
This package provides many messages and services relating to sensor devices.

Many of these messages were ported from ROS 1 and a lot of still-relevant documentation can be found through the ROS 1 sensor_msgs wiki.

For more information about ROS 2 interfaces, see

sensor_msgs c++ API

This package provides some common C++ functionality relating to manipulating a couple of particular sensor_msgs messages.

Messages (.msg)

  • BatteryState: Describes the power state of the battery.

  • CameraInfo: Meta information for a camera.

  • ChannelFloat32: Holds optional data associated with each point in a PointCloud message.

  • CompressedImage: A compressed image.

  • FluidPressure: Single pressure reading for fluids (air, water, etc) like atmospheric and barometric pressures.

  • Illuminance: Single photometric illuminance measurement.

  • Image: An uncompressed image.

  • Imu: Holds data from an IMU (Inertial Measurement Unit).

  • JointState: Holds data to describe the state of a set of torque controlled joints.

  • JoyFeedbackArray: An array of JoyFeedback messages.

  • JoyFeedback: Describes user feedback in a joystick, like an LED, rumble pad, or buzzer.

  • Joy: Reports the state of a joystick’s axes and buttons.

  • LaserEcho: A submessage of MultiEchoLaserScan and is not intended to be used separately.

  • LaserScan: Single scan from a planar laser range-finder.

  • MagneticField: Measurement of the Magnetic Field vector at a specific location.

  • MultiDOFJointState: Representation of state for joints with multiple degrees of freedom, following the structure of JointState.

  • MultiEchoLaserScan: Single scan from a multi-echo planar laser range-finder.

  • NavSatFix: Navigation Satellite fix for any Global Navigation Satellite System.

  • NavSatStatus: Navigation Satellite fix status for any Global Navigation Satellite System.

  • PointCloud2: Holds a collection of N-dimensional points, which may contain additional information such as normals, intensity, etc.

  • PointCloud: THIS MESSAGE IS DEPRECATED AS OF FOXY, use PointCloud2 instead

  • PointField: Holds the description of one point entry in the PointCloud2 message format.

  • Range: Single range reading from an active ranger that emits energy and reports one range reading that is valid along an arc at the distance measured.

  • RegionOfInterest: Used to specify a region of interest within an image.

  • RelativeHumidity: A single reading from a relative humidity sensor.

  • Temperature: A single temperature reading.

  • TimeReference: Measurement from an external time source not actively synchronized with the system clock.

Services (.srv)

  • SetCameraInfo: Request that a camera stores the given CameraInfo as that camera’s calibration information.

Quality Declaration

This package claims to be in the Quality Level 1 category, see the Quality Declaration for more details.