Go to the documentation of this file.
8 #include <iostream>
10 #include "gtsam/base/Vector.h"
14 using namespace std;
16 namespace gtsam {
18 /* ************************************************************************* */
19 Pose3Upright::Pose3Upright(const Rot2& bearing, const Point3& t)
20 : T_(bearing, Point2(t.x(), t.y())), z_(t.z())
21 {
22 }
24 /* ************************************************************************* */
25 Pose3Upright::Pose3Upright(double x, double y, double z, double theta)
26 : T_(x, y, theta), z_(z)
27 {
28 }
30 /* ************************************************************************* */
32 : T_(pose), z_(z)
33 {
34 }
36 /* ************************************************************************* */
38 : T_(x.x(), x.y(), x.rotation().yaw()), z_(x.z())
39 {
40 }
42 /* ************************************************************************* */
43 void Pose3Upright::print(const std::string& s) const {
44  cout << s << "(" << T_.x() << ", " << T_.y() << ", " << z_ << ", " << T_.theta() << ")" << endl;
45 }
47 /* ************************************************************************* */
48 bool Pose3Upright::equals(const Pose3Upright& x, double tol) const {
49  return T_.equals(x.T_, tol) && std::abs(z_ - x.z_) < tol;
50 }
52 /* ************************************************************************* */
54  return Point3(x(), y(), z());
55 }
57 /* ************************************************************************* */
59  return T_.t();
60 }
62 /* ************************************************************************* */
64  return T_.r();
65 }
67 /* ************************************************************************* */
69  return Rot3::Yaw(theta());
70 }
72 /* ************************************************************************* */
74  return T_;
75 }
77 /* ************************************************************************* */
79  return Pose3(rotation(), translation());
80 }
82 /* ************************************************************************* */
84  if (!H1) {
85  return Pose3Upright(T_.inverse(), -z_);
86  }
88  // TODO(kartikarcot): Could not use reference to a view into H1 and reuse memory
89  // Eigen::Ref<Eigen::Matrix<double, 3, 3>> H3x3 = H1->topLeftCorner(3,3);
90  Pose3Upright result(T_.inverse(H3x3), -z_);
91  Matrix H1_ = -I_4x4;
92  H1_.topLeftCorner(2, 2) = H3x3.topLeftCorner(2, 2);
93  H1_.topRightCorner(2, 1) = H3x3.topRightCorner(2, 1);
94  *H1 = H1_;
95  return result;
96 }
98 /* ************************************************************************* */
101  if (!H1 && !H2)
102  return Pose3Upright(T_.compose(p2.T_), z_ + p2.z_);
104  // TODO(kartikarcot): Could not use reference to a view into H1 and reuse memory
106  Pose3Upright result(T_.compose(p2.T_, H3x3), z_ + p2.z_);
107  if (H1) {
108  Matrix H1_ = I_4x4;
109  H1_.topLeftCorner(2,2) = H3x3.topLeftCorner(2,2);
110  H1_.topRightCorner(2, 1) = H3x3.topRightCorner(2, 1);
111  *H1 = H1_;
112  }
113  if (H2) *H2 = I_4x4;
114  return result;
115 }
117 /* ************************************************************************* */
120  if (!H1 && !H2)
121  return Pose3Upright(T_.between(p2.T_), p2.z_ - z_);
123  // TODO(kartikarcot): Could not use reference to a view into H1 and H2 to reuse memory
124  OptionalJacobian<3, 3>::Jacobian H3x3_1, H3x3_2;
125  Pose3Upright result(T_.between(p2.T_, H3x3_1, H3x3_2), p2.z_ - z_);
126  if (H1) {
127  Matrix H1_ = -I_4x4;
128  H1_.topLeftCorner(2,2) = H3x3_1.topLeftCorner(2,2);
129  H1_.topRightCorner(2, 1) = H3x3_1.topRightCorner(2, 1);
130  *H1 = H1_;
131  }
132  if (H2) *H2 = I_4x4;
133  return result;
134 }
136 /* ************************************************************************* */
138  assert(v.size() == 4);
139  Vector v1(3); v1 << v(0), v(1), v(3);
140  return Pose3Upright(T_.retract(v1), z_ + v(2));
141 }
143 /* ************************************************************************* */
146  Vector result(4);
147  result << pose2(0), pose2(1), p2.z() - z_, pose2(2);
148  return result;
149 }
151 /* ************************************************************************* */
153  assert(xi.size() == 4);
154  Vector v1(3); v1 << xi(0), xi(1), xi(3);
155  return Pose3Upright(Pose2::Expmap(v1), xi(2));
156 }
158 /* ************************************************************************* */
161  Vector result(4);
162  result << pose2(0), pose2(1), p.z(), pose2(2);
163  return result;
164 }
165 /* ************************************************************************* */
167 } // \namespace gtsam
static Pose3Upright Expmap(const Vector &xi)
Exponential map at identity - create a rotation from canonical coordinates.
Scalar * y
bool equals(const Pose3Upright &pose, double tol=1e-9) const
Vector v1
Default constructor initializes at origin.
Definition: Pose3Upright.h:39
double theta() const
Definition: Pose3Upright.h:67
Vector2 Point2
Definition: Point2.h:32
Eigen::MatrixXd Matrix
Definition: base/Matrix.h:39
Pose3Upright retract(const Vector &v) const
static Vector Logmap(const Pose3Upright &p)
Log map at identity - return the canonical coordinates of this rotation.
double x() const
Definition: Pose3Upright.h:64
Definition: BFloat16.h:88
Rot3 rotation() const
double z() const
Definition: Pose3Upright.h:66
const Point2 & t() const
Definition: Pose2.h:255
Rot3 is a 3D rotation represented as a rotation matrix if the preprocessor symbol GTSAM_USE_QUATERNIO...
Definition: Rot3.h:58
double y() const
get y
Definition: Pose2.h:249
Rot2 rotation2() const
TangentVector localCoordinates(const Class &g) const
localCoordinates as required by manifold concept: finds tangent vector between *this and g ...
Definition: Lie.h:136
static GTSAM_EXPORT Vector3 Logmap(const Pose2 &p, ChartJacobian H={})
Log map at identity - return the canonical coordinates of this rotation.
Definition: Pose2.cpp:82
static Rot3 Yaw(double t)
Positive yaw is to right (as in aircraft heading). See ypr.
Definition: Rot3.h:174
Point3 translation() const
Eigen::VectorXd Vector
Definition: Vector.h:38
Pose3Upright inverse(OptionalJacobian< 4, 4 > H1={}) const
inverse transformation with derivatives
Values result
void print(const std::string &s="") const
const Rot2 & r() const
Definition: Pose2.h:258
Pose3Upright compose(const Pose3Upright &p2, OptionalJacobian< 4, 4 > H1={}, OptionalJacobian< 4, 4 > H2={}) const
compose this transformation onto another (first *this and then p2)
double theta() const
get theta
Definition: Pose2.h:252
Array< int, Dynamic, 1 > v
Point2 translation2() const
Vector localCoordinates(const Pose3Upright &p2) const
Local 3D coordinates of Pose3Upright manifold neighborhood around current pose.
RealScalar s
Class compose(const Class &g) const
Definition: Lie.h:48
Pose2 pose2() const
Vector xi
Definition: testPose2.cpp:148
Definition: chartTesting.h:28
typedef and functions to augment Eigen&#39;s VectorXd
double y() const
Definition: Pose3Upright.h:65
GTSAM_EXPORT bool equals(const Pose2 &pose, double tol=1e-9) const
Definition: Pose2.cpp:61
Class retract(const TangentVector &v) const
retract as required by manifold concept: applies v at *this
Definition: Lie.h:131
Class between(const Class &g) const
Definition: Lie.h:52
float * p
static Point3 p2
Pose3Upright between(const Pose3Upright &p2, OptionalJacobian< 4, 4 > H1={}, OptionalJacobian< 4, 4 > H2={}) const
Special class for optional Jacobian arguments.
const G double tol
Definition: Group.h:86
Vector3 Point3
Definition: Point3.h:38
GTSAM_EXPORT Pose2 inverse() const
Definition: Pose2.cpp:201
static GTSAM_EXPORT Pose2 Expmap(const Vector3 &xi, ChartJacobian H={})
Exponential map at identity - create a rotation from canonical coordinates .
Definition: Pose2.cpp:66
The matrix class, also used for vectors and row-vectors.
Pose3 pose() const
set noclip points set clip one set noclip two set bar set border lt lw set xdata set ydata set zdata set x2data set y2data set boxwidth set dummy x
#define abs(x)
Definition: datatypes.h:17
double x() const
get x
Definition: Pose2.h:246
Point2 t(10, 10)
Variation of a Pose3 in which the rotation is constained to purely yaw This state is essentially a Po...

autogenerated on Tue Jul 4 2023 02:35:15