1 #define BOOST_TEST_MODULE BOX_BOX_COLLISION 2 #include <boost/test/included/unit_test.hpp> 4 #include <Eigen/Geometry> 38 BOOST_CHECK(
collide(&shape1, T1, &shape2, T2, req, res) ==
40 BOOST_CHECK(collide_functor(T1, T2, req, res) ==
collide(&shape1, T1, &shape2, T2, req, res) ==
46 BOOST_CHECK(collide_functor(T1, T2, req, res) ==
FCL_REAL distance_upper_bound
Distance above which GJK solver makes an early stopping. GJK stops searching for the closest points w...
bool enable_cached_gjk_guess
whether enable gjk initial guess Use gjk_initial_guess instead
request to the collision algorithm
void clear()
clear the results obtained
This class reduces the cost of identifying the geometry pair. This is mostly useful for repeated shap...
Center at zero point, axis aligned box.
HPP_FCL_DLLAPI std::size_t collide(const CollisionObject *o1, const CollisionObject *o2, const CollisionRequest &request, CollisionResult &result)
Main collision interface: given two collision objects, and the requirements for contacts, including num of max contacts, whether perform exhaustive collision (i.e., returning returning all the contact points), whether return detailed contact information (i.e., normal, contact point, depth; otherwise only contact primitive id is returned), this function performs the collision between them. Return value is the number of contacts generated between the two objects.
Eigen::Matrix< FCL_REAL, 3, 1 > Vec3f