1 #ifndef MAP_MERGE_FEATURES_H_ 2 #define MAP_MERGE_FEATURES_H_ 20 #define DESCRIPTORS_NAMES_ PFH, PFHRGB, FPFH, RSD, SHOT, SC3D 67 double threshold,
double radius,
86 Descriptor descriptor,
87 double feature_radius);
104 #endif // MAP_MERGE_FEATURES_H_ pcl::PCLPointCloud2::Ptr LocalDescriptorsPtr
SurfaceNormalsPtr computeSurfaceNormals(const PointCloudConstPtr &input, double radius)
Estimate cloud surface normals.
PointCloudPtr downSample(const PointCloudConstPtr &input, double resolution)
Voxelize input pointcloud to reduce number of points.
pcl::PointCloud< PointT >::Ptr PointCloudPtr
pcl::PointCloud< NormalT >::Ptr SurfaceNormalsPtr
PointCloudPtr removeOutliers(const PointCloudConstPtr &input, double radius, int min_neighbours)
Removes outliers from the pointcloud.
pcl::PointCloud< PointT >::ConstPtr PointCloudConstPtr
LocalDescriptorsPtr computeLocalDescriptors(const PointCloudConstPtr &points, const SurfaceNormalsPtr &normals, const PointCloudPtr &keypoints, Descriptor descriptor, double feature_radius)
Compute local feature descriptors around each keypoint.
PointCloudPtr detectKeypoints(const PointCloudConstPtr &points, const SurfaceNormalsPtr &normals, Keypoint type, double threshold, double radius, double resolution)
Detects keypoints in the pointcloud.