28 #include <mrpt/core/initializer.h> 32 using mrpt::rtti::registerClass;
ICP registration for points and planes.
Matching quality evaluator from paper [Bogoslavskyi,IROS2017].
Generic container of pointcloud(s), extracted features and other maps.
Generic ICP algorithm container.
Matching quality evaluator: comparison via voxel occupancy.
Generic representation of pointcloud(s) and/or extracted features.
ICP registration for points and planes.
Pointcloud matcher: fixed ratio of inliers/outliers by distance.
A record of the inputs and outputs of an ICP run.
Pointcloud matcher: point to line-fit of nearby points.
ICP solver for pointclouds split in different "layers".
Pointcloud matcher: fixed distance thresholds.
Pointcloud matcher: point to plane-fit of nearby points.
ICP wrapper on libpointmatcher.
Matching quality evaluator: simple ratio [0,1] of paired entities.