Todo List
Class corbo::AlgebraicRiccatiContinuous

Add a method that determines if sufficient conditions hold and that (A,B) is stabilizable.

Add support for the more generalized Riccati equation (augmented by matrix S and E) E.g. Hamiltonian for augmentation with S:

Class corbo::AlgebraicRiccatiDiscrete

Add a method that determiens if sufficient conditions hold and that (A,B) is stabilizable.

Add support for the more generalized Riccati equation (augmented by matrix S and E) E.g. Hamiltonian for augmentation with S:

Class corbo::CommonSignalTarget
Add possibility to reserve space for data (e.g. for TimeSeries object)
Class corbo::Controllability
add stabilizability checks (
Member corbo::FullDiscretizationGridBase::resampleTrajectory (int n_new)
(roesmann) More efficient strategy without copying containers at all?
Class corbo::gui::corboMainWindow
GUI code documentation
Class corbo::LinearStateSystemOutput
Message import/output not yet implemented
Class corbo::LyapunovContinuous

Add support for the generalized Lyapunov equations $ A X E^T + E X A^T + Q = 0 $.

Allow the user to precompute the Schur decomposition for subsequent calls of solve() with varying $ Q $.

Member corbo::LyapunovContinuous::solve (const Eigen::Ref< const Eigen::MatrixXd > &A, const Eigen::Ref< const Eigen::MatrixXd > &Q, Eigen::MatrixXd &X)
Reimplement using Real Schur form in order to improve efficiency (if suitable)
Class corbo::LyapunovDiscrete

Add support for the generalized Lyapunov equations $ A X A^T - E X E^T + Q = 0 $.

Allow the user to precompute the Schur decomposition for subsequent calls of solve() with varying $ Q $.

Class corbo::NumericalIntegratorExplicitInterface
This interface is not yet completed (messages, subclasses, ...)
Class corbo::PidController
Anti-windup implementation
Class corbo::ReferenceTrajectoryInterface
The interface is not yet completed/stable for non-static references, e.g. an appropriate pre-computation and time-shifting is not designed yet.
Member corbo::ShootingGridBase::resampleTrajectory (int n_new, NlpFunctions &nlp_fun)
(roesmann) More efficient strategy without copying containers at all?
Member corbo::SignalTargetInterface::sendTimeSeries (const std::string &unique_name, TimeSeries::Ptr time_series)
Make sure that everything is thread-safe if we forward a shared_ptr
Class corbo::SylvesterContinuous

Add support for the generalized Sylvester equations $ A X E^T + E X B + C = 0 $.

Allow the user to precompute the Schur decomposition for subsequent calls of solve() with varying $ C $.

Class corbo::SylvesterDiscrete

Add support for the generalized Sylvester equations $ A X A^T - E X E^T + C = 0 $.

Allow the user to precompute the Schur decomposition for subsequent calls of solve() with varying $ C $.

Class corbo::SystemOutputInterface
Check if we need getStateDimension() in this interface
Member Eigen::Transform< _Scalar, _Dim, _Mode, _Options >::Identity ()
In the future this function should be returning a Transform expression.
Member Eigen::umeyama (const MatrixBase< Derived > &src, const MatrixBase< OtherDerived > &dst, bool with_scaling=true)
Should the return type of umeyama() become a Transform?
Member GpuHelper::forceMatrixTarget (GLenum matrixTarget)
provides a debug mode checking the sanity of the cached matrix mode.

Author(s): Christoph Rösmann
autogenerated on Mon Feb 28 2022 22:08:01