Classes | Typedefs | Functions
Nabo Namespace Reference

Namespace for Nabo. More...


struct  BruteForceSearch
 Brute-force nearest neighbour. More...
struct  IndexHeapBruteForceVector
 brute-force implementation of heap More...
struct  IndexHeapSTL
 balanced-tree implementation of heap More...
struct  KDTreeBalancedPtInLeavesStack
struct  KDTreeBalancedPtInNodes
struct  KDTreeBalancedPtInNodesPQ
struct  KDTreeBalancedPtInNodesStack
struct  KDTreeUnbalancedPtInLeavesExplicitBoundsStack
struct  KDTreeUnbalancedPtInLeavesImplicitBoundsStack
struct  KDTreeUnbalancedPtInLeavesImplicitBoundsStackOpt
 KDTree, unbalanced, points in leaves, stack, implicit bounds, ANN_KD_SL_MIDPT, optimised implementation. More...
struct  NearestNeighbourSearch
 Nearest neighbour search interface, templatized on scalar type. More...
struct  Parameters
 Parameter vector. More...
struct  runtime_error


typedef NearestNeighbourSearch< double > NNSearchD
 nearest neighbour search with scalars of type double More...
typedef NearestNeighbourSearch< float > NNSearchF
 nearest neighbour search with scalars of type float More...


template<typename T , typename CloudType >
size_t argMax (const typename NearestNeighbourSearch< T, CloudType >::Vector &v)
 Return the index of the maximum value of a vector of positive values. More...
template<typename T , typename A , typename B >
dist2 (const A &v0, const B &v1)
 Euclidean distance. More...
template<typename T >
getStorageBitCount (T v)
 Return the number of bit required to store a value. More...
template<typename IndexType >
constexpr IndexType invalidIndex ()
template<typename ValueType >
constexpr ValueType invalidValue ()

Detailed Description

Namespace for Nabo.

Typedef Documentation

◆ NNSearchD

nearest neighbour search with scalars of type double

Definition at line 448 of file nabo.h.

◆ NNSearchF

nearest neighbour search with scalars of type float

Definition at line 446 of file nabo.h.

Function Documentation

◆ argMax()

template<typename T , typename CloudType >
size_t Nabo::argMax ( const typename NearestNeighbourSearch< T, CloudType >::Vector &  v)

Return the index of the maximum value of a vector of positive values.

vvector of positive values
index of maximum value, 0 if the vector is empty

Definition at line 45 of file experimental/kdtree_cpu.cpp.

◆ dist2()

template<typename T , typename A , typename B >
T Nabo::dist2 ( const A &  v0,
const B &  v1 

Euclidean distance.

Definition at line 65 of file nabo_private.h.

◆ getStorageBitCount()

template<typename T >
T Nabo::getStorageBitCount ( v)

Return the number of bit required to store a value.

vvalue to store
number of bits required

Definition at line 61 of file nabo/kdtree_cpu.cpp.

◆ invalidIndex()

template<typename IndexType >
constexpr IndexType Nabo::invalidIndex ( )

Definition at line 217 of file nabo.h.

◆ invalidValue()

template<typename ValueType >
constexpr ValueType Nabo::invalidValue ( )

Definition at line 223 of file nabo.h.

autogenerated on Wed Feb 26 2025 03:45:49