Go to the documentation of this file.
1 // SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
2 // SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Czech Technical University in Prague
11 #include <mutex>
12 #include <string>
13 #include <utility>
15 #include <boost/bind.hpp>
16 #include <boost/bind/placeholders.hpp>
18 #include <ros/advertise_options.h>
19 #include <ros/duration.h>
20 #include <ros/init.h>
21 #include <ros/message_event.h>
22 #include <ros/node_handle.h>
24 #include <ros/subscribe_options.h>
25 #include <ros/subscriber.h>
26 #include <topic_tools/shape_shifter.h>
36  const ros::NodeHandle& nhIn, const std::string& topicIn, const ros::NodeHandle& nhOut, const std::string& topicOut,
37  const size_t inQueueSize, const size_t outQueueSize, CallbackType callback,
38  ros::SubscribeOptions subscribeOptions, const cras::LogHelperPtr& logHelper) :
39  cras::ConditionalSubscriber(cras::bind_front(&cras::GenericLazyPubSub::subscribe, this), logHelper),
40  topicIn(topicIn), topicOut(topicOut), callback(std::move(callback)), subscribeOptions(std::move(subscribeOptions)),
41  inQueueSize(inQueueSize), outQueueSize(outQueueSize), nhIn(nhIn), nhOut(nhOut)
42 {
43  // We have to connect at the beginning so that we can create the publisher from a subscribed message.
44  std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(this->connectMutex);
45  this->connectNoLock();
46 }
49 {
50  ros::SubscribeOptions opts = this->subscribeOptions;
51  opts.template initByFullCallbackType<const ros::MessageEvent<topic_tools::ShapeShifter const>&>(
52  this->topicIn, this->inQueueSize, cras::bind_front(&cras::GenericLazyPubSub::cb, this));
53  sub = this->nhIn.subscribe(opts);
54 }
57 {
58  if (!this->pub)
59  return true;
60  return this->pub.getNumSubscribers() > 0;
61 }
64 {
65  if (!this->lazy)
66  return;
67  this->updateSubscription();
68 }
71 {
72  const auto& msg = event.getConstMessage();
73  if (!this->pub)
74  {
75  std::lock_guard<std::mutex> pubLock(this->pubCreateMutex);
76  if (!this->pub) // the first check is outside mutex, this one is inside
77  {
78  this->advertiseOptions = this->createAdvertiseOptions(event); // cannot be const - advertise requires non-const
79  CRAS_INFO("Creating%s publisher on %s with type %s.",
80  (this->advertiseOptions->latch ? " latched" : ""),
81  this->nhOut.resolveName(this->topicOut).c_str(),
82  msg->getDataType().c_str());
84  { // Advertise the publisher
85  std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(this->connectMutex);
86  this->pub = this->nhOut.advertise(this->advertiseOptions.value());
87  }
88  }
90  for (size_t i = 0; i < 100 && ros::ok() && this->pub.getNumSubscribers() == 0; ++i)
91  ros::WallDuration(0.001).sleep();
92  this->updateSubscription();
93  }
95  this->callback(event, this->pub);
96 }
100 {
101  const auto& msg = event.getConstMessage();
102  auto cb = boost::bind(&cras::GenericLazyPubSub::connectCb, this, boost::placeholders::_1);
103  ros::AdvertiseOptions opts(this->topicOut, this->outQueueSize, msg->getMD5Sum(), msg->getDataType(),
104  msg->getMessageDefinition(), cb, cb);
105  opts.has_header = cras::hasHeader(*msg);
106  if (event.getConnectionHeaderPtr() != nullptr)
107  {
108  const auto header = event.getConnectionHeader();
109  opts.latch = header.find("latching") != header.end() && event.getConnectionHeader()["latching"] == "1";
110  }
111  return opts;
112 }
114 cras::GenericLazyPubSub::GenericLazyPubSub(const ros::NodeHandle& nhIn, const std::string& topicIn,
115  const ros::NodeHandle& nhOut, const std::string& topicOut, size_t queueSize,
117  const cras::LogHelperPtr& logHelper) :
119  nhIn, topicIn, nhOut, topicOut, queueSize, queueSize, std::move(callback), std::move(subscribeOptions), logHelper)
120 {
121 }
123 cras::GenericLazyPubSub::GenericLazyPubSub(const ros::NodeHandle& nhIn, const std::string& topicIn,
124  const ros::NodeHandle& nhOut, const std::string& topicOut, cras::GenericLazyPubSub::CallbackType callback,
125  ros::SubscribeOptions subscribeOptions, const cras::LogHelperPtr& logHelper) :
126  GenericLazyPubSub(nhIn, topicIn, nhOut, topicOut, 10, std::move(callback), std::move(subscribeOptions), logHelper)
127 {
128 }
130 cras::GenericLazyPubSub::GenericLazyPubSub(const ros::NodeHandle& nh, const std::string& topicIn,
131  const std::string& topicOut, size_t inQueueSize, size_t outQueueSize, cras::GenericLazyPubSub::CallbackType callback,
132  ros::SubscribeOptions subscribeOptions, const cras::LogHelperPtr& logHelper) :
134  nh, topicIn, nh, topicOut, inQueueSize, outQueueSize, std::move(callback), std::move(subscribeOptions), logHelper)
135 {
136 }
138 cras::GenericLazyPubSub::GenericLazyPubSub(const ros::NodeHandle& nh, const std::string& topicIn,
139  const std::string& topicOut, size_t queueSize, cras::GenericLazyPubSub::CallbackType callback,
140  ros::SubscribeOptions subscribeOptions, const cras::LogHelperPtr& logHelper) :
142  nh, topicIn, topicOut, queueSize, queueSize, std::move(callback), std::move(subscribeOptions), logHelper)
143 {
144 }
146 cras::GenericLazyPubSub::GenericLazyPubSub(const ros::NodeHandle& nh, const std::string& topicIn,
147  const std::string& topicOut, cras::GenericLazyPubSub::CallbackType callback,
148  ros::SubscribeOptions subscribeOptions, const cras::LogHelperPtr& logHelper) :
149  GenericLazyPubSub(nh, topicIn, topicOut, 10, std::move(callback), std::move(subscribeOptions), logHelper)
150 {
151 }
void cb(const ::ros::MessageEvent<::topic_tools::ShapeShifter const > &event)
Callback for the received messages from subscriber. It also handles publisher creation if none exists...
#define CRAS_INFO(...)
void subscribe(::ros::Subscriber &sub)
Perform the subscription to the input topic.
virtual void cb(const ::ros::MessageEvent<::topic_tools::ShapeShifter const > &event)
Callback for counting the messages.
void subscribe()
Tools for more convenient working with ShapeShifter objects.
A pair of lazy subscriber and publisher which use the same message type (unknown at compile time)...
auto bind_front(F &&f, Args &&... args)
ROSCPP_DECL bool ok()
Lazy subscriber that subscribes only when a paired publisher has subscribers. Version for unknown mes...
virtual ::ros::AdvertiseOptions createAdvertiseOptions(const ::ros::MessageEvent<::topic_tools::ShapeShifter const > &event)
Create ros::AdvertiseOptions from a message event.
bool sleep() const
::ros::Subscriber sub
The message subscriber.
::boost::function< void(::cras::GenericLazyPubSub::CallbackMessageType, ::ros::Publisher &)> CallbackType
Type of the user callback passed to this class.
Lazy subscriber that subscribes only when a paired publisher has subscribers.
ros::AdvertiseOptions createAdvertiseOptions(MessageInstance const &msg, uint32_t queue_size, const std::string &prefix="")
const std::string header
bool hasHeader(const ::topic_tools::ShapeShifter &msg)
Tell whether the given message has header field.
GenericLazyPubSub(const ::ros::NodeHandle &nhIn, const ::std::string &topicIn, const ::ros::NodeHandle &nhOut, const ::std::string &topicOut, size_t inQueueSize, size_t outQueueSize, CallbackType callback, ::ros::SubscribeOptions subscribeOptions={}, const ::cras::LogHelperPtr &logHelper=::std::make_shared<::cras::NodeLogHelper >())
Create the pair of lazy subscriber and publisher.
const boost::shared_ptr< M_string > & getConnectionHeaderPtr() const
void connectCb(const ::ros::SingleSubscriberPublisher &)
Callback that is called whenever someone (un)subscribes from the publisher.
bool shouldBeSubscribed() const override
Returns true when the subscriber should be connected - i.e. either at the start, or when pub has clie...
::cras::LogHelper::Ptr LogHelperPtr

Author(s): Martin Pecka
autogenerated on Sat Jun 17 2023 02:33:13