2 Implementation of Attitude-Bias-Calibration EqF form:
3 "Overcoming Bias: Equivariant Filter Design for Biased Attitude Estimation with Online Calibration"
4 https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9905914
6 This module is Alessandro Fornasier's equivariant filter code (https://github.com/aau-cns/ABC-EqF)
7 converted to use GTSAM's libraries.
9 Authors: Jennifer Oum & Darshan Rajasekaran
14 from gtsam
import Rot3, Unit3
15 from dataclasses
import dataclass
16 from typing
import List
18 coordinate =
22 """Check norm of a vector being 1 or nan
24 :param x: A numpy array
25 :param tol: tollerance, default 1e-3
26 :return: Boolean true if norm is 1 or nan
28 return abs(np.linalg.norm(x) - 1) < tol
or np.isnan(np.linalg.norm(x))
32 """Define the state of the Biased Attitude System
34 R is a rotation matrix representing the attitude of the body
35 b is a 3-vector representing the gyroscope bias
36 S is a list of rotation matrix, each representing the calibration of the corresponding direction sensor
38 Let's assume we want to use three known direction a, b, and c, where only the sensor that measure b is
39 uncalibrated (we'd like to estimate the calibration states). Therefore, the system's d list looks like
40 d = [b, a, c], and the S list should look like S = [Sb]. The association between d and S is done via indeces.
41 In general S[i] correspond to the calibration state of the sensor that measure the direcion d[i]
56 R: Rot3 = Rot3.Identity(),
57 b: np.ndarray = np.zeros(3),
62 :param R: A SO3 element representing the attitude of the system as a rotation matrix
63 :param b: A numpy array with size 3 representing the gyroscope bias
64 :param S: A list of SO3 elements representing the calibration states for "uncalibrated" sensors,
65 if no sensor require a calibration state, than S will be initialized as an empty list
71 "the attitude rotation matrix R has to be of type SO3 but type is",
76 if not (
isinstance(b, np.ndarray)
and b.size == 3):
78 "The gyroscope bias has to be probvided as numpy array with size 3"
86 raise TypeError(
"Calibration states has to be provided as a list")
90 "Elements of the list of calibration states have to be of type SO3"
96 """Return a identity state with n calibration states
98 :param n: number of elements in list B associated with calibration states
99 :return: The identity element of the State
102 return State(Rot3.Identity(), np.zeros(3), [Rot3.Identity()
for _
in range(n)])
106 """Define the input space of the Biased Attitude System
108 w is a 3-vector representing the angular velocity measured by a gyroscope
118 def __init__(self, w: np.ndarray, Sigma: np.ndarray):
121 :param w: A numpy array with size 3 representing the angular velocity measurement from a gyroscope
122 :param Sigma: A numpy array with shape (6, 6) representing the noise covariance of the
123 angular velocity measurement and gyro bias random walk
126 if not (
isinstance(w, np.ndarray)
and w.size == 3):
128 "Angular velocity has to be provided as a numpy array with size 3"
131 isinstance(Sigma, np.ndarray)
and Sigma.shape[0] == Sigma.shape[1] == 6
134 "Input measurement noise covariance has to be provided as a numpy array with shape (6. 6)"
136 if not np.all(np.linalg.eigvals(Sigma) >= 0):
137 raise TypeError(
"Covariance matrix has to be semi-positive definite")
144 """Return a random angular velocity
146 :return: A random angular velocity as a Input element
149 return Input(np.random.randn(3), np.eye(6))
151 def W(self) -> np.ndarray:
152 """Return the Input as a skew-symmetric matrix
154 :return: self.w as a skew-symmetric matrix
157 return Rot3.Hat(self.
161 """Symmetry group (SO(3) |x so(3)) x SO(3) x ... x SO(3)
163 Each element of the B list is associated with a calibration states in State's S list where the association is done
164 via corresponding index. In general B[i] is the SO(3) element of the symmetry group that correspond to the
165 state's calibration state S[i]. For example, let's assume we want to use three known direction a, b, and c, where
166 only the sensor that measure b is uncalibrated (we'd like to estimate the calibration states). Therefore,
167 the system's d list is defined as d = [b, a, c], and the state's S list is defined as S = [Sb]. The symmetry group
168 B list should be defined as B = [Bb] where Ba is the SO(3) element of the symmetry group that is related to Sb
178 A: Rot3 = Rot3.Identity(),
179 a: np.ndarray = np.zeros((3, 3)),
180 B: List[Rot3] =
182 """Initialize the symmetry group G
184 :param A: SO3 element
185 :param a: np.ndarray with shape (3, 3) corresponding to a skew symmetric matrix
186 :param B: list of SO3 elements
190 raise TypeError(
"A has to be of type SO3")
192 if not (
isinstance(a, np.ndarray)
and a.shape == (3, 3)):
193 raise TypeError(
"a has to be a numpy array with shape (3, 3)")
200 raise TypeError(
"Elements of B have to be of type SO3")
204 """Define the group operation
207 :return: A element of the group G given by the "multiplication" of self and other
211 assert len(self.
B) ==
214 self.
a + Rot3.Hat(self.
matrix() @ Rot3.Vee(other.a)),
215 [self.
B[i] * other.B[i]
for i
in range(
220 """Return the identity of the symmetry group with n elements of SO3 related to sensor calibration states
222 :param n: number of elements in list B associated with calibration states
223 :return: The identity of the group G
226 return G(Rot3.Identity(), np.zeros((3, 3)), [Rot3.Identity()
for _
in range(n)])
230 """Return the SO(3) Left Jacobian
231 :param arr: A numpy array with size 3
232 :return: The left Jacobian of SO(3)
234 if not (
isinstance(arr, np.ndarray)
and arr.size == 3):
235 raise ValueError(
"A numpy array with size 3 has to be provided")
236 angle = np.linalg.norm(arr)
238 if np.isclose(angle, 0.0):
239 return np.eye(3) + 0.5 * Rot3.Hat(arr)
244 (s / angle) * np.eye(3)
245 + (1 - (s / angle)) * np.outer(axis, axis)
246 + ((1 - c) / angle) * Rot3.Hat(axis)
249 def exp(x: np.ndarray) ->
250 """Return a group element X given by X = exp(x) where x is a numpy array
252 :param x: A numpy array
253 :return: A element of the group G given by the exponential of x
256 if not (
isinstance(x, np.ndarray)
and x.size >= 6):
258 "Wrong shape, a numpy array with size 3n has to be provided"
260 if (x.size % 3) != 0:
262 "Wrong size, a numpy array with size multiple of 3 has to be provided"
265 n =
int((x.size - 6) / 3)
266 A = Rot3.Expmap(x[0:3])
267 a = Rot3.Hat(G.Rot3LeftJacobian(x[0:3]) @ x[3:6])
268 B = [Rot3.Expmap(x[(6 + 3 * i) : (9 + 3 * i)])
for i
in range(n)]
273 """Return the inverse element of the symmetry group
275 :return: A element of the group G given by the inverse of self
281 [B.inverse()
for B
in self.
286 """Define a direction as a S2 element"""
292 """Initialize direction
294 :param d: A numpy array with size 3 and norm 1 representing the direction
298 raise TypeError(
"Direction has to be provided as a 3 vector")
302 def blockDiag(A: np.ndarray, B: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
303 """Create a lock diagonal matrix from blocks A and B
305 :param A: numpy array
306 :param B: numpy array
307 :return: numpy array representing a block diagonal matrix composed of blocks A and B
317 [A, np.zeros((A.shape[0], B.shape[1]))],
318 [np.zeros((B.shape[0], A.shape[1])), B],
324 """Create a block diagonal matrix repeating the A block n times
326 :param A: numpy array representing the block A
327 :param n: number of times to repeat A
328 :return: numpy array representing a block diagonal matrix composed of n-times the blocks A
338 """Compute the numerical derivative via central difference"""
341 x = np.reshape([x], (1, 1))
346 Df = np.zeros((n, m))
350 Df[:, j : j + 1] = (
f(x + h * ej) -
f(x - h * ej)).
reshape(m, 1) / (2 * h)
354 def lift(xi: State, u: Input) -> np.ndarray:
355 """The Lift of the system (Theorem 3.8, Equation 7)
357 :param xi: A element of the State
358 :param u: A element of the Input space
359 :return: A numpy array representing the Lift
363 L = np.zeros(6 + 3 * n)
365 L[3:6] = -u.W() @ xi.b
367 L[(6 + 3 * i) : (9 + 3 * i)] = xi.S[i].
matrix() @ L[0:3]
372 def checkNorm(x: np.ndarray, tol: float = 1e-3):
373 """Check norm of a vector being 1 or nan
375 :param x: A numpy array
376 :param tol: tollerance, default 1e-3
377 :return: Boolean true if norm is 1 or nan
379 return abs(np.linalg.norm(x) - 1) < tol
or np.isnan(np.linalg.norm(x))
383 """Action of the symmetry group on the state space, return phi(X, xi) (Equation 4)
385 :param X: A element of the group G
386 :param xi: A element of the State
387 :return: A new element of the state given by the action of phi of G in the State space
392 "the number of calibration states and B elements of the symmetry group has to match"
397 X.A.inverse().
matrix() @ (xi.b - Rot3.Vee(X.a)),
398 [(X.A.inverse() * xi.S[i] * X.B[i])
for i
in range(
403 """Action of the symmetry group on the input space, return psi(X, u) (Equation 5)
405 :param X: A element of the group G
406 :param u: A element of the Input
407 :return: A new element of the Input given by the action of psi of G in the Input space
410 return Input(X.A.inverse().
matrix() @ (u.w - Rot3.Vee(X.a)), u.Sigma)
414 """Action of the symmetry group on the output space, return rho(X, y) (Equation 6)
416 :param X: A element of the group G
417 :param y: A direction measurement
418 :param idx: indicate the index of the B element in the list, -1 in case no B element exist
419 :return: A numpy array given by the action of rho of G in the Output space
423 return X.A.inverse().
matrix() @ y.d.unitVector()
429 """Local coordinates assuming __xi_0 = identity (Equation 9)
431 :param e: A element of the State representing the equivariant error
432 :return: Local coordinates assuming __xi_0 = identity
435 if coordinate ==
436 tmp = [Rot3.Logmap(S)
for S
in e.S]
437 eps = np.concatenate(
446 elif coordinate ==
447 raise ValueError(
"Normal coordinate representation is not implemented yet")
451 raise ValueError(
"Invalid coordinate representation")
457 """Local coordinates inverse assuming __xi_0 = identity
459 :param eps: A numpy array representing the equivariant error in local coordinates
460 :return: Local coordinates inverse assuming __xi_0 = identity
464 if coordinate ==
465 e =
State(X.A, eps[3:6, :], X.B)
466 elif coordinate ==
467 raise ValueError(
"Normal coordinate representation is not implemented yet")
470 raise ValueError(
"Invalid coordinate representation")
476 """Differential of the phi action phi(xi, E) at E = Id in local coordinates (can be found within equation 23)
478 :param xi: A element of the State
479 :return: (Dtheta) * (Dphi(xi, E) at E = Id)
487 """Define a measurement
489 cal_idx is a index corresponding to the cal_idx-th calibration related to the measurement. Let's consider the case
490 of 2 uncalibrated sensor with two associated calibration state in State.S = [S0, S1], and a single calibrated sensor.
491 cal_idx = 0 indicates a measurement coming from the sensor that has calibration S0, cal_idx = 1 indicates a
492 measurement coming from the sensor that has calibration S1. cal_idx = -1 indicates that the measurement is coming
493 from a calibrated sensor
509 def __init__(self, y: np.ndarray, d: np.ndarray, Sigma: np.ndarray, i: int = -1):
510 """Initialize measurement
512 :param y: A numpy array with size 3 and norm 1 representing the direction measurement in the sensor frame
513 :param d: A numpy array with size 3 and norm 1 representing the direction in the global frame
514 :param Sigma: A numpy array with shape (3, 3) representing the noise covariance of the direction measurement
515 :param i: index of the corresponding calibration state
519 raise TypeError(
"Measurement has to be provided as a (3, 1) vector")
521 raise TypeError(
"Direction has to be provided as a (3, 1) vector")
523 isinstance(Sigma, np.ndarray)
and Sigma.shape[0] == Sigma.shape[1] == 3
526 "Direction measurement noise covariance has to be provided as a numpy array with shape (3. 3)"
528 if not np.all(np.linalg.eigvals(Sigma) >= 0):
529 raise TypeError(
"Covariance matrix has to be semi-positive definite")
530 if not (
isinstance(i, int)
or i == -1
or i > 0):
531 raise TypeError(
"calibration index is a positive integer or -1")
541 """Define ground-truth, input and output data"""
560 def __init__(self, Sigma: np.ndarray, n: int, m: int):
563 :param Sigma: Initial covariance
564 :param n: Number of calibration states
565 :param m: Total number of available sensor
574 and (Sigma.shape[0] == Sigma.shape[1] == self.
577 f
"Initial covariance has to be provided as a numpy array with shape ({self.__dof}, {self.__dof})"
579 if not np.all(np.linalg.eigvals(Sigma) >= 0):
580 raise TypeError(
"Covariance matrix has to be semi-positive definite")
582 raise TypeError(
"Number of calibration state has to be unsigned")
584 raise TypeError(
"Number of direction sensor has to be grater-equal than 2")
593 """Return estimated state
595 :return: Estimated state
600 """Propagate the filter state
602 :param u: Angular velocity measurement from IMU
603 :param dt: delta time between timestamp of last propagation/update and timestamp of angular velocity measurement
608 "angular velocity measurement has to be provided as a Input element"
627 """Update the filter state
629 :param y: A measurement
633 assert y.cal_idx <= self.
637 self.
__X_hat.inv(), y.y, y.cal_idx
640 S = Ct @ self.
__Sigma @ Ct.T + Dt @ y.Sigma @ Dt.T
641 K = self.
__Sigma @ Ct.T @ np.linalg.inv(S)
647 """Return the state matrix A0t (Equation 14a)
650 :return: numpy array representing the state matrix A0t
654 A1 = np.zeros((6, 6))
656 if coordinate ==
657 A1[0:3, 3:6] = -np.eye(3)
660 elif coordinate ==
661 raise ValueError(
"Normal coordinate representation is not implemented yet")
663 raise ValueError(
"Invalid coordinate representation")
668 """Return the state transition matrix Phi (Equation 17)
671 :param dt: Delta time
672 :return: numpy array representing the state transition matrix Phi
676 Phi1 = np.zeros((6, 6))
677 Phi12 = -dt * (np.eye(3) + (dt / 2) * W0 + ((dt**2) / 6) * W0 * W0)
678 Phi22 = np.eye(3) + dt * W0 + ((dt**2) / 2) * W0 * W0
680 if coordinate ==
681 Phi1[0:3, 0:3] = np.eye(3)
682 Phi1[0:3, 3:6] = Phi12
683 Phi1[3:6, 3:6] = Phi22
685 elif coordinate ==
686 raise ValueError(
"Normal coordinate representation is not implemented yet")
688 raise ValueError(
"Invalid coordinate representation")
693 """Return the Input matrix Bt
695 :return: numpy array representing the state matrix Bt
698 if coordinate ==
703 elif coordinate ==
704 raise ValueError(
"Normal coordinate representation is not implemented yet")
706 raise ValueError(
"Invalid coordinate representation")
711 """Return the measurement matrix C0 (Equation 14b)
713 :param d: Known direction
714 :param idx: index of the related calibration state
715 :return: numpy array representing the measurement matrix C0
718 Cc = np.zeros((3, 3 * self.
722 Cc[(3 * idx) : (3 + 3 * idx), :] = Rot3.Hat(d.d.unitVector())
724 return Rot3.Hat(d.d.unitVector()) @ np.hstack(
725 (Rot3.Hat(d.d.unitVector()), np.zeros((3, 3)), Cc)
729 """Return the measurement output matrix Dt
731 :param idx: index of the related calibration state
732 :return: numpy array representing the output matrix Dt