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create::Create Class Reference

#include <create.h>

Public Member Functions

bool clean (const create::CleanMode &mode=CLEAN_DEFAULT)
 Starts a cleaning mode. Changes mode to MODE_PASSIVE. More...
bool connect (const std::string &port, const int &baud)
 Make a serial connection to Create. More...
bool connected () const
 Check if serial connection is active. More...
 Create (const std::string &port, const int &baud, RobotModel model=RobotModel::CREATE_2, bool install_signal_handler=true)
 Attempts to establish serial connection to Create. More...
 Create (RobotModel model=RobotModel::CREATE_2, bool install_signal_handler=true)
 Default constructor. More...
bool defineSong (const uint8_t &songNumber, const uint8_t &songLength, const uint8_t *notes, const float *durations) const
 Defines a song from the provided notes and labels it with a song number. More...
void disconnect ()
 Disconnect from serial. More...
bool dock () const
 Starts the docking behaviour. Changes mode to MODE_PASSIVE. More...
bool drive (const float &xVel, const float &angularVel)
 Set the forward and angular velocity of Create. More...
bool driveRadius (const float &velocity, const float &radius)
 Set the average wheel velocity and turning radius of Create. More...
bool driveWheels (const float &leftWheel, const float &rightWheel)
 Set the velocities for the left and right wheels. More...
bool driveWheelsPwm (const float &leftWheel, const float &rightWheel)
 Set the direct for the left and right wheels. More...
bool enableCheckRobotLED (const bool &enable)
 Set the orange "check Create" LED on/off. More...
bool enableDebrisLED (const bool &enable)
 Set the blue "debris" LED on/off. More...
bool enableDockLED (const bool &enable)
 Set the green "dock" LED on/off. More...
bool enableSpotLED (const bool &enable)
 Set the green "spot" LED on/off. More...
float getBatteryCapacity () const
 Get estimated battery charge capacity. More...
float getBatteryCharge () const
 Get battery's remaining charge. More...
create::ChargingState getChargingState () const
 Get the current charging state. More...
float getCurrent () const
 Get current flowing in/out of battery. A positive current implies Create is charging. More...
uint8_t getDirtDetect () const
 Get level of the dirt detect sensor. More...
uint8_t getIRLeft () const
 Get value of 8-bit IR character currently being received by left sensor. More...
uint8_t getIROmni () const
 Get value of 8-bit IR character currently being received by omnidirectional sensor. More...
uint8_t getIRRight () const
 Get value of 8-bit IR character currently being received by right sensor. More...
float getLeftWheelDistance () const
 Get the total distance the left wheel has moved. More...
uint16_t getLightSignalCenterLeft () const
 Get the signal strength from the center-left light sensor. More...
uint16_t getLightSignalCenterRight () const
 Get the signal strength from the center-right light sensor. More...
uint16_t getLightSignalFrontLeft () const
 Get the signal strength from the front-left light sensor. More...
uint16_t getLightSignalFrontRight () const
 Get the signal strength from the front-right light sensor. More...
uint16_t getLightSignalLeft () const
 Get the signal strength from the left light sensor. More...
uint16_t getLightSignalRight () const
 Get the signal strength from the right light sensor. More...
float getMeasuredLeftWheelVel () const
 Get the measured velocity of the left wheel. More...
float getMeasuredRightWheelVel () const
 Get the measured velocity of the right wheel. More...
create::CreateMode getMode ()
 Get the current mode reported by Create. More...
bool getModeReportWorkaround () const
uint64_t getNumCorruptPackets () const
 Get the number of corrupt serial packets since first connecting to Create. This value is ideally zero. If the number is consistently increasing then chances are some sensor information is not being updated. More...
create::Pose getPose () const
 Get the estimated pose of Create based on wheel encoders. More...
float getRequestedLeftWheelVel () const
 Get the requested velocity of the left wheel. This value is bounded at the maximum velocity of the robot model. More...
float getRequestedRightWheelVel () const
 Get the requested velocity of the right wheel. This value is bounded at the maximum velocity of the robot model. More...
float getRightWheelDistance () const
 Get the total distance the right wheel has moved. More...
int8_t getTemperature () const
 Get the temperature of battery. More...
uint64_t getTotalPackets () const
 Get the total number of serial packets received (including corrupt packets) since first connecting to Create. More...
create::Vel getVel () const
 Get the estimated velocity of Create based on wheel encoders. More...
float getVoltage () const
 Get battery voltage. More...
bool isCleanButtonPressed () const
 Get state of 'clean' button ('play' button on Create 1). More...
bool isCliff () const
bool isCliffFrontLeft () const
bool isCliffFrontRight () const
bool isCliffLeft () const
bool isCliffRight () const
bool isClockButtonPressed () const
 Not supported by any firmware! More...
bool isDayButtonPressed () const
 Get state of 'day' button. More...
bool isDockButtonPressed () const
 Get state of 'dock' button ('advance' button on Create 1). More...
bool isHourButtonPressed () const
 Get state of 'hour' button. More...
bool isLeftBumper () const
bool isLeftWheeldrop () const
bool isLightBumperCenterLeft () const
bool isLightBumperCenterRight () const
bool isLightBumperFrontLeft () const
bool isLightBumperFrontRight () const
bool isLightBumperLeft () const
bool isLightBumperRight () const
bool isMainBrushOvercurrent () const
bool isMinButtonPressed () const
 Get state of 'min' button. More...
bool isMovingForward () const
bool isRightBumper () const
bool isRightWheeldrop () const
bool isScheduleButtonPressed () const
 Not supported by any firmware! More...
bool isSideBrushOvercurrent () const
bool isSpotButtonPressed () const
 Get state of 'spot' button. More...
bool isVirtualWall () const
bool isWall () const
bool isWheeldrop () const
bool isWheelOvercurrent () const
bool playSong (const uint8_t &songNumber) const
 Play a previously created song. This command will not work if a song was not already defined with the specified song number. More...
bool setAllMotors (const float &mainPower, const float &sidePower, const float &vacuumPower)
 Set the power of all motors. More...
bool setDate (const create::DayOfWeek &day, const uint8_t &hour, const uint8_t &min) const
 Sets the internal clock of Create. More...
bool setDigits (const std::vector< bool > &segments) const
 Set the four 7-segment display digits from left to right. More...
bool setDigitsASCII (const uint8_t &digit1, const uint8_t &digit2, const uint8_t &digit3, const uint8_t &digit4) const
 Set the four 7-segment display digits from left to right with ASCII codes. Any code out side the accepted ascii ranges results in blank display. More...
void setDtHistoryLength (const uint8_t &dtHistoryLength)
 Set dtHistoryLength parameter. Used to configure the size of the buffer for calculating average time delta (dt). between onData calls, which in turn is used for velocity calculation. More...
bool setMainMotor (const float &power)
 Set the power to the main brush motor. More...
bool setMode (const create::CreateMode &mode)
 Change Create mode. More...
void setModeReportWorkaround (const bool &enable)
 Enable or disable the mode reporting workaround. Some Roomba 6xx robots incorrectly report the OI mode in their sensor streams. Enabling the workaround will cause libcreate to decrement the reported OI mode in the sensor stream by 1. See More...
bool setPowerLED (const uint8_t &power, const uint8_t &intensity=255)
 Set the center power LED. More...
bool setSideMotor (const float &power)
 Set the power to the side brush motor. More...
bool setVacuumMotor (const float &power)
 Set the power to the vacuum motor. More...
 ~Create ()
 Attempts to disconnect from serial. More...

Protected Attributes

std::shared_ptr< create::Datadata
std::shared_ptr< create::Serialserial

Private Types

enum  CreateLED { LED_DEBRIS = 1, LED_SPOT = 2, LED_DOCK = 4, LED_CHECK = 8 }
typedef boost::numeric::ublas::matrix< float > Matrix

Private Member Functions

Matrix addMatrices (const Matrix &A, const Matrix &B) const
void init (bool install_signal_handler)
void onData ()
bool updateLEDs ()

Private Attributes

uint8_t checkLED
uint8_t debrisLED
uint8_t dockLED
std::deque< float > dtHistory
uint8_t dtHistoryLength
bool firstOnData
uint8_t mainMotorPower
float measuredLeftVel
float measuredRightVel
CreateMode mode
RobotModel model
bool modeReportWorkaround
create::Pose pose
Matrix poseCovar
uint8_t powerLED
uint8_t powerLEDIntensity
std::chrono::time_point< std::chrono::steady_clock > prevOnDataTime
uint32_t prevTicksLeft
uint32_t prevTicksRight
float requestedLeftVel
float requestedRightVel
uint8_t sideMotorPower
uint8_t spotLED
float totalLeftDist
float totalRightDist
uint8_t vacuumMotorPower
create::Vel vel

Detailed Description

Definition at line 49 of file create.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ Matrix

typedef boost::numeric::ublas::matrix<float> create::Create::Matrix

Definition at line 51 of file create.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ CreateLED


Definition at line 53 of file create.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ Create() [1/2]

create::Create::Create ( RobotModel  model = RobotModel::CREATE_2,
bool  install_signal_handler = true 

Default constructor.

Calling this constructor Does not attempt to establish a serial connection to the robot.

modelthe type of the robot. See RobotModel to determine the value for your robot.
install_signal_handlerif true, then register a signal handler to disconnect from the robot on SIGINT or SIGTERM.

Definition at line 55 of file create.cpp.

◆ Create() [2/2]

create::Create::Create ( const std::string &  port,
const int &  baud,
RobotModel  model = RobotModel::CREATE_2,
bool  install_signal_handler = true 

Attempts to establish serial connection to Create.

portof your computer that is connected to Create.
baudrate to communicate with Create. Typically, 115200 for Create 2 and 57600 for Create 1.
modeltype of robot. See RobotModel to determine the value for your robot.
install_signal_handlerif true, then register a signal handler to disconnect from the robot on SIGINT or SIGTERM.

Definition at line 59 of file create.cpp.

◆ ~Create()

create::Create::~Create ( )

Attempts to disconnect from serial.

Definition at line 66 of file create.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

◆ addMatrices()

Create::Matrix create::Create::addMatrices ( const Matrix A,
const Matrix B 
) const

Definition at line 70 of file create.cpp.

◆ clean()

bool create::Create::clean ( const create::CleanMode mode = CLEAN_DEFAULT)

Starts a cleaning mode. Changes mode to MODE_PASSIVE.

true if successful, false otherwise

Definition at line 362 of file create.cpp.

◆ connect()

bool create::Create::connect ( const std::string &  port,
const int &  baud 

Make a serial connection to Create.

This is the first thing that should be done after instantiated this class.

true if a successful connection is established, false otherwise.

Definition at line 294 of file create.cpp.

◆ connected()

bool create::Create::connected ( ) const

Check if serial connection is active.

true if successfully connected, false otherwise.

Definition at line 152 of file create.h.

◆ defineSong()

bool create::Create::defineSong ( const uint8_t &  songNumber,
const uint8_t &  songLength,
const uint8_t *  notes,
const float *  durations 
) const

Defines a song from the provided notes and labels it with a song number.

songNumbercan be one of four possible song slots, [0, 4]
songLengthis the number of notes, maximum 16. length(notes) = length(durations) = songLength should be true.
notesis a sequence of notes. Each note is in the range [31, 127]. Anything outside this range is considered a rest note.
durationsfor each note in fractions of a second from the range [0, 4)
true if successful, false otherwise

Definition at line 591 of file create.cpp.

◆ disconnect()

void create::Create::disconnect ( )

Disconnect from serial.

Definition at line 315 of file create.cpp.

◆ dock()

bool create::Create::dock ( ) const

Starts the docking behaviour. Changes mode to MODE_PASSIVE.

true if successful, false otherwise

Definition at line 366 of file create.cpp.

◆ drive()

bool create::Create::drive ( const float &  xVel,
const float &  angularVel 

Set the forward and angular velocity of Create.

xVelin m/s
angularVelin rads/s
true if successful, false otherwise

Definition at line 473 of file create.cpp.

◆ driveRadius()

bool create::Create::driveRadius ( const float &  velocity,
const float &  radius 

Set the average wheel velocity and turning radius of Create.

velocityis in m/s bounded between [-0.5, 0.5]
radiusin meters. Special cases: drive straight = CREATE_2_STRAIGHT_RADIUS, turn in place counter-clockwise = CREATE_2_IN_PLACE_RADIUS, turn in place clockwise = -CREATE_2_IN_PLACE_RADIUS
true if successful, false otherwise

Definition at line 380 of file create.cpp.

◆ driveWheels()

bool create::Create::driveWheels ( const float &  leftWheel,
const float &  rightWheel 

Set the velocities for the left and right wheels.

leftWheelvelocity in m/s.
rightWheelveloctiy in m/s.
true if successful, false otherwise

Definition at line 404 of file create.cpp.

◆ driveWheelsPwm()

bool create::Create::driveWheelsPwm ( const float &  leftWheel,
const float &  rightWheel 

Set the direct for the left and right wheels.

leftWheelpwm in the range [-1, 1]
rightWheelpwm in the range [-1, 1]
true if successful, false otherwise

Definition at line 452 of file create.cpp.

◆ enableCheckRobotLED()

bool create::Create::enableCheckRobotLED ( const bool &  enable)

Set the orange "check Create" LED on/off.

true if successful, false otherwise

Definition at line 555 of file create.cpp.

◆ enableDebrisLED()

bool create::Create::enableDebrisLED ( const bool &  enable)

Set the blue "debris" LED on/off.

true if successful, false otherwise

Definition at line 531 of file create.cpp.

◆ enableDockLED()

bool create::Create::enableDockLED ( const bool &  enable)

Set the green "dock" LED on/off.

true if successful, false otherwise

Definition at line 547 of file create.cpp.

◆ enableSpotLED()

bool create::Create::enableSpotLED ( const bool &  enable)

Set the green "spot" LED on/off.

true if successful, false otherwise

Definition at line 539 of file create.cpp.

◆ getBatteryCapacity()

float create::Create::getBatteryCapacity ( ) const

Get estimated battery charge capacity.

in amp-hours

Definition at line 927 of file create.cpp.

◆ getBatteryCharge()

float create::Create::getBatteryCharge ( ) const

Get battery's remaining charge.

value in amp-hours

Definition at line 917 of file create.cpp.

◆ getChargingState()

ChargingState create::Create::getChargingState ( ) const

Get the current charging state.

charging state.

Definition at line 791 of file create.cpp.

◆ getCurrent()

float create::Create::getCurrent ( ) const

Get current flowing in/out of battery. A positive current implies Create is charging.

value in amps

Definition at line 897 of file create.cpp.

◆ getDirtDetect()

uint8_t create::Create::getDirtDetect ( ) const

Get level of the dirt detect sensor.

value in range [0, 255]

Definition at line 751 of file create.cpp.

◆ getIRLeft()

uint8_t create::Create::getIRLeft ( ) const

Get value of 8-bit IR character currently being received by left sensor.

value in range [0, 255]

Definition at line 771 of file create.cpp.

◆ getIROmni()

uint8_t create::Create::getIROmni ( ) const

Get value of 8-bit IR character currently being received by omnidirectional sensor.

value in range [0, 255]

Definition at line 761 of file create.cpp.

◆ getIRRight()

uint8_t create::Create::getIRRight ( ) const

Get value of 8-bit IR character currently being received by right sensor.

value in range [0, 255]

Definition at line 781 of file create.cpp.

◆ getLeftWheelDistance()

float create::Create::getLeftWheelDistance ( ) const

Get the total distance the left wheel has moved.

distance in meters.

Definition at line 1097 of file create.cpp.

◆ getLightSignalCenterLeft()

uint16_t create::Create::getLightSignalCenterLeft ( ) const

Get the signal strength from the center-left light sensor.

value in range [0, 4095]

Definition at line 1017 of file create.cpp.

◆ getLightSignalCenterRight()

uint16_t create::Create::getLightSignalCenterRight ( ) const

Get the signal strength from the center-right light sensor.

value in range [0, 4095]

Definition at line 1047 of file create.cpp.

◆ getLightSignalFrontLeft()

uint16_t create::Create::getLightSignalFrontLeft ( ) const

Get the signal strength from the front-left light sensor.

value in range [0, 4095]

Definition at line 1007 of file create.cpp.

◆ getLightSignalFrontRight()

uint16_t create::Create::getLightSignalFrontRight ( ) const

Get the signal strength from the front-right light sensor.

value in range [0, 4095]

Definition at line 1037 of file create.cpp.

◆ getLightSignalLeft()

uint16_t create::Create::getLightSignalLeft ( ) const

Get the signal strength from the left light sensor.

value in range [0, 4095]

Definition at line 997 of file create.cpp.

◆ getLightSignalRight()

uint16_t create::Create::getLightSignalRight ( ) const

Get the signal strength from the right light sensor.

value in range [0, 4095]

Definition at line 1027 of file create.cpp.

◆ getMeasuredLeftWheelVel()

float create::Create::getMeasuredLeftWheelVel ( ) const

Get the measured velocity of the left wheel.

velocity in m/s

Definition at line 1105 of file create.cpp.

◆ getMeasuredRightWheelVel()

float create::Create::getMeasuredRightWheelVel ( ) const

Get the measured velocity of the right wheel.

velocity in m/s

Definition at line 1109 of file create.cpp.

◆ getMode()

create::CreateMode create::Create::getMode ( )

Get the current mode reported by Create.


Definition at line 1129 of file create.cpp.

◆ getModeReportWorkaround()

bool create::Create::getModeReportWorkaround ( ) const
true if the mode reporting workaround is enabled, false otherwise.

Definition at line 1125 of file create.cpp.

◆ getNumCorruptPackets()

uint64_t create::Create::getNumCorruptPackets ( ) const

Get the number of corrupt serial packets since first connecting to Create. This value is ideally zero. If the number is consistently increasing then chances are some sensor information is not being updated.

number of corrupt packets.

Definition at line 1149 of file create.cpp.

◆ getPose()

Pose create::Create::getPose ( ) const

Get the estimated pose of Create based on wheel encoders.

pose (x-y position in meters and yaw angle in Radians)

Definition at line 1141 of file create.cpp.

◆ getRequestedLeftWheelVel()

float create::Create::getRequestedLeftWheelVel ( ) const

Get the requested velocity of the left wheel. This value is bounded at the maximum velocity of the robot model.

requested velocity in m/s.

Definition at line 1113 of file create.cpp.

◆ getRequestedRightWheelVel()

float create::Create::getRequestedRightWheelVel ( ) const

Get the requested velocity of the right wheel. This value is bounded at the maximum velocity of the robot model.

requested velocity in m/s.

Definition at line 1117 of file create.cpp.

◆ getRightWheelDistance()

float create::Create::getRightWheelDistance ( ) const

Get the total distance the right wheel has moved.

distance in meters.

Definition at line 1101 of file create.cpp.

◆ getTemperature()

int8_t create::Create::getTemperature ( ) const

Get the temperature of battery.

value in Celsius

Definition at line 907 of file create.cpp.

◆ getTotalPackets()

uint64_t create::Create::getTotalPackets ( ) const

Get the total number of serial packets received (including corrupt packets) since first connecting to Create.

total number of serial packets.

Definition at line 1153 of file create.cpp.

◆ getVel()

Vel create::Create::getVel ( ) const

Get the estimated velocity of Create based on wheel encoders.

velocity (x and y in m/s and angular velocity in Radians/s)

Definition at line 1145 of file create.cpp.

◆ getVoltage()

float create::Create::getVoltage ( ) const

Get battery voltage.

value in volts

Definition at line 887 of file create.cpp.

◆ init()

void create::Create::init ( bool  install_signal_handler)

Definition at line 17 of file create.cpp.

◆ isCleanButtonPressed()

bool create::Create::isCleanButtonPressed ( ) const

Get state of 'clean' button ('play' button on Create 1).

true if button is pressed, false otherwise.

Definition at line 803 of file create.cpp.

◆ isCliff()

bool create::Create::isCliff ( ) const
true if there are any cliff detections, false otherwise.

Definition at line 685 of file create.cpp.

◆ isCliffFrontLeft()

bool create::Create::isCliffFrontLeft ( ) const
true if the front left sensor detects a cliff, false otherwise.

Definition at line 711 of file create.cpp.

◆ isCliffFrontRight()

bool create::Create::isCliffFrontRight ( ) const
true if the front right sensor detects a cliff, false otherwise.

Definition at line 731 of file create.cpp.

◆ isCliffLeft()

bool create::Create::isCliffLeft ( ) const
true if the left sensor detects a cliff, false otherwise.

Definition at line 701 of file create.cpp.

◆ isCliffRight()

bool create::Create::isCliffRight ( ) const
true if the right sensor detects a cliff, false otherwise.

Definition at line 721 of file create.cpp.

◆ isClockButtonPressed()

bool create::Create::isClockButtonPressed ( ) const

Not supported by any firmware!

Definition at line 814 of file create.cpp.

◆ isDayButtonPressed()

bool create::Create::isDayButtonPressed ( ) const

Get state of 'day' button.

true if button is pressed, false otherwise.

Definition at line 837 of file create.cpp.

◆ isDockButtonPressed()

bool create::Create::isDockButtonPressed ( ) const

Get state of 'dock' button ('advance' button on Create 1).

true if button is pressed, false otherwise.

Definition at line 867 of file create.cpp.

◆ isHourButtonPressed()

bool create::Create::isHourButtonPressed ( ) const

Get state of 'hour' button.

true if button is pressed, false otherwise.

Definition at line 847 of file create.cpp.

◆ isLeftBumper()

bool create::Create::isLeftBumper ( ) const
true if left bumper is pressed, false otherwise.

Definition at line 655 of file create.cpp.

◆ isLeftWheeldrop()

bool create::Create::isLeftWheeldrop ( ) const
true if a left wheeldrop is detected, false otherwise.

Definition at line 635 of file create.cpp.

◆ isLightBumperCenterLeft()

bool create::Create::isLightBumperCenterLeft ( ) const
true if center left light sensor detects an obstacle, false otherwise.

Definition at line 957 of file create.cpp.

◆ isLightBumperCenterRight()

bool create::Create::isLightBumperCenterRight ( ) const
true if center right light sensor detects an obstacle, false otherwise.

Definition at line 967 of file create.cpp.

◆ isLightBumperFrontLeft()

bool create::Create::isLightBumperFrontLeft ( ) const
true if front left light sensor detects an obstacle, false otherwise.

Definition at line 947 of file create.cpp.

◆ isLightBumperFrontRight()

bool create::Create::isLightBumperFrontRight ( ) const
true if front right light sensor detects an obstacle, false otherwise.

Definition at line 977 of file create.cpp.

◆ isLightBumperLeft()

bool create::Create::isLightBumperLeft ( ) const
true if farthest left light sensor detects an obstacle, false otherwise.

Definition at line 937 of file create.cpp.

◆ isLightBumperRight()

bool create::Create::isLightBumperRight ( ) const
true if farthest right light sensor detects an obstacle, false otherwise.

Definition at line 987 of file create.cpp.

◆ isMainBrushOvercurrent()

bool create::Create::isMainBrushOvercurrent ( ) const
Not implemented yet (
true if main brush motor is overcurrent.

Definition at line 1077 of file create.cpp.

◆ isMinButtonPressed()

bool create::Create::isMinButtonPressed ( ) const

Get state of 'min' button.

true if button is pressed, false otherwise.

Definition at line 857 of file create.cpp.

◆ isMovingForward()

bool create::Create::isMovingForward ( ) const
true if Create is moving forward, false otherwise.

Definition at line 1057 of file create.cpp.

◆ isRightBumper()

bool create::Create::isRightBumper ( ) const
true if right bumper is pressed, false otherwise.

Definition at line 665 of file create.cpp.

◆ isRightWheeldrop()

bool create::Create::isRightWheeldrop ( ) const
true if a right wheeldrop is detected, false otherwise.

Definition at line 645 of file create.cpp.

◆ isScheduleButtonPressed()

bool create::Create::isScheduleButtonPressed ( ) const

Not supported by any firmware!

Definition at line 826 of file create.cpp.

◆ isSideBrushOvercurrent()

bool create::Create::isSideBrushOvercurrent ( ) const
Not implemented yet (
true if side brush motor is overcurrent.

Definition at line 1067 of file create.cpp.

◆ isSpotButtonPressed()

bool create::Create::isSpotButtonPressed ( ) const

Get state of 'spot' button.

true if button is pressed, false otherwise.

Definition at line 877 of file create.cpp.

◆ isVirtualWall()

bool create::Create::isVirtualWall ( ) const
true if there is a virtual wall signal is being received.

Definition at line 741 of file create.cpp.

◆ isWall()

bool create::Create::isWall ( ) const
true if wall is seen to right of Create, false otherwise.

Definition at line 675 of file create.cpp.

◆ isWheeldrop()

bool create::Create::isWheeldrop ( ) const
true if a left or right wheeldrop is detected, false otherwise.

Definition at line 625 of file create.cpp.

◆ isWheelOvercurrent()

bool create::Create::isWheelOvercurrent ( ) const
Not implemented yet (
true if drive motors are overcurrent.

Definition at line 1087 of file create.cpp.

◆ onData()

void create::Create::onData ( )

Definition at line 94 of file create.cpp.

◆ playSong()

bool create::Create::playSong ( const uint8_t &  songNumber) const

Play a previously created song. This command will not work if a song was not already defined with the specified song number.

songNumberis one of four stored songs in the range [0, 4]
true if successful, false otherwise

Definition at line 614 of file create.cpp.

◆ setAllMotors()

bool create::Create::setAllMotors ( const float &  mainPower,
const float &  sidePower,
const float &  vacuumPower 

Set the power of all motors.

mainPowerin the range [-1, 1]
sidePowerin the range [-1, 1]
vacuumPowerin the range [0, 1]
true if successful, false otherwise

Definition at line 480 of file create.cpp.

◆ setDate()

bool create::Create::setDate ( const create::DayOfWeek day,
const uint8_t &  hour,
const uint8_t &  min 
) const

Sets the internal clock of Create.

dayin range [0, 6]
hourin range [0, 23]
minin range [0, 59]
true if successful, false otherwise

Definition at line 370 of file create.cpp.

◆ setDigits()

bool create::Create::setDigits ( const std::vector< bool > &  segments) const

Set the four 7-segment display digits from left to right.

This function is not yet implemented refer to
segmentsto enable (true) or disable (false). The size of segments should be less than 29. The ordering of segments is left to right, top to bottom for each digit:
        0           7             14            21
      |‾‾‾|       |‾‾‾|         |‾‾‾|         |‾‾‾|
    1 |___| 2   8 |___| 9    15 |___| 16   22 |___| 23
      | 3 |       | 10|         | 17|         | 24|
    4 |___| 5   11|___| 12   18 |___| 19   25 |___| 26
        6           13            20            27
true if successful, false otherwise

◆ setDigitsASCII()

bool create::Create::setDigitsASCII ( const uint8_t &  digit1,
const uint8_t &  digit2,
const uint8_t &  digit3,
const uint8_t &  digit4 
) const

Set the four 7-segment display digits from left to right with ASCII codes. Any code out side the accepted ascii ranges results in blank display.

digit1is left most digit with ascii range [32, 126]
digit2is second to left digit with ascii range [32, 126]
digit3is second to right digit with ascii range [32, 126]
digit4is right most digit with ascii range [32, 126]
true if successful, false otherwise

Definition at line 573 of file create.cpp.

◆ setDtHistoryLength()

void create::Create::setDtHistoryLength ( const uint8_t &  dtHistoryLength)

Set dtHistoryLength parameter. Used to configure the size of the buffer for calculating average time delta (dt). between onData calls, which in turn is used for velocity calculation.

dtHistoryLengthnumber of historical samples to use for calculating average dt.

Definition at line 621 of file create.cpp.

◆ setMainMotor()

bool create::Create::setMainMotor ( const float &  power)

Set the power to the main brush motor.

poweris in the range [-1, 1]
true if successful, false otherwise

Definition at line 508 of file create.cpp.

◆ setMode()

bool create::Create::setMode ( const create::CreateMode mode)

Change Create mode.

modeto change Create to.
true if successful, false otherwise

Definition at line 326 of file create.cpp.

◆ setModeReportWorkaround()

void create::Create::setModeReportWorkaround ( const bool &  enable)

Enable or disable the mode reporting workaround. Some Roomba 6xx robots incorrectly report the OI mode in their sensor streams. Enabling the workaround will cause libcreate to decrement the reported OI mode in the sensor stream by 1. See

Definition at line 1121 of file create.cpp.

◆ setPowerLED()

bool create::Create::setPowerLED ( const uint8_t &  power,
const uint8_t &  intensity = 255 

Set the center power LED.

powerin range [0, 255] where 0 = green and 255 = red
intensityin range [0, 255]
true if successful, false otherwise

Definition at line 563 of file create.cpp.

◆ setSideMotor()

bool create::Create::setSideMotor ( const float &  power)

Set the power to the side brush motor.

poweris in the range [-1, 1]
true if successful, false otherwise

Definition at line 512 of file create.cpp.

◆ setVacuumMotor()

bool create::Create::setVacuumMotor ( const float &  power)

Set the power to the vacuum motor.

poweris in the range [0, 1]
true if successful, false otherwise

Definition at line 516 of file create.cpp.

◆ updateLEDs()

bool create::Create::updateLEDs ( )

Definition at line 520 of file create.cpp.

Member Data Documentation

◆ checkLED

uint8_t create::Create::checkLED

Definition at line 70 of file create.h.

◆ data

std::shared_ptr<create::Data> create::Create::data

Definition at line 106 of file create.h.

◆ debrisLED

uint8_t create::Create::debrisLED

Definition at line 67 of file create.h.

◆ dockLED

uint8_t create::Create::dockLED

Definition at line 69 of file create.h.

◆ dtHistory

std::deque<float> create::Create::dtHistory

Definition at line 85 of file create.h.

◆ dtHistoryLength

uint8_t create::Create::dtHistoryLength

Definition at line 86 of file create.h.

◆ firstOnData

bool create::Create::firstOnData

Definition at line 83 of file create.h.

◆ mainMotorPower

uint8_t create::Create::mainMotorPower

Definition at line 62 of file create.h.

◆ measuredLeftVel

float create::Create::measuredLeftVel

Definition at line 90 of file create.h.

◆ measuredRightVel

float create::Create::measuredRightVel

Definition at line 91 of file create.h.

◆ mode

CreateMode create::Create::mode

Definition at line 74 of file create.h.

◆ model

RobotModel create::Create::model

Definition at line 60 of file create.h.

◆ modeReportWorkaround

bool create::Create::modeReportWorkaround

Definition at line 103 of file create.h.

◆ pose

create::Pose create::Create::pose

Definition at line 76 of file create.h.

◆ poseCovar

Matrix create::Create::poseCovar

Definition at line 88 of file create.h.

◆ powerLED

uint8_t create::Create::powerLED

Definition at line 71 of file create.h.

◆ powerLEDIntensity

uint8_t create::Create::powerLEDIntensity

Definition at line 72 of file create.h.

◆ prevOnDataTime

std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::steady_clock> create::Create::prevOnDataTime

Definition at line 84 of file create.h.

◆ prevTicksLeft

uint32_t create::Create::prevTicksLeft

Definition at line 79 of file create.h.

◆ prevTicksRight

uint32_t create::Create::prevTicksRight

Definition at line 80 of file create.h.

◆ requestedLeftVel

float create::Create::requestedLeftVel

Definition at line 92 of file create.h.

◆ requestedRightVel

float create::Create::requestedRightVel

Definition at line 93 of file create.h.

◆ serial

std::shared_ptr<create::Serial> create::Create::serial

Definition at line 107 of file create.h.

◆ sideMotorPower

uint8_t create::Create::sideMotorPower

Definition at line 63 of file create.h.

◆ spotLED

uint8_t create::Create::spotLED

Definition at line 68 of file create.h.

◆ totalLeftDist

float create::Create::totalLeftDist

Definition at line 81 of file create.h.

◆ totalRightDist

float create::Create::totalRightDist

Definition at line 82 of file create.h.

◆ vacuumMotorPower

uint8_t create::Create::vacuumMotorPower

Definition at line 64 of file create.h.

◆ vel

create::Vel create::Create::vel

Definition at line 77 of file create.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:

Author(s): Jacob Perron
autogenerated on Wed May 24 2023 02:24:57