Go to the documentation of this file.
35 #include <boost/numeric/ublas/matrix.hpp>
51 typedef boost::numeric::ublas::matrix<float>
95 void init(
bool install_signal_handler);
106 std::shared_ptr<create::Data>
145 bool connect(
const std::string& port,
const int& baud);
198 bool driveRadius(
const float& velocity,
const float& radius);
206 bool driveWheels(
const float& leftWheel,
const float& rightWheel);
214 bool driveWheelsPwm(
const float& leftWheel,
const float& rightWheel);
222 bool drive(
const float& xVel,
const float& angularVel);
252 bool setAllMotors(
const float& mainPower,
const float& sidePower,
const float& vacuumPower);
288 bool setPowerLED(
const uint8_t& power,
const uint8_t& intensity = 255);
309 bool setDigits(
const std::vector<bool>& segments)
321 const uint8_t& digit3,
const uint8_t& digit4)
334 const uint8_t& songLength,
335 const uint8_t* notes,
336 const float* durations)
344 bool playSong(
const uint8_t& songNumber)
697 #endif // CREATE_DRIVER_H
float getLeftWheelDistance() const
Get the total distance the left wheel has moved.
bool isSpotButtonPressed() const
Get state of 'spot' button.
Attempts to disconnect from serial.
bool isHourButtonPressed() const
Get state of 'hour' button.
bool isDockButtonPressed() const
Get state of 'dock' button ('advance' button on Create 1).
bool setAllMotors(const float &mainPower, const float &sidePower, const float &vacuumPower)
Set the power of all motors.
bool setMode(const create::CreateMode &mode)
Change Create mode.
bool isCliffFrontLeft() const
float getRequestedLeftWheelVel() const
Get the requested velocity of the left wheel. This value is bounded at the maximum velocity of the ro...
bool isMainBrushOvercurrent() const
static RobotModel CREATE_2
Compatible with Create 2 or Roomba 600 series and greater.
std::shared_ptr< create::Data > data
bool driveWheelsPwm(const float &leftWheel, const float &rightWheel)
Set the direct for the left and right wheels.
uint16_t getLightSignalFrontLeft() const
Get the signal strength from the front-left light sensor.
std::deque< float > dtHistory
bool isLightBumperRight() const
uint8_t getIROmni() const
Get value of 8-bit IR character currently being received by omnidirectional sensor.
bool connected() const
Check if serial connection is active.
void setModeReportWorkaround(const bool &enable)
Enable or disable the mode reporting workaround. Some Roomba 6xx robots incorrectly report the OI mod...
Create(RobotModel model=RobotModel::CREATE_2, bool install_signal_handler=true)
Default constructor.
void setDtHistoryLength(const uint8_t &dtHistoryLength)
Set dtHistoryLength parameter. Used to configure the size of the buffer for calculating average time ...
bool modeReportWorkaround
Matrix addMatrices(const Matrix &A, const Matrix &B) const
boost::numeric::ublas::matrix< float > Matrix
uint8_t powerLEDIntensity
bool setMainMotor(const float &power)
Set the power to the main brush motor.
bool isClockButtonPressed() const
Not supported by any firmware!
bool isDayButtonPressed() const
Get state of 'day' button.
bool isRightWheeldrop() const
bool setDate(const create::DayOfWeek &day, const uint8_t &hour, const uint8_t &min) const
Sets the internal clock of Create.
bool clean(const create::CleanMode &mode=CLEAN_DEFAULT)
Starts a cleaning mode. Changes mode to MODE_PASSIVE.
uint16_t getLightSignalCenterLeft() const
Get the signal strength from the center-left light sensor.
bool enableDockLED(const bool &enable)
Set the green "dock" LED on/off.
std::shared_ptr< create::Serial > serial
bool isSideBrushOvercurrent() const
bool enableSpotLED(const bool &enable)
Set the green "spot" LED on/off.
create::Pose getPose() const
Get the estimated pose of Create based on wheel encoders.
bool driveWheels(const float &leftWheel, const float &rightWheel)
Set the velocities for the left and right wheels.
int8_t getTemperature() const
Get the temperature of battery.
uint16_t getLightSignalRight() const
Get the signal strength from the right light sensor.
float getMeasuredRightWheelVel() const
Get the measured velocity of the right wheel.
bool isLightBumperCenterLeft() const
bool setVacuumMotor(const float &power)
Set the power to the vacuum motor.
uint16_t getLightSignalFrontRight() const
Get the signal strength from the front-right light sensor.
bool drive(const float &xVel, const float &angularVel)
Set the forward and angular velocity of Create.
bool dock() const
Starts the docking behaviour. Changes mode to MODE_PASSIVE.
bool enableCheckRobotLED(const bool &enable)
Set the orange "check Create" LED on/off.
bool isLightBumperFrontRight() const
bool isCliffRight() const
uint16_t getLightSignalCenterRight() const
Get the signal strength from the center-right light sensor.
uint64_t getTotalPackets() const
Get the total number of serial packets received (including corrupt packets) since first connecting to...
bool getModeReportWorkaround() const
bool isMinButtonPressed() const
Get state of 'min' button.
bool isWheelOvercurrent() const
uint64_t getNumCorruptPackets() const
Get the number of corrupt serial packets since first connecting to Create. This value is ideally zero...
bool setPowerLED(const uint8_t &power, const uint8_t &intensity=255)
Set the center power LED.
float getRequestedRightWheelVel() const
Get the requested velocity of the right wheel. This value is bounded at the maximum velocity of the r...
float getVoltage() const
Get battery voltage.
bool enableDebrisLED(const bool &enable)
Set the blue "debris" LED on/off.
float getCurrent() const
Get current flowing in/out of battery. A positive current implies Create is charging.
bool isLeftBumper() const
bool isRightBumper() const
bool isLightBumperLeft() const
float getRightWheelDistance() const
Get the total distance the right wheel has moved.
bool isMovingForward() const
bool setDigitsASCII(const uint8_t &digit1, const uint8_t &digit2, const uint8_t &digit3, const uint8_t &digit4) const
Set the four 7-segment display digits from left to right with ASCII codes. Any code out side the acce...
float getBatteryCharge() const
Get battery's remaining charge.
bool isCleanButtonPressed() const
Get state of 'clean' button ('play' button on Create 1).
bool isLightBumperCenterRight() const
bool isLightBumperFrontLeft() const
create::Vel getVel() const
Get the estimated velocity of Create based on wheel encoders.
uint8_t getIRRight() const
Get value of 8-bit IR character currently being received by right sensor.
void disconnect()
Disconnect from serial.
bool driveRadius(const float &velocity, const float &radius)
Set the average wheel velocity and turning radius of Create.
uint8_t getDirtDetect() const
Get level of the dirt detect sensor.
std::chrono::time_point< std::chrono::steady_clock > prevOnDataTime
bool defineSong(const uint8_t &songNumber, const uint8_t &songLength, const uint8_t *notes, const float *durations) const
Defines a song from the provided notes and labels it with a song number.
create::CreateMode getMode()
Get the current mode reported by Create.
bool connect(const std::string &port, const int &baud)
Make a serial connection to Create.
float getMeasuredLeftWheelVel() const
Get the measured velocity of the left wheel.
bool isLeftWheeldrop() const
bool setDigits(const std::vector< bool > &segments) const
Set the four 7-segment display digits from left to right.
bool isCliffFrontRight() const
create::ChargingState getChargingState() const
Get the current charging state.
uint8_t getIRLeft() const
Get value of 8-bit IR character currently being received by left sensor.
bool isScheduleButtonPressed() const
Not supported by any firmware!
bool playSong(const uint8_t &songNumber) const
Play a previously created song. This command will not work if a song was not already defined with the...
void init(bool install_signal_handler)
bool setSideMotor(const float &power)
Set the power to the side brush motor.
bool isVirtualWall() const
float getBatteryCapacity() const
Get estimated battery charge capacity.
uint16_t getLightSignalLeft() const
Get the signal strength from the left light sensor.
Author(s): Jacob Perron
autogenerated on Wed May 24 2023 02:24:57