
01427       break;
01428   default:
01429       break;
01430   }
01431   if (DEBUGP) {
01432       std::cerr << "[" << m_profile.instance_name << "] EmergencyCheck ("
01433                 << (emergency_check_mode == OpenHRP::StabilizerService::NO_CHECK?"NO_CHECK": (emergency_check_mode == OpenHRP::StabilizerService::COP?"COP":"CP") )
01434                 << ") " << (is_emergency?"emergency":"non-emergency") << std::endl;
01435   }
01436   rel_ee_pos.clear();
01437   rel_ee_rot.clear();
01438   rel_ee_name.clear();
01439 };
01441 void Stabilizer::moveBasePosRotForBodyRPYControl ()
01442 {
01443     // Body rpy control
01444     //   Basically Equation (1) and (2) in the paper [1]
01445     hrp::Vector3 ref_root_rpy = hrp::rpyFromRot(target_root_R);
01446     bool is_root_rot_limit = false;
01447     for (size_t i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
01448         d_rpy[i] = transition_smooth_gain * (eefm_body_attitude_control_gain[i] * (ref_root_rpy(i) - act_base_rpy(i)) - 1/eefm_body_attitude_control_time_const[i] * d_rpy[i]) * dt + d_rpy[i];
01449         d_rpy[i] = vlimit(d_rpy[i], -1 * root_rot_compensation_limit[i], root_rot_compensation_limit[i]);
01450         is_root_rot_limit = is_root_rot_limit || (std::fabs(std::fabs(d_rpy[i]) - root_rot_compensation_limit[i] ) < 1e-5); // near the limit
01451     }
01452     rats::rotm3times(current_root_R, target_root_R, hrp::rotFromRpy(d_rpy[0], d_rpy[1], 0));
01453     m_robot->rootLink()->R = current_root_R;
01454     m_robot->rootLink()->p = target_root_p + target_root_R * rel_cog - current_root_R * rel_cog;
01455     m_robot->calcForwardKinematics();
01456     current_base_rpy = hrp::rpyFromRot(m_robot->rootLink()->R);
01457     current_base_pos = m_robot->rootLink()->p;
01458     if ( DEBUGP || (is_root_rot_limit && loop%200==0) ) {
01459         std::cerr << "[" << m_profile.instance_name << "] Root rot control" << std::endl;
01460         if (is_root_rot_limit) std::cerr << "[" << m_profile.instance_name << "]   Root rot limit reached!!" << std::endl;
01461         std::cerr << "[" << m_profile.instance_name << "]   ref = [" << rad2deg(ref_root_rpy(0)) << " " << rad2deg(ref_root_rpy(1)) << "], "
01462                   << "act = [" << rad2deg(act_base_rpy(0)) << " " << rad2deg(act_base_rpy(1)) << "], "
01463                   << "cur = [" << rad2deg(current_base_rpy(0)) << " " << rad2deg(current_base_rpy(1)) << "], "
01464                   << "limit = [" << rad2deg(root_rot_compensation_limit[0]) << " " << rad2deg(root_rot_compensation_limit[1]) << "][deg]" << std::endl;
01465     }
01466 };
01468 void Stabilizer::calcSwingSupportLimbGain ()
01469 {
01470     for (size_t i = 0; i < stikp.size(); i++) {
01471         STIKParam& ikp = stikp[i];
01472         if (ref_contact_states[i]) { // Support
01473             // Limit too large support time increment. Max time is 3600.0[s] = 1[h], this assumes that robot's one step time is smaller than 1[h].
01474             ikp.support_time = std::min(3600.0, ikp.support_time+dt);
01475             // In some PC, does not work because the first line is optimized out.
01476             // ikp.support_time += dt;
01477             // ikp.support_time = std::min(3600.0, ikp.support_time);
01478             if (ikp.support_time > eefm_pos_transition_time) {
01479                 ikp.swing_support_gain = ([i] / eefm_pos_transition_time);
01480             } else {
01481                 ikp.swing_support_gain = (ikp.support_time / eefm_pos_transition_time);
01482             }
01483             ikp.swing_support_gain = std::max(0.0, std::min(1.0, ikp.swing_support_gain));
01484         } else { // Swing
01485             ikp.swing_support_gain = 0.0;
01486             ikp.support_time = 0.0;
01487         }
01488     }
01489     if (DEBUGP) {
01490         std::cerr << "[" << m_profile.instance_name << "] SwingSupportLimbGain = [";
01491         for (size_t i = 0; i < stikp.size(); i++) std::cerr << stikp[i].swing_support_gain << " ";
01492         std::cerr << "], ref_contact_states = [";
01493         for (size_t i = 0; i < stikp.size(); i++) std::cerr << ref_contact_states[i] << " ";
01494         std::cerr << "], sstime = [";
01495         for (size_t i = 0; i < stikp.size(); i++) std::cerr <<[i] << " ";
01496         std::cerr << "], toeheel_ratio = [";
01497         for (size_t i = 0; i < stikp.size(); i++) std::cerr << toeheel_ratio[i] << " ";
01498         std::cerr << "], support_time = [";
01499         for (size_t i = 0; i < stikp.size(); i++) std::cerr << stikp[i].support_time << " ";
01500         std::cerr << "]" << std::endl;
01501     }
01502 }
01504 void Stabilizer::calcTPCC() {
01505     // stabilizer loop
01506       // Choi's feedback law
01507       hrp::Vector3 cog = m_robot->calcCM();
01508       hrp::Vector3 newcog = hrp::Vector3::Zero();
01509       hrp::Vector3 dcog(ref_cog - act_cog);
01510       hrp::Vector3 dzmp(ref_zmp - act_zmp);
01511       for (size_t i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
01512         double uu = ref_cogvel(i) - k_tpcc_p[i] * transition_smooth_gain * dzmp(i)
01513                                   + k_tpcc_x[i] * transition_smooth_gain * dcog(i);
01514         newcog(i) = uu * dt + cog(i);
01515       }
01517       moveBasePosRotForBodyRPYControl ();
01519       // target at ee => target at link-origin
01520       hrp::Vector3 target_link_p[stikp.size()];
01521       hrp::Matrix33 target_link_R[stikp.size()];
01522       for (size_t i = 0; i < stikp.size(); i++) {
01523         rats::rotm3times(target_link_R[i], target_ee_R[i], stikp[i].localR.transpose());
01524         target_link_p[i] = target_ee_p[i] - target_ee_R[i] * stikp[i].localCOPPos;
01525       }
01526       // solveIK
01527       //   IK target is link origin pos and rot, not ee pos and rot.
01528       //for (size_t jj = 0; jj < 5; jj++) {
01529       size_t max_ik_loop_count = 0;
01530       for (size_t i = 0; i < stikp.size(); i++) {
01531           if (max_ik_loop_count < stikp[i].ik_loop_count) max_ik_loop_count = stikp[i].ik_loop_count;
01532       }
01533       for (size_t jj = 0; jj < max_ik_loop_count; jj++) {
01534         hrp::Vector3 tmpcm = m_robot->calcCM();
01535         for (size_t i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
01536           m_robot->rootLink()->p(i) = m_robot->rootLink()->p(i) + 0.9 * (newcog(i) - tmpcm(i));
01537         }
01538         m_robot->calcForwardKinematics();
01539         for (size_t i = 0; i < stikp.size(); i++) {
01540           if (is_ik_enable[i]) {
01541               jpe_v[i]->calcInverseKinematics2Loop(target_link_p[i], target_link_R[i], 1.0, stikp[i].avoid_gain, stikp[i].reference_gain, &qrefv, transition_smooth_gain);
01542           }
01543         }
01544       }
01545 }
01548 void Stabilizer::calcEEForceMomentControl() {
01550     // stabilizer loop
01551       // return to referencea
01552       m_robot->rootLink()->R = target_root_R;
01553       m_robot->rootLink()->p = target_root_p;
01554       for ( int i = 0; i < m_robot->numJoints(); i++ ) {
01555         m_robot->joint(i)->q = qrefv[i];
01556       }
01557       for (size_t i = 0; i < jpe_v.size(); i++) {
01558         if (is_ik_enable[i]) {
01559           for ( int j = 0; j < jpe_v[i]->numJoints(); j++ ){
01560             int idx = jpe_v[i]->joint(j)->jointId;
01561             m_robot->joint(idx)->q = qorg[idx];
01562           }
01563         }
01564       }
01565       // Fix for toe joint
01566       for (size_t i = 0; i < jpe_v.size(); i++) {
01567           if (is_ik_enable[i]) {
01568               if (jpe_v[i]->numJoints() == 7) {
01569                   int idx = jpe_v[i]->joint(jpe_v[i]->numJoints() -1)->jointId;
01570                   m_robot->joint(idx)->q = qrefv[idx];
01571               }
01572           }
01573       }
01575       // State calculation for swing ee compensation
01576       //   joint angle : current control output
01577       //   root pos : target root p
01578       //   root rot : actual root rot
01579       {
01580           // Calc status
01581           m_robot->rootLink()->R = target_root_R;
01582           m_robot->rootLink()->p = target_root_p;
01583           m_robot->calcForwardKinematics();
01584           hrp::Sensor* sen = m_robot->sensor<hrp::RateGyroSensor>("gyrometer");
01585           hrp::Matrix33 senR = sen->link->R * sen->localR;
01586           hrp::Matrix33 act_Rs(hrp::rotFromRpy(,,;
01587           m_robot->rootLink()->R = act_Rs * (senR.transpose() * m_robot->rootLink()->R);
01588           m_robot->calcForwardKinematics();
01589           hrp::Vector3 foot_origin_pos;
01590           hrp::Matrix33 foot_origin_rot;
01591           calcFootOriginCoords (foot_origin_pos, foot_origin_rot);
01592           // Calculate foot_origin_coords-relative ee pos and rot
01593           // Subtract them from target_ee_diff_xx
01594           for (size_t i = 0; i < stikp.size(); i++) {
01595               hrp::Link* target = m_robot->link(stikp[i].target_name);
01596               stikp[i].target_ee_diff_p -= foot_origin_rot.transpose() * (target->p + target->R * stikp[i].localp - foot_origin_pos);
01597               stikp[i].target_ee_diff_r = (foot_origin_rot.transpose() * target->R * stikp[i].localR).transpose() * stikp[i].target_ee_diff_r;
01598           }
01599       }
01601       // State calculation for control : calculate "current" state
01602       //   joint angle : current control output
01603       //   root pos : target + keep COG against rpy control
01604       //   root rot : target + rpy control
01605       moveBasePosRotForBodyRPYControl ();
01607       // Convert d_foot_pos in foot origin frame => "current" world frame
01608       hrp::Vector3 foot_origin_pos;
01609       hrp::Matrix33 foot_origin_rot;
01610       calcFootOriginCoords (foot_origin_pos, foot_origin_rot);
01611       std::vector<hrp::Vector3> current_d_foot_pos;
01612       for (size_t i = 0; i < stikp.size(); i++)
01613           current_d_foot_pos.push_back(foot_origin_rot * stikp[i].d_foot_pos);
01615       // Swing ee compensation.
01616       calcSwingEEModification();
01618       // solveIK
01619       //   IK target is link origin pos and rot, not ee pos and rot.
01620       std::vector<hrp::Vector3> tmpp(stikp.size());
01621       std::vector<hrp::Matrix33> tmpR(stikp.size());
01622       double tmp_d_pos_z_root = 0.0;
01623       for (size_t i = 0; i < stikp.size(); i++) {
01624         if (is_ik_enable[i]) {
01625           // Add damping_control compensation to target value
01626           if (is_feedback_control_enable[i]) {
01627             rats::rotm3times(tmpR[i], target_ee_R[i], hrp::rotFromRpy(-1*stikp[i].ee_d_foot_rpy));
01628             // foot force difference control version
01629             // total_target_foot_p[i](2) = target_foot_p[i](2) + (i==0?0.5:-0.5)*zctrl;
01630             // foot force independent damping control
01631             tmpp[i] = target_ee_p[i] - current_d_foot_pos[i];
01632           } else {
01633             tmpp[i] = target_ee_p[i];
01634             tmpR[i] = target_ee_R[i];
01635           }
01636           // Add swing ee compensation
01637           rats::rotm3times(tmpR[i], tmpR[i], hrp::rotFromRpy(stikp[i].d_rpy_swing));
01638           tmpp[i] = tmpp[i] + foot_origin_rot * stikp[i].d_pos_swing;
01639         }
01640       }
01642       limbStretchAvoidanceControl(tmpp ,tmpR);
01644       // IK
01645       for (size_t i = 0; i < stikp.size(); i++) {
01646         if (is_ik_enable[i]) {
01647           for (size_t jj = 0; jj < stikp[i].ik_loop_count; jj++) {
01648             jpe_v[i]->calcInverseKinematics2Loop(tmpp[i], tmpR[i], 1.0, 0.001, 0.01, &qrefv, transition_smooth_gain,
01649                                                  //stikp[i].localCOPPos;
01650                                                  stikp[i].localp,
01651                                                  stikp[i].localR);
01652           }
01653         }
01654       }
01655 }
01657 // Swing ee compensation.
01658 //   Calculate compensation values to minimize the difference between "current" foot-origin-coords-relative pos and rot and "target" foot-origin-coords-relative pos and rot for swing ee.
01659 //   Input  : target_ee_diff_p, target_ee_diff_r
01660 //   Output : d_pos_swing, d_rpy_swing
01661 void Stabilizer::calcSwingEEModification ()
01662 {
01663     for (size_t i = 0; i < stikp.size(); i++) {
01664         // Calc compensation values
01665         double limit_pos = 30 * 1e-3; // 30[mm] limit
01666         double limit_rot = deg2rad(10); // 10[deg] limit
01667         if (ref_contact_states[contact_states_index_map[stikp[i].ee_name]] || act_contact_states[contact_states_index_map[stikp[i].ee_name]]) {
01668             // If actual contact or target contact is ON, do not use swing ee compensation. Exponential zero retrieving.
01669             stikp[i].d_rpy_swing = calcDampingControl(stikp[i].d_rpy_swing, stikp[i].eefm_swing_rot_time_const);
01670             stikp[i].d_pos_swing = calcDampingControl(stikp[i].d_pos_swing, stikp[i].eefm_swing_pos_time_const);
01671             stikp[i].target_ee_diff_p_filter->reset(stikp[i].d_pos_swing);
01672             stikp[i].target_ee_diff_r_filter->reset(stikp[i].d_rpy_swing);
01673         } else {
01674             /* position */
01675             {
01676                 hrp::Vector3 tmpdiffp = stikp[i].eefm_swing_pos_spring_gain.cwiseProduct(stikp[i].target_ee_diff_p_filter->passFilter(stikp[i].target_ee_diff_p));
01677                 double lvlimit = -50 * 1e-3 * dt, uvlimit = 50 * 1e-3 * dt; // 50 [mm/s]
01678                 hrp::Vector3 limit_by_lvlimit = stikp[i].prev_d_pos_swing + lvlimit * hrp::Vector3::Ones();
01679                 hrp::Vector3 limit_by_uvlimit = stikp[i].prev_d_pos_swing + uvlimit * hrp::Vector3::Ones();
01680                 stikp[i].d_pos_swing = vlimit(vlimit(tmpdiffp, -1 * limit_pos, limit_pos), limit_by_lvlimit, limit_by_uvlimit);
01681             }
01682             /* rotation */
01683             {
01684                 hrp::Vector3 tmpdiffr = stikp[i].eefm_swing_rot_spring_gain.cwiseProduct(stikp[i].target_ee_diff_r_filter->passFilter(hrp::rpyFromRot(stikp[i].target_ee_diff_r)));
01685                 double lvlimit = deg2rad(-20.0*dt), uvlimit = deg2rad(20.0*dt); // 20 [deg/s]
01686                 hrp::Vector3 limit_by_lvlimit = stikp[i].prev_d_rpy_swing + lvlimit * hrp::Vector3::Ones();
01687                 hrp::Vector3 limit_by_uvlimit = stikp[i].prev_d_rpy_swing + uvlimit * hrp::Vector3::Ones();
01688                 stikp[i].d_rpy_swing = vlimit(vlimit(tmpdiffr, -1 * limit_rot, limit_rot), limit_by_lvlimit, limit_by_uvlimit);
01689             }
01690         }
01691         stikp[i].prev_d_pos_swing = stikp[i].d_pos_swing;
01692         stikp[i].prev_d_rpy_swing = stikp[i].d_rpy_swing;
01693     }
01694     if (DEBUGP) {
01695         std::cerr << "[" << m_profile.instance_name << "] Swing foot control" << std::endl;
01696         for (size_t i = 0; i < stikp.size(); i++) {
01697             std::cerr << "[" << m_profile.instance_name << "]   "
01698                       << "d_rpy_swing (" << stikp[i].ee_name << ")  = " << (stikp[i].d_rpy_swing / M_PI * 180.0).format(Eigen::IOFormat(Eigen::StreamPrecision, 0, ", ", ", ", "", "", "    [", "]")) << "[deg], "
01699                       << "d_pos_swing (" << stikp[i].ee_name << ")  = " << (stikp[i].d_pos_swing * 1e3).format(Eigen::IOFormat(Eigen::StreamPrecision, 0, ", ", ", ", "", "", "    [", "]")) << "[mm]" << std::endl;
01700         }
01701     }
01702 };
01704 void Stabilizer::limbStretchAvoidanceControl (const std::vector<hrp::Vector3>& ee_p, const std::vector<hrp::Matrix33>& ee_R)
01705 {
01706   double tmp_d_pos_z_root = 0.0, prev_d_pos_z_root = d_pos_z_root;
01707   if (use_limb_stretch_avoidance) {
01708     for (size_t i = 0; i < stikp.size(); i++) {
01709       if (is_ik_enable[i]) {
01710         // Check whether inside limb length limitation
01711         hrp::Link* parent_link = m_robot->link(stikp[i].parent_name);
01712         hrp::Vector3 targetp = (ee_p[i] - ee_R[i] * stikp[i].localR.transpose() * stikp[i].localp) - parent_link->p; // position from parent to target link (world frame)
01713         double limb_length_limitation = stikp[i].max_limb_length - stikp[i].limb_length_margin;
01714         double tmp = limb_length_limitation * limb_length_limitation - targetp(0) * targetp(0) - targetp(1) * targetp(1);
01715         if (targetp.norm() > limb_length_limitation && tmp >= 0) {
01716           tmp_d_pos_z_root = std::min(tmp_d_pos_z_root, targetp(2) + std::sqrt(tmp));
01717         }
01718       }
01719     }
01720     // Change root link height depending on limb length
01721     d_pos_z_root = tmp_d_pos_z_root == 0.0 ? calcDampingControl(d_pos_z_root, limb_stretch_avoidance_time_const) : tmp_d_pos_z_root;
01722   } else {
01723     d_pos_z_root = calcDampingControl(d_pos_z_root, limb_stretch_avoidance_time_const);
01724   }
01725   d_pos_z_root = vlimit(d_pos_z_root, prev_d_pos_z_root + limb_stretch_avoidance_vlimit[0], prev_d_pos_z_root + limb_stretch_avoidance_vlimit[1]);
01726   m_robot->rootLink()->p(2) += d_pos_z_root;
01727 }
01729 // Damping control functions
01730 //   Basically Equation (14) in the paper [1]
01731 double Stabilizer::calcDampingControl (const double tau_d, const double tau, const double prev_d,
01732                                        const double DD, const double TT)
01733 {
01734   return (1/DD * (tau_d - tau) - 1/TT * prev_d) * dt + prev_d;
01735 };
01737 // Retrieving only
01738 hrp::Vector3 Stabilizer::calcDampingControl (const hrp::Vector3& prev_d, const hrp::Vector3& TT)
01739 {
01740   return (- prev_d.cwiseQuotient(TT)) * dt + prev_d;
01741 };
01743 // Retrieving only
01744 double Stabilizer::calcDampingControl (const double prev_d, const double TT)
01745 {
01746   return - 1/TT * prev_d * dt + prev_d;
01747 };
01749 hrp::Vector3 Stabilizer::calcDampingControl (const hrp::Vector3& tau_d, const hrp::Vector3& tau, const hrp::Vector3& prev_d,
01750                                              const hrp::Vector3& DD, const hrp::Vector3& TT)
01751 {
01752   return ((tau_d - tau).cwiseQuotient(DD) - prev_d.cwiseQuotient(TT)) * dt + prev_d;
01753 };
01755 void Stabilizer::calcDiffFootOriginExtMoment ()
01756 {
01757     // calc reference ext moment around foot origin pos
01758     // static const double grav = 9.80665; /* [m/s^2] */
01759     double mg = total_mass * eefm_gravitational_acceleration;
01760     hrp::Vector3 ref_ext_moment = hrp::Vector3(mg * ref_cog(1) - ref_total_foot_origin_moment(0),
01761                                                -mg * ref_cog(0) - ref_total_foot_origin_moment(1),
01762                                                0);
01763     // calc act ext moment around foot origin pos
01764     hrp::Vector3 act_ext_moment = hrp::Vector3(mg * act_cog(1) - act_total_foot_origin_moment(0),
01765                                                -mg * act_cog(0) - act_total_foot_origin_moment(1),
01766                                                0);
01767     // Do not calculate actual value if in the air, because of invalid act_zmp.
01768     if ( !on_ground ) act_ext_moment = ref_ext_moment;
01769     // Calc diff
01770     diff_foot_origin_ext_moment = ref_ext_moment - act_ext_moment;
01771     if (DEBUGP) {
01772         std::cerr << "[" << m_profile.instance_name << "] DiffStaticBalancePointOffset" << std::endl;
01773         std::cerr << "[" << m_profile.instance_name << "]   "
01774                   << "ref_ext_moment = " << ref_ext_moment.format(Eigen::IOFormat(Eigen::StreamPrecision, 0, ", ", ", ", "", "", "    [", "]")) << "[mm], "
01775                   << "act_ext_moment = " << act_ext_moment.format(Eigen::IOFormat(Eigen::StreamPrecision, 0, ", ", ", ", "", "", "    [", "]")) << "[mm], "
01776                   << "diff ext_moment = " << diff_foot_origin_ext_moment.format(Eigen::IOFormat(Eigen::StreamPrecision, 0, ", ", ", ", "", "", "    [", "]")) << "[mm]" << std::endl;
01777     }
01778 };
01780 /*
01781 RTC::ReturnCode_t Stabilizer::onAborting(RTC::UniqueId ec_id)
01782 {
01783   return RTC::RTC_OK;
01784 }
01785 */
01787 /*
01788 RTC::ReturnCode_t Stabilizer::onError(RTC::UniqueId ec_id)
01789 {
01790   return RTC::RTC_OK;
01791 }
01792 */
01794 /*
01795 RTC::ReturnCode_t Stabilizer::onReset(RTC::UniqueId ec_id)
01796 {
01797   return RTC::RTC_OK;
01798 }
01799 */
01801 /*
01802 RTC::ReturnCode_t Stabilizer::onStateUpdate(RTC::UniqueId ec_id)
01803 {
01804   return RTC::RTC_OK;
01805 }
01806 */
01808 /*
01809 RTC::ReturnCode_t Stabilizer::onRateChanged(RTC::UniqueId ec_id)
01810 {
01811   return RTC::RTC_OK;
01812 }
01813 */
01815 void Stabilizer::sync_2_st ()
01816 {
01817   std::cerr << "[" << m_profile.instance_name << "] [" <<
01818             << "] Sync IDLE => ST"  << std::endl;
01819   pangx_ref = pangy_ref = pangx = pangy = 0;
01820   rdx = rdy = rx = ry = 0;
01821   d_rpy[0] = d_rpy[1] = 0;
01822   pdr = hrp::Vector3::Zero();
01823   pos_ctrl = hrp::Vector3::Zero();
01824   for (size_t i = 0; i < stikp.size(); i++) {
01825     STIKParam& ikp = stikp[i];
01826     ikp.target_ee_diff_p = hrp::Vector3::Zero();
01827     ikp.target_ee_diff_r = hrp::Matrix33::Identity();
01828     ikp.d_pos_swing = ikp.prev_d_pos_swing = hrp::Vector3::Zero();
01829     ikp.d_rpy_swing = ikp.prev_d_rpy_swing = hrp::Vector3::Zero();
01830     ikp.target_ee_diff_p_filter->reset(hrp::Vector3::Zero());
01831     ikp.target_ee_diff_r_filter->reset(hrp::Vector3::Zero());
01832     ikp.d_foot_pos = ikp.ee_d_foot_pos = ikp.d_foot_rpy = ikp.ee_d_foot_rpy = hrp::Vector3::Zero();
01833   }
01834   if (on_ground) {
01835     transition_count = -1 * calcMaxTransitionCount();
01836     control_mode = MODE_ST;
01837   } else {
01838     transition_count = 0;
01839     control_mode = MODE_AIR;
01840   }
01841 }
01843 void Stabilizer::sync_2_idle ()
01844 {
01845   std::cerr << "[" << m_profile.instance_name << "] [" <<
01846             << "] Sync ST => IDLE"  << std::endl;
01847   transition_count = calcMaxTransitionCount();
01848   for (int i = 0; i < m_robot->numJoints(); i++ ) {
01849     transition_joint_q[i] = m_robot->joint(i)->q;
01850   }
01851 }
01853 void Stabilizer::startStabilizer(void)
01854 {
01855     waitSTTransition(); // Wait until all transition has finished
01856     {
01857         Guard guard(m_mutex);
01858         if ( control_mode == MODE_IDLE ) {
01859             std::cerr << "[" << m_profile.instance_name << "] " << "Start ST"  << std::endl;
01860             sync_2_st();
01861         }
01862     }
01863     waitSTTransition();
01864     std::cerr << "[" << m_profile.instance_name << "] " << "Start ST DONE"  << std::endl;
01865 }
01867 void Stabilizer::stopStabilizer(void)
01868 {
01869     waitSTTransition(); // Wait until all transition has finished
01870     {
01871         Guard guard(m_mutex);
01872         if ( (control_mode == MODE_ST || control_mode == MODE_AIR) ) {
01873             std::cerr << "[" << m_profile.instance_name << "] " << "Stop ST"  << std::endl;
01874             control_mode = (control_mode == MODE_ST) ? MODE_SYNC_TO_IDLE : MODE_IDLE;
01875         }
01876     }
01877     waitSTTransition();
01878     std::cerr << "[" << m_profile.instance_name << "] " << "Stop ST DONE"  << std::endl;
01879 }
01881 void Stabilizer::getParameter(OpenHRP::StabilizerService::stParam& i_stp)
01882 {
01883   std::cerr << "[" << m_profile.instance_name << "] getParameter" << std::endl;
01884   for (size_t i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
01885     // i_stp.k_run_b[i] = k_run_b[i];
01886     // i_stp.d_run_b[i] = d_run_b[i];
01887     //m_tau_x[i].setup(i_stp.tdfke[0], i_stp.tdftc[0], dt);
01888     //m_tau_y[i].setup(i_stp.tdfke[0], i_stp.tdftc[0], dt);
01889     //m_f_z.setup(i_stp.tdfke[1], i_stp.tdftc[1], dt);
01890     i_stp.k_tpcc_p[i] = k_tpcc_p[i];
01891     i_stp.k_tpcc_x[i] = k_tpcc_x[i];
01892     i_stp.k_brot_p[i] = k_brot_p[i];
01893     i_stp.k_brot_tc[i] = k_brot_tc[i];
01894   }
01895   // i_stp.k_run_x = m_torque_k[0];
01896   // i_stp.k_run_y = m_torque_k[1];
01897   // i_stp.d_run_x = m_torque_d[0];
01898   // i_stp.d_run_y = m_torque_d[1];
01899   for (size_t i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
01900     i_stp.eefm_k1[i] = eefm_k1[i];
01901     i_stp.eefm_k2[i] = eefm_k2[i];
01902     i_stp.eefm_k3[i] = eefm_k3[i];
01903     i_stp.eefm_zmp_delay_time_const[i] = eefm_zmp_delay_time_const[i];
01904     i_stp.eefm_ref_zmp_aux[i] = ref_zmp_aux(i);
01905     i_stp.eefm_body_attitude_control_time_const[i] = eefm_body_attitude_control_time_const[i];
01906     i_stp.eefm_body_attitude_control_gain[i] = eefm_body_attitude_control_gain[i];
01907     i_stp.ref_capture_point[i] = ref_cp(i);
01908     i_stp.act_capture_point[i] = act_cp(i);
01909     i_stp.cp_offset[i] = cp_offset(i);
01910   }
01911   i_stp.eefm_pos_time_const_support.length(stikp.size());
01912   i_stp.eefm_pos_damping_gain.length(stikp.size());
01913   i_stp.eefm_pos_compensation_limit.length(stikp.size());
01914   i_stp.eefm_swing_pos_spring_gain.length(stikp.size());
01915   i_stp.eefm_swing_pos_time_const.length(stikp.size());
01916   i_stp.eefm_rot_time_const.length(stikp.size());
01917   i_stp.eefm_rot_damping_gain.length(stikp.size());
01918   i_stp.eefm_rot_compensation_limit.length(stikp.size());
01919   i_stp.eefm_swing_rot_spring_gain.length(stikp.size());
01920   i_stp.eefm_swing_rot_time_const.length(stikp.size());
01921   i_stp.eefm_ee_moment_limit.length(stikp.size());
01922   i_stp.eefm_ee_forcemoment_distribution_weight.length(stikp.size());
01923   for (size_t j = 0; j < stikp.size(); j++) {
01924       i_stp.eefm_pos_damping_gain[j].length(3);
01925       i_stp.eefm_pos_time_const_support[j].length(3);
01926       i_stp.eefm_swing_pos_spring_gain[j].length(3);
01927       i_stp.eefm_swing_pos_time_const[j].length(3);
01928       i_stp.eefm_rot_damping_gain[j].length(3);
01929       i_stp.eefm_rot_time_const[j].length(3);
01930       i_stp.eefm_swing_rot_spring_gain[j].length(3);
01931       i_stp.eefm_swing_rot_time_const[j].length(3);
01932       i_stp.eefm_ee_moment_limit[j].length(3);
01933       i_stp.eefm_ee_forcemoment_distribution_weight[j].length(6);
01934       for (size_t i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
01935           i_stp.eefm_pos_damping_gain[j][i] = stikp[j].eefm_pos_damping_gain(i);
01936           i_stp.eefm_pos_time_const_support[j][i] = stikp[j].eefm_pos_time_const_support(i);
01937           i_stp.eefm_swing_pos_spring_gain[j][i] = stikp[j].eefm_swing_pos_spring_gain(i);
01938           i_stp.eefm_swing_pos_time_const[j][i] = stikp[j].eefm_swing_pos_time_const(i);
01939           i_stp.eefm_rot_damping_gain[j][i] = stikp[j].eefm_rot_damping_gain(i);
01940           i_stp.eefm_rot_time_const[j][i] = stikp[j].eefm_rot_time_const(i);
01941           i_stp.eefm_swing_rot_spring_gain[j][i] = stikp[j].eefm_swing_rot_spring_gain(i);
01942           i_stp.eefm_swing_rot_time_const[j][i] = stikp[j].eefm_swing_rot_time_const(i);
01943           i_stp.eefm_ee_moment_limit[j][i] = stikp[j].eefm_ee_moment_limit(i);
01944           i_stp.eefm_ee_forcemoment_distribution_weight[j][i] = stikp[j].eefm_ee_forcemoment_distribution_weight(i);
01945           i_stp.eefm_ee_forcemoment_distribution_weight[j][i+3] = stikp[j].eefm_ee_forcemoment_distribution_weight(i+3);
01946       }
01947       i_stp.eefm_pos_compensation_limit[j] = stikp[j].eefm_pos_compensation_limit;
01948       i_stp.eefm_rot_compensation_limit[j] = stikp[j].eefm_rot_compensation_limit;
01949   }
01950   for (size_t i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
01951     i_stp.eefm_swing_pos_damping_gain[i] = eefm_swing_pos_damping_gain(i);
01952     i_stp.eefm_swing_rot_damping_gain[i] = eefm_swing_rot_damping_gain(i);
01953   }
01954   i_stp.eefm_pos_time_const_swing = eefm_pos_time_const_swing;
01955   i_stp.eefm_pos_transition_time = eefm_pos_transition_time;
01956   i_stp.eefm_pos_margin_time = eefm_pos_margin_time;
01957   i_stp.eefm_leg_inside_margin = szd->get_leg_inside_margin();
01958   i_stp.eefm_leg_outside_margin = szd->get_leg_outside_margin();
01959   i_stp.eefm_leg_front_margin = szd->get_leg_front_margin();
01960   i_stp.eefm_leg_rear_margin = szd->get_leg_rear_margin();
01962   std::vector<std::vector<Eigen::Vector2d> > support_polygon_vec;
01963   szd->get_vertices(support_polygon_vec);
01964   i_stp.eefm_support_polygon_vertices_sequence.length(support_polygon_vec.size());
01965   for (size_t ee_idx = 0; ee_idx < support_polygon_vec.size(); ee_idx++) {
01966       i_stp.eefm_support_polygon_vertices_sequence[ee_idx].vertices.length(support_polygon_vec[ee_idx].size());
01967       for (size_t v_idx = 0; v_idx < support_polygon_vec[ee_idx].size(); v_idx++) {
01968           i_stp.eefm_support_polygon_vertices_sequence[ee_idx].vertices[v_idx].pos[0] = support_polygon_vec[ee_idx][v_idx](0);
01969           i_stp.eefm_support_polygon_vertices_sequence[ee_idx].vertices[v_idx].pos[1] = support_polygon_vec[ee_idx][v_idx](1);
01970       }
01971   }
01973   i_stp.eefm_cogvel_cutoff_freq = act_cogvel_filter->getCutOffFreq();
01974   i_stp.eefm_wrench_alpha_blending = szd->get_wrench_alpha_blending();
01975   i_stp.eefm_alpha_cutoff_freq = szd->get_alpha_cutoff_freq();
01976   i_stp.eefm_gravitational_acceleration = eefm_gravitational_acceleration;
01977   i_stp.eefm_ee_error_cutoff_freq = stikp[0].target_ee_diff_p_filter->getCutOffFreq();
01978   i_stp.eefm_use_force_difference_control = eefm_use_force_difference_control;
01979   i_stp.eefm_use_swing_damping = eefm_use_swing_damping;
01980   for (size_t i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
01981       i_stp.eefm_swing_damping_force_thre[i] = eefm_swing_damping_force_thre[i];
01982       i_stp.eefm_swing_damping_moment_thre[i] = eefm_swing_damping_moment_thre[i];
01983   }
01984   i_stp.is_ik_enable.length(is_ik_enable.size());
01985   for (size_t i = 0; i < is_ik_enable.size(); i++) {
01986       i_stp.is_ik_enable[i] = is_ik_enable[i];
01987   }
01988   i_stp.is_feedback_control_enable.length(is_feedback_control_enable.size());
01989   for (size_t i = 0; i < is_feedback_control_enable.size(); i++) {
01990       i_stp.is_feedback_control_enable[i] = is_feedback_control_enable[i];
01991   }
01992   i_stp.is_zmp_calc_enable.length(is_zmp_calc_enable.size());
01993   for (size_t i = 0; i < is_zmp_calc_enable.size(); i++) {
01994       i_stp.is_zmp_calc_enable[i] = is_zmp_calc_enable[i];
01995   }
01997   i_stp.foot_origin_offset.length(2);
01998   for (size_t i = 0; i < i_stp.foot_origin_offset.length(); i++) {
01999       i_stp.foot_origin_offset[i].length(3);
02000       i_stp.foot_origin_offset[i][0] = foot_origin_offset[i](0);
02001       i_stp.foot_origin_offset[i][1] = foot_origin_offset[i](1);
02002       i_stp.foot_origin_offset[i][2] = foot_origin_offset[i](2);
02003   }
02004   i_stp.st_algorithm = st_algorithm;
02005   i_stp.transition_time = transition_time;
02006   i_stp.cop_check_margin = cop_check_margin;
02007   for (size_t i = 0; i < cp_check_margin.size(); i++) {
02008     i_stp.cp_check_margin[i] = cp_check_margin[i];
02009   }
02010   for (size_t i = 0; i < tilt_margin.size(); i++) {
02011     i_stp.tilt_margin[i] = tilt_margin[i];
02012   }
02013   i_stp.contact_decision_threshold = contact_decision_threshold;
02014   i_stp.is_estop_while_walking = is_estop_while_walking;
02015   switch(control_mode) {
02016   case MODE_IDLE: i_stp.controller_mode = OpenHRP::StabilizerService::MODE_IDLE; break;
02017   case MODE_AIR: i_stp.controller_mode = OpenHRP::StabilizerService::MODE_AIR; break;
02018   case MODE_ST: i_stp.controller_mode = OpenHRP::StabilizerService::MODE_ST; break;
02019   case MODE_SYNC_TO_IDLE: i_stp.controller_mode = OpenHRP::StabilizerService::MODE_SYNC_TO_IDLE; break;
02020   case MODE_SYNC_TO_AIR: i_stp.controller_mode = OpenHRP::StabilizerService::MODE_SYNC_TO_AIR; break;
02021   default: break;
02022   }
02023   i_stp.emergency_check_mode = emergency_check_mode;
02024   i_stp.end_effector_list.length(stikp.size());
02025   i_stp.use_limb_stretch_avoidance = use_limb_stretch_avoidance;
02026   i_stp.use_zmp_truncation = use_zmp_truncation;
02027   i_stp.limb_stretch_avoidance_time_const = limb_stretch_avoidance_time_const;
02028   i_stp.limb_length_margin.length(stikp.size());
02029   i_stp.detection_time_to_air = detection_count_to_air * dt;
02030   for (size_t i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
02031     i_stp.limb_stretch_avoidance_vlimit[i] = limb_stretch_avoidance_vlimit[i];
02032     i_stp.root_rot_compensation_limit[i] = root_rot_compensation_limit[i];
02033   }
02034   for (size_t i = 0; i < stikp.size(); i++) {
02035       const rats::coordinates cur_ee = rats::coordinates(,;
02036       OpenHRP::AutoBalancerService::Footstep ret_ee;
02037       // position
02038       memcpy(ret_ee.pos,, sizeof(double)*3);
02039       // rotation
02040       Eigen::Quaternion<double> qt(cur_ee.rot);
02041       ret_ee.rot[0] = qt.w();
02042       ret_ee.rot[1] = qt.x();
02043       ret_ee.rot[2] = qt.y();
02044       ret_ee.rot[3] = qt.z();
02045       // name
02046       ret_ee.leg =;
02047       // set
02048       i_stp.end_effector_list[i] = ret_ee;
02049       i_stp.limb_length_margin[i] = stikp[i].limb_length_margin;
02050   }
02051   i_stp.ik_limb_parameters.length(jpe_v.size());
02052   for (size_t i = 0; i < jpe_v.size(); i++) {
02053       OpenHRP::StabilizerService::IKLimbParameters& ilp = i_stp.ik_limb_parameters[i];
02054       ilp.ik_optional_weight_vector.length(jpe_v[i]->numJoints());
02055       std::vector<double> ov;
02056       ov.resize(jpe_v[i]->numJoints());
02057       jpe_v[i]->getOptionalWeightVector(ov);
02058       for (size_t j = 0; j < jpe_v[i]->numJoints(); j++) {
02059           ilp.ik_optional_weight_vector[j] = ov[j];
02060       }
02061       ilp.sr_gain = jpe_v[i]->getSRGain();
02062       ilp.avoid_gain = stikp[i].avoid_gain;
02063       ilp.reference_gain = stikp[i].reference_gain;
02064       ilp.manipulability_limit = jpe_v[i]->getManipulabilityLimit();
02065       ilp.ik_loop_count = stikp[i].ik_loop_count; // size_t -> unsigned short, value may change, but ik_loop_count is small value and value not change
02066   }
02067 };
02069 void Stabilizer::setParameter(const OpenHRP::StabilizerService::stParam& i_stp)
02070 {
02071   Guard guard(m_mutex);
02072   std::cerr << "[" << m_profile.instance_name << "] setParameter" << std::endl;
02073   for (size_t i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
02074     k_tpcc_p[i] = i_stp.k_tpcc_p[i];
02075     k_tpcc_x[i] = i_stp.k_tpcc_x[i];
02076     k_brot_p[i] = i_stp.k_brot_p[i];
02077     k_brot_tc[i] = i_stp.k_brot_tc[i];
02078   }
02079   std::cerr << "[" << m_profile.instance_name << "]  TPCC" << std::endl;
02080   std::cerr << "[" << m_profile.instance_name << "]   k_tpcc_p  = [" << k_tpcc_p[0] << ", " <<  k_tpcc_p[1] << "], k_tpcc_x  = [" << k_tpcc_x[0] << ", " << k_tpcc_x[1] << "], k_brot_p  = [" << k_brot_p[0] << ", " << k_brot_p[1] << "], k_brot_tc = [" << k_brot_tc[0] << ", " << k_brot_tc[1] << "]" << std::endl;
02081   // for (size_t i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
02082   //   k_run_b[i] = i_stp.k_run_b[i];
02083   //   d_run_b[i] = i_stp.d_run_b[i];
02084   //   m_tau_x[i].setup(i_stp.tdfke[0], i_stp.tdftc[0], dt);
02085   //   m_tau_y[i].setup(i_stp.tdfke[0], i_stp.tdftc[0], dt);
02086   //   m_f_z.setup(i_stp.tdfke[1], i_stp.tdftc[1], dt);
02087   // }
02088   // m_torque_k[0] = i_stp.k_run_x;
02089   // m_torque_k[1] = i_stp.k_run_y;
02090   // m_torque_d[0] = i_stp.d_run_x;
02091   // m_torque_d[1] = i_stp.d_run_y;
02092   // std::cerr << "[" << m_profile.instance_name << "]  RUNST" << std::endl;
02093   // std::cerr << "[" << m_profile.instance_name << "]   m_torque_k  = [" << m_torque_k[0] << ", " <<  m_torque_k[1] << "]" << std::endl;
02094   // std::cerr << "[" << m_profile.instance_name << "]   m_torque_d  = [" << m_torque_d[0] << ", " <<  m_torque_d[1] << "]" << std::endl;
02095   // std::cerr << "[" << m_profile.instance_name << "]   k_run_b  = [" << k_run_b[0] << ", " <<  k_run_b[1] << "]" << std::endl;
02096   // std::cerr << "[" << m_profile.instance_name << "]   d_run_b  = [" << d_run_b[0] << ", " <<  d_run_b[1] << "]" << std::endl;
02097   std::cerr << "[" << m_profile.instance_name << "]  EEFM" << std::endl;
02098   for (size_t i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
02099     eefm_k1[i] = i_stp.eefm_k1[i];
02100     eefm_k2[i] = i_stp.eefm_k2[i];
02101     eefm_k3[i] = i_stp.eefm_k3[i];
02102     eefm_zmp_delay_time_const[i] = i_stp.eefm_zmp_delay_time_const[i];
02103     ref_zmp_aux(i) = i_stp.eefm_ref_zmp_aux[i];
02104     eefm_body_attitude_control_gain[i] = i_stp.eefm_body_attitude_control_gain[i];
02105     eefm_body_attitude_control_time_const[i] = i_stp.eefm_body_attitude_control_time_const[i];
02106     ref_cp(i) = i_stp.ref_capture_point[i];
02107     act_cp(i) = i_stp.act_capture_point[i];
02108     cp_offset(i) = i_stp.cp_offset[i];
02109   }
02110   bool is_damping_parameter_ok = true;
02111   if ( i_stp.eefm_pos_damping_gain.length () == stikp.size() &&
02112        i_stp.eefm_pos_time_const_support.length () == stikp.size() &&
02113        i_stp.eefm_pos_compensation_limit.length () == stikp.size() &&
02114        i_stp.eefm_swing_pos_spring_gain.length () == stikp.size() &&
02115        i_stp.eefm_swing_pos_time_const.length () == stikp.size() &&
02116        i_stp.eefm_rot_damping_gain.length () == stikp.size() &&
02117        i_stp.eefm_rot_time_const.length () == stikp.size() &&
02118        i_stp.eefm_rot_compensation_limit.length () == stikp.size() &&
02119        i_stp.eefm_swing_rot_spring_gain.length () == stikp.size() &&
02120        i_stp.eefm_swing_rot_time_const.length () == stikp.size() &&
02121        i_stp.eefm_ee_moment_limit.length () == stikp.size() &&
02122        i_stp.eefm_ee_forcemoment_distribution_weight.length () == stikp.size()) {
02123       is_damping_parameter_ok = true;
02124       for (size_t j = 0; j < stikp.size(); j++) {
02125           for (size_t i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
02126               stikp[j].eefm_pos_damping_gain(i) = i_stp.eefm_pos_damping_gain[j][i];
02127               stikp[j].eefm_pos_time_const_support(i) = i_stp.eefm_pos_time_const_support[j][i];
02128               stikp[j].eefm_swing_pos_spring_gain(i) = i_stp.eefm_swing_pos_spring_gain[j][i];
02129               stikp[j].eefm_swing_pos_time_const(i) = i_stp.eefm_swing_pos_time_const[j][i];
02130               stikp[j].eefm_rot_damping_gain(i) = i_stp.eefm_rot_damping_gain[j][i];
02131               stikp[j].eefm_rot_time_const(i) = i_stp.eefm_rot_time_const[j][i];
02132               stikp[j].eefm_swing_rot_spring_gain(i) = i_stp.eefm_swing_rot_spring_gain[j][i];
02133               stikp[j].eefm_swing_rot_time_const(i) = i_stp.eefm_swing_rot_time_const[j][i];
02134               stikp[j].eefm_ee_moment_limit(i) = i_stp.eefm_ee_moment_limit[j][i];
02135               stikp[j].eefm_ee_forcemoment_distribution_weight(i) = i_stp.eefm_ee_forcemoment_distribution_weight[j][i];
02136               stikp[j].eefm_ee_forcemoment_distribution_weight(i+3) = i_stp.eefm_ee_forcemoment_distribution_weight[j][i+3];
02137           }
02138           stikp[j].eefm_pos_compensation_limit = i_stp.eefm_pos_compensation_limit[j];
02139           stikp[j].eefm_rot_compensation_limit = i_stp.eefm_rot_compensation_limit[j];
02140       }
02141   } else {
02142       is_damping_parameter_ok = false;
02143   }
02144   for (size_t i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
02145     eefm_swing_pos_damping_gain(i) = i_stp.eefm_swing_pos_damping_gain[i];
02146     eefm_swing_rot_damping_gain(i) = i_stp.eefm_swing_rot_damping_gain[i];
02147   }
02148   eefm_pos_time_const_swing = i_stp.eefm_pos_time_const_swing;
02149   eefm_pos_transition_time = i_stp.eefm_pos_transition_time;
02150   eefm_pos_margin_time = i_stp.eefm_pos_margin_time;
02151   szd->set_leg_inside_margin(i_stp.eefm_leg_inside_margin);
02152   szd->set_leg_outside_margin(i_stp.eefm_leg_outside_margin);
02153   szd->set_leg_front_margin(i_stp.eefm_leg_front_margin);
02154   szd->set_leg_rear_margin(i_stp.eefm_leg_rear_margin);
02155   szd->set_vertices_from_margin_params();
02157   if (i_stp.eefm_support_polygon_vertices_sequence.length() != stikp.size()) {
02158       std::cerr << "[" << m_profile.instance_name << "]   eefm_support_polygon_vertices_sequence cannot be set. Length " << i_stp.eefm_support_polygon_vertices_sequence.length() << " != " << stikp.size() << std::endl;
02159   } else {
02160       std::cerr << "[" << m_profile.instance_name << "]   eefm_support_polygon_vertices_sequence set" << std::endl;
02161       std::vector<std::vector<Eigen::Vector2d> > support_polygon_vec;
02162       for (size_t ee_idx = 0; ee_idx < i_stp.eefm_support_polygon_vertices_sequence.length(); ee_idx++) {
02163           std::vector<Eigen::Vector2d> tvec;
02164           for (size_t v_idx = 0; v_idx < i_stp.eefm_support_polygon_vertices_sequence[ee_idx].vertices.length(); v_idx++) {
02165               tvec.push_back(Eigen::Vector2d(i_stp.eefm_support_polygon_vertices_sequence[ee_idx].vertices[v_idx].pos[0],
02166                                              i_stp.eefm_support_polygon_vertices_sequence[ee_idx].vertices[v_idx].pos[1]));
02167           }
02168           support_polygon_vec.push_back(tvec);
02169       }
02170       szd->set_vertices(support_polygon_vec);
02171       szd->print_vertices(std::string(m_profile.instance_name));
02172   }
02173   eefm_use_force_difference_control = i_stp.eefm_use_force_difference_control;
02174   eefm_use_swing_damping = i_stp.eefm_use_swing_damping;
02175   for (size_t i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
02176       eefm_swing_damping_force_thre[i] = i_stp.eefm_swing_damping_force_thre[i];
02177       eefm_swing_damping_moment_thre[i] = i_stp.eefm_swing_damping_moment_thre[i];
02178   }
02179   act_cogvel_filter->setCutOffFreq(i_stp.eefm_cogvel_cutoff_freq);
02180   szd->set_wrench_alpha_blending(i_stp.eefm_wrench_alpha_blending);
02181   szd->set_alpha_cutoff_freq(i_stp.eefm_alpha_cutoff_freq);
02182   eefm_gravitational_acceleration = i_stp.eefm_gravitational_acceleration;
02183   for (size_t i = 0; i < stikp.size(); i++) {
02184       stikp[i].target_ee_diff_p_filter->setCutOffFreq(i_stp.eefm_ee_error_cutoff_freq);
02185       stikp[i].target_ee_diff_r_filter->setCutOffFreq(i_stp.eefm_ee_error_cutoff_freq);
02186       stikp[i].limb_length_margin = i_stp.limb_length_margin[i];
02187   }
02188   setBoolSequenceParam(is_ik_enable, i_stp.is_ik_enable, std::string("is_ik_enable"));
02189   setBoolSequenceParamWithCheckContact(is_feedback_control_enable, i_stp.is_feedback_control_enable, std::string("is_feedback_control_enable"));
02190   setBoolSequenceParam(is_zmp_calc_enable, i_stp.is_zmp_calc_enable, std::string("is_zmp_calc_enable"));
02191   emergency_check_mode = i_stp.emergency_check_mode;
02193   transition_time = i_stp.transition_time;
02194   cop_check_margin = i_stp.cop_check_margin;
02195   for (size_t i = 0; i < cp_check_margin.size(); i++) {
02196     cp_check_margin[i] = i_stp.cp_check_margin[i];
02197   }
02198   szd->set_vertices_from_margin_params(cp_check_margin);
02199   for (size_t i = 0; i < tilt_margin.size(); i++) {
02200     tilt_margin[i] = i_stp.tilt_margin[i];
02201   }
02202   contact_decision_threshold = i_stp.contact_decision_threshold;
02203   is_estop_while_walking = i_stp.is_estop_while_walking;
02204   use_limb_stretch_avoidance = i_stp.use_limb_stretch_avoidance;
02205   use_zmp_truncation = i_stp.use_zmp_truncation;
02206   limb_stretch_avoidance_time_const = i_stp.limb_stretch_avoidance_time_const;
02207   for (size_t i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
02208     limb_stretch_avoidance_vlimit[i] = i_stp.limb_stretch_avoidance_vlimit[i];
02209     root_rot_compensation_limit[i] = i_stp.root_rot_compensation_limit[i];
02210   }
02211   detection_count_to_air = static_cast<int>(i_stp.detection_time_to_air / dt);
02212   if (control_mode == MODE_IDLE) {
02213       for (size_t i = 0; i < i_stp.end_effector_list.length(); i++) {
02214           std::vector<STIKParam>::iterator it = std::find_if(stikp.begin(), stikp.end(), (&boost::lambda::_1->* &std::vector<STIKParam>::value_type::ee_name == std::string(i_stp.end_effector_list[i].leg)));
02215           memcpy(it->, i_stp.end_effector_list[i].pos, sizeof(double)*3);
02216           it->localR = (Eigen::Quaternion<double>(i_stp.end_effector_list[i].rot[0], i_stp.end_effector_list[i].rot[1], i_stp.end_effector_list[i].rot[2], i_stp.end_effector_list[i].rot[3])).normalized().toRotationMatrix();
02217       }
02218   } else {
02219       std::cerr << "[" << m_profile.instance_name << "] cannot change end-effectors except during MODE_IDLE" << std::endl;
02220   }
02221   for (std::vector<STIKParam>::const_iterator it = stikp.begin(); it != stikp.end(); it++) {
02222       std::cerr << "[" << m_profile.instance_name << "]  End Effector [" << it->ee_name << "]" << std::endl;
02223       std::cerr << "[" << m_profile.instance_name << "]   localpos = " << it->localp.format(Eigen::IOFormat(Eigen::StreamPrecision, 0, ", ", ", ", "", "", "    [", "]")) << "[m]" << std::endl;
02224       std::cerr << "[" << m_profile.instance_name << "]   localR = " << it->localR.format(Eigen::IOFormat(Eigen::StreamPrecision, 0, ", ", "", "    [", "]")) << std::endl;
02225   }
02226   if (i_stp.foot_origin_offset.length () != 2) {
02227       std::cerr << "[" << m_profile.instance_name << "]   foot_origin_offset cannot be set. Length " << i_stp.foot_origin_offset.length() << " != " << 2 << std::endl;
02228   } else if (control_mode != MODE_IDLE) {
02229       std::cerr << "[" << m_profile.instance_name << "]   foot_origin_offset cannot be set. Current control_mode is " << control_mode << std::endl;
02230   } else {
02231       for (size_t i = 0; i < i_stp.foot_origin_offset.length(); i++) {
02232           foot_origin_offset[i](0) = i_stp.foot_origin_offset[i][0];
02233           foot_origin_offset[i](1) = i_stp.foot_origin_offset[i][1];
02234           foot_origin_offset[i](2) = i_stp.foot_origin_offset[i][2];
02235       }
02236   }
02237   std::cerr << "[" << m_profile.instance_name << "]   foot_origin_offset is ";
02238   for (size_t i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
02239       std::cerr << foot_origin_offset[i].format(Eigen::IOFormat(Eigen::StreamPrecision, 0, ", ", ", ", "", "", "    [", "]"));
02240   }
02241   std::cerr << "[m]" << std::endl;
02242   std::cerr << "[" << m_profile.instance_name << "]   eefm_k1  = [" << eefm_k1[0] << ", " << eefm_k1[1] << "], eefm_k2  = [" << eefm_k2[0] << ", " << eefm_k2[1] << "], eefm_k3  = [" << eefm_k3[0] << ", " << eefm_k3[1] << "]" << std::endl;
02243   std::cerr << "[" << m_profile.instance_name << "]   eefm_zmp_delay_time_const  = [" << eefm_zmp_delay_time_const[0] << ", " << eefm_zmp_delay_time_const[1] << "][s], eefm_ref_zmp_aux  = [" << ref_zmp_aux(0) << ", " << ref_zmp_aux(1) << "][m]" << std::endl;
02244   std::cerr << "[" << m_profile.instance_name << "]   eefm_body_attitude_control_gain  = [" << eefm_body_attitude_control_gain[0] << ", " << eefm_body_attitude_control_gain[1] << "], eefm_body_attitude_control_time_const  = [" << eefm_body_attitude_control_time_const[0] << ", " << eefm_body_attitude_control_time_const[1] << "][s]" << std::endl;
02245   if (is_damping_parameter_ok) {
02246       for (size_t j = 0; j < stikp.size(); j++) {
02247           std::cerr << "[" << m_profile.instance_name << "]   [" << stikp[j].ee_name << "] eefm_rot_damping_gain = "
02248                     << stikp[j].eefm_rot_damping_gain.format(Eigen::IOFormat(Eigen::StreamPrecision, 0, ", ", ", ", "", "", "    [", "]"))
02249                     << ", eefm_rot_time_const = "
02250                     << stikp[j].eefm_rot_time_const.format(Eigen::IOFormat(Eigen::StreamPrecision, 0, ", ", ", ", "", "", "    [", "]"))
02251                     << "[s]" << std::endl;
02252           std::cerr << "[" << m_profile.instance_name << "]   [" << stikp[j].ee_name << "] eefm_pos_damping_gain = "
02253                     << stikp[j].eefm_pos_damping_gain.format(Eigen::IOFormat(Eigen::StreamPrecision, 0, ", ", ", ", "", "", "    [", "]"))
02254                     << ", eefm_pos_time_const_support = "
02255                     << stikp[j].eefm_pos_time_const_support.format(Eigen::IOFormat(Eigen::StreamPrecision, 0, ", ", ", ", "", "", "    [", "]"))
02256                     << "[s]" << std::endl;
02257           std::cerr << "[" << m_profile.instance_name << "]   [" << stikp[j].ee_name << "] "
02258                     << "eefm_pos_compensation_limit = " << stikp[j].eefm_pos_compensation_limit << "[m], "
02259                     << "eefm_rot_compensation_limit = " << stikp[j].eefm_rot_compensation_limit << "[rad], "
02260                     << "eefm_ee_moment_limit = " << stikp[j].eefm_ee_moment_limit.format(Eigen::IOFormat(Eigen::StreamPrecision, 0, ", ", ", ", "", "", "    [", "]")) << "[Nm]" << std::endl;
02261           std::cerr << "[" << m_profile.instance_name << "]   [" << stikp[j].ee_name << "] "
02262                     << "eefm_swing_pos_spring_gain = " << stikp[j].eefm_swing_pos_spring_gain.format(Eigen::IOFormat(Eigen::StreamPrecision, 0, ", ", ", ", "", "", "    [", "]")) << ", "
02263                     << "eefm_swing_pos_time_const = " << stikp[j].eefm_swing_pos_time_const.format(Eigen::IOFormat(Eigen::StreamPrecision, 0, ", ", ", ", "", "", "    [", "]")) << ", "
02264                     << "eefm_swing_rot_spring_gain = " << stikp[j].eefm_swing_rot_spring_gain.format(Eigen::IOFormat(Eigen::StreamPrecision, 0, ", ", ", ", "", "", "    [", "]")) << ", "
02265                     << "eefm_swing_pos_time_const = " << stikp[j].eefm_swing_pos_time_const.format(Eigen::IOFormat(Eigen::StreamPrecision, 0, ", ", ", ", "", "", "    [", "]")) << ", "
02266                     << std::endl;
02267           std::cerr << "[" << m_profile.instance_name << "]   [" << stikp[j].ee_name << "] "
02268                     << "eefm_ee_forcemoment_distribution_weight = " << stikp[j].eefm_ee_forcemoment_distribution_weight.format(Eigen::IOFormat(Eigen::StreamPrecision, 0, ", ", ", ", "", "", "    [", "]")) << "" << std::endl;
02269       }
02270   } else {
02271       std::cerr << "[" << m_profile.instance_name << "]   eefm damping parameters cannot be set because of invalid param." << std::endl;
02272   }
02273   std::cerr << "[" << m_profile.instance_name << "]   eefm_pos_transition_time = " << eefm_pos_transition_time << "[s], eefm_pos_margin_time = " << eefm_pos_margin_time << "[s] eefm_pos_time_const_swing = " << eefm_pos_time_const_swing << "[s]" << std::endl;
02274   std::cerr << "[" << m_profile.instance_name << "]   cogvel_cutoff_freq = " << act_cogvel_filter->getCutOffFreq() << "[Hz]" << std::endl;
02275   szd->print_params(std::string(m_profile.instance_name));
02276   std::cerr << "[" << m_profile.instance_name << "]   eefm_gravitational_acceleration = " << eefm_gravitational_acceleration << "[m/s^2], eefm_use_force_difference_control = " << (eefm_use_force_difference_control? "true":"false") << ", eefm_use_swing_damping = " << (eefm_use_swing_damping? "true":"false") << std::endl;
02277   std::cerr << "[" << m_profile.instance_name << "]   eefm_ee_error_cutoff_freq = " << stikp[0].target_ee_diff_p_filter->getCutOffFreq() << "[Hz]" << std::endl;
02278   std::cerr << "[" << m_profile.instance_name << "]  COMMON" << std::endl;
02279   if (control_mode == MODE_IDLE) {
02280     st_algorithm = i_stp.st_algorithm;
02281     std::cerr << "[" << m_profile.instance_name << "]   st_algorithm changed to [" << getStabilizerAlgorithmString(st_algorithm) << "]" << std::endl;
02282   } else {
02283     std::cerr << "[" << m_profile.instance_name << "]   st_algorithm cannot be changed to [" << getStabilizerAlgorithmString(st_algorithm) << "] during MODE_AIR or MODE_ST." << std::endl;
02284   }
02285   std::cerr << "[" << m_profile.instance_name << "]   emergency_check_mode changed to [" << (emergency_check_mode == OpenHRP::StabilizerService::NO_CHECK?"NO_CHECK": (emergency_check_mode == OpenHRP::StabilizerService::COP?"COP":"CP") ) << "]" << std::endl;
02286   std::cerr << "[" << m_profile.instance_name << "]   transition_time = " << transition_time << "[s]" << std::endl;
02287   std::cerr << "[" << m_profile.instance_name << "]   cop_check_margin = " << cop_check_margin << "[m], "
02288             << "cp_check_margin = [" << cp_check_margin[0] << ", " << cp_check_margin[1] << ", " << cp_check_margin[2] << ", " << cp_check_margin[3] << "] [m], "
02289             << "tilt_margin = [" << tilt_margin[0] << ", " << tilt_margin[1] << "] [rad]" << std::endl;
02290   std::cerr << "[" << m_profile.instance_name << "]   contact_decision_threshold = " << contact_decision_threshold << "[N], detection_time_to_air = " << detection_count_to_air * dt << "[s]" << std::endl;
02291   std::cerr << "[" << m_profile.instance_name << "]   root_rot_compensation_limit = [" << root_rot_compensation_limit[0] << " " << root_rot_compensation_limit[1] << "][rad]" << std::endl;
02292   // IK limb parameters
02293   std::cerr << "[" << m_profile.instance_name << "]  IK limb parameters" << std::endl;
02294   bool is_ik_limb_parameter_valid_length = true;
02295   if (i_stp.ik_limb_parameters.length() != jpe_v.size()) {
02296       is_ik_limb_parameter_valid_length = false;
02297       std::cerr << "[" << m_profile.instance_name << "]   ik_limb_parameters invalid length! Cannot be set. (input = " << i_stp.ik_limb_parameters.length() << ", desired = " << jpe_v.size() << ")" << std::endl;
02298   } else {
02299       for (size_t i = 0; i < jpe_v.size(); i++) {
02300           if (jpe_v[i]->numJoints() != i_stp.ik_limb_parameters[i].ik_optional_weight_vector.length())
02301               is_ik_limb_parameter_valid_length = false;
02302       }
02303       if (is_ik_limb_parameter_valid_length) {
02304           for (size_t i = 0; i < jpe_v.size(); i++) {
02305               const OpenHRP::StabilizerService::IKLimbParameters& ilp = i_stp.ik_limb_parameters[i];
02306               std::vector<double> ov;
02307               ov.resize(jpe_v[i]->numJoints());
02308               for (size_t j = 0; j < jpe_v[i]->numJoints(); j++) {
02309                   ov[j] = ilp.ik_optional_weight_vector[j];
02310               }
02311               jpe_v[i]->setOptionalWeightVector(ov);
02312               jpe_v[i]->setSRGain(ilp.sr_gain);
02313               stikp[i].avoid_gain = ilp.avoid_gain;
02314               stikp[i].reference_gain = ilp.reference_gain;
02315               jpe_v[i]->setManipulabilityLimit(ilp.manipulability_limit);
02316               stikp[i].ik_loop_count = ilp.ik_loop_count; // unsigned short -> size_t, value not change
02317           }
02318       } else {
02319           std::cerr << "[" << m_profile.instance_name << "]   ik_optional_weight_vector invalid length! Cannot be set. (input = [";
02320           for (size_t i = 0; i < jpe_v.size(); i++) {
02321               std::cerr << i_stp.ik_limb_parameters[i].ik_optional_weight_vector.length() << ", ";
02322           }
02323           std::cerr << "], desired = [";
02324           for (size_t i = 0; i < jpe_v.size(); i++) {
02325               std::cerr << jpe_v[i]->numJoints() << ", ";
02326           }
02327           std::cerr << "])" << std::endl;
02328       }
02329   }
02330   if (is_ik_limb_parameter_valid_length) {
02331       std::cerr << "[" << m_profile.instance_name << "]   ik_optional_weight_vectors = ";
02332       for (size_t i = 0; i < jpe_v.size(); i++) {
02333           std::vector<double> ov;
02334           ov.resize(jpe_v[i]->numJoints());
02335           jpe_v[i]->getOptionalWeightVector(ov);
02336           std::cerr << "[";
02337           for (size_t j = 0; j < jpe_v[i]->numJoints(); j++) {
02338               std::cerr << ov[j] << " ";
02339           }
02340           std::cerr << "]";
02341       }
02342       std::cerr << std::endl;
02343       std::cerr << "[" << m_profile.instance_name << "]   sr_gains = [";
02344       for (size_t i = 0; i < jpe_v.size(); i++) {
02345           std::cerr << jpe_v[i]->getSRGain() << ", ";
02346       }
02347       std::cerr << "]" << std::endl;
02348       std::cerr << "[" << m_profile.instance_name << "]   avoid_gains = [";
02349       for (size_t i = 0; i < stikp.size(); i++) {
02350           std::cerr << stikp[i].avoid_gain << ", ";
02351       }
02352       std::cerr << "]" << std::endl;
02353       std::cerr << "[" << m_profile.instance_name << "]   reference_gains = [";
02354       for (size_t i = 0; i < stikp.size(); i++) {
02355           std::cerr << stikp[i].reference_gain << ", ";
02356       }
02357       std::cerr << "]" << std::endl;
02358       std::cerr << "[" << m_profile.instance_name << "]   manipulability_limits = [";
02359       for (size_t i = 0; i < jpe_v.size(); i++) {
02360           std::cerr << jpe_v[i]->getManipulabilityLimit() << ", ";
02361       }
02362       std::cerr << "]" << std::endl;
02363       std::cerr << "[" << m_profile.instance_name << "]   ik_loop_count = [";
02364       for (size_t i = 0; i < stikp.size(); i++) {
02365           std::cerr << stikp[i].ik_loop_count << ", ";
02366       }
02367       std::cerr << "]" << std::endl;
02368   }
02369 }
02371 std::string Stabilizer::getStabilizerAlgorithmString (OpenHRP::StabilizerService::STAlgorithm _st_algorithm)
02372 {
02373     switch (_st_algorithm) {
02374     case OpenHRP::StabilizerService::TPCC:
02375         return "TPCC";
02376     case OpenHRP::StabilizerService::EEFM:
02377         return "EEFM";
02378     case OpenHRP::StabilizerService::EEFMQP:
02379         return "EEFMQP";
02380     case OpenHRP::StabilizerService::EEFMQPCOP:
02381         return "EEFMQPCOP";
02382     case OpenHRP::StabilizerService::EEFMQPCOP2:
02383         return "EEFMQPCOP2";
02384     default:
02385         return "";
02386     }
02387 };
02389 void Stabilizer::setBoolSequenceParam (std::vector<bool>& st_bool_values, const OpenHRP::StabilizerService::BoolSequence& output_bool_values, const std::string& prop_name)
02390 {
02391   std::vector<bool> prev_values;
02392   prev_values.resize(st_bool_values.size());
02393   copy (st_bool_values.begin(), st_bool_values.end(), prev_values.begin());
02394   if (st_bool_values.size() != output_bool_values.length()) {
02395       std::cerr << "[" << m_profile.instance_name << "]   " << prop_name << " cannot be set. Length " << st_bool_values.size() << " != " << output_bool_values.length() << std::endl;
02396   } else if ( (control_mode != MODE_IDLE) ) {
02397       std::cerr << "[" << m_profile.instance_name << "]   " << prop_name << " cannot be set. Current control_mode is " << control_mode << std::endl;
02398   } else {
02399       for (size_t i = 0; i < st_bool_values.size(); i++) {
02400           st_bool_values[i] = output_bool_values[i];
02401       }
02402   }
02403   std::cerr << "[" << m_profile.instance_name << "]   " << prop_name << " is ";
02404   for (size_t i = 0; i < st_bool_values.size(); i++) {
02405       std::cerr <<"[" << st_bool_values[i] << "]";
02406   }
02407   std::cerr << "(set = ";
02408   for (size_t i = 0; i < output_bool_values.length(); i++) {
02409       std::cerr <<"[" << output_bool_values[i] << "]";
02410   }
02411   std::cerr << ", prev = ";
02412   for (size_t i = 0; i < prev_values.size(); i++) {
02413       std::cerr <<"[" << prev_values[i] << "]";
02414   }
02415   std::cerr << ")" << std::endl;
02416 };
02418 void Stabilizer::setBoolSequenceParamWithCheckContact (std::vector<bool>& st_bool_values, const OpenHRP::StabilizerService::BoolSequence& output_bool_values, const std::string& prop_name)
02419 {
02420   std::vector<bool> prev_values;
02421   prev_values.resize(st_bool_values.size());
02422   copy (st_bool_values.begin(), st_bool_values.end(), prev_values.begin());
02423   if (st_bool_values.size() != output_bool_values.length()) {
02424       std::cerr << "[" << m_profile.instance_name << "]   " << prop_name << " cannot be set. Length " << st_bool_values.size() << " != " << output_bool_values.length() << std::endl;
02425   } else if ( control_mode == MODE_IDLE ) {
02426     for (size_t i = 0; i < st_bool_values.size(); i++) {
02427       st_bool_values[i] = output_bool_values[i];
02428     }
02429   } else {
02430     std::vector<size_t> failed_indices;
02431     for (size_t i = 0; i < st_bool_values.size(); i++) {
02432       if ( (st_bool_values[i] != output_bool_values[i]) ) { // If mode change
02433         if (!ref_contact_states[i] ) { // reference contact_states should be OFF
02434           st_bool_values[i] = output_bool_values[i];
02435         } else {
02436           failed_indices.push_back(i);
02437         }
02438       }
02439     }
02440     if (failed_indices.size() > 0) {
02441       std::cerr << "[" << m_profile.instance_name << "]   " << prop_name << " cannot be set partially. failed_indices is [";
02442       for (size_t i = 0; i < failed_indices.size(); i++) {
02443         std::cerr << failed_indices[i] << " ";
02444       }
02445       std::cerr << "]" << std::endl;
02446     }
02447   }
02448   std::cerr << "[" << m_profile.instance_name << "]   " << prop_name << " is ";
02449   for (size_t i = 0; i < st_bool_values.size(); i++) {
02450       std::cerr <<"[" << st_bool_values[i] << "]";
02451   }
02452   std::cerr << "(set = ";
02453   for (size_t i = 0; i < output_bool_values.length(); i++) {
02454       std::cerr <<"[" << output_bool_values[i] << "]";
02455   }
02456   std::cerr << ", prev = ";
02457   for (size_t i = 0; i < prev_values.size(); i++) {
02458       std::cerr <<"[" << prev_values[i] << "]";
02459   }
02460   std::cerr << ")" << std::endl;
02461 };
02463 void Stabilizer::waitSTTransition()
02464 {
02465   // Wait condition
02466   //   1. Check transition_count : Wait until transition is finished
02467   //   2. Check control_mode : Once control_mode is SYNC mode, wait until control_mode moves to the next mode (MODE_AIR or MODE_IDLE)
02468   bool flag = (control_mode == MODE_SYNC_TO_AIR || control_mode == MODE_SYNC_TO_IDLE);
02469   while (transition_count != 0 ||
02470          (flag ? !(control_mode == MODE_IDLE || control_mode == MODE_AIR) : false) ) {
02471       usleep(10);
02472       flag = (control_mode == MODE_SYNC_TO_AIR || control_mode == MODE_SYNC_TO_IDLE);
02473   }
02474   usleep(10);
02475 }
02477 double Stabilizer::vlimit(double value, double llimit_value, double ulimit_value)
02478 {
02479   if (value > ulimit_value) {
02480     return ulimit_value;
02481   } else if (value < llimit_value) {
02482     return llimit_value;
02483   }
02484   return value;
02485 }
02487 hrp::Vector3 Stabilizer::vlimit(const hrp::Vector3& value, double llimit_value, double ulimit_value)
02488 {
02489   hrp::Vector3 ret;
02490   for (size_t i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
02491       if (value(i) > ulimit_value) {
02492           ret(i) = ulimit_value;
02493       } else if (value(i) < llimit_value) {
02494           ret(i) = llimit_value;
02495       } else {
02496           ret(i) = value(i);
02497       }
02498   }
02499   return ret;
02500 }
02502 hrp::Vector3 Stabilizer::vlimit(const hrp::Vector3& value, const hrp::Vector3& limit_value)
02503 {
02504   hrp::Vector3 ret;
02505   for (size_t i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
02506       if (value(i) > limit_value(i)) {
02507           ret(i) = limit_value(i);
02508       } else if (value(i) < -1 * limit_value(i)) {
02509           ret(i) = -1 * limit_value(i);
02510       } else {
02511           ret(i) = value(i);
02512       }
02513   }
02514   return ret;
02515 }
02517 hrp::Vector3 Stabilizer::vlimit(const hrp::Vector3& value, const hrp::Vector3& llimit_value, const hrp::Vector3& ulimit_value)
02518 {
02519   hrp::Vector3 ret;
02520   for (size_t i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
02521       if (value(i) > ulimit_value(i)) {
02522           ret(i) = ulimit_value(i);
02523       } else if (value(i) < llimit_value(i)) {
02524           ret(i) = llimit_value(i);
02525       } else {
02526           ret(i) = value(i);
02527       }
02528   }
02529   return ret;
02530 }
02532 static double switching_inpact_absorber(double force, double lower_th, double upper_th)
02533 {
02534   double gradient, intercept;
02535   if (force < lower_th) {
02536     return 0;
02537   } else if (force > upper_th) {
02538     return 1;
02539   } else {
02540     gradient = 1.0 / (upper_th - lower_th);
02541     intercept = -lower_th * gradient;
02542     return gradient * force + intercept;
02543   }
02544 }
02546 void Stabilizer::calcRUNST() {
02547   if ( m_robot->numJoints() == ) {
02548     std::vector<std::string> target_name;
02549     target_name.push_back("L_ANKLE_R");
02550     target_name.push_back("R_ANKLE_R");
02552     double angvelx_ref;// = ( - pangx_ref)/dt;
02553     double angvely_ref;// = ( - pangy_ref)/dt;
02554     //pangx_ref =;
02555     //pangy_ref =;
02556     double angvelx = ( - pangx)/dt;
02557     double angvely = ( - pangy)/dt;
02558     pangx =;
02559     pangy =;
02561     // update internal robot model
02562     for ( int i = 0; i < m_robot->numJoints(); i++ ){
02563       qorg[i] = m_robot->joint(i)->q;
02564       m_robot->joint(i)->q =[i];
02565       qrefv[i] =[i];
02566     }
02567     //double orgjq = m_robot->link("L_FOOT")->joint->q;
02568     double orgjq = m_robot->joint(m_robot->link("L_ANKLE_P")->jointId)->q;
02569     //set root
02570     m_robot->rootLink()->p = hrp::Vector3(0,0,0);
02571     //m_robot->rootLink()->R = hrp::rotFromRpy(,,;
02572     m_robot->calcForwardKinematics();
02573     hrp::Vector3 target_root_p = m_robot->rootLink()->p;
02574     hrp::Matrix33 target_root_R = m_robot->rootLink()->R;
02575     hrp::Vector3 target_foot_p[2];
02576     hrp::Matrix33 target_foot_R[2];
02577     for (size_t i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
02578       target_foot_p[i] = m_robot->link(target_name[i])->p;
02579       target_foot_R[i] = m_robot->link(target_name[i])->R;
02580     }
02581     hrp::Vector3 target_fm = (m_robot->link(target_name[0])->p + m_robot->link(target_name[1])->p)/2;
02582     //hrp::Vector3 org_cm = m_robot->rootLink()->R.transpose() * (m_robot->calcCM() - m_robot->rootLink()->p);
02583     hrp::Vector3 org_cm = m_robot->rootLink()->R.transpose() * (target_fm - m_robot->rootLink()->p);
02585     // stabilizer loop
02586     if ( ( m_wrenches[1].data.length() > 0 && m_wrenches[0].data.length() > 0 )
02587          //( m_wrenches[ST_LEFT].data[2] > m_robot->totalMass()/4 || m_wrenches[ST_RIGHT].data[2] > m_robot->totalMass()/4 )
02588          ) {
02590       for ( int i = 0; i < m_robot->numJoints(); i++ ) {
02591         m_robot->joint(i)->q = qorg[i];
02592       }
02593       // set root
02594       double rddx;// = k_run_b[0] * ( - + d_run_b[0] * (angvelx_ref - angvelx);
02595       double rddy;// = k_run_b[1] * ( - + d_run_b[1] * (angvely_ref - angvely);
02596       rdx += rddx * dt;
02597       rx += rdx * dt;
02598       rdy += rddy * dt;
02599       ry += rdy * dt;
02600       //rx += rddx * dt;
02601       //ry += rddy * dt;
02602       // if (DEBUGP2) {
02603       //   std::cerr << "REFRPY " << << " " << << std::endl;
02604       // }
02605       // if (DEBUGP2) {
02606       //   std::cerr << "RPY " << << " " << << std::endl;
02607       //   std::cerr << " rx " << rx << " " << rdx << " " << rddx << std::endl;
02608       //   std::cerr << " ry " << ry << " " << rdy << " " << rddy << std::endl;
02609       // }
02610       hrp::Vector3 root_p_s;
02611       hrp::Matrix33 root_R_s;
02612       rats::rotm3times(root_R_s, hrp::rotFromRpy(rx, ry, 0), target_root_R);
02613       if (DEBUGP2) {
02614         hrp::Vector3 tmp = hrp::rpyFromRot(root_R_s);
02615         std::cerr << "RPY2 " <<  tmp(0) << " " << tmp(1) << std::endl;
02616       }
02617       root_p_s = target_root_p + target_root_R * org_cm - root_R_s * org_cm;
02618       //m_robot->calcForwardKinematics();
02619       // FK
02620       m_robot->rootLink()->R = root_R_s;
02621       m_robot->rootLink()->p = root_p_s;
02622       if (DEBUGP2) {
02623         std::cerr << " rp " << root_p_s[0] << " " << root_p_s[1] << " " << root_p_s[2] << std::endl;
02624       }
02625       m_robot->calcForwardKinematics();
02626       //
02627       hrp::Vector3 current_fm = (m_robot->link(target_name[0])->p + m_robot->link(target_name[1])->p)/2;
02629       // 3D-LIP model contorller
02630       hrp::Vector3 dr = target_fm - current_fm;
02631       //hrp::Vector3 dr = current_fm - target_fm ;
02632       hrp::Vector3 dr_vel = (dr - pdr)/dt;
02633       pdr = dr;
02634       double tau_y = - m_torque_k[0] * dr(0) - m_torque_d[0] * dr_vel(0);
02635       double tau_x = m_torque_k[1] * dr(1) + m_torque_d[1] * dr_vel(1);
02636       if (DEBUGP2) {
02637         dr*=1e3;
02638         dr_vel*=1e3;
02639         std::cerr << "dr " << dr(0) << " " << dr(1) << " " << dr_vel(0) << " " << dr_vel(1) << std::endl;
02640         std::cerr << "tau_x " << tau_x << std::endl;
02641         std::cerr << "tau_y " << tau_y << std::endl;
02642       }
02644       double gamma = 0.5; // temp
02645       double tau_xl[2];
02646       double tau_yl[2];
02647       double xfront = 0.125;
02648       double xrear = 0.1;
02649       double yin = 0.02;
02650       double yout = 0.15;
02651       double mg = m_robot->totalMass() * 9.8 * 0.9;// margin
02652       double tq_y_ulimit = mg * xrear;
02653       double tq_y_llimit = -1 * mg * xfront;
02654       double tq_x_ulimit = mg * yout;
02655       double tq_x_llimit = mg * yin;
02656       // left
02657       tau_xl[0] = gamma * tau_x;
02658       tau_yl[0] = gamma * tau_y;
02659       tau_xl[0] = vlimit(tau_xl[0], tq_x_llimit, tq_x_ulimit);
02660       tau_yl[0] = vlimit(tau_yl[0], tq_y_llimit, tq_y_ulimit);
02661       // right
02662       tau_xl[1]= (1- gamma) * tau_x;
02663       tau_yl[1]= (1- gamma) * tau_y;
02664       tau_xl[1] = vlimit(tau_xl[1], -1*tq_x_ulimit, -1*tq_x_llimit);
02665       tau_yl[1] = vlimit(tau_yl[1], tq_y_llimit, tq_y_ulimit);
02667       double dleg_x[2];
02668       double dleg_y[2];
02669       double tau_y_total = (m_wrenches[1].data[4] + m_wrenches[0].data[4]) / 2;
02670       double dpz;
02671       if (DEBUGP2) {
02672         std::cerr << "tq limit " << tq_x_ulimit << " " << tq_x_llimit << " " << tq_y_ulimit << " " << tq_y_llimit << std::endl;
02673       }
02674       for (size_t i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
02675         // dleg_x[i] = m_tau_x[i].update(m_wrenches[i].data[3], tau_xl[i]);
02676         // dleg_y[i] = m_tau_y[i].update(m_wrenches[i].data[4], tau_yl[i]);
02677         //dleg_x[i] = m_tau_x[i].update(m_wrenches[i].data[3], tau_xl[i]);
02678         dleg_x[i] = m_tau_x[i].update(0,0);
02679         dleg_y[i] = m_tau_y[i].update(tau_y_total, tau_yl[i]);
02680         if (DEBUGP2) {
02681           std::cerr << i << " dleg_x " << dleg_x[i] << std::endl;
02682           std::cerr << i << " dleg_y " << dleg_y[i] << std::endl;
02683           std::cerr << i << " t_x " << m_wrenches[i].data[3] << " "<< tau_xl[i] << std::endl;
02684           std::cerr << i << " t_y " << m_wrenches[i].data[4] << " "<< tau_yl[i] << std::endl;
02685         }
02686       }
02688       // calc leg rot
02689       hrp::Matrix33 target_R[2];
02690       hrp::Vector3 target_p[2];
02691       for (size_t i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
02692         //rats::rotm3times(target_R[i], hrp::rotFromRpy(dleg_x[i], dleg_y[i], 0), target_foot_R[i]);
02693         rats::rotm3times(target_R[i], hrp::rotFromRpy(0, dleg_y[i], 0), target_foot_R[i]);
02694         //target_p[i] = target_foot_p[i] + target_foot_R[i] * org_cm - target_R[i] * org_cm;
02695         //target_p[i] = target_foot_p[i] + target_foot_R[i] * org_cm - target_R[i] * org_cm;
02696         target_p[i] = target_foot_p[i];
02697       }
02698       // 1=>left, 2=>right
02699       double refdfz = 0;
02700       dpz = m_f_z.update((m_wrenches[0].data[2] - m_wrenches[1].data[2]), refdfz);
02701       //target_p[0](2) = target_foot_p[0](2) + dpz/2;
02702       //target_p[1](2) = target_foot_p[1](2) - dpz/2;
02703       target_p[0](2) = target_foot_p[0](2);
02704       target_p[1](2) = target_foot_p[1](2);
02706       // IK
02707       for (size_t i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
02708         hrp::Link* target = m_robot->link(target_name[i]);
02709         hrp::Vector3 vel_p, vel_r;
02710         vel_p = target_p[i] - target->p;
02711         rats::difference_rotation(vel_r, target->R, target_R[i]);
02712         //jpe_v[i]->solveLimbIK(vel_p, vel_r, transition_count, 0.001, 0.01, MAX_TRANSITION_COUNT, qrefv, DEBUGP);
02713         //jpe_v[i]->solveLimbIK(vel_p, vel_r, transition_count, 0.001, 0.01, MAX_TRANSITION_COUNT, qrefv, false);
02714         //m_robot->joint(m_robot->link(target_name[i])->jointId)->q = dleg_y[i] + orgjq;
02715       }
02716       // m_robot->joint(m_robot->link("L_ANKLE_P")->jointId)->q = transition_smooth_gain * dleg_y[0] + orgjq +;
02717       // m_robot->joint(m_robot->link("R_ANKLE_P")->jointId)->q = transition_smooth_gain * dleg_y[1] + orgjq +;
02718       m_robot->joint(m_robot->link("L_ANKLE_P")->jointId)->q = transition_smooth_gain * dleg_y[0] + orgjq;
02719       m_robot->joint(m_robot->link("R_ANKLE_P")->jointId)->q = transition_smooth_gain * dleg_y[1] + orgjq;
02720     } else {
02721       // reinitialize
02722       for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
02723         m_tau_x[i].reset();
02724         m_tau_y[i].reset();
02725         m_f_z.reset();
02726       }
02727     }
02728   }
02729 }
02731 void Stabilizer::calcContactMatrix (hrp::dmatrix& tm, const std::vector<hrp::Vector3>& contact_p)
02732 {
02733   // tm.resize(6,6*contact_p.size());
02734   // tm.setZero();
02735   // for (size_t c = 0; c < contact_p.size(); c++) {
02736   //   for (size_t i = 0; i < 6; i++) tm(i,(c*6)+i) = 1.0;
02737   //   hrp::Matrix33 cm;
02738   //   rats::outer_product_matrix(cm, contact_p[c]);
02739   //   for (size_t i = 0; i < 3; i++)
02740   //     for (size_t j = 0; j < 3; j++) tm(i+3,(c*6)+j) = cm(i,j);
02741   // }
02742 }
02744 void Stabilizer::calcTorque ()
02745 {
02746   m_robot->calcForwardKinematics();
02747   // buffers for the unit vector method
02748   hrp::Vector3 root_w_x_v;
02749   hrp::Vector3 g(0, 0, 9.80665);
02750   root_w_x_v = m_robot->rootLink()->w.cross(m_robot->rootLink()->vo + m_robot->rootLink()->w.cross(m_robot->rootLink()->p));
02751   m_robot->rootLink()->dvo = g - root_w_x_v;   // dv = g, dw = 0
02752   m_robot->rootLink()->dw.setZero();
02754   hrp::Vector3 root_f;
02755   hrp::Vector3 root_t;
02756   m_robot->calcInverseDynamics(m_robot->rootLink(), root_f, root_t);
02757   // if (loop % 200 == 0) {
02758   //   std::cerr << ":mass " << m_robot->totalMass() << std::endl;
02759   //   std::cerr << ":cog "; rats::print_vector(std::cerr, m_robot->calcCM());
02760   //   for(int i = 0; i < m_robot->numJoints(); ++i){
02761   //     std::cerr << "(list :" << m_robot->link(i)->name << " "
02762   //               << m_robot->joint(i)->jointId << " "
02763   //               << m_robot->link(i)->m << " ";
02764   //     hrp::Vector3 tmpc = m_robot->link(i)->p + m_robot->link(i)->R * m_robot->link(i)->c;
02765   //     rats::print_vector(std::cerr, tmpc, false);
02766   //     std::cerr << " ";
02767   //     rats::print_vector(std::cerr, m_robot->link(i)->c, false);
02768   //     std::cerr << ")" << std::endl;
02769   //   }
02770   // }
02771   // if (loop % 200 == 0) {
02772   //   std::cerr << ":IV1 (list ";
02773   //   for(int i = 0; i < m_robot->numJoints(); ++i){
02774   //     std::cerr << "(list :" << m_robot->joint(i)->name << " " <<  m_robot->joint(i)->u << ")";
02775   //   }
02776   //   std::cerr << ")" << std::endl;
02777   // }
02778   hrp::dmatrix contact_mat, contact_mat_inv;
02779   std::vector<hrp::Vector3> contact_p;
02780   for (size_t j = 0; j < 2; j++) contact_p.push_back(m_robot->sensor<hrp::ForceSensor>(stikp[j].sensor_name)->link->p);
02781   calcContactMatrix(contact_mat, contact_p);
02782   hrp::calcSRInverse(contact_mat, contact_mat_inv, 0.0);
02783   hrp::dvector root_ft(6);
02784   for (size_t j = 0; j < 3; j++) root_ft(j) = root_f(j);
02785   for (size_t j = 0; j < 3; j++) root_ft(j+3) = root_t(j);
02786   hrp::dvector contact_ft(2*6);
02787   contact_ft = contact_mat_inv * root_ft;
02788   // if (loop%200==0) {
02789   //   std::cerr << ":mass " << m_robot->totalMass() << std::endl;
02790   //   // std::cerr << ":ftv "; rats::print_vector(std::cerr, ftv);
02791   //   // std::cerr << ":aa "; rats::print_matrix(std::cerr, aa);
02792   //   // std::cerr << ":dv "; rats::print_vector(std::cerr, dv);
02793   // }
02794   for (size_t j = 0; j < 2; j++) {
02795     hrp::JointPathEx jm = hrp::JointPathEx(m_robot, m_robot->rootLink(), m_robot->sensor<hrp::ForceSensor>(stikp[j].sensor_name)->link, dt);
02796     hrp::dmatrix JJ;
02797     jm.calcJacobian(JJ);
02798     hrp::dvector ft(6);
02799     for (size_t i = 0; i < 6; i++) ft(i) = contact_ft(i+j*6);
02800     hrp::dvector tq_from_extft(jm.numJoints());
02801     tq_from_extft = JJ.transpose() * ft;
02802     // if (loop%200==0) {
02803     //   std::cerr << ":ft "; rats::print_vector(std::cerr, ft);
02804     //   std::cerr << ":JJ "; rats::print_matrix(std::cerr, JJ);
02805     //   std::cerr << ":tq_from_extft "; rats::print_vector(std::cerr, tq_from_extft);
02806     // }
02807     for (size_t i = 0; i < jm.numJoints(); i++) jm.joint(i)->u -= tq_from_extft(i);
02808   }
02809   //hrp::dmatrix MM(6,m_robot->numJoints());
02810   //m_robot->calcMassMatrix(MM);
02811   // if (loop % 200 == 0) {
02812   //   std::cerr << ":INVDYN2 (list "; rats::print_vector(std::cerr, root_f, false);
02813   //   std::cerr << " "; rats::print_vector(std::cerr, root_t, false);
02814   //   std::cerr << ")" << std::endl;
02815   //   // hrp::dvector tqv(m_robot->numJoints());
02816   //   // for(int i = 0; i < m_robot->numJoints(); ++i){p
02817   //   //   tqv[m_robot->joint(i)->jointId] = m_robot->joint(i)->u;
02818   //   // }
02819   //   // std::cerr << ":IV2 "; rats::print_vector(std::cerr, tqv);
02820   //   std::cerr << ":IV2 (list ";
02821   //   for(int i = 0; i < m_robot->numJoints(); ++i){
02822   //     std::cerr << "(list :" << m_robot->joint(i)->name << " " <<  m_robot->joint(i)->u << ")";
02823   //   }
02824   //   std::cerr << ")" << std::endl;
02825   // }
02826 };
02828 extern "C"
02829 {
02831   void StabilizerInit(RTC::Manager* manager)
02832   {
02833     RTC::Properties profile(stabilizer_spec);
02834     manager->registerFactory(profile,
02835                              RTC::Create<Stabilizer>,
02836                              RTC::Delete<Stabilizer>);
02837   }
02839 };

Author(s): AIST, Fumio Kanehiro
autogenerated on Wed May 15 2019 05:02:19