Go to the documentation of this file.
27 #ifndef __sot_core_stopwatch_H__
28 #define __sot_core_stopwatch_H__
38 #pragma GCC visibility push(default)
163 void start(std::string perf_name);
166 void stop(std::string perf_name);
169 void pause(std::string perf_name);
172 void reset(std::string perf_name);
178 void report(std::string perf_name,
int precision = 2,
179 std::ostream &output = std::cout);
182 void report_all(
int precision = 2, std::ostream &output = std::cout);
261 #pragma GCC visibility pop
void stop(std::string perf_name)
long double get_average_time(std::string perf_name)
long double get_max_time(std::string perf_name)
long double get_last_time(std::string perf_name)
long double get_min_time(std::string perf_name)
bool performance_exists(std::string perf_name)
A class representing a stopwatch.
long double get_time_so_far(std::string perf_name)
Stopwatch(StopwatchMode _mode=NONE)
void set_mode(StopwatchMode mode)
void pause(std::string perf_name)
void report(std::string perf_name, int precision=2, std::ostream &output=std::cout)
Stopwatch & getProfiler()
std::map< std::string, PerformanceData > * records_of
long double get_total_time(std::string perf_name)
StopwatchException(std::string error)
void start(std::string perf_name)
void reset(std::string perf_name)
void report_all(int precision=2, std::ostream &output=std::cout)
Author(s): Olivier Stasse, ostasse@laas.fr
autogenerated on Tue Oct 24 2023 02:26:31