00035 #include <opencv/cv.h>
00036 #include <opencv/highgui.h>
00038 #include <ros/ros.h>
00039 #include <sensor_msgs/Image.h>
00040 #include <cv_bridge/cv_bridge.h>
00041 #include <sensor_msgs/image_encodings.h>
00042 #include <image_transport/image_transport.h>
00043 #include <image_geometry/pinhole_camera_model.h>
00044 #include <tf/transform_listener.h>
00046 #include <image_view2/ImageMarker2.h>
00047 #include <geometry_msgs/PointStamped.h>
00048 #include <geometry_msgs/PolygonStamped.h>
00049 #include <std_msgs/Empty.h>
00051 #include <boost/thread.hpp>
00052 #include <boost/format.hpp>
00053 #include <boost/foreach.hpp>
00056 typedef std::vector<image_view2::ImageMarker2::ConstPtr> V_ImageMarkerMessage;
00058 #define DEFAULT_COLOR CV_RGB(255,0,0)
00059 #define USER_ROI_COLOR CV_RGB(255,0,0)
00060 #define DEFAULT_CIRCLE_SCALE 20
00061 #define LINE_WIDTH 3
00063 inline CvScalar MsgToRGB(const std_msgs::ColorRGBA &color){
00064 if(color.a == 0.0 && color.r == 0.0 && color.g == 0.0 && color.b == 0.0)
00065 return DEFAULT_COLOR;
00066 else
00067 return CV_RGB(color.r*255, color.g*255, color.b*255);
00068 }
00071 class ImageView2
00072 {
00073 private:
00074 image_transport::Subscriber image_sub_;
00075 ros::Subscriber info_sub_;
00076 ros::Subscriber marker_sub_;
00077 std::string marker_topic_;
00079 image_transport::Publisher image_pub_;
00081 V_ImageMarkerMessage marker_queue_;
00082 boost::mutex queue_mutex_;
00084 sensor_msgs::ImageConstPtr last_msg_;
00085 sensor_msgs::CameraInfoConstPtr info_msg_;
00086 cv_bridge::CvImage img_bridge_;
00087 boost::mutex image_mutex_;
00088 cv::Mat image_, draw_;
00090 tf::TransformListener tf_listener_;
00091 image_geometry::PinholeCameraModel cam_model_;
00092 std::vector<std::string> frame_ids_;
00093 boost::mutex info_mutex_;
00095 std::string window_name_;
00096 boost::format filename_format_;
00097 int font_;
00098 static CvRect window_selection_;
00099 int count_;
00100 bool blurry_mode;
00101 bool use_window;
00103 ros::Publisher point_pub_;
00104 ros::Publisher rectangle_pub_;
00106 public:
00107 ImageView2() : marker_topic_("image_marker"), filename_format_(""), count_(0)
00108 {
00109 }
00110 ImageView2(ros::NodeHandle& nh, const std::string& transport)
00111 : marker_topic_("image_marker"), filename_format_(""), count_(0)
00112 {
00113 std::string camera = nh.resolveName("image");
00114 std::string camera_info = nh.resolveName("camera_info");
00115 ros::NodeHandle local_nh("~");
00116 bool autosize;
00117 std::string format_string;
00118 image_transport::ImageTransport it(nh);
00120 point_pub_ = nh.advertise<geometry_msgs::PointStamped>(camera + "/screenpoint",100);
00121 rectangle_pub_ = nh.advertise<geometry_msgs::PolygonStamped>(camera + "/screenrectangle",100);
00123 local_nh.param("window_name", window_name_, std::string("image_view2 [")+camera+std::string("]"));
00125 local_nh.param("autosize", autosize, false);
00127 local_nh.param("blurry", blurry_mode, false);
00129 local_nh.param("filename_format", format_string, std::string("frame%04i.jpg"));
00130 local_nh.param("use_window", use_window, true);
00132 filename_format_.parse(format_string);
00134 if ( use_window ) {
00135 cvNamedWindow(window_name_.c_str(), autosize ? CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE : 0);
00136 cvSetMouseCallback(window_name_.c_str(), &ImageView2::mouse_cb, this);
00137 font_ = cv::FONT_HERSHEY_DUPLEX;
00138 window_selection_.x = window_selection_.y =
00139 window_selection_.height = window_selection_.width = 0;
00140 cvStartWindowThread();
00141 }
00143 image_sub_ = it.subscribe(camera, 1, &ImageView2::image_cb, this, transport);
00144 info_sub_ = nh.subscribe(camera_info, 1, &ImageView2::info_cb, this);
00145 marker_sub_ = nh.subscribe(marker_topic_, 10, &ImageView2::marker_cb, this);
00147 image_pub_ = it.advertise("image_marked", 1);
00148 }
00150 ~ImageView2()
00151 {
00152 if ( use_window ) {
00153 cvDestroyWindow(window_name_.c_str());
00154 }
00155 }
00157 void marker_cb(const image_view2::ImageMarker2ConstPtr& marker)
00158 {
00159 ROS_DEBUG("marker_cb");
00161 if(marker->lifetime != ros::Duration(0))
00162 boost::const_pointer_cast<image_view2::ImageMarker2>(marker)->lifetime = (ros::Time::now() - ros::Time(0)) + marker->lifetime;
00163 boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(queue_mutex_);
00165 marker_queue_.push_back(marker);
00167 }
00169 void info_cb(const sensor_msgs::CameraInfoConstPtr& msg) {
00170 ROS_DEBUG("info_cb");
00171 boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(info_mutex_);
00172 info_msg_ = msg;
00173 }
00175 void image_cb(const sensor_msgs::ImageConstPtr& msg)
00176 {
00177 static ros::Time old_time;
00178 ROS_DEBUG("image_cb");
00179 if(old_time.toSec() - ros::Time::now().toSec() > 0) {
00180 ROS_WARN("TF Cleared for old time");
00181 }
00183 if (msg->encoding.find("bayer") != std::string::npos) {
00184 image_ = cv::Mat(msg->height, msg->width, CV_8UC1,
00185 const_cast<uint8_t*>(&msg->data[0]), msg->step);
00186 } else {
00187 try {
00188 image_ = cv_bridge::toCvCopy(msg, sensor_msgs::image_encodings::BGR8)->image;
00189 } catch (cv_bridge::Exception& e) {
00190 ROS_ERROR("Unable to convert %s image to bgr8", msg->encoding.c_str());
00191 return;
00192 }
00193 }
00194 boost::lock_guard<boost::mutex> guard(image_mutex_);
00196 last_msg_ = msg;
00198 static V_ImageMarkerMessage local_queue;
00199 {
00200 boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(queue_mutex_);
00202 while ( ! marker_queue_.empty() ) {
00204 V_ImageMarkerMessage::iterator new_msg = marker_queue_.begin();
00205 V_ImageMarkerMessage::iterator message_it = local_queue.begin();
00206 for ( ; message_it < local_queue.end(); ++message_it ) {
00207 if((*new_msg)->ns == (*message_it)->ns && (*new_msg)->id == (*message_it)->id)
00208 message_it = local_queue.erase(message_it);
00209 }
00210 local_queue.push_back(*new_msg);
00211 marker_queue_.erase(new_msg);
00213 if ( (*new_msg)->action == image_view2::ImageMarker2::REMOVE &&
00214 (*new_msg)->id == -1 ) {
00215 local_queue.clear();
00216 }
00217 }
00218 }
00221 for(V_ImageMarkerMessage::iterator it = local_queue.begin(); it < local_queue.end(); it++) {
00222 if((*it)->action == image_view2::ImageMarker2::REMOVE ||
00223 ((*it)->lifetime.toSec() != 0.0 && (*it)->lifetime.toSec() < ros::Time::now().toSec())) {
00224 it = local_queue.erase(it);
00225 }
00226 }
00229 if ( blurry_mode ) {
00230 draw_ = cv::Mat(image_.size(), image_.type(), CV_RGB(0,0,0));
00231 } else {
00232 draw_ = image_;
00233 }
00234 if ( !local_queue.empty() )
00235 {
00236 V_ImageMarkerMessage::iterator message_it = local_queue.begin();
00237 V_ImageMarkerMessage::iterator message_end = local_queue.end();
00238 ROS_DEBUG("markers = %ld", local_queue.size());
00240 for ( ; message_it != message_end; ++message_it )
00241 {
00242 image_view2::ImageMarker2::ConstPtr& marker = *message_it;
00244 ROS_DEBUG_STREAM("message type = " << marker->type << ", id " << marker->id);
00247 std::vector<CvScalar> colors;
00248 BOOST_FOREACH(std_msgs::ColorRGBA color, marker->outline_colors) {
00249 colors.push_back(MsgToRGB(color));
00250 }
00251 if(colors.size() == 0) colors.push_back(DEFAULT_COLOR);
00252 std::vector<CvScalar>::iterator col_it = colors.begin();
00255 if( marker->type == image_view2::ImageMarker2::FRAMES ||
00256 marker->type == image_view2::ImageMarker2::LINE_STRIP3D ||
00257 marker->type == image_view2::ImageMarker2::LINE_LIST3D ||
00258 marker->type == image_view2::ImageMarker2::POLYGON3D ||
00259 marker->type == image_view2::ImageMarker2::POINTS3D ||
00260 marker->type == image_view2::ImageMarker2::TEXT3D) {
00261 {
00262 boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(info_mutex_);
00263 if (!info_msg_) {
00264 ROS_WARN("[image_view2] camera_info could not found");
00265 continue;
00266 }
00267 cam_model_.fromCameraInfo(info_msg_);
00268 }
00269 }
00271 switch ( marker->type ) {
00272 case image_view2::ImageMarker2::CIRCLE: {
00273 cv::Point2d uv = cv::Point2d(marker->position.x, marker->position.y);
00274 if ( blurry_mode ) {
00275 int s0 = LINE_WIDTH;
00276 CvScalar co = MsgToRGB(marker->outline_color);
00277 for (int s1 = s0*10; s1 >= s0; s1--) {
00278 double m = pow((1.0-((double)(s1 - s0))/(s0*9)),2);
00279 cv::circle(draw_, uv,
00280 (marker->scale == 0 ? DEFAULT_CIRCLE_SCALE : marker->scale),
00281 CV_RGB(co.val[2] * m,co.val[1] * m,co.val[0] * m),
00282 s1);
00283 }
00284 } else {
00285 cv::circle(draw_, uv, (marker->scale == 0 ? DEFAULT_CIRCLE_SCALE : marker->scale), MsgToRGB(marker->outline_color), LINE_WIDTH);
00286 }
00287 break;
00288 }
00289 case image_view2::ImageMarker2::LINE_STRIP: {
00290 cv::Point2d p0, p1;
00291 if ( blurry_mode ) {
00292 int s0 = LINE_WIDTH;
00293 std::vector<CvScalar>::iterator col_it = colors.begin();
00294 CvScalar co = (*col_it);
00295 for (int s1 = s0*10; s1 >= s0; s1--) {
00296 double m = pow((1.0-((double)(s1 - s0))/(s0*9)),2);
00297 std::vector<geometry_msgs::Point>::const_iterator it = marker->points.begin();
00298 std::vector<geometry_msgs::Point>::const_iterator end = marker->points.end();
00299 p0 = cv::Point2d(it->x, it->y); it++;
00300 for ( ; it!= end; it++ ) {
00301 p1 = cv::Point2d(it->x, it->y);
00302 cv::line(draw_, p0, p1,
00303 CV_RGB(co.val[2] * m,co.val[1] * m,co.val[0] * m),
00304 s1);
00305 p0 = p1;
00306 if(++col_it == colors.end()) col_it = colors.begin();
00307 }
00308 }
00309 } else {
00310 std::vector<geometry_msgs::Point>::const_iterator it = marker->points.begin();
00311 std::vector<geometry_msgs::Point>::const_iterator end = marker->points.end();
00312 p0 = cv::Point2d(it->x, it->y); it++;
00313 for ( ; it!= end; it++ ) {
00314 p1 = cv::Point2d(it->x, it->y);
00315 cv::line(draw_, p0, p1, *col_it, LINE_WIDTH);
00316 p0 = p1;
00317 if(++col_it == colors.end()) col_it = colors.begin();
00318 }
00319 }
00320 break;
00321 }
00322 case image_view2::ImageMarker2::LINE_LIST: {
00323 cv::Point2d p0, p1;
00324 if ( blurry_mode ) {
00325 int s0 = LINE_WIDTH;
00326 std::vector<CvScalar>::iterator col_it = colors.begin();
00327 CvScalar co = (*col_it);
00328 for (int s1 = s0*10; s1 >= s0; s1--) {
00329 double m = pow((1.0-((double)(s1 - s0))/(s0*9)),2);
00330 std::vector<geometry_msgs::Point>::const_iterator it = marker->points.begin();
00331 std::vector<geometry_msgs::Point>::const_iterator end = marker->points.end();
00332 for ( ; it!= end; ) {
00333 p0 = cv::Point2d(it->x, it->y); it++;
00334 if ( it != end ) p1 = cv::Point2d(it->x, it->y);
00335 cv::line(draw_, p0, p1, CV_RGB(co.val[2] * m,co.val[1] * m,co.val[0] * m), s1);
00336 it++;
00337 if(++col_it == colors.end()) col_it = colors.begin();
00338 }
00339 }
00340 } else {
00341 std::vector<geometry_msgs::Point>::const_iterator it = marker->points.begin();
00342 std::vector<geometry_msgs::Point>::const_iterator end = marker->points.end();
00343 for ( ; it!= end; ) {
00344 p0 = cv::Point2d(it->x, it->y); it++;
00345 if ( it != end ) p1 = cv::Point2d(it->x, it->y);
00346 cv::line(draw_, p0, p1, *col_it, LINE_WIDTH);
00347 it++;
00348 if(++col_it == colors.end()) col_it = colors.begin();
00349 }
00350 }
00351 break;
00352 }
00353 case image_view2::ImageMarker2::POLYGON: {
00354 cv::Point2d p0, p1;
00355 if ( blurry_mode ) {
00356 int s0 = LINE_WIDTH;
00357 std::vector<CvScalar>::iterator col_it = colors.begin();
00358 CvScalar co = (*col_it);
00359 for (int s1 = s0*10; s1 >= s0; s1--) {
00360 double m = pow((1.0-((double)(s1 - s0))/(s0*9)),2);
00361 std::vector<geometry_msgs::Point>::const_iterator it = marker->points.begin();
00362 std::vector<geometry_msgs::Point>::const_iterator end = marker->points.end();
00363 p0 = cv::Point2d(it->x, it->y); it++;
00364 for ( ; it!= end; it++ ) {
00365 p1 = cv::Point2d(it->x, it->y);
00366 cv::line(draw_, p0, p1, CV_RGB(co.val[2] * m,co.val[1] * m,co.val[0] * m), s1);
00367 p0 = p1;
00368 if(++col_it == colors.end()) col_it = colors.begin();
00369 }
00370 it = marker->points.begin();
00371 p1 = cv::Point2d(it->x, it->y);
00372 cv::line(draw_, p0, p1, CV_RGB(co.val[2] * m,co.val[1] * m,co.val[0] * m), s1);
00373 }
00374 } else {
00375 std::vector<geometry_msgs::Point>::const_iterator it = marker->points.begin();
00376 std::vector<geometry_msgs::Point>::const_iterator end = marker->points.end();
00377 p0 = cv::Point2d(it->x, it->y); it++;
00378 for ( ; it!= end; it++ ) {
00379 p1 = cv::Point2d(it->x, it->y);
00380 cv::line(draw_, p0, p1, *col_it, LINE_WIDTH);
00381 p0 = p1;
00382 if(++col_it == colors.end()) col_it = colors.begin();
00383 }
00384 it = marker->points.begin();
00385 p1 = cv::Point2d(it->x, it->y);
00386 cv::line(draw_, p0, p1, *col_it, LINE_WIDTH);
00387 }
00388 break;
00389 }
00390 case image_view2::ImageMarker2::POINTS: {
00391 BOOST_FOREACH(geometry_msgs::Point p, marker->points) {
00392 cv::Point2d uv = cv::Point2d(p.x, p.y);
00393 if ( blurry_mode ) {
00394 int s0 = (marker->scale == 0 ? 3 : marker->scale);
00395 CvScalar co = (*col_it);
00396 for (int s1 = s0*2; s1 >= s0; s1--) {
00397 double m = pow((1.0-((double)(s1 - s0))/s0),2);
00398 cv::circle(draw_, uv, s1,
00399 CV_RGB(co.val[2] * m,co.val[1] * m,co.val[0] * m),
00400 -1);
00401 }
00402 } else {
00403 cv::circle(draw_, uv, (marker->scale == 0 ? 3 : marker->scale) , *col_it, -1);
00404 }
00405 if(++col_it == colors.end()) col_it = colors.begin();
00406 }
00407 break;
00408 }
00409 case image_view2::ImageMarker2::FRAMES: {
00410 static std::map<std::string, int> tf_fail;
00411 BOOST_FOREACH(std::string frame_id, marker->frames) {
00412 tf::StampedTransform transform;
00413 ros::Time acquisition_time = msg->header.stamp;
00414 ros::Duration timeout(1.0 / 2);
00415 try {
00416 ros::Time tm;
00417 tf_listener_.getLatestCommonTime(cam_model_.tfFrame(), frame_id, tm, NULL);
00418 ros::Duration diff = ros::Time::now() - tm;
00419 if ( diff > ros::Duration(1.0) ) { break; }
00421 tf_listener_.waitForTransform(cam_model_.tfFrame(), frame_id,
00422 acquisition_time, timeout);
00423 tf_listener_.lookupTransform(cam_model_.tfFrame(), frame_id,
00424 acquisition_time, transform);
00425 tf_fail[frame_id]=0;
00426 }
00427 catch (tf::TransformException& ex) {
00428 tf_fail[frame_id]++;
00429 if ( tf_fail[frame_id] < 5 ) {
00430 ROS_ERROR("[image_view2] TF exception:\n%s", ex.what());
00431 } else {
00432 ROS_DEBUG("[image_view2] TF exception:\n%s", ex.what());
00433 }
00434 break;
00435 }
00437 tf::Point pt = transform.getOrigin();
00438 cv::Point3d pt_cv(pt.x(), pt.y(), pt.z());
00439 cv::Point2d uv;
00440 uv = cam_model_.project3dToPixel(pt_cv);
00442 static const int RADIUS = 3;
00443 cv::circle(draw_, uv, RADIUS, DEFAULT_COLOR, -1);
00446 cv::Point2d uv0, uv1, uv2;
00447 tf::Stamped<tf::Point> pin, pout;
00450 pin = tf::Stamped<tf::Point>(tf::Point(0.05, 0, 0), acquisition_time, frame_id);
00451 tf_listener_.transformPoint(cam_model_.tfFrame(), pin, pout);
00452 uv0 = cam_model_.project3dToPixel(cv::Point3d(pout.x(), pout.y(), pout.z()));
00454 pin = tf::Stamped<tf::Point>(tf::Point(0, 0.05, 0), acquisition_time, frame_id);
00455 tf_listener_.transformPoint(cam_model_.tfFrame(), pin, pout);
00456 uv1 = cam_model_.project3dToPixel(cv::Point3d(pout.x(), pout.y(), pout.z()));
00459 pin = tf::Stamped<tf::Point>(tf::Point(0, 0, 0.05), acquisition_time, frame_id);
00460 tf_listener_.transformPoint(cam_model_.tfFrame(), pin, pout);
00461 uv2 = cam_model_.project3dToPixel(cv::Point3d(pout.x(), pout.y(), pout.z()));
00464 if ( blurry_mode ) {
00465 int s0 = 2;
00466 CvScalar c0 = CV_RGB(255,0,0);
00467 CvScalar c1 = CV_RGB(0,255,0);
00468 CvScalar c2 = CV_RGB(0,0,255);
00469 for (int s1 = s0*10; s1 >= s0; s1--) {
00470 double m = pow((1.0-((double)(s1 - s0))/(s0*9)),2);
00471 cv::line(draw_, uv, uv0,
00472 CV_RGB(c0.val[2] * m,c0.val[1] * m,c0.val[0] * m),
00473 s1);
00474 cv::line(draw_, uv, uv1,
00475 CV_RGB(c1.val[2] * m,c1.val[1] * m,c1.val[0] * m),
00476 s1);
00477 cv::line(draw_, uv, uv2,
00478 CV_RGB(c2.val[2] * m,c2.val[1] * m,c2.val[0] * m),
00479 s1);
00480 }
00481 } else {
00482 cv::line(draw_, uv, uv0, CV_RGB(255,0,0), 2);
00483 cv::line(draw_, uv, uv1, CV_RGB(0,255,0), 2);
00484 cv::line(draw_, uv, uv2, CV_RGB(0,0,255), 2);
00485 }
00488 cv::Size text_size;
00489 int baseline;
00490 text_size = cv::getTextSize(frame_id.c_str(), font_, 1.0, 1.0, &baseline);
00491 cv::Point origin = cv::Point(uv.x - text_size.width / 2,
00492 uv.y - RADIUS - baseline - 3);
00493 cv::putText(draw_, frame_id.c_str(), origin, font_, 1.0, DEFAULT_COLOR, 1.5);
00494 }
00495 break;
00496 }
00497 case image_view2::ImageMarker2::TEXT: {
00499 cv::Size text_size;
00500 int baseline;
00501 float scale = marker->scale;
00502 if ( scale == 0 ) scale = 1.0;
00503 text_size = cv::getTextSize(marker->text.c_str(), font_,
00504 scale, scale, &baseline);
00505 cv::Point origin = cv::Point(marker->position.x - text_size.width/2,
00506 marker->position.y - baseline-3);
00507 cv::putText(draw_, marker->text.c_str(), origin, font_, scale, DEFAULT_COLOR);
00508 break;
00509 }
00511 case image_view2::ImageMarker2::LINE_STRIP3D: {
00512 static std::map<std::string, int> tf_fail;
00513 std::string frame_id = marker->points3D.header.frame_id;
00514 tf::StampedTransform transform;
00515 ros::Time acquisition_time = msg->header.stamp;
00517 ros::Duration timeout(1.0 / 2);
00518 try {
00519 ros::Time tm;
00520 tf_listener_.getLatestCommonTime(cam_model_.tfFrame(), frame_id, tm, NULL);
00521 ros::Duration diff = ros::Time::now() - tm;
00522 if ( diff > ros::Duration(1.0) ) { break; }
00523 tf_listener_.waitForTransform(cam_model_.tfFrame(), frame_id,
00524 acquisition_time, timeout);
00525 tf_listener_.lookupTransform(cam_model_.tfFrame(), frame_id,
00526 acquisition_time, transform);
00527 tf_fail[frame_id]=0;
00528 }
00529 catch (tf::TransformException& ex) {
00530 tf_fail[frame_id]++;
00531 if ( tf_fail[frame_id] < 5 ) {
00532 ROS_ERROR("[image_view2] TF exception:\n%s", ex.what());
00533 } else {
00534 ROS_DEBUG("[image_view2] TF exception:\n%s", ex.what());
00535 }
00536 break;
00537 }
00538 std::vector<geometry_msgs::Point> points2D;
00539 BOOST_FOREACH(geometry_msgs::Point p, marker->points3D.points) {
00540 tf::Point pt = transform.getOrigin();
00541 geometry_msgs::PointStamped pt_cam, pt_;
00542 pt_cam.header.frame_id = cam_model_.tfFrame();
00543 pt_cam.header.stamp = acquisition_time;
00544 pt_cam.point.x = pt.x();
00545 pt_cam.point.y = pt.y();
00546 pt_cam.point.z = pt.z();
00547 tf_listener_.transformPoint(frame_id, pt_cam, pt_);
00549 cv::Point2d uv;
00550 tf::Stamped<tf::Point> pin, pout;
00551 pin = tf::Stamped<tf::Point>(tf::Point(pt_.point.x + p.x, pt_.point.y + p.y, pt_.point.z + p.z), acquisition_time, frame_id);
00552 tf_listener_.transformPoint(cam_model_.tfFrame(), pin, pout);
00553 uv = cam_model_.project3dToPixel(cv::Point3d(pout.x(), pout.y(), pout.z()));
00554 geometry_msgs::Point point2D;
00555 point2D.x = uv.x;
00556 point2D.y = uv.y;
00557 points2D.push_back(point2D);
00558 }
00559 cv::Point2d p0, p1;
00560 std::vector<geometry_msgs::Point>::const_iterator it = points2D.begin();
00561 std::vector<geometry_msgs::Point>::const_iterator end = points2D.end();
00562 p0 = cv::Point2d(it->x, it->y); it++;
00563 for ( ; it!= end; it++ ) {
00564 p1 = cv::Point2d(it->x, it->y);
00565 cv::line(draw_, p0, p1, *col_it, LINE_WIDTH);
00566 p0 = p1;
00567 if(++col_it == colors.end()) col_it = colors.begin();
00568 }
00569 break;
00570 }
00571 case image_view2::ImageMarker2::LINE_LIST3D: {
00572 static std::map<std::string, int> tf_fail;
00573 std::string frame_id = marker->points3D.header.frame_id;
00574 tf::StampedTransform transform;
00575 ros::Time acquisition_time = msg->header.stamp;
00577 ros::Duration timeout(1.0 / 2);
00578 try {
00579 ros::Time tm;
00580 tf_listener_.getLatestCommonTime(cam_model_.tfFrame(), frame_id, tm, NULL);
00581 ros::Duration diff = ros::Time::now() - tm;
00582 if ( diff > ros::Duration(1.0) ) { break; }
00583 tf_listener_.waitForTransform(cam_model_.tfFrame(), frame_id,
00584 acquisition_time, timeout);
00585 tf_listener_.lookupTransform(cam_model_.tfFrame(), frame_id,
00586 acquisition_time, transform);
00587 tf_fail[frame_id]=0;
00588 }
00589 catch (tf::TransformException& ex) {
00590 tf_fail[frame_id]++;
00591 if ( tf_fail[frame_id] < 5 ) {
00592 ROS_ERROR("[image_view2] TF exception:\n%s", ex.what());
00593 } else {
00594 ROS_DEBUG("[image_view2] TF exception:\n%s", ex.what());
00595 }
00596 break;
00597 }
00598 std::vector<geometry_msgs::Point> points2D;
00599 BOOST_FOREACH(geometry_msgs::Point p, marker->points3D.points) {
00600 tf::Point pt = transform.getOrigin();
00601 geometry_msgs::PointStamped pt_cam, pt_;
00602 pt_cam.header.frame_id = cam_model_.tfFrame();
00603 pt_cam.header.stamp = acquisition_time;
00604 pt_cam.point.x = pt.x();
00605 pt_cam.point.y = pt.y();
00606 pt_cam.point.z = pt.z();
00607 tf_listener_.transformPoint(frame_id, pt_cam, pt_);
00609 cv::Point2d uv;
00610 tf::Stamped<tf::Point> pin, pout;
00611 pin = tf::Stamped<tf::Point>(tf::Point(pt_.point.x + p.x, pt_.point.y + p.y, pt_.point.z + p.z), acquisition_time, frame_id);
00612 tf_listener_.transformPoint(cam_model_.tfFrame(), pin, pout);
00613 uv = cam_model_.project3dToPixel(cv::Point3d(pout.x(), pout.y(), pout.z()));
00614 geometry_msgs::Point point2D;
00615 point2D.x = uv.x;
00616 point2D.y = uv.y;
00617 points2D.push_back(point2D);
00618 }
00619 cv::Point2d p0, p1;
00620 std::vector<geometry_msgs::Point>::const_iterator it = points2D.begin();
00621 std::vector<geometry_msgs::Point>::const_iterator end = points2D.end();
00622 for ( ; it!= end; ) {
00623 p0 = cv::Point2d(it->x, it->y); it++;
00624 if ( it != end ) p1 = cv::Point2d(it->x, it->y);
00625 cv::line(draw_, p0, p1, *col_it, LINE_WIDTH);
00626 it++;
00627 if(++col_it == colors.end()) col_it = colors.begin();
00628 }
00629 break;
00630 }
00631 case image_view2::ImageMarker2::POLYGON3D: {
00632 static std::map<std::string, int> tf_fail;
00633 std::string frame_id = marker->points3D.header.frame_id;
00634 tf::StampedTransform transform;
00635 ros::Time acquisition_time = msg->header.stamp;
00637 ros::Duration timeout(1.0 / 2);
00638 try {
00639 ros::Time tm;
00640 tf_listener_.getLatestCommonTime(cam_model_.tfFrame(), frame_id, tm, NULL);
00641 ros::Duration diff = ros::Time::now() - tm;
00642 if ( diff > ros::Duration(1.0) ) { break; }
00643 tf_listener_.waitForTransform(cam_model_.tfFrame(), frame_id,
00644 acquisition_time, timeout);
00645 tf_listener_.lookupTransform(cam_model_.tfFrame(), frame_id,
00646 acquisition_time, transform);
00647 tf_fail[frame_id]=0;
00648 }
00649 catch (tf::TransformException& ex) {
00650 tf_fail[frame_id]++;
00651 if ( tf_fail[frame_id] < 5 ) {
00652 ROS_ERROR("[image_view2] TF exception:\n%s", ex.what());
00653 } else {
00654 ROS_DEBUG("[image_view2] TF exception:\n%s", ex.what());
00655 }
00656 break;
00657 }
00658 std::vector<geometry_msgs::Point> points2D;
00659 BOOST_FOREACH(geometry_msgs::Point p, marker->points3D.points) {
00660 tf::Point pt = transform.getOrigin();
00661 geometry_msgs::PointStamped pt_cam, pt_;
00662 pt_cam.header.frame_id = cam_model_.tfFrame();
00663 pt_cam.header.stamp = acquisition_time;
00664 pt_cam.point.x = pt.x();
00665 pt_cam.point.y = pt.y();
00666 pt_cam.point.z = pt.z();
00667 tf_listener_.transformPoint(frame_id, pt_cam, pt_);
00669 cv::Point2d uv;
00670 tf::Stamped<tf::Point> pin, pout;
00671 pin = tf::Stamped<tf::Point>(tf::Point(pt_.point.x + p.x, pt_.point.y + p.y, pt_.point.z + p.z), acquisition_time, frame_id);
00672 tf_listener_.transformPoint(cam_model_.tfFrame(), pin, pout);
00673 uv = cam_model_.project3dToPixel(cv::Point3d(pout.x(), pout.y(), pout.z()));
00674 geometry_msgs::Point point2D;
00675 point2D.x = uv.x;
00676 point2D.y = uv.y;
00677 points2D.push_back(point2D);
00678 }
00679 cv::Point2d p0, p1;
00680 std::vector<geometry_msgs::Point>::const_iterator it = points2D.begin();
00681 std::vector<geometry_msgs::Point>::const_iterator end = points2D.end();
00682 p0 = cv::Point2d(it->x, it->y); it++;
00683 for ( ; it!= end; it++ ) {
00684 p1 = cv::Point2d(it->x, it->y);
00685 cv::line(draw_, p0, p1, *col_it, LINE_WIDTH);
00686 p0 = p1;
00687 if(++col_it == colors.end()) col_it = colors.begin();
00688 }
00689 it = points2D.begin();
00690 p1 = cv::Point2d(it->x, it->y);
00691 cv::line(draw_, p0, p1, *col_it, LINE_WIDTH);
00692 break;
00693 }
00694 case image_view2::ImageMarker2::POINTS3D: {
00695 static std::map<std::string, int> tf_fail;
00696 std::string frame_id = marker->points3D.header.frame_id;
00697 tf::StampedTransform transform;
00698 ros::Time acquisition_time = msg->header.stamp;
00700 ros::Duration timeout(1.0 / 2);
00701 try {
00702 ros::Time tm;
00703 tf_listener_.getLatestCommonTime(cam_model_.tfFrame(), frame_id, tm, NULL);
00704 ros::Duration diff = ros::Time::now() - tm;
00705 if ( diff > ros::Duration(1.0) ) { break; }
00706 tf_listener_.waitForTransform(cam_model_.tfFrame(), frame_id,
00707 acquisition_time, timeout);
00708 tf_listener_.lookupTransform(cam_model_.tfFrame(), frame_id,
00709 acquisition_time, transform);
00710 tf_fail[frame_id]=0;
00711 }
00712 catch (tf::TransformException& ex) {
00713 tf_fail[frame_id]++;
00714 if ( tf_fail[frame_id] < 5 ) {
00715 ROS_ERROR("[image_view2] TF exception:\n%s", ex.what());
00716 } else {
00717 ROS_DEBUG("[image_view2] TF exception:\n%s", ex.what());
00718 }
00719 break;
00720 }
00721 BOOST_FOREACH(geometry_msgs::Point p, marker->points3D.points) {
00722 tf::Point pt = transform.getOrigin();
00723 geometry_msgs::PointStamped pt_cam, pt_;
00724 pt_cam.header.frame_id = cam_model_.tfFrame();
00725 pt_cam.header.stamp = acquisition_time;
00726 pt_cam.point.x = pt.x();
00727 pt_cam.point.y = pt.y();
00728 pt_cam.point.z = pt.z();
00729 tf_listener_.transformPoint(frame_id, pt_cam, pt_);
00731 cv::Point2d uv;
00732 tf::Stamped<tf::Point> pin, pout;
00733 pin = tf::Stamped<tf::Point>(tf::Point(pt_.point.x + p.x, pt_.point.y + p.y, pt_.point.z + p.z), acquisition_time, frame_id);
00734 tf_listener_.transformPoint(cam_model_.tfFrame(), pin, pout);
00735 uv = cam_model_.project3dToPixel(cv::Point3d(pout.x(), pout.y(), pout.z()));
00736 cv::circle(draw_, uv, (marker->scale == 0 ? 3 : marker->scale) , *col_it, -1);
00737 }
00738 break;
00739 }
00740 case image_view2::ImageMarker2::TEXT3D: {
00741 static std::map<std::string, int> tf_fail;
00742 std::string frame_id = marker->position3D.header.frame_id;
00743 tf::StampedTransform transform;
00744 ros::Time acquisition_time = msg->header.stamp;
00746 ros::Duration timeout(1.0 / 2);
00747 try {
00748 ros::Time tm;
00749 tf_listener_.getLatestCommonTime(cam_model_.tfFrame(), frame_id, tm, NULL);
00750 ros::Duration diff = ros::Time::now() - tm;
00751 if ( diff > ros::Duration(1.0) ) { break; }
00752 tf_listener_.waitForTransform(cam_model_.tfFrame(), frame_id,
00753 acquisition_time, timeout);
00754 tf_listener_.lookupTransform(cam_model_.tfFrame(), frame_id,
00755 acquisition_time, transform);
00756 tf_fail[frame_id]=0;
00757 }
00758 catch (tf::TransformException& ex) {
00759 tf_fail[frame_id]++;
00760 if ( tf_fail[frame_id] < 5 ) {
00761 ROS_ERROR("[image_view2] TF exception:\n%s", ex.what());
00762 } else {
00763 ROS_DEBUG("[image_view2] TF exception:\n%s", ex.what());
00764 }
00765 break;
00766 }
00767 tf::Point pt = transform.getOrigin();
00768 geometry_msgs::PointStamped pt_cam, pt_;
00769 pt_cam.header.frame_id = cam_model_.tfFrame();
00770 pt_cam.header.stamp = acquisition_time;
00771 pt_cam.point.x = pt.x();
00772 pt_cam.point.y = pt.y();
00773 pt_cam.point.z = pt.z();
00774 tf_listener_.transformPoint(frame_id, pt_cam, pt_);
00776 cv::Point2d uv;
00777 tf::Stamped<tf::Point> pin, pout;
00778 pin = tf::Stamped<tf::Point>(tf::Point(pt_.point.x + marker->position3D.point.x, pt_.point.y + marker->position3D.point.y, pt_.point.z + marker->position3D.point.z), acquisition_time, frame_id);
00779 tf_listener_.transformPoint(cam_model_.tfFrame(), pin, pout);
00780 uv = cam_model_.project3dToPixel(cv::Point3d(pout.x(), pout.y(), pout.z()));
00781 cv::Size text_size;
00782 int baseline;
00783 float scale = marker->scale;
00784 if ( scale == 0 ) scale = 1.0;
00785 text_size = cv::getTextSize(marker->text.c_str(), font_,
00786 scale, scale, &baseline);
00787 cv::Point origin = cv::Point(uv.x - text_size.width/2,
00788 uv.y - baseline-3);
00789 cv::putText(draw_, marker->text.c_str(), origin, font_, scale, CV_RGB(0,255,0),3);
00790 break;
00791 }
00792 default: {
00793 ROS_WARN("Undefined Marker type(%d)", marker->type);
00794 break;
00795 }
00796 }
00797 }
00798 }
00799 cv::rectangle(draw_, cv::Point(window_selection_.x, window_selection_.y),
00800 cv::Point(window_selection_.x + window_selection_.width,
00801 window_selection_.y + window_selection_.height),
00802 USER_ROI_COLOR, 3, 8, 0);
00804 if ( blurry_mode ) cv::addWeighted(image_, 0.9, draw_, 1.0, 0.0, image_);
00805 if ( use_window ) {
00806 cv::imshow(window_name_.c_str(), image_);
00807 }
00808 cv_bridge::CvImage out_msg;
00809 out_msg.header = msg->header;
00810 out_msg.encoding = "bgr8";
00811 out_msg.image = image_;
00812 image_pub_.publish(out_msg.toImageMsg());
00813 old_time = ros::Time::now();
00814 }
00816 static void mouse_cb(int event, int x, int y, int flags, void* param)
00817 {
00818 ImageView2 *iv = (ImageView2*)param;
00819 static ros::Time left_buttondown_time(0);
00820 switch (event){
00822 if ( ( left_buttondown_time.toSec() > 0 &&
00823 ros::Time::now().toSec() - left_buttondown_time.toSec() ) >= 1.0 ) {
00824 window_selection_.width = x - window_selection_.x;
00825 window_selection_.height = y - window_selection_.y;
00826 }
00827 break;
00829 left_buttondown_time = ros::Time::now();
00830 window_selection_.x = x;
00831 window_selection_.y = y;
00832 break;
00834 if ( ( ros::Time::now().toSec() - left_buttondown_time.toSec() ) < 1.0 ) {
00835 geometry_msgs::PointStamped screen_msg;
00836 screen_msg.point.x = window_selection_.x;
00837 screen_msg.point.y = window_selection_.y;
00838 screen_msg.point.z = 0;
00839 screen_msg.header.stamp = ros::Time::now();
00840 ROS_INFO("Publish screen point %s (%d %d)", iv->point_pub_.getTopic().c_str(), x, y);
00841 iv->point_pub_.publish(screen_msg);
00842 } else {
00843 geometry_msgs::PolygonStamped screen_msg;
00844 screen_msg.polygon.points.resize(2);
00845 screen_msg.polygon.points[0].x = window_selection_.x;
00846 screen_msg.polygon.points[0].y = window_selection_.y;
00847 screen_msg.polygon.points[1].x = window_selection_.x + window_selection_.width;
00848 screen_msg.polygon.points[1].y = window_selection_.y + window_selection_.height;
00849 screen_msg.header.stamp = ros::Time::now();
00850 ROS_INFO("Publish rectangle point %s (%d %d %d %d)", iv->rectangle_pub_.getTopic().c_str(), window_selection_.y, window_selection_.y, window_selection_.width, window_selection_.height);
00851 iv->rectangle_pub_.publish(screen_msg);
00852 }
00853 window_selection_.x = window_selection_.y =
00854 window_selection_.width = window_selection_.height = 0;
00855 left_buttondown_time.fromSec(0);
00856 break;
00858 boost::lock_guard<boost::mutex> guard(iv->image_mutex_);
00859 if (!iv->image_.empty()) {
00860 std::string filename = (iv->filename_format_ % iv->count_).str();
00861 cv::imwrite(filename.c_str(), iv->image_);
00862 ROS_INFO("Saved image %s", filename.c_str());
00863 iv->count_++;
00864 } else {
00865 ROS_WARN("Couldn't save image, no data!");
00866 }
00867 break;
00868 }
00869 return;
00870 }
00871 };
00873 int main(int argc, char **argv)
00874 {
00876 ros::init(argc, argv, "image_view2");
00877 ros::NodeHandle n;
00879 if ( n.resolveName("image") == "/image") {
00880 ROS_WARN("image_view: image has not been remapped! Typical command-line usage:\n"
00881 "\t$ ./image_view image:=<image topic> [transport]");
00882 }
00884 ImageView2 view(n, "raw");
00886 ros::spin();
00888 return 0;
00889 }
00891 CvRect ImageView2::window_selection_;