Public Member Functions | Static Public Member Functions | Public Attributes | Protected Attributes
tabletop_pushing::PointCloudSegmentation Class Reference

#include <point_cloud_segmentation.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

bool cloudsIntersect (XYZPointCloud cloud0, XYZPointCloud cloud1)
bool cloudsIntersect (XYZPointCloud cloud0, XYZPointCloud cloud1, double thresh)
void clusterProtoObjects (XYZPointCloud &objects_cloud, ProtoObjects &objs)
cv::Mat displayObjectImage (cv::Mat &obj_img, std::string win_name="projected objects", bool use_display=true)
void downsampleCloud (XYZPointCloud &cloud_in, XYZPointCloud &cloud_down)
void findTabletopObjects (XYZPointCloud &input_cloud, ProtoObjects &objs, bool use_mps=false)
void findTabletopObjects (XYZPointCloud &input_cloud, ProtoObjects &objs, XYZPointCloud &objs_cloud, bool use_mps=false)
void findTabletopObjects (XYZPointCloud &input_cloud, ProtoObjects &objs, XYZPointCloud &objs_cloud, XYZPointCloud &plane_cloud, bool use_mps=false)
void fitCylinderRANSAC (ProtoObject &obj, XYZPointCloud &cylinder_cloud, pcl16::ModelCoefficients &cylinder)
void fitSphereRANSAC (ProtoObject &obj, XYZPointCloud &sphere_cloud, pcl16::ModelCoefficients &sphere)
void getMovedRegions (XYZPointCloud &prev_cloud, XYZPointCloud &cur_cloud, ProtoObjects &moved_regions, std::string suf="")
Eigen::Vector4f getTableCentroid () const
void getTablePlane (XYZPointCloud &cloud, XYZPointCloud &objs_cloud, XYZPointCloud &plane_cloud, Eigen::Vector4f &center, bool find_hull=false, bool find_centroid=false)
void getTablePlaneMPS (XYZPointCloud &cloud, XYZPointCloud &objs_cloud, XYZPointCloud &plane_cloud, Eigen::Vector4f &center, bool find_hull=false, bool find_centroid=false)
double ICPBoundarySamples (XYZPointCloud &hull_t_0, XYZPointCloud &hull_t_1, Eigen::Matrix4f &transform, XYZPointCloud &aligned)
double ICPProtoObjects (ProtoObject &a, ProtoObject &b, Eigen::Matrix4f &transform)
void lineCloudIntersection (XYZPointCloud &cloud, Eigen::Vector3f vec, Eigen::Vector4f base, XYZPointCloud &line_cloud)
void lineCloudIntersectionEndPoints (XYZPointCloud &cloud, Eigen::Vector3f vec, Eigen::Vector4f base, std::vector< pcl16::PointXYZ > &end_points)
void matchMovedRegions (ProtoObjects &objs, ProtoObjects &moved_regions)
 PointCloudSegmentation (boost::shared_ptr< tf::TransformListener > tf)
bool pointIntersectsCloud (XYZPointCloud cloud, geometry_msgs::Point pt, double thresh)
float pointLineXYDist (pcl16::PointXYZ p, Eigen::Vector3f vec, Eigen::Vector4f base)
void projectPointCloudIntoImage (XYZPointCloud &cloud, cv::Mat &lbl_img, std::string target_frame, unsigned int id=1)
void projectPointCloudIntoImage (XYZPointCloud &cloud, cv::Mat &lbl_img)
cv::Point projectPointIntoImage (pcl16::PointXYZ cur_point_pcl, std::string point_frame, std::string target_frame)
cv::Point projectPointIntoImage (geometry_msgs::PointStamped cur_point)
cv::Point projectPointIntoImage (geometry_msgs::PointStamped cur_point, std::string target_frame)
cv::Point projectPointIntoImage (Eigen::Vector3f cur_point_eig, std::string point_frame, std::string target_frame)
cv::Mat projectProtoObjectIntoImage (ProtoObject &obj, cv::Size img_size, std::string target_frame)
cv::Mat projectProtoObjectsIntoImage (ProtoObjects &objs, cv::Size img_size, std::string target_frame)

Static Public Member Functions

static double dist (pcl16::PointXYZ a, pcl16::PointXYZ b)
static double dist (geometry_msgs::Point b, pcl16::PointXYZ a)
static double dist (pcl16::PointXYZ a, geometry_msgs::Point b)
static double sqrDist (Eigen::Vector3f &a, pcl16::PointXYZ &b)
static double sqrDist (Eigen::Vector4f &a, Eigen::Vector4f &b)
static double sqrDist (pcl16::PointXYZ a, pcl16::PointXYZ b)
static double sqrDistXY (pcl16::PointXYZ a, pcl16::PointXYZ b)

Public Attributes

sensor_msgs::CameraInfo cam_info_
double cloud_diff_thresh_
double cloud_intersect_thresh_
double cluster_tolerance_
std::vector< cv::Vec3f > colors_
std_msgs::Header cur_camera_header_
double cylinder_ransac_angle_thresh_
double cylinder_ransac_thresh_
double hull_alpha_
double icp_max_cor_dist_
int icp_max_iters_
double icp_ransac_thresh_
double icp_transform_eps_
int max_cluster_size_
double max_table_z_
double max_workspace_x_
double max_workspace_z_
int min_cluster_size_
double min_table_z_
double min_workspace_x_
double min_workspace_z_
int moved_count_thresh_
double mps_min_angle_thresh_
double mps_min_dist_thresh_
int mps_min_inliers_
int num_downsamples_
bool optimize_cylinder_coefficients_
double sphere_ransac_thresh_
double table_ransac_angle_thresh_
double table_ransac_thresh_
bool use_voxel_down_
double voxel_down_res_

Protected Attributes

Eigen::Vector4f table_centroid_
< tf::TransformListener

Detailed Description

Definition at line 85 of file point_cloud_segmentation.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Definition at line 85 of file point_cloud_segmentation.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

Naively determine if two point clouds intersect based on distance threshold between points.

cloud0First cloud for interesection test
cloud1Second cloud for interesection test
true if any points from cloud0 and cloud1 have distance less than voxel_down_res_

Definition at line 625 of file point_cloud_segmentation.cpp.

Definition at line 647 of file point_cloud_segmentation.cpp.

Function to segment point cloud regions using euclidean clustering

objects_cloudThe cloud of objects to cluster
objs[Returned] The independent clusters

Definition at line 393 of file point_cloud_segmentation.cpp.

cv::Mat tabletop_pushing::PointCloudSegmentation::displayObjectImage ( cv::Mat &  obj_img,
std::string  win_name = "projected objects",
bool  use_display = true 

Visualization function of proto objects projected into an image

obj_imgThe projected objects image
objsThe set of proto objects

Definition at line 871 of file point_cloud_segmentation.cpp.

static double tabletop_pushing::PointCloudSegmentation::dist ( pcl16::PointXYZ  a,
pcl16::PointXYZ  b 
) [inline, static]

Definition at line 193 of file point_cloud_segmentation.h.

static double tabletop_pushing::PointCloudSegmentation::dist ( geometry_msgs::Point  b,
pcl16::PointXYZ  a 
) [inline, static]

Definition at line 201 of file point_cloud_segmentation.h.

static double tabletop_pushing::PointCloudSegmentation::dist ( pcl16::PointXYZ  a,
geometry_msgs::Point  b 
) [inline, static]

Definition at line 206 of file point_cloud_segmentation.h.

Filter a point cloud to only be above the estimated table and within the workspace in x, then downsample the voxels.

cloud_inThe cloud to filter and downsample
The downsampled cloud

Definition at line 798 of file point_cloud_segmentation.cpp.

void tabletop_pushing::PointCloudSegmentation::findTabletopObjects ( XYZPointCloud input_cloud,
ProtoObjects objs,
bool  use_mps = false 

Function to segment independent spatial regions from a supporting plane

input_cloudThe point cloud to operate on.
objs[Returned] The object clusters.
extract_tableTrue if the table plane should be extracted

Function to segment independent spatial regions from a supporting plane

input_cloudThe point cloud to operate on.
extract_tableTrue if the table plane should be extracted
The object clusters.

Definition at line 301 of file point_cloud_segmentation.cpp.

void tabletop_pushing::PointCloudSegmentation::findTabletopObjects ( XYZPointCloud input_cloud,
ProtoObjects objs,
XYZPointCloud objs_cloud,
bool  use_mps = false 

Function to segment independent spatial regions from a supporting plane

input_cloudThe point cloud to operate on.
objs[Returned] The object clusters.
objs_cloudThe point cloud containing the object points.
extract_tableTrue if the table plane should be extracted

Function to segment independent spatial regions from a supporting plane

input_cloudThe point cloud to operate on.
objs_cloudThe point cloud containing the object points.
extract_tableTrue if the table plane should be extracted
The object clusters.

Definition at line 316 of file point_cloud_segmentation.cpp.

void tabletop_pushing::PointCloudSegmentation::findTabletopObjects ( XYZPointCloud input_cloud,
ProtoObjects objs,
XYZPointCloud objs_cloud,
XYZPointCloud plane_cloud,
bool  use_mps = false 

Function to segment independent spatial regions from a supporting plane

input_cloudThe point cloud to operate on.
objs[Returned] The object clusters.
objs_cloudThe point cloud containing the object points.
plane_cloudThe point cloud containing the table plane points.
extract_tableTrue if the table plane should be extracted

Function to segment independent spatial regions from a supporting plane

input_cloudThe point cloud to operate on.
objs_cloudThe point cloud containing the object points.
plane_cloudThe point cloud containing the table plane points.
extract_tableTrue if the table plane should be extracted
The object clusters.

Definition at line 333 of file point_cloud_segmentation.cpp.

Method to fit a cylinder to a segmented object

objThe segmented object we are modelling as a cylinder
cylinder_cloudThe cloud resulting from the cylinder fit
coefficients[Returned] The model of the cylinder

Definition at line 565 of file point_cloud_segmentation.cpp.

Method to fit a sphere to a segmented object

objThe segmented object we are modelling as a sphere
sphere_cloudThe cloud resulting from the sphere fit
coefficients[Returned] The model of the sphere

Definition at line 599 of file point_cloud_segmentation.cpp.

void tabletop_pushing::PointCloudSegmentation::getMovedRegions ( XYZPointCloud prev_cloud,
XYZPointCloud cur_cloud,
ProtoObjects moved,
std::string  suf = "" 

Find the regions that have moved between two point clouds

prev_cloudThe first cloud to use in differencing
cur_cloudThe second cloud to use
moved_regions[Returned] The new set of objects that have moved in the second cloud

Definition at line 505 of file point_cloud_segmentation.cpp.

Definition at line 328 of file point_cloud_segmentation.h.

void tabletop_pushing::PointCloudSegmentation::getTablePlane ( XYZPointCloud cloud,
XYZPointCloud objs_cloud,
XYZPointCloud plane_cloud,
Eigen::Vector4f &  center,
bool  find_hull = false,
bool  find_centroid = false 

Function to find the table plane in the image by plane RANSAC

cloudThe input cloud
objs_cloud[Returned] the cloud not containing the table plane
plane_cloud[Returned the cloud containing the plane
center[Returned] the center of the table plane
find_hullset true to estimate the extent of the plane

Definition at line 97 of file point_cloud_segmentation.cpp.

void tabletop_pushing::PointCloudSegmentation::getTablePlaneMPS ( XYZPointCloud cloud,
XYZPointCloud objs_cloud,
XYZPointCloud plane_cloud,
Eigen::Vector4f &  center,
bool  find_hull = false,
bool  find_centroid = false 

Function to find the table plane in the image by using multi-plane segmentation (requires structured input cloud)

cloudThe input cloud
objs_cloud[Returned] the cloud not containing the table plane
plane_cloud[Returned the cloud containing the plane
center[Returned] the center of the table plane
find_hullset true to estimate the extent of the plane

Definition at line 217 of file point_cloud_segmentation.cpp.

double tabletop_pushing::PointCloudSegmentation::ICPBoundarySamples ( XYZPointCloud hull_t_0,
XYZPointCloud hull_t_1,
Eigen::Matrix4f &  transform,
XYZPointCloud aligned 

Perform Iterated Closest Point between two object boundaries.

aThe first object boundary
bThe second object boundary
transformThe transform from a to b
The ICP fitness score of the match

Definition at line 479 of file point_cloud_segmentation.cpp.

double tabletop_pushing::PointCloudSegmentation::ICPProtoObjects ( ProtoObject a,
ProtoObject b,
Eigen::Matrix4f &  transform 

Perform Iterated Closest Point between two proto objects.

aThe first object
bThe second object
The ICP fitness score of the match

Definition at line 451 of file point_cloud_segmentation.cpp.

void tabletop_pushing::PointCloudSegmentation::lineCloudIntersection ( XYZPointCloud cloud,
Eigen::Vector3f  vec,
Eigen::Vector4f  base,
XYZPointCloud line_cloud 

Definition at line 683 of file point_cloud_segmentation.cpp.

void tabletop_pushing::PointCloudSegmentation::lineCloudIntersectionEndPoints ( XYZPointCloud cloud,
Eigen::Vector3f  vec,
Eigen::Vector4f  base,
std::vector< pcl16::PointXYZ > &  end_points 

Definition at line 706 of file point_cloud_segmentation.cpp.

Match moved regions to previously extracted protoobjects

objsThe previously extracted objects
moved_regionsThe regions that have been detected as having moved

Definition at line 539 of file point_cloud_segmentation.cpp.

Definition at line 661 of file point_cloud_segmentation.cpp.

float tabletop_pushing::PointCloudSegmentation::pointLineXYDist ( pcl16::PointXYZ  p,
Eigen::Vector3f  vec,
Eigen::Vector4f  base 

Definition at line 671 of file point_cloud_segmentation.cpp.

void tabletop_pushing::PointCloudSegmentation::projectPointCloudIntoImage ( XYZPointCloud cloud,
cv::Mat &  lbl_img,
std::string  target_frame,
unsigned int  id = 1 

Definition at line 894 of file point_cloud_segmentation.cpp.

Definition at line 932 of file point_cloud_segmentation.cpp.

cv::Point tabletop_pushing::PointCloudSegmentation::projectPointIntoImage ( pcl16::PointXYZ  cur_point_pcl,
std::string  point_frame,
std::string  target_frame 

Definition at line 944 of file point_cloud_segmentation.cpp.

cv::Point tabletop_pushing::PointCloudSegmentation::projectPointIntoImage ( geometry_msgs::PointStamped  cur_point,
std::string  target_frame 

Definition at line 950 of file point_cloud_segmentation.cpp.

cv::Point tabletop_pushing::PointCloudSegmentation::projectPointIntoImage ( Eigen::Vector3f  cur_point_eig,
std::string  point_frame,
std::string  target_frame 

Definition at line 908 of file point_cloud_segmentation.cpp.

cv::Mat tabletop_pushing::PointCloudSegmentation::projectProtoObjectIntoImage ( ProtoObject obj,
cv::Size  img_size,
std::string  target_frame 

Method to project the current proto object into an image

objThe objects
img_inAn image of correct size for the projection
target_frameThe frame of the associated image
Image containing the projected object

Definition at line 857 of file point_cloud_segmentation.cpp.

cv::Mat tabletop_pushing::PointCloudSegmentation::projectProtoObjectsIntoImage ( ProtoObjects objs,
cv::Size  img_size,
std::string  target_frame 

Method to project the current proto objects into an image

objsThe set of objects
img_inAn image of correct size for the projection
target_frameThe frame of the associated image
Image containing the projected objects

Definition at line 835 of file point_cloud_segmentation.cpp.

static double tabletop_pushing::PointCloudSegmentation::sqrDist ( Eigen::Vector3f &  a,
pcl16::PointXYZ &  b 
) [inline, static]

Definition at line 214 of file point_cloud_segmentation.h.

static double tabletop_pushing::PointCloudSegmentation::sqrDist ( Eigen::Vector4f &  a,
Eigen::Vector4f &  b 
) [inline, static]

Definition at line 222 of file point_cloud_segmentation.h.

static double tabletop_pushing::PointCloudSegmentation::sqrDist ( pcl16::PointXYZ  a,
pcl16::PointXYZ  b 
) [inline, static]

Definition at line 230 of file point_cloud_segmentation.h.

static double tabletop_pushing::PointCloudSegmentation::sqrDistXY ( pcl16::PointXYZ  a,
pcl16::PointXYZ  b 
) [inline, static]

Definition at line 238 of file point_cloud_segmentation.h.

Member Data Documentation

Definition at line 356 of file point_cloud_segmentation.h.

Definition at line 348 of file point_cloud_segmentation.h.

Definition at line 352 of file point_cloud_segmentation.h.

Definition at line 347 of file point_cloud_segmentation.h.

Definition at line 338 of file point_cloud_segmentation.h.

Definition at line 357 of file point_cloud_segmentation.h.

Definition at line 367 of file point_cloud_segmentation.h.

Definition at line 366 of file point_cloud_segmentation.h.

Definition at line 353 of file point_cloud_segmentation.h.

Definition at line 361 of file point_cloud_segmentation.h.

Definition at line 359 of file point_cloud_segmentation.h.

Definition at line 362 of file point_cloud_segmentation.h.

Definition at line 360 of file point_cloud_segmentation.h.

Definition at line 350 of file point_cloud_segmentation.h.

Definition at line 340 of file point_cloud_segmentation.h.

Definition at line 342 of file point_cloud_segmentation.h.

Definition at line 344 of file point_cloud_segmentation.h.

Definition at line 349 of file point_cloud_segmentation.h.

Definition at line 339 of file point_cloud_segmentation.h.

Definition at line 341 of file point_cloud_segmentation.h.

Definition at line 343 of file point_cloud_segmentation.h.

Definition at line 358 of file point_cloud_segmentation.h.

Definition at line 364 of file point_cloud_segmentation.h.

Definition at line 365 of file point_cloud_segmentation.h.

Definition at line 363 of file point_cloud_segmentation.h.

Definition at line 355 of file point_cloud_segmentation.h.

Definition at line 369 of file point_cloud_segmentation.h.

Definition at line 368 of file point_cloud_segmentation.h.

Definition at line 335 of file point_cloud_segmentation.h.

Definition at line 346 of file point_cloud_segmentation.h.

Definition at line 345 of file point_cloud_segmentation.h.

Definition at line 334 of file point_cloud_segmentation.h.

Definition at line 354 of file point_cloud_segmentation.h.

Definition at line 351 of file point_cloud_segmentation.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:

Author(s): Tucker Hermans
autogenerated on Wed Nov 27 2013 11:59:45